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1/8/2021 7 Types of Content Lawyers Should Post on Facebook - Zahavian Legal Marketing

7 Types of Content
Lawyers Should Post
on Facebook
by Jared Kimball | Jun 21, 2019

Aside from being the largest social media network in

the world today, Facebook serves as a huge
marketing and advertising platform for millions of
businesses around the world. Many lawyers and law
firms have taken advantage of this for their own
marketing purposes, while many have not.

Many lawyers and firms simply don’t know how to

effectively use Facebook to promote their services
and areas of practice. While it can be used strictly for
advertising goals such as generating new clients and
leads quickly, this article will discuss how legal
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practices can use their Facebook business pages to

post relevant and meaningful content.

This will significantly aid in promoting their firm,
build brand awareness and grow a following that will
generate new cases and business for their firms over
time. Below are seven different types of content that
law firms and solo practitioners can share on their
Facebook business page (or even personal profiles).

1. Articles and Tips based on

Areas of Law You Practice
A benefit to using Facebook as a marketing tool for
lawyers, is the ability to build authority in your local
market over time. One way to do this is by sharing
content related to the areas of practice you not only
want to promote, but what you want to be known for
and associated with in building brand awareness.

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You don’t have to be publishing all the time. Rather,

one of the easier ways to post is by curating content
that you think would be useful to your target
audience. By being helpful and sharing content that
has been vetted by a lawyer, you’re offering value to
an audience that is dealing with those specific,
similar or related issues that the article discusses.
Articles can be from legal specific blogs, news and
journalist organizations. The important thing isn’t
the source as much as whether you (a practitioner)
find it to be accurate and of value to your followers.

2. Legal Humour Posts

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Part of engaging successfully on social media is by

going with the flow and posting what Facebook’s
users expect to see when they log on. They’re usually
there because they are bored or passing the time.

Publishing legal jokes and memes is a great way to

drive significantly more engagement than other
types of more serious content you’re likely to post.
Due to higher impressions, reach and engagements,
your firm’s brand will be seen by more people.

These posts generate massive engagements

compared to sharing legal articles and can drive
more organic followers. Aside from this, you’ll
become known as the firm that is ultimately made up
of human beings. It gives your firm a personality. 2 4/12
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3. Firm News & Events

Facebook can also serve as a public relations tool. If
you’re firm is actively involved in local communities
and events, then use your Facebook business page to
promote events and follow-up after them. You can
post event and organizational news to:

Promote upcoming events

Festival or Charity events that the firm is
Notable news about employees and staff
Staff and Team building days and events
Winners and Recipients of contests, scholarships
or community recognition

4. Share News Articles Relevant

to Law and Society
There’s a lot to be shared online in terms of articles
and written content. Expand the scope of articles you
share with your audience to include noteworthy
pieces from local and national news outlets related to
law and society.

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This can include trending content such as case

verdicts that have received media attention. In other
instances, you can use news stories to be the firm
that brings attention to a story that you believe your
readers should look at. By that I mean things that
will affect their lives, policies and regulations, bills
being passed that haven’t received as much attention
as you believe they deserve.

Shed some light on the matter. You can also use this
as an opportunity to highlight critical points or
points of interest. Become known as the lawyer
who’s always sharing helpful content related to law,
government and society. You’re looking out for 2 6/12
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society and people’s interests – among other reasons

you studied law in the first place. By sharing this
content, you can build an association with your
followers. When they think of law or society, they
think of you. That can be powerful in terms of
building name recognition and top of mind

Finally, I understand that lawyers like sticking to the

facts. However, you have the option to share your
opinion above the share link in your post. Let your
audience know what you think about the issue or the
author’s take on the article. In other words, use the
article to become a thought-leader.

5. Ask or Answer Questions

Relevant to Your Community
and the Law
Another way to engage with your local market and
community on Facebook is by asking and answering
questions for that community. Think beyond the
common FAQs you may post on your website. Get to
questions that people ask regarding legal matters
you help them through.

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The above is a good example of how this is done well.

You’re not giving legal advice where you’re
instructing or telling someone what to do in
particular or general circumstances. Instead, state a
definition in a way that the general public can
understand it.

Here’s another example. But instead of being the

talker, you become the listener and opening up a
conversation to create a dialog.

This question doesn’t have anything to do with the

law. Instead, the firm engages their local community
with which roads and highways in the area present
the largest road hazards and unsafe conditions for
motorists, passengers and pedestrians. Road hazard
questions aimed at the local community is one 2 8/12
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category that a personal injury and car accident

lawyer can use to engage their local community with
and build an association between their firm’s brand
and that area of practice.

6. Share Articles from your Law

Firm’s Blog
Sharing articles from your firm’s blog is a great way
to distribute your firm’s content. If your firm actively
publishes articles related to the areas of practice it’s
focusing on promoting, then Facebook can help drive
more qualified traffic to your firm’s blog posts. Focus
on posting blog articles that contain the most helpful
information for prospective clients. You don’t always
have to post the most recent posts either. Legal
articles that performed well in the past are likely to
perform well again when seen by a fresh new
segment of your audience.

This is the closest thing to a direct plug or pitch for

your services as you should get on Facebook.
However, instead of running an advertisement,
you’re simply sharing a blog written by lawyers for
your prospective clients (e.g. your ideal target

Of the 7 techniques we discuss, using Facebook as a

medium to publish your legal practice’s articles to
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the local market will drive the most conversions and

new business as a direct result of using your
Facebook page for marketing.

Even readers who don’t convert on your site
immediately are still more likely to convert in the
future. Attracting blog readers is a great way to build
credibility, authority and therefore is more impactful
for your awareness advertising. Now when the
reader is likely to search for a lawyer online, they’re
more likely to search specifically for your law firm by
name rather than a listing of lawyers.

7. Posting Motivational and

Inspirational Quotes or Videos
Facebook posts about inspirational or motivational
quotes do extremely well in terms of engagement
activity (likes, shares, and comments). This gets a
massive amount of attention on Facebook compared
to other types of content that law firms share. Below
are a few samples from what actual law firms are
posting on Facebook.

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These really can perform well in terms of churning

out impressive engagement and impression metrics,
which is great for building your firm’s brand

While it’s likely the furthest thing from how a lawyer

may want to promote their practice, it’s important to
keep in mind that people use Facebook and social
media to hang out. They aren’t there to be plugged
services by law firms or other advertisers. In fact,
this couldn’t be further from what they’re looking for
on social media. Inspirational quotes do well for
showing a personal side to the firm. Aside from
getting a ton of impressions of your firm’s brand on
Facebook, it performs its by humanizing your legal

Facebook can be an extremely valuable marketing
tool for law firms – when used correctly. By
combining these different types of content, your firm
can offer its local market and communities a diverse
range of content and value via its Facebook page. It’s
recommended to use a mixture of content types,
rather than just several.

While the legal jokes as well as the inspirational and

motivational posts may not be your ideal use of
marketing resources, it can take less time to curate
and share these type of posts. Furthermore, it’s good
for developing a more personal, easy-going
connection with your audience and delivers
significant reach and engagement compared to some
of the more serious content.
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Finally, your blog posts is your most valuable

content in terms of generating new cases directly
from your Facebook marketing efforts.

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