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Levels of Theory

Level Focus How They Are Used

Metatheory These are the theories that deal with the nature They inform your stance about what it is possible to know and about how
of knowledge or the nature of reality. They are you go about doing research. For example, as a scientific realist, I would
really more “world views” that theories in most argue that human ideas are “real,” just as “real” as trees and such.
senses of the term. However, I would also argue that not all human ideas are worthy of equal
attention – that not “each and every reality” is equally valid or important.
They become important, for a scientific realist, when they are translated
into action or event. Hitler’s ideas were “weird” in my book, and would
have been completely uninteresting to me had the social conditions in
which he existed not caused them to be “turned into historical events.”
Grand These theories are concerned with the “broad These grand theories are not very useful for the kind of research that you
sweep” of human society, with how human social will want to do. We may never be able to decide whether Marx or Weber
structures and processes in general “work” or was “right” about what they thought were the key driving forces in the
evolve. I think of them more as “theoretical development of society. However, most of us do draw on their ideas
stance” or “theoretical perspective” than “working every day and their original key constructs (like race, class, social
theory.” Early social theorists developed most of networks) remain the cornerstones of most social science, just as
these – Marx, Durkheim, DuBois – as they “selection” remains a key for biology. Between them, six or seven major
struggled to understand “society.” So did early theoretical perspectives have contributed enormously to much of social
biological theorists like Darwin. theory.
Mid-Range These theories deal with specific aspects of These are the theories that we use in the vast majority of social (or
human behavior – like conflict or social biological or physical) research. Most of them in the social sciences grew
networking. They do NOT deal with a specific out of the grand theories. For example, Simmel introduced the concept of
topic (like drinking). There is no theory of social networks. Later theorists took this idea and developed a whole set
drinking; there are several theories of risk-taking of theories called “exchange theory” that explored the role of social
behavior or of personality disorders, all of which exchange as a fundamental component of human interaction. These are
could be applied to understand why people binge still “pretty grand” theories, but individual researchers apply these ideas
drink. to specific problems, topics or situations. For example, many health
workers use exchange theory to understand health behaviors and fashion
interventions to change that behavior. They focus on the role of social
networks and social support in health behaviors. You need a mid-range
theory for your work this semester.
Micro These may not be “theories” in the usual sense Micro-theories focus on explaining what happened at this place, with
of the term because they focus on understanding these people, at this time – not offering general explanations. Often,
or explaining the processes or phenomena that these theories arise because we see something that our existing theories
occur under a specific set of conditions (in one simply cannot explain. We develop a micro-theory – sort of a
place, with one group of people). disconnected piece of a theory in many cases – to describe what we
have observed. Over time, research may show that our “piece of a
theory” or micro-theory fits into other theories, or we “add pieces” and
end up with a new model or theory.

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