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Ms.PREETHI.G Prathiusha.V (19DI23)

Suja.S (19DI35)
Lavanya.M (19DI17)

The project "FLUTTER EMBEDDED SMART ACADEMIC ASSISTANT” is software which aimed to
automate and log on to various day-to-day activities and to provide instant information required in effective
management of any given College. The automation part of the software would involve data capture and
maintenance of details on the college, teachers, students and tasks in the overall management of the college.
College is the place to learn about new things and to build the carrier. So to maintain the College lot of things
are needed. In the existing system all the data is maintained in the records slowly. Even more number of staff
is required to maintain all the records. The slow and inaccurate maintenance may lead to many faults, so there
should be an automated system to overcome the defects of the existing system. Attendance reports can be
generated based on the desired choice of the user. Attendance can be viewed for selective date, id, name and
remarks. When student takes leave, automatically voice schedule will be sent to the parent through notification

The system will have modules like Login module, Maintenance module, Student module, Office
module, Report module and Attendance module. Staff and students can easily search schedules through their
voice. Project is developed using Flutter Dart as front end and Firebase as back end. Now these days often
seen that handling of a college system has become more tedious task because a lot of many student comes for
enquiring about different courses, few of them registered. A lot of courses are being conducted by the College
and to maintain faculty detail and received feedbacks is also a tough job. The proposed system deals with all
the activities done by any College. So this project is developed for all those institutes who are dealing with
enquiry, registration, course details, and fee details processes. This system should be flexible for maintaining
student’s details and their fee details. Students should be able to view and get alerts easily through the system

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