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Notes On Videos for Week 2

 Think of 5-8 keywords. If no topic yet, read the article on Data Mining in Construction, or google
pressing problems on certain area in civil engineering
 Use scopus (for articles) or mapua library (science direct and e-books) for searching and
gathering of books and articles.
 Read the abstract for now. Save articles to your desktop/laptop.
 Week 2 - Target is to formulate Statement of the Problem (Turnitin Checked 5%) deadline is Dec.
05 11:59PM or ideally, before the consultation hours for the week. If one of the member did not
submit, it will not be graded.
 Week 3 - Target is to Generate the Whole Review of Related Literature (Turnitin Checked)
 Statement of the Problem:
 General Objective

Main thing you want to achieve or happen in your thesis/research paper

Ex. Create a formula or model that will predict variation order in port projects.
Ex. Generate the maximum mix and optimum percent of banana fiber to be used as reinforcement on
cement boards
Ex. (Verb about creating something or coming up into something) (avoid using words that are about
analysis and investigation for the general objective)

 Specific Objective

a) Magnify your general objective

b) List the steps or phase you need to achieve your general objective. But make sure that the final two
steps are about generating/creating/formulating or coming into an output of something and evaluation
Ex. ( Determine what is port, variation order, present setting in Ph, present conditions → Gather and
relate data from government offices and companies constructing port → Analyze and interpret data
using PCA in SPSS and other software → Generate/Formulate the model using regression → Evaluate
the model )
Ex. (Determine the current status or trends, latest studies in cement board and banana fiber in the
Philippines, Collection of data and preparation of materials, equipment and checking of testing
locations for cement board, Formulation of varying mixes to be used and tested, Creation and testing
of specimen, Generation and determination of optimum mixes, Evaluation of data)

For statement of the problem please make sure all of the final 5 keywords you will use are included there.
(Keywords are still subject for checking)
I will open a submission link for feedback to your statement of the problem by Friday, please work it out
by Monday.
Make a table of keywords and authors. (Related Literature Matrix, Related Studies Matrix)

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