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Based on the previous discussion with our respective professor last Monday, it was clearly

stated that a Mission statement of an organization is the purpose for which it exists. I was able to
research three mission statements from different school organizations over the internet, as I am also
inquisitive about the operation of other universities within our town. In light of my perspective, a
mission statement is the voice of an entity with clarity, since I personally consider each mission
statement as a unique and concrete language which are being seen among the three organizations
that I’ve searched; AUF, HAU, and PSAU. It is evident that their desire is to be the best in their field
or offer the best service; however, if I’ll be choosing the best mission statement, I think it would be the
Angeles University Foundation’s, for the reason that I have witnessed how the school applies it to the
entire university such as the policies, programs, values of every employers and employee including
us, students as well. Furthermore, if I’ll just base it with the statement alone, without considering the
application of the mission to the school, I think what made it stand out among the two is because it is
simply short. We as a whole see things in various ways, which is the reason we have our own
viewpoints yet as far as I can tell, that 18 word-mission is enough for it to have a solid impact that
practically rules out understanding to what precisely the explanation implies. Besides, I believe that a
good strategy is based upon a mission statement so it’s important to make it concise and memorable.

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