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Plural Nouns

Aword needs to be plural when there is more thin one.

Most of the time we Just need to add an •s• to mMe a word plural.
For example: 1 dog. 2 dogs
But ifthe noun ends in S,
-:• ·r.
CH or SH then we need to add ~•to mike it plural.

Add an Y oran 'esw to ead1 word below to make it plural.


cat - - pencil __ fox - -

exam - - bus_
._ chair- -
wish - - s,1• gn __ doll - -
branch _.............,. . kiss ' . .:iliaii--- -..--· -
forest -
. -
glass __

bone ____ beaich - -


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t'!' ·•·"

Wlftt ftlCh ofh words below In Its plural tonn.


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cl,ass ,. ,.
: ' I' -

,l ,,,: ·d.

:, I ,, :: ! ! '(• ',

tax peach
dress frog
match -------- box

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