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Surfing From Space

Space tourism has become a reality. Virgin Galactic has already booked flights with 330 people who
want to fly into space. At this time, the cost is $200,000 per flight, but it is expected that the cost will
soon come down. It is estimated that by 2020 about 15,000 people will fly into space every year. No
doubt these advances will give rise to new extreme sports and new stunts for the most adventurous
to try. By 2018 the daredevil (or a celebrity that wants to give her career a boost) will attempt to ride
a surfboard from space, through the atmosphere, and then fly past a beach in California before
landing on the ocean and then surfing back to the beach. At the start of the flight, she will be wearing
a space outfit but as she gets lower and the air becomes warmer, she can start removing the
equipment. The world’s media will watch and report on every move as she throws each piece away,
and watch the pieces quickly burn up.

Using Nanobots
By 2020 miniature nanobots will be built to travel through your blood stream to anywhere in your
body to repair damage. Also, larger nanobots will be used when you are sick. When you have an
upset stomach, you will swallow a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your
stomach taking video of the mess. It will be set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring
and the selection of images. Then you can replay the video to help a doctor diagnose your problem,
or to prove to your employer that you really were sick. At an Edmonton hospital, the Royal Alex, a
blinking wireless pill is currently being used to take photographs of the inside of a patient. After
fasting overnight, the patient swallows the capsule which then travels through the body taking 2
pictures per second. The data is transmitted to a computer.

Duplicated People
Over the next 20 to 50 years, people will be using robots to do most work. It will become harder to
tell the difference between the human and the machine. All body parts will be replaceable. A
computer will function like the human brain with the ability to feel. They will then produce human
machines. We will soon be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves so we will appear to be
alive long after we are dead. Maybe by 2070, a way will be found to transfer our mind (including our
memories and thoughts) to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as long as we
want.Naturally, there will be a food problem as duplicates will be running around all over the place.
Your duplicates will have to combine vitamins with something we have in abundance. The most
practical choice would be garbage. Your most advanced duplicate will be designed to eat garbage like
a goat and really enjoy it.

A Ring Tone Vehicle

In 2020, people will be driving the new battery powered vehicle which will run in silence. But the
vehicle owners will soon start missing the noise. Nobody hears them take off and nobody hears them
drive by. People will stop noticing their car. In the summer of 2010, worries were finally expressed
that electric cars have a safety problem because they don’t make noise. Thousands of owners will
complain about their quiet cars; it just doesn’t feel like they own a REAL car. The designers will add
loud noises to the 2022 model. So, the driver can punch a button to get noise, like a ring tone. They
will be able to select: a rocket sound, a flock of turkeys, a herd of elephants, a railway train, etc.

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