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♦D 2, 2021

Montgomery Baptists will Proclaim the “Gospel Above All” by:

Meeting Human Need While Planting Gospel Seed; Revitalizing, Planting & Replanting Churches; Calling Out the Called

Operation Christmas Child

“Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for
to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14, ESV
The ministry of Operation Christmas Child has been a
stable part of Montgomery Baptist life since 1993. We
are so grateful to Tom and Vida Smith, Ridgecrest
Baptist Church, and numerous other volunteer
missionaries and churches who make it possible to send
a shoebox filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene
items to children around the world. From your church
to Ridgecrest, to Atlanta, to the Charleston port, to the
Neal Hughes ends of the earth: that is the journey of the little
Director of Missions shoebox filled with love.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child, a
ministry of Samaritan Purse, is to demonstrate
God’s love in a tangible way to children in need
around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s
Purse partners with the local church worldwide to
share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make
disciples of the nations. Since 1993, more
than 188 million children in more than
170 countries and territories have received an
Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project
delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is
their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible
expression of God’s love.
As a pastor, I have always been a part of the
delivery end of the shoebox. But I have
never been on the receiving end of the
project. Years ago, our youngest son Patrick
served as a missionary in Lebanon. The Iraqi
refugee camp where he ministered was
precisely at the spot the Bible calls “Tyre
and Sidon.” Patrick amazed us with stories
about the day the HOPE ship came to port,
delivering thousands of Operation Christmas
Child boxes to thousands of refugee children
living in tents in the desert land of Lebanon. Our young missionary son
sparkled when he told the stories of children getting items from our dollar store
that to them was a million dollars. It was a Christmas these children had never
Colonel Smith and Samaritan Purse recently
hosted a young African who spoke to
Montgomery leaders engaged with Operation
Christmas Child. Yves Dushime gave a testimony
of his days in Africa where he received a box with
the following words on a sticky note inside the
shoe box, “God loves you, Jesus loves you, I
love you.” The rest is eternal history, as Yves
gave his heart to Christ. Eventually, he and his
family resettled in Buffalo, New York. Today,
Yves is an evangelist sharing with others the same
message that pricked his heart years ago.
If somehow you missed the opportunity to send a
shoebox via your church, you can do the same
online for $25.00. Learn more at: https://
Mary and I count it a joy to serve alongside each of you in the River Region.
Let us all continue to be the John 3:16 catalysts who bring more “Yves
Dushimes” to faith in Christ. As you gather with your family, be sure to tell
others the true Christmas story: “God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you.”

Together WE Can! Neal

Montgomery Baptist Association • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.
♦D 2, 2021
Montgomery Baptists will prioritize the gospel above all by doing the following:
Meet human need while planting gospel seed;
Evangelize the River Region while planting and replanting churches;
Discover, develop, and deploy disciples of Christ to be missionaries across the street and around the world

Montgomery Baptist Association • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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