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Name : Yuliati

Complete the table below.


You reckon AUS Think. (only used for asking for opinion
about something).
Fair dinkum AUS Excellent, used to emphasize or seek confirmation
of the genuineness or truth of something, asking
for approval.
Piehole US Mouth
Cakehole UK Mouth
Barbie AUS Abbreviation of 'barbecue'; seldom used in the same
sentence as 'shrimp.
Someone who seems to be perfect on the outside,
with typically good looking but not the best, who
really has nothing to add to the world or has little or
no emotion.
Bevvy UK Short for Beverage, usually used to describe
alcoholic drinks.
Go walkabout UK To go missing from its usual place; to be lost or
stolen, used to say that something or someone

cannot be found
Mate UK Friend. usually used to refer to male friends but is
increasingly being used to refer to female friends as
Shattered UK extremely tired and have no energy left.
Bro US Short of brother, a male friend or buddy. · a fellow
Black male; soul brother.
Beat UK If you beat someone or something, you hit

them very hard

Pissed of UK annoyed, irritated , or disappointed

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