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Give/Explain the 3 Classification of Sports:

1. Individual and dual sports

A. Individual Sports: It refers to those sports that requires only one athlete to compete. Meaning to say,
the athlete played alone without any teammates. Also, the athlete can engage in the sport without the
direct need of a counter player. Moreover, he or she is the only one that is responsible for losing or
winning the game. Some events of track and field, cross country, and swimming are individual
competitions. Besides from that, other examples of individual sports are golf, archery, gymnastics and

B. Dual Sports: It is a classification of sports that require two players to compete. This refers to those
sports that needs direct counter player in order to play the game.

a. Combative sports. It is a sports in which participants engage voluntarily in a full contact to score points,
to cause an opponent to submit, or to disable an opponent in a contest, match, or exhibition. But in the
students’ case, only partial contact is needed because student participation is for their health and
recreational purposes only and not for a competition. Examples of combative sports are boxing,
kickboxing, martial arts and mixed martial arts.

b. Non-combative sports. It is a sports in which participants doesn’t have to play in a full contact to score
points and win the game. Examples of these sports are billiards, table tennis, lawn tennis, and badminton.

C. Team Sports: It is a classification of sports in which a group or team plays against another group or
team in a competition. The team works together to win the game. Examples of this sports are Basketball,
Volleyball, Baseball, and Football.

2. History of Athletics (track and field) events.

776 BC is the time when the sport of track and field first contested. The first competitive event was held
in Ancient Greece, and only men could compete. Originally running was only seen as a survival skill and
had not been used as a sporting event before this time. In 1849, the first organized track and field in the
modern times was held. In that moment, only men were allowed to compete. The first modern day
Olympic games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. This event made track and field an international
sport for the first time. It was at the year 1921 when women were allowed to join the sport. In 1970, the
sport received its professional status so athletes could get paid to compete. Track and Field is considered
as the 2nd oldest sport in the history.

3. History of Olympic games.

The first known Olympics were held in 776 B.C. in a place called Olympia in Southern Greece. It was known
as a Religious Event wherein athletes competed to honor Zeus who is the King of Ancient Greek Gods.
Some of the events held includes sprinting, wrestling, chariot racing, and pankration. In the Original
Olympics, only men were allowed to compete. On the other hand, smaller festival is performed by female
athletes. This women’s games are for Zeus’s consort Hera. In A.D. 394, the Ancient Games ended. That
was the time Christian Emperor Theodosius I banned all pagan festivals. It was revived in 1896 in Athens.
In the year 1924, Winter Olympics were introduced. In today’s world, we have Winter and Summer
Olympics in which we alternate this two events every two years.

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