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Individuals often treat the study of philosophy as impractical,

distinct and subordinate to science whereas science is only a sub -

field of philosophy that deals on a specified topic. Philosophy is the

study of fundamental nature of knowledge and it's the leading edge

of human inquiry. Historically, philosophy has been regarded as the

mother of all sciences. None of the empirical sciences can function

in the absence of philosophical assumptions. While these two differs

in terms of functionality but they are dependent on each other. As

history demonstrates, philosophy is the foun dation of science;

science without philosophy is dangerous because it is easily swayed

towards undesirable judgments and actions; and, conversely,

philosophy without science is meaningless. Philosophy enables us to

investigate the intricacies of knowledge acquisition through

scientific approaches. Science is the execution.

When we say philosophy, it varies from person to person. You may

have a certain philosophy that matches with the others but not

exactly the same. Philosophy is a study that seeks to understand the

mysteries of existence and reality. Philosophy as a critical and

comprehensive process of thought involves resolving confusion,

unmasking assumptions, revealing presuppositions, d istinguishing

importance. Most people also have some kind of philosophy in the

sense of a personal outlook on life. It provides a set of skills that

encourages and teaches us how to think critically and clearly about

significant and complex subjects.

Philosophy is when a man is hungry of a never -ending quest for truth

and knowledge. The application of philosophy in our daily lives helps

us distinguish right from wrong. It is the foundation of critical

thinking, which unquestionably enhances one's life. This generation,

in particular, tests our faith, trust, and decision -making in our daily

lives. Nowadays, distributing fake news is prevalent in society, and

subjective information appears to be influential. A man without

philosophy is easily mislead whereas a man with philosophy would

likely to think they have been signaled to utilize philosophical

thinking by means of improving their analytical and skeptical skills.

They usually end up doubting claims and asking for their principles

whether some such claims r eally are, as alleged or necessarily true.

Philosophical individuals are known for their skepticism and doubt

about most or all things. A healthy dose of professional skepticism

is essential in fighting fraud, even if it seems unnatural or

uncomfortable to be skeptical of those we have come to trust. When

one views philosophical assumptions as an initiating tool especially

when making decisions, he is not easily get blinded and persuaded

even if the majority opposes. Examination is a critical faculty; by

applying it to everyday situations, we prevent the dogma of others

from manipulating us. Even if technology has given rise t o an age of

misinformation, philosophy, and a closer look at our own social

behavior, could help eliminate it. Philosophy frees our minds from

the imprisonment of common sense.

Philosophy does really influence and it belongs in the lives of

individuals. The above information signifies that we nee d philosophy

even in the smallest and dullest decision -making. When evaluating

your decisions, you are looking at the whole situation, which gives

you the whole perspective of the situation, and what all the outcomes

can be for you. Personally, it gives me the opportunity to improve

how I can analyze and evaluate a situation or an idea, as well as,

enhance my reasoning and critical skills, such as critical thinking,

problem solving, proper judgment and decision making. Learning to

use critics and be reasonable is of utmost importance because we all

have to make choices and accomplish goals. Additionally, it widens

my perspective and standpoint on a topic, allowing me to think fairly

and honestly. When one behaves philosophically, they usually start

wondering the very nature of life. Personally, I have experience

sitting for too long only to wonder the true of purpose of my life,

what keeps me motivated and to stay alive even amidst chaos. We

were all born into this world, with a distinct purpose; in which this

purpose could be different from everyone. By not having a purpose

in life we are not living, but just running through the motions.

Young as I am, I think of one best philosophy that I should live for

the rest of my lives and that is “If you believe very strongly in

something, stand up and fight for it.” It came from Roy T. Bennett,

The Light in the Heart that urges everyone to speak up for what they

believe in. At first, standing up for your convictions isn't easy at all.

You may be doubting yourself, you may be hesitant, and your words

might not come out just right but when you start standing up for
what you believe in boosts your self -esteem because you are living

according to your convictions. Going against your bel iefs simply

because it is more convenient is not admirable. Others will appreciate

you for standing your ground, even if they disagree with you. Simply

having the courage to defend oneself demonstrates the type of person

you are. You aren’t a pushover. You are strong and independent. Even

though there are times when you wind up on the wrong side, but after

all, we wouldn't be human if we didn't commit mistake or give in to

what was easy every once in a while, but learning from those mistakes

and standing for what we believe the great, majority of the time is

what is most essential . I have this one quote from Roy Disney that

has struck me the most “It’s not hard to make decisions when yo u

know what your values are”. Living with these values will help

individuals in molding their identity or one’s self. These can be a

guide on our everyday decision making as stated above.

Pecorino, Philip, Metaphilosophy : A Process View of Philosophy and

Teaching Philosophy (Wiley, 1985), pp. 80-91 (12 pages). .
Tinkham, Nicole, Art Inspiration | Inspiration | Art Techniques |

Encouragement | Art Supplies: “Why You Need to Stand up for What You

Believe in and How to Do It.” (Keetons, January 27, 2017). -you-need-


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