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DATE September 11, 2021

ACTIVITY Webinar on Self-Management During Online Class

NAME Blanco, Flenn Anthony M.

Answer the following questions comprehensively. Kindly check the rubrics to know how
your answers are evaluated.

1. What are your challenges this academic year and how are you addressing them?
Cite at least three (3).
• Internet Difficulty – Whenever my wi-fi disconnects I have my mobile data
as back up.
• Adjusting to Online Class learning modality – My classmates has been
helping me this past few days and now I
think I’m feeling great.
• Noise Distractions- I live in the city so car noises are really huge
distraction to me.

2. What statement of the speaker struck you the most? Explain why.
‘’ You don’t have to get these things perfectly, But try anyway. ‘’
This line struck me the most because I can relate to this, I am a very perfectionist
person and I don’t say ‘’ Basta makapasa lang.‘’, and this line changed
everything. I prefer now to love what I’m doing rather than to be perfect about
everything that I do.

3. How does self-management help you overcome the challenges in online class?

Learning to manage yourself is huge accomplishment, what I’ve learned in the

webinar and what I plan to initiate now in my life is having DAILY ROUTINE. All
activities and chores that I do is making me crazy that’s why I need to have
routine to sort things and do things in order.

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