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Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

Topic: The Rainforest

Homework: Write just 5 information about the Rainforest ( by adding pictures)

Information 1:

The Peruvian jungle begins in the eastern foothills of the

Andean Cordillera, and extends to the Peruvian political
borders with Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, in the
territory of the Peruvian departments of Loreto,
Amazonas, San Martín, Ucayali and Madre de Dios.

Information 2:

High jungle. The mountain forest is found at an average

height between 800 and 3000 meters above sea level,
exhibiting warm temperatures at the base and
increasingly colder as you climb, as well as the highest
levels of rainfall in the entire country. , with up to 5,000
mm per year. Its relief is mountainous and complex,
with deep ravines and narrow valleys, all covered with
impenetrable jungle.

Information 3:

Low jungle. Between 800 and 80 meters above sea

level extends the Amazon plain, an extremely warm
tropical forest (annual averages of 28 ° C) and a very
high relative humidity (above 75%), given its frequent
rainfall. It is a region of heterogeneous soils and
abundant rivers.

Information 4:

The fauna of the Peruvian jungle is one of the most

biodiverse on the entire planet. In fact, after Colombia,
Peru is the second country with the largest number of
bird species that exists, and the third in terms of
Information 5:

The flora of the Peruvian jungle is abundant, vigorous and extremely diverse, to the point that
many of the botanical species that inhabit this region are yet to be discovered and classified.

Joseph Gabriel Vacalla Chuquival 4 A

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