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Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

Activity 1
How many team sports do you know? Rank the following team sports from 1st to 20th. Use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Write your
answers in the blanks provided after the picture.

No. Event/Sport Symbol Rank No. Event/Sport Symbol Rank

1. Football 11. Beach

16th Volleyball
_____ 17th

2. Ice 12. Track Relay

Hockey 4th
______ 15th

3. Baseball 13. Rugby 5th


4. Field Hockey 6th

_____ 14. Volleyball 19th

5. Doubles Tennis 15. Softball

_____ 13th

6. Rowing 16. Soccer 18th

Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

7. Curling 17. Lacrosse

_____ _____

8. Water Polo 10th

_____ 18. Handball 11th

9. Bobsleigh 2nd
_____ 19. Netball 7th

10. Basketball 20th

_____ 20. Cricket 8th

Activity 2
Check the box before YES if the statement expresses a benefit of team sports, or check the box before NO if the
statement does express a benefit of sports or team sports.
1. Playing sports or team sports can improve one’s academic performance. 1.

2. Research has shown that participating in exercise and sports helps in enhancing only the 2.
body but never the mind.

3. Engaging in sports or team sports reduces a person’s possibility to develop negative 3.

Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

4. Young and adults who are active in sports live a happier life. 4.

5. Team sports support social interaction and encourage individuals to think with a team 5.

Activity 3
I. Name the following basketball paraphernalia: Choose from these options: shot clock, scoreboard, ring and net,
basket and net, scoresheet, basketball board, score card. Copy exactly how these are written here. ( lowercase, one
word, or two words)

1. scoreboard 2. basket and net 3. basketball board 4. scoresheet

Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

II. Passing is an essential skill in basketball. What kind of pass is going to be executed in each of the photos?
Choose from these options. Copy the words as they are written here. (lowercase, one word or two or more words,
hyphenated): under arm pass, chest pass, behind-the-back pass, overhead pass, two-hand pass, bounce pass,
one-hand pass,

1. overhead pass 2. chest pass 3. two-hand pass 4. behind-the-back pass

III. Study the positions in the photos. What kind of shooting is going to be made in each of the photos? Choose from
these options. Copy the words as they are written here: lay up, fly up, slam dunk, jumping jack, jump shot, hook

1. slam dunk 2. jump shot 3. lay up

Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

IV. What is the name of the numbered positions of players in a basketball court?
Choose from these options. Copy the words as they are written here: center, power guard, shooting guard,
small forward, point guard, strong guard, power forward.

1. point guard
2. shooting guard
3. small forward
4. power forward
5. center

Activity 5
1. All in all how many players are at play during a volleyball match?
a. 6 b. 12 c. 10 1. a.
2. In standard volleyball games, there is one player who wears a different jersey and acts as a defense
specialist. He/she is called _____.
a. livero b. libro c. libero 2. c.
3. The new rule for scoring and winning a set is now _____ points instead of 15.
a. 21 b. 15 c. 25 3. c.
4. In volleyball, each team is given a maximum of ____ before they pass the ball to the opponent’s court.
a. three touches b. three spikes c. three seconds 4. a.
5. In volleyball, the term _____ is the same as kill.
a. dig b. spike c. slay 5. b.
Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

6. In volleyball lingo, the second touch is intended to ____ the ball for an attack.
a. set b. prepare c. toast 6. a.
7. The first touch in a three-touch set is called _____
a. spike b. dig. c. receive 7. b.
8. Another term used in volleyball for the spiker is _____
a. bomber b. hitter c. libero 8. b.
9. At present, the ranked one player in volleyball women in the Philippines is
a. Maria Angeli Tabaquero b. Aiza Maizo c. Alyssa Valdez 9. c.
10. In a standard game, the winning team is the one who wins straight the two sets of
_____ points, unless there is a deuce.
a. 12 b. 25 c. 21 10. b.
11. The whole world should be grateful to the man ____. He invented the very famous game basketball.
a. Michael Jordan b. Dr. James Naismith c. Dr. William Morgan 11. b.
12. Originally, the ball used in basketball was _____
a. soccer ball b. volleyball ball c. leather ball 12. a.
13. Which of the following moves was not a part of the game and was just added to the game.
a. bounce pass b. free throw c. dribbling 13. c.
14 Which of these is a violation in basketball?
a. dribbling with one hand b. dribbling with two c. dribbling with one hand 14. b.
while running hands while standing while holding the
teammate’s body
Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

Acitvity 6
What is shown in the photo?
Choose from these options. Copy the words as they are written here: libero, receive, dig, serve, spike, block, joust

1. block 2. spike 3. dig 4. serve

Activity 7
1. In alphabetical order, what countries are competing in this match. Use ALL CAPS 1. BRAZIL AND USA
or UPPERCASE in writing your answer.
What is the complete name of the tournament? Use ALL CAPS or UPPERCASE in 2. WOMEN’S
writing your answer. VOLLEYBALL
PRIX 2016
3. What team is the maroon team? Use UPPERCASE. 3. USA
4. What is the dominant color of the top Jersey of the yellow team’s libero? Use ALL 4. WHITE
5. What is the number of the top Jersey of the maroon team’s libero? 5. 2
Use UPPERCASE. Use figure not word.

Performance Task
Benefits of Playing Basketball Benefits
Physical Aspect a. Basketball is one form of physical activity that will help us to become physically fit.
Since basketball is an active sport, it will help us in burning calories. Thus, helpful for
those who want to lose weight. According to Better Health Channel, an hour of
basketball can burn 630 to 750 calories. For that reason, the player will have a lower
body fat, have improved weight control, and a low risk for obesity.
Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

b. Basketball also helps in strengthening muscular endurance. Playing basketball

does not only help us develop muscle, basketball also helps our muscles to repeatedly
apply force for an extended period. Based from, muscular endurance
can be increased by playing basketball and doing exercises to build lower and upper
body strength.
c. Playing Basketball improves balance and coordination. Since basketball involves
skills like shooting, passing, and dribbling, maintaining balance and coordination is
crucial for every move while playing. Playing this sport repeatedly will hone the player
to maintain a strong body in order to perform the skills needed with ease.
d. Basketball also boosts the heart health of the player. Playing basketball involves
running around the court and is a contact sport. With that said, basketball increases
resting heart rates. According from a research conducted in 2019, the increase in the
heart rate actually have a good effect on our cardiovascular system. Thus, playing
basketball helps in lowering the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.
e. Basketball helps develop concentration and discipline. In playing sports like
basketball, the player will undergo rigorous training so discipline will be developed in
the long run because no one can be a great basketball player overnight. Concentration
will also develop because the players need to focus on their main goal, which is to
have a concrete offense and defense, and to play to win. According to,
Building concentration can help you get more things done and enjoy more flow in
every aspect of your life. Self-discipline can help you manage your life better so you’re
doing more of the things you want to achieve.
Social Aspect a. Develops higher level of self-confidence. Basketball is a team sport and in order to
win a game, players need to shoot the ball inside the basket. Scoring during a
basketball game gives the player a sense of achievement. Thus, every time the ball
goes inside the basket, the confidence of the one who shoot it becomes boosted.
b. Helps you become a better team player. In order to win in a basketball game, the
players need to work together and do their assigned roles. Playing basketball is not a
one-man team. So, as time goes by a player will learn how to connect and strategize
with the teammates. In basketball, a player shouldn’t play for his goal, rather a player
should play for the common goal of the team. According to, Playing
basketball regularly can help you become a better team player and build better social
relationships with others.
c. Develops communication skills and leadership skills. Like what I mentioned earlier,
playing basketball utilizes strategic methods which will help in winning the game. In
order to create strategies, the players need to connect and communicate with the
team. Leadership skills will also be further improved in playing basketball. The team
captain and co-captain will be responsible in guiding the team throughout training and
during games.
Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

d. Heightened sense of belongingness. If you think you’re being alienated in the

society, you should play basketball because no one is neglected in basketball. Playing
basketball can help you make new friends and bond with people of all age.
e. Reduced risk of negative peer influence and engagement in substance abuse.
Teenagers today seems to be lost, some are already involved in drug abuse and
alcohol addiction. But through basketball, you can find the happiness and purpose
that you long to have. Substance abuse destroys life, but basketball make lives better.
Emotional Aspect a. Lower stress. Playing basketball can be a form of stress reliver. If you feel like the
odds are against you, you can take a breather by playing basketball alone or with
friends. Getting yourself soaked in the game will help you feel relaxed and have an
escape from all the negative things in life.
b. Improves mood. Playing sports is fun and enjoying, and Basketball is not an
exemption to that. You can brush off bad mood just by getting the ball inside the
basket. Moreover, your teammates can serve as your support system when you’re
feeling blue.
c. Regulate emotion. Playing sports is not always fun since it involves competing with
others. Playing basketball can help a person to be able to regulate emotion. A player
shouldn’t be too competitive in playing because it may lead to a dirty play. Playing
basketball will help a player to be in control of his emotion by focusing on the goal
which is to win, but still being a good sport.
d. Playing basketball will make the student have better classroom performance.
Playing basketball does not only improve the condition of the body, it also improves
the well-being of the person playing basketball. Besides from improving concentration
in the court, playing basketball can also help in maintaining a good attitude and
attention in the classroom setting. Most especially if the student become a basketball
scholar, he is expected to have a balanced academics and varsity life.
e. Alleviate depression. Playing basketball can be a haven for most students. Instead
of getting drowned by your emotions, you can play basketball to have an escape from
reality and forget about your problems. You also have teammates to share your
problems, so it’s a win-win situation.
Other Aspect a. Helps you develop faster decision-making skills. In playing basketball, you will be
able to develop faster decision-making skills because while playing you’ll need to think
faster whether to shoot the ball immediately or pass it first to a teammate. Moreover,
in shooting the ball you’ll need to decide a lot whether to do it in lay-up, jump shot,
slam dunk, or three-points. With that being said, decision skills will be honed by
playing basketball.
b. Helps in being able to strategize. Playing sports like basketball needs strategy in
order to win. You are determined to win, so what you’ll do is to strategize with your
teammates. In playing basketball, you’ll be honed to think of plans that would be
Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

helpful in achieving the goal of your team. By playing basketball, you will be able to
strategize not only while playing but also in real life situations.
c. Playing basketball improves sportsmanship. Playing basketball does not involve
winning all the time, there will be times where you will lose. At times like this, what
you’ll need to do is to accept defeat and make it as a motivation to do better next time.
The sportsmanship that you’ll learn in basketball is applicable in life. When you fail in
life, think of it is as lesson learned. Continue to treat others with respect, be fair at all
times, and be optimistic even when you’re at disadvantage.

Cronkleton, E. (2020). 10 Physical and Mental Benefits of Basketball. Healthline.

Basketball - health benefits - Better Health Channel. (2013). Better Health Channel.

Health Benefits of Basketball. (2021). WebMD.


The Physical, Emotional, and Social Benefits of School Sports. (2016, September 20). Pediatric

Center of Round Rock.


Post Test
NO. TEST ITEM Agree Disagree
1. One can bring honor and fame to one’s country and people.

2. Basketball is the most popular sport in the Philippines, played

on both the amateur and professional levels.

3. There is a Filipino -American in the National Basketball

Association (NBA).

4. Basketball is also the most popular sports in the world.

Name: Jaqueline Nicole L. Malapo Year/Block: 2BSPh1

5. Sports is not just a wholesome hobby but also a promising


Again, Congratulations!
Now, find out for yourself what you’ve got out of this module. Answer the assessment questions as sincerely and
honestly as you can. Draw a heart under the column that describes your learning in this module. Good luck!

Assessment Indicator

Yes! Yes! I almost got it Help!

I got It! but missed I missed
some. it.
I can recognize many team sports.

I can identify the benefits of engaging in team sports.

I can discuss the history and development of basketball

and volleyball and the basic game.

Identify the benefits of engaging in team sports.

I can describe the games using the technical terms.

I can appreciate the games better.

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