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September 1, 2021
Kelas XI MIPA 3


Part 1

Fill in these blank with the appropriate offering words!!

1. May i take your order sir? (Formal)

2. Is there anything I can help you sir? (Formal)
3. Could i give me a hand? (Informal)
4. Would you like some more coffee miss? (Formal)
5. Wanna go out with me? (Informal)

Part 2

Rearrange the words into correct dialog!!

1. 2 : Oh I am going to this new coffee shop that just opened recently, you want to join 4:
Let’s go then.
3 : Don’t mind if I do, sure I’ll go.
1 : Hey albert, where are you going?

2. 3 : Please follow me sir. May I recommend some best seller genre for you sir?
4: That’s alright, I am planning to buy later.
1: Is there anything else I can help you sir? 2: Perhaps you can show me the novel section? I
can seem to find it anywhere.

3. 4 : Alright miss.
1: Please try to refrain from making a mess. 2: Of course, miss. May I help you arranging
these book miss?
3 : It’s okay. There are not that many.

4. 4 : I’ll go and try to ask Jimmy if he have it.

1: I am so bored today. Is there something we could do?
5 : Let me. You can prepare the game while I ask.
3 : Yes, this will be fun. But wait, what about the consu
2 : I got some new games here in my laptop. Do you want to play?

5. 2 : Wait, there are still some stains on the glass. We should clean it first.
4 : Good idea, I am thirsty. While you at it, get some clean rags too.
1 : The class looks clean enough, should we go and help the others?
5 : Will do.
3 : Alright then, let me get some water first for us before we begin.

Part 3

Answer these questions with either True or False!!

1. Offering and Suggestion are the same, false

2. We must give an item or stuffs to someone when we offer, false
3. We normally use a modal auxiliaries when we write an offering words, true
4. Offering can be accepted or rejected, true
5. There are two types of offering words: Formal and Imformal true
6. Offering must use a question mark, false
7. We can reject an offer casually, true
8. When we offer, we are offering help or services, true

Good Luck!!

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