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Tokopedia is found by two of young Indonesian man, William Tanuwijaya and

Leontinus Alpha Edison. Before they hit 2019, Tokopedia always repeatedly over and over that
they are multifunction, multi
payment, all in one platform
market place for all your need,
from household things, pay the
assurance and bills, and supply
our daily needs through online
and clicks from smart phone.
They have thousands
merchant and millions buyer,
Tokopedia has brought together
buyers and sellers through their
platform, continues to grow and
become a trusted place to sell.
They assure shoppers that
Tokopedia has everything they
need and therefore check the items
that they want if they are sold at
Tokopedia, with huge number of
merchant. Hence, the campaign
“Have you checked Tokopedia?”, to persuade people check the apps or website to search they
things. These ads could change people habit and life style from offline to online shopping and
confirm that it is convenience, you can do it everywhere and everytime. You do not have to
think about the payment, there are so many option and information in Tokopedia, just click
what you want and pay, then wait until they sent the stuffs you have bought. Voila, in couple
days, buyers received they groceries. Fast and easy. These ads touch actual self-concept, using
products, we chose things and merchant that has same self - concept with buyers.

New campaign:
This year in 2019 is Tokopedia 10th anniversary. Tokopedia theme is ‘ONE DECADE
for Indonesia AND WE’RE JUST GETTING STARTED’. It means for one decade in
Indonesia, this journey is still the first step and Tokopedia is just getting started. Because their

mission is to democratize commerce through technology, and Indonesia is not touched all by
internet of things, Tokopedia wants to became a multi e-commerce or market place that provide
a system for selling and buying in Indonesia through IoT with simple yet sophisticated
technology. They stated that in mission is:
“The day when every Indonesian has the same opportunities to start their businesses,
and when anyone can access anything no matter where they are; that is when our
mission is fulfilled.”

Therefore to celebrate one decade anniversary, Tokopedia builds a campaign #mulaiajadulu.

Tokopedia wants to encourage people to get started what their desire, dreams, passion, and
intention. The reason why this campaing #mulaiajadulu:

“We realize that all big impacts start with one small step.
All big companies did not suddenly become big in just a day. They have gone through steps
after steps, challenges after challenges for years to be where they are today. Similarly,
Tokopedia started with small steps from our CEO and founders, William and Leon, wanting
Indonesians throughout to enjoy goods and services equally. Two then grew into hundreds,
and now thousands of Nakama (employees) together with millions of Indonesians are driving
changes with many steps towards a single goal.”

Tokopedia proves that they were also a small company, with consistency,
creativity, and hardworking, they could achieve ten years as one of biggest
market place in Indonesia. They wants to tell that don’t be afraid when
you want to start something good, and achieve your dream that will be
come true with action. There are some campaign posters from Tokopedia
that show what activities you can do or what dreaming you want to make. Even though you
can't do anything yet, you learn and start small. Tokopedia will
accompany your learning process, so start from the beginning
with Tokopedia. If I try to analyze, Tokopedia campaign wants
to align with our self – concept and lifestyle. They always
emphasize what you want for, starts with yourself, no one else. Your eagerness won’t be a
reality if you do not take into any action. So the campaign seeking and achieving dimensions
of a Consumer’s self – concept.

Dimensions of Self – Actual Self - Concept Ideal Self – Concept

Private self How I actually see myself: How I would like to see
the campaign with achieving myself: The poster featuring
dream, such as if I could daily activities. It seems
playing violin, or if you want common, but some of buyers
to wear hijab, and run to make that activities are goals.
pursue our dream. Therefore buyers are
triggered to become someone
Tokopedia also try to help as same as in model in
people seek what their posters. Tokopedia also
passion is. Stimulate people features some of influencer,
to do it right now, as soon as artist, athlete to achieve this
possible. Jese No Limit, a ideal self – concept that
professional gamer said for someday you will be as
hard working, don’t stop successful as they are.
because only the sky is one
who limited (our dreams).
Social Self How others actually see How I would like others to
me: with powerful words see me:
from brand ambassador, For instance: statement by
Tokopedia provides Dian Pelangi words that
encouraging words in order every people has past and
to realize our dreams without future life. It means, don’t
fear of the views or speech of see only my past, but also
others. And how others give the opportunity for my
actually see me is ‘people bright future. Or a dancer and
who fearlessly move forward Choreographer said that she
to face challenges and strive wants to proof that she can
to realize our goals and become a professional
purpose’. dancer and no one can
underestimate her.

It is also seen in posters that

tell housewife wants to learn
how to cook so she could be
a perfect wife for her

There are campaign that related with Independent self -

concept: campaign with learning something like wear hijab, playing
violin or guitar, work out and words from Marketing of Director
Catton Ink said that take time will give the best results. So it aligns
with personal goals, characteristics, achievements, and desires.
Tokopedia tries to attack this concept so as people who are looking for
this self – concept could be helped with stuffs from Tokopedia
merchant. Even when you want to feeling something new experiences,
Tokopedia serve tickets. Like this ads:

Some of campaigns
related to
interdependent self – concept that emphasize
family such as willing learn cooking for
beloved husband, or teaching our children
how to cook. Cultural that want to learning
how to cook sushi. Some of professional artist, athlete
and designer are involved for this campaign for define
themselves in terms of social roles, family relationship,
and commonalities, build confident among customer that
said above people’s perceptions “I was like you. No one understands me, but look at me now.
I success and become who I am right now. Don’t surrender”

Tokopedia also makes a peak experience wants to make level of intensity,

meaningfulness, and richness and produces feelings of joy and self-
fulfillment. Every step of consumer journey, from intention until post
purchase, Tokopedia always accompany the customers. Afterwards,
Tokopedia will emerge brand engagement, when customer needs or
looking for something, Tokopedia is an important brand to help my
problems, find the solution, and as part of themselves. We can find everything in Tokopedia.
The ambassador from any background of occupation helps Tokopedia to obtain the position
that everyone, all people in Indonesia without see the boundaries of demographics, can buy
anything in Tokopedia, starts from now. So many preferences, alternatives, number of product,
and information that could be match with customer self-concept.

All posters, each poster has a different meaning for each self-concept and VALS
framework set. For instance: all these posters below are meant for customers who has
interdependent and independent self – concept that have achievers and makers life-style. Some
of the brand ambassador persuade the survivors lifestyle giving motivation and consider for
giving concerned about safety and security through official store and the owner of store. So
inclusion, all of these posters touch VALS, from thinker, believers, achievers, strivers,
experiences, makers, and survivors.

all pictures are from:

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