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Luisa Fernanda Hoyos Negrete

Andrés Felipe Arango Arteaga

Grammar IV
University of Cordoba
Lisa was in a work meeting with several managers of very prestigious companies
in the city, because the future of the company depended on that meeting.
However, the meeting was a success with the managers and investors, and they
decided to hold it. triumph, but Lisa had to go home, since her 2 children were
alone and she couldn't leave them at home for long.
When Lisa returns home and walks in, she couldn't believe her eyes, hers, her
children, Amy and Ben were running around the big table and chasing the cat, they
like this game very much. Lisa looks at Amy and Ben, and this is what she sees
and hears:
She asks Ben to wait for Amy, since Amy is not running fast enough for Ben, but
he ignores her and keeps running.
Amy, seeing that Ben was not waiting for her, tried to reach him, but in the attempt,
she fell to the ground and hit herself a little.
Immediately, Amy asks Ben to help her up. Ben stops and Amy gets help.
Her mother was watching the whole thing.
(Lisa is impressed!)
After a while, the children invite Lisa to join them.
"Yes, mom! Come and join us!" yell Amy and Ben. Lisa doesn't hesitate and starts
playing with them. They run and play. Everyone likes this game very much.
After all the fuss, Lisa looks at her 2 little ones and gives them each a kiss. To
which the children respond with a kiss back.
Lisa feels tired and wants to rest, so she goes to her bedroom. But there are many
toys lying on her bed and on the floor. She calls the children and they take away
her toys. The children's mother goes to bed and notices that she doesn't have her
sheet, so she asks the children to bring her one of their own, which she did.
Now she sleeps in her bed. Amy and Ben are at home, so they are protected by
their loving mother.
But she waits, what is this terrible mess? Oh no, the big expensive table is
smashed! Well, the table wasn't that protected...

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