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In the following text, we will talk about how many people there are in this world of the
paranormal, the supernatural, that science has not been able to give any explanation to this
type of case, many people who claim to be psychic believe that they are experts in this but
reality It is another and some of these people only seek a particular purpose and that is to be
recognized worldwide and internationally and obtain some benefit from what they think they
know. I will watch a documentary found on YouTube titled The Strange World of Fake
Psychics, Healers, and Fake Mediums and the scientific research that covers this topic.

Today, people feel very vulnerable and lost right now. Some seek a religious counselor or
therapist; some fall into a vice, like alcohol, and others go to a psychic. False spirituality in
today's world is a subject that every human being lives, in different stages of his life, and
very differently from each other. Each individual has a spiritual need, to feel full, integrated,
seeking harmony and or happiness., However, the means to find that happiness can be
misleading, since each person follows a different path, seeking to fill the empty spaces one
way or another. . You can see an increase in calls to the AARP helpline from people who
have been let down by self-described psychics, seers, spiritual advisers and the like; This is
indicated by the director of anti-fraud programs.

Do you think there are people endowed with powers? This is what the narrator of the
aforementioned video about Psychics, those people who can control the minds of others,
read them, or use only their minds to do great things. In the video, the narrator tells us that
this is a farce and they exposed several cases of famous psychics and were able to show
that it was all a fraud such as Uri Geller who claimed to be able to bend metal with his mind
and in the end Geller was exposed by James Henry after failing to bend a spoon at a show
and was ridiculed in front of millions of people.

There is a question that one or another person has asked. Are there psychic powers? Mind
reading and the ability to predict your future are not skills that people generally associate
with the human race. However, research shows that many people genuinely believe in the
existence of psychic powers.

You would think that proven psychic fraud cases over the years would weaken the credibility
of psychic claims. Many psychic claims have also proven impossible to confirm. A clear
example is the famous case of Uri Geller who could bend a spoon, where it was revealed by
James Randi and they realized that everything was a skill in the sleight of hand. There are
still many people who firmly believe in the power of psychic ability. And I will clarify it for you,
whoever says yes, is either lying or is ignorant. Specifically, during the cold war, both the
United States and the USSR and other countries spent time and money investigating the
possibility of these powers. The result was a large amount of money wasted and many
studies indicated that there was not the slightest proof of its existence.

And this, perhaps, is because most of the information received about any sectarian group
almost always comes from the media (daily press, tabloids, TV ...) which tend to emphasize,
with extreme sensationalism, destructive aspects of society. the personality of people who
belong to any of these groups.
Today there are many perfectly organized religious movements and many individuals are
integrated into them. So, it is worth asking: why instead of trying to get to know them and
study how they act within their groups and in society, there is so much effort on the part of
people and institutions to give a repetitive image of social dangerousness that, on some
occasions, bordering on catastrophism, without understanding that there may be individuals
who prefer other forms of life?

The New Religious Movements (sects) are for the majority of the population, dangerous
institutions, which psychically and physically harm those who join them. At least, in general,
this is the vision that society has of these organizations. I have always said that any
movement or belief taken to the extreme is a danger. And in terms of beliefs, I don't mean
just psychic abilities or medium powers, I mean how devastating it can be to believe in a
religion or sect to get it. Cases have been seen where a certain number of children die
because their parents believe that some kind of mysterious force is going to heal them.

In one of the investigations I searched via Google (Paranormal Investigators or Liars? A

review of history, the cases of Ed and Lorraine Warren), I could see a document in which it
spoke of false psychics, but in this case it spoke of a couple of demonologists Ed and
Lorraine Warren and you could see a great question. about them: Farce or reality? Although
many people support this couple and others are against it, this is a case of false psychics,
there is also evidence that they are agents of the world of the paranormal, but after an
interview with them, they believed that these people were serious . . people with their work
who knew what they were doing but the reality was totally different, they met with them and
were surprised because Mr. Ed Warren did not know the basics about what is relevant to a
paranormal investigation and Ms. Lorraine Warren claimed to be clairvoyant and medium.
After a meeting with the Warrens, the Society of Skeptics asked them to accompany them
during one of their investigations, and the Warrens said yes, but then used different excuses
to prevent them from being present. There are dozens of pieces of evidence that leave the
investigations of Ed and Lorraine Warren unstable, the lack of records and the constant data
disseminated almost like stories that nurtured their own business, made more and more
detractors appear. One of the most compelling findings of the New England Society of
Skeptics that they published through their research dictates the following bluntly: "At best,
these are a pair of petty ghost storytellers. At worst, bogus and dangerous".

I want to present my point of view on the subject of pseudo spiritual cults. I have met many
groups of the most diverse natures. I can say that the false spirituality that is lived today is a
theme that each human being lives in different stages of his life. Each individual has a
spiritual need, to feel full, integrated, seeking harmony and / or happiness, however, the
means to find that happiness can be misleading, since each person follows a different path,
seeking to fill the empty spaces one way or another.

The narrator states that most of these people who call themselves mediums or psychics are
nothing more than opportunists who tend to take advantage of other people's tragedies,
such as the death of a loved one or the disappearance of someone. He is unworthy. The
danger lies in the fact that in this state of loss, anyone is susceptible and vulnerable to
deception. These are people whose lives were destroyed by the loss. But in these cases,
these people believe everything these people tell them and these parasites take advantage
of them because of the state they are in.

To conclude, this video and several investigations that exist on this subject are a strong
criticism, not only of the practices as such but also of the press and those who are willing to
deceive. The strange world of false psychics, healers and mediums is undoubtedly a world
that remains to be explored, we must not forget that we are in a capitalist society where
money is important and sometimes it does not matter what methods are used, what must be
present is that we should not be fooled by people who only seek to deceive other people.
Finally, I believe that we must always have faith in something, but let's not let that faith cloud
our judgment, let's separate fantasy from reality, remember that "Everything irrational or
exaggerated is bad for mental health" and in this case for mental health. humanity in

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