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something that he didn’t do intentionally. I think to reduce situations like this, we should learn to
be more considerate more specifically with the fact that we are not a good situation right now.
We also have to keep our conversation healthy and try to be nice as possible to avoid
For me, online learning does support the goals of learning although not fully but still it is
helpful at some point. In my opinion to improve learning, we have to open limited face to face. If
it is not possible, then government should be the one to help us in making internet accessible to
everyone. Through this, all student will be given the chance to learn effectively.

From this exercise, how will you explain the goals of theory?
From this exercise, I think the goals of theory is more on organizing communication to make
sure that individual s are communicating effectively . It identifies the important features of
communication in a particular situation then later analyze what this communication means and
how individuals experience it. It also determines the future events to conceptualize things on how
it can possibly be control. Besides from that, it also wanted to make sure that communication
does not practice discrimination and if so they will do something to change it and reduce the issue.
Because if they let these things in a communication, the conversation will not be effective and
will only lead to mistreat and misunderstanding.

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