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Professor Ian R. Griffiths, Glasgow University Medical School

Professor Joe N. Kornegay, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri
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Second edition 2005

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The second edition of Small Animal Spinal Disorders generally divided into intraoperative, early postopera-
now expands considerably on the foundations of neu- tive and late postoperative. These are listed in tabular
roanatomy, clinical neurology and basic neurosurgery format and are also discussed and illustrated where
provided in the first edition. The primary aim of the possible in the main text. Furthermore, prognostic
second edition remains to assist students, general prac- information continues to be derived mainly from the
titioners and specialists in the diagnosis and under- literature rather than from anecdote, at least where
standing of the latest neurosurgical procedures used information is available. Physiotherapy now receives
to manage dogs and cats with spinal disease. The book four pages of special emphasis in the postoperative care
has now been completely rewritten and reorganized chapter. An additional change is the separation of the
for 2005. Most of the pre-1994 literature has been procedures section from the main chapter, so that pho-
reviewed again so that we do not forget lessons learned tographs of surgical techniques no longer interrupt the
previously and also so that this knowledge can be text. Finally, at the end of most chapters, key issues for
placed in proper context with more recent informa- future investigation have been identified, to highlight
tion. Many exciting contributions have been made in areas where we need to focus our creative energy and
the last 10 years, but not surprisingly veterinary neuro- future research efforts.
surgery still tends to suffer from limited case numbers, Additional information relating to this text and to
with follow-up periods often less than a residency- neurosurgery in general has been made available on the
training period in duration. Extensive reference has Internet at This includes
therefore been made to the human neurosurgical liter- direct links that provide abstract information to many
ature, both in an attempt to gain a different perspective of the citations used in the second edition, along with
and to stimulate a continued reassessment of our cur- further information on CT and MRI anatomy. It also
rent state of knowledge. Despite obvious differences provides many links to other websites that contain
and limitations, the greater maturity and collective information aimed at owners, referring veterinarians
knowledge of the human specialty provides important and specialists.
insights into veterinary neurosurgery. There will come a time when veterinary neuro-
In addition to being completely rewritten, the sec- surgery becomes a specialty recognized in its own right,
ond edition now contains 50% more figures. A much just as it is in human healthcare. Until that time it will
greater emphasis has now been placed on the advanced fall upon individuals, mainly from the European and
imaging techniques of CT and MRI; the chapters on North American specialties of neurology and surgery,
functional anatomy and diagnostic aids in particular to advance our knowledge one step at a time. This book
reflect these changes. Advanced imaging is also used aims to bring all of the various quite disparate sources
liberally in the other chapters to illustrate surgical of information together, in order to provide a compre-
anatomy, pathology and complications. hensive summary of the current state of knowledge of
Another new innovation emphasizes the problem of veterinary neurosurgery.
postoperative complications. A specific focus is the
wide variety of complications that can occur during Nick Sharp
the management of spinal disorders. Complications are Vancouver and Hertfordshire 2005 Simon Wheeler
List of Abbreviations

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme IV intravenous

b.i.d. bis in die (twice daily) LMN lower motor neuron
CDV canine distemper virus MPSS methylprednisolone sodium succinate
CK creatine kinase MR magnetic resonance
CMC cerebello medullary cistern MRI magnetic resonance imaging
CNS central nervous system NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
COX cyclooxygenase OCD osteochondritis dissecans
CSM cervical spondylomyelopathy PCV packed cell volume
CSF cerebrospinal fluid PgE prostaglandin E
CT computed tomography PO per os
DISH disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis PTE pulmonary thromboembolism
DVT deep vein thrombosis RBC red blood cells
ECG electrocardiogram SQ subcutaneous
EMG electromyography STIR short tau inversion recovery
FCE fibrocartilaginous embolism TMJ temporomandibular joint
FeLV feline leukemia virus TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
FIP feline infectious peritonitis UMN upper motor neuron
FIV feline immunodeficiency virus UTI urinary tract infection
GI gastrointestinal VW von Willebrand
GME granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis WBC white blood cell
IM intramuscular
Functional anatomy Chapter

Nervous tissue 1
Spinal cord 1 Spinal cord
Relationship of spinal cord segments to The spinal cord lies within the vertebral canal, fitting
vertebrae 2 snugly within the thoracolumbar spine, but with more
Cauda equina 3 space in the cervical spine. The residual space is filled
Meninges 3 with epidural fat. The spinal cord extends from the
Cerebrospinal fluid 4 caudal limit of the brainstem at the foramen magnum
Spinal cord white matter tracts 5 to the caudal lumbar vertebrae, terminating in the sixth
Spinal cord nerve fibers and the effect of lumbar vertebra (L6) in most dogs, and in L7 in cats,
compression 6 with some variations.
The spinal cord is divided into segments:
Skeleton 6 • Cervical C1–C8.
Vertebrae 6 • Thoracic T1–T13.
Articulations 9 • Lumbar L1–L7.
• Sacral S1–S3.
Blood supply 14 • Caudal (variable number).
Vertebral column 14 The spinal cord is wider at the cervical and lumbar intu-
mescences (segments C6–T2 and L4–S3 respectively),
References 17 from which the lower motor neurons (LMN) to the
thoracic and pelvic limbs arise. These segments contain
Further reading 17 the cell bodies for the LMNs, also known as ventral horn
cells, thus the spinal cord is thicker in these areas.
Knowledge of functional anatomy is important both The spinal cord is composed of central gray matter
for understanding the neurological examination and for and peripheral white matter (1.1). A dorsal sulcus and
performing spinal surgery. This chapter concentrates ventral fissure, lined by pia mater, divide the spinal
on clinically relevant points of anatomy and physiology, cord into two halves. Dorsal and ventral nerve roots
including surgical landmarks. Radiographs, CT scans and exit the spinal cord at each segment and join to form
MRIs have been used for illustration, and the reader is also the segmental spinal nerves. There are eight cervical
directed to the normal radiographic anatomy illustrated in segments, but seven cervical vertebrae. The C1 spinal
Chapter 4. For more detail see ‘References’, page 17. nerves leave through the lateral foramina in C1 vertebra.

1.1 Spinal cord in transverse section. The

gray matter forms an H shape, with two
dorsal horns (a) and two ventral horns (b).
The white matter tracts are divided into
dorsal funiculi, between the dorsal roots (c);
c lateral funiculi, between dorsal and ventral
roots (d); and ventral funiculi, between the
d ventral roots (e).

2 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1.2 Position of the spinal cord segments

in the cervical and cranial thoracic
vertebrae. The cervical intumescence
(C6–T2) lies within vertebrae C4–T2.
Thus, lesions as far cranial as C4/C5
vertebrae may cause LMN signs in the
thoracic limbs.



1.3 Normal cervical MRI. A: Sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the cervical spine in a 7-year-old Doberman. It had undergone a ventral
slot at C6/7 2 years ago and is now clinically normal. The other discs show the expected high signal intensity of the nucleus
pulposus (arrow). B: Transverse, T2-weighted MRI of the cervical spine through mid-C5 vertebra; the gray matter is visible clearly
within the spinal cord, which is surrounded by a hyperintense rim of cerebrospinal fluid (arrow). The black crescent on one side
between CSF and epidural fat is a chemical shift artifact.

The rest of the cervical spinal nerves exit the vertebral

canal cranial to the vertebrae of the same annotation,
except C8 nerves, which exit between C7 and T1 ver-
tebrae. The thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves exit
behind the same-named vertebrae.
The nerve roots are partly ensheathed by meninges,
T2 C6
T1 C7 which are continuous with the epineurium.

Relationship of spinal cord segments

to vertebrae
Some spinal cord segments lie in the vertebra of the
same annotation, but others do not (1.2, 1.5). Neuro-
logical lesion localization refers to spinal cord segments.
It is therefore important to understand the relationship
between vertebrae and spinal cord segments. Although
regional nerves of the brachial and lumbosacral plexuses
a e are relatively constant in their distribution they can
d vary considerably in their origins. The plexuses arise
from C6 to T1 and from L5 to S3 spinal cord segment
in the majority of animals (1.4, 1.8A). However, the
b c brachial plexus arises from C5 to T1 in about 20% of
dogs and from C6 to T2 in another 20% (Evans, 1993).
Similarly the lumbosacral plexus arises from L3 to S1
1.4 Brachial plexus: lateral thoracic (a); ulnar (b); median (c);
radial (d); axillary (e); and musculocutaneous nerves (f). The in 20% and from L6 to S3 in 20% (Fletcher, 1970).
subscapular and suprascapular nerves arise just cranial to This can have some impact on the neurological local-
the musculocutaneous nerve. ization within these regions.
Functional anatomy 3

1.5 Position of spinal cord segments within the lumbar vertebrae. Segments L1 and L2 lie in their respective vertebrae. The lumbar
intumescence lies within vertebrae L3–L5; lesions as far cranial as L3/4 intervertebral disc may cause LMN signs in the pelvic limbs.
The sacral segments S1–S3 are within L5 vertebra in most dogs (the ‘5’ in L5 resembles the ‘S’ for sacral). The spinal cord ends in
L6 in most dogs; L7 in cats. The cauda equina runs from L5 vertebra into the sacrum (1.7, 1.8B).


1.6 Normal thoracolumbar MRI. A: Sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the thoracolumbar spine of a normal 6-year-old Golden retriever.
Nucleus pulposus in this pulse sequence shows intermediate signal intensity; the thin layer of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is of
intermediate signal intensity (arrow); epidural fat is high signal intensity (arrowhead). Note the nutrient vessels arising from the aorta
(arrowheads) (Parker, 1973). B: Transverse, T1-weighted MRI of the thoracic spine at the level of T13. The spinal cord is surrounded
by high signal epidural fat (arrow); CSF is of low signal intensity and does not show clearly. Note the aorta (arrowhead) (1.23).

f g

b c d

1.7 Nerve roots of the cauda equina. Conus medullaris (a). Nerve roots and rootlets (b). Intervertebral foramen (c). Spinal ganglion
(d). Spinal nerve (e). L6 vertebra (f). L7 vertebra (g). Sacrum (h).

Cauda equina Meninges

The nerves of the cauda equina have a typical peripheral The meninges (1.10) surround the central nervous
nerve structure and are partly ensheathed by the system (CNS). The arachnoid mater and pia mater
meninges (1.7). They tolerate deformation better than together are termed the leptomeninges. Between the
spinal cord, and there is also a large epidural space in the pia mater and the arachnoid mater is a space, the
region of the cauda equina (1.8B, 1.9). Thus they are subarachnoid space, which is filled with cerebrospinal
usually more resistant to injury than spinal cord tissue, fluid (CSF). The subarachnoid space is traversed by
but if severe damage occurs, recovery is unlikely (13.22). the arachnoid trabeculae, which suspend the spinal
4 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1.8 A: Lumbosacral plexus: femoral (a);

obturator (b); sciatic (c); and pudendal
nerves (d). B: Dorsal, T1-weighted
L5 MRI of a normal 6-year-old German
L7 L5 short-haired pointer to show the nerve
roots of the cauda equina surrounded
by high signal epidural fat (same dog
L6 as 1.9).

a L7


1.9 Normal lumbosacral MRI. A: Sagittal,

T2-weighted MRI of the lumbosacral
spine in extension (same dog as 1.8).
There is loss of signal of the L7/S1
nucleus pulposus (arrowhead) but there is
no dorsal displacement of the disc.
B: Transverse, T1-weighted MRI through
the L7/S1 disc space and foramen of the
same dog; the nerve roots (arrowheads)
are surrounded by high-signal epidural fat.
See also 1.19B.

1.11 Section of spinal cord to show the subdural space (between

dura and arachnoid mater, 1.10) filled with Indian ink. White
denticulate ligaments (arrows) anchor the pia and spinal cord to
the dura; they also restrict ventral extension of the ink within the
subdural space (from Penderis et al., 1999).

1.10 There are three layers of meninges. The most superficial

is the dura mater, which is composed of dense connective
sacrocaudal vertebrae. The meningeal sac is outlined by
tissue (blue). The thin arachnoid mater (red) is inside the dura myelography or MRI. The caudal limit to its extension
mater and lies adjacent to it. These two membranes follow the varies between animals; it can terminate anywhere
larger contours of the spinal cord. The pia mater (green) is a between L7 and the caudal vertebrae, but usually ends
delicate layer that lies directly on the surface of the spinal cord. in the sacrum (see Chapter 10).
cord within the CSF. The denticulate ligaments also
traverse the subarachnoid space to anchor the spinal cord Cerebrospinal fluid
(1.11). The meninges caudal to the conus medullaris Cerebrospinal fluid is formed in the brain, mainly by
form the filum terminale, which extends into the the choroid plexuses, with contributions from the
Functional anatomy 5

1.12 The reflex arc of the LMN is influenced

Sensory to brain by the UMN systems.
Upper motor neuron

Spinal ganglion


Lower motor neuron

leptomeninges (pia-arachnoid mater) and the ependy- carried by non-myelinated fibers, particularly in the
mal lining. propriospinal and spinoreticular tracts. These tracts lie
Cerebrospinal fluid flows mainly in a caudal direction. close to the junction of gray and white matter and there-
Most leaves the fourth ventricle of the brain through the fore a lesion has to be extensive in order to damage
lateral apertures into the subarachnoid space, with some all deep pain fibers at a given level. Pain fibers cross
entering the central canal of the spinal cord. It is absorbed and re-cross the midline in a multisynaptic arrangement
through the arachnoid villi in cerebral venous sinuses as throughout the spinal cord, providing a diffuse bilateral
well as by venules in the subarachnoid space, lymphatics pattern of ascending pain fibers from each limb.
around the spinal nerves, and the ependymal lining. Information on the degree of urinary bladder filling
The CSF is normally a clear, colorless fluid with a is transmitted to the brain in the spinothalamic tract.
very low protein and cellular content. It suspends and
protects the brain and spinal cord against shock, allows DESCENDING MOTOR TRACTS
some variation in the volume of the CNS without alter- Two systems are responsible for the transmission of
ing pressure, and has some nutritional and metabolic motor function—the upper motor neuron (UMN) and
functions. LMN systems (1.12, 1.13).
The caudal direction of flow of CSF has some clinical The LMN is the effector neuron of the reflex arc. The
relevance (14.3A). Cerebrospinal fluid collected caudal cell bodies are the ventral horn cells, which lie in the
to a lesion is also more likely to provide diagnostic ventral gray matter of the spinal cord. The axons leave
information (see Chapter 4). the spinal cord in the ventral roots and pass through the
brachial and lumbosacral plexuses to form the peripheral
Spinal cord white matter tracts nerve trunks of the limbs. The sensory arm of the reflex
ASCENDING SENSORY TRACTS arc is the sensory neuron. It arises in the periphery and
Sensory information is gathered from the peripheral enters the spinal cord via the dorsal root. It projects to
nervous system via sensory axons. The cell bodies of the LMN (via an interneuron in some reflex pathways)
these axons lie in the spinal ganglia (dorsal root gan- and a branch also ascends in the spinal cord.
glia). Central projections of these axons ascend in the Function of flexor muscles is facilitated by the corti-
spinal cord to the brain (1.12). cospinal and rubrospinal tracts. The fibers of the corti-
Proprioception is transmitted in the tracts of the cospinal tract arise in the cerebral cortex, and most
dorsal and lateral funiculi. Axons project to either the decussate at the spinomedullary junction and descend
somesthetic cerebral cortex or to the cerebellum. in the lateral corticospinal tracts of the lateral funiculi.
Temperature and superficial pain sensation are trans- Fibers that do not decussate descend in the ventral
mitted by the myelinated fibers of several tracts, corticospinal tracts, which lie in the ventral funiculi.
including the lateral spinothalamic in the lateral funicu- The rubrospinal fibers originate in the red nucleus of
lus. Severe pain sensation (deep pain or nociception) is the brainstem, cross the midline and descend in the
6 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1.13 The UMN system is the sum effect of the

various individual descending pathways. The
UMN system in general moderates LMN activity,
initiates voluntary movement and maintains
normal muscle tone.


rubrospinal tract of the lateral funiculus. The vestibulo- bear weight, loss of voluntary movement and, finally,
spinal tracts and reticulospinal tracts also influence loss of deep pain sensation.
motor function. The function of extensor muscles is The position of the spinal cord tracts also contributes
facilitated by these tracts, which lie in the ventral funi- to the progression of signs. The ascending proprioceptive
culi. The vestibulospinal fibers arise in the ipsilateral tracts lie superficially in the spinal cord and, therefore,
vestibular nuclei. They facilitate extensors and inhibit are most susceptible to compression. In contrast, the
flexors on the ipsilateral side, and have the opposite spinothalamic tracts and ascending propriospinal path-
effect on the muscles of the contralateral limbs. ways, which carry pain perception, are more deeply pos-
Voluntary bladder emptying is mediated through itioned, and the fibers cross the spinal cord at various
fibers in the tectospinal and reticulospinal tracts of the levels. Thus a lesion must involve most of the diameter
ventral funiculi. of the spinal cord for the patient to lose deep pain sensa-
tion (6.2) (Olby et al., 2003). This point and the fact
ASCENDING MOTOR TRACT that pain fibers are the most resistant to pressure explain
In dogs, an ascending motor tract originates in the bor- why loss of deep pain sensation is such a severe clinical
der cells of the dorsolateral gray matter of the L1–L7 sign (see ‘Assessing the severity of the lesion’, page 31).
spinal cord segments. Their axons pass cranially in the Animals with lesions severe enough to damage transmis-
fasciculus proprius of the lateral funiculus to inhibit sion of deep pain along the cervical spinal cord either do
the extensor muscles of the thoracic limbs. Interference not survive their injury or are at high risk of death from
with this pathway, as seen in some peracute, severe hypoventilation because of loss of respiratory muscle
thoracic spinal cord lesions, is manifest as the Schiff– function (see Chapter 2).
Sherrington sign (2.17).

Spinal cord nerve fibers and the SKELETON

effect of compression The vertebral column is composed of a series of verte-
The white matter tracts of the spinal cord are composed brae, most of which are joined by the intervertebral
of nerve fibers of different sizes, most of which have a discs and by synovial joints between the articular
myelin sheath. The largest fibers are myelinated, which processes.
are the most rapidly conducting; they transmit proprio-
ception. Motor fibers are intermediate-sized myelinated Vertebrae
fibers. Pain perception is transmitted by the smallest The numbers of different types of vertebrae are as
myelinated fibers and by non-myelinated fibers. follows: cervical 7; thoracic 13; lumbar 7; sacral 3; and
Larger diameter fibers are more susceptible to injury caudal 20 (approximately). Variations are possible,
than fibers of lesser diameter; small fibers are the most particularly in the transition zones between thoracic
resistant. The progression of clinical signs seen with to lumbar, and lumbar to sacral vertebrae. The most
increasing spinal cord damage is explained largely by common variations are in the number of ribs (8.19,
this feature. Mild lesions cause loss of proprioception. 8.21), and abnormal articulations with the ilium (see
Increasingly severe lesions cause loss of the ability to Chapter 10). The importance of this lies in recognizing
Functional anatomy 7

1.14 The atlas C1 (a) articulates with the skull (b)

via the atlanto-occipital joints. C1 has prominent
transverse processes (c), which can be palpated
easily. There is no spinous process on the dorsal
arch (d). There are lateral vertebral foramina in
the vertebral arch (e), through which pass the C1
g spinal nerves. The axis or C2 has a large spinous
process (f), which extends cranially over the atlas
and is connected to it by the dorsal atlantoaxial
ligament (g). The atlas and axis are connected by
b f multiple ligaments (1.35) and by synovial joints
between the articular processes (h), which lie
d ventral to the vertebral canal.


1.15 CT scans of a normal dog through

A: the mid-body of the atlas C1: note
the transverse foramina and the dens on
the floor of the vertebral canal (9.1), and
B: the cranial portion of the axis C2.


surgical landmarks (8.19–8.21). The total number of lateral to the vertebral canal and of the lamina dorsally.
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is generally 20. The vertebral arch also has cortical and cancellous bone,
The vertebrae have various common features, but although the cancellous bone may be thin in small dogs
there are differences between the groups. Each vertebra and cats. Most vertebrae have transverse processes pro-
has a vertebral body, which lies ventral to the spinal cord, jecting laterally from the vertebral body, a spinous process
and is joined to its neighbors by intervertebral discs. projecting dorsally from the lamina, and cranial and cau-
In immature animals, the vertebral bodies have cranial dal articular processes on the vertebral arch. Mammillary
and caudal growth plates, which close by about 11 months processes of the thoracic vertebrae are short, knob-like
of age in dogs (Hare, 1961). The center of the vertebral dorsal projections from the transverse processes. On lum-
body is composed of cancellous bone, which is red and bar vertebrae they are dorsal projections of the cranial
relatively soft. The margins of the vertebral body are articular processes (Evans, 1993). Other bony processes
made of hard, dense, white cortical bone, which also vary with the group of vertebrae. Between each pair of
forms the vertebral end plates adjacent to the interverte- vertebrae there is an intervertebral foramen, through
bral discs. The types of bone provide an important guide which pass the spinal nerves and blood vessels.
to the depth of penetration in surgical procedures (8.32,
Each vertebra has a vertebral arch, which forms the There are seven cervical vertebrae. The first two are dis-
dorsal and lateral parts of the vertebral canal enclosing tinct: the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) (1.14, 1.15). The ver-
the spinal cord. The arch is made up of the pedicles tebral body of C1 is very small, the bulk of the vertebra
8 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

being composed of lateral masses. Caudally on the body C6 are particularly large and project ventrally; they are
of C1, there are two articular processes, which articulate important surgical landmarks. The C5/6 intervertebral
with C2. There is no intervertebral disc between C1 and disc lies between the cranial edges of these transverse
C2. A prominent ventral tubercle lies on the caudoven- processes (4.6). A vascular channel runs through the
tral aspect of C1, just cranial to the intervertebral space, center of these vertebrae and can give rise to hemor-
which can be a useful landmark at surgery. There are rhage and other complications (1.18, 1.19).
transverse foramina in the transverse processes, through
which pass the vertebral arteries (1.36). The dens pro-
jects cranially from the vertebral body of C2 into the THORACIC AND LUMBAR VERTEBRAE
atlas, lying on the floor of the vertebral canal (9.1). The The 13 thoracic vertebrae articulate with the ribs
dens originates embryologically as part of C1. It has a (1.20–1.22A). The spinous processes of the cranial tho-
growth plate at its attachment to the body of C2, which racic vertebrae (to T10) slant caudally; those of the last
can separate after trauma. The atlas has three ossifica- two thoracic vertebrae slant cranially. The site of this
tion centers at birth; the axis has four at birth and change in direction (which may vary) is termed the anti-
another two or three that develop after birth (Hare, clinal vertebra (1.20B). The articular processes from T1
1961; Cook and Oliver, 1981). to T10 sit at the base of the spinous process. They are
The other cervical vertebrae each have a similar mor- in the same oblique horizontal plane as in the cervical
phology (1.16, 1.17). The large transverse processes of vertebrae, with the caudal process of the cranial-most


1.16 Cervical vertebrae. The spinous processes are small (a),

and the transverse processes (b) project laterally (with the 1.18 Photograph of the floor of the vertebral canal of C4, C5
exception of C6, where they are directed ventrally (4.6, 7.37B). and C6 with the lamina and pedicles removed. Note the large
There are transverse foramina (c), through which pass the vascular foramen in the center of each vertebra (arrows). This
vertebral arteries (1.17, 1.36), except in C7. The articular can result in significant hemorrhage when drilling into bone
processes (d) lie in an oblique dorsal plane. and can impact screw placement (11.16).


1.17 CT scans through the mid-bodies of A: C5; B: C6; and C: C7 vertebrae. Note the transverse foramen in C5 and C6. The
transverse processes of C7 have no foramina and have a characteristic horizontal orientation.
Functional anatomy 9

1.19 Nutrient foramen (arrows) in the center of

lumbar vertebrae. A: Transverse CT scan of
L4 vertebra. B: Transverse, T1-weighted MRI of
L7 vertebra after fat suppression (same dog as
1.8). Bleeding from this structure is a common
cause of severe hemorrhage when drilling into
a vertebra; it can be stopped by direct pressure
or with bone wax (1.6A, 1.18, 1.38, 8.2B).


vertebra overlying the cranial process of the caudal-

most vertebra (1.20A). In the caudal thoracic vertebra,
the articular processes adopt a more vertical orienta-
a tion, as between the lumbar vertebrae (13.55). The
change in orientation occurs near the anticlinal vertebra.
The location of the vertebral canal relative to exter-
nal vertebra landmarks at the thoracolumbar junction is
variable, due largely to the orientation of the ribs (1.21,
1.22). It appears fairly constant within each breed of
dog and also in the cat.
The aorta and vena cava are in close proximity to
many of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Damage
could be caused to these vascular structures when drill-
ing or placing implants into vertebral bodies (Garcia
et al., 1994). The relationship of the aorta to T13 ver-
tebra is shown in 1.6B and 1.23A; to L1 in 1.23B and
A 4.44B; and to L2 in 4.43.
There are seven lumbar vertebrae (1.24–1.28A). The
b L1 transverse processes are usually small, an important
a feature in identifying the thoracolumbar junction at
surgery (8.19, 8.20). They are also difficult to palpate
as they are obscured by the last rib. More caudally, the
transverse processes are narrower and longer.
The three sacral vertebrae are fused into one body,
c which articulates with the pelvis via the sacroiliac joint
(1.28B). There is a marked notch in the cranial lamina of
the sacrum, such that the lamina is not complete over
the cauda equina at the lumbosacral junction (10.48).
1.20 A: Thoracic vertebrae. The vertebral bodies are small with There are two pairs of dorsal and ventral sacral foram-
large spinous processes (a). The articular processes vary with the ina, through which pass spinal nerves and blood vessels.
location along the thoracic spine (b). The transverse processes are The sacrum articulates caudally with the first caudal
short and have a fovea (c) that articulates with a rib. Caudal to the vertebra (1.26).
mid-thoracic area, caudally projecting accessory processes are
present on the pedicle (13.55A). B: Radiograph of the anticlinal Articulations
region. Spinous processes of cranial thoracic vertebrae (a); caudal
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (b); and T11, the anticlinal vertebra
(c). This can be a useful surgical landmark, but the position must The articular processes of the vertebral bodies have dor-
be ascertained in each animal from the radiographs. sal articulations (except for C1/2 where the articulations
10 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


1.21 CT scans through the mid-bodies of A: T11, T12, T13 and L1 vertebrae in a Dachshund (same dog as 8.60, 8.61B); and
B: T12, T13, L1 and L2 vertebrae in a Springer spaniel after myelography. There is accumulation of contrast within the center of the
spinal cord at T12, as well as leakage through a presumed dural tear (arrow) after trauma (13.10). The rib articulates progressively
higher up the pedicle from T11 vertebra to T13.

1.22 CT scans through the

mid-bodies of A: T12 in a cat; and
B: L2 in a cat. T12 vertebra of a
cat is shown in 1.23A. Compare
these images with the dogs shown
in 1.21.


1.23 The proximity of the aorta

(arrowheads) is shown relative to
A: T12–T13 intervertebral space in
a cat (shown on a CT scan); and
B: L1 vertebra in a dog (shown on a
T1-weighted MRI). The vena cava is also
evident (arrow). The cava lies to the right
and somewhat ventral to the aorta.

Functional anatomy 11

a a

d e c

1.26 Lumbosacral vertebrae. L7 differs from the other lumbar

b vertebrae in that the spinous process is shorter (a). The
intervertebral foramen (b) lies cranial to the lumbosacral disc
(1.27). The sacrum comprises the three fused sacral vertebrae (c),
the spinous processes of which are fused and form a continuous
1.24 Lumbar vertebrae. The vertebral bodies are long (particularly ridge of bone (d). The lateral wing of the sacrum (e) articulates
in cats). The spinous processes are short and blunt and slant laterally with the wing of the ilium.
cranially (a). The transverse processes project laterally and
cranially (b). The articular processes are vertically oriented (c);
the caudal process of the cranial-most vertebra lies medial to the
cranial process of the caudal-most vertebra. There are accessory
processes on the pedicles (13.55C), which project caudally (d).


1.27 Sagittal MRI of a dog to show that the intervertebral

foramen of L7 (arrows) extends much more cranially than it does
in other vertebrae (L6/7 and L7/S1 disc spaces shown by
A arrowheads). This foramen is thought to act as a stress riser for
L7 fractures (1.26, 13.14, 13.21).

are ventral, and between the fused sacral vertebrae).

These joints have a capsule, articular cartilage and syn-
ovial fluid.

The vertebral bodies are joined by intervertebral discs
(1.3A, 1.6A, 1.9A, 1.29), with the exception of C1/2
along with the fused sacral vertebrae.
The intervertebral discs provide flexibility to the
vertebral column, and act as shock absorbers for the
spine. The capacity to absorb shock is diminished by
B age and degenerative changes. Intervertebral discs have
1.25 CT scans through the mid-bodies of A: L6; and B: L7
a poor blood supply; nutrients gain access by diffusion.
vertebrae. Note that the transverse process is located a little more The anulus fibrosus is supplied with pain fibers, mainly
dorsally on L7 relative to the vertebral canal than on L6 (13.56B). in the outer laminae (Forsythe and Ghoshal, 1984).
12 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Degeneration of the intervertebral discs occurs with

age and may precede disc herniation (Hansen, 1952). In
humans there is a general loss of water content (Jenkins
et al., 1985; Hickey et al., 1986) and of proteoglycans
with age (Taylor et al., 2000). Similar changes have
also been reported in dogs (Gysling, 1985; Cole et al.,
1986; Bray and Burbidge, 1998). The two main types of
disc degeneration in dogs are chondroid and fibroid
A • Chondroid metamorphosis occurs in
chondrodystrophoid breeds during the first 2 years
of life. As the disc degenerates, it dehydrates and at
the same time the nucleus pulposus is invaded by
hyaline cartilage. These two processes interfere
with the shock absorbing capacity of the disc by
reducing the hydrostatic properties of the nucleus
pulposus, and by weakening the fibers of the anulus
fibrosus. In most Dachshunds, by 2 years of age the
majority of discs have undergone chondroid
metamorphosis, and many nuclei have also
mineralized, changing from the former jelly-like
consistency into a dry, gritty substance. Normal
B wear and tear often causes severe weakening of the
intervertebral discs, especially at the thoracolumbar
1.28 The L7 nerve root runs in a lateral recess in the floor of junction. This explains why the peak incidence of
the vertebral canal of L7 before emerging from the intervertebral disc disease is between 3 and 6 years of age for
foramen. A: The lateral recesses can be seen clearly (arrows) in
most of the chondrodystrophoid breeds of dog.
this CT scan taken through the L7 vertebra. B: CT scan taken
through the sacrum and sacroiliac joints. Herniation of this type of disc is often termed
Hansen type I or a disc extrusion (1.30, 1.33).
• Fibroid metamorphosis occurs in non-
chondrodystrophoid breeds after middle age. The
nucleus pulposus dehydrates but is invaded by
fibrocartilage rather than hyaline cartilage. This
process has a much later onset than in chondroid
metamorphosis, and the discs are usually quite
normal while the dog is young and active. The
a nucleus pulposus does not undergo mineralization
as frequently as in discs that undergo chondroid
metaplasia. Clinical problems occur primarily in
older dogs and this type of herniation is often
termed Hansen type II disease (1.31). Hansen
type II lesions may or may not be responsible for
clinical signs (see below).

1.29 The divisions of the intervertebral disc are the outer anulus
fibrosus (a) and the inner nucleus pulposus (b). The anulus
fibrosus is made up of concentric fibrous laminae. The laminae DEFINITION OF DISC LESIONS
may not form complete rings, but they are interconnected with Although the Hansen classification system is useful
the adjacent laminae, thus forming a strong complete structure. as a general guide, there is considerable overlap between
The anulus fibrosus is thicker ventrally and laterally than it is type I and type II disc lesions. Each type of lesion can
dorsally and the nucleus pulposus is therefore eccentrically
also occur in both chondrodystrophoid and non-
positioned (1.9A). The anulus fibrosus is attached firmly to the
vertebral end plates by deeply penetrating (Sharpey’s) fibers. chondrodystrophoid breeds (Cudia and Duval, 1997).
The nucleus pulposus is a gelatinous structure in young dogs, Furthermore, there is a spectrum of chondrodystro-
but its characteristics change with age (see below). phoid breeds ranging from extreme like the Shih Tzu,
Functional anatomy 13

et al., 1995). The classification scheme used most

commonly for CT and MRI employs the terms normal,
bulge, protrusion, or extrusion. Extrusion is a fairly
distinct category used to describe disc material that has
clearly escaped the normal boundaries of the disc,
often to cause injury to neural structures.
Disc extrusions are rare in asymptomatic humans,
occurring in only 2 of 98 people in one study (Brant-
Zawadzki et al., 1995). However the terms normal,
bulge or protrusion include discs with identical degrees
of disruption and associated symptoms in humans.
Furthermore, there is only moderate interobserver
agreement when applying these three terms to MRIs of
disc lesions (Brant-Zawadzki et al., 1995; Milette et al.,
1999). A purely morphological description of the dis-
1.30 Hansen type I disc extrusion is most common in placement of disc material is therefore preferred to use
chondrodystrophoid breeds. Following chondroid metamorphosis,
of the terms normal, bulge and protrusion. An example
the nucleus pulposus extrudes into the vertebral canal
through the damaged anulus fibrosus. The nucleus may take a would be ‘dorsolateral displacement of the L7/S1 disc
tortuous route through the anular fibers or may explode through to the right causing impingement on the L7 nerve root’
a large defect (1.33). (Gorman and Hodak, 1997; Milette et al., 1999). Some
intervertebral discs may have an internal derangement
without obvious change in the contour of the disc.
These changes can nevertheless be an important cause
of clinical signs in humans and can only be diagnosed by
using either MRI or discography (Milette et al., 1999)
(see Chapter 4).

The nuchal ligament extends from the dorsal arch of the
axis to the spinous processes of the cranial thoracic ver-
tebrae (11.47, 11.48). This ligament lies deep in the
dorsal cervical musculature. It is a large structure but
can be sectioned at surgery if necessary without impair-
ing head and neck support. The supraspinous ligament
(1.32) continues along the tips of the spinal processes.
1.31 Hansen type II disc herniation. This occurs mainly
following fibroid metamorphosis, in the non-chondrodystrophoid The lumbodorsal fascia blends with this structure in the
breeds. The anulus fibrosus is damaged and there is thoracolumbar region. The interspinous ligament (1.32)
displacement of the intervertebral disc into the vertebral canal. is a fascial sheet that is found between the spinous
processes and is continuous with the lumbodorsal fascia
classical like the Beagle, to less obvious like the Basset in the lumbosacral region. The ligaments inside and out-
hound. An additional confounding factor is the high side the vertebral canal have a significant role in spinal
incidence of small- and medium-sized disc lesions in stability and mobility (1.32–1.35). The ligamentum
clinically normal animals. There is also a lack of a stan- flavum (10.27) is found in the roof of the vertebral canal
dardized nomenclature with which to describe disc and in the space between adjacent vertebral laminae.
abnormalities and this is a serious hindrance to proper It is continuous with the joint capsules of the articular
communication and particularly to the accurate use of processes, and may be significantly thickened in some
MRI (see Chapters 4 and 10) (Brant-Zawadzki et al., disease conditions, particularly lumbosacral disease
1995; Milette et al., 1999). The term herniation is and cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM). The fibers of
poorly defined and is therefore misused frequently. It the dorsal longitudinal ligament (1.33, 1.34) merge
is probably best reserved as a general term denoting a with those of the anulus fibrosus of the intervertebral
non-specific type of disc abnormality and should not be disc; both carry pain fibers (Forsythe and Ghoshal,
used to indicate clinical significance (Brant-Zawadzki 1984). The presence of the intercapital ligament (1.34)
14 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

b f

d a

1.32 The cut-away portion reveals the weak ventral longitudinal c

ligament (a) running along the ventral surface of the vertebral d
bodies and the much more substantial dorsal longitudinal
ligament (b) on the floor of the vertebral canal (1.33, 1.34). Also
shown are the supraspinous ligament (c); interspinous ligament
(d); intertransverse ligaments (e); and joint capsule covering the
articular processes (f).

1.34 The dorsal longitudinal ligament (a) lies on the floor of the
vertebral canal. The ligament is compact and narrow over the
vertebral bodies (b). It diverges and is thus thinner over the
intervertebral disc (c). Between the heads of the ribs (except T1,
T12 and T13) there is a reinforcing intercapital ligament (d),
which lies under the dorsal longitudinal ligament.

1.33 Dorsal view of the floor of the vertebral canal with the
spinal cord removed to show a type I disc extrusion. The
calcified nuclear material lies at the level of the intervertebral b
foramen, to one side of the dorsal longitudinal ligament. Note
how this ligament fans out over, and then merges with, the
dorsal surface of the anulus fibrosus.
contributes to the low incidence of intervertebral disc
extrusions in the thoracic spine between T2 and T11
(Wilkens et al., 1996).

Vertebral column
The arterial supply to the vertebral column is segmen-
tal, with a spinal branch entering the vertebral canal via
the intervertebral foramen, closely associated with the 1.35 The most significant ligament between C1 and C2 is
spinal nerve. The origin of the branches varies between the transverse ligament of the atlas (a), which runs between the
the regions of the spine (1.36–1.39) (Forsythe and sides of the atlas and over the dens, holding it down on to the
Ghoshal, 1984). floor of the atlas. Less significant are the apical ligament of
Venous drainage is via the internal vertebral venous the dens (b) (dens to foramen magnum) and the alar ligaments
(c) (dens to occipital bones). The dorsal atlantoaxial ligament
plexus, which comprises two valveless veins on the floor runs between the dorsal arch of C1 and the spinous process of
of the vertebral canal (often termed the venous C2 (1.14). There are two ventral synovial articulations between
sinuses). The veins converge at mid-vertebral body (and C1 and C2.
Functional anatomy 15

i g

h j
d c


1.36 Blood supply to the cervical spine. The arterial supply to the cervical vertebrae is from the paired vertebral arteries (a), which
run cranially from their origin on the subclavian arteries in the thorax. The arteries run through the transverse foramina (b) in the
transverse processes of the vertebrae (except C7). At each segment, there are dorsal (c) and ventral (d) muscular branches.
A significant vessel runs near the caudal edge of the articular processes (e). A spinal branch (f) enters the vertebral canal at each
intervertebral foramen; these supply the spinal cord. The vertebral artery branches at the atlas. The dorsal branch (g) runs over the
transverse process of C1, anastomoses with a branch of the occipital artery (h), and enters the vertebral canal through the lateral
vertebral foramen of C1 (i). The ventral branch runs under the transverse process and also anastomoses with a branch of the
occipital artery ( j). The internal vertebral venous plexus (venous sinus) (k) lies on the floor of the vertebral canal. The veins converge
at midvertebral body (and sometimes join) (l), and then diverge again over the intervertebral disc (m). In the atlas and axis, the veins
of the internal vertebral venous plexus are much more laterally positioned. Thus, in attempting to collect CSF from the
cerebellomedullary cistern, the veins may be perforated if the needle strays from the midline.

1.37 The thoracic spine is supplied by

spinal branches (a) from the intercostal
arteries (b), which enter the vertebral
canal via the intervertebral foramina.
The internal vertebral venous plexus
drains into the major veins of the dorsal
thorax (c), mainly the azygous vein.

16 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1.38 The lumbar spine is supplied by spinal

d branches (a) of the lumbar arteries (b), which
a arise from the aorta (c). Each lumbar artery
also gives rise to a nutrient vessel that enters
the vertebral body (Evans, 1993). A dorsal
branch runs caudally behind the articular
processes in the musculature (d). The lumbar
internal vertebral venous plexus drains into
major veins of the abdomen (e), mainly the
azygous vein and the caudal vena cava.

e c b

h a

1.39 The blood supply to the spinal cord arises from the spinal arteries (a), which enter the vertebral canal through the intervertebral
foramina. These branch into dorsal (b) and ventral (c) radicular arteries. These arteries supply an anastomotic network on the surface
of the spinal cord, deep to the dura mater. There are paired dorsolateral spinal arteries (d), which run on the dorsal spinal cord.
These vessels may be tortuous and not recognizable as a distinct entity. There is a ventral spinal artery (e), which runs in the ventral
fissure. There are multiple anastomotic arteries connecting the main vessels. The segmental arteries are inconsistently present, such
that several segments may be supplied by one spinal artery. The distribution is also not symmetrical. The spinal cord substance is
supplied by various arteries that penetrate the surface. The vertical arteries (f) arise from the ventral spinal artery and pass dorsally
through the ventral fissure. They supply most of the gray matter and some white matter. Radial arteries (g) pass centrally from the
arteries on the cord surface, and enter the spinal cord substance. They supply the white matter and the peripheral gray matter.
The areas of spinal cord supplied by each branch have been described (de Lahunta and Alexander, 1976). The venous drainage of
the cord is also in a radial pattern, to a network of surface veins (h). These drain into the internal vertebral venous plexus on the floor
of the vertebral canal (i). These are large, valve-free vessels that have occasional anastomoses in the midline. The plexus drains at
the intervertebral foramina through the intervertebral veins. There are also veins draining the vertebral bodies into the plexus, and
drainage through the vertebral bodies (1.19).
Functional anatomy 17

sometimes join) and diverge over the intervertebral disc Hare, W.C.D. (1961) Radiographic anatomy of the cervical region of
the canine vertebral column. Part I: Fully developed vertebrae II:
(7.43). They are thin walled and easily damaged. The Developing vertebrae. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
venous plexus drains at the intervertebral foramina via Association 139, 209–220.
the intervertebral veins into the vertebral veins. The Hickey, D.S., Aspden, R.M., Hukins, D.W., Jenkins, J.P., Isherwood, I.
(1986) Analysis of magnetic resonance images from normal and degen-
intervertebral veins may be single at each foramen, or erate lumbar intervertebral discs. Spine 11, 702–708.
may be paired, in which case they surround the spinal Jenkins, J.P., Hickey, D.S., Zhu, X.P., Machin, M., Isherwood, I. (1985)
nerve. The intervertebral veins are fragile and can bleed MR imaging of the intervertebral disc: a quantitative study. British
Journal of Radiology 58, 705–709.
profusely if damaged. Milette, P.C., Fontaine, S., Lepanto, L., Cardinal, E., Breton, G. (1999)
Differentiating lumbar disc protrusions, disc bulges, and discs with nor-
mal contour but abnormal signal intensity. Magnetic resonance imaging
REFERENCES with discographic correlations. Spine 24, 44–53.
Olby, N.J., Harris, T., Munana, K.R., Skeen, T.M., Sharp, N.J.H. (2003)
Brant-Zawadzki, M.N., Jensen, M.C., Obuchowski, N., Ross, J.S., Modic, Long-term functional outcome of dogs with severe injuries of the thoraco-
M.T. (1995) Interobserver and intraobserver variability in interpretation lumbar spinal cord: 87 cases (1996–2001). Journal of the American
of lumbar disc abnormalities. A comparison of two nomenclatures. Spine Veterinary Medical Association 222, 762–769.
20, 1257–1263; discussion 1264. Parker, A.J. (1973) Distribution of spinal branches of the thoracolumbar
Bray, J.P., Burbidge, H.M. (1998) The canine intervertebral disk. Part Two: segmental arteries in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research 34,
degenerative changes—non-chondrodystrophoid versus chondrodys- 1351–1353.
trophoid disks. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 34, Penderis, J., Sullivan, M., Schwarz, T., Griffiths, I.R. (1999) Subdural
135–144. injection of contrast medium as a complication of myelography. Journal
Cole, T.C., Ghosh, P., Taylor, T.K.F. (1986) Variations of the proteoglycans of Small Animal Practice 40, 173–176.
of the canine intervertebral disc with ageing. Biochimica et Biophysica Taylor, T.K., Melrose, J., Burkhardt, D., Ghosh, P., Claes, L.E., Kettler, A.,
Acta 880, 209–219. Wilke, H.J. (2000) Spinal biomechanics and aging are major determin-
Cook, J.R., Oliver, J.E. (1981) Atlantoaxial luxation in the dog. Compendium ants of the proteoglycan metabolism of intervertebral disc cells. Spine
on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 3, 242–250. 25, 3014–3020.
Cudia, S.P., Duval, J.M. (1997) Thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease Wilkens, B.E., Selcer, R., Adams, W.H., Thomas, W.B. (1996) T9–T10
in large, nonchondrodystrophic dogs: a retrospective study. Journal of the intervertebral disc herniation in three dogs. Veterinary and Comparative
American Animal Hospital Association 33, 456–460. Orthopaedics and Traumatology 9, 177–178.
de Lahunta, A., Alexander, J.W. (1976) Ischemic myelopathy secondary
to presumed fibrocartilaginous embolism in nine dogs. Journal of the
Americal Animal Hospital Association 12, 37–48.
Evans, H.E. (1993) Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog, 3rd edn. Philadelphia: FURTHER READING
WB Saunders. Boyd, J.S., Patterson, C. (1991) A Colour Atlas of Clinical Anatomy of the
Fletcher, T.F. (1970) Lumbosacral plexus and pelvic limb myotomes of the Dog and Cat. London: Wolfe Publishing.
dog. American Journal of Veterinary Research 31, 35–41. Caulkins, S.E., Purinton, P.T., Oliver, J.E. (1989) Arterial supply to the
Forsythe, W.B., Ghoshal, N.G. (1984) Innervation of the canine thoraco- spinal cord of dogs and cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research 50,
lumbar vertebral column. The Anatomical Record 208, 57–63. 425–430.
Garcia, J.N.P., Milthorpe, B.K., Russell, D., Johnson, K.A. (1994) de Lahunta, A. (1983) Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology.
Biomechanical study of canine spinal fracture fixation using pins or bone Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
screws with polymethylmethacrylate. Veterinary Surgery 23, 322–329. Jenkins, T.W. (1978) Functional Mammalian Neuroanatomy. Philadelphia:
Gorman, W.F., Hodak, J.A. (1997) Herniated intervertebral disc without Lea & Febiger.
pain. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 90, 185–190. King, A.S. (1987) Physiological and Clinical Anatomy of the Domestic
Gysling, C. (1985) Ageing process of intervertebral disks in the German Mammals, Vol. 1, Central nervous system. Oxford: Oxford University
Shepherd dog [Abstract of Dissertation, Zurich Univ.]. Schweizer Archiv Press.
fur Tierheilkunde 127, 53–54. Worthman, R.P. (1956) The longitudinal vertebral venous sinuses of the
Hansen, H.J. (1952) A pathologic–anatomical study on disc degeneration dog. American Journal of Veterinary Research 17, 341–363.
in dogs. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavia Suppl. 11, 1–117.
Patient examination Chapter

age should be considered, but again this information

Approach to the patient 19
must be used with care.
History 19
Physical examination 19 Taking a history and performing a full clinical examina-
tion are prerequisites to the neurological examination.
Neurological examination 20
The history often leads to a provisional diagnosis. Of
Stage 1: Patient in upright position 20
particular note is evidence of trauma; whether the con-
Stage 2: Patient in lateral recumbency 25
dition is progressive, static, or episodic; previous episodes
of disease; signs of pain; vaccination status; travel history;
Localization of lesions 28
and urinary function. In particular, does the animal let
Assessment of the brachial and lumbosacral
the owner know that it needs to urinate, can it void a
plexus 30
stream of urine or does it just dribble urine without
being aware of it? Owners sometimes say that their dog
Assessing the severity of the lesion 31
is incontinent because every time they pick it up it uri-
Determining the etiology 32 nates, when in fact this just occurs because of pressure
being placed on its abdomen.
References 32
Further reading 33
A general physical examination must be made in all
patients. If there has been trauma or if anesthesia is con-
The clinical syndromes seen in animals with spinal dis- templated, involvement of other body systems must be
ease are recognized generally from either the history or determined (Neer, 1992) (2.1). Also, some patients in
the physical findings. Spinal disease should also be con- which spinal disease is suspected have disorders of other
sidered in animals with non-specific pain, exercise intoler-
ance or lameness not caused by orthopedic disease
(McDonnell et al., 2001). This chapter discusses the
approach to a patient in which spinal disease is suspected.


The aims of patient examination are as follows:
• Determine whether the problem is spinal in origin.
• Locate the site of the disorder.
• Assess the severity of the neurological deficit.
• Identify the disease process.
• Determine the most appropriate form of treatment.
• Predict the prognosis.
Knowledge of the breed incidence of spinal diseases 2.1 Damage to thoracic or abdominal viscera is common
is useful in the initial assessment, but it is a mistake to use after trauma. Here bile duct rupture has given rise to extensive
such information as the only basis for diagnosis. Similarly, peritoneal contamination (see page 282).
20 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

systems. It is not at all unusual for orthopedic disorders to It is useful to have a form on which to write the find-
mimic spinal conditions; examples are given in Table 2.1. ings of the neurological examination (2.2). This insures
Careful clinical examination should identify such that no aspect of the examination is missed, provides a
problems, and particular note should be made of joint permanent record, prevents errors and permits more
pain or enlargement, as these signs are present in many accurate comparisons of any serial examinations. A video
dogs misdiagnosed as having neurological disorders. can also be made of the patient for this purpose.
The presence of any spinal pain or deformity should
also be noted. The quality of the femoral pulse must Stage 1: Patient in upright position
be determined, particularly in acutely paralysed cats
although thromboembolism also occurs in dogs (Boswood
Watch the patient as it relaxes in the examination room.
et al., 2000) (see Chapter 14).
Let it move to the best of its ability, unless it has an
It is straightforward to perform a screening neuro-
acute spinal injury, when movement should be restricted.
logical examination as part of a general physical exami-
Note the degree of motor function, the gait (particularly
nation (Table 2.2). If abnormalities are detected, carry
noting any asymmetry) and the general demeanor. In
out a more complete neurological examination.
cats, this part of the examination is particularly import-
ant as later parts may be difficult to perform. It is use-
ful to listen to dogs as they walk on a hard surface; if
NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION proprioceptive deficits are present, the examiner may
The neurological examination is carried out with the aims hear the claws scuff.
of determining the precise location of the spinal lesion
and its severity. The neurological examination described DETERMINE THE LOCOMOTOR STATUS
here is performed readily with the animal upright in the The animal is encouraged to move, except where an
first instance, and later placed in lateral recumbency. acute spinal injury has occurred or if there is severe

Table 2.1 Disorders that can mimic spinal disease

Systemic Uni- or Bilateral Generalized orthopedic Neuromuscular

disorders orthopedic disorders disorders disorders

Endocarditis Osteochondritis dissecans Hypertrophic osteodystrophy Generalized myopathies

Cardiac insufficiency Cranial cruciate ligament injury Polyarthritis Ischemic neuromyopathy
Hypertension Tibial crest avulsion Panosteitis Neuropathies
Upper airway disease Fractures Radiculopathies
Hyperkalemia Coxofemoral osteoarthritis Junctionopathies
Hypokalemia Patellar luxation
Hypocalcemia Septic arthritis
Hypoglycemia Biceps tendonitis
Hyperthyroidism Infraspinatus contracture
Addison’s disease Gracilis contracture
Pheochromocytoma Achilles tendon rupture
Psoas muscle injury

Table 2.2 Screening neurological examination

Postural Cranial Spinal Spinal Bladder

Observation reactions nerves reflexes hyperesthesia function

Mental status Paw position Menace Patellar Cervical Historical

Posture Hopping Pupillary light reflex Withdrawal Thoracolumbar Leakage?
Gait Oculovestibular Perineal Lumbosacral Voiding?
response Cutaneous trunci
Jaw tone; temporal reflexes
muscle mass
Facial sensation
Palpebral reflex
Patient examination 21


OBSERVATION (Spinal cord segments)
Mental status (e.g. alert, depressed, stupor, coma) Triceps
Posture (e.g. normal, paraparesis, hemiparesis, head tilt, tremor)
Gait (e.g. ataxia, circling) (C6-C8)
Withdrawal (thoracic limb)
Hopping (Femoral)
Front (L4-L6)
Rear Gastrocnemius
Paw position (Tibial, sciatic)
Front (L6-S1)
Rear Withdrawal (pelvic limb)
Reflex step (Sciatic)
Front (L6-S1)
Tactile placing Perineal
Front (S1-S2)
Visual placing
Voluntary urination?
Wheelbarrowing Bladder distention?
Extensor postural thrust
Overflow / ease of manual expression

Menace response
(II & VII) Level of cut-off (dermatome)

SML Pupil size SML

Pupillary light reflex DEEP PAIN PERCEPTION
(II & III)
Stimulate left eye Thoracic limb
Stimulate right eye
Pelvic limb
(III, IV & VI) Tail
Spontaneous nystagmus
Positional nystagmus
Oculovestibular response BRAIN Side
(III, IV, VI & VIII) Forebrain
Facial sensation Brainstem
Jaw tone
(V) Vestibular - peripheral
Temporal muscle mass Vestibular - central
(V) Multifocal
Corneal reflex
(V, VI & VII)
Facial symmetry
(VIII) C1 - C5
Palpebral reflex C6 - T2
(V & VII)
T3 - L3
Hearing (hand clap)
(VIII) L4 - S3
Swallowing or ‘gag reflex’
EYES Generalised
Horner’s Syndrome
Fundic examination MUSCULAR



2.2 Form for neurological examination. The DAMNIT scheme can be listed on the reverse side with room to add differential
diagnoses and the diagnostic plan(s).
22 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

2.4 Proprioception: paw position response where an animal’s
body-weight is supported fully and then each paw is turned
over individually to bring the dorsal surface into contact with the
ground. Normal animals return the paw to an upright position
almost immediately; those with neurological disease cranial to
the limb may leave the paw flexed. If proprioception is normal,
spinal cord disease is unlikely to be present.

2.3 A: Hopping in the thoracic limb. The patient’s body is

supported with only one limb bearing weight on the ground,
and then it is moved laterally. The animal will not be able to hop
normally if it has a proprioceptive deficit or impaired motor
function. In a large dog this can be done by just lifting one
thoracic limb and then moving the dog sideways. B: Hopping
in the pelvic limb. Large dogs can be hopped as described for
the thoracic limb.

pain. Patients that appear paraplegic at rest may show

some voluntary movement if supported by a sling
(15.9A) or if held by the base of their tails. Unilateral
weaknesses and sensory deficits may be revealed by 2.5 Boxer dog with proprioceptive loss in the left pelvic limb.
hopping (2.3), hemistanding and hemiwalking tests. As Severe deficits such as this are evident even if the animal’s
weight is not supported properly.
hopping also requires good motor function and intact
proprioception, it is included in the section on proprio-
ceptive testing below.
Assess muscle strength, if the patient is able to stand, Tactile placing can be tested as in 2.10 but with
by pressing down on the shoulders and hips. Following the animal’s eyes covered or, in small patients, with
these tests, the locomotor status can then be classified, the animal’s body curved around the examiner’s
for example paraparetic, hemiparetic and tetraparetic. abdomen so that its head is pointing away from the
table. The thoracic and pelvic limbs on the side nearest
ASSESS PROPRIOCEPTION to the table are then touched gently against the table
This is evaluated in the standing animal by the paw edge. The animal should immediately lift up the
position test and the reflex step (2.4, 2.6). Animals foot; the contralateral limbs are then repositioned so
with deficits of proprioception that can still walk often that they are adjacent to the table and the process is
wear the dorsum of their digit(s) or claw(s). repeated.
Patient examination 23

2.6 A, B: Proprioception can also be

tested by the ‘reflex step’, where a piece
of paper is placed under the foot and
pulled laterally. The animal should return
the foot briskly to a normal position; an
abnormal response is to let the foot slide
away from the body. This test probably
assesses proprioception more in the
proximal part of the limb than the test
shown in 2.4.

2.7 Wheelbarrowing test. The pelvic limbs are lifted off the
ground as shown and the animal made to walk forward.
This test can reveal thoracic limb paresis and exacerbates
asymmetrical lesions. Elevating the head on this test will
sometimes unmask hypermetria.

2.9 Extensor postural thrust. The patient is held up, as shown,

and lowered to the surface. The normal animal will push away
with the pelvic limbs and step backwards. This test is useful in
revealing pelvic limb deficits.

2.8 Wheelbarrow testing in large dogs is particularly useful to

identify subtle weakness in the thoracic limbs that might indicate
a cervical lesion in a dog that at first sight appears to be only
weak in its rear limbs.


Determine the degree of bladder filling, and the ease
with which urine is expressed by palpating the
2.10 Placing test. Here visual placing is being evaluated as the
abdomen. Urinary incontinence is often a feature of animal can see the table edge. Visual placing evaluates vision
spinal disorders, and some assessment of urinary func- and motor function. Tactile placing evaluates sensation,
tion should have been gained from the history. proprioception and motor function.
24 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

If neurogenic urinary incontinence is present, it is intact on the contralateral side. Thoracolumbar lesions
important to determine if it is LMN or UMN in nature may interfere with the afferent part of the cutaneous
(Table 15.6): trunci reflex, which will be intact only in dermatomes
• The LMN bladder is typically large, flaccid, and supplied by segments cranial to a spinal cord lesion and
easily expressed. This is usually associated with will be absent in the segments caudal to it. Lesions cau-
lesions of the sacral spinal cord segments or nerve dal to L1 spinal cord segment usually have a normal
roots. Some animals, particularly cats with cutaneous trunci response as the L1 dermatome extends
sacrocaudal injuries, can nevertheless be difficult to to the level of the tuber coxae (2.12).
express due to high sphincter tone, probably from
unopposed sympathetic tone via the uninjured
hypogastric nerve (see page 351).
Determine the presence of spinal hyperesthesia by
• The UMN bladder is characteristically tense palpating the vertebral column and evaluating the
and difficult to express unless grossly distended,
patient’s response (2.13, 2.14). This is an important
because urethral sphincter tone is often increased.
step in the examination. The degree of pressure to be
This is seen with lesions cranial to the sacral
segments, usually those affecting the T3–L3
spinal cord region (see ‘Disorders of micturition’,
page 351).
The importance of determining the type of inconti- T13

nence is two-fold. Appropriate drug therapy can be deter-

mined from this information (see ‘Pharmacological T13
manipulation of micturition’, page 351). Also, the prog- T12
nosis for recovery of urinary function is often worse for
LMN incontinence compared to most UMN lesions.


This is tested by pinching the skin along the dorsal sur-
face of the trunk with fine forceps and observing the
twitch of the cutaneous trunci muscle on both the ipsi-
lateral and, to a lesser extent, the contralateral side 2.12 The cutaneous trunci reflex. Stimulation of the skin of
(2.11, 2.12). There is crossing of the pathway within the back activates the reflex, the efferent arm of which is the
the spinal cord, leading to a bilateral response after uni- lateral thoracic nerve arising from segments C8 and T1
and leaving the caudal part of the brachial plexus (a). The
lateral stimulation. In thoracic limb paresis, the cuta-
dermatomes are positioned some distance caudal to their
neous trunci reflex will also be absent on the affected respective vertebrae as illustrated here.
side if the lesion involves the C8 and T1 spinal cord
segments, roots or nerves (1.4 and page 30), but will be

2.13 Examining the neck for evidence of pain. Palpating the

2.11 The cutaneous trunci reflex is activated by pinching the neck muscles and moving the neck is usually adequate to reveal
skin over the lumbar spine with forceps or by a gentle needle pain, as evidenced by an increase in tension (guarding) and by
prick, which leads to a twitch of the cutaneous trunci muscle. muscle fasciculations.
Patient examination 25

applied when determining the presence of pain varies CRANIAL NERVE EXAMINATION
between patients. In a dog with neck pain caused by a Even though abnormal cranial nerve findings may not be
cervical disc extrusion, it is often adequate to palpate expected in spinal disorders, some animals with multi-
the cervical muscles gently. It is not usually necessary focal neurological disease present predominantly with
to put the head in extreme positions to reach this con- signs of spinal dysfunction (14.15). It is therefore impor-
clusion. Some animals do not show pain but guard tant to assess the entire nervous system (de Lahunta,
against neck movement with an increase in resistance 2001; Braund and Sharp, 2003). In addition, particular
compared to normal. In some more stoic dogs, greater note should be made of the presence of any component
force may be required either by downward pressure on of Horner’s syndrome (ptosis, miosis, enophthalmos and
the spinous processes or along the transverse processes. third eyelid protrusion), which occurs with interference
The transverse processes of C6 (4.6) can also be to the sympathetic supply to the eye. Note that some
manipulated percutaneously in most dogs to assess for animals will only show miosis without the other compo-
low cervical pain. nents. The resultant anisocoria is missed easily unless
Spinal pain can arise as a result of discogenic pain tested specifically (2.15). The pupils should be assessed
(Morgan et al., 1993); dorsal longitudinal ligament carefully for anisocoria by looking through an ophthalmo-
damage; nerve root irritation; stretching or inflammation scope held about 60 cm from the animal’s face. This will
of the meninges; and bone pain. In humans, back pain produce a tapetal reflection that allows easy comparison
can also arise from the sacroiliac and facet joints; these of pupil sizes even in a well-lit room; it is particularly
are likely to be potential causes of pain in animals as important in animals with a dark iris. Isolated miosis may
well but would be much harder to confirm than in be a feature of spinal disease if the cervical or cranial tho-
humans (Pang et al., 1998) (see Chapter 14). racic spinal cord segments, or the nerve roots of the
In some animals with spinal disease, pain is the only brachial plexus, are involved. An ophthalmoscopic exam-
clinical abnormality, neurological function being normal. ination should also be carried out to look for fundic
lesions indicative of inflammatory CNS disease.

Stage 2: Patient in lateral recumbency

The patient is then placed in lateral recumbency and
each limb evaluated, with the aim of placing it into one
of the following categories:
• Normal.
• LMN-type abnormality.
• UMN-type abnormality.
An understanding of functional anatomy is required
to appreciate the difference between these types of
deficit (1.12, 1.13).
The effect of lesions on the LMN and UMN systems
2.14 Palpating the thoracolumbar spine for pain. For can be considered in terms of motor function, muscle
assessment of lumbosacral hyperesthesia see page 184. atrophy, muscle tone and local reflexes. The clinical

2.15 A: Isolated miosis due to loss of

sympathetic outflow after brachial plexus
injury. B: Iatrogenic Horner’s syndrome
in a cat that has just had inflammatory
polyps removed from the middle ear.
The ptosis and prolapsed third eyelid are
visible although the pupil is somewhat
obscured. Tumors of the brachial plexus
may demonstrate several components of
Horner’s syndrome but often only show
miosis in the early stages.

26 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 2.3 Differentiation of LMN vs UMN abnormalities

Lower motor neuron (LMN) Upper motor neuron (UMN)

Motor function Paresis or paralysis Paresis or paralysis

Reflexes Absent or reduced Normal or increased

Muscle tone Reduced Normal or increased

Muscle atrophy Severe, early—neurogenic Late, mild—disuse

2.17 Paraplegic dog with stiff, hyperextended thoracic limbs

and digits; sometimes the neck is also extended—the
Schiff–Sherrington sign. Thoracic spinal cord lesions may
interfere with inhibitory neurons that have their cell bodies (the
border cells) in the L1–L7 spinal cord segments (Braund and
2.16 Neurogenic atrophy. It is useful to evaluate muscles Sharp, 2003). Axons from these cells pass cranially to inhibit
that have a definitive bony border, for example the spinatus neurons supplying the thoracic limb extensor muscles.
muscles as shown, the cranial tibial muscle and the muscles
over the pelvis.
Muscle atrophy is assessed by observing and palpating
signs that allow differentiation between UMN and major muscle groups (2.16).
LMN abnormalities are summarized in Table 2.3.
LMN deficits are characterized by paresis or par- MUSCLE TONE
alysis; severe (neurogenic) muscle atrophy (2.16); Test muscle tone by gently flexing and extending
reduced tone in the affected muscles; and depressed or the joints. Normally there is some resistance to such
absent reflexes. UMN deficits show paresis or paraly- manipulation. An incorrect impression of increased
sis; mild (disuse) muscle atrophy; normal or increased tone may be gained in excitable or fractious animals,
muscle tone; and normal or hyperactive reflexes. There or if the animal has a painful orthopedic condition.
is some variation in mild cases, but from the neurologi- Increased tone in the thoracic limbs is seen in the
cal examination, it should be possible to categorize each Schiff–Sherrington sign (2.17). This sign (see ‘Ascending
limb as being ‘normal’, ‘UMN-type abnormality’, or motor tract’, page 6) does not necessarily denote a
‘LMN-type abnormality’. hopeless prognosis (13.7).


This has been evaluated previously. With the animal in There are a number of local reflexes available for exami-
lateral recumbency, the examination proceeds as follows. nation, but it is usual to concentrate on the patellar,
Patient examination 27

2.20 In the pelvic limb critical assessment should be made of

hock flexion to assess for evidence of LMN weakness (2.27). It
may also be necessary to stimulate the withdrawal reflex with
forceps placed over the nail bed or digit in order to evoke a
behaviural response for deep pain evaluation (2.21).
2.18 The flexor or withdrawal reflex is stimulated by pinching
the toe, which results in flexion of the limb. It is important to
persist with the stimulus until it is clear that all the limb joints are as clonus, where the limb vibrates briefly after the first
flexing. Loss of elbow flexion is often the most sensitive initial kick. It must be remembered, however, that
indicator of a weak thoracic limb withdrawal reflex. While the many animals with UMN lesions have a normal patellar
flexor reflex is being evoked, the contralateral limb should also reflex. A different type of exaggerated patellar reflex
be observed for reflex extension—the crossed extensor reflex.
can be seen in animals with LMN lesions involving the
sciatic nerve or its origins. The hamstring muscle group
innervated by the sciatic nerve normally counteracts or
damps the reflex kick of the patellar reflex. Interference
with sciatic nerve function can reduce this damping
effect and lead to an increased reflex, so that the lower
limb will oscillate after an initial brisk kick. This is
termed ‘pseudohyperreflexia’ or an oscillating patellar
reflex. In tense patients, the patellar reflex may not
respond at all in the upper limb whereas it does in the
lower limb; it is then important to test the reflexes
with the dog on its opposite side. In most animals the
reflex can also be elicited in the standing position if the
limb is relaxed.
2.19 The patellar reflex is evoked by tapping the straight
patellar ligament. It can be done on either the upper or the lower DEEP PAIN SENSATION OR NOCICEPTION
limb, in contrast to the withdrawal reflex that is unreliable in the On testing the withdrawal reflex, note the patient’s
lower limb. behaviural response to the stimulus (2.21). Formerly
called deep pain sensation, this is more correctly
flexor (withdrawal) and perineal reflexes (2.18–2.20). referred to as nociception although the terms are used
The perineal reflex can be elicited by squeezing the base interchangeably in this text (de Lahunta, 2001). A turn
of penis or the perineal region. Anal tone can be assessed of the head or vocalization should be seen in response to
by a rectal examination or using a thermometer. the pinch, indicating that the painful stimulus has been
Other reflexes such as the triceps, biceps, and gas- transmitted up the spinal cord to the brain. If there is no
trocnemius may also be tested. However, they are such response then the stimulus must be increased, usu-
found inconsistently in normal animals and their main ally by using larger instruments such as needle holders,
significance is in finding hyperactive responses in UMN pliers, or even with an electrical stimulator (13.36B)
disorders. Increased patellar reflexes are often seen in across the digit or nail bed. Confirmation of a loss of
UMN lesions cranial to the L4–L6 spinal cord segments. deep pain is often provided by the animal showing a line
When this occurs there are sustained contractions known of analgesia over its flank. The animal responds to
28 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

b c d



2.21 Testing nociception or deep pain sensation using pliers C1–C5

(Scott, 1997; Scott and McKee, 1999). The reflex withdrawal of
the limb must not be mistaken for a behaviural response. C6–T2
Similarly, some animals will react to the change in body position LMN UMN
induced by the withdrawal reflex. Ideally, the withdrawal reflex
should be initiated first, and then further pressure applied to T3–L3
evaluate nociception (6.2, 13.36B).

pinching skin of dermatomes arising cranial to a lesion NORMAL LMN
but shows no response in those arising caudally.
Animals with cervical injuries very rarely lose deep
pain. This is because animals that suffer spinal cord 2.22 Lesions in specific regions will produce different
injuries severe enough to interfere with nociception combinations of neurological signs. Lesions in the cervical spinal
usually are left with no motor function, which results in cord (a) produce UMN signs in all four limbs. Lesions in the
segments of the cervical intumescence (b) produce LMN deficits
rapid asphyxiation. This emphasizes the importance of in the thoracic limbs and UMN signs in the pelvic limbs. Lesions
assessing for hypoventilation in any severely tetraparetic in the thoracolumbar cord (c) produce UMN signs in the pelvic
or tetraplegic animal (6.1, 7.11). One example where limbs only, with normal thoracic limbs (the Schiff–Sherrington
there may be a unilateral decrease in deep pain after sign may be present in peracute lesions). Lesions in the lumbar
cervical injury is following catastrophic failure of a disc intumescence (d) produce LMN signs in the pelvic limbs, tail
and perineum; the thoracic limbs are normal.
after trauma. Here the nucleus pulposus explodes dorso-
laterally to cause devastating, asymmetrical neurologi-
cal deficits (Griffiths, 1970). innervation to the thoracic and pelvic limbs respec-
Absence of deep pain sensation therefore indicates tively. Area B also conveys UMNs to the pelvic limbs.
severe spinal cord damage (see ‘Assessing the severity It can be seen in 1.12 that part of the LMN lies
of the lesion’, page 31; ‘Spinal cord nerve fibers and the within the spinal cord; lesions in areas B and D of the
effect of compression’, page 6; ‘Mechanisms of recov- spinal cord will therefore produce LMN signs in the
ery after spinal cord injury’, page 87). limbs. Variations are possible, for example in some ani-
mals with myelopathy affecting the caudal cervical
segments, the thoracic limbs often show a mixture
LOCALIZATION OF LESIONS of UMN and LMN signs. They may show increased
On the basis of the neurological examination, it is usu- thoracic limb muscle tone, which is an UMN effect on
ally possible to identify the location of the spinal cord the elbow and carpal extensor muscles (Seim and
lesion (2.22). Functionally, the spinal cord may be Withrow, 1982). In addition, there is often an associ-
divided into four regions: ated LMN weakness of the elbow flexors resulting in a
• A: C1–C5. weak withdrawal reflex. Dogs with severe C6–T2 signs
• B: C6–T2 (cervical intumescence). also have a short-strided, choppy or ‘disconnected’
• C: T3–L3. thoracic limb gait and a long-strided, ataxic pelvic limb
• D: L4–S3 (lumbar intumescence). gait (see Chapter 11). In contrast, dogs with C1–C5
Areas A and C, the cervical and thoracolumbar spinal signs often show a long-strided or ‘floating’ thoracic
cord, convey primarily the UMNs. Areas B and D, the limb gait together with a long-strided, ataxic pelvic limb
cervicothoracic and lumbosacral spinal cord, provide gait (Baum et al., 1992).
Patient examination 29

When considering the neurological localization, • Rarely an animal will have no cranial nerve deficits
remember that the spinal cord segments are not all and will appear to localize to the C1–C5 spinal
contained in the vertebra of the same number, espe- cord segments when it actually has a lesion in its
cially in the cervical and lumbar region (1.2, 1.5). brainstem (2.23).
Examples of potential pitfalls in neurological examina- • Animals with cerebellar disease as well as those with
tion include: spinal cord lesions affecting the spinocerebellar
• LMN deficits in all limbs generally indicate diffuse tracts often show hypermetric and dysmetric limb
peripheral nerve or neuromuscular disease. movements. Animals with primary cerebellar disease
Occasionally, deficits may only be present in either (see ‘Neuroaxonal dystrophy’, page 320), can usually
the thoracic limbs or the pelvic limbs early in the be distinguished as they have additional signs such as
course of generalized LMN diseases. head tremors, dysmetric movements or menace
• If there are any cranial nerve deficits, or signs deficits (Holliday, 1980).
such as a change in mentation or behavior, then • Animals with cervical lesions can sometimes show
it is very unlikely that the animal only has a spinal vestibular signs. Local nerve blocks or neurectomy
cord lesion. of the first cervical dorsal nerve roots produces
vestibular signs in monkeys and in horses (Biemond
and De Jong, 1969; Mayhew, 1999).
• ‘Central cord syndrome’ can cause unusual signs.
With this condition a high-cervical lesion causes
tetraparesis with much more severe deficits in the
thoracic limbs than in the pelvic limbs; spinal
reflexes are preserved in all four limbs.
• An LMN lesion may obscure a concomitant UMN
lesion (2.24).
• Animals with some spinal cord lesions, such as
arachnoid cysts or intramedullary tumors, may
show urinary or fecal incontinence while still able
to walk (12.4).
• Apparent paraparesis due to a mild cervical lesion
(see Chapters 7 and 11).
• A lesion in the sacral spinal cord segments can
2.23 Eight-year-old Golden retriever with acute onset of left mimic nerve root compression at the lumbosacral
hemiparesis and inability to stand. Neurological deficits localized junction (2.25).
to C1–C5 spinal cord segments. No lesions were detected in
the cervical spine; CT scan revealed a mass in the left medulla. • Animals with a choppy thoracic limb gait and
In retrospect, the only clue to a brainstem lesion was a subtle paraparesis may have a lesion between T1–T6
decrease in mental status. (3.36A).


2.24 Aged Dalmatian with mild, progressive paraparesis, dilated anus and urinary incontinence. Neurological deficits localized to
the L7–S2 spinal cord segments. A CT scan of the lumbosacral space was unremarkable (10.2B, 10.10A). A: Myelography
revealed masses (arrowheads) in the subarachnoid space at C1/2 on the right; caudal C2 on the left. B: Cranial C6 on the right;
mid-C7 on the right; and a number of small filling defects over the lumbar cord (not shown). The mass at C2 was a nerve sheath
tumor with subarachnoid metastasis (4.27, 4.28).
30 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


2.25 Seven-year-old Shih Tzu that presented initially with loss of tail tone and then mild paraparesis, anal arreflexia and incontinence
over the next 8 months. Localization was to the cauda equina or L4–S3 spinal cord segments. T1-weighted MRIs post contrast
medium. A: sagittal and B: transverse images show that the dog has an enhancing mass (arrows), most likely a nerve sheath tumor,
involving the right L5 nerve root and invading the sacral spinal cord segments. The lumbosacral disc space appears normal.

2.26 A: Dog with a brachial plexus

avulsion injury affecting the caudal portion
of its left brachial plexus. It is unable to fix
the carpal or elbow joint but can still flex
its elbow joint due to preserved cranial
plexal function. It has also begun to
mutilate its foot. B: This dog sustained an
injury to both the cranial and caudal
portions of its right brachial plexus. It is
unable to flex the elbow or to bear weight
on the limb (note dropped elbow and
collapsed carpal joints) and is at high risk
of abrading its foot.


Assessment of the brachial and the plexus (C5, C6 and C7). Deficits of the cranial
lumbosacral plexus plexus cause loss of elbow flexion and may result in
Lesions affecting these areas may be missed if specific subluxation of the shoulder joint. The radial, median
testing is not performed. Animals must be assessed for and ulnar nerves derive mainly from more caudal por-
brachial plexus lesions after trauma (13.1) or when tions of the plexus (C7, C8, T1 and T2). Deficits of
they have a chronic, progressive thoracic limb lameness the caudal plexus cause an inability to fix the elbow or
(12.2). This is done by testing for anisocoria (2.15); carpus and therefore the animal cannot bear weight on
unilateral loss of the cutaneous trunci reflex (2.11, the limb. In addition they often have ipsilateral (full or
2.12); reduced thoracic limb flexor response (2.18, partial) Horner’s syndrome and cutaneous trunci reflex
2.26); and reduced nociception (2.21). deficit (1.4, 2.15). Elbow flexion is preserved when
Animals with lesions of the brachial plexus may the cranial plexus is intact (2.26).
have deficits referable to the cranial brachial plexus, Animals must be assessed for lumbosacral plexus
the caudal brachial plexus, or both (1.4, 2.26). The lesions after trauma by testing for sciatic, pudendal or
suprascapular, subscapular, musculocutaneous and axil- pelvic nerve deficits. One of the most specific tests for
lary nerves derive mainly from the cranial portions of a sciatic nerve deficit is to assess hock flexion (2.27).
Patient examination 31

2.28 Sensory deficits secondary to a brachial plexus lesion

may give rise occasionally to trophic ulceration as shown here
(arrowheads). Trophic ulcers occur due to an inability to protect
the foot and also from abnormal forces placed on the foot due
to digital paralysis (Hunt and Chapman, 1991).

2.27 When assessing the withdrawal reflex in the pelvic limb, all • Superficial peroneal—dorsal aspect of the 3rd
three joints should be assessed. An animal can flex both its hip digit, proximal end.
and stifle joints by using the femoral and sciatic nerves whereas
it can only flex its hock joint by using the peroneal division of the
• Deep peroneal—skin between the 2nd and 3rd
sciatic nerve. Weak or absent hock flexion can be appreciated digits, dorsal aspect.
best by pulling the hock joint gently into extension and then • Tibial nerve—skin at the proximal border of the
applying a stimulus to the digits. tarsal pad.
Sensory loss following brachial or lumbosacral plexus
injury occasionally gives rise to trophic ulceration (2.28).
Loss of proprioception is a more sensitive indicator
although this does not differentiate an UMN lesion
from a LMN lesion.
Sensory loss in small animals usually reflects spinal THE LESION
cord or nerve root lesions. Occasionally, it reflects Assessing the severity of a lesion plays a major part in
peripheral nerve injury and specific test sites for the var- the diagnostic procedure. In certain patients, it has as
ious cutaneous sensory nerves have been defined (Bailey much bearing on prognosis as the etiology; if a poor
and Kitchell, 1987). For the thoracic limb the main sites prognosis is suggested from the neurological examina-
are: tion further investigations may be deemed unnecessary.
• Musculocutaneous nerve—just distal to the medial In general, patients with spinal diseases that show
epicondyle of the humerus. LMN deficits have a worse prognosis for a return to
• Radial nerve—dorsal aspect of the third or fourth function than those showing UMN deficits. One excep-
digit. tion to this is for dogs with thoracolumbar disc disease
• Ulnar nerve—just distal to the olecranon on the (Dhupa et al., 1999) (see Chapter 8).
caudolateral aspect of the antebrachium and on the In UMN injuries, rate of onset, duration, and degree
lateral surface of the fifth digit. of spinal cord damage all affect the clinical signs. Rapid
For the pelvic limb the main sites are: progression of acute signs tends to reflect acute decom-
• Saphenous (femoral) nerve—4 cm distal to the pensation, which if treated early has a favorable out-
medial condyle of the tibia. come unless the damage is irreversible. Slow progression
32 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

generally reflects a chronic process that is gradually thoracolumbar disc extrusion or a spinal tumor. Clearly,
outstripping secondary compensation mechanisms the prognosis for such disorders could differ markedly.
(Gilson, 2003). For thoracic and lumbar lesions, the Spinal shock is a phenomenon that affects primarily
degree of dysfunction can be classified as grades 1–5 humans and higher primates. It is where an UMN lesion
(Scott, 1997; Scott and McKee, 1999): is associated with a temporary loss of spinal reflexes
1. Pain only. below the lesion; in humans this can last for a week or
2. Paraparesis—walking. more. If it occurs in dogs and cats it is transient and is
3. Paraparesis—not walking. only seen within the first few hours after injury. It could
4. Paraplegia. confound neurological localization and therefore in ani-
5. Paraplegia with loss of deep pain sensation. mals examined immediately after trauma a repeat exam-
The animal usually progresses through these stages as ination should be performed a few hours later (Walmsley
it deteriorates unless the disease is peracute in onset, and Tracey, 1983; Gopal and Jeffery, 2001).
such as trauma or a vascular lesion. The scheme applies Cervical spinal cord lesions display a similar progres-
to both UMN and LMN lesions. Control of micturition sion of signs to that described above but urinary incon-
is often lost between grade 4 and grade 5 but full tinence or loss of nociception is very rare. Severe
control of continence may be incomplete as early as cervical spinal cord lesions may result in respiratory
grade 2. Recovery of spinal cord function usually pro- failure caused by interference with respiratory control,
gresses steadily in the reverse order, unless the animal although this is uncommon (6.1, 7.11).
develops either a reflex bladder or spinal walking (6.2,
13.30, 13.34). Recovery after spinal injury is usually
defined as recovery of continence and of the ability to DETERMINING THE ETIOLOGY
walk unaided. Once the lesion has been located, a list of differential
The severity of the neurological deficits depends on diagnoses can be made. Many components go into this
two anatomical features: the position of the tracts in the assessment, including breed and age of the patient, his-
spinal cord that carry the respective function and the tory, presenting signs, progression, and physical and
diameter of the fibers transmitting that function (see neurological findings. It is important not to depend
‘Spinal cord nerve fibers and the effect of compression’, entirely on one feature to make a firm diagnosis. It is
page 6). The prognosis worsens with increasing neuro- reasonable to start from the assumption that the most
logical deficit, as in general this reflects greater spinal common disease is the cause, but this should ideally
cord damage. The presence of a crossed extensor reflex either be confirmed or attempts made to exclude less
(seen in UMN lesions) and the Schiff–Sherrington sign likely conditions, particularly if the patient is not pro-
indicate severe lesions, but are not in themselves gressing as expected. Differential diagnosis is discussed
prognostic indicators. Schiff–Sherrington syndrome in in Chapter 3.
particular is often thought to indicate a poor prognosis
but this is largely because it is only seen after severe
spinal cord injury. However, some animals with Schiff– REFERENCES
Sherrington syndrome make a good recovery (13.7) and Bailey, C.S., Kitchell, R.L. (1987) Cutaneous sensory testing in the dog.
so prognosis should be inferred from the presence or Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1, 128–135.
absence of nociception. The prognosis for patients with- Baum, F., Trotter, E.J., de Lahunta, A.D. (1992) Cervical fibrotic stenosis
in a young Rottweiler. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
out deep pain sensation (grade 5) is guarded for most Association 201, 1222–1224.
disorders, especially if it has been absent for longer than Biemond, A., De Jong, J.M. (1969) On cervical nystagmus and related dis-
48 h (see also page 132). Unfortunately, although it is orders. Brain 92, 437–458.
Boswood, A., Lamb, C.R., White, R.N. (2000) Aortic and iliac thrombosis
usually obvious how long an individual animal has been in six dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 41, 109–114.
paraplegic it is seldom clear exactly when that animal lost Braund, K.G., Sharp, N.J.H. (2003) Neurological examination and local-
deep pain. Loss of deep pain sensation after disc disease ization. In: D. Slatter (ed.), Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 3rd edn,
1092–1107. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science.
is associated with a 50–60% chance of recovery following de Lahunta, A. (2001) Neurological examination. In: K.G. Braund (ed.),
surgery (see Chapter 8, page 138 and Table 8.1a). Animals Clinical Neurology in Small Animal–Localization, Diagnosis and Treatment.
that have absent deep pain sensation after trauma carry a Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service.
much worse prognosis whatever the duration of the clin- Dhupa, S., Glickman, N.W., Waters, D.J., Dhupa, S. (1999) Functional
ical signs (Olby et al., 2003) (see Chapter 13, page 302). outcome in dogs after surgical treatment of caudal lumbar intervertebral
In other grades of dysfunction, the prognosis is also disk herniation. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 35,
somewhat dependent on the etiology. For example, a Gilson, S.D. (2003) Neuro-oncologic surgery. In: D. Slatter (ed.), Textbook of
Dachshund with grade 3 signs could possibly have a Small Animal Surgery, 3rd edn, 1277–1286. Philadelphia: Elsevier Science.
Patient examination 33

Gopal, M.S., Jeffery, N.D. (2001) Magnetic resonance imaging in the diag- Scott, H.W. (1997) Hemilaminectomy for the treatment of thoracolumbar
nosis and treatment of a canine spinal cord injury. Journal of Small disc disease in the dog: a follow-up study of 40 cases. Journal of Small
Animal Practice 42, 29–31. Animal Practice 38, 488–494.
Griffiths, I. (1970) A syndrome produced by dorso-lateral ‘explosions’ of Scott, H.W., McKee, W.M. (1999) Laminectomy for 34 dogs with thora-
the cervical intervertebral discs. Veterinary Record 87, 737–741. columbar intervertebral disc disease and loss of deep pain perception.
Holliday, T.A. (1980) Clinical signs of acute and chronic experimental lesions Journal of Small Animal Practice 40, 417–422.
of the cerebellum. Veterinary Science Communications 3, 259–278. Seim, H.B., Withrow, S.J. (1982) Pathophysiology and diagnosis of caudal
Hunt, G.B., Chapman, B.L. (1991) ‘Trophic’ ulceration of two digital pads. cervical spondylo-myelopathy with emphasis on the Doberman Pinscher.
Australian Veterinary Practitioner 21, 196, 205. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 18, 241–251.
Mayhew, I.G. (1999) The healthy spinal cord. American Association of Walmsley, B., Tracey, D.J. (1983) The effect of transection and cold block
Equine Practitioners 45, 56–66. of the spinal cord on synaptic transmission between Ia afferents and
McDonnell, J.J., Platt, S.R., Clayton, L.A. (2001) Neurologic conditions motoneurones. Neuroscience 9, 445–451.
causing lameness in companion animals. Veterinary Clinics of North
America, Small Animal Practice 31, 17–38.
Morgan, P.W., Parent, J., Holmberg, D.L. (1993) Cervical pain secondary
to intervertebral disc disease in dogs; radiographic findings and surgical FURTHER READING
implications. Progress in Veterinary Neurology 4, 76–80. de Lahunta, A. (2001) Neurological examination. In: K.G. Braund (ed.),
Neer, T.M. (1992) A review of disorders of the gallbladder and extra- Clinical Neurology in Small Animals—Localization, Diagnosis and
hepatic biliary tract in the dog and cat. Journal of Veterinary Internal Treatment. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service
Medicine 6, 186–192. (, B0201.1001.
Olby, N.J., Harris, T., Munana, K.R., Skeen, T.M., Sharp, N.J.H. (2003) deLahunta/chapter_frm.asp?LA⫽1
Long-term functional outcome of dogs with severe spinal cord injuries.
Journal of Neurotrauma (in press).
Pang, W.W., Mok, M.S., Lin, M.L., Chang, D.P., Hwang, M.H. (1998)
Application of spinal pain mapping in the diagnosis of low back pain—
analysis of 104 cases. Acta Anaesthesiology Singapore 36, 71–74.
Diagnosis and differential Chapter

diagnosis 3

Differential diagnosis 35
• The neurological localization will also exclude some
conditions (see Chapter 2).
A: C1–C5 35
B: C6–T2 35 The breed of the patient may also indicate that certain
C: T3–L3 36 diseases are more likely to be present, but this should
D: L4–S3 37 not be the only information on which the diagnosis is
based. An additional way to narrow the list is by a process
Further reading 39 of elimination. For the dog in 3.1, the signalment and
history were not suggestive of degenerative, anomalous
or metabolic conditions; there was no pain to suggest
On the basis of the neurological examination the lesion is trauma; and the pattern of progression made vascular
localized to one of the following four areas of the spinal disease unlikely. The two most probable differential
cord (2.22): diagnoses were therefore either neoplasia or infectious
• A: C1–C5. and inflammatory disease.
• B: C6–T2.
• C: T3–L3.
These areas relate to spinal cord segments. Refer to 1.2 A: C1–C5
and 1.5 to identify the location of these areas within the In adult dogs, intervertebral disc disease (Table 3.2) is
vertebral column. the most common condition affecting this region. In
A differential diagnosis list is then drawn up, which dogs less than 2 years of age the differential diagnoses are
embraces all the disease conditions that could be present. different. Here, atlantoaxial subluxation, inflammatory
It is usual to create this list using the DAMNIT format CNS disease, discospondylitis and trauma are the most
(Table 3.1), the elements of which can also be expressed likely causes. Spinal tumors can occur in dogs of any
using the acronym VITAMIN D. Conditions that occur age. The most common tumors in the cervical spine are
frequently in each of the four spinal cord regions are meningiomas and nerve sheath tumors; both are more
listed in Tables 3.2–3.5. When the animal has no neuro- common in older dogs.
logical deficits, consider the conditions listed in Table 2.1 Some dogs with cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM)
(disorders mimicking spinal disease) and Table 3.6 (dif- have neurological signs with a C1–C5 pattern of dys-
fuse or non-localizable pain). Other differential diagnoses function (see page 28), although the lesion is often
are listed in Box 7.2 (neck pain), Box 8.1 (thoraco- more caudal in the cervical spine. Acute, non-painful,
lumbar disc disease), Box 9.1 (atlantoaxial disease), Table non-progressive deficits usually result from ischemic
10.2 (lumbosacral disease), Table 11.1 (cervical spondylo- myelopathy due to fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE).
myelopathy), and Box 13.1 (trauma). Non-spinal causes Signs are often asymmetrical and severe.
of neurological disease and differentials for exercise intol- In cats, clinical disc disease is rare in the neck.
erance are included in Table 3.6. The likely diagnoses are trauma, neoplasia (usually
The list of differential diagnoses for any given patient lymphoma) and inflammatory diseases, particularly
can be shortened considerably if some basic information feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Atlantoaxial sub-
is taken into account, such as the following: luxation is rare in cats.
• The age of the patient.
• Whether the condition is acute or chronic, B: C6–T2
progressive or static. Similar considerations apply here to those causing C1–C5
• Presence or absence of spinal pain. signs, although atlantoaxial subluxation does not occur.
36 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 3.1 Differential diagnoses for spinal disease using the DAMNIT scheme *

Category Diseases (common conditions in bold)

Degenerative Degenerative myelopathy Cervical spondylomyelopathy

Synovial cysts Disc disease
Leukodystrophies Lysosomal storage disease
Lumbosacral disease Cervical fibrotic stenosis
Facet joint pain Sacroiliac joint pain

Anomalous Syringo(hydro)myelia Vertebral malformations

Pilonidal (dermoid) sinus Cartilaginous exostoses
Spinal arachnoid cyst Meningo(myelo)celes
Epidermoid cyst Spinal dysraphism
Atlantoaxial subluxation Hereditary myelopathy
Spina bifida Sacrocaudal dysgenesis
Tethered cord syndrome Schmorl’s node
Sacral osteochondritis dissecans Atlantooccipital dysplasia

Metabolic See Table 3.6, Exercise intolerance Lysosomal storage disease

Neoplastic Primary or secondary tumor Epidural lipomatosis

Nutritional Hypervitaminosis A Thiamine deficiency

Idiopathic Tumoral calcinosis Disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

Iatrogenic injury Peridural scar Diagnostic, radiation or surgical injury

Inflammatory and Discospondylitis Meningo(encephalo)myelitis

Infectious Spinal epidural empyema Cauda equina neuritis
Gelfoam reaction Foreign body migration

Traumatic Sacrocaudal injury Dural tear

Brachial plexus avulsion myelopathy Traumatic disc injury
Gunshot injury Fracture/luxation

Toxic See Table 3.6, Exercise intolerance

Vascular Fibrocartilaginous embolism Traumatic feline ischemic myelopathy

Spinal cord hematoma Neurogenic claudication
Vascular malformation Ascending myelomalacia
Fat graft necrosis Spinal cord hemorrhage
Ischemic neuromyopathy

* Common conditions are in bold.

Intervertebral disc disease is less frequent in the caudal C: T3–L3

cervical spine, but does occur, occasionally even at C7/T1. This region of the spine accounts for most cases of spinal
Cervical spondylomyelopathy is most prevalent in disease. Disc herniation is the most likely diagnosis in
the caudal cervical spine of Dobermans and Great Danes. dogs older than 1 year. In younger dogs, inflammatory
Ischemic myelopathy also occurs with some frequency CNS disease, discospondylitis and trauma are com-
in this region (see Table 3.3). mon. In cats, disc disease is uncommon but does occur,
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis 37

Table 3.2 Diseases causing signs that localize to C1–C5 Table 3.4 Diseases causing signs that localize to T3–L3
(see also Table 3.1) (see also Table 3.1)

Acute Chronic Acute Chronic

Painful Atlantoaxial Atlantoaxial Painful Disc disease Disc disease

subluxation subluxation Neoplasia Synovial cysts
CSM Atlantooccipital Discospondylitis Tumoral calcinosis
Disc disease dysplasia Meningomyelitis
Neoplasia CSM Fracture/luxation
Discospondylitis Cervical fibrotic stenosis Ascending
Meningomyelitis Synovial cysts myelomalacia
Fracture/luxation Syringohydromyelia
Spinal cord Hypervitaminosis A Non-painful Traumatic feline Degenerative
hematoma ischemic myelopathy
myelopathy Spinal arachnoid cyst
Non-painful FCE Spinal arachnoid cyst FCE Neoplasia
Tumoral calcinosis

CSM, cervical spondylomyelopathy.

Table 3.5 Diseases causing signs that localize to L4–S3
(see also Table 3.1)

Acute Chronic
Table 3.3 Diseases causing signs that localize to C6–T2
(see also Table 3.1) Painful Neoplasia Lumbosacral
Discospondylitis disease
Acute Chronic Meningomyelitis Tethered cord
Fracture/luxation syndrome
Painful CSM CSM Disc disease Sacral OCD
Disc disease Synovial cysts Ascending
Neoplasia myelomalacia
Discospondylitis Psoas muscle injury
Fracture/luxation Non-painful Cauda equina Degenerative
Spinal cord hematoma neuritis myelopathy
Ischemic Spina bifida
Non-painful Brachial plexus Spinal arachnoid neuromyopathy Sacrocaudal
avulsion cyst FCE dysgenesis
FCE Dermoid sinus Dermoid sinus
Neoplasia Neoplasia

CSM, cervical spondylomyelopathy. OCD, osteochondritis dissecans.

particularly in aged animals. Trauma, neoplasia and may be present. Lumbosacral disease is common in
inflammatory diseases are the most likely causes of large breeds of dog, but is less common in smaller dogs
feline thoracolumbar spinal disease. and is rare in cats. In sacrocaudal injuries, signs refer-
In large-breed, older dogs with chronic signs, the pri- able to the bladder, perineum, and even paraparesis
mary differential diagnosis is degenerative myelopathy. may be seen.
Chronic disc herniation (Hansen type II), synovial Degenerative myelopathy may appear to localize to
cyst(s), neoplasia and mild L4–S3 lesions must be eli- this region if the patellar reflexes are absent. This is
minated before this diagnosis is reached (Table 3.4). due to nerve root involvement; the lesion is still largely
T3–L3 in nature. Ischemic myelopathy is also seen here.
In young animals, congenital defects of the vertebrae or
D: L4–S3 spinal cord are likely (Table 3.5). Exterior signs of spina
Subacute or chronic presentations with signs localizing bifida may be present, but this disease is uncommon.
to this region are usually referable to the lumbosacral Taking the signalment and neurological localization into
junction (Table 10.2). Neoplasia or discospondylitis account can therefore reduce the differential diagnosis
38 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

3.1 Eight-year-old Akita that presented with progressive tail 3.2 German shepherd dog with severe lumbosacral pain.
paralysis, loss of anal reflex, incontinence and pelvic limb Rectal examination revealed an asymmetrical prostate gland
weakness over 3 weeks. The myelogram indicates a discrete fixed to the pelvis. Ultrasound revealed an enlarged prostate
filling defect within the dural sac over L6 vertebra. Final (arrowheads) with mineralization (arrow) and small cystic cavities
diagnosis was an intradural fibrosarcoma. suggestive of prostatitis or carcinoma. The dog also had
lumbosacral disease (10.4) and dermatofibrosis with renal
cystadenocarcinoma (4.35). Nevertheless, it tested positive for
Ehrlichia canis and returned to work as a search and rescue
list. It may be reasonable, in some circumstances, to dog after treatment with doxycycline.
proceed with treatment without further investigations,
for example in a middle-aged Dachshund with mild
T3–L3 signs and where conservative treatment is definitive diagnostic tests instituted (see Chapter 4).
planned. However, if the patient does not progress as Occasionally, an animal may present with more than
expected, or if there is any doubt about the diagnosis, one disease that could explain its clinical signs (3.2).
the provisional diagnosis should be reassessed and more Neurological localization should define the relevant

Table 3.6 Differential diagnoses for diffuse pain, non-spinal neurological disease and exercise intolerance

Diffuse pain Non-spinal neurological disease Exercise intolerance

Polyarthritis Myositis or myopathy Myasthenia gravis

Polymyositis Peripheral neuropathies Mild cervical myelopathy
Pancreatitis Radiculopathies Addison’s disease
Renal or ureteral calculi Myasthenia gravis Hypoglycemia
Gallstones Tick paralysis Polymyositis
Gastrointestinal parasites Subacute organophosphate toxicity Toxic myopathy
Kidney worm Hypokalemic polymyopathy
Osteoporotic vertebral fracture Botulism Hyperthyroidism
Mid-thoracic vertebral lesion Localized tetanus Congenital myopathy
Other abdominal pain Brain tumor Tick paralysis
Meningoencephalitis Intermittent claudication Coonhound paralysis
Thalamic pain syndrome Ischemic neuromyopathy Lumbosacral pain
Prostatic disease Psoas muscle hemorrhage Idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis
Urethral tumor Protozoal myositis and
Subacute organophosphate
Peripheral neuropathy
Ischemic neuromyopathy
Intermittent claudication
Cardiac disease
Upper airway disease
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis 39

lesion but occasionally each disease may localize to the simply assuming that the most common disease process
same region. This shows that the clinician must strive is the one responsible for the clinical signs.
to keep an open mind and try to rule out each potential
diagnosis in step-wise fashion. Response to treatment is
one useful means of doing this, in which case the sim-
plest therapy should be tried first. The case discussed
Braund, K.G. (2003) Clinical Neurology in Small Animals: Localization,
in 3.2 illustrates the importance of considering a full Diagnosis and Treatment.
range of differential diagnoses for each case and not toc.asp
Diagnostic aids Chapter

Routine laboratory analysis 41 Biopsy 61

Hematology 41
Biochemistry 41 Key issues for future investigation 62
Urinalysis 42
Serology 42 References 62
Microbiology 42
Other 42 Procedures 64
Collection of CSF 64
Cerebrospinal fluid 42 Myelography 70
Indications and contraindications for CSF
collection 43
Collection of CSF 43 (64) The exact selection of diagnostic tests to be employed
Sample handling and laboratory analysis 43 varies with the circumstances. In the following chap-
Normal CSF findings 45 ters, recommendations as to the tests most likely to pro-
Abnormal CSF findings 45 vide a diagnosis in a particular disease are given. Clearly,
Normal findings in the face of disease 45 individual preference, experience and the availability
of equipment will influence these decisions.
Radiography 45
Radiographic positioning and normal spinal
A complete blood count, chemistry profile and urinaly-
radiographs 46
sis should be checked in all patients undergoing non-
emergency procedures. They rarely provide definitive
Special radiographic procedures 48
diagnostic information in neurological diseases, but can
Myelography 48 (70)
be important for detecting concurrent disorders (Braund
Epidurography 50
and Sharp, 2003) (Table 3.6). In emergency situations,
Discography 50
analysis may be restricted to packed cell volume, total
Principles of spinal radiology 50 protein, serum glucose and urea concentrations.
Myelographic interpretation 50
Complications of myelography 51 In the majority of animals with spinal disease, the
hemogram is unremarkable, although a stress leuko-
Other imaging techniques 54 gram (lymphopenia, eosinopenia and leukocytosis) is a
Ultrasonography 54 common finding.
Computed tomography 55 Patients with inflammatory diseases of the spinal
Magnetic resonance imaging 57 cord and meninges usually have normal hemograms.
Scintigraphy 59 Dogs with discospondylitis or rickettsial disease and
cats with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) may have
Clinical electrophysiology 60 inflammatory hemograms, but this is not consistent.
Electromyography 60
Spinal cord evoked response 60 Biochemistry
F waves and cord dorsum potentials 61 Metabolic diseases may cause generalized weakness,
which could be mistaken for spinal disease. Examples
42 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

include Addison’s disease, Cushing’s disease, hypothy- titers are usually necessary for Rickettsia sp. and
roidism, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia Toxoplasma gondii.
and hypokalemic polymyopathy. Canine distemper virus (CDV) and FIP both cause
Raised serum creatine kinase concentrations are usu- neurological lesions, which may present with spinal
ally indicative of muscle injury. This increases the index involvement. The presence of serum IgG is not confir-
of suspicion for protozoal disease, especially when multi- matory of central nervous system (CNS) involvement by
focal neurological deficits, pulmonary or hepatic disease these viruses unless it can be shown to be due to intra-
coexist (4.46). Note that serum creatine kinase con- thecal production rather than caused by leakage from
centrations may be raised in patients that suffer trauma serum. Ante-mortem confirmation of these diseases
or are recumbent for lengthy periods. is challenging.
Abnormal biochemical findings may be seen in certain Non-spinal causes of weakness may be detected by
spinal diseases. Hypocalcemia is seen in some patients serum tests such as cholinesterase concentrations in
with generalized bone disorders, for example in second- organophosphate toxicity or acetylcholine receptor
ary hyperparathyroidism. Hypercalcemia is seen in some antibody titers in animals with myasthenia gravis
patients with lymphoma or myeloma; this is a paraneo- (Table 3.6).
plastic effect. Hypergammaglobulinemia may be seen
in myeloma and in chronic, infectious diseases such as Microbiology
FIP; serum electrophoresis is useful to differentiate Urine culture is indicated in patients with cystitis related
the two. to neurological disease. Sensitivity testing should also be
performed to determine the most appropriate antibiotic
Urinalysis with which to treat infections. However, bladder infec-
Urinalysis may provide specific diagnostic information tions usually only resolve when urinary function returns
regarding renal and hepatic function or urinary tract to normal.
infection. In patients with discospondylitis, urine and blood
If bladder function is in doubt in patients with spinal culture may be attempted to isolate the causative
disease, urinalysis should be performed on a sample organism along with direct aspiration from the affected
collected by cystocentesis when the patient is first disc space(s).
evaluated. Ultrasound may aid collection of urine if the If wound infections occur following surgery, culture
bladder is not palpable. Subsequent urinalysis should from the depths of the wound should be performed
be performed periodically until normal urinary func- after aseptic preparation of the skin surface (see
tion returns (see Chapter 15). ‘Wound infection’, page 357).
Urinary tract infection (UTI) associated with urine
retention is present frequently in animals with spinal Other
disease. Urinalysis reveals high white blood cell counts Endocrine testing, analysis of Von Willebrand (VW) fac-
and elevated total protein, and bacteria may be present tor, and bleeding times may all be deemed necessary
in the sediment. If so, urine culture should be performed during preoperative evaluation (see Chapters 6 and 11).
and antibiotic sensitivity determined. Fungal hyphae Coagulation profiles and testing for warfarin are indi-
may be detected in dogs with systemic aspergillosis, cated in animals with coagulopathies. Blood gas analy-
especially if the urine has been at room temperature sis should be performed in tetraplegic animals where
for more than 12 h. hypoventilation is suspected (7.11).
For routine urinalysis, aseptic catheterization or
cystocentesis is suitable. For culture, cystocentesis is
Bence–Jones proteinuria may be a feature of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is an important tool
myeloma. in the investigation of neurological patients, but there
are many limitations to CSF analysis. Abnormal CSF is
Serology strongly indicative of neurological disease, but it is a
Serology is useful in many diseases, and should be con- relatively non-specific finding.
sidered in any spinal patient where the origin of the dis- Cerebrospinal fluid should be collected routinely
order is obscure. Specific examples include Neospora from either the cerebello-medullary cistern (CMC—
caninum, Cryptococcus neoformans, Coccidioides immitis, ‘cisterna magna’) or the lumbar region. It is important
Bartonella sp., Ehrlichia sp., and also Brucella canis in to do this prior to performing myelography as injection
dogs with discospondylitis. Acute and convalescent of contrast medium induces a sterile meningitis that
Diagnostic aids 43

will confound subsequent interpretation of CSF analysis • Following spinal trauma unless a myelogram is to
for 1 week or more (Widmer et al., 1992). When radi- be performed.
ography and myelography are normal, and in patients • Patients that could have atlantoaxial subluxation
with multifocal signs, CSF should always be analysed. should not have CSF collected from the CMC
Even when the diagnosis is obvious, the information because of the danger associated with patient
gained may be very useful on a retrospective basis. An positioning.
example would be a dog with a thoracolumbar disc • If raised intracranial pressure or brain herniation
extrusion that has a very high protein level in CSF and could be present then the risk of collection is
that subsequently develops myelomalacia after surgery. increased significantly. This may be so in any
Collection of CSF is a very low-risk procedure when patient with a severe intracranial lesion, but
performed with care and when taking appropriate pre- particularly following head trauma, with space-
cautions. It is nevertheless an invasive test and informed occupying lesions, or with severe inflammatory
consent should always be obtained. Owners should also disease. Signs indicative of raised intracranial
be appraised of any specific risk factors before the pro- pressure include depression, stupor or coma;
cedure (see below). Collection of CSF should always hypoventilation; bradycardia; dilated pupils or
be performed with the patient intubated and under anisocoria; and cranial nerve deficits such as
general anesthesia. Ideally, corticosteroids should not be decreased or absent physiologic nystagmus and
given prior to CSF collection as they may alter results poor or absent pupillary light reflexes. Collection
and render interpretation inaccurate. of CSF from either of the spinal sites in the face of
increased intracranial pressure increases the
likelihood of brain herniation.
Indications and contraindications
for CSF collection
• Suspected intracranial disease (see ‘Contra- See ‘Procedures’, page 64.
indications’, below).
• Suspected multifocal disease.
• Spinal disease where survey radiographs are Sample handling and laboratory
normal. analysis
• Suspected polyneuropathy. Analysis of CSF should include gross examination, total
• Ideally in every patient unless contraindicated. and differential white blood cell (WBC) count and total
protein (4.1). A sedimentation technique (4.2) should
CONTRAINDICATIONS be used unless the sample can be sent to a specialized
• Where general anesthesia is contraindicated. laboratory that will perform cytocentrifugation (Cellio,


4.1 A: Left to right—normal CSF; xanthochromia (which is caused by hemoglobin breakdown products and indicates previous
intrathecal hemorrhage); and hemorrhage at collection. B: Degenerate neutrophils containing bacteria from the CSF of a dog with
severe, diffuse pain and fever secondary to myelography performed 24 h earlier using iohexol from a contaminated, multi-use bottle.
A filter should be used with multi-use containers.
44 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


4.2 Hans Wolfgang Kolmel Sedimentation Chamber (Free

University of Berlin, with permission). A: Glass microscope
slide is placed on the apparatus, B: filterpaper is placed on the
glass slide, and C: the chamber is fitted. CSF is placed in the
chamber and the filter paper absorbs fluid, while cells remain
on the slide. The slide is then stained for cytology and
differential count.

2001). White cell analysis should be performed ideally automatic means. Undiluted CSF is used, unless cell
on fresh CSF within 30 min of collection as the cells counts are particularly high in which case the CSF will
deteriorate rapidly (Bienzle et al., 2000). If this is not appear turbid.
possible, the specimen should be split in two aliquots Normal CSF is free of red blood cells. Normal white
and then one aliquot is put into a small EDTA tube or a cell counts vary by laboratory, but are generally less
drop of serum or an equal volume of 4% formalin solu- than 5 cells per ␮l (⬍5 ⫻ 106 per liter). An increase in
tion added in order to preserve the cells (Evans, 1989; WBCs is termed pleocytosis (4.1B).
Bienzle et al., 2000). Other analyses performed on
CSF include immunology and electrophoresis. CELL COUNTS AND BLOOD
GROSS EXAMINATION Mild blood contamination has little effect on WBC
Normal CSF is clear and colorless. Color change and counts in CSF. There are formulae for correcting CSF
turbidity may be noted in some diseases but these do cell counts that take the peripheral blood WBC count
not occur unless the abnormalities in cell count or pro- into consideration (Rossmeissl et al., 2002). However,
tein are marked. The most frequent color changes are contaminating red blood cells (RBCs) do not greatly alter
due to hemorrhage or xanthochromia (4.1A). WBC counts, especially those already markedly elevated
(Wilson and Stevens, 1977). It is probably adequate to
CELL COUNTS remember that WBCs and RBCs are in a ratio of approx-
These are performed using a hemocytometer; the imately 1 : 500 in blood, and to take this into account
cell numbers are too low to be counted accurately by when viewing cell counts in blood-contaminated CSF.
Diagnostic aids 45

DIFFERENTIAL WHITE CELL COUNTS Table 4.1 Normal values for commonly evaluated CSF
AND CYTOLOGY parameters
This is an important part of the examination of CSF,
even in the face of a normal total WBC count. The Color Clear, colorless
Specific gravity 1.004–1.006
WBCs must be concentrated by centrifugation or sedi- White cell count ⬍5/␮l
mentation (4.2), mounted on a slide and stained (Cellio, Differential white cells Lymphocytes and monocytes
2001). Most WBCs in normal CSF are mononuclear—
Total protein
lymphocytes, monocytes and occasional neutrophils or
Cerebello-medullary cistern 10–30 mg/dl (0.1–0.3 g/l)
macrophages (Duque et al., 2002). Lumbar 10–45 mg/dl (0.1–0.45 g/l)
The differential WBC count is most useful in distin-
guishing acute and chronic inflammation, for example
between non-infectious suppurative meningoencephal-
itis and granulomatous meningoencephalitis (Thomson Mononuclear pleocytosis is generally indicative of
et al., 1989, 1990; Chrisman, 1992). Occasionally, high chronic inflammation, for example canine distemper or
white cell counts will be seen in disc disease as well granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis.
(Thomson et al., 1989). Neutrophilic pleocytosis is seen mostly with infectious
or non-infectious meningoencephalomyelitis (‘aseptic
meningitis’) but may also be seen with meningiomas and
vascular disease.
Protein content of CSF is estimated by a number of
Mixed pleocytosis is non-specific, but can be seen in
methods; use of a professional laboratory is best. Normal
some tumors, particularly meningiomas.
CSF collected from the CMC has a protein concentra-
Identification of neoplastic cells in CSF is unusual. It
tion of less than 30 mg/dl; it may be up to 45 mg/dl at
is most likely in lymphoma and choroid plexus tumors
the lumbar site. Total protein may be increased in many
(see Chapter 12).
diseases but is non-specific. Electrophoresis provides
Increased protein in the absence of pleocytosis
information regarding the composition of the CSF
(‘albuminocytological dissociation’) is indicative of non-
inflammatory disorders such as neoplasia or vascular
MICROBIOLOGY Bacteria may be seen in CSF occasionally (4.1B).
Examination for the presence of bacteria may be per- These may be pathogenic, but if present in the absence
formed by microscopy of stained samples (4.1B) and by of a neutrophilic pleocytosis, they are usually the
culture. If CSF culture is attempted, enhancement result of reagent contamination. Intracellular bacteria
using blood culture bottles is recommended. Bacterial should always be viewed as being significant (Munana,
diseases of the CNS are uncommon in dogs and cats and 1996).
even when present, culture of CSF tends to be unre-
warding (Remedios et al., 1996; Lavely et al., 2002;
Radaelli and Platt, 2002) (see below). Care should be Normal findings in the face of
exercised in interpreting positive results in the absence disease
of pleocytosis, as bacteria may be contaminants. Many animals with CNS disease, including spinal dis-
eases, have normal CSF (Thomson et al., 1989, 1990;
Chrisman, 1992; Cellio, 2001). This is particularly so if
Normal CSF findings the CSF sample is collected cranial to the lesion; that
Normal CSF findings are given in Table 4.1. is, from the CMC in thoracolumbar and lumbosacral
lesions. Thus, finding normal CSF does not rule out the
possibility of a lesion being present.
Abnormal CSF findings
Abnormal CSF is indicative of CNS (or nerve root)
disease (Murray and Cuddon, 2002). RADIOGRAPHY
High numbers of RBCs in the CSF are generally Survey radiographs
indicative of contamination at collection. Hemorrhage Radiography is a valuable diagnostic aid for spinal
in the CNS may be inferred from the presence of xan- patients. Good quality survey radiographs will provide
thochromia (4.1A) or erythrophagocytosis (macrophages the diagnosis in some cases. To obtain diagnostic
containing RBCs). radiographs of the spine, general anesthesia is usually
46 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.3 Radiographic positioning aids.

A: Radiolucent foam wedges covered in
plastic, ‘floppy’ sandbags and ties.
B: Foam wedges, ties, ‘floppy’ sandbag
along with 2.5 cm tape and a trough (see
examples of use in 4.4–4.14).


4.5 Lateral cervical spine. A foam wedge is placed under the

4.4 Lateral cervical spine. The patient is in lateral recumbency middle part of the neck to avoid sagging, which could result in
with the head extended and the thoracic limbs pulled caudally. distortion of the intervertebral spaces.
A wedge is placed under the sternum to prevent rotation
(visible in 4.10). It is usually best to take two views, one centered
at C2 and one at C6.

necessary to position the patient correctly and to mini-

mize radiation exposure of personnel. In many animals
with spinal disease, the radiological features are subtle
so that accurate positioning is essential. An exception is
in acute spinal injuries, where general anesthesia or
manipulations could exacerbate the neural damage.
The area of interest must be centered properly and the
beam collimated closely. Survey radiographs of large
areas of the spine are rarely useful. Stress radiography a
may be helpful but is not without risk (Farrow, 1982) b
(9.5, 10.12, 11.10, 13.17).

4.6 Lateral cervical radiograph of a normal dog. Note that the

Radiographic positioning and transverse processes are superimposed (a); the intervertebral
spaces near the middle of the film are clear and the end plates
normal spinal radiographs are parallel to the beam. The transverse processes of C6 are
Various positioning aids facilitate spinal radiography large and project ventrally (b), (7.37B). See 4.16 for cranial
(4.3). Techniques for radiographing the spine are given cervical radiograph. See also 11.13B.
in the following section.


Stressed survey views of the cervical spine are not gen- Projections are as for the cervical spine with the beam
erally of value except when done with care to assess the centered appropriately. For the lateral projection, a mild
atlantoaxial joint (9.3). degree of flexion may be employed to demonstrate
Diagnostic aids 47

4.9 Lateral atlantoaxial radiograph of a normal dog. Note the

normal relationship between the dorsal arch of C1 and the
spinous process of C2. (a) Wing of atlas. Rotating the head
slightly makes the dens more visible.

4.7 Ventrodorsal cervical spine. The patient is placed in

dorsal recumbency, with the whole body aligned vertically.
The beam is centered on the area of interest. It is useful to
remove the endotracheal tube for this view, particularly in

4.10 Lateral thoracolumbar spine. The patient is in lateral

recumbency with the limbs positioned as shown. Foam wedges
are placed under the sternum (arrow) and between the limbs to
prevent rotation and under the lumbar vertebrae to avoid
sagging. The beam is centered on the area of interest and
collimated closely over the spine to reduce soft tissue scatter
4.8 Ventrodorsal atlantoaxial radiograph of a normal dog. and improve radiographic quality.
Note the dens (arrow) and the atlantoaxial articulations
patient with the area of interest near the edge of the
subluxation, but this must not be excessive (9.3, 9.5).
film. Accurate interpretation is often impossible (see
The use of the open-mouth view to radiograph the dens
Chapter 9).
is not recommended, as flexing the neck can be dan-
gerous. The ventrodorsal projection is adequate and the
cervical extension also alleviates cord compression. The THORACOLUMBAR SPINE (4.10–4.13)
spinal deviation present in many patients with atlanto- A common error is to center the beam in the mid-
axial subluxation can make positioning difficult. lumbar region when evaluating the spine for disc dis-
A common error is to try to evaluate the atlantoaxial ease; most herniations occur in the T11–L1 region, and
joint in poorly positioned films taken of a conscious the beam should be centered accordingly.
48 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.11 Ventrodorsal thoracolumbar spine. The patient is in dorsal

recumbency with the limbs extended. It is important that the body
is upright and the beam collimated.

4.14 Lateral lumbosacral spine. Positioning is crucial here as

rotation may induce artefacts. The patient is positioned as for
the thoracolumbar spine, taking particular care to keep both
pelvic limbs parallel to the table top.


4.12 Lateral thoracolumbar spinal radiograph of a normal dog.

The dog is well positioned, with the ribs (a) and transverse
processes (b) superimposed. The vertebral end plates in the
middle of the image are parallel to the beam, whereas those
near the right edge are not.

4.15 Lateral lumbosacral radiograph of a normal dog. In a

well-positioned radiograph, the wings of the ilium will be
directly superimposed.


In myelography the spinal cord is outlined by positive
contrast medium injected into the subarachnoid space.
The indications for myelography are:
• Where the neurological examination indicates a spinal
lesion, but none is visible on survey radiographs.
• To determine the significance of multiple lesions
identified on survey radiographs.
• To determine the presence of spinal cord
compression and especially to evaluate dynamic
lesions (10.7, 11.4–11.6).
• To assist in deciding whether or not to perform
4.13 Ventrodorsal thoracolumbar spinal radiograph of a surgery as well as the type of procedure to be
normal dog. performed.
Diagnostic aids 49

This procedure is contraindicated if general anesthesia

or spinal puncture is unsafe (see ‘Cerebrospinal fluid’,
page 42), or where inflammatory disease of the CNS is
present. The presence of mild CSF pleocytosis is not
in itself a contraindication, as it is present in many
compressive spinal diseases, including disc herniation
(Thomson et al., 1989, 1990).
The choice of contrast medium is important, as many
are extremely irritating to neural tissue. Hyperosmolar
or hypertonic solutions must be avoided. A non-ionic,
water-soluble contrast medium must be used—Iohexol
(Omnipaque, Nycomed) is the contrast medium of
4.16 Normal lateral myelogram of the cranial cervical region.
choice (Wheeler and Davies, 1985; Allen and Wood, Note that the contrast columns are wide in C1 and C2. The
1988). Concentrations in the range of 180–350 mg ventral column thins and is elevated over the C2/3 intervertebral
iodine/ml are used—most often 240 or 300 mg iodine/ space and to a lesser degree over the other spaces.
ml. The contrast medium should be warmed to body
temperature before injection (Lamb, 1994).
Performance of a myelogram does not preclude the
need to take high-quality survey radiographs. The prac-
tice of using the survey films only to establish radio-
graphic exposure factors is deplored, as significant
information that would be visible on good survey films
may be masked by the myelogram. The region of interest
is dictated by the neurological examination, remember-
ing that occasionally a lower motor neuron (LMN)
lesion can mask an upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion
Myelography is carried out with the patient under
general anesthesia. Injection of contrast medium is 4.17 Normal lateral myelogram of the caudal cervical region.
either at the CMC or in the lumbar subarachnoid
space. The techniques for spinal puncture are des-
cribed above in CSF collection. Contrast is injected
following collection of the CSF sample (4.64, 4.66).


Technique is described under ‘Procedures’, page 70.


4.18 Normal lumbar lateral myelogram. Note the streaked
Technique is described under ‘Procedures’, page 71. appearance of the contrast medium where it outlines the nerves
Lumbar myelography is required in many circumstan- of the cauda equina.
ces, the most common being an acute disc extrusion.
Here, injection of contrast medium requires relatively
high pressures to delineate the lesion, as the spinal cord
is often swollen or under pressure. Some radiologists
prefer lumbar myelography for all patients.
Epidural leakage is often a problem in lumbar
myelography, which makes interpretation of the study
very difficult (4.67). Slow injection of the contrast
medium may reduce the chance of epidural leakage.
Another common complication is poor filling of the
subarachnoid space, especially in animals with spinal 4.19 Lateral lumbosacral myelogram from a normal dog. Note
cord swelling (8.1). that the contrast column passes well into the sacrum.
50 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


Extradural Intradural–
4.20 Ventrodorsal lumbosacral myelogram of a normal dog.
The separate contrast columns can be seen in L5 (arrows).
The columns converge and cross the lumbosacral junction.
Superimposition of the spinous processes and the presence of
colonic contents can make interpretation difficult.

4.21 Spinal lesions are classified according to their location

Epidurography relative to the spinal cord and the dura mater. Examples of
In epidurography, contrast medium is introduced into potential causes are given in Table 4.2.
the epidural space. For some radiologists this was the
preferred method for evaluating the lumbosacral region
(Barthez et al., 1994; Ramirez and Thrall, 1998) (10.8B).
the spinous processes dorsally. For ventrodorsal radio-
CT or MRI are superior in most cases.
graphs, start on the left side and work cranial to caudal.
This technique should be employed even if there is an
obvious lesion, to avoid overlooking other important
In discography, contrast medium is injected into the
features or additional lesions.
nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc (Sisson et al.,
General radiological principles dictate that images
1992; Barthez et al., 1994). Normally, only a very small
are evaluated for the following features: position, size,
amount can be introduced (0.1–0.2 ml in the lum-
number, contour, architecture and opacity.
bosacral disc). If there is damage to the anulus fibrosus,
Many of these alterations are seen in spinal disease
more contrast can be injected and the leakage will be evi-
and most are shown in this book.
dent on subsequent radiographs (10.8A). The technique
may be particularly useful if combined with CT
(Ohnmeiss et al., 1997; Milette et al., 1999). Myelographic interpretation
From the myelogram, it is usually possible to gain an
impression of the location of the lesion relative to the
PRINCIPLES OF SPINAL spinal cord (4.24–4.31, 14.4). Note that lesions in all
RADIOLOGY locations may give the appearance of an expanded or
It is important to take a systematic approach to evalu- swollen cord in an image taken ‘face on’ to the lesion.
ating spinal radiographs. The clinician has the advantage For this reason, it is essential that perpendicular
of having similar adjacent structures with which to com- projections (lateral and ventrodorsal) are made (4.30,
pare the suspected lesion. Accuracy of interpretation is 4.31, 7.2).
limited by the radiographs, and it is well worth paying Interpretation is relatively straightforward if there
attention to obtaining good images as discussed above. are changes in the skeleton at the site of the myelo-
Also, knowledge of the normal radiographic anatomy is graphic abnormality, for example in disc herniation or
required, as discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 1. vertebral neoplasia (4.47). Generally, it is possible to
One system used to evaluate lateral radiographs is make some estimate of the location of the lesion as
to assess each structure in turn from cranial to caudal: shown in 4.21. Causes of these compression patterns
start ventrally with the hypaxial muscles and end with are given in Table 4.2. Extradural lesions are shown in
Diagnostic aids 51

Table 4.2 Common causes of myelographic abnormalities

Extradural extramedullary Intramedullary

Degenerative Disc herniation — —

Synovial cyst

Congenital Atlantoaxial subluxation Arachnoid cyst Syringohydromyelia

Neoplasia Primary or metastatic Meningioma Glioma

Vertebral or soft tissue Nerve sheath tumor Ependymoma
Nephroblastoma Metastatic

Inflammatory Discospondylitis — Myelitis

Epidural abscess

Trauma Disc — Spinal cord hemorrhage

Bone fragments

Vascular Hematoma — Ischemic myelopathy (acute stage)


4.23 Extradural lesion. Myelogram of a Doberman with ‘Wobbler

syndrome’ and a large, extradural lesion due to what appears to
be a simple disc extrusion at C6/7. The ventral contrast column is
split (arrow and arrowhead) over the C6 vertebra (4.24, 4.25).

exception is dogs with generalized malacia of the spinal

cord (13.10, 14.18). CT reconstruction can further
4.22 Extradural lesion. Diagram of the myelographic pattern
of an extradural lesion.
enhance lesion detection after myelography (4.41) but
MRI is superior for most parenchymal lesions.
4.22–4.25, 7.2, 8.1; intradural–extramedullary lesions
are shown in 4.26–4.28; and intramedullary lesions are
shown in 4.29–4.31.
A CT scan often enhances the utility of the MYELOGRAPHY
myelogram markedly and also aids surgical planning The most common complications after cervical injection
(4.25, 11.5). are either that the contrast has entered the subdural
space (1.11); that the needle has been displaced from
EXTRADURAL LESIONS the vertebral canal; that excessive contrast has entered
INTRADURAL–EXTRAMEDULLARY LESIONS the cranial vault (4.65); or either that the contrast has
INTRAMEDULLARY LESIONS not reached the lesion or that it has flowed past the
Spinal cord swelling may be evident although mye- lesion (Lamb, 1994; Penderis et al., 1999)(4.32). The
lography rarely delineates parenchymal lesions. One most common problem after lumbar myelography is
52 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.24 Extradural lesion causing column splitting. Diagram of

column splitting, which generally indicates an asymmetrical 4.26 Intradural–extramedullary lesion. Diagram of the typical
extradural lesion (4.25, 4.33). ‘golf-tee’ pattern (arrows).

4.27 Intradural–extramedullary lesion. Ventrodorsal myelogram

at L1 of a 10-year-old mixed-breed dog with recurrence of
paraparesis after removal of a nerve sheath tumor at L3/4.
There was evidence of spread along the subarachnoid space
(4.28). Necropsy revealed an anaplastic sarcoma of meningeal
origin. An MRI from this dog is shown in 4.44B.

4.25 Same dog as in 4.23. A: Column splitting was due to a

probable left-sided synovial cyst (its location shifted slightly into
C7 with the dog on its back for the CT). A ventral slot was done
at C6/7 but little disc material was removed and the dog was
much worse the next day. B: A postoperative CT myelogram
showed more marked compression, due in part to collapse of
the interspace. Compression in this dog was probably 4.28 Intradural–extramedullary lesions. Ventrodorsal
exacerbated by the synovial cyst (11.8). In retrospect this dog myelogram of this dog is shown in 4.27. An MRI of this area is
should have undergone a distraction-stabilization procedure. shown in 4.44B.
Diagnostic aids 53

4.31 Intramedullary lesion. Lateral myelogram of the dog shown

in 4.30. The myelographic columns diverge in this view as well
as in the ventrodorsal view.

4.29 Intramedullary lesion. Diagram showing spinal cord


4.32 Poor contrast filling is common over the caudal cervical

spine. The cranial cervical and thoracic spines can be elevated
in order to cause the heavier contrast agent to pool in the
caudal cervical area (from McKee et al., 2000).

than the subarachnoid space. This is not uncommon—

one study found a higher incidence with injections at
the CMC (13%) than after lumbar injection (2.6%).
Subdural contrast is usually restricted to the dorsal
area and this is probably due to a restriction of ventral
flow caused by the denticulate ligaments (Lamb, 1994,
1997; Scrivani et al., 1997; Penderis et al., 1999;
Scrivani, 2000) (1.11).
Contrast in the subarachnoid space may need to be
pooled by manipulating the animal’s position (4.32).
Positioning the animal in sternal recumbency with its
head elevated slightly can cause contrast to collect in
4.30 Intramedullary lesion. Ventrodorsal myelogram at L1/2
the caudal cervical area for a dorsoventral view; analo-
of a 7-year-old Doberman with progressive paraparesis of
2 weeks’ duration. The myelographic columns diverge in this gous pooling techniques can be applied to the lumbar
ventrodorsal view, as they do in the lateral view (4.31). Diagnosis spine. One final potential problem is that the lesion
was a highly-invasive neurofibrosarcoma with extensive spinal may only be visible when the animal is lying on one side
cord invasion but only a very small mass around one dorsal but not when it is on the other side (4.33).
nerve rootlet.
Neurological deterioration can occur in some animals
poor myelographic quality (8.1A); this can be due to after myelography (Allen and Wood, 1988). Large-
several reasons. Epidural leakage may obscure the sub- breed dogs with significant cervical cord lesions; dogs
arachnoid contrast medium (4.67). Fortunately, epidural with chronic spinal cord compression, meningitis or
contrast is usually absorbed more rapidly than the sub- extradural tumors; and those with degenerative
arachnoid contrast medium and so resolution may myelopathy seem to be affected most often. Fortunately,
improve after 10–20 min. Another potential problem is this deterioration is usually transient, most patients
inadvertent injection into the subdural space rather returning to their pre-myelogram status within a few
54 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.33 Some lesions may be missed if

only one lateral view is taken. A: There is
a generalized loss of contrast over the
L1/2 space in this radiograph taken with
the dog in right lateral recumbency.
B: Same dog in left lateral recumbency.
There is marked splitting of the ventral
contrast column due to an asymmetric
lesion. This indicates that the lesion lies
on the left side of the vertebral canal
(Matteucci et al., 1999).


Manipulations involved in obtaining flexion, exten-

sion or traction radiographs during myelography can lead
to neurological deterioration and it is wise not to
maintain these positions for excessive periods of time,
particularly when extending the cervical spine (11.9,
Seizures occur infrequently on recovery from anesthe-
sia following myelography (Wheeler and Davies, 1985;
Allen and Wood, 1988). The site of injection appears not
to influence the frequency of seizures; dogs with CSM
may be prone to this complication (Lewis and Hosgood,
4.34 Injection of contrast into the spinal cord parenchyma. This
can cause severe neurological deficits and focal malacia, which 1992). Seizures are best managed by intravenous
is related to the volume injected. If injection is performed without diazepam or barbiturates and so it is prudent to leave an
fluoroscopic guidance, a test injection should be used (Parker intravenous catheter in place in any patient recovering
et al., 1975; Servo and Laasonen, 1985; Kirberger and Wrigley, after a myelogram to facilitate medication.

days. Clearly, if the spinal puncture or injection tech- OTHER IMAGING TECHNIQUES
nique itself is at fault, significant neurological damage Ultrasonography
may result (4.34). Injection of contrast into the central This technique has two broad indications. The first and
canal can occur in cisternal myelography; the effect on most important is to evaluate the heart and abdomen.
the patient varies but is generally serious. Cardiovascular The abdomen should be examined in animals that
effects are usually seen and neurological deterioration is might have concurrent lesions caused by trauma or by
likely. Central canal injection in the lumbar spine can neoplastic, inflammatory or endocrine disease (4.35).
cause temporary deterioration of deficits and the sever- Echocardiography is indicated in dogs with cardiac dis-
ity is related to the volume injected. The likelihood of ease secondary to degenerative, neoplastic, inflamma-
this complication increases with injections at sites cranial tory or traumatic disease.
to L5/6 (Kirberger and Wrigley, 1993). This is particu- The second indication is to visualize the nervous
larly true in small dogs where the spinal cord terminates system. This can be done either through natural por-
more caudally than in large dogs (Morgan et al., 1987). tals such as a fontanelle or the atlantoaxial (4.36) and
Injection of contrast medium can be made between T13 lumbosacral spaces. It can also be done through thin
and L2 vertebrae but the incidence of epidural leakage areas of the skull in toy breed dogs with hydrocephalus
(4.67), and of central canal injection is then higher com- (a condition that may coexist with syringohydromyelia).
pared to more caudal injections (McCartney, 1997). In addition, the examination can be performed at
Nevertheless, provided that a test injection is employed, surgery through a laminectomy defect or ventral slot.
this technique can be useful when injection is not suc- The main value of intraoperative ultrasonography
cessful at more caudal sites. It is also useful in dogs with is that the surgeon may be able to visualize a tumor
lesions that localize to the L4–S3 spinal cord segments as or disc material that is obscured by the spinal cord. It
there is then much less risk of injecting into the lesion can therefore serve as a real-time aid to localizing and
itself; use of this site is much less desirable in dogs when defining the extent of a lesion. This could make the
the lesion is located in the thoracolumbar region. difference between a complete or incomplete tumor
Diagnostic aids 55

4.35 German shepherd dog that presented with mild

neurological deficits and lumbosacral pain. The dog had small 4.36 Ultrasonography can be used to examine the spinal cord;
dermal nodules all over its skin suggestive of dermatofibrosis, normal C1 region seen through the atlantooccipital space. The
an inherited condition that is associated with renal cyst- dorsal and ventral dura mater is visible (arrows); the two lines
adenocarcinoma (Moe and Lium, 1997). Ultrasound revealed ventrally probably represent the dura and pia mater. The
multiple masses within each kidney (arrow). This dog also had hyperechoic area centrally represents the central canal; CSF in
several other disorders (3.2, 10.4); it died 6 months later. the subarachnoid space is anechoic (Finn Bodner et al., 1995).

4.37 A: Dog in dorsal recumbency,

intubated and connected to a ventilator
prior to undergoing a CT scan; this
minimizes movement artefacts caused
by breathing (for both CT and MRI).
Breathing artefact is less of a problem
for lesions in the cranial cervical or
lumbosacral regions. B: Normal L1/2
intervertebral space of a dog to show
epidural fat within each foramen
(arrowheads). See also 1.23A. This
A B pattern is lost after disc extrusion (4.40A).

resection or prevent the surgeon leaving behind sig- dose for conventional myelography. If the CT study
nificant amounts of disc material (Nakayama, 1993; is performed directly after a conventional myelogram,
Finn Bodner et al., 1995; Hudson et al., 1995; Ham the natural dilution and absorption of the contrast
et al., 1995) (7.8, 8.6). Sonography has also proven medium is sometimes adequate to reduce the contrast
useful in determining the extent of arachnoid cysts concentration in some animals or the patient can be posi-
(Galloway et al., 1999). In addition, it can show tioned to allow contrast to flow away from the lesion
irregular new bone on vertebrae affected by tumors or (taking care that it does not run into the head). Animals
discospondylitis. are usually positioned in dorsal recumbency (4.37).
Animals in ventral recumbency tend to lean to one side
Computed tomography or the other, especially those with a narrow chest but
Computed tomography (CT) of the vertebral column some fractures may be more stable in this position
is very useful in certain circumstances, particularly (4.38). In general CT images should be made at right
in patients with mineralized disc extrusions, vertebral angles to the vertebral canal and not angled as shown
tumors or cervical spondylomyelopathy. Contrast in 4.39.
enhancement by myelography (7.3A), rather than For non-mineralized disc extrusions, either CT myel-
intravenous contrast administration as performed in ography or intravenous contrast-enhanced CT may be
intracranial imaging, outlines the subarachnoid space if required to see the lesion (Sharp et al., 1995) (11.52).
needed. A much lower dose of contrast medium is Use of contrast medium is usually unnecessary for
required for CT myelography than for conventional chondrodystrophoid breeds of dog (8.2A, 8.3) and will
myelograms. If only a CT study is planned, the dose of also tend to obscure some of the more subtle features
contrast medium is reduced to about one quarter of the of disc disease. The study is therefore non-invasive and
56 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.38 Positioning for a CT scan

demands the same precautions as
for radiography; unstable lesions and
dynamic studies warrant particular
care. A: This dog had an L2 fracture
(arrowhead), which was displaced
markedly by putting the dog into
dorsal recumbency (scout CT image).
B: It was repositioned in ventral
recumbency to reduce the
displacement (arrowhead) and made a
good recovery after surgery (13.48).

4.39 A: Cranial and caudal extent of

extruded disc material shown on a
scout image. This also identifies the
exact disc or vertebra(e) involved, which
is particularly useful in surgical planning.
B: Transverse CT scan through the
C2/3 disc to show the mineralized
extrusion (arrow).


4.40 A: CT scan through the T12/13

intervertebral disc space from the same
dog as shown in 4.37B. There is loss of
the normal epidural fat pattern at the
level of the right foramen (arrow). Disc
extrusion was confirmed at surgery.
B: Hemorrhage in the epidural or
subdural space (arrow) following a disc
extrusion in the thoracolumbar area.
Often the rim of hyperattenuation is less
distinct than this (Olby et al., 2000).
Contrast has not been administered.

also very fast (5–10 min depending on the scanner). Interpreting CT scans in dogs with thoracolumbar
Although CT scans are usually more expensive than disc disease has been reviewed (Olby et al., 2000).
myelograms, the reduced anesthesia time means that Normal CT images are shown in Chapter 1 (1.17, 1.21,
the final cost is often similar. The region from caudal T9 1.22, 1.23A, 1.25, 1.28). Images should be viewed
vertebra to cranial L4 vertebra is scanned for dogs with initially using soft-tissue parameters (4.40) and then
lesions that localize to the T3–L3 spinal cord segments. subsequently using bone parameters (1.17). The normal
The region from caudal L3 vertebra to mid-sacrum is spinal cord has intermediate attenuation on transverse
scanned for dogs with lesions that localize to the L4–S3 images, equivalent to that of soft tissue such as adja-
spinal cord segments. Three-millimetre slices are usu- cent kidney. Spinal cord causes more attenuation than
ally adequate although additional 1 mm slices can be epidural fat, which is usually most evident at the level
made through the region of interest (Olby et al., 2000). of the disc space, especially adjacent to the interver-
CT is more useful than myelography for surgical plan- tebral foramen (1.23A, 4.37B). Displacement of
ning and can also be used to depict the cranial and cau- epidural fat at this level (4.40A), or an increase in
dal extent of disc material clearly (Olby et al., 1999) the attenuation characteristics of the epidural fat, is
(4.39). Survey radiographs are recommended in addi- a useful indicator of a disc extrusion. Another very
tion to the CT scan in order to allow the surgeon to iden- common feature is the presence of a focal, heterogenous,
tify any anatomical anomalies (8.19–8.21). hyperattenuating mass of mineralized disc material in an
Diagnostic aids 57


4.41 The A: lateral and B: ventrodorsal myelogram in this dog revealed slight expansion of the spinal cord over the cranial C5/6
disc space. The myelogram was followed by a CT scan, which was inconclusive (not shown). C: 3D reconstruction of the CT
myelogram identified an expansile lesion within the spinal cord. The dog was euthanized; necropsy was not performed. Had MRI
been available it would have been a more efficient way to demonstrate this lesion.

epidural location (8.3). A less common presentation lesions (Cirillo et al., 1988; Kent et al., 1992; Klein
occurs when disc material and blood are spread more et al., 1999). MRI is more accurate for showing the
diffusely along and around the spinal cord. In such cases extent of medullary bone involvement in osteosarcoma
the epidural mass is relatively small in individual trans- (O’Flanagan et al., 1991); is superior to myelography
verse images and is only slightly more attenuating than and CT myelography in cervical myelopathy (Masaryk
the spinal cord. It does, however, still cause more attenu- et al., 1986); is at least as accurate as CT myelography for
ation than epidural fat, which is either displaced or identifying disc disease and for differentiating scar tissue
infiltrated with blood and nuclear material (Olby et al., from recurrent disc (Modic et al., 1984; Sotiropoulos
2000). In some animals a rim of increased attenuation is et al., 1989; Yousem et al., 1992); and is superior to CT
visible around the spinal cord, which almost certainly at identifying epidural abscess (Angtuaco et al., 1987).
represents epidural or subdural hemorrhage (Penderis CT myelography is superior to MRI in detecting multi-
et al., 1999; Olby et al., 2000; Tidwell et al., 2002) ple myeloma (Mahnken et al., 2002); and in delineating
(4.40B). The exact appearance of hemorrhage may meningeal carcinomatosis (Krol et al., 1988) CT myel-
depend on how recent it is and if the hemoglobin has ography is equivalent to MRI for diagnosis of nerve root
degraded (Tidwell et al., 1994). Adjacent chronic disc avulsion in brachial plexus injury (Doi et al., 2002), and
lesions, which are frequent and often incidental findings is a very accurate means of identifying cervical disc her-
in dogs with acute extrusions, are recognized by their niations (Houser et al., 1995). CT usually gives superior
extreme hyperattenuation, which may approach that of spatial resolution to MRI, which can be important in
cortical bone. The degree of attenuation can be quanti- identifying spondylosis and the lateral extent of disc
fied by measuring the Hounsfield units (CT numbers) extrusion (Karnaze et al., 1988; Jones et al., 2000a).
within a defined region of interest.
For dogs with suspected cervical disc extrusions, the
scan extends from the mid-atlas (useful to help rule Magnetic resonance imaging
out atlantoaxial instability by demonstrating a normal Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has an impor-
dens) to cranial T1 vertebra. Attenuation characteris- tant role in imaging spinal diseases, particularly in lum-
tics of cervical disc extrusions in chondrodystrophoid bosacral disease and parenchymal spinal cord lesions
breeds are similar to those seen in the thoracolumbar (deHaan, 1993; Kippenes et al., 1999). Normal anat-
area (4.39B, 7.4A) except that extruded disc material omy and basic changes in canine disc disease have been
rarely extends over more than one vertebra and diffuse, reviewed (Sether et al., 1990a,b; Kippenes et al., 1999)
subdural hemorrhage is unusual. Reconstruction tech- (see pages 11–13). Imaging of spinal lesions is covered
niques can be used to enhance further the diagnostic below and in the relevant chapters (7.3B, 8.2B, 9.7,
value of CT in disc disease (7.4, 7.51) as well as for 10.12, 12.3, 12.6B, 12.41A, 13.7, 14.3A, 14.15, 14.17,
other conditions (4.41). 14.19). The region of interest to be covered by the scan
Comparisons between CT and MRI in humans show is dictated by the neurological localization, bearing in
that each has its own strengths and weaknesses (see also mind that occasionally a LMN lesion can obscure an
Chapter 10, pages 186–187). CT is superior for identifying UMN lesion (2.24). The animal is usually positioned in
(cervical) fractures whereas MRI is better for soft tissue dorsal recumbency to minimize movement artefact
58 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.42 A: T2-weighted, sagittal MRI showing

spinal cord edema (arrow) caused by an
acute disc herniation at C5/6 in a dog with
‘Wobbler syndrome’. There is also a large,
more chronic lesion at C6/7. Both disc
spaces have reduced central signal intensity
in this T2-weighted image. B: T1-weighted,
transverse image at C5/6 to show the spinal
cord (arrowhead) being compressed by a
dorsally displaced, non-mineralized disc
(arrow). Compare to 4.44A, 7.3B and
11.52. Some scanners indicate the level of
the transverse image on each image (inset).


4.43 A: Transverse, T1-weighted MRI of

the L2/3 disc in an 11-year-old paraparetic
Labrador (same dog as in 8.2B). The
spinal cord is deformed by a large,
somewhat right-sided, low signal mass.
B: Corresponding image after gadoteridol
(Prohance, Bracco Diagnostics,
Mississauga, Ontario) administration.
There is a rim of enhancement to the mass
(arrow) (Vroomen et al., 1998; Saifuddin
et al., 1999). Mini-hemilaminectomy with
corpectomy was used to remove the
chronic disc material.


from breathing (4.37A) and sagittal scans using T1 and with the changes seen in the lumbosacral region
T2 weighting are used to identify the lesion. T2- (Adams et al., 1995) (see Chapter 10). In acute thora-
weighted images highlight water and are especially use- columbar disc extrusions there is often an associated
ful for this as many lesions have an associated spinal cord hemorrhage at the site of extrusion secondary to tear-
edema that highlights the lesion clearly (4.42A, 13.7, ing of the internal venous plexus (Sether et al., 1990a;
14.15, 14.19). Transverse images are then made through Olby et al., 2000). Mineralized disc material may show
the region of interest (4.42B, 4.43, 4.44A). Intravenous as a signal void (i.e. hypointense) and the extradural
contrast (gadolidium [Gd-DPTA, Magnavist, Berlex lab- spinal cord compression is usually caused by a combin-
oratories, Liberty Corner, NJ] or gadoteridol [Prohance, ation of disc material and hematoma. The hematoma is
Bracco Diagnostics, Mississauga, Ontario] both used at initially signal hypointense on T1- and T2-weighted
0.1–0.2 mmol/kg) is administered if needed, followed images but between 2 and 7 days after onset the signal
by another series of sagittal and transverse T1 scans becomes more hyperintense as deoxyhemoglobin is
(4.43B, 4.44B). Additional pulse sequences may also be converted to methemoglobin (Tidwell et al., 2002).
added as required (Kippenes et al., 1999) (9.7B). There is often only minimal contrast enhancement of
The MRI features of cervical disc lesions in dogs disc material or hematoma but this can identify which
are similar to those described in humans. Loss of sig- lesion is more recent (Sether et al., 1990a; Tidwell and
nal intensity of the nucleus pulposus on T2-weighted Jones, 1999) (4.43, 8.2B). The terminology used to
images is a common finding but is also non-specific. A describe disc lesions is discussed on page 12:
more reliable feature is displacement of epidural fat by • Herniation is a general term denoting a non-
extruded disc material as shown in both sagittal and specific type of disc abnormality and should not be
transverse plane images. Extruded disc material has low used to indicate clinical significance.
signal intensity and it may alter the shape of the spinal • Extrusion describes disc material that has clearly
cord in a transverse plane (Levitski et al., 1999b; escaped the normal boundaries of the disc and is
Yamada et al., 2001). These features are also consistent usually significant clinically.
Diagnostic aids 59

4.44 A: Transverse image of the

dog shown in 7.3B. There is a large,
hypointense extrusion of mineralized disc
material (arrow) causing marked
unilateral compression of the spinal cord
(arrowhead). The inset shows the level
of this image (C4–5). B: T1-weighted
MRI of the dog shown in 4.27 and 4.28
after contrast. The enhancing mass
(arrowhead) is causing marked
compression of the spinal cord. It is not
clear from the MRI if the tumor is extra-
or intra-medullary (Kippenes et al.,
A B 1999).

• The terms ‘bulge’ and ‘protrusion’ are also non- on T2-weighted images is highly predictive of anular
specific and a morphological description of the tears extending into or beyond the outer anulus and a
disc displacement is preferred. majority of these are responsible for symptoms. A
Criteria for differentiating clinically insignificant localized area of hypersignal on T2-weighted images is
lesions from incidental, age-related changes (7.15A) also a reliable marker of symptomatic, outer anular dis-
are discussed below and in Chapter 10. ruption. However, a disc can also have normal MRI
It must be remembered that some disc herniations are characteristics and yet still be symptomatic (Milette
incidental, age-related findings (4.42A) that are not et al., 1999). Changes in disc signal intensity on T2-
responsible for the clinical signs (Jensen et al., 1994; weighted images may prove to be useful for dogs and
Milette et al., 1999; Jones and Inzana, 2000b) (see cats when a lesion does not involve clear extrusion of
Chapters 1, 10, page 188 and 11, page 213). MRI of peo- disc material, but this remains to be proven.
ple without back pain has shown that 50% have one disc MRI features of spinal cord tumors (4.44B, 12.6B,
herniation and 25% have two (Jensen et al., 1994). 12.41A) have been reviewed (Kippenes et al., 1999).
Interpretation must therefore be made using clinical Localization of the mass is initially made using sagittal T2-
signs, electromyographic (EMG) changes in local mus- weighted images. Identification of tumor extent and its
cles, and imaging characteristics (Ramirez and Thrall, relationship to surrounding tissues is best done with T1-
1998). Indicators of clinical relevance in dogs include weighted images after contrast administration. Extradural
changes in posture or evidence of pain such as sponta- tumors can usually be identified accurately although their
neous vocalization or discomfort on palpation of local signal characteristics and enhancement patterns
paralumbar muscles (Chrisman, 1975; Nardin et al., are not consistent. Contrast enhancement of vertebral
1999). Overall, MRI shows excellent anatomical detail tumors may be of less value than for tumors in other loca-
with reasonably high sensitivity but only low specificity, tions. Assessment of bone infiltration is facilitated by use
resulting in a high rate of false positives. In contrast to of additional pulse sequences such as fat suppression or
MRI, electromyography has high specificity and is there- T2-weighted gradient echo, which delineate tumor by its
fore useful to confirm which lesions are physiologically hyperintense signal characteristics. Determining the
significant, thereby avoiding unnecessary interventions intradural–extramedullary compartment is not always
(Nardin et al., 1999; Robinson, 1999). Imaging features straightforward and it is not uncommon for this classifi-
of disc lesions that suggest physiological relevance include cation to be inaccurate even though most of these tumors
edema in bone marrow adjacent to the disc (Sether et al., show marked contrast enhancement (4.44B). CSF imag-
1990a; Morrison et al., 2000); edema within the spinal ing studies (MR myelography) may improve anatomic
cord over the affected disc space (4.42, 13.7); contrast classification (Kippenes et al., 1999).
enhancement, which shows a high correlation with rup- Other indications for MRI include degenerative
ture of the anulus (Vroomen et al., 1998; Saifuddin (Levitski et al., 1999a,b; Lipsitz et al., 2001; Webb
et al., 1999) (4.43); and changes within the disc itself et al., 2001), anomalous (14.3A), inflammatory (Kraft
(Jenkins et al., 1985; Milette et al., 1999) (8.2B). et al., 1998) (14.15), traumatic (13.7), and vascular
MRI signal characteristics within the disc itself are (14.17, 14.19) lesions (Gopal and Jeffery, 2001).
useful in characterizing internal derangement, which
in humans with low back pain can indicate that the Scintigraphy
lesion is symptomatic even in the absence of a change Bone scintigraphy evaluates certain functional aspects of
in disc contour. Decreased central disc signal intensity bone, particularly related to blood supply and metabolic
60 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.45 Nuclear bone scan from a 10-

year-old German shepherd dog with
paraparesis and back pain of 1 week
duration. A: An osteoproductive lesion is
visible at T5 (arrow); note also the soft
tissue mass ventral to the affected
vertebral body. B: Increased uptake of
technetium is evident on the bone scan.
Final diagnosis was osteosarcoma.


4.46 Spontaneous electrical activity

recorded from the gastrocnemius
muscle of a 7-month-old Sharpei with
protozoal polyradiculoneuritis and
myositis. The dog was paraplegic with
LMN deficits. A: The two main types
of spontaneous activity are visible:
1. Fibrillation potential. 2. Positive
sharp wave. The dog tested positive for
Neospora caninum; creatine kinase (CK)
was elevated. B: Muscle biopsy
A B identified numerous protozoal organisms.

activity. Certain types of lesions will produce a ‘hot has high specificity and as such is a very useful comple-
spot’ on a bone scan (4.45); this may be evident before ment to MRI. In particular, the combination of these
radiographic changes are visible. Particular uses of bone two tests is one way to overcome the high rate of false-
scintigraphy include discospondylitis, vertebral tumors, positive diagnosis that can occur using MRI alone (Nardin
and small pathological fractures secondary to osteoporo- et al., 1999; Robinson, 1999). The second category of
sis (Lamb et al., 1990; Stefanacci and Wheeler, 1991; LMN disease is when the animal is suffering from a
Cook et al., 2002). generalized peripheral neuropathy, or possibly a myopa-
thy, in which case spontaneous activity will be wide-
spread throughout the body and will not be restricted
CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY to any particular muscle group.
If an UMN lesion is present, electromyography of
Electromyography the paraspinal muscles can sometimes be useful to help
Electromyography (EMG) is the method by which the localize the lesion. Although UMN deficits are evident
electrical activity of muscle is studied and analyzed. mainly through their effects on white matter tracts,
This technique can assist the neurosurgeon by helping they will also impair neurons in the local gray matter
to localize some of the more subtle lesions as being at the same level. Damage to these neurons often
either UMN or LMN in nature. If LMN deficits are produces spontaneous activity in epaxial and hypaxial
present they will generally be associated with spontan- spinal muscles adjacent to the injured spinal cord seg-
eous electrical activity in those muscles supplied by the ment. This activity seems to occur as a result of both
injured spinal cord segment or nerve root (4.46). It is degenerative and irritative effects, so the latter may be
important to remember that this spontaneous activity evident on an acute basis (Chrisman, 1975).
takes between 4 and 7 days to appear, which is the time
taken for the axons to degenerate from the site of injury
to the neuromuscular junctions (Cuddon et al., 2003). Spinal cord evoked response
Two broad categories of LMN lesions can be seen. In this technique, a recording electrode is placed on the
The first relates to lesions that are restricted to either the dorsal lamina of a cervical, thoracic, or lumbar vertebra
brachial or lumbosacral regions, such as brachial plexus in order to detect an electrical response in the spinal
avulsion injury or damage to the cauda equina. In this cord. The impulse in the spinal cord is created by sti-
case, the spontaneous activity will be restricted to a mulating a peripheral sensory nerve distal to the lesion.
discrete muscle group(s). Use of EMG in radiculopathy The impulse or evoked response needs to undergo signal
Diagnostic aids 61

averaging to remove background information, much like

a brainstem auditory evoked response. The spinal cord
evoked response has the potential to give prognostic
information about the functional state of the spinal cord
after trauma. The technique is performed routinely in
humans undergoing surgery for scoliosis and can reduce
the incidence of postoperative paraparesis and para-
plegia by more than 60% (Dawson et al., 1991).
Various parameters can be recorded from the evoked
waveforms traveling in the spinal cord, but no single
one has proved to be predictive of the eventual outcome
in dogs with acute spinal cord injuries. Mathematical A
manipulations of the data may provide useful information
but it can be difficult to identify and interpret the wave-
forms accurately in dogs with severe spinal cord injuries,
as the waveforms are often small and dispersed
(Sylvestre et al., 1993). It would be a tremendous advan-
tage to have a more objective criterion than nociception
to predict the eventual outcome in an animal with severe
spinal cord injury. The main challenges are the need for
one person to be dedicated solely to the monitoring tech-
nique, the variation in size of canine and feline patients,
and the fact that pre-existing neurological deficits make it B
hard to get useful potentials (Cuddon et al., 2003).
Further study is required before the spinal cord evoked 4.47 A: Radiograph of the lumbar spine of a 4-year-old Golden
retriever with a 2-week history of lumbar pain and asymmetrical
response can make a significant contribution to the man- paraparesis. Loss of bone within the L4 vertebral body is seen.
agement of clinical cases (Holliday, 1992; Poncelet et al., B: Myelogram of the same dog showing ventral extradural
1993; Cuddon et al., 2003). compression. A spinal radiographic survey, bone scan and
thoracic radiographs revealed no other lesions.
F waves and cord dorsum potentials
F waves are probably of more value than peripheral
motor nerve conduction studies for most spinal dis-
eases. They represent delayed action potentials that
arrive a few milliseconds after the compound muscle
action potential. F waves are initiated by antidromic
conduction of a stimulus along a motor axon that eli-
cits an action potential from the ventral horn cell in the
spinal cord. This secondary action potential is then con-
ducted orthodromically down the motor axon in the
ventral nerve root and peripheral nerve to produce a
second muscle-evoked action potential, which is
known as an F wave. These waveforms therefore pro-
vide a specific way to assess nerve roots; the longer
path taken by the F wave also means that any abnor-
4.48 Fine needle aspiration was performed under fluoroscopy.
malities tend to be magnified compared to standard The material collected was diagnostic of myeloma. The dog
nerve conduction studies. They are particularly useful was treated by radiation and chemotherapy (4.49).
in assessing nerve root disease in cauda equina syndrome
(Cuddon et al., 2003) (see Chapter 10).
Cord dorsum potentials are a spinal-cord evoked BIOPSY (4.47–4.49)
response that arise from purely sensory input of Tumors are the most likely reason for biopsy and
peripheral nerves. They are useful both for evaluating are discussed in Chapter 12. Most biopsies of spinal
radiculopathies and also for myelopathies that involve tissue will be performed following surgical exposure of
the intumescences (Cuddon et al., 2003). the lesion.
62 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.49 Same dog as shown in

4.47–4.48, above. A: Sixty five
months after therapy it was
euthanized due to a pathologic
fracture of C7 caused by recurrence
of myeloma. B: The original lesion
at L4 (arrowhead) had not changed
although neoplastic plasma cells
were still present at this location as
well as in the spleen and kidney
(Rusbridge et al., 1999).


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canal or vertebral body, preferably under fluoroscopic Cook, G.J., Hannaford, E., See, M., Clarke, S.E., Fogelman, I. (2002) The
(4.48) or CT (12.4) guidance (Irving and McMillan, value of bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of osteoporotic patients with
back pain. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 31, 245–248.
1990). A core of vertebral bone can also be taken using Cuddon, P.A., Murray, M., Kraus, K. (2003) Electrodiagnosis. In: D. Slatter
a Jamshidi needle (5.35). (ed.), Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 3rd edn, 1108–1117.
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Practice 35, 549–558. ruption and lower extremity pain. Spine 22, 1600–1605.
Lamb, C.R. (1997) Subdural collection of contrast medium during Olby, N.J., Munana, K.R., Sharp, N.J.H., Flegel, T., Van Camp, S.,
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ciated with extradural synovial cysts in 4 dogs. Journal of Veterinary tomographic appearance of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herni-
Internal Medicine 13, 181–186. ations in dogs. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 41, 396–402.
Levitski, R.E., Lipsitz, D., Chauvet, A.E. (1999b) Magnetic resonance Parker, A.J., Cusick, P.K., Stowater, J.L., Park, R.D. (1975) Effects of
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Lipsitz, D., Levitski, R.E., Chauvet, A.E., Berry, W.L. (2001) Magnetic in dogs with naturally acquired thoracolumbar spinal cord disease.
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64 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Ramirez, O., III, Thrall, D.E.(1998) A review of imaging techniques for Sylvestre, A.M., Cockshutt, J.R., Parent, J.M., Brooke, J.D., Holmberg, D.L.,
canine cauda equina syndrome. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 39, Partlow, G.D. (1993) Magnetic motor evoked potentials for assessing
283–296. spinal cord integrity in dogs with intervertebral disc diseases. Veterinary
Remedios, A.M., Wagner, R., Caulkett, N.A., Duke, T. (1996) Surgery 22, 5–10.
Epidural abscess and discospondylitis in a dog after administration of a Thomson, C.E., Kornegay, J.N., Stevens, J.B. (1989) Canine intervertebral
lumbosacral epidural analgesic. Canadian Veterinary Journal 37, 106–107. disc disease: changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Small Animal
Robinson, L.R. (1999) Electromyography, magnetic resonance imaging, and Practice 30, 685–688.
radiculopathy: it’s time to focus on specificity. Muscle Nerve 22, 149–150. Thomson, C.E., Kornegay, J.N., Stevens, J.B. (1990) Analysis of cere-
Rossmeissl, J.H., Troy, G.C., Inzana, K.D., Jortner, B., Boon, G.D. (2002) brospinal fluid from the cerebellomedullary and lumbar cisterns of dogs
Effects of blood contamination on canine cerebrospinal fluid white blood with focal neurologic disease: 145 cases (1985–1987). Journal of the
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Internal Medicine 16, 370. Tidwell, A.S., Jones, J.C. (1999) Advanced imaging concepts: a pictorial
Rusbridge, C., Wheeler, S.J., Lamb, C.R., Page, R.L., Carmichael, S., glossary of CT and MRI technology. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal
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associated with annular tears: demonstration with gadolinium-enhanced dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 35, 290–296.
lumbar spine MRI. European Spine Journal 8, 34–39. Tidwell, A.S., Specht, A., Blaeser, L., Kent, M. (2002) Magnetic resonance
Scrivani, P.V. (2000) Myelographic artifacts. Veterinary Clinics of North imaging features of extradural hematomas associated with intervertebral
America, Small Animal Practice 30, 303–314, vi. disc herniation in a dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 43,
Scrivani, P.V., Barthez, P.Y., Leveille, R., Schrader, S.C., Reed, S.M. (1997) 319–324.
Subdural injection of contrast medium during cervical myelography. Vroomen, P.C., Van Hapert, S.J., Van Acker, R.E., Beuls, E.A., Kessels, A.G.,
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Servo, A., Laasonen, E.M. (1985) Accidental introduction of contrast ment of lumbar disc herniations and nerve roots on preoperative MRI.
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Sether, L.A., Nguyen, C., Yu, S.N., Haughton, V.M., Ho, K.C., Biller, D.S., ings in a dog with lumbar ganglion cysts. Veterinary Radiology and
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Thrall, D.E. (1995) Computed tomography in the evaluation of caudal metrizamide myelography in clinically normal dogs. American Journal of
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Radiology and Ultrasound 36, 100–108. Wilson, J.W., Stevens, J.B. (1977) Effects of blood contamination on cere-
Sisson, A.F., LeCouteur, R.A., Ingram, J.T., Park, R.D., Child, G. (1992) brospinal fluid analysis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Diagnosis of cauda equina abnormalities by using electromyography, Association 171, 256–258.
discography, and epidurography in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Yamada, K., Nakagawa, M., Kato, T., Shigeno, S., Hirose, T., Miyahara, K.,
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Stefanacci, J.D., Wheeler, S.J. (1991) Skeletal scintigraphy in canine Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 16, 345–351.
discospondylitis. American College of Veterinary Radiology 66.

Collection of CSF
General anesthesia is required for CSF collection in dogs and cats; the depth must be suitable so that the
animal will not move during the procedure. Patients should be intubated and ventilator support must be
available. The collection site must be clipped and prepared aseptically. Sterile surgical gloves should be worn. An
assistant is required to hold the patient in the correct position when collecting from the cerebello-medullary
cistern (CMC).
Which collection site to use warrants some consideration? The two sites available are the CMC and the lumbar
region. Collection from the CMC is easier and is less likely to produce a sample contaminated with blood.
However, as CSF flows in a cranial to caudal direction, abnormal CSF is more likely to be present caudal to a
lesion. Thus, lumbar CSF is more likely to be useful diagnostically. However, lumbar collection is more difficult and
blood contamination occurs more often.
If raised intracranial pressure is present, lumbar collection is somewhat safer. This is not because brain
herniation is any less likely, but because the risk of direct damage to already-herniated tissue is not a factor with
lumbar collection. If CSF collection is necessary when intracranial pressure could be elevated (see page 43), then
Diagnostic aids 65

the animal should be ventilated prophylactically and a capnometer used to maintain end-tidal pCO2 at
30–35 mmHg. Mannitol, lasix and dexamethasone should also be on hand for emergency use (see below).
Spinal needles are preferred for CSF collection (4.50). The CSF is collected into sterile vials; plain vials without
anticoagulant are generally used.


Because the neck is flexed severely (4.51), a kink-proof endotracheal tube should be used. Alternatively, the cuff
is deflated to allow space around the tube for ventilation should the tube obstruct.
An imaginary line is drawn between the wings of the atlas (4.52, 4.53). The ideal site is in the midline of the
patient, half way between the occipital protuberance and the line joining the wings of the atlas. Just behind the
occipital protuberance, there is a slight depression in the muscles. This is not the site of needle penetration but
is cranial to it; inserting the needle there usually leads to it striking the bone of the skull. The needle is inserted
perpendicular to the skin in the midline (4.54, 4.58). In small dogs and especially in cats, it is much safer to pick
up the skin and first penetrate the skin with the needle pointing away from the spinal cord.
There are two main methods for advancing the needle:
1. Remove the stilette once the tip of the needle enters muscle and then advance the needle until CSF
appears in the hub of the needle.
2. Advance the needle with the stilette still in place in small increments, removing the stilette between each
movement to check whether CSF is present in the needle. A slight ‘pop’ can sometimes be felt when the
needle enters the subarachnoid space but this sensation can also be produced by movements of the
needle if the tip has been blunted on bone.
Method (1) is simpler for most clinicians and is less hazardous.
If CSF does not flow or is blood tinged, a number of possible complications could have arisen:
• If the tip of the needle hits bone, it is most common for it to be too far rostral. The point of the needle is
redirected caudally by withdrawing it to a subcutaneous position and moving the hub rostrally.
• If CSF flows, but is tinged with a trickle of bright red blood in the base of the hub, a dural vessel has been
penetrated. This may clear after a few seconds, and then the CSF may be collected. Rotating the needle helps
to clear this type of hemorrhage. The initial blood contamination can be evacuated from the hub of the needle
using a separate, small needle and syringe although it is often better to just remove the needle and start again.
• Dark venous blood flows from the needle. This indicates that a venous structure has been penetrated,
usually because the needle has strayed from the midline. This causes no harm but it is best to start again
with a fresh needle.
• No CSF flows, even though all the features of a successful tap appear to be present and the needle
appears to have penetrated to an adequate depth. The stilette should be replaced in case the needle has
plugged with tissue or blood clot. If CSF still does not flow, this may be because either the needle is far
off the midline; the brain has herniated; a mass occupies part of the cisterna magna; or the spinal cord
has been penetrated. The latter is a significant risk if the needle is advanced with the stilette in place.
The needle should be removed, the patient placed in a normal position and the respiratory pattern
observed. If respiration is normal after several minutes, the procedure may be repeated or a lumbar
puncture performed. In some patients with soft tissue lesions in the cranial cervical vertebral canal, CSF
cannot be collected from the CMC.
• The patient moves suddenly; this is usually because the spinal cord has been damaged. The needle must
be removed and the patient ventilated. This is a potentially serious situation leading to marked neurological
deterioration or death. It may be useful to give the patient methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS)
(30 mg/kg IV) in an attempt to limit the spinal cord damage.
• The CSF flows forcefully from the needle. It is not always clear why this happens, but it clearly indicates
high CSF pressure at the CMC. Some dogs do not suffer any apparent deleterious effects from this, but
others do deteriorate. The needle should be removed and the precautions mentioned above taken. It may
66 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

also be useful to hyperventilate the patient as discussed below if increased intracranial pressure is
suspected as the cause.
• CSF enters the hub but then flow stops abruptly and the animal’s heart rate drops below 40/min. This
indicates that brain herniation has occurred; the needle must be removed and the animal ventilated to
maintain end-tidal pCO2 at 30–35 mmHg. Mannitol (1.0 g/kg) and furosemide should be administered
intravenously. This strategy is often successful in reversing the herniation if instituted immediately; a
capnometer and emergency drugs should therefore always be available and ready for immediate use for
any patient considered to be at increased risk of herniating.

4.50 Spinal needles have a stilette and a shallow

bevel. A notch in the hub indicates the side of
the bevel, which in myelography should be
pointing in the direction in which contrast is 4.50
intended to flow.

4.51 Patient positioned in right lateral recumbency for

collection of CSF by a right-handed operator.
The head is held by an assistant in 90° flexion
with the nose parallel to the tabletop. The neck
is positioned close to the edge of the table. A
foam wedge may be used to support the nose.


a b

4.52 Diagram to show the site of CMC puncture. c

Landmarks are the lateral margin of the wings
of the atlas (a), the occipital protuberance
(b), and the midline (c). The location of the
cisterna magna is outlined by contrast in 4.65.


4.53 Landmarks for CMC puncture. These are the

lateral margin of the wings of the atlas (a), the
occipital protuberance (b), and the midline.

Diagnostic aids 67

4.54 Needle insertion. The operator is wearing sterile

gloves, and the site has been prepared
aseptically. The left hand is identifying the
landmarks. The thumb and upper fingers are
palpating the wings of the atlas. The middle
finger is on the midline, just behind the intended
site. The 4th or 5th fingers of the right hand
should always be rested on the animal’s head in
case the table or dog move inadvertently.

4.55 The needle is in place with the stilette removed; a

drop of CSF is seen. Spinal needles become
plugged only rarely. If plugging is suspected, the
stilette should be inserted then removed.


4.56 Fluid is collected into a sterile vial.


4.57 Fluid can also be collected into a sterile syringe,

which is not used to aspirate CSF but just to
catch drops as they fall.

68 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.58 Diagram to show position of needle. The landmarks are as in

4.52 (a) and (b). Technique for injection of contrast at the end of
CSF collection is shown in 4.64.



Collection of CSF from the lumbar site is more likely to fail than from the CMC. Contamination is also more
frequent. Collection is usually from L4/5 or L5/6 in dogs (4.59); in the cat L6/7 can be used.
If CSF does not flow or is blood tinged, a number of possible complications may have arisen:
• The needle strikes bone. The space available for penetration of the vertebral canal is relatively small,
particularly in large dogs with significant vertebral new bone formation. Also, the ligamentous tissue may be
mineralized and have the feel of bone. Repeated attempts may be required to position the needle and, in
some patients, the technique may fail. Flexing the spine by drawing the pelvic limbs forward may open up
the interarcuate spaces.
• The considerations for hemorrhage are similar to those mentioned above. If the needle appears to be
positioned correctly and yet CSF does not appear, the needle can be rotated slowly or withdrawn slightly.
Provided that intracranial pressure is normal, one or both jugular veins may be occluded to cause CSF to
flow. If these approaches are not successful then a second attempt at collection can be made. Aspiration
of CSF with a syringe is possible, but blood contamination is more likely.

4.59 Lumbar puncture between L5 and L6. The tip of

the L6 spinous process is palpated. The needle
is inserted alongside the caudal edge of the L6
spinous process and directed cranially and
ventrally through the ligamentum flavum into the
vertebral canal (4.67).

Diagnostic aids
70 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

As a guide, a dose of iohexol contrast medium from 0.25 to 0.5 ml/kg body weight is used, although this can vary
with the site of the injection and the expected location of the lesion. Better contrast may be obtained when using
a concentration of 300 mg iodine/ml compared to 240 mg iodine/ml.


If possible the table is tilted by 5–10° at injection. The bevel of the needle (indicated by a notch on the hub)
should be directed caudally. Injection should be performed preferably by connecting the syringe to the spinal
needle using a flexible tube, which is pre-filled with contrast before injection. Contrast should ideally be filtered if
multi-use vials are used routinely (4.1B). It is vital that the needle is not advanced into the spinal cord substance;
use of an extension tube can help to avoid needle movement during injection and the needle should be held as
described in 4.64.
After injection the needle is removed and the patient’s head is elevated. The legs and maxilla are tied to the
table edge using rope ties. Initially, the patient is tilted at 30° with the head up and an immediate radiograph is
taken, further radiographs being taken depending on the progress of the contrast column. If the X-ray tube can
be tilted parallel to the table, radiographs may be taken in this position. The angle of tilt may be increased to 45°
or more and further radiographs taken until a lesion is demonstrated or the contrast ceases to flow. When the
lesion is delineated, ventrodorsal and oblique views should be taken.
If a tilting table is not available, the patient must be held up by the thoracic limbs, with the head above the body.
This can be difficult in large dogs and use of a tilting table is recommended.
In normal dogs, the column will usually reach the lumbosacral region in a maximum of 10 min on a suitably
tilted table. Occasionally, the column stops in a totally unexpected position, often the low cervical region, and this
should not be considered diagnostic until further time has elapsed and the table tilted to a steeper angle.

4.64 Position of patient and needle. In this patient, an extension tube

has been applied to the spinal needle for the injection of contrast
medium for myelography. The position of the right hand as
shown is dangerous and NOT recommended. It is much safer
to maintain the needle in position by resting the 4th and 5th
finger of the right hand on the dog’s head as shown for CSF
collection (4.54).

Diagnostic aids 71

4.65 Close-up of a myelogram with the neck flexed to

show the atlanto-occipital space and the
cerebellomedullary cistern distended with
contrast (arrow). The cranial border of the atlas is
shown (arrowhead). The cerebellar folia are
outlined by contrast ( ); cranial flow of contrast
should be avoided by pointing the bevel caudally
while injecting and then elevating the head



To expedite imaging and minimize the amount of repositioning, the order for radiographs should be as follows:
ventrodorsal survey radiographs; lateral survey radiographs, then injection of contrast with lateral images;
followed by a final repositioning for ventrodorsal and oblique images.
Ideally, injection should be made at the L5/L6 space as the incidence of complications increases with
injections at sites cranial to this (Kirberger and Wrigley, 1993). Injections at L6/L7 are prone to epidural injection,
although this tends to be true more in large dogs and L6/L7 can be more reliable than L5/L6 in small dogs (4.68).
Epidural leakage may also be more likely when the pelvic limbs are flexed. The bevel of the needle (indicated by
a notch on the hub) should be directed cranially. Injection may be performed directly by applying a syringe to the
spinal needle, or via a flexible tube, which is pre-filled with contrast before injection. A test injection of 0.2–0.4 ml
of contrast should always be made to insure that it is not being delivered into the spinal cord parenchyma (4.34).
Provided that this is not the case, a lateral radiograph is then taken once most of the contrast dose has been
injected but with the needle still in place. If the spinal cord is swollen then radiographs should ideally be taken as
contrast is being injected in order to best outline the subarachnoid space. In such cases it is useful to take the
dorsoventral radiograph by repositioning the animal with the needle still in situ to permit a further injection of
contrast to be made. If the needle has been inserted with the pelvic limbs flexed, they should be maintained in
this position as the animal is repositioned. Once the spinal needle has been removed, ventrodorsal and oblique
radiographs should be taken rapidly as epidural leakage occurs through the puncture hole, especially when the
spinal cord is markedly swollen. When epidural leakage does occur it tends to clear faster than the contrast in the
subarachnoid space and so serial images should be taken in the hope that resolution improves; if it does not then
the study will need to be repeated.

4.66 Contrast injection using an extension tube.

Injection should be slow to avoid epidural
leakage. The apparatus may need to be held in
place to prevent the extension tube and needle
from disconnecting.

72 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

4.67 Radiograph to show position of needle for

lumbar puncture. A myelogram has been
performed; contrast can be seen in the
subarachnoid space. Note that there is epidural
contrast (arrow) in the cranial lumbar vertebral
canal. This is a common complication in lumbar
myelograms and when present makes 4.67
interpretation much harder.

4.68 T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar region of a large-

breed dog to show the high-signal epidural
(arrowheads) and subarachnoid spaces (arrow).
Note that the epidural space is usually much
wider relative to the subarachnoid space at L6/7
than at L5/6. The L4/5, L5/6 and L6/7 discs
show normal signal intensities but there is loss of 5
6 7
signal of the L7/S1 disc along with extension of
the disc dorsally compressing the nerve roots of
the cauda equina.


The simple technique of taking a radiograph with the animal lying on the contralateral side should also be
considered (4.33). Oblique projections may also be very useful in myelography; they are of most value from the
ventrodorsal position, although interpreting these projections can sometimes be challenging. A follow-up CT
scan is preferred after myelography when available, when clarification is required.
In some circumstances, special ‘stressed’ positions may give more information about a lesion seen in a neutral
position, or they may reveal a lesion not apparent previously.

Cervical spine In cervical spondylomyelopathy special positions during myelography may be useful:
• The traction view, where tension is applied to the cervical spine. It can indicate whether the lesion is
‘dynamic’ or ‘static’, which can then have a bearing on surgical planning (11.4, 11.5).
• The extension view, where the neck is extended dorsally, can reveal other lesions that may become significant
in the future; that is, the ‘domino’ effect (11.23). This view is not without hazard and must be done with care
(11.9, 11.10).
• Flexed and extended views may reveal lesions that cause minor trauma as the animal moves its neck
around (11.6).

Lumbosacral spine In general a cervical injection is preferred to a lumbar injection to evaluate this region,
even though this necessitates that contrast be made to flow caudally by using gravity. The reason is because
after lumbar puncture there is a risk of either injecting into the lesion (2.25) or of epidural leakage (4.67). An alter-
native is to use an L1/2 injection site (McCartney,1997). Flexion and extension myelography may reveal lum-
bosacral lesions not apparent on neutral positions (10.7), but it is possible to get false-positive results with this
technique. Dynamic views may also be used during CT (10.11) and MRI (10.12) although the patient will then
need to be repositioned and a second scan conducted.
Instrumentation Chapter

Draping 78

References 79

Spinal surgery requires some special instruments and

many of the items are illustrated in this chapter (5.1–
5.35). However, the starting point is a well-equipped
general surgical pack, as would be used for most soft

5.1 Operating loupes. Some form of magnification is almost

essential for neurosurgery. 5.3 Headlight—good lighting is also essential for neurosurgery
and this is facilitated by a fiberoptic light source (Goring et al.,
1991), ideally one that attaches to the surgeon’s head and can
be flipped up or down as needed.

5.2 An operating microscope is extremely useful when 5.4 Anatomical specimens such as this canine spine are
dissecting close to the spinal cord. invaluable for reference and for surgical planning.
74 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

5.5 Sew in, waterproof drape. See also 12.32.

5.8 Blunt self-retaining retractors are invaluable in the ventral

approach to the cervical spine. Either Gosset (illustrated) or
pediatric Balfour (9.18).

5.6 Gelpi self-retaining retractors. These are particularly

useful in all dorsal and dorsolateral approaches to the spine
(10.26, 13.60). 5.9 Hand-held retractors. The small Hohmann retractor (above)
is useful in ventral repair of atlantoaxial subluxation. The Senn
(below) or Langenbeck retractor is useful in dorsal, dorsolateral
and lateral approaches to the spine (8.15–8.18).

5.7 Multi-toothed self-retaining retractors. Illustrated here are 5.10 A laminectomy spreader is very useful to reduce some
Weitlander and Adson–Baby (top) retractors. West retractors are fractures and to distract over-ridden vertebrae (Boudrieau,
similar (9.20). These facilitate ventral cervical approaches. 1997) (13.64).
Instrumentation 75

5.14 #7 scalpel handle with #11 blade. This is particularly

useful for disc fenestration and ligament removal (7.34, 7.45).

5.11 Electrosurgical instruments. The monopolar system is

used for coagulation and for incising tissues (8.14). Monopolar
cautery should not be used in close proximity to the spine, as
the current travels through the patient, and this can lead to
spinal cord damage. Close to the spinal cord, bipolar or
microbipolar cautery (5.12) must be used for coagulation

5.15 Instruments for fenestration and disc removal from the

vertebral canal. From top: Rosen mobilizer, Shea curette and
House curette (5.16). The latter is also very useful for removal
of bone during the final stages of laminectomy (8.37) and
ventral spinal decompression (7.51).

5.12 Microbipolar cautery should be used when working

close to neural tissues.

5.13 Periosteal elevator and freer, for removal of muscle from
the vertebrae (7.38) and for vertebral distraction (11.33). 5.16 Close up of House curette.
76 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

5.17 Nerve hook (below) for retraction of spinal nerves. Dental

tartar scrapers (blunt and pointed) for fenestration and removal
of disc material from the vertebral canal (5.18).

5.20 Small instruments for use with higher-powered


5.21 These delicate rongeurs are used for fine bone removal.
Larger, double action rongeurs are available for heavier bone
B removal (10.28).

5.18 Close up of dental instruments (8.35, 8.36, 8.39 and 8.41).

5.19 25 gauge hypodermic needles. These can be held at the

hub by needle holders. They can be used for cutting or the tip
may be twisted off using needle holders and then bent to size
as a blunt retractor or scraper. Blunt instruments made in this 5.22 Mini chuck for insertion of small pins, such as those used
way are particularly useful when working down a ventral slot, for atlantoaxial subluxation (Chapter 9) and to stabilize articular
especially in small dogs (11.55B). facets after spinal trauma (13.48A).
Instrumentation 77

5.26 Adson suction tip and bulb syringe for bur irrigation
5.23 Pneumatic systems are preferable for bone removal in
(8.29, 8.30, 8.39–8.41).
neurosurgical procedures. Illustrated here is the Hall
Surgairtome 2 with long bur guard, and round and oval burs
(8.30, 11.53).

5.27 Bone wax is used for hemostasis; it is used to plug small

5.24 Angled bur guard is useful for the cement plug technique vessels in bone by pressing over the bleeding site (8.31, 13.58).
used in Wobbler surgery (11.38).

5.28 Cellulose surgical spears (Ultracell sponges, Ultracell

medical Technologies Inc., North Stonington, CT.) are a very
useful type of sponge that does not shed material like standard
5.25 An electrical drill is an alternative to the pneumatic drill. sponges. They are recommended to absorb fluid in contact with
The Dremel model is an example; it is considerably less the spinal cord.
expensive than the pneumatic system and does have
acceptable performance. Sterilization is a problem; ethylene
oxide systems can be used but their availability is restricted.
Methods of wrapping the instrument in sterile drapes are
available, but are less satisfactory, and we do not recommend
them in view of the requirement for asepsis in spinal surgery.
Disadvantages of an electric drill are that it is slower; more
pressure may be needed, which can cause bone necrosis
and possibly inadvertent injury to the spinal cord; and the
burs may clog more rapidly (Shires et al., 1986; Bitetto and
Kapatkin, 1989).

tissue and orthopedic procedures (Cockshutt, 2003).

With experience, surgeons find which instruments they
5.29 Surgicel. If this product is used, it must always be
prefer for spinal surgery, but there is no doubt that cer- removed from the laminectomy site once hemostasis is
tain instruments make the tasks easier and, thus, more achieved as it swells and may cause compression. Surgifoam
efficient. hemostat, however, may be left in situ since it does not swell.
78 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

5.30 Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) absorbable gelatin

sponge is an alternative product for hemostasis that can be left
in place.

5.31 Hemoclips (Pilling Weck Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC)

are often the only way to control hemorrhage from larger-
diameter veins in proximity to the intervertebral foramen (11.51).

5.33 Methylmethacrylate bone cement is used in several of the

procedures described in this book. It is worth emphasizing the
requirement for sterility when using these products (13.60).

Basic surgical techniques for neurosurgery share

most of the principles of soft tissue and orthopedic
surgery (Cockshutt, 2003; Shmon, 2003).
5.32 Positive profile pins (see Chapter 9 and also 13.48B);
small diameter pins are best inserted using a mini chuck (5.22).
These pins also have a roughened end opposite the threaded DRAPING
end so that they do not need to be notched like smooth pins.
Small diameter negative profile pins can also be used as even
The patient should be completely covered by sterile,
they have 4–6 times the pullout strength of equivalent diameter waterproof surgical drapes. Their additional expense
smooth pins (Degernes et al., 1998; Sandman et al., 2001). must be weighed against the morbidity and the cost of
Instrumentation 79

placed on top of the waterproof drapes prevent tissues

from drying out under surgical lights. They also help
self-retaining retractors maintain exposure of the surgi-
cal field (10.26, 12.36) and are less likely than standard
sponges to be left in the wound inadvertently. Tissues
should be irrigated regularly with sterile saline to pre-
vent desiccation and to reduce airborne contamination.
After completion of surgery, the site must be inspected
to insure that nothing has been left in the wound.
Retractors are invaluable for providing adequate
exposure to perform the procedure. This can be sup-
plemented by use of fine stay sutures, particularly
5.34 Bone graft is used in several situations to promote vertebral those applied to the dura (see 14.5–14.8).
fusion. Illustrated is a curette and bowl for graft collection (11.24).

Bitetto, W.V., Kapatkin, A.S. (1989) Intraoperative problems associated
with intervertebral disc disease. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 1,
Boudrieau, R.J. (1997) Distraction-stabilization using the Scoville-
Haverfield self-retaining laminectomy retractors for repair of 2nd cervi-
cal vertebral fractures in 3 dogs. Veterinary and Comparative
Orthopaedics and Traumatology 10, 71.
Cockshutt, J. (2003) Principles of surgical asepsis. In: D. Slatter (ed.),
Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 3rd edn, 149–154. Philadelphia: WB
Degernes, L.A., Roe, S.C., Abrams, C.F., Jr (1998) Holding power of dif-
ferent pin designs and pin insertion methods in avian cortical bone.
Veterinary Surgery 27, 301–306.
Goring, R.L., Beale, B.S., Faulkner, R.F. (1991) The inverted cone decom-
pression technique: a surgical treatment for cervical vertebral instability
‘Wobbler syndrome’ in Doberman Pinschers. Part 1. Journal of the
American Animal Hospital Association 27, 403–409.
5.35 A Jamshidi needle is invaluable for taking a core biopsy Sandman, K.M., Smith, C.W., Harari, J., Manfra Maretta, S., Pijanowski,
of a vertebral mass. G.J. (2001) Comparison of pull-out resistance of Kirschner wires and
Imex miniature interface fixation pins in polyurethane foam. Veterinary
and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 15, 18–22.
Shires, P.K., Roberts, E.D., Hulse, D.A., Zeman, D.H., Kearney, M.T.
a surgical wound infection caused by organisms pene- (1986) Hemilaminectomy using an autoclavable electrical drill com-
trating a porous drape. pared to a pneumatic drill. Journal of the American Animal Hospital
Sew-in or clip-in drapes may be used to isolate the Association 22, 25–29.
Shmon, C. (2003) Assessment and preparation of the surgical patient and
wound further; ideally these should also be waterproof operating team. In: D. Slatter (ed.), Textbook of Small Animal Surgery,
(5.5). Moistened laparotomy sponges or towel drapes 3rd edn, 162–178. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
Preoperative assessment Chapter

Clinical assessment 81 Box 6.1 Conditions that may complicate the

Concurrent disease 81 management of a neurological patient
Hemostasis 82 ■ Skin or periodontal disease
Hypoventilation 82 ■ Cushing’s disease
■ Orthopedic disease
Pharmacological considerations 83
■ Hypothyroidism
Antibiotics 83
■ Cardiac disease
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories 83
■ Diabetes mellitus
Corticosteroids 83
Preoperative analgesia 84 ■ Hepatic disease
Adverse drug reactions and interactions 85 ■ Disorders of hemostasis
■ Renal disease
Anesthetic considerations 85 ■ Urinary tract infection
Premedication 85 ■ Neoplasia
Induction 85 – Undetected primary
Maintenance 85
– Metastatic disease
Recovery 85
■ Prostatic disease
Complications 86
■ Pyometra

Surgical considerations 86
Laminectomy healing 86
Durotomy 87 (Box 6.1). This is particularly true for older patients,
Myelotomy 87 following trauma (Box 13.2) and dogs with cervical
Mechanisms of recovery after spinal cord injury 87 spondylomyelopathy (see Chapter 11, page 213).

Client communication 88 Concurrent disease

The physical examination must be thorough. Skin dis-
Key issues for future investigation 88 orders may necessitate delaying elective surgery because
pyoderma, clipper rash, or povidone–iodine reactions
References 88 may predispose to wound infection. Fleas should be
eliminated to prevent them from entering the surgical
field. Osteoarthritic joints may cause major interference
Accurate preoperative assessment of the neurosurgical
with rehabilitation from neurological deficits, especially
patient is extremely important, particularly in view of the
for large or obese dogs.
time, expense and complexity of the procedures per-
Laboratory evaluation should include a hematological
formed. Anticipation of the most likely complications
and biochemical profile, along with a urinalysis (see
may lessen their impact or even allow them to be avoided
Chapter 4). In cats, the feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) status should
be determined. When positive, the likelihood of lymph-
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT oma as a cause for neurological deficits increases
It is easy to overlook concurrent clinical or subclinical markedly. If there is suspicion of cardiac dysfunction in
disorders that may have an important bearing on the case large- or giant-breed dogs, suitable investigations should
82 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

be performed, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) and urgent ventilatory assistance prior to surgery in order to
echocardiogram (Calvert and Wall, 2001). Chest radio- survive long enough to benefit from definitive treatment
graphs are essential in these patients: (Boudrieau, 1997). Any severely tetraparetic animal can
• For older animals (⬎7 years of age). also develop this complication in the postoperative
• When neoplasia is a differential diagnosis. period and the owner must be appraised of this risk prior
• For any recumbent, tetraparetic patient. to surgery (6.1, 7.11).
• Following trauma. Hypoventilation after spinal cord injury can occur
Similarly, an ultrasound or CT scan of the abdomen due to three main mechanisms:
is useful to identify intercurrent disease in the first two • Hemorrhage or edema affecting the respiratory
categories, above. Endocrine disorders may predispose a centers in the medulla and C1 spinal cord, which
patient to complications, for example, urinary tract infec- lead to decreased respiratory drive.
tions (UTI) and delayed wound healing in Cushing’s dis- • Cervical myelopathy severe enough to interrupt
ease and diabetes mellitus or pathological fractures in conduction along all motor fibers in the spinal cord,
Cushing’s disease (Gehlbach et al., 2000; Hosgood, 2003). which causes near-paralysis of the respiratory
Neuropathies or myopathies associated with hypo- muscles (see pages 28, 216).
thyroidism may complicate the patient’s neurological • Diaphragmatic paralysis due to a lesion of the
status. The assessment and, if possible, stabilization of phrenic LMNs (C5 spinal cord segment or nerve
endocrine disorders is always recommended prior to any roots); this is the least important mechanism unless
neurosurgical procedure. combined with an injury to the white matter at that
level (Smith and Walter, 1985; Blass et al., 1988;
Beal et al., 2001).
Hemostasis The end result of these injuries is either that there is
Hemostasis is divided into primary and secondary events
decreased respiratory drive or there is insufficient com-
(Kerwin and Maudlin, 2003). Primary hemostasis
munication between the respiratory center and the res-
depends on platelet aggregation and adhesion, and usu-
piratory muscles (Beal et al., 2001). Apnea can also
ally causes most concern to the neurosurgeon. It may be
occur following the injection of subarachnoid contrast
disturbed in the following conditions:
at the cerebello-medullary cistern (CMC) (Widmer
• von Willebrand disease (see Chapter 11, page 217). et al., 1992a), or after manipulation during imaging (Seim
• Severe thrombocytopenia and Prata, 1982) (11.10).
(platelet count ⬍ 20 000/␮l).
• Azotemia (serum creatinine ⬎ 5.6 mg/dl).
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-
induced platelet dysfunction, including aspirin at
all therapeutic doses and especially above 25 mg/kg.
• Anticoagulant intoxication.
Disorders of primary hemostasis should be identified
by a platelet count and bleeding time evaluation (11.11).
Perturbed hemostasis can cause decreased visualization
during surgery, postoperative bruising (15.2), hematoma
formation and other more serious complications (15.40).
The dog shown in 6.1, represented 4 months after sur-
gery with a packed cell volume (PCV) of 12% from a
bleeding gastric ulcer but survived after a transfusion.
The owner had treated the dog with aspirin at 40 mg/kg
for 2 weeks.
6.1 Myelogram from a 6-month-old Great Dane with sudden
onset tetraplegia and dyspnea. It had neck pain with deficits
Hypoventilation localized to the C1–C5 spinal cord. Blood gas analysis showed
This is a serious potential complication that can occur in a paCO2 of 45 mmHg (N35–45). Ventral slot at C3/4 retrieved
any animal with a serious cervical spinal cord injury. a large amount of nucleus pulposus from the vertebral canal.
Patients that are severely tetraparetic on initial presenta- On extubation the dog did not breathe spontaneously; its
paCO2 was 91 mmHg. It was ventilated overnight but attempts
tion should be evaluated for hypoventilation using blood to wean it from the ventilator were unsuccessful until 4 days
gas analysis or a capnometer. Tetraplegic animals are later. It was able to walk 2 weeks after surgery and made a
at even higher risk. Occasionally an animal may need good recovery (see Hemostasis).
Preoperative assessment 83

PHARMACOLOGICAL (Reed, 2002), or given together with corticosteroids, as

CONSIDERATIONS potentially severe gastrointestinal erosions or ulcerations
are likely.
Most neurosurgical procedures can be classified as clean
and uncontaminated. However, prophylactic antibiotics
Corticosteroids are used widely in all types of spinal cord
are indicated if sterility is broken or if one or more of
conditions, mainly because they are so effective at
the factors in Box 6.2 apply.
reducing the associated inflammation and at relieving
In such cases, perioperative cefazolin (20 mg/kg IV) is
pain. However, there is a widespread misunderstanding
recommended for its good tissue penetration and broad
that these beneficial effects also apply to the neural
spectrum of activity against staphylococci and other
injury itself. While corticosteroids may reduce inflam-
Gram-positive organisms (Dunning, 2003). A short, deci-
mation associated with, for example, extruded disc
sive window for prophylactic antibiotic use extends from
material, they can also prejudice the survival of any
the start of surgery to a maximum of 3 h afterwards. It is
injured neurons by interfering with their glucose metab-
at this time that bacterial contamination of tissue can be
olism (Sapolsky, 1994; Smith-Swintosky et al., 1996).
suppressed by antimicrobial therapy. There is no advan-
This may be of little consequence with less severe spinal
tage to using IV antibiotics before the start of surgery, or
cord lesions but it could be critical in severe injuries. In
for continuing them beyond its completion, except in
such cases the animal might feel better but may have a
concomitant diseases such as pyoderma or UTI (Rosin,
decreased chance for neurological recovery. In addition,
1988). A penicillin-derivative or a cephalosporin is usu-
there is almost certainly no neuroprotective benefit
ally a suitable initial choice for retention cystitis. Final
provided by any corticosteroid with the exception of
antibiotic selection for UTI should be based on urine
methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) (Heary
culture and sensitivity whenever possible, especially
et al., 1997; Olby, 1999; Hurlbert, 2000; Bracken and
when the animal has been hospitalized and a nosocomial
Holford, 2002). Corticosteroids can also precipitate gas-
infection is much more likely (Dunning, 2003).
trointestinal bleeding in as many as 15% of neurosurgical
patients, with mortality rates of up to 2%. Dexametha-
Box 6.2 Some factors that can predispose to sone is most likely to cause problems and has no role in
wound infection the management of spinal trauma (Moore and Withrow,
■ Dermatitis 1982). Standard gastrointestinal protectant agents may
■ Periodontal disease not be effective in preventing corticosteroid-induced
■ Urinary tract infection
side-effects (Hanson et al., 1997). Duodenal or colonic

perforation are the most serious potential complications
(Toombs et al., 1986; Hinton et al., 2002). Routine glu-
■ Shock or sepsis
cocorticoid therapy in spinal patients is strongly discour-
■ Use of a surgical implant
aged unless these drugs are used for short periods at
■ Cushing’s disease anti-inflammatory doses in animals with mild neuro-
■ Corticosteroid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug logical deficits (LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003).
(NSAID) use
■ Diabetes mellitus
■ Surgical time over 90 min METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM
■ Excessive use of electrocautery SUCCINATE (MPSS)
MPSS has received wide interest in human, and, to a
lesser extent, veterinary medicine in the past 10 years
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories because of proposed benefits in spinal cord injury. After
These drugs are valuable analgesics although they are acute injury, the blood supply to the spinal cord is pro-
often less effective than corticosteroids as specific gressively reduced. When the injured tissue is reperfused,
anti-inflammatory agents for neurological disease. They massive amounts of highly reactive chemicals called free
can have a number of important adverse effects. Such radicals are liberated. These free radicals are especially
effects are most marked in drugs that inhibit mainly damaging to the plasma membrane of cells via a process
cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) as opposed to COX-2 called lipid peroxidation. Free radical-induced lipid per-
(Kay-Mugford et al., 2000) (see Chapter 15, page 341). oxidation is now recognized as a key pathophysiological
NSAIDs must not be used at more than the recom- mechanism for irreversible tissue loss following spinal
mended dose, used in combination with other NSAIDs cord trauma and ischemia (Brown and Hall, 1992).
84 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

The neuroprotective effect of MPSS is exerted by its Sturgess, 2003). The benefits reported originally were
actions as a free-radical scavenger. These benefits are not mainly to upper body function and not a regaining of the
due to its glucocorticoid activity and only occur in doses ability to walk (Bracken et al., 1990, 1992, 1997). These
far exceeding those that saturate all glucocorticoid relatively small changes are crucial in people but are of
receptors. The optimal neuroprotective dose of MPSS much less significance in animals. They may also repre-
has been determined to be 30 mg/kg, whereas doses of sent an improvement in gray matter function whereas
60 mg/kg were detrimental and doses of 15 mg/kg had white matter survival is much more important in
no effect. Benefit has only been observed in humans animals (Jeffery and Blakemore, 1999a). Furthermore,
with spinal cord injury who received treatment within the statistical basis of the original human clinical trials has
8 h of injury (Bracken et al., 1990, 1992). now been questioned (Hurlbert, 2000). Although high-
In animals, the suggested dosage regime is an initial dose MPSS therapy may be an advance in the manage-
IV bolus of 30 mg/kg MPSS, followed by 15 mg/kg IV ment of acute spinal cord injury, it is not a panacea.
2 and 6 h later, then 2.5 mg/kg IV per hour for a further Administration after the 8-h therapeutic window wors-
24 h (Brown and Hall, 1992). The bolus doses should ens the outcome in humans while the length of this win-
be given slowly to avoid vomiting and hypotension. The dow in dogs and cats has not been determined (Bracken,
continuous IV dose is not widely used in small animal 2000a,b, 2001; Hurlbert, 2000). The deleterious effect
patients; humans are given an initial bolus of 30 mg/kg, of delayed administration of MPSS is probably due to
followed by an infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/h for 24 h interference with neuronal glucose metabolism (Sapolsky,
(Bracken et al., 1990). 1994; Smith-Swintosky et al., 1996; LeCouteur and
A similar regime might also provide some benefit when Sturgess, 2003). Therapy with MPSS must therefore be
given prior to spinal cord decompression for lesions that looked upon at best as a way to complement, but not
have been present for longer than 8 h. However, this replace, current veterinary neurosurgical techniques
hypothesis has not yet been tested and might even have (LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003).
an adverse effect (Olby, 1999; Bracken, 2000a,b, 2001).
Vitamin E also has protective effects on the spinal cord Preoperative analgesia
when given at 1000–2000 IU per animal per day for Fentanyl patches provide a useful way to deliver pre-
5 days and is an alternative prior to elective surgery operative analgesia and they can also be combined with
(Fehlings et al., 1989; Olby, 1999). one of the analgesics discussed under postoperative care
No serious side-effects were reported in one study (see Chapter 15), however the rate of absorption of fen-
using high dose MPSS therapy in 86 dogs with thoraco- tanyl can vary considerably in an individual animal over
lumbar disc disease (Siemering and Vroman, 1992). In time and can also vary at different times in the same animal
another study, 35 of 108 dogs developed complications (Kyles et al., 1996; Egger et al., 1998). The dose range is
such as diarrhea or melena but none were considered 2–5 ␮g/kg/h. Increasing the patch size did not increase
serious and they usually resolved without therapy the plasma fentanyl concentration in one study but did
(Culbert et al., 1998). However, endoscopy revealed in a second (Egger et al., 1998; Welch et al., 2002a). The
severe, subclinical gastric hemorrhage in 90% of dogs analgesic effect provided by fentanyl in dogs is equivalent
after MPSS treatment (Rohrer et al., 1999a,b); and 90% to that provided by intramuscular oxymorphone and is
of dogs treated with MPSS prior to spinal surgery get often superior to epidural morphine; in cats it is superior
occult gastrointestinal bleeding, although it is rarely to butorphanol (Kyles et al., 1998; Robinson et al., 1999;
severe enough to warrant intervention (Hanson et al., Franks et al., 2000). The onset of action is faster in cats
1997; Rohrer et al., 1999a). Caution is advisable if con- (2–6 h) than in dogs (24–36 h) (Scherk Nixon, 1996;
sidering MPSS therapy after treatment with other types Robinson et al., 1999). The patch should therefore be
of corticosteroid or with NSAIDs. Gastrointestinal barrier placed 24 h prior to surgery in dogs and supplemental
disruption and bloody diarrhea can lead to bacteremia, analgesia is often required during this period (Egger
which is undesirable in a surgical patient (Epstein et al., et al., 1998). Concentrations fall rapidly after patch
1992). Complications of MPSS reported in humans removal and are often below therapeutic concentrations
include pneumonia, sepsis, immunosuppression and pan- within 1 h (Egger et al., 1998).
creatitis (Levy et al., 1996; Bracken et al., 1997; Gerndt Respiratory depression can be a serious side-effect in
et al., 1997; Matsumoto et al., 2001). humans but was not seen in dogs at high doses
A number of studies have now raised serious questions (5 ␮g/kg/h) following thoracotomy (Welch et al., 2002a).
about the value of MPSS in humans (George et al., Caution should be used in dogs that are hypoventilating
1995; Gerhart et al., 1995; Levy et al., 1996; Heary et al., due to head or spinal cord injury (see Chapter 15).
1997; Nesathurai, 1998; Hurlbert, 2000; LeCouteur and Other potential side-effects in dogs include bradycardia,
Preoperative assessment 85

dysphoria and vomiting; acepromazine and glycopyrro- until 2 h prior to anesthesia for this reason (Crenshaw
late may alleviate these effects. Skin reactions may also and Winslow, 2002).
occur (15.1). The patch must not be placed on a heating
pad as this will increase the rate of absorption from the Premedication
patch (Egger et al., 1998). Fentanyl is a useful way to Premedication should have a calming effect and relieve
provide non-invasive, inexpensive, long-lasting analgesia pain. Hypotension and loss of protective muscle tone
that is tolerated well (Scherk Nixon, 1996; Kyles, 1998). should be avoided in an animal with severe neurological
However, careful monitoring is needed to insure ade- deficits or an unstable vertebral column. Glycopyrrolate
quate analgesia and minimize adverse effects (Scherk is the preferred anticholinergic as it is less likely to
Nixon, 1996; Kyles, 1998) (see also ‘Postoperative anal- induce tachycardia; atropine may still be required to treat
gesia’, page 339). severe bradyarrhythmias (Stauffer et al., 1988).

Adverse drug reactions and Induction

interactions A laryngoscope should be used for intubation with as lit-
Adverse effects of drugs are reported only rarely in ani-
tle movement of the spine as possible, especially in dogs
mals but are likely to become a more serious problem,
with unstable lesions or lesions in the cervical area. An
especially with the increasing awareness of such events
armoured endotracheal tube is recommended if cere-
in humans (Stillman, 1989; Weinblatt, 1989). One
brospinal fluid (CSF) is to be taken from the cerebello-
potential adverse effect is a drug interaction, for exam-
medullary cistern (CMC), if stress radiographs are to be
ple renal failure as has been reported in people using
taken, or if a ventral approach to the neck is to be used.
NSAIDs and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors together (Seelig et al., 1990). Cyclosporin can
cause adverse interactions in dogs when given together Maintenance
with either ketoconazole or with ivermectin (Myre et al., Isofluorane is the usual inhalation agent of choice,
1991; Roulet et al., 2003). A second type of adverse because it is both less depressant to the cardiovascular
effect is an unexpected reaction to an individual drug, system and less arrhythmogenic than halothane. Meth-
for example enrofloxacin as a (dose-related) cause of oxyfluorane provides good muscle relaxation and better
blindness in cats or metronidazole as a cause of central postoperative analgesia than isofluorane, but is contra-
vestibular disease (Dow et al., 1989; Gelatt et al., 2001). indicated in animals receiving opioids or NSAIDs, or in
Hepatotoxicosis, keratoconjunctivitis and aplastic those with renal disease. Sevofluorane is a good inhala-
anemia have been reported in dogs given trimethoprim- tional agent in dogs and may be superior to isofluorane
sulfonamide combinations (Diehl and Roberts, 1991; (Branson et al., 2001). Autoregulation in the brain is
Rowland et al., 1992; Fox et al., 1993). Anaphylactic- preserved better with sevofluorane than with isofluorane
type reactions can occur in dogs given cefalosporins (Summors et al., 1999; Endoh et al., 2001); both agents
during surgery; to avoid this complication occurring maintain good spinal cord blood flow (Hoffman et al.,
intraoperatively it is preferable to give the first dose 1991; Crawford et al., 1992).
along with the premedication where possible Maintenance of anesthesia should be at a depth suffi-
(Anderson and Adkinson, 1987; Grouhi et al., 1999). cient to prevent movement of the patient, which could
Adverse drug events have been reviewed extensively in be dangerous during surgery. Mechanical ventilation is
humans and in animals (Boothe, 1990; Scott and Miller, recommended in large or debilitated animals, those that
1998, 1999; Ament et al., 2000; Maddison et al., 2000; are positioned in dorsal recumbency and those with
Papadogiannakis, 2000). neurological deficits cranial to the thoracolumbar junc-
tion. Barotrauma must be avoided, especially in small
animals (Manning and Brunson, 1994; Parent et al.,
ANESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS 1996). Nitrous oxide is not recommended as it may
Many neurosurgical patients will be dehydrated at pres- result in a rapid onset of hypoxia if the patient hypoven-
entation, usually when pain or weakness reduce fluid tilates during CSF collection or if it will be disconnected
intake. They must be rehydrated adequately prior to temporarily from the gas supply during radiography.
anesthetic induction, because of the detrimental effect
of hypotension on spinal cord perfusion (Tator and Recovery
Fehlings, 1991; Nuwer, 1999). Another way to reduce The recovery from anesthesia should be smooth, and
dehydration is to increase preoperative fluid intake; fast- this may be helped by the use of narcotics, diazepam, or
ing recommendations for humans now permit water up both. If the animal has undergone myelography, its head
86 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

must be kept elevated during the entire recovery period. (Rosenbluth and Meirowsky, 1953; Seim and Prata, 1982;
Seizures should be treated promptly with diazepam Clark, 1986). Surgery in the cranial and mid-thoracic
(0.4 mg/kg IV), repeated as necessary. The use of iohexol spine can also impair autonomic control of cardiovascular
for myelography means that the risk of seizures is low, function and so the patient must again be monitored
although Doberman pinschers and other large-breed dogs closely.
with cervical spondylomyelopathy may be at increased
risk and warrant careful monitoring (Lewis and Hosgood,
1992). It is prudent to leave an IV catheter in place until SURGICAL CONSIDERATIONS
the patient is fully recovered. Laminectomy healing
A laminectomy heals as the hematoma forms a fibrous
Complications callus, which then undergoes metaplasia to cartilage and
Anesthesia must optimize both cardiovascular and bone (Trotter et al., 1988). Adhesions can involve the
respiratory function in order to minimize ischemia of the dura and nerve root(s) if no attempt is made to protect
spinal cord. Spinal cord blood flow is autoregulated in a them after laminectomy (Cook et al., 1994). Adhesions
manner analogous to cerebral blood flow; volatile anes- around local nerve roots can cause considerable post-
thetic agents may depress this autoregulation and trauma operative morbidity in humans, probably by causing a
to the spinal cord can abolish it altogether (Tator, 1991; tethering effect (Songer et al., 1990; Geisler, 1999).
Nuwer, 1999; Olby and Jeffery, 2003). Any cardiac This has not been identified specifically in animals
arrhythmia or systemic hypotension will compound this by although those with postoperative back pain and evi-
reducing spinal cord blood flow further and so should be dence of probable peridural fibrosis on CT scan have
avoided if at all possible. been reported (Olby et al., 2000). The preferred way to
Iohexol is a safe agent for myelography (Wheeler and assess epidural scarring is by using MRI (Ross et al.,
Davies, 1985), although the incidence of seizures can be 1999). The more scar tissue that is evident on MRI, the
around 7% in large-breed dogs with ‘Wobbler syndome’ more pain is reported in humans after lumbar discectomy
(Lewis and Hosgood, 1992; Widmer et al., 1992b). (Ross et al., 1996; Maroon et al., 1999). It is advisable to
Seizures can cause the animal to extend its neck, which keep the exposed dura mater separate from the damaged
might have an adverse effect on a dynamic cervical lesion epaxial muscles during healing in order to minimize the
(11.10). It is recommended that the patient be at an ade- development of adhesions, which can even cause subse-
quate depth of anesthesia before the injection is made, quent spinal cord compression (Trotter et al., 1988; Cook
that the contrast be used at body temperature, and that et al., 1994).
it is injected at a steady rate (Lamb, 1994). In one study, Several implants have been used to minimize adhe-
six out of 66 dogs developed bradycardia during iohexol sions but none is ideal (Cook et al., 1994). One study
injection and one died; two also developed bradycardia using Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) showed no
during recovery (Lewis and Hosgood, 1992). The ECG reduction of peridural scarring in dogs; two more studies
must be monitored closely during the study and any prob- showed that scarring was actually increased (Gill et al.,
lems treated promptly. Hypothermia is another potential 1979; Songer et al., 1990; Robertson et al., 1993) and a
problem, particularly in small animals or if the anesthetic fourth study showed reduction in scar using Gelfoam
period is prolonged. (LaRocca and Macnab, 1974).
Surgical techniques can also affect the patient during Better overall results seem to be obtained in dogs using
anesthesia. Cervical spinal surgery is associated with a autogenous fat (Gill et al., 1979; Cook et al., 1994).
much higher risk of arrhythmias and ventricular prema- Histopathological evaluation of free fat grafts after
ture contractions than thoracolumbar surgery (Stauffer laminectomy for disc disease in 21 dogs showed that
et al., 1988). This may result from manipulation of either 50–90% of the graft was made up of fat with no scar. In
the spinal cord itself, or of nerves in the ventral neck. Both a further eight dogs, myelography was used to verify the
positioning the spine in extension and manipulation of the lack of scar formation in the subarachnoid space over
vagosympathetic trunk should be minimized. A para- the surgical site. Overall follow-up times ranged from
median approach to the neck provides better protection for 1 month to 5 years (Biggart, 1988). CT scans can also
vital structures and may therefore reduce the incidence of be used to verify the presence and viability of fat graft at
intraoperative arrhythmias (11.25–11.27). Magnification a previous laminectomy site (Biggart, 1988; Olby
is recommended when performing surgery on the cervical et al., 2000). However, two other studies found either
spinal cord in order to reduce unnecessary manipulation no benefit from free fat grafts (Songer et al., 1995), or
(see Chapters 7 and 11). Severe cervical myelopathies can that grafts do not prevent dural adhesions (Trevor et al.,
result in sympathetic blockade (11.10), which can be fatal 1991). Free fat grafts must revascularize and so should be
Preoperative assessment 87

no more than 3–5 mm thick in order to minimize the risk residual neurological sequelae (Teague and Brasmer,
of aseptic necrosis (8.8, 8.54, 12.10). An initial inflam- 1978). It has also been used with good results to aid
matory phase resolves as fibrosis increases over 8–16 removal of a spinal cord hematoma and a tumor
weeks. By this time the graft has contracted to roughly (Martin et al., 1986; Jeffery and Phillips, 1995). No
half its original size (Trevor et al., 1991; Cook et al., therapeutic value has been demonstrated in acute spinal
1994). One study has shown that pedicle grafts in dogs trauma and the technique is difficult to perform in cats
have no advantage over free fat grafts; a second study without causing additional injury (Hoerlein et al., 1985).
showed pedicle grafts to be superior (Gill et al., 1979;
Trevor et al., 1991). This discrepancy could simply
reflect the small number of dogs in the studies. A com- Mechanisms of recovery after
mercially available alternative is ADCON-L (Gliatech spinal cord injury
Inc., Cleveland, OH), a novel, porcine-derived, polyglycan Recovery occurs mainly by the re-establishment of a
implant that blocks in-growth of fibroblasts. It was shown normal spinal cord microenvironment and forming new
to be effective in dogs (Einhaus et al., 1997; BenDebba patterns of central nervous system (CNS) circuitry
et al., 1999; Geisler, 1999); it can even be used to deliver (Jeffery and Blakemore, 1999b). Nociception is nor-
morphine locally to the surgical site (Mastronardi et al., mally regained first then motor function and continence
2002). There is still some controversy about its value and followed by proprioception (see Chapter 2). Interestingly,
price may be an issue for veterinary use (Richter et al., some animals that fail to regain deep pain and continence
2001). A resorbable, polymer barrier film (Hydrosorb still recover the ability to walk (13.30, 13.34). Although
TS, Macropore Biosurgery Inc., San Diego, CA) has often termed spinal reflex walking, this type of recovery
proven to be superior to ADCON-L in rats and was also probably requires some input from higher centers
moderately effective in dogs compared to controls mediated through a few intact axons surviving across
(Welch et al., 2002b). the lesion. Survival of small groups of axons can occur
because many severe spinal cord injuries are centered on
the gray matter and there is relative sparing of peripheral
Durotomy white matter (Griffiths, 1978; Olby et al., 2003) (6.2).
Durotomy, or incision of the dura mater, results in mild, Evidence of higher input in dogs that walk without
temporary deficits in normal dogs (Parker and Smith, recovering deep pain is inferred from the fact that many
1972). As the dural incision heals, the edges rejoin but regain a voluntary tail wag (Olby et al., 2003). However,
they often adhere to the spinal cord as well (Trevor et al., these dogs nearly always remain incontinent and the
1991). Durotomy is necessary to evaluate intradural recovery of walking ability takes at least 4 months and
and intramedullary lesions (Jeffery and Phillips, 1995) usually much longer (Olby et al., 2003).
(12.40). It is sometimes performed at laminectomy in
an attempt to decompress the spinal cord further (8.49,
8.50). Although this may improve decompression, the
relative risks and benefits are unclear (Perkins and Deane,
1988). In experimental situations, durotomy may have
value when performed immediately after trauma, but
was found to have no benefit 2 h after the injury (Parker
and Smith, 1974, 1975). However, studies of intra-
cranial pressure show that craniotomy and durotomy
lower pressure by 15 and 65%, respectively (Bagley
et al., 1996). This suggests that durotomy might also pro-
duce a significant decompressive benefit for spinal cord.
Durotomy is not recommended in order to provide prog-
nostic information after spinal cord injury and euthanasia
should not be based solely on the gross appearance of the
spinal cord (Salisbury and Cook, 1988) (8.50).
6.2 Thoracic spinal cord from a dog that did not regain deep
Myelotomy pain sensation after a spinal fracture 6 weeks previously. There
is a large area of central necrosis with small groups of surviving
Myelotomy involves incising the spinal cord on the dorsal axons in the periphery (arrows). These axons may mediate late
midline to the level of the central canal. It has been per- recovery of motor function in dogs that never regain deep pain
formed in normal dogs at the T3–L3 region with minimal sensation and that remain incontinent (Olby et al., 2002).
88 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

CLIENT COMMUNICATION Anderson, J.A., Adkinson, N.F., Jr (1987) Allergic reactions to drugs and
biologic agents. Journal of the American Medical Association 258,
The client should always be offered the ‘textbook’ 2891–2899.
approach for managing a patient in terms of the diagnostic Bagley, R.S., Harrington, M.L., Pluhar, G.E., Keegan, R.D., Greene, S.A.,
Moore, M.P., Gavin, P.R. (1996) Effect of craniectomy/durotomy alone
evaluation and treatment. This should be offered regard- and in combination with hyperventilation, diuretics, and corticosteroids
less of the clinician’s perception of whether the client will on intracranial pressure in clinically normal dogs. American Journal of
pursue treatment, and even when it involves referral. Veterinary Research 57, 116–119.
Beal, M.W., Paglia, D.T., Griffin, G.M., Hughes, D., King, L.G. (2001)
In this manner, the client is made aware that the very best Ventilatory failure, ventilator management, and outcome in dogs with
is available for their animal, and any compromises arrived cervical spinal disorders: 14 cases (1991–1999). Journal of the American
at will be seen in the proper perspective. Veterinary Medical Association 218, 1598–1602.
BenDebba, M., Augustus van Alphen, H., Long, D.M. (1999) Association
Whenever possible, the clinical problems and the diag- between peridural scar and activity-related pain after lumbar discec-
nostic and therapeutic options should be explained to the tomy. Neurological Research 21 Suppl 1, S37–42.
client in non-scientific terms. Anatomical specimens, web- Biggart, J.F., III (1988) Prevention of laminectomy membrane by free fat
grafts after laminectomy in dogs with disk herniations. Veterinary
sites, drawings and the animal’s own laboratory data and Surgery 17, 28–29.
images should be used to illustrate the situation. On the Blass, C.E., Waldron, D.R., Van Ee, R.T. (1988) Cervical stabilization in
other hand, care must be taken not to overload the client three dogs using Steinmann pins and methylmethacrylate. Journal of the
American Animal Hospital Association 24, 61–68.
with excessive information, and they should be given time Boothe, D.M. (1990) Drug therapy in cats: mechanisms and avoidance
and the opportunity to think privately about their deci- of adverse drug reactions. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
sion. It is also important that the client be given as accurate Association 196, 1297–1305.
Boudrieau, R.J. (1997) Distraction–stabilization using the Scoville-
a prognosis as possible, both for the degree of recovery and Haverfield self-retaining laminectomy retractors for repair of 2nd cervical
the time required. Giving the client prior knowledge of vertebral fractures in 3 dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics
the probable prognosis and of the most likely complica- and Traumatology 10, 71.
Bracken, M.B. (2000a) Methylprednisolone and spinal cord injury. Journal
tions is invaluable should the patient suffer either a pro- of Neurosurgery 93 Suppl 1, 175–179.
tracted recovery or setbacks in its postoperative course. Bracken, M.B. (2000b) The use of methylprednisolone. Journal of
The client should never be pressured into consenting Neurosurgery 93 Suppl 2, 340–341.
Bracken, M.B. (2001) High dose methylprednisolone must be given for 24
to a course with which they are not comfortable, even if or 48 hours after acute spinal cord injury. British Medical Journal 322,
the clinician feels that it is in the animal’s best interests. 862–863.
If complications do arise the client may then hold the Bracken, M.B., Holford, T.R. (2002) Neurological and functional status
1 year after acute spinal cord injury: estimates of functional recovery in
clinician responsible, not only for the decision but also National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study II from results modeled in
for the complications. National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study III. Journal of Neurosurgery 96,
Finally, the client should be given, and asked to sign, a 259–266.
Bracken, M.B., Shepard, M.J., Collins, W.F., Holford, T.R., Young, W., Baskin,
consent form and a written estimate of the likely cost D.S., Eisenberg, H.M., Flamm, E., Leo-Summers, L., Maroon, J., et al.
for the entire procedure. It is vital that the client be (1990) A randomized, controlled trial of methylprednisolone or naloxone
made aware that there is some risk even in a routine gen- in the treatment of acute spinal-cord injury. Results of the Second National
Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. New England Journal of Medicine 322,
eral anesthetic and scan. This estimate should include a 1405–1411.
price range to take into account any foreseeable varia- Bracken, M.B., Shepard, M.J., Collins, W.F., Jr, Holford, T.R., Baskin, D.S.,
tions in the postoperative course. Should the bill begin to Eisenberg, H.M., Flamm, E., Leo-Summers, L., Maroon, J.C., Marshall,
L.F., et al. (1992) Methylprednisolone or naloxone treatment after acute
approach the upper end of the estimate, or if unforeseen spinal cord injury: 1-year follow-up data. Results of the Second National
complications develop, the client must be notified Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. Journal of Neurosurgery 76, 23–31.
immediately (Thacher, 1989). Bracken, M.B., Shepard, M.J., Holford, T.R., Leo-Summers, L., Aldrich, E.F.,
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Administration of methylprednisolone for 24 or 48 hours or tirilazad mesy-
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1. Does MPSS provide significant neuroprotection in dogs National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. Journal of the American Medical
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2. Does MPSS provide benefit when given prophylactically
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Preoperative assessment 91

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characteristics of free and pedicle fat grafts after dorsal laminectomy and Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 33, 327–333.
durotomy in dogs. Veterinary Surgery 20, 282–290.
Cervical disc disease Chapter

et al., 1992). Dachshunds, Beagles, Poodles, Spaniels,

Clinical signs 93
Shih Tzus, Pekingese and Chihuahuas are affected
most often. Large-breed dogs also suffer from cervical
Diagnosis 94
disc disease, usually as part of the syndrome of cervical
Survey radiography 94
spondylomyelopathy (see Chapter 11). Most small dogs
CSF analysis 94
suffer signs after 2 years of age, with a mean onset at
Myelography 95
6 years (Goggin et al., 1970; Gage, 1975).
CT and MRI 95

Treatment options 96
Non-surgical treatment 96 CLINICAL SIGNS
Surgical treatment 96 The predominant clinical sign is severe neck pain (7.1
Fenestration 96 and Box 7.1), which may be acute or chronic (Fry
Ventral decompression 96 et al., 1991; Smith et al., 1997). In making a diagnosis,
Ventral decompression and fixation 97 it is usually adequate to palpate the spine and muscles
Dorsal decompression 98 of the neck rather than flex and extend the neck to
confirm pain (2.13). This is one of the few conditions
Complications 98 that cause dogs to scream spontaneously. Often the
Intraoperative 98 pain is unremitting and not responsive to medication
Early postoperative 99 although dogs with more marked neurological deficits
often show less pain. Affected dogs may be reluctant to
Postoperative care 102 eat unless the food is raised off the floor.
Nerve ‘root signature’ (pain on traction of the limb)
Prognosis 102 is another frequent finding (Seim and Prata, 1982;
Fry et al., 1991; Morgan et al., 1993). It may present as
Cervical disc disease in cats 103

Key issues for future investigation 103

References 104

Procedures 106
Approach to the ventral neck 106
Fenestration 109
Ventral decompression 111
Ventral decompression with
distraction-stabilization 117
Dorsal hemilaminectomy 119
Dorsal laminectomy 120

Cervical disc disease is a frequent disorder of dogs. 7.1 Dachshund with neck pain caused by a cervical disc
extrusion. Note low head position and thoracic limb held up due
Small dogs are affected commonly, particularly those to root signature. The hunched posture can be mistaken for
with chondrodystrophoid characteristics although the thoracolumbar pain; history and physical examination
condition can occur in any breed (Gage, 1975; Dallman differentiates the two.
94 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

an apparent orthopedic lameness but nerve root pain hemiparesis, tetraparesis or even tetraplegia with
can usually be elicited by neck palpation or limb trac- hypoventilation (6.1, 7.11). Neurological deficits are
tion. This sign usually indicates that more caudal discs more common with lesions at C4/5 to C6/7 inclusive,
are affected but can also be seen with C2/3 discs while neck pain without deficits is more common with
(Morgan et al., 1993). Neurological deficits may be lesions at C2/3 and C3/4 (Lemarie et al., 2000). This
restricted to one thoracic limb or the dog may show may reflect the greater degree of space in the cranial
vertebral canal compared to more caudally.
Most dogs have Hansen type I extrusions. Hansen
Box 7.1 Clinical signs of cervical disc disease
type II herniations do occur, generally in larger breed
■ Neck pain dogs (7.56). The C2/3 disc is involved most frequently,
■ Spontaneous screaming with the incidence decreasing caudally (Seim and Prata,
■ Low head carriage 1982; Fry et al., 1991). Lesions at C6/7 are the least
■ Thoracic limb lameness or paresis common, with the exception of large-breed dogs as part
■ Thoracic limb ‘nerve root signature’
of cervical spondylomyelopathy and also in Pekingese

(Fry et al., 1991). The C7/T1 disc herniates occasionally
(7.56). Intracranial lesions can cause neck pain on rare
■ Tetraparesis
occasions and should be considered under differential
diagnosis (Coates and Dewey, 1998) (Box 7.2).

Box 7.2 Differential diagnoses for neck pain

■ Schmorl’s node
■ Facet joint pain Survey radiography
■ Synovial cyst Diagnosis is based on the clinical signs described above.
■ Bicipital bursitis
Survey radiographic features of chronic disc disease are

common incidental findings in older dogs. Narrowing
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) lesion or oropharyngeal pain
of the intervertebral space or dorsal displacement of
■ Otitis media
mineralized disc material is suggestive of disc extrusion
■ Cervical spondylomyelopathy
(Morgan et al., 1993) (7.2). Discography may be useful
■ Atlantoaxial subluxation for non-mineralized, lateral extrusions (Felts and Prata,
■ Syringohydromyelia 1983; Wrigley and Reuter, 1984). Myelography or
■ Osteoporotic pathological fracture advanced imaging is necessary for definitive diagnosis
■ Soft tissue tumor in the neck or bone tumor (Somerville et al., 2001).
■ Intracranial lesion
■ Mid-thoracic lesion, e.g. T5/6 discospondylitis CSF analysis
■ Thoracic lesion, e.g. pleuritic pain Analysis of CSF is useful to eliminate inflammatory
■ Meningomyelitis CNS disease. Results of CSF analysis may be abnormal
■ Polyarthritis in disc disease, but elevations of protein and cells are
■ Polymyositis usually mild (Thomson et al., 1989). Conditions other
■ Spinal cord hematoma or hemorrhage than disc disease are more common in dogs less than
2 years old or in aged animals (Box 7.2).

7.2 A: Lateral myelogram from a

10-year-old Shih Tzu that presented with
neck pain and no neurological deficits.
There is a narrow intervertebral space
at C5/6 with extruded, mineralized disc
material and splitting of the ventral
contrast column at this level (4.23–4.25).
B: Dorsoventral myelogram. Further
images from the same dog are shown
in 7.3, 7.9 and 7.37.

Cervical disc disease 95

Myelography CT and MRI

Myelography or advanced imaging is necessary to Depending on the scanner, CT is usually much faster
confirm the diagnosis and because multiple discs are to perform than myelography and is also more accurate
sometimes involved. In some lateral or intraforaminal for surgical planning (Olby et al., 1999). When available,
extrusions the myelogram is normal but oblique views CT is the imaging modality of choice for chondro-
may reveal the offending disc (Felts and Prata, 1983). dystrophoid dogs with suspected cervical disc disease
Oblique views are also useful in determining the side (4.39B, 7.4, 7.5). The cross-sectional image helps the
on which an asymmetrical extrusion lies, although CT surgeon to plan the ventral slot and is also useful to
or MRI are better. identify lateralized or foraminal lesions (Hara et al., 1994;

7.3 A: CT scan through C5/6 made

after myelography (same dog as shown
in 7.2). The connection between the disc
extrusion and the rest of the nucleus
pulposus is seen clearly. B: T2-weighted,
sagittal MRI to show a disc extrusion at
C4 C5 C4/5 (transverse image, 4.44A). The C3/4
C3 and C5/6 discs are of relatively normal
signal intensity but C2/3 and especially
C4/5 and C6/7 discs are degenerate with
low signal intensity (Sether et al., 1990;
Levitski et al., 1999).

7.4 A: Transverse CT and B: 3D

reconstruction of CT scan from a
5-year-old Lhasa Apso that had neck
pain and was unable to walk. The scan
revealed a large mineralized extrusion at
the C4/5 disc space. The postoperative
scan is shown in 7.5.


7.5 A: Transverse and B: 3D

reconstruction of the post-surgical CT
scan from the same dog as shown
in 7.4. A ventral slot was performed,
which permitted the surgeon to remove
the majority of the extruded material.
Note the small amount of residual
material present to one side of the slot
(arrowhead and arrow). The width of this
slot is 39% of the vertebral body width.

96 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.6 Dog with severe neck pain and root

signature but no neurological deficits.
A: Transverse CT scan and B: 3D
reconstruction reveals disc material
within the intervertebral foramen at
C5/6 (arrowheads). The disc material
was removed using a blunt probe after
a standard ventral approach with
elevation of the longus colli muscles
from the ventral and lateral aspects of
the anulus fibrosus. Fenestration was
also performed. The dog was pain free
within 2 days.

Bagley et al., 1996) (7.6). The scanner can also be used to Surgical treatment
show the exact location and extent of disc material on a Indications for surgical treatment include:
scout image (4.39A). A heterogenous, hyperattenuating, • Failure of non-surgical treatment.
extradural mass with loss of epidural fat is a characteristic • Unremitting pain.
feature of a mineralized disc extrusion (Olby et al., 2000). • Severe or progressive neurological deficits.
If CT is not diagnostic it can be followed by a myelogram Ventral decompression is the preferred procedure. It
or a CT myelogram (Hara et al., 1994). For more infor- may need to be combined with stabilization for caudal
mation on performing and interpreting CT images in disc disc extrusions. Dorsal or dorsolateral decompression
disease, see Chapter 4, page 55–57. MRI may be better may be required in extrusions that cannot be reached
than CT, particularly when the disc material is not miner- via ventral slot or if there is doubt about the diagnosis.
alized, but scan times are usually longer and the cost is
higher (Levitski et al., 1999) (4.42, 4.44A, 7.3B).
Fenestration (7.30–7.36)
TREATMENT OPTIONS Although the value and desirability of fenestration has
Treatment may be non-surgical or surgical. been questioned (Fingeroth, 1989), it should prevent
further extrusion of disc material into the vertebral canal
Non-surgical treatment and so reduce the recurrence rate (Russell and Griffiths,
This entails cage rest and use of anti-inflammatory medi- 1968). It also appears effective for dogs with discogenic
cations. It can be tried in any patient unless marked pain (Morgan et al., 1993 (Algorithm 7.1)). It is usual to
neurological deficits are present. Either non-steroidal fenestrate the discs from C2/3 to C5/6 inclusive; C6/7
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), low-dose pred- is fenestrated if there is evidence of disease. Advantages
nisolone, or narcotics may be used, sometimes com- and disadvantages of fenestration compared to ventral
bined with diazepam or methocarbamol (Tables 15.1, slot decompression are shown in Table 7.1. Fenestration
15.2). Acupuncture may also be of benefit (Janssens, is only recommended as a primary procedure for dogs
1985). The catastrophic worsening of neurological sta- with discogenic pain and as a prophylactic procedure in
tus that can occur with medical treatment of thoraco- combination with ventral decompression. In small breed
lumbar discs is rare with cervical disc disease. However, dogs that develop signs suggestive of ‘Wobbler syn-
the neck pain in cervical disc disease seems to be less drome’, fenestration is probably contraindicated as it
responsive to non-surgical treatment than does the pain may exacerbate bulging of the dorsal anulus (7.15A).
from thoracolumbar disc disease. Progression of signs or
lack of response in 1–2 weeks indicates treatment fail-
ure. A dog that is responding well to non-surgical treat- Ventral decompression (7.37–7.52)
ment should be kept rested for at least 6 weeks General indications for decompression include:
after clinical signs have resolved. Recurrence of clinical • Presence of neurological deficits.
signs after non-surgical treatment has been reported • Spinal cord compression on neuroimaging.
in over 30% of patients (Russell and Griffiths, 1968; • Failure of fenestration.
Janssens, 1985). The role of chemonucleolysis is unclear Removal of disc material by ventral slot decompres-
and cervical discs must first be exposed surgically if this sion provides the most rapid resolution of clinical signs
procedure is planned (Atilola et al., 1993). and it is therefore the treatment of choice. Accurate
Cervical disc disease 97


No spinal cord Traction

compression responsive
(small dogs*)

diagnosis Single Multiple
lesions lesions

Fenestrate Cranial discs Caudal discs

for C2/3 to C3/4 C4/5 to C6/7
discogenic Dorsal
pain laminectomy

C7/T1 or very
Ventral Ventral slot and Distraction
lateral extrusion
slot stabilize if width (7.55)
close to 50%

or dorsal
laminectomy *less than 10 kg body weight

Algorithm 7.1 Surgical decision-making in cervical disc disease.

Postoperative fusion occurs in a proportion of dogs

Table 7.1 Comparison of ventral fenestration and slot
following ventral decompression but how well may
Fenestration Slot depend on the width of the slot (11.12); narrow slots
are less likely to fuse than wide slots (Gilpin, 1976;
Technically Easy Difficult
Seim and Prata, 1982). If osseous fusion does occur
across the slot it can then predispose even small breed
Accurate identification Not required Required
of disc involved dogs to domino lesions, although probably to a lesser
degree than it does in large-breed dogs (Prata and Stoll,
Special equipment No Yes 1973; Bagley et al., 1993) (7.14).

Potential for iatrogenic Unlikely Possible Ventral decompression and

damage fixation (7.53–7.55)
Postoperative instability or subluxation are important
Removal of disc material No Yes
potential complications that can be prevented by
from vertebral canal
fixation of the interspace at the time of ventral decom-
Resolution of neck pain Slow in Usually within pression (Fitch et al., 2000; Lemarie et al., 2000).
many dogs a few days Fixation is not usually necessary for cranial disc lesions
(C2/3 and C3/4) but should be considered for caudal
lesions (C4/5–C6/7) when the slot width is nearing
50% of the vertebral body width (Lemarie et al., 2000)
identification of the disc involved is an obvious prerequi- (7.10, 7.16). Fixation is probably not necessary for
site. The width of the slot should be about one third the caudal lesions if the slot dimensions are less than 50%
width of the vertebral body and certainly no more than of the vertebral body width. When subluxation does
50% (7.10, 7.16). These parameters are especially occur following ventral decompression the rescue
important for the C4/5 to C6/7 discs inclusive (Fitch technique of choice is distraction-stabilization. Several
et al., 2000; Lemarie et al., 2000). The inverted cone methods can be used for fixation after ventral slot
technique can be used to improve access while minimiz- (see also pages 118, 220). Cement plugs are very diffi-
ing any potential instability (Goring et al., 1991) (7.50). cult to use in small dogs (7.13, 7.54). Bone autografts
98 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

from the ilium are effective but necessitate two surgi- occur if the intervertebral space is explored recklessly.
cal approaches (Prata and Stoll, 1973). A more recent Other technical errors can occur during fenestration,
study preferred a bone allograft block placed in the ventral decompression (7.7, 7.8), or implant placement
interspace without use of additional implants (Lemarie (Box 7.3).
et al., 2000). Autografts give better radiographic fusion Hemorrhage can be problematical at various stages.
than allografts but other factors such as graft site Dorsal laminectomy can damage vessels in the epidural
morbidity also affect final outcome in humans (Floyd space, especially at the level of a foramen (Hurov,
and Ohnmeiss, 2000). Whatever method is used, bony 1979) (7.59, 11.51, 11.52). During a ventral approach
fusion should be encouraged so that long-term fixation the longus colli muscles tend to bleed when removed
does not depend solely on the implant(s). The progno-
sis is good for dogs that subluxate after a ventral
slot provided that the site can be stabilized (Lemarie
et al., 2000).
In general, adherence to the recommendation to
limit the width of the slot to near 33% is preferable to
managing potential or subsequent complications.

Dorsal decompression (7.56–7.59) C4

Dorsal laminectomy is much easier technically in small
dogs than large dogs and short-term morbidity is less of
a problem (Gill et al., 1996; De Risio et al., 2002). C5
Dorsal laminectomy has been proposed as an alterna-
tive to ventral decompression for small dogs but ventral
slot has the advantage of permitting removal of disc
material (Gill et al., 1996; Fitch et al., 2000). Dorsal 7.7 This dog presented with neck pain and no neurological
deficits. Myelography revealed a mineralized extrusion at the
laminectomy is therefore best reserved for lesions at C4/5 space. A ventral slot was performed with fenestration
C7/T1, where there is doubt regarding the diagnosis, or between C2/3 and C6/7 inclusive. There was considerable
for dogs with multiple lesions (7.15, 7.59). hemorrhage from the vertebral venous plexus and no disc
Hemilaminectomy can be performed in the cervical material was retrieved from the vertebral canal. It was assumed
region using a lateral approach but a dorsolateral that the response would be at least equivalent to a fenestration;
re-examination was scheduled in 2 weeks.
approach is easier (Lipsitz and Bailey, 1995) (7.56–7.58,
12.15–12.29). Hemilaminectomy is indicated where
disc material is situated too laterally to access via ventral
slot, for some lesions at C7/T1 (7.56), or if there
is doubt about the diagnosis (Seim and Prata, 1982).
Intraforaminal extrusions approached in this way or
laterally (Lipsity & Bailey, 1995) may occasionally be
accessible without entering the vertebral canal (Prata
and Stoll, 1973; Felts and Prata, 1983) (7.6). C4

The ventral surgical approach itself has few complica-
7.8 Two weeks after surgery the dog was tetraparetic and
tions unless the surgeon does not identify the midline unable to stand. The ventral slot had been performed at the
correctly and damages the vertebral artery. It is also pos- correct interspace; the cranial margin is just visible in the
sible to damage vital structures such as the recurrent caudal portion of C4 (arrowhead). However, the degree of
laryngeal nerve (7.25, 7.54); the esophagus can be per- spinal cord compression is now worse than before. The slot
forated if mistaken for the longus colli muscle and was re-explored; it was noted to have been directed to one
side. The slot was redirected to the midline and a large
pleura or other vital structures may be damaged at the amount of disc material was removed; hemorrhage was
level of the thoracic inlet (Funkquist and Svalastoga, minimal. The dog made a good recovery and was able to walk
1979). Spinal cord damage during fenestration can 2 weeks later.
Cervical disc disease 99

from their insertion on the ventral process. Muscle Early postoperative

dissection should be restricted to the midline to avoid These relate mainly to continued pain; neurological
bleeding from the vertebral artery or its branches. The deterioration (7.8); or respiratory complications (Box
vertebral arteries may also be damaged during removal 7.4). After fenestration neck pain can persist in a sig-
of lateral or foraminal disc material from either a ven- nificant number of dogs and may take 1–2 months to
tral or a lateral approach (Felts and Prata, 1983) (7.6). resolve completely (Denny, 1978) (see ‘Prognosis’,
Bleeding from the bone during drilling can be con- page 102). Neurological deterioration after fenestra-
trolled with bone wax. The vertebral venous plexus tion can also occur, probably when incorrect fenestra-
(7.43, 7.44, 11.29B) is damaged easily and hemor- tion technique leads to disc material being forced into
rhage can be so severe that it is impossible to continue the vertebral canal (Tomlinson, 1985).
to explore the vertebral canal (7.7); it may occasionally After ventral slot decompression neck pain should
even be fatal (Clark, 1986). Severe hemorrhage may improve within a few days. Moderate or severe pain
occur in as many as one quarter of dogs undergoing has been reported 3 days after surgery in up to 65% of
ventral slot, even without pre-existing coagulopathy dogs although this could have been due to excessive
(Smith et al., 1997). Concurrent use of aspirin or the slot width in some of these dogs (Fitch et al., 2000).
presence of any coagulopathy increases the risk (15.2). Persistence of severe pain beyond 72 h, or progressive
Steps recommended in case of severe venous plexus neurological deficits, warrant repeat imaging (Seim and
hemorrhage are outlined in Table 7.2. Venous plexus
hemorrhage can lead on rare occasions to complications
in the early postoperative period. Two dogs that had Box 7.4 Early postoperative complications
venous plexus hemorrhage during ventral decompres- ■ Residual or increased compression at the site (7.8)
sion developed acute, progressive tetraparesis within ■ Residual material within a foramen
12 h. Both had large blood clots compressing the spinal ■ Subluxation or instability at the surgical site (7.10, 7.16, 7.52)
cord but recovered well after evacuation combined ■ Extradural hematoma
with hemostasis using thrombin (Seim and Prata, ■ Implant complications (7.13, 7.54)
1982) (Table 7.2).
■ New extrusion at another site
■ Hyperflexion injury
■ Dyspnea (7.12)
Box 7.3 Intraoperative complications ■ Infection or sepsis
■ Iatrogenic injury ■ Vascular decompensation of spinal cord
■ Cardiopulmonary arrest ■ Hypoventilation (6.1, 7.11)
■ Implant complications ■ Edema (7.12)
■ Hemorrhage (7.7) ■ Seroma or hematoma of wound
■ Disc extrusion due to fenestration ■ Horner’s syndrome
■ Ventral slot too wide (7.16) ■ Megaesophagus
■ Surgery performed at the wrong site ■ Laryngeal paralysis
■ Redistribution of disc material ■ Aspiration
■ Inadequate decompression (7.8) ■ Pneumonia

Table 7.2 Hemorrhage from vertebral venous plexus

Preoperative Intraoperative Postoperative

Evaluate for coagulopathy Place finger over the slot if severe Check for neurological deterioration
Cross-match for high-risk patients Relieve retraction pressure on jugular veins
Plug slot with macerated muscle tissue
Pack slot with Gelfoam
Occlude plexus with direct pressure (11.29B)
Avoid long-term continuous suction of hemorrhage
Increase fluid rate, consider plasma or blood product
100 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.10 Ventrodorsal radiograph of a dog where subluxation had

occurred following a very wide ventral slot (59%). The dog had
severe neck pain for a week after surgery, which prompted
repeat radiography. Treatment by distraction-stabilization was
attempted but the dog died (7.16, 7.52).

7.9 Residual disc material does not always cause persistent et al., 1999; Wolf and Roe, personal communication).
pain. A: Preoperative 3D reconstruction of the CT myelogram
Subluxation leads to severe pain or marked deteriora-
shown in 7.3B. There is a large mass of mineralized material
on the left side of the floor of the vertebral canal. B: 3D tion in neurological status due to nerve root, meningeal
reconstruction made immediately following surgery. A ventral or spinal cord compression (7.10, 7.16, 7.52). Signs
slot has been performed but removal of disc material was associated with this usually occur within a week of sur-
suboptimal. Despite this, the dog was almost pain free the day gery but can be delayed for up to 3 months (Lemarie
after surgery and was normal within a few days. The slot width
et al., 2000). If subluxation does occur, the lesion should
in this dog is approximately 38%.
be managed by distraction-stabilization, as for a trau-
matic fracture or subluxation. It is likely that instability
Prata, 1982; Smith et al., 1997). This may mean that is under-recognized as a cause of continued pain after
some dogs are imaged unnecessarily (7.9) but will also surgery (Macy et al., 1999; Fitch et al., 2000, Lemarie
identify quickly any dogs that need further surgery. et al., 2000).
Potential causes of severe postoperative pain are Infection at the surgical site may cause either inci-
shown in Box 7.4. One common cause is when some of sional drainage or systemic signs (Chambers et al., 1982;
the disc material has simply been moved to a new loca- Fry et al., 1991; Lipsitz and Bailey, 1995). It can occur
tion during attempts at retrieval, which sets up a new following dorsal or ventral decompression, especially
area of irritation. A poorly executed slot is actually no if the dog becomes bacteremic for any reason (see page
better than a fenestration and can be worse (Chambers 84). Discospondylitis (14.11) or even epidural abscessa-
et al., 1986) (4.25, 7.8, 11.21). tion (14.14) may also develop.
Vertebral instability is another important cause of Respiratory arrest during or after surgery has been
persistent pain after surgery and can occur if the slot reported in several studies (Clark, 1986; Waters, 1989;
is made too wide (Seim and Prata, 1982). Range of Smith et al., 1997; Beal et al., 2001). This can be due to
motion increases in cadaver spines by 30–40% after either cardiopulmonary or neurological abnormalities
fenestration and by 66% after a ventral slot, even if (see Chapter 6, page 82). Some dogs develop more
the slot is only one third of the vertebral width (Macy severe neurological deficits following surgery so that
Cervical disc disease 101


7.11 Some dogs only need to be ventilated for a day or two

but others require ventilation for 1–2 weeks before they can be
weaned off mechanical support (Beal et al., 2001) (6.1).


7.13 Nine-year-old pug with chronic tetraparesis localizing to

C6–T2 spinal cord. A: There is severe spinal cord compression
at C5/6 and C6/7, which was reduced partially by traction.
Cement plugs were placed at C5/6 and C6/7 using anchor
holes in the end plates and the dog was put in a splint
(Dixon et al., 1996) (11.39). B: It developed severe neck pain
5 days later; neurological status was unchanged. A myelogram
showed the lesion at C6/7 had improved but C5/6 was worse.
Disc material could have extruded spontaneously, been forced
7.12 This dog shows profound swelling 2 days after a ventral into the canal during plug placement, or the distraction had
slot; the base of the tongue was also affected. It caused this failed. There was no evidence of cement in the canal. The dog
dog no problems but can cause dysphagia or dyspnea in some was euthanized; no necropsy was performed.
animals. Hot packing and anti-inflammatory medications are
indicated (Jerram et al., 1997) (see page 357). The possibility of
infection should be investigated.
complications include trauma during recovery (11.22);
megaesophagus (15.40) and Horner’s syndrome
they are unable to breathe spontaneously. In these ani- (Boydell, 1995); seizures after myelography; urinary
mals the only option is to put them on a mechanical tract infection; diarrhea and sepsis (Fry et al., 1991).
ventilator. Ventilation should be considered once the Any dog that has undergone ventral decompres-
paCO2 exceeds 50 mmHg and the dog should either be sion in the past, or that has congenitally fused vertebrae,
ventilated or euthanized on humane grounds if the could go on to develop a domino lesion. The incidence
paCO2 is greater than 70 mmHg (7.11). is much lower than in ‘Wobbler syndrome’ but it does
Swelling or edema in the ventral neck can also cause occur (Prata and Stoll, 1973; Bagley et al., 1996) (7.14).
problems after surgery (Fry et al., 1991; Smith et al., The overall risks of serious complications or mor-
1997) (7.12). Care with hemostasis and wound closure tality with cervical surgery are higher than in thoraco-
helps to avoid this. Seroma is a particular risk after dor- lumbar surgery. The highest mortality rate is for dogs
sal decompression (15.34). that are unable to walk prior to surgery, especially those
Technical problems may occur when trying to place with pre-existing disease. Nine of 37 such dogs (25%)
implants in small dogs (7.13, 7.54). Other potential in one study died or were euthanized. Causes of death
102 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.14 A: Eight-year-old Silky terrier

(5 kg) with a disc extrusion at C5/6.
A ventral slot was performed and
the dog made a good recovery.
B: Eighteen months later the dog
showed recurrence of neck pain, root
signature, mild tetraparesis and ataxia.
A repeat myelogram revealed no
residual compression at C5/6 but
T1 extrusion of disc material at C4/5 and
C6/7. Note the fusion at C5/6 (7.53,

included cardiac arrest, pulmonary thromboembolism and strict attention to bedding and cleanliness is
and respiratory dysfunction (Waters, 1989). Recumbent required (see Chapter 15).
dogs are also at high risk of developing pneumonia, as
are those that develop laryngeal paralysis (Prata and
Stoll, 1973; Lemarie et al., 2000) (see Chapter 15). PROGNOSIS
Three of 52 dogs in another study died after ventral
Resolution of clinical signs may be slow after fenestra-
decompression for cervical disc herniation: one from
tion. Of 12 dogs with neck pain, six recovered rapidly
uncontrollable venous plexus hemorrhage and two
but five continued to have intermittent pain for 1–4
from acute bradycardia and hypotension (Clark, 1986).
weeks. Of a further 16 dogs with thoracic limb paresis,
Two of these dogs presented with only neck pain.
12 (75%) recovered in an average of 3–8 weeks. Of
Dysrhythmias are common during cervical disc surgery.
nine with severe deficits (tetraparesis or tetraplegia),
They were reported in 15 of 48 dogs (31%), two of
five (56%) recovered in 1–6 weeks (Denny, 1978).
which died, emphasizing the importance of good anes-
Fenestration has been compared to ventral slot decom-
thetic monitoring (Stauffer et al., 1988). Hypotension
pression in 111 dogs that were able to walk prior to
is also common during ventral decompression and may
surgery. Intraoperative and postoperative complications,
influence outcome (Griffiths, 1973; Cybulski, 1988;
other than simple incisional swelling, were more com-
Smith et al., 1997) (see page 86).
mon after ventral decompression (30% vs 12%), resulting
In summary, a high index of suspicion for complica-
in longer hospital stays (7.12). However, neurological
tions must be maintained if the surgery does not go as
recovery was slower following fenestration. Fenestrated
planned, if the response to surgery is poor and certainly
dogs were three times more likely to have static signs
if the animal’s neurological status worsens after surgery
at discharge and twice as likely to be unchanged at their
(7.7). In such cases, repeat imaging is strongly recom-
last hospital visit (Fry et al., 1991). Ventral slot decom-
mended (7.7–7.9).
pression gives much better results overall (Table 7.3).
This is probably because even dogs with no neuro-
logical deficits usually have substantial amounts of
POSTOPERATIVE CARE (see Chapter 15) disc material in the vertebral canal.
Most patients should be much less painful within a day The prognosis for dogs with pain or moderate
or two of ventral slot surgery. Two weeks of restricted neurological deficits is usually good after a ventral slot
exercise should be enforced, even if improvement has (Table 7.3). The prognosis for dogs that cannot walk is
been marked. Leash exercise for urination and defeca- more guarded. Complete recoveries are reported in
tion is allowed, but a harness should be used rather 55–60% of such dogs, a further 15–20% recover with
than a collar. If discomfort persists, anti-inflammatory residual deficits and 20–25% die or are euthanized.
drugs may be needed (Table 15.2) along with Dogs that do not walk within 2 weeks are likely to
diazepam, methocarbamol, ultrasound (15.13B), laser continue to have residual deficits (Waters, 1989; Smith
(15.14A), or acupuncture. Severe pain beyond 48 h et al., 1997). Others have reported better recovery
warrants repeat imaging (see ‘Complications’, page 99). rates for severely affected dogs (Seim and Prata, 1982).
Dogs with preoperative neurological deficits benefit The outcome after ventral slot decompression in
from physiotherapy once the pain has subsided. Large- small-breed dogs appears to be better for dogs with
breed dogs are prone to problems related to recumbency, cranial cervical lesions (C2/3 or C3/4) than for those
Cervical disc disease 103

Table 7.3 Results of ventral slot decompression for cervical disc

Neurological No. of No. recovered* No. recovered* No. recovered* No. recovered*
status dogs by 2 days (%) by 7 days (%) by 28 days (%) by 365 days (%) No recovery

Pain ⫹/⫺ RS1 33 16 (48) 24 (73) 30 (91) 33 (100) 0

Can walk1 14 6 (43) 10 (71) 12 (86) 14 (100) 0

Can not walk1,2 18 5 (28) 10 (56) 14 (78) 15 (83) 3 (17)

Seim and Prata (1982); 2 Waters (1989).
* Recovered defined as no neck pain; ability to walk for dogs unable to walk before surgery.
RS, Root signature.

with caudal cervical lesions (C4/5–C6/7 inclusive) (Fitch et al., 2000; Lemarie et al., 2000) (7.10, 7.16).
(Waters, 1989; Fitch et al., 2000). Long-term resolu- Subluxation does appear to be a significant risk when a
tion of signs after ventral slot decompression was seen wide slot is performed for caudal lesions. It is not clear
in 31 of 47 dogs with cranial lesions (66%) compared to if this is also true for small dogs when the slot width
only 10 of 48 with caudal lesions (21%). The poor is kept to about one third of vertebral body width
outcome for dogs with caudal lesions undergoing a (Lemarie et al., 2000). If ventral slot decompression is
ventral slot contrasts with the long-term resolution to be performed in dogs with caudal lesions, the slot
seen in 12 of 15 dogs (80%) that were also stabilized proportions should be close to 33% or an inverted cone
and distracted intraoperatively at the ventral slot site should be considered (Goring et al., 1991). If the width
(Fitch et al., 2000). of a caudal slot is nearing 50% then the site should also
One of the main reasons for failure to improve, or for be stabilized (Lemarie et al., 2000).
recurrence of signs after ventral slot decompression, is
postoperative instability or subluxation. These prob-
lems have only been reported in dogs with caudal CERVICAL DISC DISEASE IN CATS
lesions (Seim and Prata, 1982; Wheeler and Sharp, Disc herniation is not uncommon in cats, particularly in
1994; Smith et al., 1997; Fitch et al., 2000; Lemarie the cervical region, but clinical signs related to these
et al., 2000). One factor that increases the risk consid- lesions are rare (Heavner, 1971; Littlewood et al., 1984;
erably is the width of the slot. In dogs that suffer sub- Kathmann et al., 2000; Knipe et al., 2001; Muñana et al.,
luxation the slot is usually too wide; reported as 2001). The principles of diagnosis and treatment are
39–80% of the vertebral width and a median of 50% discussed above.

Key issues for future investigation

1. How to manage dogs with multiple extrusions of mineralized disc material (7.15A)? Options include dorsal laminectomy (Gill
et al., 1996), or several ventral slot(s) with bone graft distraction. For the latter procedure it would help to be able to decide
which lesion(s) is most significant (4.43).

2. How to deal with multiple, dynamic lesions in small dogs (7.15B)? Options include dorsal laminectomy, fusion using cement
plugs (but see 7.13), or possibly several ventral slots, each with bone graft or cement wedges (page 118).

3. What is the maximum recommended width for a slot and what are the risks of instability (7.16)?

4. Is there a need for routine fixation to prevent luxation in dogs with caudal lesions or is this only necessary when the slot width
is ⬎50% (Lemarie et al., 2000)?
104 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


7.15 A: Multiple herniations in a Pomeranian with neck pain, mild tetraparesis and a disconnected gait (see page 28). Extradural
compression is evident from C2/3 to C7/T1 inclusive; several lesions were of mineralized material. Fenestration of these disc spaces
led to recurrence of signs within a year. B: Miniature pinscher with neck pain and thoracic limb root signature. Traction-responsive,
ventral extradural compression is present from C2/3 to C6/7 inclusive.


7.16 A: Ventrodorsal survey radiograph from a 6-year-old Yorkshire terrier that suffered a vertebral subluxation at the site of a
previous ventral slot at C4/5 (arrow). The width of the slot is 55% (same dog as in 7.52). B: Seven-year-old Dachshund with
neck pain and root signature that was unable to walk after ventral slot at C3/4; slot width is 66%. An external splint was applied;
the dog could walk within 2 weeks.

5. Are cranial lesions more resistant to subluxation (Lemarie et al., 2000) (7.16B)?

6. What is the best way to fuse interspaces in small-breed dogs? Options include metal and bone cement (page 118) or bone
allografts combined with ventral slot (Fitch et al., 2000). Non-biological materials that permit bone in-growth may become
available in the future (Cook et al., 1994; Emery et al., 1996).

Chambers, J.N., Oliver, J.E., Jr, Kornegay, J.N., Malnati, G.A. (1982)
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Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 19, 147–161. Radiology 25, 274–279.
106 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Approach to the ventral neck (7.17–7.29)
The cervical spine is extended over a sandbag; the thoracic limbs are pulled in a caudal direction, and tape is used to
immobilize the head and thorax (7.17). It is important to have the dog straight to insure that the neck is aligned correctly.
Note that extension of the caudal portion of the neck as shown here will tend to close the dorsal intervertebral space of
C5/6 and C6/7 spaces. Ventral slot decompression at these sites is easier to perform if the neck is put in a more neutral
position. If access needs to be improved to C6/7, it is preferable to put the neck in gentle traction using a weight on the
maxilla (11.24), or consider a dorsal (11.44–11.55, 7.59) or dorsolateral laminectomy (7.56–7.58, 12.15–12.29).
Deep anatomy includes the carotid sheaths, recurrent laryngeal nerves and esophagus (7.25–7.27). Careful dissection
of the loose fascial layers in a longitudinal direction will expose these structures. Finger dissection here is safe and
effective. Further dissection of the deep fascia reveals the longus colli muscles, which lie ventral to the cervical vertebrae
(7.28). If preferred, the paramedian approach to the ventral neck can be used instead of the approach described here
in order to provide greater protection for blood vessels, nerves, trachea and esophagus (11.25–11.27).
Blunt-jawed self-retaining retractors (5.8) are used initially to maintain exposure (7.29). The retractors must not interfere
with gas flow in the airway. Palpate the end of the endotracheal tube and insure that it is positioned distal to the retractors.
Moist towels or sponges are used to protect the tissues. The longus colli muscles join in the midline and insert on the ventral
process of the vertebra, thus overlying the intervertebral discs (7.29). Accurate identification of the intervertebral discs at this
stage is crucial. The ventral process of C5 vertebral body lies in the midline between the cranial borders of the large C6 trans-
verse processes (4.6, 7.37B); the C5/6 intervertebral disc lies immediately behind this ventral process. The ventral process
of C1 is particularly prominent and sharp (7.19); this also can or may be palpated. There is no intervertebral disc at C1/2.


7.17 Positioning of dog for ventral approach to the

neck. Excessive extension will close the dorsal
disc space; mild traction may be preferable

7.18 Landmarks are (a) larynx; (b) wing of atlas; and

(c) manubrium of sternum. Incision site is depicted c
on the midline. a


7.19 Landmarks can be palpated; in this illustration

the surgeon is palpating the wings of the atlas
(left hand) and the prominent transverse
process of C6 (4.6, 7.37B).

Cervical disc disease 107

7.20 Superficial anatomy—see

also 7.21. The skin and
superficial fascia have
been divided to reveal the
sternocephalicus muscles
(a), and sternohyoid
muscles (b). The cervical a
vertebrae C1 through C7
are seen in the


7.21 The skin and superficial fascia have been

divided. This reveals the sternocephalicus
muscles (a), and the sternohyoid muscles (b).
The sternocephalicus muscles should be divided b
to the manubrium, particularly if access to the
caudal cervical vertebrae is required.


7.22 The sternohyoid muscles are divided in the

midline. If the median raphe is not apparent, apply
finger pressure to the muscles over the trachea
and the raphe will become visible.


7.23 Making a small incision in the fascia and then

dissecting the fascia bluntly usually prevents
bleeding. The caudal thyroid vein lies in the
connective tissue with small branches on each
side. This vein should be preserved if possible;
the branches may be cauterized. The trachea is
immediately under the fascia.

108 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.24 Once the sternohyoid muscles have been

divided the trachea is visible. Here the separation
is made with fingers.


7.25 Close up view of the trachea (a); recurrent b

laryngeal nerve (b); and carotid sheath (c). The a
approach is between the recurrent laryngeal
nerve (which remains associated with the c
trachea) and the carotid sheath at the level
indicated by the arrow. At this stage the
esophagus must be identified or the surgeon
could damage it inadvertently (7.26).

7.26 There are several layers of loose fascia that must a

be penetrated before reaching the longus colli
muscles. The esophagus is identified by its pink
color compared to the darker red of the longus
colli muscles; differentiation is aided by having an
esophageal stethoscope in place (see 7.27 for
labels). The recurrent laryngeal nerve has been
separated from the trachea. This is for illustration b
only and is not done normally.

7.27 Note the recurrent laryngeal nerve (a),

and the carotid sheath containing the a
carotid artery along with the more
prominent, white vagosympathetic
trunk (b). The trachea and esophagus
have been retracted away from the
surgeon; they should be kept together
on the same side of the incision.

Cervical disc disease 109

7.28 Retraction of the vital structures exposes the

longus colli muscles. The transverse processes of
C6 are large and are directed ventrally; they are
palpated readily as shown here (4.6, 7.37B).


7.29 Deep anatomy. Note the pattern of

longus colli muscle bellies running
cranially. Once landmarks have been
identified and any fenestrations
completed, pressure on the jugular
veins should be relieved by
substituting smaller Gelpi retractors
over the space of interest if a ventral
slot is to be performed.


Fenestration (7.30–7.36)
During fenestration it is important not to confuse the ventral process of C2–C5 vertebrae with the transverse processes
(see under ‘Approach’, page 106). The longus colli muscles run cranially to insert on the ventral process in the midline.
The transverse processes can be palpated on each side of the ventral process. The three rows of structures (ventral
processes in the midline, transverse processes laterally on each side) should be identified before proceeding.

7.30 To gain access to the disc, the longus colli

muscles are divided in the midline, immediately
caudal to the ventral process. They may be cut
or division may be achieved with a pair of small,
curved hemostats.

110 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.31 Method of fenestration. The anulus fibrosus is cut

in the form of a window to allow access to the
nucleus pulposus (7.34).


7.32 The nuclear material is removed (7.35). It is
important not to push the instrument deeply
through the dorsal anulus fibrosus into the
vertebral canal. Radiographs provide some guide
to the depth of the intervertebral space as long as
magnification is taken into account. The window in
the anulus must be larger than the instrument to
avoid creating a piston effect, which could force
disc material dorsally into the vertebral canal.

b a

7.33 If greater exposure of the disc is required, the

muscle separation is maintained by self-retaining
retractors. The longus colli tendons may also be
cut. The ventral surface of the vertebra (a), and
the ventral anulus fibrosus (b), can be seen. The
surgeon’s finger is on the ventral process of the
vertebra cranial to the disc.


7.34 Fenestration is done by cutting a hole in the

anulus fibrosus; this should be made as large as
possible to allow complete evacuation of the
nucleus pulposus. A fresh #11 scalpel blade is
used to make the opening, either by making four
cuts in a rectangular pattern in the anulus
fibrosus, or by using a sawing motion in an oval
pattern until the piece of anulus is free. The
surgeon’s finger is on the ventral process in this 7.34
Cervical disc disease 111

7.35 Disc fenestrated. Nucleus pulposus is oozing

from the intervertebral space. The removed piece
of anulus fibrosus lies cranial to the disc space
(arrow). A small curette or blunt instrument is
used to remove the nucleus pulposus by entering
the space, dragging towards the surgeon and
then lifting the material out. This maneuver 7.35
should be repeated until there is a reasonable
certainty that all the nuclear material has been removed. Care must be taken to avoid penetrating the
vertebral canal dorsally (7.32).


7.36 Sagittal diagram shows that fenestration only

allows access to disc material in the
intervertebral space. Disc material lying in the
vertebral canal cannot be removed by

Ventral decompression (7.37–7.52)

Sometimes the dorsal longitudinal ligament remains after removal of the anulus fibrosus. The ventral surface (the side
nearest the surgeon) of the ligament is slightly roughened and has longitudinal fibers; the dorsal surface is smooth and
shiny. The identity of any tissue exposed in the vertebral canal must be established before further manipulations or inci-
sions are made. It is often necessary to complete bone removal before tissue can be identified clearly.
If hemorrhage from the venous plexus does occur, it may be possible to control it with Gelfoam, direct pressure
(11.29), or a small piece of muscle (Table 7.2). Pressure on the jugular veins should be relieved. Work should then con-
tinue at the other end of the slot. Suction may be maintained while disc material is being removed, but careful note must
be taken of the amount of blood aspirated. If hemorrhage is severe, the slot is packed and time allowed for it to stop
before re-exploration.
112 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.37 A: View of cervical vertebrae showing ventral slot

decompression. The procedure allows access to the
vertebral canal through the vertebral body. Correct
identification of the intended space is crucial (see
‘Approach’, page 106). Where concomitant fenestration
is to be performed this should be done first in order to
verify landmarks. B: 3D reconstruction of a ventral slot
(same dog as shown in 7.9) to illustrate the appearance
from a ventral aspect at C5/6. The overall width of this
slot is 38%. Note the prominent wings of C6


7.38 The site for the ventral slot is prepared by

removing the musculature from the vertebrae on
both sides of the midline. The longus colli
muscles are separated from the ventral process.
Hemostasis at this stage is important, as
excessive bleeding will obscure the site of the
slot. Muscle separation is maintained with self-
retaining retractors and tissues are protected
with moist sponges. 7.38
Cervical disc disease 113


7.39 Sagittal section shows that the slot should be

started more in the vertebra cranial to the disc
than the one caudal, because of the angulation
of the disc space relative to the vertebral canal.
This will also allow room for screws or pins to
be placed should the slot collapse or subluxate
(7.10, 7.16, 7.52, 11.21).


7.40 The slot is commenced in the position described

in 7.39. Initially drilling is only into the cranial
vertebra. The cortical bone has been penetrated
to reveal purple cancellous bone; the
intervertebral disc is caudal to this. The aim is to
create a slot approximately one third of the width
of the vertebra and one third of its length, with
the disc space at its center once the vertebral
canal is reached (7.39, 7.41). This size of slot
should not result in instability and if kept on midline should avoid the internal vertebral venous plexus
(7.8, 7.43, 7.44).

7.41 Partially completed slot. Somewhat more
advanced than in the previous illustration.
Hemorrhage from the bone is controlled with
bone wax. It is important to keep the bur
irrigated and the site free of debris. It is useful to
stop drilling periodically to clean the site and to
assess progress.

7.42 The floor of the slot is shown. It is important to

judge the depth of the slot accurately. Cortical
bone is white and hard (a), in contrast to the dark b
cancellous bone (b). The cancellous bone is a c
removed over the whole slot area, using a small
bur. The remaining cortical bone is then thinned
to allow easy removal; it is best to thin the whole
area before entering the vertebral canal (8.36,
10.34). The dorsal anulus fibrosus is visible (c). 7.42
The shape of the opening into the vertebral canal
must take into account the location of the venous
plexus (7.43, 7.44).
114 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.43 Latex-infused preparation to demonstrate the

location of vertebral venous plexus on the floor of
the vertebral canal. The dorsal lamina has been
removed for this view from above the spine. The
discs are represented in orange. Note how the
venous plexus converges in the mid-portion of
the vertebra and diverges over the disc
(1.36, 7.44).


7.44 This series of CT scans was made after intravenous contrast to

highlight the vertebral venous plexus (arrows). A: Middle of C6
vertebra. B: At the C6/7 disc space. C: Middle of C7. Note how
the vessels diverge at the level of the disc space but converge
again over the vertebral bodies.


Cervical disc disease 115

7.45 The dorsal anulus fibrosus is incised on each

side of the slot using a fresh #11 blade. One
incision can be seen uppermost in the picture
(arrow). The near-side incision is being made.
The incision is then extended to where the
cortical bone has been removed.


7.46 The anulus fibrosus is lifted with a suitable

instrument (in this case, a pointed tartar scraper)
and dissected free. Removal can be facilitated by
preserving a small knub of anulus to grasp with
fine rongeurs (11.29A).


7.47 The dorsal anulus has been removed, allowing a

view into the vertebral canal. Here the glossy
dura mater is visible. When extruded disc
material is present, it is wise to remove it from
the midline first to avoid damaging the venous
plexus early in the procedure.


7.48 The slot is almost complete. The floor of the slot is

excised with fine rongeurs or a small curette after
bone has been removed and ligamentous tissue
cut with a scalpel. Great patience is required
when removing herniated disc material;
magnification and additional lighting are preferred
(5.1–5.3). Once all material has been removed,
the spinal cord will lie adjacent to the edges of the
slot as shown. If the disc is asymmetrically 7.48
positioned, it is possible to shape the base of the
slot to allow more exposure on one side although
this may increase the risk of bleeding (7.50B).
116 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.49 Removal of mineralized disc material is generally

straightforward although patience is required. As
in the thoracolumbar region, additional disc
material usually remains in the vertebral canal
unless the dura returns to lie level with the bone.


7.50 In small dogs or dogs
with very large
extrusions the inverted
cone technique can
improve access to the
vertebral canal A: This
5-year-old Dachshund
had severe neck pain A B
and mild tetraparesis. The 3D reconstruction of the preoperative CT shows a huge extrusion at C2/3,
viewed looking caudally. B: 3D reconstruction made from the immediate postoperative CT scan looking
cranially to C1. The slot has been extended to one side (arrowhead) as an inverted cone in order to give
greater access without causing instability (Goring et al., 1991). Nearly all of the material has been
removed. The width is approximately 33%.

7.51 Access to disc material in the vertebral canal via
a ventral slot. A: Sagittal diagram. Note the
starting position of the slot relative to the disc.
B: Inverted preoperative (left) and postoperative
(right) 3D reconstruction of the dog shown in
7.50. The extrusion at C2/3 is indicated in the
left-hand panel (*). The margins of the slot are
outlined in the right-hand panel by arrowheads.

Cervical disc disease 117

7.52 A: Postoperative radiograph of a

dog that had a subluxation after
ventral slot at C4/5. The width of
the slot was 55% of the vertebral C6
body (7.16). B: Stabilization was
performed using pins and cement.
The dog suffered respiratory arrest
and did not recover from surgery. A B

Ventral decompression with distraction-stabilization (7.53–7.55)

(see also Chapter 11)
Preferred methods of distraction-stabilization use a corticocancellous autograft, allograft (Veterinary Transplant Services,
Seattle, WA), or metal and bone cement (Fitch et al., 2000); cement plugs are difficult to use in small dogs (7.13, 7.54).
Initial distraction can be accomplished as shown in 11.31–11.34, by K-wires (page 235), or by a rope around the dog’s
upper canine teeth and tied to the surgical table (7.55, 11.24). After distraction a bone allograft (Veterinary Transplant
Services, Seattle, WA), cement (page 118), or an autograft from the wing of C6, sternum or ilium, can be wedged into
the slot to maintain distraction (Fitch et al., 2000). Metal and cement implants may also be used (7.55).

7.53 A: This 8-kg Silky terrier

had undergone a ventral
slot at C5/6 and then
suffered domino lesions at
C4/5 and C6/7 some18
months later (same dog as T1
7.14). B: Both lesions were T1
traction-responsive. 7.53


7.54 A: Cement plugs at C4/5 and

C6/7 using anchor holes in the
end plates (11.38) with
cancellous grafting from C4 to T1
C7 (Dixon et al., 1996). An T1
external splint was not used. B:
Six-week follow-up shows end-
plate fracture at C4/5 and
ventral displacement of the A B
implant at C6/7 (7.13). The dog was doing well clinically but had developed iatrogenic laryngeal paralysis.
118 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

7.55 Miniature pinscher with severe neck pain and left thoracic limb root
signature. A: Preoperative myelogram shows collapse and
mineralized material at C6/7. B: CT myelogram shows mineralized
extrusion or osteophytes within the left foramen also (arrowhead)
(Prata and Stoll, 1973). C: Postoperative radiograph of stabilization
using 2.7-mm screws and bone cement following traction on the
maxilla as the cement hardened (compare disc space to A). The
caudal screw is positioned poorly but the dog has shown no
clinical signs for 6 years.

Distraction can be maintained with a small amount of bone cement wedged into a partial ventral slot. The edges of
the slot are undercut to prevent slippage of the cement. This method can also be used to rescue a wide or
subluxated ventral slot, as the main goal here is to prevent excessive collapse or subluxation as seen in 7.10.
Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) should be used to insulate the spinal cord (page 235 and 239). The cement
wedge should be kept to the ventral half of the interspace.
Cervical disc disease 119

Dorsal hemilaminectomy (7.56–7.58) (see also page 266)

7.56 A: Transverse and B: 3D
reconstruction of a CT
scan from a 12-year-old
Labrador retriever with
paraparesis, worse on the
right side. Neurological
examination revealed a
disconnected thoracic
limb gait (see page 28)
and guarding of the neck. A
These findings suggested
a caudal cervical lesion; a C7/T1 ventral, extradural compression was confirmed by myelography. CT
scan revealed the mass to be mainly right-sided. Differential diagnoses were a disc, nerve root tumor or

7.57 A: Preoperative
myelogram and B: 3D
reconstruction of the
postoperative CT
scan to show the
(arrowheads) used to
access the mass. The gap
between C6 and C7
(arrow) is an artefact of
reconstruction. Head is to
the right in these images. A B

7.58 Postoperative A:
Transverse and B: 3D
reconstruction of a CT
scan from the same dog as
shown in 7.56–7.57. The
mass was confirmed to be
a large, fibrous disc
herniation; about 75% of it
was removed using a A B
combination of scalpel and
rongeurs. A pocket of gas is visible at the surgical site in A. The extent of the hemilaminectomy is shown
clearly in B. The dog made a rapid recovery.
120 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Dorsal laminectomy (7.59)

The surgical approach is described in Chapter 11 (11.44–11.55). Large veins may be encountered in the dorsal epidural
space, especially close to the intervertebral foramen (Hurov, 1979) (11.51, 11.52).

7.59 A: Ventrodorsal myelogram from a dog with hemiparesis and neck
pain shows left-sided, extradural compression over C7 vertebra.
B: CT myelogram shows mineralized material to the left of the dural
tube over mid-C7 vertebral body. C: Intraoperative photograph shows
mineralized disc material to one side of the dural tube (arrowheads).
The dura was retracted using stay sutures to improve access.
Fenestration was performed using a ventral approach after the
laminectomy. The dog’s neurological status was improved the next day
and it was almost normal 1 month later.

Thoracolumbar disc disease Chapter

frequently, usually after middle age. However, disc disease

Clinical signs 121
should not be overlooked in large dogs as they can have
acute, Hansen Type I extrusions as well as Type II lesions
Diagnosis 122
(see pages 12 and 56–58). L1/2 is affected most often in
Radiography 122
large dogs (Cudia and Duval, 1997).
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis 122
Myelography 122
CT and MR imaging 123
Treatment 123 Back pain and neurological deficits in the pelvic limbs
Non-surgical 123 are features of thoracolumbar disc disease; urinary
Decompression (hemilaminectomy, dysfunction may occur with more severe lesions (see
mini-hemilaminectomy or pediculectomy) 126 page 31). The back pain is usually less dramatic than
Fenestration without decompression 127 that associated with cervical disc disease. The dog may
show kyphosis and a reluctance to run or jump; dis-
Complications 127 comfort can usually be elicited by palpation over the
Intraoperative complications 127 thoracolumbar region. Pain without neurological deficits
Early postoperative complications 127 can be misinterpreted as being cervical, orthopedic or
Late postoperative complications 130 abdominal in origin (Table 2.1, Table 3.6, Box 7.2).
The pain in thoracolumbar disc disease arises because
Postoperative care 132 of combinations of anulus fibrosus and dorsal longitudi-
nal ligament damage with associated meningeal and
Prognosis 132 nerve root irritation. Neurological deficits range from
mild ataxia and paraparesis to paraplegia, which may be
Thoracolumbar disc disease in cats 133 accompanied by depressed or absent nociception cau-
dal to the lesion (Olby et al., 2001) (see ‘Assessing the
Key issues for future investigation 133 severity of the lesion’, page 31).
Neurological deficits usually become more severe
References 134
with increasing spinal cord compression (see ‘Spinal cord
nerve fibers and the effect of compression’, page 6).
Procedures 136
In addition to the mass effect of the disc material, the
Dorsolateral hemilaminectomy 136
rate at which spinal cord compression occurs is also very
Pediculectomy and mini-hemilaminectomy 151
important. In extreme cases there may be a combination
Lateral fenestration 154
of mass effect and impact injury to the spinal cord,
resulting from explosive disc rupture. In the majority of
dogs the deficits are upper motor neuron (UMN) in
Thoracolumbar disc disease is a common disorder in nature and there may be an associated cutaneous trunci
dogs that affects mainly chondrodystrophoid breeds. reflex cut-off (see page 24). Approximately 10–15% of
Peak incidence in these breeds is between 3 and 6 years dogs show lower motor neuron (LMN) deficits because
of age. Over 50% of lesions occur at the T12/13 and of lesions between L3/4 and L6/7 discs inclusive (see
T13/L1 discs and more than 85% occur between 1.5). The most common LMN sign is loss of the patellar
T11/12 and L2/3 inclusive; disc extrusion occurs occa- reflex indicating L5 (range L4 to L6) spinal cord segment
sionally as far cranial as T9/10 (Wilkens et al., 1996). involvement, usually due to L3/4 disc herniation.
Non-chondrodystrophoid breeds are affected less Differential diagnoses are listed in Box 8.1.
122 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Box 8.1 Differential diagnoses for thoracolumbar

disc disease and for back pain
■ Lumbar synovial cyst
■ Lumbar facet joint pain
■ Congenital, e.g. arachnoid cyst
■ Osteoporotic pathological fracture
■ Neoplasia
■ Tumoral calcinosis
■ Discospondylitis
■ Inflammatory CNS disease
■ Epidural abscess
■ Polyarthritis
■ Polymyositis
■ Trauma
■ Dural tear
■ Ischemic myelopathy
■ Ischemic neuromyopathy
■ Psoas muscle injury
Abdominal and pelvic pain due to:
■ Pancreatitis
■ Renal pain
■ Ureteral calculi
■ Gallstones
■ Gastrointestinal parasites
■ Kidney worm
■ Prostatic disease
■ Urethral tumor
8.1 A: Lateral myelogram from a dog with a disc extrusion at
T12/13. There is poor filling of the subarachnoid space over T12
vertebral body because of a ventral, extradural mass. Filling can
often be improved by injecting contrast as the radiograph is
being taken. B: The ventrodorsal view of the same dog reveals
DIAGNOSIS poor contrast filling of the subarachnoid space over T12 and
Radiography T13 vertebral bodies. The mass is mainly left-sided over the
T12/13 space (arrow) (from Olby et al., 2000).
Survey radiographs may indicate if disc disease is pres-
ent but are only 60–70% accurate in identifying the
exact location (Kirberger et al., 1992; Olby et al.,
do show mild abnormalities (Thomson et al., 1989).
1994). Survey radiographs must not be used as the sole
Routine collection and analysis from the CMC insures
means of confirming the diagnosis if decompressive
that the clinician is able to detect meningitis. Analysis
surgery is planned. The main roles of radiography are to
of CSF may show that imaging is unnecessary or that
help rule out differential diagnoses (Box 8.1) and to
myelography is contraindicated and it also provides a
confirm anatomical landmarks (8.19–8.21).
sample for further diagnostic testing should the myelo-
gram prove to be non-diagnostic.
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
Ideally, CSF should be collected routinely from the Myelography
cerebello-medullary cistern (CMC) unless fluid can be Either myelography or advanced imaging should be
obtained from the lumbar region prior to contrast injec- performed for definitive diagnosis. A lumbar injection
tion. CSF taken after myelography is almost impossible is preferred for myelography because there is often
to interpret as most contrast agents induce a short-term, considerable spinal cord swelling, which tends to cause
sterile meningitis (Widmer et al., 1992) (see page 43). cervical myelograms to stop cranial to the lesion (see
Analysis of CSF can assist in refining the differential Chapter 4, page 71). Lateral and ventrodorsal images
diagnosis (Box 8.1) although some dogs with disc disease should be taken (8.1A, B). If it is not clear on which
Thoracolumbar disc disease 123

8.2 A: CT scan from the dog shown

in 8.1. This image, performed prior to
myelography, shows a centrally located,
mineralized mass occupying much of
the vertebral canal (arrows) (from Olby
et al., 2000). B: Sagittal T2-weighted
MRI through the lumbar region of an
R 11-year-old paraparetic Labrador with
disc herniations at T12/13–L3/4; L2/3
and L3/4 have decreased signal intensity
(see 4.43). Note the nutrient arteries
entering L4 (arrow) (Parker, 1973).

8.3 A: Transverse CT image and B: 3D

reconstruction from different dogs, each
demonstrating disc material occupying
both sides of the vertebral canal
(arrows). These images show why it can
sometimes be hard to judge on which
side to perform surgery (Schulz et al.,
1998; Grevel and Schwartau, 1997).


side the disc material is located, oblique views or a CT some disc herniations that are only incidental findings
myelogram should be used. and that are not responsible for causing clinical signs
(Milette et al., 1999; Olby et al., 2000) (see Chapter 4).
CT and MR imaging
CT is more accurate and usually much faster than myel-
ography, especially in chondrodystrophoid breeds (Olby TREATMENT
et al., 1999). CT is non-invasive as mineralized disc
Many dogs will recover from moderate neurological
material shows clearly without the need for contrast, even
deficits following either non-surgical or surgical treat-
when it is not visible on survey radiographs. It is usually
ment. Certain generalizations can be made regarding
much easier to decide what side(s) the disc material is
the advantages of each type of therapy. An algorithm
on from a CT than from a myelogram (see Chapter 4,
for surgical decision-making is shown in Algorithm 8.1.
page 55; 8.2A, 8.3). A heterogenous, hyperattenuating,
Patients with marked deficits (see ‘Assessing the
extradural mass with loss of epidural fat are characteris-
severity of spinal cord injury’, page 31) seen within 8 h
tic features of mineralized disc extrusions (Olby et al.,
of spinal cord injury may benefit from concomitant
2000) (4.37B, 4.40A, 8.3A). Contrast medium may be
methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) therapy
necessary if the extruded material is not mineralized
(see page 83).
(4.40A, 11.52). CT has become increasingly popular
with neurologists for diagnosing disc disease in chon-
drodystrophoid breeds and is the modality of choice for Non-surgical
many. It does not show the extent of spinal cord swelling Strict cage rest is the overriding principle here although
as well as myelography but, conversely, swelling does not judicious use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs
degrade the CT image. If a CT is not diagnostic it can may also be needed. These drugs should be withheld
always be followed by a myelogram. Scanners can also when feasible in order to encourage the animal to rest.
be used to show the exact location and extent of disc The animal must rest quietly in a confined space (trav-
material on a scout image (4.39, 4.44A). eling cage size) for at least 4 weeks, during which time
MRI also provides transverse imaging and is superior to it should only be removed to urinate and defecate.
CT when the disc material is not mineralized (4.42, 4.43, A satisfactory response should be followed by a further
8.2B). The increased sensitivity of CT and MRI reveal 2 weeks’ rest and a gradual increase in activity between
124 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Neurological examination

Grades 1 or 2 Grades 3 or 4 Grade 5 or


First episode Persistent or


Rest and monitor neuroimaging



Fenestration alone Decompression

Large dog Small dog

Acute Chronic Acute

Pediculectomy Pediculectomy Decompress in

mini-hemilaminectomy, or mini-hemilaminectomy, or the least
hemilaminectomy and stabilize hemilaminectomy and stabilize invasive way

Algorithm 8.1 Surgical decision-making in thoracolumbar disc disease.

Table 8.1 Results of treatment for thoracolumbar disc disease (See also Table 8.1a)

Treatment as % success (no. of dogs)

Neurological grade Conservative4 Decompression1,2,5,6,7,8 Fenestration3

1—no deficits 100 (8/8) 97 (29/30) 92 (1/12)

2—paresis – walking 84 (32/38) 95 (36/38) 93 (40/43)

3—paresis – not walking 84 (32/38) 93 (43/46) 85 (22/26)

4—paraplegia 81 (13/16) 95 (37/39) 88 (1/8)

5—no deep pain 7 (1/14) 64 (86/135)* 33 (2/6)

Anderson et al., 1991; 2 Black, 1988; 3 Butterworth and Denny, 1991; 4 Davies and Sharp, 1983; 5 Olby et al., 2003;
Scott and McKee, 1999; 7 Sukhiani et al., 1996; 8 Yovich et al.,1994.
*See Table 8.1a.
Thoracolumbar disc disease 125

the 6th and 8th weeks. This is the minimum time needed but non-surgical treatment is ineffective for dogs with
for an avascular structure like the anulus fibrosus to grade 5 lesions (Davies and Sharp, 1983).
repair. Activities like jumping should be avoided for Although a useful initial option for some dogs with
4–6 months. grade 1 or 2 lesions, non-surgical therapy is rarely the
Animals that will not rest or are confined inadequately treatment of choice for dogs with grade 3 lesions or
may fail to respond or get worse. The patient must be worse, especially if there are no financial constraints. The
evaluated regularly for any deterioration, which indicates major long-term problem is that over one third of dogs
treatment failure, as does a lack of improvement within will suffer recurrence (Table 8.2). Another disadvantage
2 weeks. is that the dog can deteriorate during treatment, possibly
Advantages of non-surgical treatment are minimal as far as grade 5, often due to poor owner compliance.
expense and equipment-needs. Treatment can be con- In addition, there is a natural tendency to minimize the
tinued at home, ideally after an initial few days of direct diagnostic evaluations for a dog to be treated by cage
observation. Overall recovery rates are good for dogs rest and consequently other causes for the neurological
with grade 1 to 3 deficits (Table 8.1). About 50% of deficits can be overlooked. Physical therapy must also
paraplegic animals that are also incontinent will recover, be delayed until the latter part of the treatment period
and recovery of the neurological deficits may be slow
or incomplete. Dogs that suffer recurrences after non-
Table 8.1a Results of hemilaminectomy for dogs with no surgical treatment may also have more severe deficits
deep pain (grade 5)—percentage (nos) compared to dogs suffering recurrences after surgical
therapy (Davies and Sharp, 1983; Dhupa et al., 1999a).
Deep pain checked in all dogs at 57 (38/67)2,3
A short course of corticosteroids without cage rest does
not constitute effective non-surgical treatment. A high
Deep pain not checked in all 71 (48/68)1,4,5 proportion of dogs referred for emergency decompres-
dogs at follow-up sion have been treated in the preceding days or weeks
using corticosteroids without cage confinement (8.4).
Total grade 5 dogs recovering 64 (86/135)1,2,3,4,5 Humans experience a euphoric effect when on steroids
and a similar phenomenon may also make dogs more
Anderson et al., 1991; 2 Olby et al., 2003; 3 Scott, 1997; 4 Scott and active (Swinburn et al., 1988; Assimes and Lessard,
McKee, 1999; 5 Yovich et al., 1994.
*An additional 8/67 dogs (12%) regained voluntary motor function 1999). Unrestrained activity renders the dog susceptible
without regaining deep pain (Olby et al., 2003). to further herniation of disc material and severe neuro-
logical deficits.

Table 8.2 Recovery times and recurrence rates after treatment for thoracolumbar disc disease

Mean recovery time in weeks

Neurological grade Conservative4 Decompression7,8,9,10 Fenestration2

1—no deficits 3 ⬍2 3

2—paresis – walking 6 ⬍2 4

3—paresis – not walking 6 ⬍2 (25, 6–73) 6–8

4—paraplegia 9–12 1–4 6–8

5—no deep pain N/A 5–10 (59, 77, 363) 10

Recurrence of signs (%) (see ‘Prognosis’) 344, 406 193,10, 166, 138, 67, 41* 04, 22, 156

Brisson et al., 2002; 2 Butterworth and Denny, 1991; 3 Cudia and Duval, 1997; 4 Davies and Sharp, 1983; 5 Davis and Brown, 2001; 6 Levine and
Caywood, 1984; 7 Olby et al., 2003; 8 Scott, 1997; 9 Scott and McKee, 1999; 10 Yovich et al., 1994.
*After hemilaminectomy with fenestration of a variable number of disc spaces.
N/A, not available.
126 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

than after either non-surgical treatment or fenestration

(Table 8.2) and there is less likelihood of residual neuro-
logical deficits (see ‘Prognosis’, page 132). Cortico-
steroids provide no overall benefit when used with
decompressive surgery, except possibly MPSS for dogs
that present within the first 8 h of injury (Olby, 1999)
(see page 83). Disadvantages of decompression relate
mainly to the need for advanced imaging and for special
equipment and expertise (8.11–8.62). Specific recom-
mendations for decompression include:
• Progressive, persistent, or recurrent clinical signs.
• Evidence of severe spinal cord compression.
• Grade 5 lesions—these should be decompressed
as soon as possible (see page 132).
8.4 Paraparetic Dachshund given large doses of corticosteroids
without confinement. The dog had diarrhea, its packed cell Concomitant fenestration should be performed at
volume (PCV) was 21% and its serum albumin 2.4 g/dl the time of the decompression (8.53). Probable excep-
(normal ⬎ 3.0). PCV was 15% the next day and the albumin tions include chronic disc herniations or extrusions in
1.7 g/dl, presumably secondary to corticosteroid-induced large-breed dogs because of the destabilizing effect
gastrointestinal bleeding. Melena was only evident after 4 days.
(Shires et al., 1991) (8.51, 8.52). As many discs as pos-
The dog required 7 days intensive care prior to laminectomy at
T11/12. One year previously it had been decompressed at sible should be fenestrated in chondrodystrophoid
T13/L1 and fenestrated from T12/13 to L3/4 inclusive. breeds, especially the discs between T11/12 and L2/3
inclusive. Decompression without fenestration can
result in recurrence rates as high as 32% (Levine and
Decompression (hemilaminectomy, Caywood, 1984; McKee, 1992). Up to 10% of dogs
mini-hemilaminectomy or pediculectomy) where adjacent discs were not fenestrated routinely at
Although decompression is the treatment of choice for the time of decompression subsequently require another
disc disease it does require good-quality imaging. Imaging decompression due to a second herniation (Smith et al.,
usually identifies the affected interspace but determin- 1997; Dhupa et al., 1999a). The re-operation rate falls
ing which side to decompress can be more problematic. to 4% when prophylactic fenestration of adjacent discs
Myelography is more reliable than neurological signs, is performed (Brisson et al., 2002).
but CT or MR imaging are superior (Smith et al., 1997; • Dorsal laminectomy is not recommended as it has
Schulz et al., 1998; Olby et al., 1999). This is because no advantages over hemilaminectomy and causes
spinal cord swelling can confound myelographic inter- considerably more biomechanical instability (Smith
pretation regarding the side of the lesion and because and Walter, 1988). It may also increase intradiscal
the disc material may actually be on both sides (Schulz pressure, which could affect recurrence rates
et al., 1998) (8.3). Good surgical technique is needed adversely (Lin et al., 1978; Shires et al., 1991).
to retrieve as much disc material as possible once the • Hemilaminectomy gives better access to extruded
spinal cord has been exposed. Any material on the con- disc material than dorsal laminectomy and also
tralateral side must be removed by probing over or under makes fenestration easier (McKee, 1992; Muir et al.,
the spinal cord; alternatively bilateral decompression 1995). Compared to standard hemilaminectomy,
may be needed (8.3). Bilateral hemilaminectomy does pediculectomy and mini-hemilaminectomy have
not appear to prejudice the outcome in small dogs the advantage of preserving the articular processes
despite causing an increase in range of motion or even (8.57), which is likely to retain stability especially
overt instability (Anderson et al., 1991; Shires et al., when the disc is also fenestrated (Shires et al.,
1991; Grevel and Schwartau, 1997; Corse et al., 2002; 1991; Hill et al., 2000; Viguier et al., 2002). The
Viguier et al., 2002). Instability will be worsened by decreased bone removal should also reduce surgery
concomitant fenestration (Shires et al., 1991). Preser- time and overall morbidity (Jeffery, 1988; Lubbe
vation of facet joints is therefore recommended on at et al., 1994; McCartney, 1997).
least one side (Yovich et al., 1994). • Mini-hemilaminectomy removes less bone than a
Decompression is the treatment of choice for dogs with standard hemilaminectomy but only gives good
spinal cord compression causing persistent or recurrent access to the ventral portion of the vertebral canal
grade 1 signs and for most dogs with neurological (8.57–8.59). The greater tendency for hemorrhage
deficits. The rate of recovery is faster after decompression when working around the foramen can also
Thoracolumbar disc disease 127

exacerbate the decreased exposure with cannot be regarded as the treatment of choice for dogs
mini-hemilaminectomy. with marked spinal cord compression. Other potential
• Pediculectomy also preserves the facet joint and problems are that improper technique can occasionally
removes less bone than a standard hemilaminectomy force more disc material into the vertebral canal (8.77)
(8.60–8.61). In contrast to a mini-hemilaminectomy, and fenestration of chronic discs or in large dogs may
pediculectomy avoids the region of the foramen and decrease stability (Shires et al., 1991) (8.52).
its vessels. However, it also gives restricted access,
especially as most disc material tends to be
concentrated over the foramen (8.61B). To improve
access, one or two pediculectomies can be merged Complications common to both surgical and non-surgical
with a mini-hemilaminectomy (Biggart, 1988; Lubbe management include gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration,
et al., 1994; McCartney, 1997) (8.62). This com- iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, pancreatitis, pulmon-
bination can then readily be expanded to a standard ary thromboembolism (PTE), deep vein thrombosis
hemilaminectomy if additional exposure is necessary. (DVT), decubitus, urine scald, urine retention and
urinary tract infection (UTI) (see Chapters 6 and 15).
Fenestration without decompression
Some surgeons believe that fenestration alone has no Intraoperative complications
merit as the sole surgical procedure. Decompression is These are listed in Box 8.2. The main problems are
the preferred treatment for extradural compression finding the correct disc space and removing all of the
caused by disc disease because even dogs that present disc material. The problems are discussed below.
with back pain alone usually have significant spinal cord
compression (Sukhiani et al., 1996). There are, however, Box 8.2 Intraoperative complications
a few situations in which to consider fenestration alone:
■ Improper identification of the surgical site (8.6, 8.21)
• Presumed discogenic pain. ■ Inability to find disc material (8.6, 8.46, 8.61)
• Recurrent back pain with minimal spinal cord
■ Inadequate removal of disc material (8.42, 8.61B)
■ Diffuse disc material (8.5, 8.55)
• Recurrent, mild ataxia and paresis associated with
multiple small herniations. ■ Adhesion of disc material to the dura (8.51)
When fenestration is not combined with decompres- ■ Excessive hemorrhage (8.43)
sion it is done most easily in small dogs using a lateral ■ Hemilaminectomy done on wrong side (8.6, 8.46, 8.61B)
approach. Although relatively straightforward in princi- ■ Severe spinal cord swelling (8.49, 8.50, 8.55)
ple, fenestration requires a thorough understanding of
anatomy and, like decompression, should be under-
taken only after careful preparation and practice on Early postoperative complications
cadavers. It is usual to fenestrate the discs from T11/12 Several factors can account for neurological deteriora-
to L3/4 via the lateral approach (8.63–8.78). The more tion in the early postoperative period (Box 8.3).
caudal lumbar discs should be fenestrated in dogs with
LMN deficits, taking particular care not to damage the
Box 8.3 Early postoperative complications
large ventral branches of the spinal nerves at this level.
The main advantage of fenestrating the majority ■ Myelomalacia (8.5)
of high-risk discs is that it reduces recurrence rates ■ Self-mutilation
(Table 8.2). There is also no need for special instru- ■ Inadequate decompression (8.6)
mentation. In comparison to non-surgical therapy, fen- ■ Scoliosis
estration has the added advantage that physiotherapy ■ Second disc extrusion (8.7)
can be instituted immediately.
■ Body wall flaccidity
The main disadvantages of fenestration are that
■ Fat graft (or Gelfoam) reaction (8.8)
recovery rates and times are prolonged for dogs with
■ Pneumothorax
grade 3 and 4 deficits compared to decompression
■ Instability
(Butterworth and Denny, 1991; Davies and Brown,
2001) (Tables 8.1, 8.2). Results are much worse than ■ Femoral nerve paralysis
decompression for dogs with grade 5 deficits (Table 8.1). ■ Wound infection
Residual neurological deficits are also more common ■ Cutaneous fistula
than after decompression. Therefore fenestration alone
128 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

• Progressive myelomalacia (8.5) affects about 10% of myelomalacia the disc material spreads extensively
dogs that present without nociception (Scott and along the epidural space, often encircling the dura
McKee, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). Most affected dogs mater but causing no direct spinal cord compression.
develop paralysis over less than 12 h; occasionally It is likely that release of catecholamines and other
dogs present with grade 4 deficits but then go on to substances causes severe, progressive vasospasm
develop myelomalacia (Griffiths, 1972). The (Griffiths, 1972). As soon as clinical signs of this
condition usually develops within 5 days of initial condition are recognized, euthanasia should be
paralysis, with a range of 1–10 days; signs may performed on humane grounds as patients usually
therefore only become evident in the postoperative progress from hypoventilation to asphyxiation.
period. The condition then progresses over 3–7 days Occasionally the condition stops progressing before it
(Funkquist, 1962; Olby et al., 2003). Warning signs kills the dog. Differential diagnoses for progressive
include depression, anorexia, vomiting, hypotension, myelomalacia include any coagulopathy that could
toxemia, profound hyperesthesia, a cutaneous cause intradural hemorrhage.
trunci cut-off that moves cranially, progression from • If little or no disc material is retrieved and the
UMN to LMN deficits and tetraparesis with animal shows no improvement, then repeat imaging
abdominal breathing. Myelography reveals diffuse should be considered promptly. It is possible that
contrast medium infiltration into the cord the wrong site was decompressed (8.6); more disc
parenchyma (Lu et al., 2002) (14.18). CSF usually material was hidden on the opposite side of the
shows very high protein levels even when taken from spinal cord (Schulz et al., 1998) (8.6); disc material
the CMC. Widespread malacia with epidural and was missed at surgery (Dhupa et al., 1999a) (8.40,
subarachnoid hemorrhages develop, although these 8.61B); or that the dog is developing progressive
are not always evident at the time of surgery myelomalacia (8.5, 8.55).
(8.5, 8.50). In most dogs with progressive • Occasionally a dog will herniate a second disc in
the early postoperative period. This can occur as a
complication of improper fenestration (8.7) or
from manipulation and loss of muscle tone under
• Aseptic necrosis of an excessively thick fat graft
can cause deterioration within a few days of
surgery (8.8). Adverse reactions have also been
reported after Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo,
MI) (Muir et al., 1995; Songer et al., 1990).
• Some dogs will deteriorate after surgery yet none of
the above factors are present. Iatrogenic damage to
the spinal cord is rare but can occur either during
8.5 Dorsal laminectomy performed in a dog with clinical
myelography (4.34) or at surgery. Postoperative
signs of progressive myelomalacia shows a swollen and grossly
hemorrhagic spinal cord (arrow). It is very important to deterioration seems to be a particular problem in
distinguish this situation from the more common one of focal dogs with chronic compression (8.51, 8.52). This
malacia shown in 8.50 (see ‘Prognosis’, page 132). apparent decompensation may be related to poor

8.6 This dog deteriorated after hemil-

aminectomy the previous day. Myelography
had identified an L2/3 disc; the surgeon
believed that decompression was from L2
to L4 on the right but no disc material was
detected. 3D reconstruction of a CT scan
made 24 h after hemilaminectomy revealed
decompression was actually from L1 to L3.
A: Coronal reconstruction shows material
situated over L2/3 (arrow) at the caudal end
of the decompression (arrowheads). The
line shows the level of the transverse image
in B. B: Transverse view looking forward to
show the residual compression. A left-sided
mini-hemilaminectomy was performed over
L2/3; the dog made an excellent recovery.
Thoracolumbar disc disease 129

8.7 Series of four CT scans from a dog

with acute paraparesis. Images in A and
C were made at presentation; A shows a
disc extrusion at T12/13. Images in B
and D were made when the dog lost
deep pain 36 h after surgery at T12/13;
D shows a second disc extrusion at
T11/12. A: Right-sided, extradural disc
material (arrows) at T12/13. Material
was retrieved by right-sided
hemilaminectomy; fenestration was from
T12/13 to L3/4 inclusive. Deep pain was
present 12 h after surgery but was
absent after 36 h. B: T12/13 at 36 h after
surgery showing the hemilaminectomy
defect with no residual disc material at
this site (the increased opacity was a
hematoma).C: T11/12 shown prior to
surgery, made at the same time as the
image in A. D: T11/12 shown 36 h after
surgery, at the same time as the image
in B. Mineralized disc material is now
visible at T11/12 (arrows); this was not
present prior to surgery. A second
hemilaminectomy revealed new material
from a herniation of the T11/12 disc (not
fenestrated previously).



8.8 This dog had good deep pain 24 h after hemilaminectomy at L1/2 but had lost it after 48 h. Myelogram at 48 h reveals
extradural compression over the hemilaminectomy defect. A: Marked ventral deviation of the dorsal contrast column (arrowheads).
B: Thinning of right contrast column between arrowheads. The fat graft was swollen and edematous (12.10). It was replaced by
Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) and the dog made a good recovery.
130 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 8.3 Outcome for dogs according to size following decompression for thoracolumbar disc disease

Neurological As % success (total As % success (total

grade number)—ALL dogs* number)—LARGE dogs

2—paresis, walking 95 (38) 2,5,7 92 (13) 3

3, 4—not walking, paraplegia 94 (85) 2,5,7 90 (31) 3

5—no deep pain 64 (135) 1,4,5,6,7 25 (4) 3

Anderson et al., 1991; 2 Black, 1988; 3 Cudia and Duval, 1997; 4 Olby et al., 2003; 5 Scott, 1997; 6 Scott and McKee,
1999; 7 Yovich et al., 1994.
*Mostly small-breed dogs.

perfusion in injured spinal cord segments, a joints are a logical development for dogs and are in
reperfusion injury, or because dogs with chronic keeping with the trend towards microdiscectomy in
compression may have only just enough surviving humans (Hermantin et al., 1999) (8.6, 8.56–8.62).
axons to walk and so cannot afford to lose any more • Fenestration can decrease stability, which may be
(see page 293, 132) (Blight and Decrescito, 1986; of clinical relevance in large-breed dogs or at sites
Cybulski and D’Angelo, 1988; Basso et al., 1996; of chronic compression (Shires et al., 1991). It
Jeffery and Blakemore, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). could also cause collapse of an interspace thereby
• Another potential cause for either early increasing compression (McKee, 2000).
deterioration or long-term morbidity is low-grade • Other potential problems during the early
instability after facet joint removal. Facet removal postoperative period include postoperative pain;
has minimal effects on lateral bending but significant wound discharge (14 of 264 dogs or 5%) (Hosgood,
effects during rotation, especially when it is 1992); UTI (9 of 36 dogs or 26% recovering after
combined with fenestration (Shires et al., 1991; decompression for grade 5 deficits) (Olby et al.,
Schulz et al., 1996; Viguier et al., 2002). Unilateral 2003); or self-mutilation of the feet or penis (Olby
facetectomy has no effect on strength in studies of et al., 2003) (see page 359). Scoliosis or flaccidity
flexion and extension but does cause a significant of the body wall is reported in up to 10% of dogs
increase (11%) in range of motion, which could have undergoing fenestration (Bartels et al., 1983; Black,
adverse effects on a spinal cord that is already 1988) (8.9). Pneumothorax (6 of 127 dogs or 5%)
severely injured (Smith and Walter, 1988). The and femoral nerve paresis (4 of 127 dogs or 3%) may
biomechanical studies performed to date may not also occur (Bartels et al., 1983; Sukhiani et al., 1996).
address all types of forces acting on the spine and These problems are usually transient (8.9), but
have only been done in normal cadavers (Smith scoliosis can be permanent (Yovich et al., 1994).
and Walter, 1988); the effects of severe disc
degeneration on stability are unknown. In addition,
animals with more severe injuries can probably
Late postoperative complications
The main problems in the late postoperative period are
generate only minimal protection from their
listed in Box 8.4.
paraspinal muscles. These various factors may be
even more important in large-breed dogs, and may • Restrictive, peridural fibrosis or laminectomy scar is
help to explain their apparent lower recovery rates, recognized only rarely in dogs (Applewhite et al.,
more frequent residual deficits and longer recovery 1999)(see Chapter 6). It is most likely in a dog
times following grade 5 lesions compared to smaller that has had a previous, wide, dorsal laminectomy;
dogs (Cudia and Duval, 1997; Olby et al., 2003) if hemilaminectomy was combined with
(Tables 8.2, 8.3). Facet preservation or concomitant excessive removal of bone dorsally; following
vertebral stabilization are recommended in active, hemilaminectomy over several interspaces (8.56); or
large-breed dogs (McKee, 2000) (see ‘Prognosis’, if there has been a chronic reaction to the material
page 132). In humans, the more extensive the placed at the surgery site (Muir et al., 1995).
removal of bone the greater the subsequent • Infection of an intervertebral space may occur,
morbidity (Eule et al., 1999; Papagelopoulos et al., which can be iatrogenic (Funkquist, 1978) (see
1997); therefore surgeries that preserve the facet ‘Discospondylitis’, page 326, 13.34, 14.14).
Thoracolumbar disc disease 131

Duval, 1997) (see ‘Prognosis’, page 132). One factor

that may contribute to the residual neurological
deficits in some dogs is inadequate spinal cord
decompression. Postoperative vertebral canal stenosis
can cause development of syringohydromyelia in
humans and may be an overlooked cause of
residual neurological deficits in animals (Perrouin-
Verbe et al., 1998; Fischbein et al., 1999; Bains
et al., 2001).
• Fecal incontinence has been reported in 5 to 39% of
dogs recovering from surgery (Anderson et al., 1991;
Cudia and Duval, 1997; Dhupa et al., 1999a; Olby
et al., 2003). This problem is usually only an
intermittent one. Of 36 dogs with no deep pain that
recovered nociception after surgery, 14 (39%) had
fecal incontinence but the owners only perceived
this to be a problem in three (8%) (Olby et al.,
2003). Mild urinary incontinence also occurred in
most of the dogs that suffered from postoperative
8.9 Mild kyphosis and body wall flaccidity (arrowheads) in a fecal incontinence (31%) (Olby et al., 2003).
Cocker spaniel the day after a right-sided hemilaminectomy
and fenestration for intervertebral disc disease. Signs resolved • Recurrent UTI occurs in some dogs recovering from
gradually over a few days and were assumed to have been due grade 5 deficits (Olby et al., 2003). This may be due
to neurapraxic injury to nerve root(s) or spinal nerve(s). to an underlying problem, such as pyelonephritis or
cystic calculi. However, a more important cause of
recurrent UTI is when a dog recovers the ability to
Box 8.4 Late postoperative complications walk without recovering continence or nociception
(also termed spinal reflex walking, see Chapter 6,
■ Peridural fibrosis page 87). This problem is almost certainly under-
■ Residual neurological deficits recognized. It was generally believed that useful
■ Infection motor function only recovers once deep pain had
■ Fecal incontinence already returned and so most dogs are not checked
■ Disc extrusion at a new site for deep pain once they begin to walk (Wheeler and
■ Recurrent UTI Sharp, 1994; Oliver et al., 1997). However, 8 of 19
dogs (42%) that never regained deep pain sensation
after surgery still recovered the ability to walk. These
• There may be recurrence of signs, which usually dogs took between 4 and 18 months (mean 9
occurs between 1 month and 2 years after surgery months) to walk and yet none had deep pain
due to late disc herniation at a new space (Dhupa sensation on re-examination and all suffered from
et al., 1999a) (8.4). Although still controversial, it incontinence and recurrent UTI. Interestingly,
appears that fenestration reduces the recurrence despite these problems the owner of each dog was
rate and that the more discs fenestrated, the greater happy with the outcome. If all dogs that regained
this reduction (Funkquist, 1978; Fingeroth, 1989; motor function in this study are considered to have
Yovich et al., 1994; Olby et al., 2003 (Table 8.2). had a successful outcome, then 44 of the 64 dogs
Twelve of 265 dogs suffered recurrences (4%) in (69%) presenting with grade 5 lesions recovered
one study; in 10 out of 12 of these dogs (83%) overall (Olby et al., 2003). The small population of
recurrence was at an interspace that had not been dogs that walk without regaining deep pain could
fenestrated at the original surgery (Brisson et al., explain the apparent discrepancy in outcome
2002). between studies that checked all dogs specifically
• Residual neurological deficits, usually mild for recovery of nociception at long-term follow-up
paraparesis or pelvic limb ataxia, affect about and studies that used telephone follow-up for
20–25% of dogs presenting with severe deficits some dogs (Table 8.1a). Dogs with recurrent UTI
(McCartney, 1997; Scott, 1997). This rate appears should therefore be assessed critically for deep
to be higher (39%) for large-breed dogs (Cudia and pain sensation.
132 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

POSTOPERATIVE CARE (see Chapter 15) with rapidly progressive signs (Anderson et al., 1991;
Extended cage rest is not usually necessary although it Scott and McKee, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). However,
may be recommended for large-breed dogs, after bilat- logic would still dictate that early decompression be a
eral hemilaminectomy or after decompression of high priority when a dog presents with severe deficits.
chronic disc lesions. Postoperative physical therapy Prognosis has been inferred from the presence of
together with restricted exercise on a leash are indi- spinal cord liquifaction following a durotomy. However,
cated (see Chapter 15). Corticosteroids are not recom- euthanasia based on a malacic, toothpaste-like spinal cord
mended other than possibly low-dose prednisone for at durotomy almost certainly results in the death of some
analgesia. By far the most important aspect of postoper- dogs that would otherwise have recovered (Olby et al.,
ative care is to insure that the bladder is emptied regu- 2003) (8.50). In a study where durotomy was routine
larly of all urine. Urinary retention is the most common and dogs with malacic cords were euthanized, only 20 of
postoperative problem in dogs paralyzed due to thora- 46 dogs (43%) with grade 5 lesions recovered. If the
columbar disc disease. Such dogs must have regular uri- 16 dogs that were euthanized at surgery are excluded,
nalysis and may require pharmacological intervention the recovery rate for the other 30 dogs becomes 66%
(see ‘Control of urinary function’, page 350; Table 15.7). (Duval et al., 1996). This is more in line with the overall
recovery rate for dogs with grade 5 lesions shown in
Table 8.1. As few as 5–10% of axons surviving within a
PROGNOSIS lesion appear to allow functional recovery and these
The prognosis is excellent for dogs with grade 1, 2 and would be impossible to identify at durotomy (Blight
3 deficits, especially following decompression. Dogs and Decrescito, 1986; Basso et al., 1996; Jeffery and
with grade 3 and 4 deficits have a better outcome after Blakemore, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). Therefore the sig-
surgery and the response is better after decompression nificance of focal malacia, as well as the difference
than after fenestration alone. Decompression is clearly between it and the syndrome of progressive myelomala-
the treatment of choice for dogs with grade 5 lesions, cia, should not be determined at surgery. Dogs or cats with
with between 60 and 70% making a functional recovery extensive malacia should only be euthanized based on
in most studies (Tables 8.1, 8.1a). When deep pain was either a lack of recovery within 4 weeks or if they develop
assessed using bone clamps or pliers the rate was 62% clinical signs of progressive myelomalacia (Salisbury and
(23/37) (Scott and McKee, 1999). Specific evaluation Cook, 1988; Muir et al., 1995; Olby et al., 2003).
of all dogs for recovery of deep pain, rather than the Recurrence rates of clinical signs once a dog has recov-
ability to walk, also brings the recovery rate close to ered from surgery ranged from 6–9% (Table 8.2).
60% (Olby et al., 2003) (Table 8.1a). Most dogs that Confirmed recurrences at a new disc space (8.4, 8.7)
make a functional recovery have regained deep pain occur in 5–8% of dogs but these are probably underesti-
within 2 weeks. However, 19% (8/42) recovered deep mates of the overall figure (Muir et al., 1995; Smith et al.,
pain in the 3rd or 4th weeks and so a final assessment 1997; Dhupa et al., 1999a). When a recurrence does
should not be made prior to 1 month post-surgery occur it is often at a site that has not been fenestrated
(Scott and McKee, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). Recovery (Levine and Caywood, 1984; Muir et al., 1995; Smith
of deep pain may take even longer for large-breed dogs et al., 1997) (8.4, 8.7). Fenestration is a low-risk proce-
(Olby et al., 2003). dure that, when combined with decompression, appears
Studies show conflicting results for both the prognostic to lower the recurrence rate. However, this assertion
value of the speed of onset of clinical signs and of spinal remains to be proven by randomized, prospective studies;
cord swelling at myelography (Duval et al., 1996; Scott the role of fenestration in chronic disc disease also needs
and McKee, 1999; Olby et al., 2003). The prognosis to be defined (Levine and Caywood, 1984; McKee,
for dogs with LMN signs was no worse than those with 1992; Lubbe et al., 1994; Yovich et al., 1994; Brisson
UMN signs (Dhupa et al., 1999b; Olby et al., 2003). et al., 2002; Olby et al., 2003) (8.51, 8.52). Fortunately,
Furthermore, prognosis did not correlate with the dura- if dogs do require a second decompression for recurrent
tion of signs prior to surgery. Good results were still extrusion the prognosis appears to be no worse than after
obtained if surgery was performed within 48 h, or even the first surgery (Dhupa et al., 1999a).
more than 72 h after onset of signs (Anderson et al., Although the recovery rate for large-breed dogs is
1991; Scott and McKee, 1999; Olby et al., 2003), which reported as 91%, this only applies to dogs that present
is in contrast to the recommendations in many standard with good deep pain (grades 2–4) (Cudia and Duval,
textbooks. Taken together, these data suggest that a delay 1997). Results for dogs with grade 5 lesions seem to be
in decompression of a few hours seems to make little dif- much worse. Only 1 of 4 large dogs (25%) with grade 5
ference to outcome, with the possible exception of dogs signs recovered compared to 86 of 135 small dogs (64%,
Thoracolumbar disc disease 133

8.10 Lateral myelogram of a cat with a

disc extrusion causing extradural
compression at T13/L1. The CT image
taken at this interspace following
myelography shows a mineralized,
left-sided extradural mass (arrows).


Table 8.3). Recovery times after grade 5 lesions also complication rate (see page 83). They relieve pain
appear to be prolonged for large-breed dogs, with a mean and inflammation but do not lessen spinal cord
of 36 weeks compared to 5–7 weeks for small breeds injury. Recovery from spinal cord injury takes time;
(Cudia and Duval, 1997; Scott and McKee, 1999; Olby this should be combined with decompression
et al., 2003) (Table 8.2). Furthermore, of the 41 large- where indicated.
breed dogs that recovered following decompression,
16 (39%) had residual neurological deficits compared
to 20–25% of small-breed dogs (Cudia and Duval, 1997;
McCartney, 1997; Scott, 1997) (Table 8.2). In addition, DISEASE IN CATS
8 of the 41 large dogs (19%) that recovered then Neurological deficits caused by disc disease in cats are
suffered a recurrence of signs, of which 5 became par- more common than was thought previously. Affected
alyzed (Cudia and Duval, 1997). This recurrence rate is cats tend to be older but often have acute, type I
higher than the rates from most other studies (Table 8.2). extrusions (8.10). Cats with neurological deficits
If this trend towards disappointing results is borne out may not show back pain. Lesions are visible on CT
in subsequent studies of large-breed dogs then results scan although subarachnoid contrast may be helpful.
might be improved through facet joint preservation Differential diagnoses to be considered include trauma,
using pediculectomy or mini-hemilaminectomy, pro- neoplasia (lymphoma), inflammatory CNS disease
vided that all disc material can be removed. An alterna- (feline infectious peritonitis—FIP) and ischemic neu-
tive is for some form of stabilization to be applied romyopathy (see Chapter 14). A diagnosis of feline disc
following a standard hemilaminectomy. In addition, fen- disease should only be made after thorough patient eval-
estration should probably not be performed at the uation and neuroimaging (Knipe et al., 2001; Munana
affected site as it can compromise stability (Shires et al., et al., 2001). The response to surgery appears to be
1991; McKee, 2000). equivalent to that reported in dogs.
The most important points relating to prognosis are
• The clinician is able to assess the neurological Key issues for future investigation
status of the dog accurately.
1. Is there any clinical advantage for either small- or
• Any dog presenting with, or subsequently developing, large-breed dogs in preserving the articular facets?
a grade 5 neurological status should undergo
decompression as soon after presentation as possible. 2. Does durotomy provide any additional decompression for
• If deep pain does not return within 4 weeks the spinal cord swelling?
prognosis for full recovery is poor (Olby et al., 2003).
• MPSS produces only minor improvements in 3. Does the long-term prognosis depend on the extent of
bone removal after extensive hemilaminectomy?
human spinal cord injury and is unlikely to cause
significant improvements in outcome for dogs or
4. How effectively do we remove 100% of extruded disc
cats (Hurlbert, 2000) (see page 83). It may help material and does this affect outcome?
some animals with grade 5 lesions but it must be
combined with surgery. 5. Should a chronic disc be fenestrated; how do we define
• Other corticosteroids are contraindicated as they ‘chronic disc’?
may worsen neurological outcome and increase the
134 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

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136 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


Dorsolateral hemilaminectomy (8.11–8.56)

8.11 Completed hemilaminectomy with extruded disc

material in situ.
Ideal prerequisites to perform this procedure are:
• Identification of the affected interspace(s).
• Knowledge of how disc material is distributed three-
dimensionally across the vertebral canal at the
affected interspace(s).
• Adequate exposure of the interspace(s) to be 8.11
• Removal of a minimum of bone in order to access disc material and decompress the spinal cord. In
retrospect, the surgeon could have removed this disc material by mini-hemilaminectomy.
• Removal of extruded disc material without traumatizing the spinal cord.

8.12 Incision site for caudal

thoracic and cranial lumbar
intervertebral spaces. The
incision can be modified
according to the exact
site of compression.
Mini-hemilaminectomy is
made easier if the dog is
rotated somewhat more
to one side than for a
standard hemilaminectomy.

8.13 Skin and superficial tissues are incised 1 cm

from midline so that the incision does not rest
over the spinous processes on closure.
Subcutaneous fat is reflected for 1 cm on either
side of midline to facilitate closure. This reveals
the lumbodorsal fascia, which is incised on the
near side of each spinous process over five
vertebrae. A periosteal elevator is then used to
lever muscle away from the near side of each
spinous process. Muscular insertions on the
cranial and caudal ends of each process are 8.13
cut. One process is exposed already (arrow).
Thoracolumbar disc disease 137

8.14 Here a second spinous process has been

exposed (arrow). Electrocautery to cut muscular
insertions on the spinous processes reduces
minor hemorrhage during these superficial stages
of vertebral exposure.


8.15 A Langenbeck or Senn retractor (5.9) is placed

adjacent to the spinous process and pulled
laterally, and slightly cranially, to facilitate
exposure of the dorsal surface of the articular
facet joint.


8.16 Continued retraction has exposed the articular

processes (arrow) with muscles still attached.
While maintaining traction, the muscular
attachments onto the articular facets are cut
as close as possible to the joint capsule (white
arrows). Bipolar electrocautery is helpful to retard

8.17 The muscular attachments have been severed,

and the isolated articular facets are visible clearly
(arrow). This process is now repeated for one to
two facet joints on each side of the site to be
decompressed. Gelpi retractors are placed to
facilitate exposure.

138 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.18 Landmarks must now be

evaluated carefully to
insure that the final
dissection is done at
the correct location.
Landmarks include the
spinous process of the
anticlinal vertebra (1.20B);
the difference between the
transverse process of the
first lumbar vertebra
and the head of the last
rib (8.19, 8.20); and the
relationship of the spinous process of the sixth lumbar vertebra to the wings of the ilium (4.15).

8.19 3D reconstruction of a CT scan to show that the

caudally directed, proximal portion of the
thirteenth rib is distinct from the short, somewhat
cranially directed, first lumbar transverse
process. It is crucial that landmarks are
identified accurately prior to further dissection
(8.6). Vertebral anomalies occur in 10–15%
of Dachshunds (Jeffery, 1988; Kirberger et al.,
1992) (8.21).


8.20 The proximal portion of the thirteenth rib is much

longer (arrow) than the short transverse process
of the first lumbar vertebra. The tip of the
transverse process can also be palpated with
an elevator, in distinction to the ribs. The angle
of the last rib and the size of the first transverse
process do vary considerably between animals.
The transverse process is also deeper than the
rib. This dog has a neurovascular bundle running
over the rib.
Thoracolumbar disc disease 139

8.21 This CT reconstruction is from a dog with an

anomalous rib; the surgeon was misled into
performing the hemilaminectomy at the wrong
interspace. On finding no disc material, the
surgeon rechecked the scout image of the
CT scan and noticed that there was a vestigial
thirteenth rib. This had been misidentified as the
first lumbar transverse process.


8.22 Once landmarks are ascertained, a Gelpi

retractor is placed dorsal to the articular facet
on either side of the interspace(s) to be
decompressed. Retractors are positioned between
an interspinous space and the epaxial muscles; a
moistened laparotomy sponge is placed over the
muscle for protection prior to distraction.


8.23 If the anatomy around the chosen intervertebral

space is not clear, a periosteal elevator and dry
gauze sponge can be used to clean away tags of
muscle. This should not be done excessively as
a large area of periosteal irritation could increase
postoperative pain. Here the sponge has clarified
an accessory process.

140 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.24 There is a long, tendinous attachment of the

longissimus muscle (arrowhead) to the accessory
process (arrow) of the vertebra just in front of each
disc. There is frequently a small artery located
dorsal to this process that requires bipolar cautery.
(*) Articular process.


8.25 Cutting the longissimus tendon (arrowhead)

close to its insertion on the accessory process
(asterisk) by cutting away from the underlying
spinal artery and nerve. The tendon is exposed
by putting pressure on it with an elevator (arrow).
Tendons are cut over one to three


8.26 The tendinous attachment to the accessory

process has now been cut and the main
branches of the spinal artery, vein and nerve
appear as a common neurovascular bundle
(arrow). (*) Articular process. Saline-soaked
laparotomy sponges are repositioned in such
a way as not to interfere with drilling.

8.27 Diagram to show the

relationship of the
accessory process to the
intervertebral foramen,
through which the
neurovascular bundle

Thoracolumbar disc disease 141

8.28 Rongeurs are used to remove the articular

processes at the site of entry into the vertebral
canal. Rongeurs can be used to perform the
entire hemilaminectomy if desired; adjacent
spinous processes are grasped with bone
clamps, which are then used to lever the two
vertebrae apart. The rongeurs can then be
introduced carefully into the intervertebral
foramen to start bone removal. 8.28

8.29 Relationship of the suction tip (arrow) in the

‘gutter’ formed between the vertebral body and
the epaxial muscle mass, the tip of the irrigator
over the hemilaminectomy site, and the drill itself.
Note how the surgeon is holding the drill,
steadying the bur guard with the other hand to
resist excessive downward force. One hand
should also rest gently on the dog, taking care
not to compromise ventilation. The articular
facets have been removed.

8.30 Bone debris can be irrigated away while drilling

by using a jet of water as shown (arrow).
Alternatively, a slow drip of saline can be used
to cool the bur with periodic flushing of debris.
Here the surgeon has repositioned a finger
lower down the bur guard to improve fine motor


8.31 Bleeding from cancellous bone is controlled

using bone wax. Note that cancellous bone
is visible over both pedicles but not centrally
over the inner articular facet joint (arrowheads).
The surgeon will not encounter any cancellous
bone at the level of the joint prior to entering the
vertebral canal.

142 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.32 Bone has been removed more extensively,

revealing the gray/pink cancellous bone (arrows)
of the caudal vertebral body. Drilling is advanced
further over the cranial vertebral body, where
cancellous bone has been removed to reveal the
inner cortical bone plate (asterisk). Note the seam
of cortical bone at the facet joint (arrowheads).


8.33 The inner cortical bone plate of each vertebral

body has been exposed in this dog (arrows).
The next stage is to drill to eggshell thickness
over the entire hemilaminectomy defect.


In order to remove the inner cortical bone, the surgeon makes fine movements of the bur as shown in 8.34.
Holding the drill close to the remaining plate of bone the surgeon makes fine movements, approximately 1 mm in
excursion, until the bur is felt to bite and cut away fragments of bone. The softness of the inner plate should be
tested often using the bur as a probe but with the power off. This method of drilling is continued until the inner
plate yields to gentle pressure, at which point it can be broken down with fine instruments. The surgeon should
again note that there is a seam of cortical bone at the level of the articular facet joint that unites the outer and
inner plates with no intervening cancellous bone.

8.34 In this diagram, the surgeon has started drilling for a

mini-hemilaminectomy. The aim should be to perform the least
invasive surgery possible for the distribution of disc material (see
page 126). When feasible, start with a pediculectomy or
mini-hemilaminectomy and either combine the two or extend
subsequently to a standard hemilaminectomy if necessary
(8.57, 8.62).

Thoracolumbar disc disease 143

8.35 Once through the inner cortical plate, the surgeon may want to
palpate the floor of the canal with instruments to clarify exactly how
the defect needs to be enlarged.


8.36 Here the thinned, inner cortical plate has been

broken. All bone should be removed from
within the defect before starting to remove disc
material. It is easier to drill all remaining bone
away when disc material still covers the spinal
cord rather than once the cord has moved back
to the edges of the defect.


8.37 Extruded disc is often

mixed with old
hemorrhage; it is still
covered here by
endosteum (arrows).
The surgeon is using a
House curette (5.16) to 8.37
clear bone from around
the entire circumference
of the bone window. All force applied to this instrument is directed away from the spinal cord.
144 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.38 A: After all bone has been

removed, a thin
endosteum (arrow) often
remains over the extruded
disc material and dura
(8.37). B: The endosteum 8.38
must be broken down A B
before disc material can be
accessed. Dura (arrow) is usually much whiter than endosteum. Endosteum is thinner than dura and
tears easily. 8.44 shows the same dog after decompression.

8.39 Instruments are then used

to tease the extruded disc
material (arrows) away
from the dura mater. The
tough, medial portion of
joint capsule (arrowhead) 8.39
may tear or, in bigger dogs,
it may need to be cut. A B


8.40 A space is visible (vertical line) between dura and

bone when significant disc material remains.
The gray mass under the spinal cord is disc
material (arrowhead); it is separating the dura
from the floor of the vertebral canal. 8.62A is
from the same dog and shows how the dura
returns to the floor of the canal once all disc
material has been evacuated.
Thoracolumbar disc disease 145

8.41 Gentle exploration beneath the spinal cord with a

blunt probe shown in three successive images. This
permits ventrally located material to be retrieved even
from the opposite side of the vertebral canal, as
shown. The suction tip should not touch the dura; a
soft, red rubber catheter tip should be attached to the
metal tip when in close proximity to spinal cord.

8.42 CT reconstruction of a hemilaminectomy defect to show

the idealized motion for retrieving material from
underneath the spinal cord. A long, circular scooping
motion retrieves material better than more linear
movements that often just serve to push material farther
away. The venous plexus (‘venous sinus’) may be
lacerated accidentally at this stage.

146 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.43 Control of venous hemorrhage, often arising from

the junction of the spinal vein and the venous
plexus, using a small piece of muscle tissue
(arrow) cut from the adjacent epaxial
musculature. The muscle is macerated then
pressed firmly over the vein; it should be removed
once decompression is finished. Alternatives
include Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI),
direct pressure on either side of the tear, or a
small Hemoclip (Pilling Weck Inc., Research
Triangle Park, NC) for a tear in a spinal vein.

8.44 When all disc material has been removed the

dura returns to lie adjacent to the floor and
pedicle of the vertebral canal; the spinal cord
may remain indented as here (same dog as in
8.38). Other clues to the adequacy of
decompression are reappearance of epidural fat
at each end of the bony defect along with
pulsation of the dura (caused by CSF pulsing in
synchrony with venous flow).

When no disc material can be found, it may be that:

• The surgeon has approached at the wrong site (8.6).
• The surgeon has approached on the wrong side.
• There has been a small volume, high-energy disc herniation causing an impact injury.
• The dog could have progressive myelomalacia.
• The original diagnosis could be wrong.
If landmarks confirm that the site is correct (8.20), the defect must be extended in whichever direction the spinal
cord appears most compressed or swollen (8.56, 8.61A). If the spinal cord still appears compressed after removal
of all visible disc material then it is possible that more material exists on the far side of the spinal cord (8.3, 8.6). The
defect may then have to be extended either to one side (8.45), dorsally (8.46) or bilaterally (Schulz et al., 1998).

8.45 To extend the hemilaminectomy, the surgeon

should start drilling a short distance away from
the existing opening. The two should then be
merged to form one larger opening by breaking
the intervening bone bridge (arrow). This is safer
than trying to drill outwards from the edge of the
original hemilaminectomy defect as the drill bit
tends to slip off the edge and could injure the
spinal cord. 8.45
Thoracolumbar disc disease 147

8.46 Drilling can continue dorsally if disc material lies

on the opposite side of the vertebral canal.
Excessive bone removal could cause delayed
injury from restrictive fibrosis; to avoid this
the cancellous and inner cortical bone can
sometimes be removed while sparing the outer
plate. If the disc material is still not visible, it is
safer to start a mini-hemilaminectomy on the
contralateral side.

8.47 A: This hemilaminectomy has been extended

ventrally to expose the spinal nerve and ganglion
(arrow). Bleeding from the spinal artery may
require bipolar cautery. The venous plexus is just
visible on the floor of the vertebral canal
(arrowhead); it is damaged easily, especially
where the spinal vein joins the plexus (8.43).
B: Lateral corpectomy (arrowheads) of one or
two vertebral bodies improves ventral access
further, especially to chronic disc herniations
(Moissonnier et al., 2002). Drilling should A
proceed under the cortical bone plate that forms
the floor of the canal before collapsing the
cortical plate ventrally along with the disc.
The area of the corpectomy is occupied by air;
a large air pocket also lies adjacent to the fat
graft placed over the mini-hemilaminectomy site.


8.48 Access to the vertebral canal

varies with the location.
Hemilaminectomy at A:
lumbar vertebrae (L2) often
gives better access than at
B: thoracic vertebrae (T10/11)
due mainly to the rib heads.
148 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.49 A durotomy has been performed using a

25-gauge hypodermic needle to reveal the spinal
cord, small pial blood vessels and dorsal nerve
rootlets (arrow). A guarded scalpel or fine
scissors may also be used to incise the dura.
Collapse of the subarachnoid space has caused
the dura mater to become translucent (8.5,
8.50). The venous plexus is visible clearly on the
floor of the vertebral canal (arrowhead).

Although durotomy may provide additional spinal cord decompression, the relative risks and benefits are not
clear (see page 87):
• Local necrosis of gray matter over one or two spinal cord segments is common after severe injury and it is
not unusual for this material to ooze out after durotomy (8.50).
• This does not necessarily indicate a poor prognosis, such as with complete spinal cord transection, or that
there is progressive myelomalacia (Salisbury and Cook, 1988).
• It is only necessary for 5–10% of the white matter to survive in order for an animal to recover; this would
be very hard to quantify after durotomy (Blight and Decrescito, 1986; Basso et al., 1996; Jeffery and
Blakemore, 1999; Olby et al., 2003) (see ‘Prognosis’, page 132).
• Durotomy should therefore not be used to infer prognosis (Muir et al., 1995); its use purely as an additional
decompressive procedure may warrant further study (Anderson et al., 1991; Bagley et al., 1996).
• Routine use of durotomy is not yet recommended in dogs with grade 5 deficits, particularly as more than
half of these dogs recover without one (Muir et al., 1995) (see ‘Prognosis’, page 132).
• There is a small risk of spinal cord herniation through the durotomy defect, which can cause severe
distortion and compression (Osterholm, 1974; Henry et al., 1997).

8.50 Minihemilaminectomy and durotomy

(arrowheads) performed in a 25 kg dog
presenting with no deep pain sensation. There
is extensive bruising with focal malacia (white
arrow) of the spinal cord. This dog regained
nociception three days after surgery and made
a good recovery within six weeks of surgery.
The facet joint is shown by an asterisk.

8.51 Nerve roots can cause significant tethering of spinal

cord over the disc. This can be relieved by rhizotomy
(arrow) except at the lumbosacral plexus. Great care
must be taken when removing a chronic disc like this
(see ‘Early postoperative complications’, page 127). If
a plane of dissection can be developed between dura
and adhesions, the extrusion can then be cut away by
scalpel. Corpectomy facilitates this (8.47B). Otherwise
the spinal cord is just decompressed as shown with-
out prolonged attempts at removal. 8.51
Thoracolumbar disc disease 149

Rhizotomy improved the degree of decompression although it is not known if cutting the associated segmental
blood supply has any adverse effect on perfusion at that level.

8.52 Diagram to show the relationship of

the spinal nerve, the completed
hemilaminectomy defect and the
intervertebral disc space. These
relationships should be understood
clearly prior to fenestration (8.53).
The surgeon must also take care
not to injure the exposed spinal
cord inadvertently.


8.53 Fenestration is usually performed after

hemilaminectomy. If the surgeon is not familiar
with fenestration, then it is best to fenestrate the
hemilaminectomy site first as shown here (arrow),
in order to understand the relative positions of the
disc and spinal cord. In practice the spinal nerve is
seen only rarely. Here a scalpel blade has been
used to make a deep cut into the anulus (8.70,
8.78). It is not clear if a chronic disc should be
fenestrated (page 126).


8.54 Prior to closure, the hemilaminectomy site is

covered by a 3–5 mm thick layer of subcutaneous
fat demonstrated here lying over a cloth drape.
The graft shrinks to 50% of its original size
and so should be considerably larger than the
laminectomy defect (Trevor et al., 1991). It is
held in place by the epaxial musculature
after retractors are removed; alternatively
saline-soaked Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo,
MI) can be used. The fat graft must not be too
thick (8.8, 12.10).

150 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.55 3D CT reconstruction showing the postoperative

appearance of a standard hemilaminectomy. This
image, along with several other reconstructions
(8.48, 8.56, 8.60–8.62), shows postoperative
laminectomies from several dogs. This scan was
performed in a dog that lost deep pain 2 days
after a hemilaminectomy at L1/2; no residual disc
material was identified and the dog had
progressive myelomalacia at necropsy.


Decompression may be necessary over three or four vertebrae if:

• The extrusion cannot be found (8.61).
• Disc material is spread over a wide area.
• The spinal cord is very swollen.
Extensive hemilaminectomy does not appear to affect recovery rates but movement at the surgical site is
increased (Corse et al., 2002); this may cause delayed morbidity in some dogs (Anderson et al., 1991; Grevel and
Schwartau, 1997; Applewhite et al., 1999; Scott and McKee, 1999).

8.56 This dog had CT for recurrent back pain 4 years
after hemilaminectomy from T13 to L3. No cause
was identified; the pain may have been related to
laminectomy scar (Applewhite et al., 1999). There
is a direct correlation in humans between
persistent low back pain and extensive peridural
scarring (Ross et al., 1996; Maroon et al., 1999).
Where possible, less extensive decompression
should be considered (8.57–8.62).
Thoracolumbar disc disease 151

Pediculectomy and mini-hemilaminectomy (8.57–8.62)

Approaches include lateral (8.58–8.59) or standard dorsolateral (8.11–8.27) muscle separation. The lateral
approach only works well for lean, small dogs. With a standard dorsolateral approach the dog should be rotated
away from the surgeon in order to perform these surgeries as this makes it much easier to gain access under the
facet joint (Bitetto and Thacher, 1987).

8.57 Difference between A: hemilaminectomy,

B: mini-hemilaminectomy, and C: pediculectomy.
Hemilaminectomy sacrifices a facet joint; the other procedures
do not. Mini-hemilaminectomy enlarges the region around the
foramen. Pediculectomy spares the foramen but removes bone
between adjacent facet joints. As access is restricted with
mini-hemilaminectomy (8.59B) and pediculectomy (8.61), it is
often better to combine them (8.62).

152 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.58 Transverse section through the lumbar region

to show the lateral approach for
mini-hemilaminectomy or pediculectomy.
The transverse processes are palpated and
then the epaxial muscles are elevated dorsally
to reveal the lateral aspect of the vertebrae
(Braund et al., 1976) (8.59, 8.63–8.65). A curette
is shown retrieving extruded nucleus pulposus
following a mini-hemilaminectomy.


8.59 A: Army–Navy retractors elevate the

epaxial muscles and expose the
vertebrae laterally (articular processes
are obscured by the muscle and
retractors). B: Mini-hemilaminectomy
provides good access to the
mid-ventral vertebral canal. The floor
of the vertebral canal is obscured here
by a large, chronic disc (arrow)
extruding dorsolaterally.


Thoracolumbar disc disease 153

8.60 Pediculectomy via a standard dorsolateral approach

(8.11–8.27). A: Intraoperative photograph, and
B: 3D reconstruction of a postoperative CT scan from the
same dog. Pediculectomy gives good access over the
mid-vertebral body and preserves the articular processes.
Access to the intervertebral space is poor compared to
mini- and standard hemilaminectomy (8.61B).

8.61 A: When imaging is inconclusive, multiple pediculectomies

(arrows) can be used to search for disc, hemorrhagic fat, or
spinal cord swelling; the defect can be enlarged once the
correct location is found. Although not ideal, this is often
quicker than extensive laminectomy (8.56).
B: A disadvantage of pediculectomy is that material can be
missed easily. Mid-sagittal 3D reconstruction through the 8.61
vertebral canal of a dog where disc material (arrow) was
missed after pediculectomy (same dog as 1.21A, 8.60). A

154 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.62 A mini-hemilaminectomy has been combined with two

pediculectomies to give much better access than either
procedure alone (Biggart, 1988; Lubbe et al., 1994;
McCartney, 1997). A: Intraoperative photograph, and B: a
3D reconstruction of a postoperative CT scan from the same 8.62
dog as shown in 8.40. The dorsolateral approach used here
makes it easier to extend the bony defect and is therefore A
preferred over the lateral approach shown in 8.58 and 8.59.

Lateral fenestration (8.63–8.78)

The lateral approach for fenestration can be made from either side but is normally undertaken from the left side.
The depth of the epaxial muscle makes the approach progressively more challenging in dogs greater than 10 kg

8.63 Positioning and skin incision

for lateral fenestration.
Thoracic limbs are tied
forwards with the pelvic limbs
extended backwards. A thin
sandbag is placed under the
dog at the level of the
thoracolumbar junction to
open up the disc spaces of
interest; this may be moved
as required to approach the
lumbar discs. The skin incision is made at the level of the lumbar transverse processes and extends from
approximately T8 to L5.

8.64 The thick, shiny, lumbodorsal fascia lies under

the subcutaneous fat and fascia. The
subcutaneous fat is reflected for 1 cm on either
side of the proposed incision. The lumbodorsal
fascia is then incised as shown. Reflection of fat
creates additional dead space but a wide
exposure makes it easier to repair the fascia

Thoracolumbar disc disease 155

8.65 The deep layer of fat, which can be substantial

even in lean dogs, has been incised to reveal the
iliocostalis lumborum and the thirteenth rib
(arrow). The longissimus dorsi muscle is covered
by a fascial sheath, which is just visible under the
layer of fat (arrowhead). Exposure dorsally is
more than is usually needed but has been made
to show the longissimus muscle.

8.66 Diagram to show the deep

anatomy and muscle
separation through the
iliocostalis lumborum muscle,
in this case over the L1/2
intervertebral space. The
longissimus muscle is in the
dorsocaudal part of the
surgical field (arrow). The
iliocostalis muscle fibers are
seen running obliquely
(arrowhead) to insert on the ribs.

8.67 Close up to show separation of the iliocostalis

lumborum muscle over the T13/L1 disc by
opening a pair of Metzenbaum scissors in the
same direction as the muscle fibers. The
thirteenth rib (with periosteum reflected for clarity)
is shown clearly in the lower left-hand side of the


8.68 Retraction of the iliocostalis muscle. This reveals

the body (*) and transverse process (arrowhead)
of the L1 vertebra along with the T13/L1 disc
(arrow). Note the fibers of the anulus fibrosus
(over which lies a fine layer of connective tissue).
This is best removed by using a periosteal
elevator covered with a surgical swab (8.23),
pushing the tissue in a craniodorsal direction.
156 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.69 Close up diagram of the site

approached in 8.68. Muscle
separation has revealed the
lateral aspect of the anulus
fibrosus, which lies just cranial
to the transverse process of
the lumbar vertebra. Note the
small vein that lies over the
craniodorsal anulus; this is
retracted as described in
8.68. The incision in the
anulus is shown by the
dotted line. Note also the
accessory process, which
marks the dorsal margin of the
intervertebral foramen (arrow).
The exact dorsal limit for the
fenestration varies slightly
depending on the disc space
and also from dog to dog. A
skeleton is a useful reference
(5.4). A blunt periosteal probe
can be used to palpate the
curving lateral surface of each
disc before fenestrating it. A
fresh approach is made for
each disc space. 8.69

8.70 Incising the disc with a #11 scalpel

blade reveals the window of anulus and
the jelly-like nucleus pulposus (arrow);
angle same as in 8.68.

Thoracolumbar disc disease 157

To fenestrate a disc:
• The window is made by four separate stab incisions, which are joined at the corners.
• A sawing motion is used to cut instead of direct pressure.
• The hole in the anulus must be made larger than any instrument used for removal of nucleus pulposus.
• Disc removal is by small curette, a Rosen mobilizer or, failing that, by twisting the #11 blade.
• It is important to remove as much nuclear material as possible, as any left will remain in the intervertebral
space and could cause a clinical problem later.
• Power fenestration with a small drill bit may allow more complete evacuation (Holmberg et al., 1990). Care
must be taken to prevent the drill bit from slipping toward the foramen.

8.71 The approach to thoracic discs is different.

They may be approached by separating the
iliocostalis lumborum muscle as for lumbar discs.
Alternatively, the muscle can be cut close to its
insertions on the 12th and 13th ribs.


8.72 Retraction of the iliocostalis lumborum muscle

dorsally reveals the levator costarum muscle
(arrow). This will be separated from the rib and
retracted in a cranial direction.


8.73 The periosteum of the rib has been incised at the

caudal border of the levator costarum muscle
and elevated using a thin periosteal elevator.
Periosteum is elevated adjacent to the neck of
the rib, a small retractor is being used to retract
the levator costarum muscle cranially. The plane
of dissection is medial and dorsal to the pleural
reflection. Dissection of the deep fascia that
attaches to the cranial margin of the rib (arrow) is 8.73
then continued proximally, ventral to the head of
the rib.
158 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

8.74 Diagram to show the

features described in
8.73. The levator
costarum muscle is being
elevated from the rib with
a periosteal elevator. A
hand-held retractor is
positioned to keep the
iliocostalis muscles
retracted dorsally. Gelpi
retractors can be used
here but they must not
tear the pleura. A change
in respiratory character or
volume indicates possible


8.75 Diagram to show the

lateral aspect of the disc
exposed, with the levator
costarum muscle
retracted cranioventrally,
and the epaxial muscles
retracted dorsally. The
site of the fenestration is

Thoracolumbar disc disease 159

8.76 Blunt dissection has been completed and the

disc is now visible clearly (*). Handheld retractors
are being used to elevate the epaxial muscle
away from the last two ribs.


8.77 A #11 scalpel blade cutting deeply into the

anulus. The fenestration is then completed as
described in 8.70. The surgeon should insure
that the window in the anulus is slightly larger
than the instrument to be used for curettage or
material might be forced inadvertently into the
vertebral canal.


8.78 Diagram of a transverse section through the

lumbar region of a dog to show the lateral
approach for fenestration. This approach allows
access to the lateral anulus fibrosus and to disc
material in the intervertebral space. However,
there is no access to disc material in the
vertebral canal unless a pediculectomy or
mini-hemilaminectomy is also performed

Atlantoaxial subluxation Chapter

particularly Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas and Miniature

Clinical signs 161
poodles (Denny et al., 1988; Thomas et al., 1991;
McCarthy et al., 1995; Beaver et al., 2000). Rare cases
Diagnosis 163
occur in cats and in large-breed dogs (9.4). Atlantoaxial
Examination 163
subluxation can cause clinical signs in breeds such as the
Differential diagnosis 163
Rottweiler (Rochat and Shores, 1999; Wheeler, 1992),
Radiography 163
Doberman (Huibregtse et al., 1992; LeCouteur and
Child, 1995), Basset hound (Hurov, 1979), Standard
Treatment 164
poodle (Knipe et al., 2002), Weimaraner, and German
Non-surgical treatment 164
shepherd dog (Read et al., 1987).
Surgery 165
A number of pathological processes can lead to
Complications 167 atlantoaxial subluxation:
Non-surgical treatment 167 • Absence of the dens (9.2B).
Ventral fusion 167 • Fracture or separation of the dens (9.2C).
Dorsal fixation 168 • Failure of the ligaments due to either malformation
or rupture (9.2D).
Postoperative care 169 Most dogs with congenital lesions have either
absence or hypoplasia of the dens (46%; 9.4), 30%
Prognosis 169 have a malformed dens (9.1B), and 24% have a normal
dens (Beaver et al., 2000). In dogs with a normal or
Atlantoaxial subluxation in cats 169 malformed dens, abnormalities of the transverse
ligament of the atlas can lead to subluxation (Watson
Key issues for future investigation 170
et al., 1989). This is serious as the dens tends to pro-
trude dorsally into the spinal cord (9.1B, 9.2D,
References 170
9.19B).Occipito-atlantoaxial malformation can also
Procedures 171 occur (Read et al., 1987).
Ventral transarticular fixation 171 Most patients have an underlying congenital abnor-
Multiple ventral implants and bone cement 177 mality but trauma can cause failure of normal elements
Dorsal wire fixation 178 in this region (9.2C) (see Chapter 13). Minor trauma
Dorsal cross-pin fixation 180 may also precipitate a crisis in a dog that has a congeni-
tal abnormality but has shown no clinical signs previ-
ously (Thomas et al., 1991; Beaver et al., 2000).
The atlantoaxial joint allows rotation of the head; C1
pivots around the dens of C2 but the joint permits little
flexion. There is no intervertebral disc between C1 and CLINICAL SIGNS
C2 (4.8, 4.9) and the relationship between these verte- Neck pain is seen in most dogs following traumatic
brae is maintained largely by ligaments (1.14, 1.35). lesions and in 30–60% of dogs with congenital lesions
Clinical signs in congenital atlantoaxial subluxation (Thomas et al., 1991; Beaver et al., 2000). Neurological
are usually seen in immature patients although signs can signs reflect cervical spinal cord compression. In mild
develop at any age (Thomas et al., 1991; McCarthy cases only proprioceptive deficits are seen. Tetraparesis
et al., 1995; Beaver et al., 2000) (9.1, 9.32). The disorder indicates more significant spinal cord compression.
is encountered most often in small breeds of dog, Asymmetry of signs, or preferential involvement of
162 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

either thoracic or pelvic limbs, may occur. Tetraplegia also been reported and should be evaluated carefully.
is rarely encountered but if present the dog must be Hydrocephalus has been reported in dogs with
checked for respiratory failure (Beaver et al., 2000) (see atlantoaxial subluxation and could cause the animal to
Chapter 2). Signs referable to brain involvement have show forebrain signs (Chambers et al., 1977; Denny


9.1 3D reconstruction of CT scans; the dens is indicated by arrows. A: A normal toy-breed dog. B: A dog with atlantoaxial subluxation
and a malformed dens, which occupies much of the vertebral canal. The spinous process of C2 is also angled away from the arch of
the axis (arrowhead). Two-dimensional images of these dogs are shown in 9.6; sagittal 3D reconstructions in 9.19; postoperative
radiographs for dog B in 9.32.



9.2 A: Diagram to show the normal relationship between C1 and C2 (1.14, 1.35, 9.19). B: Congenital absence or hypoplasia of
the dens is the most common abnormality. C: There is an ossification center between the dens and the body of C2, which
predisposes to fracture or separation. D: Rupture or malformation of the ligaments.
Atlantoaxial subluxation 163

et al., 1988). Hydrocephalus may also be accompanied subluxation is suspected, as this may worsen the situation
by syringohydromyelia (9.12). Another potential expla- considerably.
nation for signs of forebrain disease in dogs with
atlantoaxial subluxation is hepatic encephalopathy, which
is over-represented in toy-breed dogs and coexisted in
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for a small-breed dog with
two of six dogs undergoing surgery for atlantoaxial sub-
cranial cervical signs is given in Box 9.1. Inflammatory
luxation (Schulz et al., 1997). Forebrain signs of disori-
CNS disease is the most likely consideration in immature
entation and behavior change, along with vestibular
dogs. Cervical disc disease is more likely in older dogs but
deficits, have also been associated with basilar artery
is rare in dogs less than 2 years of age. Discospondylitis or
compression caused by the dens. The clinical signs
fractures could be present at any age. Atlantoaxial sub-
resolved completely after surgery (Jaggy et al., 1991).
luxation is encountered in cats rarely (see page 169).
Torticollis has been described with atlantoaxial lesions
and could be due to syringohydromyelia or a vestibular
sign secondary to a high cervical lesion (Johnson and Hulse, Radiography
1989; Gibson et al., 1995; Mayhew, 1999) (see page 29). SURVEY RADIOGRAPHY
Survey radiographs provide the diagnosis in most cases
(9.3). General anesthesia is usually required, although
DIAGNOSIS great care must be taken when intubating the patient. If
non-surgical management is to be used following trauma
then it may be worth trying to obtain diagnostic images
Atlantoaxial subluxation should be considered in any
without anesthesia (see page 283). However, accurate
young, small-breed dog with the clinical signs described.
positioning is essential to evaluate the cranial cervical
Neurological examination indicates a lesion between
region and this may be impossible in the conscious patient,
C1 and C5 and palpation of the neck often localizes
particularly if severe neck pain is present (see page 46).
the origin of the pain to the C1–C2 region. It is unwise
It is a common error to diagnose congenital atlantoaxial
to flex the neck forcibly in a patient where atlantoaxial
subluxation on radiographs of conscious dogs where the
positioning is inadequate and the region of interest is
far from the center of the film. Fluoroscopic observation
Box 9.1 Primary differential diagnoses for while flexing the neck gently in a conscious animal can
atlantoaxial subluxation (see also Box 7.2) provide rapid and accurate diagnosis by revealing the

dynamic nature of the lesion while allowing the animal to
Cervical disc extrusion (older than 1 year)
maintain some protective muscle tone.
■ Syringohydromyelia
The lateral projection is the most useful. Mild flexion
■ Neoplasia
of the cranial cervical region may be required to demon-
■ Inflammatory CNS disease
strate misalignment but this must not be excessive. A
■ Intracranial disease ventrodorsal view will highlight the dens; it is safe to
■ Discospondylitis position the dog in dorsal recumbency with the neck
■ Polyarthritis extended for the ventrodorsal projection, which is
■ Polymyositis preferable to the open-mouth view. Oblique radiographs
■ Trauma can also provide an excellent image of the dens (9.3B,
9.4B) (Cook and Oliver, 1981).

9.3 Survey radiographs from a

1-year-old Toy poodle showing
a marked increase in the gap
between the dorsal arch of C1 and
the spinous process of C2 when
the neck is flexed (B). Postoperative
radiographs are shown in 9.8.

164 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


9.4 Eight year-old Bull mastiff with acute pelvic limb ataxia. Survey radiographs revealed severe hypoplasia of the dens; a lumbar
myelogram revealed no other abnormality. A: Flexed view and B: extended view of C1 and C2. Note the narrowing of the dorsal
subarachnoid space and the hypoplastic dens (arrowhead). Neurological deficits worsened after the myelogram but the dog made
a good recovery and had no neurological deficits 4 months later. Subclinical atlantoaxial malformation has been reported in humans
(McKeever, 1968).

9.5 Myelogram in a 4-year-old Toy

poodle demonstrates that there may
be little spinal cord compression if
the dens is absent or hypoplastic.
Postoperative radiographs of this dog
are shown in 9.29.


9.6 A: CT scan through the atlas of a

normal toy-breed dog. The dens is of
normal size and occupies the floor of the
vertebral canal. B: Dog with a malformed
dens. The same dogs are also shown
in 9.1 and 9.19.


MYELOGRAPHY imaging, which assists surgical planning (Johnson and

Myelography should not be necessary for diagnosis and Hulse, 1989) (9.33). It will also reveal abnormal dens
any post-myelographic seizures could be disastrous. conformation, which is seen in over 70% of dogs (Denny
Cerebello-medullary cistern puncture either for myel- et al., 1988; Beaver et al., 2000) (9.6). An MRI (9.7)
ography or CSF sampling should not be performed in might prove to be prognostic if there is extensive spinal
dogs that could have atlantoaxial subluxation (9.5); cord malacia and it will also reveal syringohydromyelia
lumbar puncture is preferable. (Sanders et al., 2000) (9.12).

Although much simpler techniques are available to TREATMENT
assess atlantoaxial stability, advanced imaging can add Non-surgical treatment
important preoperative information (Johnson and Non-surgical treatment entails cage rest, application of
Hulse, 1989) (9.6, 9.12). CT provides excellent bone a neck brace (13.18) and use of analgesics (Tables 15.1,
Atlantoaxial subluxation 165


9.7 Sagittal MRIs of a dog with atlantoaxial subluxation. A: T2-weighted and B: short tau inversion recovery (STIR) images.
Note the high signal intensity (edema) and severe spinal cord compression at C1–C2 (arrowheads).

Algorithm 9.1 Surgical decision-making

Survey radiographs
in atlantoaxial subluxation.

Normal or
Malformed dens
hypoplastic dens

CT scan

Fusion with multiple

Consider odontoidectomy
implants and cement

Failure Success

Dorsal cross External

Replace implant
pinning splint

15.2). This approach can produce surprisingly good is large enough, at least until the long-term outcome of
results. Six toy-breed dogs were managed non-surgically, non-surgical management is known. Non-surgical treat-
four of which had been unable to walk. After 14 weeks ment does give excellent long-term outcomes for ani-
all six dogs could walk without neurological deficits mals that fracture a normal atlantoaxial articulation;
(Hawthorne et al., 1998). Four out of another six dogs results are often superior to surgery (see page 295).
also did well with non-surgical management (Lorinson
et al., 1998). Despite these excellent results after non- Surgery
surgical management, the concern is that any improve- Surgical treatment is indicated in most patients with
ment might be lost after brace removal and return to congenital lesions. Even dogs with profound neurological
normal activity (9.32). Nevertheless, it can provide a deficits are likely to benefit from stabilization (Thomas
very useful alternative for very young dogs, for dogs that et al., 1991; Beaver et al., 2000). The two main options
cannot walk, or for other high-risk patients. Surgical are either ventral fusion or dorsal stabilization. Ventral
management should be recommended for congenital fusion is the treatment of choice. An algorithm for surgi-
lesions once the neurological deficits improve or the dog cal decision-making is shown in Algorithm 9.1.
166 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

9.8 Reduction after transarticular screw

R fixation is good. Note the hypoplastic
dens. Same dog as in 9.3. Angles are
mediolateral: left 41° and right 38°;
ventrodorsal 33° (9.25).


Table 9.1 Results of ventral fixation for atlantoaxial subluxation

Transarticular fixation Multiple implant fixation

Total Total
(1) (2) (6) transarticular (5) (4) (3) multiple

Success rate after 31/40 (78) 9/10 (90) 8/18 (44) 48/68 (71) 5/6 (83) 5/6 (83) 12/13 (92) 22/25 (88)
1st surgery (%)

Median follow-up 7 12 (mean) N/A 21 N/A 36


Residual ataxia (%) 6/31 (19) N/A N/A 6/31 (19) 0/5 N/A 4/13 (31) 4/18 (22)

Residual neck pain (%) 3/31 (10) N/A N/A 3/31 (10) 0/5 N/A 0/13 0/18

Second surgery (%) 4/35 (11) 0/9 3/18 (17)* 7/62 (11) 0/5 1/5** (20) 0/13 1/23 (4)

Mortality (%) 5/40 (13) 1/10 (10) 7/18 (39) 13/68 (19) 1/6 (17) 0/6 1/13 (8) 2/25 (8)

(1) Beaver et al., 2000; (2) Denny et al., 1988; (3) Knipe et al., 2002; (4) Sanders et al., 2000; (5) Schulz et al., 1997; (6) Thomas et al., 1991.
* Two of these recovered.
** Signs recurred but did not actually undergo second surgery.
N/A, not available.

VENTRAL FUSION implants is therefore the technique of choice for ventral

Fusion of the atlantoaxial joints can be performed using fixation. Following ventral fixation, odontoidectomy
either transarticular fixation (9.8) or using multiple may rarely be indicated via a ventral slot in C1 (9.6,
implants and bone cement (9.32–9.34). Good results 9.27, 9.32).
can be obtained using transarticular fixation; threaded
pins or screws give superior results to smooth pins. DORSAL STABILIZATION
However, there is little margin for error with only Dorsal wiring has a high failure rate (Table 9.2), such
two implants and overall failure rates approach 30% that many animals need repeat surgery (9.11). Reinforce-
with transarticular fixation (Table 9.1). Furthermore, ment with bone cement may be useful but any thermal
radiographic evidence suggests that fusion is often necrosis could weaken the bone further (Renegar and
delayed or incomplete (Thomson and Read, 1996; Stoll, 1979; Cook and Oliver, 1981; Martinez et al.,
Beaver et al., 2000). Multiple implant techniques 1997). It does provide an option should ventral fusion
should reduce the failure rate; they add little technical fail (Beaver et al., 2000), but a second attempt at fusion
difficulty and almost certainly provide more rigid using multiple implants or by dorsal cross-pinning are
fixation (Schulz et al., 1997; Sanders et al., 2000; more logical approaches (Thomas et al., 1991; Jeffery,
Knipe et al., 2002) (9.32–9.34). Use of multiple 1996; Schulz et al., 1997; Sanders et al., 2000).
Atlantoaxial subluxation 167

Table 9.2 Results of dorsal suture fixation for atlantoaxial subluxation

Dorsal wire or suture fixation

(1) (2) (3) (4) Total dorsal

Success rate after 1st surgery (%) 9/12 (75) 6/6 (100) 7/13 (54) 2/7 (29) 24/38 (63)

Median follow-up months 23 9 N/A N/A

Residual ataxia (%) 4/9 (44) 5/6 (83) N/A N/A 9/15 (60)

Residual neck pain (%) 1/9 (11) 0/6 N/A N/A 1/15 (6)

Second surgery (%) 2/11 (18) 2/6 (33) N/A 3/7 (43)* 7/24 (29)

Mortality (%) 1/12 (8) 0/6 5/13 (38) 0/7 6/38 (16)

(1) Beaver et al., 2000; (2) Chambers et al., 1977; (3) Denny et al., 1988; (4) Thomas et al., 1991.
* One dog recovered.

COMPLICATIONS Table 9.3 Complications of non-surgical and surgical

The most common non-surgical and surgical complica- treatment
tions are listed in Table 9.3.
Non-surgical Surgical
complications complications
Non-surgical treatment
The splinted animal must initially be assessed daily for Dyspnea Cardiac arrest
problems (Table 9.3), including the tendency for mois- Aspiration Respiratory arrest
ture to seep into the splint around the mouth. Dyspnea Abrasions Pulmonary edema
Decubitus Implant failure (9.11, 9.31)
can occur if the splint is too restrictive in the pharyngeal
Otitis externa Soft tissue injury
or thoracic regions but it must also be tight enough to stay Dermatitis Tracheal collapse
in place (Schulz et al., 1997). Aspiration is a particular Recurrence
problem if the neck is extended excessively as it is almost
impossible for the dog to swallow in this position.
Nasogastric or gastrostomy feeding may reduce the risk causes of implant failure are K-wire migration or loss of
of aspiration and also helps to keep the splint clean reduction; these tend to occur in the first 3 weeks
(Shelton et al., 1991). (Johnson and Hulse, 1989; Thomas et al., 1991; Schulz
et al., 1997; Beaver et al., 2000). Implant failure in some
Ventral fusion dogs may not cause clinical signs if preceded by sufficient
The ventral approach to the neck is straightforward but fusion (Wheeler, 1992). Threaded pins are preferred
care must be taken to avoid damage to vital structures, over Kirschner wires as they are much less likely to
particularly the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the vascu- migrate and have greater pullout strength (Johnson and
lar supply to the thyroid gland. Particular care must be Hulse, 1989; Sandman et al., 2001). In one dog a K wire
taken to prevent excessive traction or compression on migrated into the oral cavity although it caused no clini-
the trachea and esophagus (Thomas et al., 1991). cal signs other than a cough (Schulz et al., 1997) (9.9).
The main complications are death, or implant failure The disadvantage of using only two implants in
that necessitates a second surgery (Table 9.3). The transarticular fashion is the relatively high failure rate
primary causes of death are cardiac or respiratory arrest (Table 9.1). Failure rates should be lower when screws
and pulmonary edema (Thomas et al., 1991; Schulz or threaded pins are used instead of K wires but failure
et al., 1997; Beaver et al., 2000). One potential cause of can still occur even when implant position is excellent
pulmonary edema is barotrauma; care must be taken (9.10). In ventral fusion the implants are on the com-
when ventilating toy-breed dogs (see page 85). pression side of the vertebral column and so are subject
Implant failure is more likely after ventral transarticu- to greater stresses than implants on the dorsal (tension)
lar fixation than after use of multiple implants. The main side (Jeffery, 1996; Rochat and Shores, 1999). Even
168 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


9.9 A: Postoperative radiographs from a 1-year-old Toy poodle show K-wires with bone cement over the exposed ends. Angles are
mediolateral: left 53° and right 55°; ventrodorsal angle is 25–30°. B: Failure occurred as one implant is anchored only poorly in C1.
An external splint was applied but both pins had failed by 5 weeks. The splint was maintained for 12 weeks in all; the dog was
pain-free with no deficits 4 years later apart from a lump on its neck from a migrated pin. A metallic skin staple is visible.

9.10 A: Transarticular fixation using lag

L L screws and cancellous bone graft;
postoperative alignment is excellent.
Angles are mediolateral: left 22° and right
45°. B: The dog was also placed in a
splint but despite this one screw was
loose at the 6-week recheck and there
was no bridging callus. After a further
6 weeks in the splint good fusion was
evident and the dog made an excellent


when failure does not occur, fusion is often delayed Sanders et al., 2000); tracheal collapse (Thomas et al.,
(Sorjonen and Shires, 1981; Thomson and Read, 1996; 1991); tracheal necrosis (Thomas et al., 1991); pneu-
Beaver et al., 2000). Nine of 12 immature dogs showed monia (Rochat and Shores, 1999; Beaver et al., 2000);
no bony fusion 6 weeks after transarticular fixation dyspnea and sudden death (Denny et al., 1988; Thomas
despite use of a bone graft. Nevertheless, the fixations et al., 1991). Tracheostomy may be necessary to relieve
were stable in 10 of the 12 dogs, usually due to fibro- iatrogenic laryngeal paresis or paralysis (Sanders et al.,
cartilaginous tissue (Sorjonen and Shires, 1981). 2000). Respiratory dysfunction can also result from
If implant failure does occur, either a splint can be used spinal cord injury impairing respiratory drive or motor
or a second surgery may be performed. Good results can function (Thomas et al., 1991; Schulz et al., 1997)
often be obtained using non-surgical management when (7.11). Non-respiratory complications include torticollis
the failure is only partial (9.9, 9.10). A second surgery is (Beaver et al., 2000); delayed fracture of C1 (Johnson
recommended for complete failure of fixation (Thomas and Hulse, 1989; Beaver et al., 2000); Horner’s syn-
et al., 1991; Beaver et al., 2000). After failure of either drome (Jaggy et al., 1991); and esophageal stricture
a dorsal or ventral surgery, rescue is probably best secondary to gastric reflux (Schulz et al., 1997).
attempted using either multiple implants and bone
cement or dorsal cross-pinning (Thomas et al., 1991; Dorsal fixation
Jeffery, 1996; Schulz et al., 1997; Sanders et al., 2000; The main complications are death or failure of fixation.
(9.32–9.34; 9.43). Mini plates are another alternative Death is due to cardiac or respiratory arrest, which
but there is little margin for error when placing the may occur during placement or tightening of the wires
screws in C2 (Stead et al., 1993). (Denny et al., 1988). The wire suture can also break or
Other postoperative complications include gagging ‘cheese-wire’ though C2 spinous process (Beaver et al.,
or coughing; laryngeal paralysis (Beaver et al., 2000; 2000; Thomas et al., 1991)(9.11). Almost 30% of dogs
Atlantoaxial subluxation 169

10 months, if the dog can still walk, and if the reduction

after surgery is good (Beaver et al., 2000). Despite the
guarded prognosis for dogs with severe neurological
deficits, 9 of 13 dogs (69%) that were unable to walk
before surgery had a good outcome (Thomas et al.,
1991; Knipe et al., 2002). Neck pain persists in about
10% of dogs and residual ataxia in about 20% after
transarticular pin fixation (Beaver et al., 2000). The
rate of residual ataxia is two to three times as high after
dorsal wire fixation, presumably as the fibrosis at the
surgical site provides less stability than osseous or
fibrocartilaginous fusion ventrally (Beaver et al., 2000)
(Tables 9.1, 9.2).
Overall failure rates are as follows:
• After dorsal wire fixation techniques the failure
9.11 Failure of dorsal fixation. 2/0 Teflon-coated, polypropylene
rate is 37%; the mortality rate is 16% and 29%
suture was used instead of wire in this immature dog to avoid of dogs need a second surgery (Table 9.2).
‘cheese wiring’ through the spinous process of C2 but it broke A literature summary reported a similar failure
after 2 days. The radiograph shows loss of reduction; the hole rate in 20/52 dogs (38%) (McCarthy et al., 1995).
drilled in C2 spinous process is visible (arrowheads). The first Outcome after dorsal wiring is no different to that
suture was replaced with 0.6-cm Dacron tape; it broke at the
cranial edge of C1 after a further 7 days. Number 2 Mersiline
after ventral transarticular fixation using smooth
was used for the third surgery but almost tore through the pins (McCarthy et al., 1995; Beaver et al., 2000).
spinous process of C2. The spinous process was then reinforced • After transarticular fixation the overall failure rate
with bone cement and the dog placed in a splint for 4 weeks, is 29%; the mortality rate is 19% and 11% of dogs
which caused severe otitis externa. The dog was walking need a second surgery. However, when results for
normally 4 months later.
lag screw transarticular fixation are considered
specifically the results are much better than for
require a second surgery after standard dorsal fixa- smooth pins (Denny et al., 1988; McCarthy et al.,
tion (Table 9.2). Other failures reported after dorsal 1995). Threaded pins should also give much better
wiring include wire suture breakage and fracture of the results than smooth pins due to their higher pullout
spinous process of C2 (Chambers et al., 1977; Thomas strengths (Sandman et al., 2001).
et al., 1991; Beaver et al., 2000). • After multiple ventral implants and bone cement
the failure rate is 12%; the mortality rate is 8% and
POSTOPERATIVE CARE (see Chapter 15) 4% of dogs need a second surgery (Table 9.1).
Pain is common postoperatively and adequate analgesia Reported outcomes are therefore best for techniques
should be provided, avoiding respiratory depressant that employ multiple ventral implants and bone
drugs in tetraplegic or severely tetraparetic animals cement. Dogs requiring a second surgery have no worse
(Tables 15.1, 15.2). Strict rest is enforced for 6–12 outcomes than dogs that undergo only one (Beaver
weeks following surgery. Osseous fusion, or at least et al., 2000).
stability of implants for a minimum of 6 weeks, is
the goal. External support is useful after surgery, ATLANTOAXIAL SUBLUXATION
especially with transarticular or dorsal wire fixation.
The splint should be removed periodically for a thor-
ough inspection. Clinical signs of congenital luxation are similar to those
seen in dogs. All three cats described had good out-
comes after transarticular pin fixation (Jaggy et al.,
PROGNOSIS 1991; Shelton et al., 1991; Thomson and Read, 1996).
The prognosis for dogs with congenital lesions is good Differential diagnoses for cats include disc disease (see
if the animal survives the perioperative period (Beaver Chapter 8), mucopolysaccharidosis, hypervitaminosis
et al., 2000). The best predictor of a successful out- A (see Chapter 14), lymphoma or other spinal cord
come is when the onset of signs is prior to 2 years of tumors (see Chapter 12), trauma (see Chapter 13),
age (Beaver et al., 2000). The final outcome also tends meningoencephalitis, discospondylitis and possibly
to be better if signs have been present for less than fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) (see Chapter 14).
170 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Jaggy, A., Hutto, V.L., Roberts, R.E., Oliver, J.E. (1991) Occipitoatlanto-
Key issues for future investigation axial malformation with atlantoaxial subluxation in a cat. Journal of Small
Animal Practice 32, 366–372.
1. What is the long-term outcome after non-surgical Jeffery, N.D. (1996) Dorsal cross pinning of the atlantoaxial joint: new
management for atlantoaxial subluxation? surgical technique for atlantoaxial subluxation. Journal of Small Animal
Practice 37, 26–29.
Johnson, S.G., Hulse, D.A. (1989) Odontoid dysplasia with atlantoaxial
2. Is a splint necessary to provide additional stability after
instability in a dog. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
surgery? 25, 400–408.
Knipe, M.F., Sturges, B.K., Vernau, K.M., Berry, W.L., Dickinson, P.J.,
3. Is there any advantage to performing routine Anor, S., LeCouteur, R.A. (2002) Atlantoaxial instability in 17 dogs.
odontoidectomy for a malformed dens? Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 16, 368.
LeCouteur, R.A., Child, G. (1995) Diseases of the spinal cord. In:
S.J. Ettinger (ed.), Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 629–695.
4. What is the prevalence and significance of Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
syringohydromyelia in atlantoaxial subluxation ( Lorinson, D., Bright, R.M., Thomas, W.B., Selcer, R.R., Wilkens, B.A. (1998)
Atlantoaxial subluxation in dogs: the results of conservative and surgical
therapy. Canine Practice 23, 16–18.
Martinez, S.A., Arnoczky, S.P., Flo, G.L., Brinker, W.O. (1997) Dissipation
of heat during polymerization of acrylics used for external skeletal fixa-
tor connecting bars. Veterinary Surgery 26, 290–294.
Mayhew, I.G. (1999) The healthy spinal cord. American Association of
Equine Practitioners; 56–66.
McCarthy, R.J., Lewis, D.D., Hosgood, G. (1995) Atlantoaxial subluxation in
dogs. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian
17, 215–226.
McKeever, F.M. (1968) Atlantoaxial instability. Surgical Clinics of North
America 48, 1375–1390.
Read, R., Brett, S., Cahill, J. (1987) Surgical treatment of occipito-
atlantoaxial malformation in the dog. Australian Veterinary Practitioner
17, 184–189.
Renegar, W.R., Stoll, S.G. (1979) The use of methylmethacrylate bone
cement in the repair of atlantoaxial subluxation stabilization failures.
Case report and discussion. Journal of the American Animal Hospital
Association 15, 313–318.
Rochat, M.C., Shores, A. (1999) Fixation of an atlantoaxial subluxation by
9.12 Syringohydromyelia has been reported as an incidental use of cannulated screws. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and
finding on MRI of dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation (Sanders Traumatology 12, 43–46.
et al., 2000). It could explain residual signs (9.32) or failure to Sanders, S.G., Bagley, R.S., Silver, G.M. (2000) Complications associated
improve after stabilization. This dog shows high signal within with ventral screws, pins and polymethylmethacrylate for the treatment
the spinal cord over the first and second cervical vertebrae of atlantoaxial instability in 8 dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal
(arrow). There is also severe compression due to instability at Medicine 14, 339.
the atlantoaxial joint (arrowhead). Sandman, K.M., Smith, C.W., Harari, J., Manfra Maretta, S., Pijanowski, G.J.
(2001) Comparison of pull-out resistance of Kirschner wires and Imex
miniature interface fixation pins in polyurethane foam. Veterinary and
Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 15, 18–22.
Schulz, K.S., Waldron, D.R., Fahie, M. (1997) Application of ventral pins
REFERENCES and polymethylmethacrylate for the management of atlantoaxial insta-
Beaver, D.P., Ellison, G.W., Lewis, D.D., Goring, R.L., Kubilis, P.S., bility: results in nine dogs. Veterinary Surgery 26, 317–325.
Barchard, C. (2000) Risk factors affecting the outcome of surgery for Shelton, S.B., Bellah, J., Chrisman, C., McMullen, D. (1991) Hypoplasia
atlantoaxial subluxation in dogs: 46 cases (1978–1998). Journal of the of the odontoid process and secondary atlantoaxial luxation in a Siamese
American Veterinary Medical Association 216, 1104–1109. cat. Progress in Veterinary Neurology 2, 209–211.
Chambers, J.N., Betts, C.W., Oliver, J.E. (1977) The use of nonmetallic Sorjonen, D.C., Shires, P.K. (1981) Atlantoaxial instability: a ventral surgical
suture material for stabilization of atlantoaxial subluxation. Journal of the technique for decompression, fixation, and fusion. Veterinary Surgery
American Animal Hospital Association 13, 602–604. 10, 22–29.
Cook, J.R., Oliver, J.E. (1981) Atlantoaxial luxation in the dog. Compendium Stead, A.C., Anderson, A.A., Coughlan, A. (1993) Bone plating to stabilise
on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 3, 242–250. atlantoaxial subluxation in four dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice
Denny, H.R., Gibbs, C., Waterman, A. (1988) Atlantoaxial subluxation in 34, 462–465.
the dog: a review of thirty cases and an evaluation of treatment by lag Swaim, S.F., Greene, C.E. (1975) Odontoidectomy in a dog. Journal of the
screw fixation. Journal of Small Animal Practice 26, 37–47. American Animal Hospital Association 11, 663–667.
Gibson, K.L., Ihle, S.L., Hogan, P.M. (1995) Severe spinal cord compression Thomas, W.B., Sorjonen, D.C., Simpson, S.T. (1991) Surgical manage-
caused by a dorsally angulated dens. Progress in Veterinary Neurology 6, ment of atlantoaxial subluxation in 23 dogs. Veterinary Surgery 20,
55–57. 409–412.
Hawthorne, J.C., Cornell, K.K., Blevins, W.E., Waters, D.J. (1998) Non- Thomson, M.J., Read, R.A. (1996) Surgical stabilisation of the atlantoaxial
surgical treatment of atlantoaxial instability: A retrospective study. joint in a cat. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Veterinary Surgery 27, 526. 9, 36–39.
Huibregtse, B.A., Smith, C.W., Fagin, B.D. (1992) Atlantoaxial luxation in Watson, A.G., de Lahunta, A. (1989) Atlantoaxial subluxation and absence
a Doberman Pinscher. Canine Practice 17, 7–10. of transverse ligament of the atlas in a dog. Journal of the American
Hurov, L. (1979) Congenital atlantoaxial malformation and acute subluxa- Veterinary Medical Association 195, 235–237.
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Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 15, 177–180. in a Rottweiler. Journal of Small Animal Practice 33, 90–93.
Atlantoaxial subluxation 171

The patient is placed with the neck in extension; this helps to reduce the subluxation. Although positioning the
neck like this helps, reduction of C1 and C2 is usually incomplete. The mid-body of C2 must be grasped with
bone holding forceps and pulled in a caudoventral direction (9.19). Breaking down the joint capsule may also be
necessary to complete reduction. Occasionally malformation or secondary changes make complete reduction
impossible (9.32). The approach can either be the standard ventral approach (see page 106) or the paramedian
approach to the neck (see page 232). Preserving the thyroid artery (9.18) is much easier when using the para-
median approach as the carotid artery and its thyroid branch are reflected along with the trachea and larynx. The
dog’s head is to the left in all illustrations.

Ventral transarticular fixation (9.13–9.31)

9.13 Positioning for surgery. The area is prepared and

draped, including the proximal humerus to allow
bone graft collection (11.24).


9.14 Site of incision. Note that the incision extends

cranial to the larynx. At the cranial edge of the
skin incision is the hyoid venous arch, which
should be divided.


9.15 Incision through the superficial fascia reveals

the sternohyoid muscles (7.21, 7.22). The larynx
(a) is at the cranial end of the incision, and the a
trachea is visible (b).

172 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

9.16 The sternothyroid muscle inserts on the thyroid

cartilage. The muscle is sectioned along the
dotted line. The vascular bundle shown in 9.18
can be seen under the muscle insertion.


9.17 The sternothyroid muscle is mobilized and

divided close to the larynx. Leave an adequate
portion near the thyroid cartilage for repair. The
thyroid gland is visible (*).


9.18 A vascular bundle supplies the thyroid gland;

only one artery supplies each gland and so it
must be preserved. Adequate padding with
moist towels or sponges must be provided for
the trachea, esophagus and thyroid gland.
Insufficient protection has been provided here to
the trachea, which could lead to necrosis
(Thomas et al., 1991).



9.19 These sagittal 3D

reconstructions of CT
scans show how
subluxation can make
the initial approach
challenging. A: Normal
dog to show congruity of
the ventral surfaces of C1
and C2. B: In most dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation, the dens, atlantoaxial joints and the cranial portion
of C2 are obscured under the body of C1. Reduction is in the direction of the arrow. Images from the
same dogs are shown in 9.1 and 9.6.
Atlantoaxial subluxation 173

9.20 Deep fascia dissected with C1 and C2 reduced

to show the tendons of the longus colli muscles
inserting on the ventral process of C1 (arrow).


9.21 Diagram of deep anatomy as shown in 9.20.

Note the relationship of the soft tissues to the
underlying skeletal structures.


9.22 The tendons of the longus colli muscles are

elevated from the ventral process of C1. The
muscles are elevated caudolaterally from the
body of C2 (exposed here). Dissection of the
fascia reveals the joint capsule of the C1/C2
joints. Here the capsule has been incised and
removed partially on the dog’s right side (arrow).


9.23 The joint spaces can be seen clearly. The

articular cartilage is removed with a curette, #11
blade or a small bur. If a bur is used, care must
be taken not to weaken the cortical bone on
either side of the joint.

174 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


9.24 The joint space can be opened using a dental

tartar scraper or small Hohmann retractor. This is
a useful maneuver in order to support C2 while
drilling. Here the cranial articular cartilage has
been removed revealing the subchondral
bone (arrow).

9.25 Position of screws. Ideally, the screws are angled

away from the midline at approximately 30°,
towards the medial angle of the alar notch, and
downward (i.e. dorsally) at approximately 20° from
the horizontal, which in practice means using as
flat a trajectory as possible (Sorjonen and Shires,


9.26 Placement of screws. In most miniature dogs,

1.5-mm cortical bone screws are used.
A 1.1-mm hole is drilled in C2 and across the
articulation. The body of C2 has a tendency to
move down, away from the surgeon; use of the
stabilization technique shown in 9.19 and 9.24
can help to prevent this. Once the hole has been
drilled in one side of C2, a tartar scraper may be
inserted in the hole to stabilize the vertebra while
the other hole in C2 is drilled. 9.26
Atlantoaxial subluxation 175

The following order for drilling, tapping and screw placement is preferred:
1. Drill both 1.1-mm holes in C2.
2. Drill 1.1-mm hole through one of these holes into C1 on one side only. Insure that far cortex is penetrated.
3. Drill 1.5-mm glide hole on the same side in C2.
4. Measure depth of the hole through C2 into C1.
5. Tap this hole with 1.5-mm tap.
6. Place screw through C2 into C1. Do not tighten fully.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 on the other side.
Performing the operations in the order shown above avoids the problem of drilling holes and not being able to
locate one after the other screw has been tightened. A similar sequence can be used with threaded pins. These
still require a pilot hole and should be inserted using a low power setting or ideally with a small hand-held chuck
(5.22). Pins must also be encased completely within bone cement (Johnson and Hulse, 1989). Cannulated
screws provide another alternative as they permit repositioning of the guide wires if necessary before placing
screws. These screws are self-tapping and come in 4.0- and 3.0-mm diameters (Rochat and Shores, 1999).
The average mediolateral pin angle in dogs undergoing a successful stabilization was between 22° and 27°,
with a theoretical ideal of 29° and a practical range of 10° and 45°. If implants are directed too laterally across the
atlantoaxial joints, they may damage the vertebral artery; if directed too medially they may damage spinal cord
(Rochat and Shores, 1999). The average ventrodorsal angle in the same dogs was between 28.5° and 34.5° with
a theoretical ideal of 22° and a practical range of 15° and 45° (9.8, 9.29, 9.31). The theoretical ideal ventrodorsal
angle is hard to approach and in practice the angle should be as near horizontal as possible. Starting the implants
as far caudally as possible in C2 may facilitate this (Sorjonen and Shires, 1981; Jaggy et al., 1991). Malformation
of C1 or C2 can make assessment of the correct angles very difficult (Thomas et al., 1991). Use of a goniometer
during surgery may help improve accuracy (Thomson and Read, 1996). Vertebral positioning must also be per-
fectly symmetrical.
Odontoidectomy is usually described prior to reduction but may be easier and safer once the joint is reduced
and stabilized (Johnson and Hulse, 1989; Jaggy et al., 1991; Gibson et al., 1995) (9.27). Access to the dens is
through a short slot in C1. Odontoidectomy is recommended if the dens has a marked dorsal angulation (Swaim
and Greene, 1975; Johnson and Hulse, 1989; Jaggy et al., 1991; Gibson et al., 1995) but is not necessary in
most dogs (Schulz et al., 1997).

9.27 Here one screw is in position, and the other is

being inserted prior to final tightening.

176 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

9.28 Cancellous bone is harvested from the proximal

humerus and placed in and around the joint
space before tightening the screws (11.24).
The longus colli is then apposed with absorbable
sutures and the sternothyroid muscle is repaired.


9.29 A: The ventrodorsal screw

angle is nearly perfect (25°).
B: The mediolateral angles
are a little high but still
acceptable (left 43° and
right 40°). This dog, also
shown in 9.5, was normal at
3-month follow-up. A B

9.30 If the ventrodorsal angle is

suboptimal then failure
occurs due to insufficient
bone purchase (Rochat
and Shores, 1999). Despite
implant failure, this 1-year-
old Toy poodle was
managed in a splint and was A B
normal 3 years later.

9.31 The screw on the left is not angled adequately away from the midline
and was probably not crossing the joint. It snapped soon after
surgery and the dog had a partial recurrence of signs. The dog was
managed by addition of an external support and made a good
recovery. Angles are mediolateral: left 14° and right 41°.

Atlantoaxial subluxation 177

Multiple ventral implants and bone cement (9.32–9.34)

Screws can be directed laterally into the thick bone just rostral to each caudal articular surface of C1 (1.15,
9.33A) and also into the bone caudal to the cranial articular surface of C2 (1.15B). The screw heads are then
united with bone cement (9.32). Variations on this technique include placement of two implants in C1, two in C2,
and two more in C3 (Sanders et al., 2000); and the pattern shown in 9.34 that incorporates transarticular
implants (Schulz et al., 1997). Implants of the largest possible size should be chosen and they should penetrate
two cortices for greatest pullout strength (Sandman et al., 2001). All implants should be covered completely by
cement. Threaded pins are superior to smooth pins and should ideally be put in by hand using a mini-chuck
(5.22). Whatever pattern of multiple implant is used, the length of implant and the volume of cement must be
considered in relation to the amount of room existing at this location (9.34). Care must be taken to protect soft
tissues from the heat of polymerization and to avoid rough edges that might abrade tissues.

9.32 This Miniature poodle was

tetraparetic at 6 weeks of age
but improved dramatically in a
splint. The dog presented
with neck pain, tetraparesis
and fecal incontinence at 3.5
years. Fixation was with 9.32
multiple implants and bone
cement. A and B: Despite A B
excellent reduction dorsally
there is a marked step on the floor of the vertebral canal; the malformed dens probably prevented complete
reduction. Odontoidectomy may have helped but the risk of iatrogenic spinal cord trauma was considered too
high (9.6). The dog was pain-free but still incontinent at 1-year follow-up.

9.33 CT scans to show A: site of

implant placement in the
thick bone just rostral to the
caudal articular surfaces of
C1 (arrows) and B: the
method for cross-pinning
into the caudal vertebral
body of C2 (arrows).
Implants should penetrate 9.33
two cortices for maximum A B
holding power (Sandman et al.,
2001). When available, intraoperative radiography is recommended to confirm implant placement (Rochat
and Shores, 1999). See also 1.14, 1.15.
178 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

9.34 Postoperative A: lateral and B:

ventrodorsal radiographs to show
fixation in a 1-year-old Yorkshire
terrier using six Kirschner wires,
cancellous bone graft and bone
cement. Two wires were placed into
each of the pedicles of C1 (9.33A).
Two wires were placed across the
atlantoaxial joints as described in
9.24–9.27. Two wires were placed into A B
the caudal body of C2 at approximately
30° to the transverse plane (9.33B); ideally they should not cross C2/3 disc space (from Schulz et al., 1997).

Dorsal wire fixation (9.35–9.42)

9.35 Incision site relative to

the skeleton. The finger
is on the occipital
protuberance; the
incision is made just off
the midline. Note that
the neck must be flexed,
which is not ideal
(page 171).


9.36 Exposure of the spinous process of C2.

Manipulation and movement of the vertebrae
must be kept to a minimum; it is therefore
preferable to use sharp dissection.

Atlantoaxial subluxation 179

9.37 Diagram to show the relationship

between skeletal, vascular and
nervous structures. (a) Dorsal
notch of the foramen magnum;
(b) dorsal arch of C1; (c) spinous
process of C2; (d) C2 nerve roots b
and vessels. Note also the
vertebral artery and its branches


9.38 Two holes are drilled in the spinous process of C2.


9.39 The dorsal atlantoaxial ligament between C1

arch and C2 spinous process is disrupted in
atlantoaxial subluxation. The periosteum and soft
tissues are removed to allow access to the
vertebral canal between C1 and C2. A double
loop of wire is passed under the arch of C1 in a
cranial direction. Pressure on the spinal cord
must be avoided. The internal periosteum of the
vertebral canal may be continuous with the dura
mater at this stage, and gentle dissection is
required to allow passage of the wire.

9.40 The loop of wire is retrieved from the atlanto-

occipital space. This space may need to be
enlarged in order to grasp the wire. This is best
achieved by removing bone from the occiput,
thus preserving the dorsal arch of C1 required
for the fixation.

180 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

9.41 Arrangement of wires after tightening and

cutting the ends. If the spinous process is too
small to drill holes into, the suture can be
passed under the C2 spinous process
(Chambers et al., 1977).


9.42 Postoperative radiograph showing reduction of

the subluxation. Note that the wire under the
lamina of C1 is causing some spinal cord


Dorsal cross-pin fixation (9.43)

This should be stronger than dorsal wiring; it does not carry the risk of spinal cord trauma and provides a useful
rescue technique for any fixation failure. A disadvantage is that it still relies on the spinous process of C2. Care
must be taken during exposure of the wings of the atlas to avoid the C1 nerve root and also the vertebral artery as
it exits the transverse foramen (1.36). With the vertebrae reduced, a K-wire is driven in a ventrolateral direction
across each side of the spinous process of C2 to engage and penetrate the caudal half of the wing of C1.
Predrilling a small initial hole and then using a bone gouge is necessary to stop the pin from slipping caudally off
the sloped surface of the wing. Each K-wire is then removed and replaced by a positive profile pin. The pin usually
has to curve slightly between C1 and C2 in order to make good bone contact; the curve is best induced using the
bone gouge. Bone cement is then applied to the exposed aspects of the pins but direct contact should be avoided
between the cement and the spinous process of C2 in order to reduce the risk of thermal necrosis weakening
the bone of toy-breed dogs. Bone graft is also applied between the arch of C1 and the spinous process of C2 to
promote a fibro-osseous union (Jeffery, 1996).

9.43 A,B: Dorsal cross-pin fixation.


Lumbosacral disease Chapter


Clinical signs 183

Diagnosis 183
Examination 183
Differential diagnosis 184
Electrophysiology 184
Radiography 185

Treatment 188
Non-surgical treatment 188
Surgical treatment 188

Surgery 189
Dorsal laminectomy 189
Foraminal decompression or facetectomy 190
Dorsal fusion–fixation 190

Complications 191 10.1 Dog in a typical posture of low back pain. It also had
Intraoperative 191 lameness in one pelvic limb and marked pain on palpation over
Early postoperative 191 the lumbosacral junction.
Late postoperative 191

Postoperative care 192 cauda equina. The spinal cord ends within L6 vertebra
in most dogs or in L7 in cats and some small dogs
Prognosis 192 (Fletcher and Kitchell, 1966) (1.5, 1.8B, 1.9). The L7
nerve roots run in unique troughs called the lateral
Key issues for future investigation 193 recesses within L7 vertebra (1.28B).
Motion in the normal lumbar spine is greatest at the
References 193 lumbosacral joint (Burger and Lang, 1993). In some dogs,
abnormal motion probably leads to degenerative changes
Procedures 195 such as spondylosis deformans, osteophyte prolifera-
Dorsal laminectomy 195 tion and soft tissue overgrowth of the joint capsules.
Foraminal decompression and facetectomy 202 These degenerative changes appear to reduce the over-
Dorsal fixation–fusion 204 all range of motion and clinical problems may arise due
to subsequent compression of neural structures in the
vertebral canal and intervertebral foramina (Mattoon
and Koblik, 1993; Schmid and Lang, 1993). This
sequence of events resembles those thought to occur in
The clinical signs seen with lumbosacral lesions differ hip dysplasia (Chambers et al., 1988).
from those seen at other locations of the spine (10.1), A number of abnormalities may combine to cause
mainly because of the unique anatomical structure of the compression of the cauda equina or L7 nerve roots
region. The vertebral canal in this region contains only (10.2–10.4). These include:
182 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


10.2 A: Sagittal section to show the normal relationship between L7 and the sacrum. B: 3D reconstruction from a dog with a
normal lumbosacral spine (same dog as in 2.24). The dog was free of signs for lumbosacral disease and a transverse CT study
through this region was normal (10.10A).

10.3 A: Hansen type II disc

herniation compressing the cauda
equina (10.10B). B: 3D
reconstruction of a CT scan from a
7-year-old Mastiff with chronic, lower
back pain, reduced hock flexion and
low tail carriage. A large, disc
herniation was excised via dorsal
laminectomy. The dog then developed
urinary retention due to increased
sphincter tone; this resolved after
2 weeks of catheterization (O’Brien,
1988; Coates, 1999).


10.4 A: Ventral subluxation of the sacrum relative to L7. This may occur in normal dogs, although a step of more than 4 mm
suggests an abnormal lumbosacral junction (Wright, 1980; Denny et al., 1982; Schmid and Lang, 1993). B: Six-year-old working
German shepherd dog presenting with mild paraparesis, weak hock flexion and lumbosacral pain. The dog was seropositive for
Ehrlichia canis and returned to work after antibiotics; the subluxation did not seem to cause any clinical signs (3.2, 4.35).
Lumbosacral disease 183

• Stenosis (multilevel) of the vertebral canal (Meij, Table 10.1 Clinical signs of lumbosacral disease
1993; Jones et al., 1995a,b, 1996b).
• Hansen type II disc herniation at the L7/S1 Mild Severe
intervertebral space (Jones et al., 1996b). Low back pain – palpation, Mild pelvic limb paresis
• Subluxation, osteophytosis or thickening of the tail elevation, per rectum Pelvic limb muscle atrophy
articular processes (Jones et al., 1994). Difficulty sitting Tail paresis
• Epidural fibrosis (Oliver et al., 1978; Sisson et al., Difficulty jumping Fecal incontinence
Difficulty climbing Anal hyporeflexia
1992; Jones et al., 1996b, 1999).
Pelvic limb lameness, Urinary incontinence
• Soft tissue proliferation, usually of the joint capsule worsening with exercise Self-mutilation
or ligamentous structures (Jones et al., 1999). Hyperesthesia, pruritus
• Vascular compromise of the spinal nerves (Tarvin and
Prata, 1980; Jones et al., 1996a, 1999; Porter, 1996).
• Osteochondrosis of the sacrum (Lang et al., 1992;
Hanna, 2001). Incontinence results from pelvic and pudendal nerve
• Instability and misalignment between L7 and S1 dysfunction. Urinary incontinence is usually LMN in
(Schmid and Lang, 1993). nature with dribbling of urine and a bladder that is
The exact role of lumbosacral instability is unclear easily expressed by manual pressure (10.3) (see ‘Control
and it is difficult to quantify regardless of the imaging of urinary function’, page 350). Rarely, urinary dysfunc-
technique (Schmid and Lang, 1993; Fox et al., 1996). tion may be the only clinical sign (Tarvin and Prata,
This can pose a problem for surgical decision-making 1980). Fecal incontinence seems to be related mainly
(Algorithm 10.1). to poor anal tone, which may be present even when the
Larger-breed dogs, particularly German shepherd anal reflex is intact.
dogs, are affected most frequently although signs are Dogs with chronic degenerative lumbosacral lesions
also reported in small dogs (Tarvin and Prata, 1980; may present with non-specific clinical signs, but low back
Lang et al., 1992; Jones et al., 1995b). Young, working pain is quite different from that seen in thoracolumbar
dogs that have been trained heavily are particularly lesions. Diagnosis of lumbosacral disease depends on
prone to this disorder (Wheeler, 1992; Danielsson and recognizing the historical features and clinical signs and
Sjostrom, 1999; Jones et al., 2000). The condition is on a careful physical examination, which should pin-
rare in cats (Hurov, 1985; Stoll, 1996). Although point the source of pain.
degenerative and congenital conditions are the focus of
this chapter, other disorders can affect the lumbosacral
spine. Tumors (see Chapter 12) and fractures (see
Chapter 13) should be considered in the differential
diagnosis. Discospondylitis also occurs at the lumbo- Examination
sacral junction (14.12); its management is discussed in Clinical signs may be vague in some dogs, which makes
Chapter 14 (page 327). Articular (synovial) cysts have accurate diagnosis difficult. A thorough physical,
also been described as a cause of lumbosacral pain in a orthopedic and neurological examination is essential,
German shepherd dog (Webb et al., 2001). along with a rectal examination. In view of the diffi-
culty in interpreting some of the ancillary diagnostic
tests the clinical signs may provide the main basis for
CLINICAL SIGNS reaching a diagnosis (Table 10.1).
Lumbosacral lesions can cause pelvic limb gait abnormal- The anal reflex, sphincter tone and tail tone should
ities, lameness, or lower motor neuron (LMN) neurolog- be evaluated. Reduced or absent hock flexion during
ical deficits. Pain is common but additional signs vary the withdrawal reflex (2.27) is a sensitive indicator of
depending on the nature and severity of the neurological motor dysfunction in the sciatic nerve (but mild lesions
impairment (McKee, 1993) (Table 10.1). There may be will only cause loss of proprioception). The patellar
pain with no deficits; mild paresis with proprioceptive reflex may also appear exaggerated if sciatic nerve
deficits; or paraparesis, tail paralysis and incontinence function is depressed. This phenomenon of ‘pseudo-
(Oliver et al., 1978; de Risio et al., 2001). Limb signs hyperreflexia’ must be differentiated from the increased
include lameness or sciatic deficits affecting the caudal reflex that occurs with upper motor neuron (UMN)
thigh muscles and those distal to the stifle (Tarvin and deficits seen with lesions cranial to the L4 segment.
Prata, 1980; Meij et al., 1993). Lameness in performance Pseudohyperreflexia results from decreased tone in the
animals is often exacerbated by work (Jones et al., 2000). muscles innervated by the sciatic nerve, which normally
184 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

counteract the extension of the stifle induced by the imaging should extend as far forward as the L4/5 disc
patellar reflex (see page 27). space to include the sacral spinal cord.
Hyperesthesia is a frequent finding and the hind-
quarters should be palpated carefully to locate the focus
of pain. Manipulation of the limbs and spine may pro- Electrophysiology
voke a pain response, but it may be difficult to distin- Clinical electrophysiological studies are useful to confirm
guish pain associated with spinal disease from that LMN disease and nerve root dysfunction (Sisson et al.,
caused by orthopedic problems. Direct pressure over the 1992; Meij, 1993; de Risio et al., 2001; Cuddon, 2002;
lumbosacral joint, either with the examiner’s knee Cuddon et al., 2003) (see page 60). Electromyography
between the dog’s rear limbs to support its pelvis and lift of the limbs, tail and perineum may reveal spontaneous
its feet off the ground slightly or with the dog lying on its activity, which is consistent with LMN involvement.
side (or per rectum), may help to differentiate lum- However, a normal electromyogram does not eliminate
bosacral pain from orthopedic disease. Pain may also be the possibility of lumbosacral disease (de Risio et al.,
elicited by elevation of or traction on the tail and when 2001). Electromyography is particularly useful to reduce
rotating the lumbosacral joint by swinging both rear the number of false-positive diagnoses associated with
limbs from one side to the other (Sjostrum, 2003). A MRI evidence of nerve root disorders (Nardin et al.,
final test is to have the dog stand up on its rear legs, with 1999) (see page 60). Nerve conduction studies and F-
its front feet resting on a chair and its spine extended, wave latencies may also be useful (Cuddon, 2002;
and then apply pressure over the lumbosacral space. Cuddon et al., 2003) (see page 61). Abnormal findings
If lameness or weakness worsen with exercise and confirm LMN disease but do not specify the etiology.
resolve to some degree with rest then they may be due
to neurogenic claudication, a condition well recognized
in humans. This is due to failure of arterial vasodilation in
Table 10.2 Differential diagnosis of lumbosacral disease
affected nerve roots during exercise. As well as lame-
ness, paresthesia and sphincter disturbance may also Severe neurological
occur (Markwalder, 1993; Porter, 1996). Neurogenic Mild clinical signs deficits
claudication has also been recognized in dogs, one of Neurological disorders
which had concomitant stranguria (Tarvin and Prata, Degenerative myelopathy Degenerative myelopathy
1980). Synovial cyst Ischemic myelopathy
Schmorl’s node Ischemic neuromyopathy
Differential diagnosis Discogenic pain Neoplasia
Facet joint pain Discospondylitis or epidural
Differentials vary depending on whether the dog has Sacroiliac joint pain abscess
non-specific signs or obvious neurological deficits (Table Congenital anomaly—spina Polyradiculoneuritis
3.5 and 10.2). Dogs with the orthopedic diseases listed bifida, dermoid sinus Myelitis
in Table 10.2 have a normal neurological examination. Tethering of the terminal Trauma
Dogs with pain and no neurological deficits could have spinal cord
Peripheral neuropathy
synovial cysts (Webb et al., 2001); tethering of the dural Neoplasia—spinal cord or
sac (Huttmann et al., 2001; Shamir et al., 2001); inflam- nerve root
mation of disc, meninges or nerve root; or possibly either Discospondylitis
facet or sacroiliac joint pain (Pang et al., 1998) (see Occult discospondylitis
Chapter 14). Dogs with degenerative myelopathy are Meningomyelitis
pain free and the withdrawal reflex is normal, but the
patellar reflex may be depressed because of dorsal nerve
Orthopedic disorders
root involvement (see Chapter 14). It may not be pos- Coxofemoral arthritis
sible to differentiate degenerative lumbosacral disease, Cruciate rupture
discospondylitis and neoplasia on physical examination. Gracilis contracture
In some dogs, disorders such as degenerative myelopathy Psoas muscle injury
Pelvic limb lameness, other
(10.53) or a thoracolumbar disc(s) may coexist with
lumbosacral disease and this can confound the neurolog-
ical localization (2.24). The deficits of lumbosacral dis- Prostatic disease
ease are referable to the L4–S3 nerve roots and so may Urethral neoplasia
be difficult to differentiate from L4–S3 lesions that Anal sac adenocarcinoma
are situated within the dural sac (2.25). In such dogs,
Lumbosacral disease 185

Radiography normal survey radiographs (Ness, 1994). Identification

SURVEY RADIOGRAPHY of sacral osteochondrosis or transitional vertebrae
It is advisable that the patient be anesthetized or increases substantially the likelihood that the dog’s signs
sedated heavily when radiographing the lumbosacral are due to cauda equina compression (Lang et al., 1992;
joint. Rotation of the spine and pelvis must be avoided Morgan et al., 1993; Morgan, 1999) (10.6).
(4.14, 4.15). The value of flexed and extended posi- Neurological localization of a patient may indicate a
tional survey radiographs appears limited (Mattoon and lesion of L4–S3 spinal cord or nerve roots. It may be pos-
Koblik, 1993; Schmid and Lang, 1993). The main role sible to define the location more accurately, for example
of survey radiographs is to rule out neoplasia (12.11A), by the anal reflex. Consideration of the diagnostic imag-
trauma (13.21) and discospondylitis (14.12). ing in many of these patients frequently focuses on the
Many clinically normal dogs have radiographic abnor- lumbosacral joint alone. This policy runs the risk of miss-
malities of the lumbosacral junction (10.5). Conversely, ing lesions elsewhere in the vertebral column that are
occasional dogs with lumbosacral disease will have involving the L4–S3 cord segments (2.25) or ascribing
significance to incidental lesions (10.4).

Myelography (or MRI) is particularly useful in dogs that
might have a spinal cord lesion (2.25). The subarachnoid
space extends beyond the lumbosacral junction in about
80% of dogs (Lang, 1988; Ness, 1994; de Risio et al.,
2001). Myelography can therefore be useful to assess
the low lumbar region as well as the rest of the spinal
cord (Ramirez and Thrall, 1998; Sjostrum, 2003).
Cervical injection is preferred, as it avoids the potential
for epidural contrast leakage in the area of interest.
Filling of the dural sac is improved by flexing the spine
(Lang, 1988). Lesions may cause dorsal elevation or
attenuation of the column; flexion–extension studies
may also be useful (10.7), but false-positive results occur
10.5 Lumbosacral spondylosis deformans and narrowing of the
intervertebral space. This type of change is seen frequently in (Lang, 1988; Watt, 1991; Danielsson and Sjostrom,
older, large-breed dogs but in itself is not diagnostic of disease 1999). Furthermore, a normal study does not preclude
(Morgan et al., 1989; Ramirez and Thrall, 1998). cauda equina involvement (Ramirez and Thrall, 1998).


10.6 A, B: Five-year-old German shepherd dog with lumbosacral pain. Sacral OCD is present; the fragment moves with flexion and
extension (Lang et al., 1992). Subluxation of the articular facets (arrowhead) with foraminal narrowing is also evident (10.11, 10.46).
C: Four-year-old dog with transitional vertebra and left nerve root signature. 3D reconstruction of the CT scan shows foraminal
narrowing on the left due to a large articular facet (10.9). There is only one transverse process (arrow); the other is fused to the ilium.
186 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

DISCOGRAPHY AND EPIDUROGRAPHY Sjostrom, 1999) (10.8). Discography is abnormal if

These two methods can be very useful, especially when more than 0.3 ml of contrast medium can be injected
used in combination (Selcer et al., 1988; Barthez et al., (Barthez et al., 1994). When both are to be done the
1994; Ramirez and Thrall, 1998; Danielsson and discogram should precede the epidurogram. Positional
views may be employed with epidurography (Selcer
et al., 1988; Ramirez and Thrall, 1998). If both myelog-
raphy and epidurography are planned, the myelogram
should be performed first, as the presence of epidural
contrast complicates myelographic interpretation. The
utility of discography may be enhanced if it is followed
by CT and discography in humans may be more sensi-
tive in detecting anular tears than MRI (Ohnmeiss
et al., 1997; Milette et al., 1999).

A CT is particularly useful as it shows clearly the vertebral
canal (10.10), lateral recesses (1.28), intervertebral
foramina (1.26, 1.27) and articular processes (10.9) in
cross-sectional images (Jones et al., 1995a, 1996b).
Reformatting can be used to create dorsal and sagittal
images (10.11) and facet joint subluxation may be vis-
ible using bone window images or 3D reconstructions
(Jones et al., 1994; Meij et al., 1996) (10.6, 10.48). CT
can also be used for dynamic studies (10.11) and is help-
ful when performed after surgery (Meij et al., 1996;
Jones et al., 2000) (10.54). The primary abnormalities
visible on CT are a replacement of epidural fat with soft
10.7 Seven-year-old German shepherd dog with mild paraparesis tissue density (10.10), which often represents epidural
and lumbosacral pain. There is a change in the degree of fibrosis, and multilevel compression (Jones et al., 1996b)
compression at the lumbosacral space between flexion and (10.17). Use of intravenous contrast may improve surgi-
extension. A: Good filling of the dural sac when the spine is cal decision-making by identifying compressed tissues,
flexed; mild disc herniation is present at L6/7. B: There is dorsal
which tend to enhance (Jones et al., 1999) (10.40).
displacement of the dural sac in extension and marked
attenuation of contrast filling from L6/7 caudally. Fixation fusion Some CT findings, such as loss of epidural fat, may not
was done using two screws and a bone graft but fixation was be of clinical significance in older animals (Jones and
suboptimal (10.16). Inzana, 2000). In contrast to MRI, CT offers lower cost


10.8 A: Discogram demonstrating a large disc herniation. B: The needle was then withdrawn slightly to perform the
epidurogram, which also outlines the bulging disc. Attenuation of more than 50% of the canal is considered abnormal (Ramirez
and Thrall, 1998).
Lumbosacral disease 187

and thinner slice thickness along with better discrimina- component to the compression (10.12). One potential
tion of bone spurs, articular process disease, soft tissue disadvantage of MRI is over-diagnosis. Even expert,
calcification, and soft tissue gas opacities (Jones et al., human neuroradiologists tend to over-interpret the sig-
2000). Scans should include at least the L6 vertebral nificance of lesions seen on MRI (Deyo, 1994; Jensen
body and, ideally, additional images should also be made
through the L4/5 and L5/6 disc spaces (10.17).

This provides better soft tissue resolution than CT as
well as an ability to acquire images in multiple planes
without image degradation; earlier detection of disc
degeneration (1.9, 4.68) and evaluation of the entire
lumbar spine in a single sagittal examination (Ramirez
and Thrall, 1998; Jones et al., 2000) (1.9, 2.25, 10.12).
Slice thickness is often greater than for CT, however, A
which increases volume averaging artefacts (Jones et al.,
2000). Transverse images provide the best visualization
of disc or foraminal anatomy (Adams et al., 1995) (1.9).
They also reveal lesions in a foramen that cannot be
detected by myelography or epidurography (Chambers
et al., 1997). Sagittal views made with the spine in
flexion and then extension help to identify a dynamic

10.10 A: Transverse CT scan at the level of the L7/S1 disc in a

dog with a normal lumbosacral spine. The nerve roots and
dural sac are surrounded by epidural fat. Same dog as in 10.2.
B: In this dog (also shown in 10.3) there is almost complete loss
of epidural fat and a general increase in soft tissue opacity.


10.11 Sagittal reformatted CT scan made with the dog in an

B A: extended position and B: flexed position. There is stenosis of
the vertebral canal and foramina with a bulging L7/S1 disc. An
10.9 Marked foraminal compression is evident on A: transverse OCD lesion is visible on the sacrum and the degree of compression
CT scan, and B: 3D reconstruction. Same dog as in 10.6C. increases with extension. Same dog as in 10.6 A, B and 10.46.
188 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

et al., 1994). Therefore, the clinician should not rely clinical signs and this must be considered prior to insti-
exclusively on imaging to confirm the diagnosis (Brant- tuting treatment (Deyo, 1994; Jensen et al., 1994; Jones
Zawadzki et al., 1995; Gorman and Hodak, 1997; and Inzana, 2000). A herniated disc is detected in a high
Milette et al., 1999). Part of the problem is a confusion proportion of people who have never had spinal pain and
in terminology. Classification of lesions into a disc bulge, so imaging alone, both in dogs and in humans, should not
protrusion or extrusion is not very helpful in humans serve as confirmation of a clinical diagnosis (Gorman and
(Milette et al., 1999) (see pages 13 and 58). In particular, Hodak, 1997). Electrophysiological testing provides an
bulges or protrusions are common incidental findings in additional means of independent confirmation of lesions
people without back pain (Deyo, 1994; Jensen et al., (Nardin et al., 1999).
1994). Criteria in humans for disruption of disc anatomy
include a loss of disc height; decrease in central disc sig-
nal on T2-weighting; or localized, peripheral hyperinten- TREATMENT
sity on T2-weighting. Most outer anulus disruptions in Non-surgical treatment
humans are symptomatic (Milette et al., 1999). Most dogs are treated initially with rest and anti-
The choice of diagnostic tests is largely dependent inflammatory medication (Table 15.2). This may be suc-
on availability and clinician preference. Physical and cessful if pain is the main clinical sign; 3–4 months of
neurological examination, survey radiography, CSF sam- exercise restriction produced improvement in 8/16 dogs
pling at both the cerebello-medullary cistern (CMC) (50%) (Ness, 1994). Such a course is seldom effective in
and lumbar sites, and clinical electrophysiology are working dogs and signs often recur when normal activi-
recommended. Imaging by CT or MR is done when ties are resumed (Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999;
available as they provide cross-sectional images (Ramirez Janssens et al., 2000; Sjostrum, 2003).
and Thrall, 1998; de Risio et al., 2001). CT and MRI can
also be used to compare the degree of compression with Surgical treatment
the spine in flexed and extended positions (Bagley, Surgical treatment is indicated when non-surgical treat-
2003) (10.6A,B, 10.11, 10.12, 10.46). Either myelog- ment has failed; in working dogs; and in those with pain
raphy or MRI should be performed if the dog has signs of or neurological deficits (Sjostrum, 2003). Further indica-
spinal cord disease (2.25). MRI is the best, single imag- tions for surgery include CT or MR findings of increased
ing modality overall for humans (Kent et al., 1992). The soft tissue suggestive of epidural fibrosis, especially if it
position of the dog in the scanner can be very important; enhances with contrast. The choice of surgical procedure
a neutral or flexed position reduces compression com- is then between dorsal laminectomy, distraction and
pared to an extended position (Adams et al., 1995; Jones fusion, or a combination of the two. Definitive criteria for
et al., 2000). If CT or MRI is not available, myelography these procedures are lacking. Laminectomy alone is not
is performed followed by discography and epidurogra- effective for dogs with chronic incontinence (de Risio
phy if necessary (Sisson et al., 1992; Sjostrum, 2003). et al., 2001). Fusion alone may be insufficient for dogs with
Some lesions detected by CT or MRI do not cause neurological deficits or severe pain (Slocum and Devine,


10.12 T2-weighted MRIs of a 7-year-old Labrador with lumbosacral pain. A: Image made with the spine in flexion. There is loss of
signal in the L7/S1 disc but little compression of the cauda equina (arrowhead). B: Image from the same dog with the spine in
extension. There is severe compression at L7/S1 caused by both disc and ligamentum flavum (arrowhead). A large disc herniation
was confirmed at surgery.
Lumbosacral disease 189

1998). These presentations warrant combined dorsal excised once the cauda equina is retracted laterally when
laminectomy and fixation–fusion. Additional indications there is marked bulging of the disc (10.3, 10.39). Routine
for distraction and fusion include a marked change in the fenestration may also be warranted (Danielsson and
degree of compression between flexion and extension or Sjostrom, 1999). Any redundant joint capsule should also
a telescoping of the facets, which suggest instability be resected. Laminectomy often provides rapid relief of
(10.6A,B, 10.46–10.48). An algorithm for surgical pain with improvement of mild gait abnormalities and
decision-making is shown in Algorithm 10.1. minor neurological deficits (Danielsson and Sjostrom,
1999; Risio et al., 2001). It does not address instability if
this is a contributing factor. Decompression by laminec-
SURGERY tomy can be combined with fixation and fusion (Slocum
Dorsal laminectomy (10.18–10.39) and Devine, 1998; Bagley, 2003) (10.46–10.54). As dogs
Decompression of the cauda equina and spinal nerves can with incontinence of more than 6 weeks duration
be achieved by dorsal laminectomy (10.13), which can respond poorly to laminectomy alone they should also
be combined with foraminal decompression or even face- undergo fixation and fusion (de Risio et al., 2001).
tectomy (10.40–10.45). The anulus fibrosus should be Results of dorsal laminectomy are shown in Table 10.3.

Algorithm 10.1 Surgical decision-making

Pain, mild Neurological Incontinence Severe
in lumbosacral disease.
deficits or radiculopathy
severe pain
incontinence Severe
on imaging

+/– foraminal Dorsal laminectomy,
decompression Dorsal
laminectomy, +/– foraminal
foraminal decompression
decompression or facetectomy
Fixation– AND fixation– +/– fusion
fusion fusion


10.13 Postoperative appearance 1 year after dorsal laminectomy; this dog remained painful until it underwent a fixation fusion
(10.53). An asterisk indicates the L7/S1 disc space. A: Mid-sagittal 3D reconstruction after CT scan. B: Dorsal view of the 3D
reconstruction shown in A. Same dog as shown in 10.6A,B, 10.11 and 10.46.
190 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Epidural fibrosis is a common finding; this is Chapter 11). A rationale can therefore be made for
probably a response to chronic compression (10.17B). lumbosacral distraction and stabilization (Oliver et al.,
Magnification is recommended if attempts are made to 1978). The principle is the same, namely to open the
break down adhesions around nerve roots (Oliver et al., vertebral canal and intervertebral foramen, relieve
1978; Fingeroth et al., 1989; Sisson et al., 1992; pressure on neural tissues, and prevent abnormal motion.
Markwalder, 1993; Jones et al., 1996b, 1999). Distraction of the dorsal aspect of L7 and S1 is achieved
using screws placed through the articular processes of
L7/S1 and into the body of the sacrum (10.14). Fusion is
Foraminal decompression or promoted by removing the articular cartilage from the
facetectomy (10.40–10.45) facet joints and by a cancellous bone graft (10.52). This
An increase in soft tissue within the foramen, loss of can be combined with dorsal laminectomy, especially
epidural fat or facet osteophytosis are indicators of prob- for dogs with marked neurological deficits, severe pain,
able radiculopathy (Adams et al., 1995; Jones et al.,
1996b). Contrast enhancement after CT or MRI further
increases preoperative suspicion of foraminal disease
(Jones et al., 1999, 2000) (10.40). Together with radic-
ular pain and delayed late waves (see Chapter 4), these
features are indicators for some form of foraminal
decompression (Oliver et al., 1978; Chambers et al.,
1988). The laminectomy can be simply undercut or
widened over the foramen and any osteophytes can also
be removed by undercutting (10.41–10.43). However,
the foramen can be difficult to examine fully until the
facet is removed (Watt, 1991). The risks and benefits of
facetectomy are unclear as is the need for subsequent
stabilization (Slocum and Devine, 1998) (10.45).
Lumbosacral stiffness is decreased markedly after bilat-
eral facetectomy (Smith and Bebchuk, 2002). 10.14 Middle-aged German shepherd dog that presented with
mild pelvic limb weakness, lumbosacral pain, anal hyporeflexia
and dribbling urine. CT scan revealed marked telescoping of the
sacrum relative to L7. Screw fixation was performed using
Dorsal fusion–fixation (10.46–10.54) 4.0 mm cancellous screws. The screws had loosened slightly at
There are a number of similarities between lumbosacral 6-week follow-up but the dog had an excellent outcome with
disease and caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy (see resolution of all signs for 3 years.

Table10.3 Results after dorsal laminectomy (⫹ or ⫺ foraminal decompression)

Oliver et al., Chambers et al., Danielsson and Risio et al.,

1978 1988 Sjostrom, 1999 2001

Dogs (n) 10 26 131 69

Good outcome* n (%) 9 (90) 19 (73) 122 (93) 54 (78)

Mean follow-up months (range) 13 (1–48) 21 (2–55) 26 ⫹/⫺17 (5–73) 38 ⫹/⫺22 (6–96)

Median follow-up months 6 18 N/A 36

Incontinence resolved 3/4 1/8 N/A 5/11

*Substantial improvement and resolution of any incontinence.

N/A, not available.
Lumbosacral disease 191

or a large disc herniation (Slocum and Devine, 1998; distal cortex in order to avoid damage to the lumbosacral
Bagley, 2003). trunk of the sciatic nerve (1.8, 10.15).

COMPLICATIONS Early postoperative

These have been reviewed extensively after lumbar Seroma formation is particularly likely in the lum-
disc surgery in humans but have not been reviewed for bosacral region if there is any dead space (Oliver et al.,
dogs (Stolke et al., 1989; Fritsch et al., 1996; Gibson 1978; Slocum and Devine, 1986; Chambers et al.,
et al., 2002). Intraoperative, early postoperative and 1988; Watt, 1991; Ness, 1994). Infection can occur,
late complications are listed in Table 10.4. especially as some dogs have established urinary tract
infection (UTI) (Oliver et al., 1978). Occasionally, a dog
may be unable to void after surgery because of increased
sympathetic tone (10.3), analogous to that seen after
The surgeon must be vigilant while using a scalpel in the
sacrocaudal injury (see page 351).
vertebral canal to fenestrate the L7/S1 disc, and also
If pain persists after surgery this suggests implant fail-
while using a bur to undercut a facet, to avoid inadvertent
ure, residual compression or possibly instability (10.53).
damage to the cauda equina. In some cases an AO drill
guard can be used to protect neural tissues from the bur.
The base of the L7 articular process must not be thinned
excessively (10.41, 10.42), especially when foraminal
Late postoperative
Implant loosening or failure is always a risk after instru-
decompression is performed. In addition, over-tightening
mented fusion (Fox et al., 1996; Gibson et al., 2002).
must be avoided when placing a screw across the L7/S1
It is usually due to poor implant selection or subopti-
facet or the facet could fracture. When placing screws,
mal technique (10.16). Sometimes implant failure does
the drill bit, tap and screw must not extend beyond the
not cause clinical problems, especially if physiological
fusion progresses fast enough (Slocum and Devine,
1986; Bagley, 2003) (10.14, 10.53).
Table 10.4 Intraoperative, early postoperative and late
Postoperative imaging for recurrent lumbosacral pain
postoperative complications
may reveal residual disc material or fibrous scar, espe-
Early Late cially when intravenous contrast is used (Jones et al.,
Intraoperative postoperative postoperative 1999, 2000). Postoperative scarring has been reported
Iatrogenic nerve Implant failure Implant failure in several studies (Adams et al., 1995; Danielsson and
root injury Instability (10.16) Recurrence of Sjostrom, 1999; Risio et al., 2001). Herniation of the
Fracture of L7 Dorsal seroma signs (10.53) dural sac through the laminectomy defect has also been
articular facet Infection Dural herniation reported; this may be secondary to tearing of the dura
Poor implant Increased sphincter Scar formation
(Lang, 1988; Markwalder, 1993; Fox et al., 1996). Patient
position (10.16) tone Infection (10.45)
Spinal nerve injury age and operative time are predictors of complications
Inadequate in humans undergoing lumbar disc surgery (Stolke
decompression et al., 1989). Additional reasons for failure to improve
include surgery done at the wrong site, insufficient

10.15 Nine-year-old Pug that under-

went dorsal laminectomy and fixation
fusion using 2.7 mm screws and a
bone graft. These screws are actually
still contained within bone because of
the contour of the ventral sacrum
(1.28B, 10.46, 10.50, 10.54). However,
if they were any longer there would be
risk of damaging the proximal sciatic
nerve, which lies in very close proximity
to the ventral surface of the sacroiliac
joint. Same dog as in 10.47.

192 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.16 A: Eight week follow-up radio-

graph reveals implant failure due to poor
technique. The screws were put in at too
steep an angle in the sagittal plane.
Immediate postoperative radiographs
and fluoroscopy showed the screws to
be in bone and not the disc space; the
dog was confined in the hope that fusion
would occur before implant failure. One
screw has now backed out (10.14,
10.15, 10.53). B: 3D reconstruction
shows the screws also do not diverge
sufficiently from each other in a trans-
verse plane (10.50).


decompression or removal of disc material, a second disc of an osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesion does not
lesion, extravertebral compression or nerve root trauma appear to affect prognosis after surgery (Hanna, 2001).
(Fritsch et al., 1996; Janssens et al., 2000). The prognosis for working dogs is similar with 67 of 88
Facet fracture can cause persistent signs after dorsal (76%) returning to normal duties after dorsal decompres-
laminectomy. It can occur after excessive thinning of sion (Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999; Jones et al., 2000).
the base of the L7 facet at laminectomy or from over- Some of these working dogs had also undergone forami-
tightening of a screw (Adams et al., 1995). Repeat nal decompression or facetectomy (Jones et al., 2000).
imaging is recommended when postoperative problems The presence of fecal incontinence, and both the pres-
develop as very good outcomes have been reported ence and the duration of urinary incontinence prior to
after a second surgery (Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999; surgery, are negative prognostic factors in dogs with lum-
Jones et al., 2000; Risio et al., 2001). bosacral disease. Incontinence for longer than 6 weeks
carries a guarded prognosis (Risio et al., 2001). Success
POSTOPERATIVE CARE (see Chapter 15) rates after surgery are known to decline over time in
humans and this also seems to be true in dogs (Fox et al.,
Strict rest is enforced for 3 months following surgery,
1996; Javid and Hadar, 1998; Janssens et al., 2000).
followed by a gradual return to fitness over a further 2
Few specific results are available for either foraminal
months. Dogs that are allowed to move freely too soon
decompression or facetectomy. Foraminal decompression
after surgery are at risk of making a poor recovery
in 12 dogs did not improve outcome compared to 15 dogs
(de Risio et al., 2001). For working and athletic dogs,
in which laminectomy alone was performed (de Risio
an additional month of gradual transition to full work is
et al., 2001). Facetectomy gave good long-term results in
recommended (Sjostrum, 2003). After fixation–fusion
15/15 dogs but many were of small breeds (Tarvin and
the dog is confined for at least 6–8 weeks or until there
Prata, 1980). Nine of 11 larger-breed dogs improved
is radiographic evidence of fusion. Physical therapy, leash
after facet removal but were often left with residual signs
walking and swimming are used with a gradual return to
(Denny et al., 1982; Watt, 1991; Ness, 1994).
normal activity over a further 2–3 months (Bagley, 2003).
Repeat surgery is indicated for dogs with a poor initial
Long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
outcome or that suffer a recurrence of signs following
(NSAIDs) have been suggested to reduce postoperative
dorsal laminectomy. Good results were reported for
scarring and improve outcome but this is unsubstanti-
four of six dogs undergoing a second surgery; with scar
ated (Janssens et al., 2000).
tissue being the most common finding on re-operation
(Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999; de Risio et al., 2001).
PROGNOSIS There are only two limited studies with long-term fol-
Laminectomy provides rapid relief of pain in most dogs. low-up after fixation–fusion. All eight dogs in one study
Similarly, lameness and mild neurological deficits usually and five of five in another had good outcomes (Slocum
improve rapidly. More severe deficits probably carry a and Devine, 1986; Meheust, 2000). Although one study
less favorable prognosis (Denny et al., 1982; Chambers in humans reported better results after fusion than after
et al., 1988; Chambers, 1989). Few studies document decompression alone, a large meta-analysis of all avail-
long-term follow-up after lumbosacral surgery. Studies able data in people found that fusion did not improve
with mean follow-up periods beyond 1 year show overall outcome and was associated with a higher complication
success rates from 73 to 93% (Table 10.3). The presence rate (Fox et al., 1996; Gibson et al., 2002).
Lumbosacral disease 193

Key issues for future investigation

1. What is the significance of instability and how should it be assessed (Fox et al., 1996; Gibson et al., 2002) (10.53)?

2. What is the role of facetectomy and should it be followed by stabilization (10.45)?

3. Is routine dorsal anulectomy of benefit or does it increase collapse of the lumbosacral space (Danielsson and Sjostrom,
1999; Janssens et al., 2000; de Risio et al., 2001)?

4. Does grafting at the disc space promote fusion (page 328) (Auger et al., 2000)?

5. Why is epidural fibrosis so common and is it a consequence of multilevel compression (Jayson, 1992; Porter, 1996)?

6. How should lesions at more than one location be dealt with; that is, should decompression be extended over L6/7 for the
dog in 10.17A?

7. What are the long-term outcomes after fixation–fusion?

8. When is fusion indicated and when is decompression indicated?

10.17 A: This dog has a lesion at

L7/S1 and another at L6/7. B: This
dog has an isolated L7/S1 lesion.
Several studies have emphasized the
role of multilevel compression (Jayson,
1992; Markwalder, 1993; Jones et al.,
1996b; Porter, 1996).


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ultrasonography. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 37, 133–140. pression from lumbosacral malarticulation and malformation in the
Jones, J.C., Sorjonen, D.C., Simpson, S.T., Coates, J.R., Lenz, S.D., dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 173,
Hathcock, J.T., Agee, M.W., Bartels, J.E. (1996b) Comparison between 207–214.
computed tomographic and surgical findings in nine large-breed dogs with Palmer, R.H., Chambers, J.N. (1991) Canine lumbosacral diseases. Part II.
lumbosacral stenosis. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 37, 247–256. Definitive diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Compendium on
Jones, J.C., Shires, P.K., Inzana, K.D., Sponenberg, D.P., Massicotte, C., Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 13, 213–222.
Renberg, W., Giroux, A. (1999) Evaluation of canine lumbosacral steno- Pang, W.W., Mok, M.S., Lin, M.L., Chang, D.P., Hwang, M.H. (1998)
sis using intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Veterinary Application of spinal pain mapping in the diagnosis of low back pain—
Radiology and Ultrasound 40, 108–114. analysis of 104 cases. Acta Anaesthesiological Sinica 36, 71–74.
Jones, J.C., Banfield, C.M., Ward, D.L. (2000) Association between post- Porter, R.W. (1996) Spinal stenosis and neurogenic claudication. Spine 21,
operative outcome and results of magnetic resonance imaging and computed 2046–2052.
tomography in working dogs with degenerative lumbosacral stenosis. Ramirez, O., III, Thrall, D.E. (1998) A review of imaging techniques for
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 216, 1769–1774. canine cauda equina syndrome. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 39,
Jones, J.C., Shires, P.K., Inzana, K.D., Mosby, A.D., Sponenberg, D.P., 283–296.
Lanz, O.I. (2002) Use of computed tomographic densitometry to quantify Schmid, V., Lang, J. (1993) Measurements on the lumbosacral junction in
contrast enhancement of compressive soft tissues in the canine lumbosacral normal dogs and those with cauda equina compression. Journal of Small
vertebral canal. American Journal of Veterinary Research 63, 733–737. Animal Practice 34, 437–442.
Lumbosacral disease 195

Selcer, B.A., Chambers, J.N., Schwensen, K. (1988) Epidurography as a diag- Smith, M.E.H., Bebchuk, T. (2002) An in vitro biomechanical study of the
nostic aid in canine lumbosacral compressive disease: 47 cases (1981–1986). effects of surgical modification upon the canine lumbosacral spine.
Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2, 97–103. Veterinary Surgery 31, 505.
Shamir, M., Rochkind, S., Johnston, D. (2001) Surgical treatment of teth- Stolke, D., Sollmann, W.P., Seifert, V. (1989) Intra- and postoperative
ered spinal cord syndrome in a dog with myelomeningocele. Veterinary complications in lumbar disc surgery. Spine 14, 56–59.
Record 148, 755–756. Stoll, S.G. (1996) Alternative method of traction stabilization of L7–S1.
Sisson, A.F., LeCouteur, R.A., Ingram, J.T., Park, R.D., Child, G. (1992) San Francisco: American College of Veterinary Surgeons Symposium,
Diagnosis of cauda equina abnormalities by using electromyography, 116–117.
discography, and epidurography in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Tarvin, G., Prata, R.G. (1980) Lumbosacral stenosis in dogs. Journal of the
Medicine 6, 253–263. American Veterinary Medical Association 177, 154–159.
Sjostrum, L. (2003) Decompression of lumbosacral disease. In: D. Slatter Watt, P.R. (1991) Degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in 18 dogs. Journal of
(ed.), Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 3rd edn, 1227–1237. Small Animal Practice 32, 125–134.
Philadelphia: Elsevier Science. Webb, A.A., Pharr, J.W., Lew, L.J., Tryon, K.A. (2001) MR imaging find-
Slocum, B., Devine, T. (1986) L7–S1 fixation–fusion for treatment of ings in a dog with lumbar ganglion cysts. Veterinary Radiology and
cauda equina compression in the dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Ultrasound 42, 9–13.
Medical Association 188, 31–35. Wheeler, S.J. (1992) Lumbosacral disease. Veterinary Clinics of North
Slocum, B., Devine, T. (1998) L7–S1 fixation–fusion technique for cauda America, Small Animal Practice 22, 937–950.
equina syndrome. In: M.J. Bojrab (ed.), Current Techniques in Small Wright, J.A. (1980) Spondylosis deformans of the lumbosacral joint in
Animal Surgery, 5th edn. 861–864. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 21, 45–55.

Dorsal laminectomy (10.18–10.39)
Discectomy may or may not provide additional benefit to laminectomy although it is logical for dogs in which the
disc is causing significant compression (Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999; Janssens et al., 2000; de Risio et al.,
2001). A cancellous bone graft can be placed into the disc space following curettage and this may enhance
fusion (Auger et al., 2000) (10.52, 14.12).

10.18 Positioning of dog for

lumbosacral surgery.
Note that the pelvic limbs
are drawn forward. The
interarcuate space and
dorsal anulus are
widened by either sup-
porting the pelvis over a
sandbag or by pulling the 10.18
hocks further forward
with the hips flexed (Oliver et al., 1978; Watt, 1991; Slocum and Devine, 1998; Bagley, 2003; Sjostrum,
2003). The dog’s head is to the left in all illustrations.

10.19 The important landmarks are being palpated.

The surgeon’s right hand is on the cranial dor-
sal iliac spine. The left index finger is on the
spinous process of L6. The spinous process of
L7 is shorter and often cannot be palpated
(10.2B, 10.24, 10.26).

196 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.20 Here the upper instrument is over the lumbo-

sacral space, and the lower instrument on the
wing of the left ilium.


10.21 The skin incision is made just lateral to

the midline. It extends from the spinous a
process of L5 to the caudal end of the
fused spinous processes of the sacrum.
Here the skin and superficial fascia (a) b
have been incised revealing the deep
lumbodorsal fascia (b). The fascia,
which may be quite thick, is undermined 10.21
slightly to facilitate closure (8.13) prior
to incision.

10.22 The lumbodorsal fascia is incised around

and between the spinous processes b
(a). This reveals the epaxial musculature. a a
Here the fascia has been incised and
retracted on the lower side of the
illustration but is still intact on the upper
side (b). The lumbodorsal fascia merges
with the interspinous ligament that lies c d e
between the spinous processes.
(c) Transverse process L6. (d) Transverse
process L7. (e) Wing of ilium.

10.23 Here the fascia has been retracted on

both sides, revealing the epaxial muscles.
The spinous processes are seen in the
midline (a). The interspinous fascia
a a
between the spinous processes is thick.

Lumbosacral disease 197

10.24 The muscles are elevated from the spin-

ous processes and retracted. The L6
(a), L7 (b), and sacral (c) spinous c
processes are visible. Note that the spin- a b
ous process of L6 is taller than L7.


10.25 A periosteal elevator is used to remove the

muscles from the spinous processes on
both sides of the vertebral column. It is
useful to insert self-retaining retractors to
maintain the exposure (see 10.24 for key). c
a b


10.26 The muscles have been retracted further.

In the illustration, L6 (a), L7 (b) and the
sacrum (c) have been exposed.



10.27 Closer view of 10.26. The curette is on the

ligamentum flavum. (a) L7 vertebrae.
(b) Sacrum. In some dogs with
lumbosacral disease the sacrum b
telescopes cranioventrally and the dorsal
lamina of the sacrum lies adjacent to, or
even under, the lamina of L7 (10.46).
There is then no interarcuate space.

198 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.28 The spinous processes of L7 (shown here)

and S1 are removed with rongeurs or
bone cutters.


10.29 The laminectomy is made with a power

bur. In this illustration the laminectomy
has been commenced in L7; note the
dark red cancellous bone (a). At least half b
of L7 is removed and most of the sacrum
(Danielsson and Sjostrom, 1999). The a
remnant of sacral spinous process is
visible (b). The laminectomy should be 10.29
restricted to the lamina at this stage,
preserving the articular processes.

10.30 The laminectomy has been continued into

both L7 and the sacrum down to the
inner cortical bone. The margin between
dark cancellous bone and white cortical
bone is seen clearly (arrows).

Lumbosacral disease 199

10.31 The ligamentum flavum is removed by

sharp dissection. Great care must be
taken not to penetrate too deeply, risking
damage to the cauda equina
(Markwalder, 1993; Fox et al., 1996), as
there is no bony protection overlying the
neural structures at this level. In dogs with
marked compression and dorsal elevation
of the cauda equina it is safer to enter
the vertebral canal over mid-L7 or
mid-sacrum and then peel away the
ligamentum flavum from either side.

10.32 Removal of the ligamentum flavum

exposes the epidural fat (a) and the cauda
equina (b). Epidural fat should be removed
only when necessary. a


10.33 The final shelf of bone is thinned with
the bur.
200 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.34 It is best to bur the bone to eggshell thickness

to allow easy removal. The tip of the probe is
visible through the thinned bone (arrow).


10.35 The inner shelf of bone is removed carefully with

rongeurs. The width of this laminectomy is
greater than is ideal if screw fixation were to be
performed subsequently (compare to 10.41,
10.51 and 10.52)


10.36 The laminectomy is completed with rongeurs or

a curette. The cauda equina is then inspected.
The S1 nerve roots (a) are usually seen adjacent
to the dural tube of the cauda equina (b). The a
L7 nerve root lies further laterally, in the lateral
recess and under the articular process (1.27,
1.28). A herniated disc may either be visible b
directly (10.44), or palpable by running a probe
along the floor of the vertebral canal (which is
flat in normal dogs) (10.38A). 10.36

10.37 Laminectomy has been completed. Part of L7 a

b c d
nerve root (a) is seen in the lateral recess,
before exiting the intervertebral foramen. (b) S1
nerve root. (c) S2 nerve root. (d) Remainder of
cauda equina.

Lumbosacral disease 201

10.38 Ten-year-old Rottweiler that had been dribbling

urine for 2 months and had lumbosacral pain,
pelvic limb ataxia, and marked reduction of
right-sided hock flexion with a lick granuloma over
the right tarsus. A CT myelogram revealed that
the terminal dural sac was displaced to the left by
a large soft tissue mass. A: The mass was
palpable just in front of the lumbosacral joint.
B: Retraction of the right S1 nerve root revealed a
huge disc extrusion (*). C: Continued retraction
reveals the extent of the mass compressing the A
right L7 nerve root. D: After fenestration with a
scalpel the mass was removed using rongeurs to
leave a large crater (arrowhead), which was then
covered with a thin fat graft. The clinical signs
resolved slowly after surgery. Two years later the
dog was pain free, continent and its hock lesion
had healed.

202 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.39 Here the cauda equina is being retracted medially

to allow a bulging disc to be fenestrated on one
side (arrowheads). Half of the anulus fibrosus is
incised carefully with a #11 blade and removed
with fine rongeurs. The outermost incision is just
medial to the venous plexus (Danielsson and
Sjostrom, 1999). The cauda equina is then
retracted to the other side and the second half of
the disc is fenestrated. The nucleus pulposus is
then removed with a curette.

Foraminal decompression and facetectomy (10.40–10.45)

Enhancement of soft tissues within a foramen after intravenous contrast is an indication for foraminal decom-
pression (see page 186, 190; 10.40). Densitometry can be used to assess the degree of contrast enhancement
more accurately although it does not predict the nature of the enhancing tissue (Jones et al., 2002).
Facetectomy can be followed by stabilization using screws and bone graft (Slocum and Devine, 1998), screws
and bone cement (10.45), or screws with connecting bars (Meheust, 2000; Meheust et al., 2000).
Wound closure is routine. A free fat graft, pedicle fat graft or Gelfoam may be placed over the laminectomy site.
Closure must avoid leaving any dead space.

10.40 A: Pre-contrast, and
B: post-contrast
transverse CT images
obtained at the level of
the L7/S1 intervertebral
foramina in a dog with
degenerative 10.40
lumbosacral stenosis.
Contrast enhancing
tissue fills the left foramen. A small area of enhancement can also be seen on the right side of the
ventral canal (Jones et al., 1999).

10.41 Reconstruction following a dorsal laminectomy.

If imaging indicates nerve root compression, the
laminectomy can be widened still further, initially
only to the medial limit of the facet joint
capsule (Danielson and Sjostrom, 1999). The 10.41
intervertebral foramen can be explored with a
probe; the normal L7 nerve root should move
a few millimetres without undue tension.
Lumbosacral disease 203

10.42 If a foraminotomy is to be performed, the

laminectomy is extended laterally on that side
dorsal to the foramen. The relationship between
the lumbosacral disc and the foramen is shown
in 1.26 and 1.27; the foramen is cranial to the
disc (10.44). The articular processes should be
preserved and care taken not to weaken the
base of the L7 facet when decompressing the
foramen. Extending the laminectomy all the way
into the foramen will isolate L7 articular process. 10.42

10.43 Undercutting of a foramen to remove osteophytes

is illustrated on this transverse CT image. The level
of the laminectomy is shown by white arrowheads.
Additional undercutting of the L7 or S1 facet can
be performed with a curette or bur, as shown by
the area outlined with black arrowheads (Palmer
and Chambers, 1991). Great care is taken to
protect the nerve roots while drilling. The facet
should not be weakened excessively, particularly if
screw fixation is also to be performed. 10.43

10.44 Facetectomy may be considered if foraminal

decompression does not expose enough of the
L7 nerve root. Here the dural tube is displaced
medially and S1 spinal nerve laterally by an
extruded L7/S1 disc (arrow). The articular
process of L7 has been removed to expose
cartilage of the sacral facet (asterisk). The dorsal
root ganglion of L7 nerve root can be seen
within the foramen (arrowhead) although it is
covered partly by remnants of joint capsule.
More bone may need to be removed cranially to decompress the nerve root within the lateral recess as
the foramen is located some distance cranial to the disc space (1.27).
204 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.45 This dog had shown

intermittent lameness for
one year with no
neurological deficits.
A: After facetectomy,
screws were placed into the
L7 pedicle; this is easier
if a dorsal laminectomy 10.45
is done first so that both
lateral and medial walls of A B
the pedicle can be palpated.
B: The cement bridge is visible clearly between L7 and S1; a single screw has also been placed across
the other L7/S1 facet joint (10.50–10.53). Six weeks after surgery it was much improved; at 11 months
it developed a draining tract from the wound but was otherwise normal.

Dorsal fixation–fusion (10.46–10.54)

Indications for fixation–fusion include telescoping of the sacrum under L7 and marked instability (10.46). Facet sublux-
ation must be reduced prior to fixation by either positioning the dog as in 10.18 or by using a laminectomy spreader
(10.49, 13.64). Initial reduction can also be obtained using bone holding forceps or towel clamps (10.47).

10.46 This dog initially underwent dorsal laminectomy

for lumbosacral pain (10.6A,B, 10.13).
Preoperative 3D reconstruction of CT scans
performed with the dog in A: flexion, and B:
extension revealed marked compression of the
cauda equina (10.6A,B, 10.11). The L7 articular
facets and ventral osteophytes on L7 are seen
in a constant position but the sacral lamina has
telescoped under the roof of L7 (arrowhead). 10.46
The disc is also bulging upwards and there is
severe foraminal narrowing (10.6). Postoperative
images are shown in 10.53.

Lumbosacral disease 205

10.47 A: Collapse of the dorsal lumbosacral articulation

with telescoping of the sacrum under the L7
lamina. B: The telescoping is reduced and the
distance between the towel clamps is increased
markedly as the L/S articulation is distracted.
Same dog as in 10.15.


206 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.48 The degree of

telescoping of the
sacrum relative to L7
increases from A to D
as shown in these 3D
reconstructions from
four different dogs (dog
A is normal). The black 10.48
line is drawn at the
cranial edge of each
sacral lamina. The
space between the
lamina of L7 and S1
decreases and the
facet overlap increases.
The best guide to the
degree of subluxation is
provided by opening
the joint capsule
(10.49). B

Lumbosacral disease 207

10.49 A: Subluxation of facet joints is evident by the

amount of articular cartilage exposed on the
sacral facet (arrow). B: Reduction with
a laminectomy spreader anchored at the
laminectomy edges has brought the L7 facet
back to cover the cartilage of the sacral facet
(arrow). The cartilage on both sides of this joint
is removed with a small curette prior to screw
fixation. Bone debris or graft is then packed into 10.49
and around the joint (Bagley, 2003).

10.50 Transverse CT image of the LS articulation

from a dog after screw fixation to show the
approximate angles for screw insertion (13.57).
The ideal screw angle is between 30 and 45°
from the sagittal plane (Bagley, 2003).
Compare these angles to the suboptimal
angles shown in 10.16. Ideally, screws should
not compromise the sacroiliac joint or cause
injury to the lumbosacral trunk of the sciatic
nerve (Ebraheim et al., 2000). 10.50

10.51 Screw entry points are shown (*) in a 3D CT

reconstruction from a dog that had undergone
previous dorsal laminectomy (10.13). The entry
point should be equal in distance from each
side and from the tip of the facet. The tip of the
L7 spinous process can also be used as a 10.51
guide to the angle of insertion (McKee et al.,
1990). Adequate reduction of the facets is assessed by observing joint congruity (10.49).
208 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

10.52 Screw placement. A: One screw is in position; the

pilot hole is being drilled for the second. A dorsal
laminectomy has already been performed. Ideally
the facet nearest the surgeon (L7) is over-drilled. If
the facet is too narrow, this step can be skipped
rather than risk facet fracture. B: The hole is then
countersunk. Washers can also be used (10.14,
10.15). C: The hole is measured so that the screw
will only just exit the sacrum (10.15); the hole is 10.52
then tapped. The tip of the L7 spinous process is
shown (arrowhead). D: Cancellous bone from the
wing of the ilium is packed over the screw; the L7
spinous process can also be used as a source of
corticocancellous graft (Stoll, 1996). Normally, the
laminectomy would be covered first with a fat graft
but it has been left exposed here for orientation.

Lumbosacral disease 209

10.53 This dog had a poor

response to dorsal
laminectomy done 1 year
previously (same dog as in
10.6A, B, 10.11, 10.13,
10.46). It had episodes of
severe pain; fluoroscopy
suggested marked lum- 10.53
bosacral instability. A: After A B
fusion the dog was free of
pain for 4 months but then
developed degenerative myelopathy. B: Necropsy confirmed degenerative myelopathy; it also revealed
that the site had fused and was immobile despite lysis around one screw (arrow) and bending of the
other (arrowhead).

10.54 3D reconstruction of a CT
scan made after fusion using
bone screws and graft
(same dog as 10.53). Areas
of new bone production are
shown (white arrows). The
black arrowhead indicates
the position of the sacral
spinous process; above it is
the bent spinous process of
L7 (white arrowhead).

Cervical spondylomyelopathy Chapter


Clinical signs 212 • Ligamentous hypertrophy.

• Joint capsule proliferation or cyst formation.
Diagnosis 212 • Osteophyte production.
Radiography 213 • Disc herniation.
Vertebral malformation and canal stenosis may be pres-
Presurgical evaluation 216 ent at birth in the Doberman, suggesting either a con-
Hypothyroidism 217 genital or inherited disorder (Burbidge, 2001; Drost
Bleeding disorders 217 et al., 2002) (11.1).
An early onset of clinical signs is most common in
Treatment 217 giant-breed dogs. Most other breeds show clinical signs
Non-surgical treatment 218 from middle age onwards. These usually develop due to
Surgical treatment 218

Complications 224
Intraoperative complications 224
Early postoperative complications 226
Late postoperative complications 228
Postoperative care 228

Prognosis 229

Key issues for future investigation 229

References 229

Procedures 232
Paramedian approach to the ventral neck 232
Ventral decompression 233
Vertebral distraction 235
Cement plug 237
Metal implant and bone cement method 239
Dorsal decompression 241
Laminoplasty 245

Cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM or ‘Wobbler’ syn-

drome) is predominantly a syndrome of large- and 11.1 CT images of C6 and C7 vertebrae from neonatal puppies
giant-breed dogs, particularly Doberman pinschers and A: Doberman B: other large breed. There are significant
Great Danes. The cause of this disorder is multifac- differences in vertebral dimensions between the two breed
groups: the cranial vertebral canal is relatively narrow in the
torial. Important contributing factors are: Doberman group and they have vertebral body asymmetry.
• Vertebral canal malformation, stenosis, or both. Changes were most marked for C7 but were also present at
• Vertebral instability. both C5 and C6 (Burbidge, 2001).
212 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

acquired soft tissue or osseous lesions, which are proba- mild ataxia to marked paresis and dysmetria. Cervical
bly a consequence of low-grade instability. Compression hyperesthesia, guarding of the neck, pain on manipula-
is seen mainly at C5/6 and C6/7 in the Doberman but tion of the prominent transverse process of C6 (4.6), or
lesions in other breeds often affect more cranial disc a low carriage of the head may also be seen (11.2).
spaces. Lameness and shoulder muscle atrophy in one or both
Both C5/6 and C6/7 sites are at high risk of causing thoracic limbs, or pain when traction is applied to the
spinal cord compression; twenty per cent of dogs pre- limb (root signature), suggest nerve root compression
sent with both C5/6 and C6/7 lesions at the time of (see Chapter 7, page 93). Neurological deficits localize
initial diagnosis. In addition, if either one of these to either the C1–C5 region or to the cranial portion of
intervertebral spaces fuses then the other one seems C6–T2. Dogs with C1–C5 signs often show a ‘floating’
even more likely to cause compression (Bruecker et al., thoracic limb gait in addition to tetraparesis and dysme-
1989a). Any surgical procedure should therefore tria (Baum et al., 1992). Dogs with C6–T2 signs have
address all high-risk spaces in an individual animal more of a short-stepping thoracic limb gait. This causes
(Dixon et al., 1996; Hilibrand et al., 1999). the thoracic and pelvic limbs to be advanced at different
rates and produces a characteristic ‘disconnected’ gait.
CLINICAL SIGNS The short thoracic limb steps may be due to either
increased thoracic limb muscle tone, which is an upper
The most common presentation is a gait disturbance,
motor neuron (UMN) effect on the elbow and carpal
which is most severe in the pelvic limbs and ranges from
extensor muscles, lower motor neuron (LMN) weak-
ness, or both (Seim and Withrow, 1982). There is often
an associated LMN weakness of the elbow flexors result-
ing in a weak withdrawal reflex. Pelvic limb muscle tone
and reflexes are normal or exaggerated. Tetraplegia is
uncommon but when present (15.7) the dog must be
assessed for hypoventilation (6.1, 7.11, 11.10).

Although the gait abnormalities are often suggestive of
CSM, careful evaluation of the history and thorough
physical and neurological examinations are important
to help rule out the differential diagnoses listed
11.2 Doberman with CSM. Note the broad-based pelvic limb in Table 11.1 (see also Box 7.2 and Chapter 14).
stance and lowered head position. The clinician should also consider the possibility of a

Table 11.1 Differential diagnoses for cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM)

Degenerative Anomalous/developmental Neoplastic Inflammatory/infectious Ischemic

disorders disorders disorders disorders disorders

Degenerative Congenital vertebral Meningioma, Discospondylitis Fibrocartilaginous

myelopathy malformations Nerve sheath Epidural abscess embolic
Leukodystrophies Atlantoaxial subluxation tumor Meningomyelitis myelopathy (FCE)
Synovial cyst(s) Multiple cartilaginous exostoses Other tumors Spinal cord
Orthopedic Tumoral calcinosis (calcinosis hematoma
disease circumscripta) Ischemic
Disc extrusion Meningocele/ neuromyopathy
Cervical meningomyelocele
fibrotic stenosis Spinal dysraphism
Hydromyelia, syringomyelia,
or both
Pilonidal sinus (dermoid sinus)
Epidermoid cyst
Spinal arachnoid cyst

Consider also thoracolumbar lesion; brainstem lesion.

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 213

thoracolumbar lesion in a dog with signs restricted to the flexion or extension. Lesions that did not improve were
pelvic limbs (2.8, 4.30, 4.31). Brainstem lesions can also termed static and those that did improve were termed
mimic cervical spinal cord lesions on rare occasions dynamic (Seim and Withrow, 1982). Dynamic lesions
(2.23). A further diagnostic challenge is the potential for can be subdivided further; first by whether or not they
over-diagnosis using an MRI without any reference to respond to traction (traction-responsive or traction
the clinical signs. In humans a disc herniation and even non-responsive) and then by whether or not they
spinal cord compression appear in many asymptomatic change during flexion and extension (positional). This
people older than 30 years (Teresi et al., 1987; Hayashi subdivision of lesion types helps the surgeon to decide
et al., 1988; Gorman and Hodak, 1997). By the age of on the best procedure to perform. Although there may
60 years, some 12% of asymptomatic individuals show be some overlap, lesions fall primarily into one of three
compression of the spinal cord on MRI (Gorman and basic types (11.4–11.6).
Hodak, 1997). Incidental, mild disc lesions also occur in
the cervical region of large-breed dogs. Traction-responsive lesions Compressive lesions
Prior to anesthesia, several potential complicating that improve with traction are termed traction-
conditions should be ruled out: responsive (McKee and Sharp, 2003) (11.4). Traction
• Chronic active hepatitis of Doberman pinschers usually decreases spinal cord compression caused by
is usually evident on serum biochemistry. anulus fibrosus or ligamentous tissue and therefore
• Cardiomyopathy is seen in many large- and increases dural tube diameter (Rusbridge et al., 1998).
giant-breed dogs, and is often fatal within 6 months Such traction-responsive lesions would be expected to
of diagnosis, particularly in male dogs. Even a benefit from a distraction-stabilization surgery. Such
subtle arrhythmia should not be discounted (Calvert lesions have also been called ‘dynamic’ (Seim and
et al., 1996). An electrocardiogram (ECG) and Withrow, 1982; Wheeler and Sharp, 1994).
echocardiogram should be performed, realizing that
Traction non-responsive lesions Some com-
this still cannot rule out occult cardiomyopathy.
pressive lesions do not improve with traction (11.5).
A 24-h ECG may also be of value as a screening
Such lesions are usually caused by new bone formation
test (Calvert and Wall, 2001).
or extrusion of nucleus pulposus. They are most likely
• Hypothyroidism. to respond either to a ventral slot or dorsal decompres-
• Bleeding disorders (page 217). sion. Such lesions have also been called ‘static’ (Seim
and Withrow, 1982; Wheeler and Sharp, 1994). They
are less common than traction-responsive lesions (Seim
Radiography and Withrow, 1982).
SURVEY RADIOGRAPHY Differentiation between lesions that do or do not
Survey radiographs are useful to rule out potential respond to traction can be subjective at times, but this
differential diagnoses but are not definitive for CSM. is still the most logical means of deciding on the best
Severe articular facet changes or vertebral body mal-
formation do raise the index of suspicion for CSM,
especially in giant-breed dogs (11.3).

This is the standard means of confirming a diagnosis
of CSM and has the advantage that the lesion can
be observed readily in different positions of the spine.
Contrast should be first concentrated at the lesion by
positioning the site of interest at the low point of the
spine for several minutes (McKee et al., 2000) (4.32).
Lateral, ventrodorsal (for cranial cervical vertebrae),
dorsoventral (for caudal cervical vertebrae), flexion
and traction views should then be taken (Rendano and
Smith, 1981; Lamb, 1995).
11.3 Survey radiographs must be taken under general
The lesion may alter appearance as the relative posi-
anesthesia to be of diagnostic quality. This 6-year-old
tions of adjacent vertebrae are changed. Formerly, tetraparetic Great Dane has multiple sites of periarticular new
lesions were categorized based on whether or not com- bone around the facet joints, especially at C5/6 and C6/7. The
pression changed in the ‘stressed’ positions of traction, CT scan of this dog is shown in 11.7.
214 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.4 Traction-responsive type of

dynamic lesion. A: Ventral spinal cord
compression at C6/7 due to redundant
anulus fibrosus in a middle-aged
Doberman. B: Same dog but with
traction applied to the vertebral
column. There is marked relief of spinal
cord compression and widening of the
dural tube dorsally.



11.5 Traction non-responsive type of static lesion in a middle-aged Doberman (same dog as 11.30B). A: Ventral spinal cord
compression at C6/7 due to disc herniation. B: Same dog but with traction applied to the vertebral column. C: CT myelogram of the
same dog to show extruded, mineralized disc material at C6/7 (arrow).

type of surgical procedure (Rusbridge et al., 1998). and preferably only under fluoroscopy (11.9, 11.10).
Some lesions will also have a positional component If this is not available, the dog should be positioned in
and then a judgement must be made about which is mild (not extreme) extension for as short a time as pos-
most significant. sible. If the dog is not being ventilated, its ability to
breathe spontaneously must be checked carefully as
Positional lesions Some dogs have minimal spinal respiratory arrest can occur in this position (Seim and
cord compression in a neutral neck position and there- Withrow, 1982). Use of the extension view should be
fore show little change with traction. Nevertheless restricted to dogs with suspected positional lesions or
they may show significant compression in different possibly to identify subclinical lesions. Advanced imag-
neck positions (11.6). In such dogs the degree of com- ing techniques are preferable to diagnose subclinical
pression changes specifically as the neck is moved lesions when conventional myelography does not pro-
between flexed, neutral and gently extended positions vide sufficient information (4.42, 11.7–11.10).
(see below) (Dueland et al., 1973; McKee and Sharp,
2003). These types of dynamic lesion are best termed CT-MYELOGRAPHY
‘positional’ as they are worsened by positions that Ideally all conventional myelograms for CSM should be
reflect normal neck motion. In dogs with positional followed by a CT scan (Sharp et al., 1992). The CT pro-
lesions the spinal cord is probably suffering repeated, vides excellent bone imaging (11.7) and when used with
minor trauma during everyday life. Such dogs may contrast it also gives a good transverse image of the spinal
therefore benefit from a stabilization procedure to pre- cord (11.8, 11.10). This information can improve surgi-
vent this repeated, low-grade injury. cal planning and may provide prognostic information by
Positional studies are not without risk. The extension detecting spinal cord atrophy (Chambers and Betts,
view can cause severe exacerbation of spinal cord com- 1977; Sharp et al., 1995). Sagittal or three-dimensional
pression and should be undertaken with extreme care reconstructions may also prove useful (11.8B). Finally,
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 215

11.6 Dynamic, positional lesions in a

9-month-old Doberman. A: Neutral
view showing minimal spinal cord
compression. B: There is no change in
appearance with traction. C: In flexion
the craniodorsal aspects of both C4
and C5 vertebral bodies cause mild
attenuation of the ventral subarachnoid
space. D: There is moderate
attenuation of the dorsal subarachnoid
space over C3/4 and C4/5
intervertebral spaces in extension
(arrows) (Dueland et al., 1973).

11.7 CT scan at C5/6 from the dog

shown in 11.3. The conventional
myelogram was of poor quality.
A: Transverse CT image after
myelography reveals dramatic
overgrowth of the right articular facet
joint (arrowhead). B: 3D reconstruction
demonstrates the overgrown right facets
and also shows marked impingement of
both right and left facet joints into the
vertebral canal (arrows) (Massicotte
et al., 1999).

11.8 A: Transverse CT image at C5/6

in a 2-year-old Mastiff reveals marked,
asymmetrical, extradural compression
caused by a soft tissue mass adjacent to
the left articular facet joint (same dog as
in 11.56, 11.57). B: 3D reconstruction
suggests that this is cystic in nature
L L (arrow). This was suspected to be a
synovial cyst (Levitski et al., 1999;
Dickinson et al., 2001; Lipsitz et al.,
2001). See page 320.

216 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.9 Myelogram of a 5-year-old

Rottweiler with tetraparesis. The dog
had deteriorated after a ventral slot at
C6/7 1 week previously. A: The lateral
view shows no compression. B: The
ventrodorsal view shows moderate
extradural compression at C6/7 on
the right side. The radiopaque object
over the spinal cord is a pet
identification chip. CT was performed
with the dog first in a neutral and then
an extended position (11.10).


11.10 A: Same dog as in 11.9.

CT image with the neck in a neutral
position showing moderate attenuation
of the subarachnoid space over C6/7.
The central defect in the vertebral
body of C6 is due to the ventral slot.
B: CT image from the same dog with
L L the neck in an extended position.
Spinal cord compression is much
worse; this positional effect also led to
an unanticipated complication (see


postoperative imaging can be used to gauge the effec- disadvantages are the lack of general availability and,
tiveness of a surgical procedure (4.25, 7.5, 7.8, 7.9, depending on the machine, the time required to com-
11.10, 11.12, 11.56, 11.57). plete a study. Dynamic studies are possible but do require
CT can also be used to study positional lesions. that the patient be repositioned and then re-imaged
However, keeping the neck in an extended position for (10.12, 11.10). However, dynamic studies are less
the duration of the scan can cause severe injury (11.10). important if the cement plug distraction-stabilization
The dog shown in 11.9 and 11.10 suffered seizures technique is to be used because this surgery can be
during recovery, which were very difficult to control. used for nearly all types of lesion (Algorithms 11.1A,B).
He was put on a ventilator but became profoundly It is then only important for MRI to differentiate a disc
hypotensive and died 12 h after the study. The cause extrusion from other lesion types (4.42, 4.43).
of death was not determined but was probably com- A temporary worsening of neurological deficits may
plicated by sympathetic blockade secondary to occur after imaging dogs with CSM, especially after
severe cervical spinal cord compression (see page 82) using subarachnoid contrast. Imaging ideally should
(Rosenbluth and Meirowsky, 1953; Seim and Withrow, be undertaken 48 h before elective surgery in order to
1982; Clark, 1986). It is likely that maintaining the allow the patient to recover. This period also gives
neck in an extended position for the time that it took ample opportunity to decide on treatment options, to
to complete the second CT scan caused severe spinal discuss these with the owner and to perform a thor-
cord injury; this was probably exacerbated by the ough presurgical evaluation.


This is the technique of choice for imaging humans During the recovery period following imaging, medical
with degenerative diseases of the cervical spine. It is problems that may complicate the situation should be
non-invasive and also provides superior soft tissue reso- assessed. Post-myelographic seizures may be more
lution to CT-myelography (Lipsitz et al., 2001). The common in Doberman pinschers with CSM than in
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 217

other breeds (Lewis and Hosgood, 1992). This high-

lights the need for constant monitoring during recovery,
with diazepam on hand to control any seizures as they
could also exacerbate the spinal cord injury (Lipsitz
et al., 2001) (11.10).
Care should be taken to maintain adequate systemic
blood pressure and spinal cord perfusion throughout the
procedure (see page 86). Dogs with chronic spinal cord
lesions are particularly susceptible to postoperative
deterioration, especially following dorsal laminectomy
or ventral slot (Kohno et al., 1997; Rusbridge et al.,
1998; de Risio et al., 2002). Preoperative methylpredni-
solone sodium succinate (MPSS) may be useful but the 11.11 Illustration of a buccal mucosal bleeding time being
risks and benefits of this strategy remain unproven performed in a dog. The gauze strip has been used to keep the
(Olby, 1999; Pietila et al., 2000). Preoperative vitamin E lip turned over and cause slight venous engorgement. A two-
may be a useful alternative for elective surgeries (see blade, spring-loaded device (Simplate II, Organon Teknika,
General Diagnostics, Cambridge, UK) has been used to make
page 85).
two 6-mm long by 1-mm deep incisions in the upper lip
mucosa. Any obvious blood vessels should be avoided.
Doberman pinschers and Great Danes are predisposed
to hypothyroidism although this disorder is probably 2.62 min, with a range of 1.7–4.2 min (Jergens et al.,
over-diagnosed. Lethargy, muscle weakness and periph- 1987). The cuticle bleeding time is harder to standard-
eral neuropathy may occur, all of which are undesirable ize than the buccal mucosa bleeding time, but should
in a surgical candidate. The best diagnostic test is identify severe bleeding disorders. A cut is made using
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulation but a guillotine nail clipper at the apex of the cuticle. In
this is not widely available. In its absence a high endo- normal dogs, bleeding stops within 8 min, but occa-
genous TSH level with a low total T4 is highly suggestive sional normal animals will bleed for up to 12 min (Giles
of hypothyroidism if the history and clinical signs are et al., 1982; Stokol and Parry, 1998).
compatible. Glucocorticoids, phenobarbitone and some Dobermans with prolonged bleeding times, or those
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may with known VW disease, can be given desmopressin
interfere with thyroid function testing (Gieger et al., (DDAVP®—Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) (1.0 ␮g/kg SQ)
2000). Hypothyroid dogs should probably receive sup- immediately prior to surgery (Callan and Giger, 2002;
plementation for at least 48 h prior to surgery although Kraus et al., 1989). Cryoprecipitate is the optimal
hypothyroidism does not induce VW disease as was therapy, although fresh or frozen plasma (10 ml/kg of
once thought, nor does it cause defects in primary plasma, taken 30–60 min after the donor has been
hemostasis (Panciera and Johnson, 1996). given desmopressin) may also be useful (Kraus et al.,
1989; Ching et al., 1994; Stokol and Parry, 1998). As a
Bleeding disorders precaution, dogs at known risk can be cross-matched if
It has been estimated that 16% of Doberman pinschers they are to undergo ventral decompression. There does
in the USA have a bleeding tendency related to VW not appear to be any benefit in giving thyroid hormone
disease (Dodds, 1989). Bleeding from the internal ver- supplementation to euthyroid dogs with prolonged
tebral venous plexus is a potential problem during ven- bleeding times as this does not increase plasma VW fac-
tral decompression and can be almost impossible to tor antigen (Panciera and Johnson, 1994).
arrest unless the dog has normal hemostatic abilities.
After a ventral approach to the neck, the inability to
close dead space under the strap muscles can lead to TREATMENT
hematoma formation several days after surgery The decision on the best way to treat each patient is
(15.40). The easiest way to test an animal’s VW sta- based on the presenting history, neurological status,
tus is to perform a standardized bleeding time test results of imaging, and on the owner’s expectations and
(11.11). A stopwatch is started just as the incisions their ability to undertake any necessary aftercare. Most
are made. Blood is blotted at 5-s intervals using filter dogs that show neurological deficits are surgical candi-
paper, taking care not to touch the incision itself. The dates, but consideration will also be given here to non-
mean buccal mucosal bleeding time for normal dogs is surgical treatment.
218 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 11.2 Reported results for surgical treatment of cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM)

Metal and Cement

Ventral slot Total cement plug Dorsal laminectomy Total

Dogs (n) 182 273 147 59 411 225 188 146 214 53

Successes 14 18 13 45 37 18 14 11 20 45
(as %) (78) (67) (91) (76) (90) (82) (78) (79) (93) (85)

Follow-up (months) 10–60 6–48 6–40 3–50 3–60 1.5–53 N/A 7–108
(Mean) (29) N/A N/A (20) (21) (17) N/A (38)

No. of repeat episodes 4/14 N/A 5/13 9/27 8/37 2/18 0/14 N/A 4/21 4/35
(as %) (28) N/A (38) (33) (22) (11) (0) N/A (19) (11)

Months to repeat episode 12–60 N/A 16–33 5–42 8–33 N/A N/A 4–48
(Mean) (32) N/A (23) N/A N/A N/A N/A (23)

Bruecker et al., 1989a; 2 Bruecker et al., 1989b; 3 Chambers et al., 1986; 4 de Risio et al., 2002; 5 Dixon et al., 1996; 6 Lipsitz et al., 2001;
Rusbridge et al., 1998; 8 Trotter et al., 1976.
N/A, not available.

Non-surgical treatment The most logical way to obtain the best overall results is
Non-surgical treatment is warranted in two situations. to consider three basic types of surgery and to perform
The first situation is when a normal dog develops neuro- these for certain, relatively well-defined indications. The
logical deficits following minor trauma; these may resolve three types of surgery are:
completely within a few weeks unless severe injury is sus- • Ventral decompression.
tained. The second is when a dog develops CSM before it • Vertebral distraction-stabilization.
is skeletally mature and so may benefit from correction of • Dorsal decompression.
nutritional imbalances together with severe caloric reduc- The basic indications for each procedure are summa-
tion. This is analogous to the strategy used for manage- rized in Table 11.3. The main factor governing the
ment of young horses with ‘Wobbler’ syndrome but it is choice of surgical procedure is the appearance of the
unproven in dogs (Donawick et al., 1993). For most other spinal cord on imaging, particularly the traction and
dogs, however, surgery is the treatment of choice as the flexion views after myelography. Some lesions show a
majority probably show progressive deterioration without combination of different types of compression and then
treatment (Jeffery and McKee, 2001). a judgement must be made as to which is the major
For most dogs with CSM the surgery is elective. A component (see ‘Myelography’ and ‘MRI’, pages 213
2–4 week trial period of severe exercise reduction and and 216). Algorithms 11.1A and B are algorithms for
use of a chest harness is often justified (15.11); if this surgical decision-making based on whether the dog has
fails it often emphasizes the need for surgery to the single or multiple lesions. In general:
owner. Anti-inflammatory doses of prednisolone may • Dogs with single, ventral lesions that do
also be used, but for short periods only and preferably not respond to traction should undergo a
on an alternate day basis (VanGundy, 1988). One addi- ventral slot.
tional role for corticosteroids is to use the resultant • Single and multiple lesions that respond well to
response, or lack of response, as a crude indicator of traction should undergo cement plug distraction-
the reversibility of any neurological deficit prior to per- stabilization. A ventral slot can be as good for single
forming surgery. lesions if performed well.
• Single and multiple lesions that are positional
should undergo cement plug distraction-
Surgical treatment stabilization. Some surgeons may prefer dorsal
A large number of different surgical techniques have decompression, particularly for dorsal positional
been proposed for CSM, with many of the authors lesions or synovial cysts (page 320) (Jeffery, 1995;
claiming between 70 and 90% success rates (Table 11.2). Dickinson et al., 2001; de Risio et al., 2002).
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 219

Table 11.3 General indications for surgical procedures in cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM)

Procedure Indication(s) (see also Algorithms 11.1A,B) Lesion(s) addressed

Ventral decompression
Ventral slot Single, ventral, traction non-responsive (static) lesion* Disc extrusion
Can be used for anulus
Ventral slot with metal and To prevent (or to treat) disc space collapse after Disc extrusion and anulus
bone cement ventral slot decompression*


Cement plug Single lesions of all types except ventral, traction
non-responsive lesion*
Multiple lesions of all types Osseous or soft tissue compression
Metal and bone cement Single traction-responsive (dynamic) lesion* Anulus fibrosus
Rescue after failed ventral slot decompression Ligamentum flavum
Synthes locking plate Single lesions—as for cement plug
Rescue after failed ventral slot decompression
Multiple lesions—needs further evaluation

Dorsal decompression

Dorsal laminectomy Single or multiple, dorsal, traction non-responsive
(static) lesion(s)
Single or multilpe, dorsal positional lesion(s) Osseous vertebral canal stenosis, articular
facet osteophytosis, synovial cyst(s)
Laminoplasty Single traction non-responsive (static) lesion
(needs further evaluation) Single dorsal, positional lesion

*In addition to the operated site, any additional subclinical lesion, in particular at C5/6 and C6/7 interspaces, should be addressed routinely in an
attempt to reduce the incidence of domino lesions (see 11.30 and page 221).

11.12 A: Preoperative CT myelogram at

C5/6 in a tetraparetic Doberman. There
is a soft tissue mass on the right, ventral
to the spinal cord. Radiopaque material
within the right foramen represents
mineralized disc or new bone. A ventral
L L slot retrieved nucleus pulposus and
anulus fibrosus; the slot was filled with fat
and then cancellous bone. B: Eight
weeks later the spinal cord and ventral
subarachnoid space have expanded.
New bone occupies the ventral portion of
the slot. Contrast material within the
spinal cord may represent a syrinx (Faiss
et al., 1990), (from Sharp et al., 1995).

• In all dogs that show compression at only one osteophytosis, misshapen vertebrae, and intraoperative
interspace, consideration should also be given to hemorrhage (Table 7.2). Short-term deterioration is
a strategy that will prevent compression from common even in dogs that have good long-term results
developing at adjacent high-risk spaces in the (Rusbridge et al., 1998). This technique is best reserved
future (see page 221). for the relief of single-level spinal cord compression
caused by midline, dorsal extrusion of disc material. In
such lesions, a ventral slot should permit retrieval of a
VENTRAL DECOMPRESSION (11.28–11.30) large amount of nucleus pulposus or torn anulus fibro-
(see Chapter 7, page 96) sus from the vertebral canal (11.5, 11.12).
Ventral decompressive surgery can be very challenging Retrieval of extruded nucleus pulposus is not possible
in CSM because of various combinations of ventral in some dogs because the compressive lesion consists
220 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

instead solely of anulus fibrosus. In this situation it is the cement also tends to collapse into the cancellous
essential that a large portion of this anulus be excised so bone with subsequent loss of distraction (Dixon et al.,
that on completion, the dura is visible clearly across the 1996). A block of corticocancellous autograft (see page
entire width of the slot (7.48, 11.29B). This may prove 292), small cement wedge (page 118), cancellous bone
to be very difficult, as the fibers of the anulus tend to allograft (Veterinary Transplant Services, Seattle, WA),
fragment before they can be removed and are often or a rope (11.31), can be used to distract a ventral slot
attached to the internal venous plexus. Removal is facili- temporarily prior to fixation (page 117).
tated by leaving a plug of anulus to serve as a handle The major long-term disadvantage in using a ventral
during removal (11.29A) and by using the inverted cone slot for CSM is that about 30% of dogs undergoing sin-
technique (Goring et al., 1991) (7.50). gle level decompression suffer a second episode of neu-
If the surgeon is in doubt about the adequacy of rological signs within 2–3 years (Bruecker et al., 1989b;
decompression after a ventral slot then it should be Rusbridge et al., 1998) (Table 11.2). In most cases this
converted to a distraction-stabilization technique. This is presumed to be due to recurrence at the original site
is recommended in order to prevent intervertebral col- or a domino lesion at an adjacent space. There are
lapse with its attendant risk of anular buckling and probably several reasons for this:
increased spinal cord compression (Chambers et al., • Even disc spaces that appear normal often show
1986) (4.25, 11.21). The worsening noted after sur- subclinical or histological abnormalities in dogs
gery even in dogs that do well long term may suggest with CSM, especially the high incidence spaces
that some degree of collapse is common after ventral C5/6 and C6/7 (1.3) (Seim and Withrow, 1982;
slot (Rusbridge et al., 1998). It is likely that the signs Rusbridge et al., 1998).
then improve as the site stabilizes subsequently due to • Such intervertebral discs may not respond to
the development of a fibrous or osseous union (Sharp fusion of an adjacent interspace in the same way
et al., 1995). Postoperative imaging can be used to that a disc would in a normal dog (Cole et al.,
assess the decompressive effect of a ventral slot and is 1987; Bruecker et al., 1989a; VanGundy, 1989;
certainly indicated if the neurological deficits are Hilibrand et al., 1999). Signal changes on
markedly worse after surgery (11.10, 11.21). If a MRI in adjacent discs have been detected
distraction-stabilization procedure is needed following in humans within 12 months of fusion (Iseda
a ventral slot, then the metal and bone cement technique et al., 2001).
(11.13A, 11.40–11.43) or a Synthes locking plate • Fusion does occur at many disc spaces after a
(11.13B,C) are recommended (Wilson et al., 1994). single site ventral slot (11.12). This occurs mainly
A full cement plug should not be used to distract the after wide slots but the mobility at the slotted
site after a ventral slot as there is a high risk of cement space probably changes even for more narrow
entering the vertebral canal through the defect created slots (Gilpin, 1976; Chambers et al., 1982;
in the dorsal anulus. A further potential problem is that VanGundy, 1989).


11.13 A: A ventral slot has been performed at C5/6 intervertebral space. Bone screws have been placed in C5 and C6 ready for
bone cement to be applied once the space has been distracted. Distraction using a Gelpi retractor in adjacent disc spaces is no
longer recommended (Wilson et al., 1994) (see ‘Vertebral distraction’, page 235). B, C: Seven-month postoperative radiographs
of a Doberman treated using Syncage-C intervertebral implant and Cervical Spine Locking Plate (AO) at C6/7. Outcome at 1 year
was excellent (Matis, 2001).
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 221

Taken together, this would suggest that high incidence locking plate (11.13B), and metal implant and bone
disc spaces adjacent to the ventral slot site should cement techniques. The latter technique is limited
undergo some sort of prophylactic procedure in order to single space distraction. The locking plate may be
to reduce the incidence of domino lesions (see also suitable for multiple lesions although this needs to be
‘Vertebral decompression’, page 234). studied further in dogs. Cement plugs can be used
The choices of prophylactic procedure for high inci- for nearly all types of lesion. An advantage of all dis-
dence disc spaces adjacent to a ventral slot are: traction techniques is that they often provide rapid
1. Place a cancellous bone graft at the adjacent relief of cervical hyperesthesia related to nerve root
space(s), combined with forage of ventral decompression. Unlike the ventral slot, these distrac-
cortical bone (11.30), in order to promote tion techniques do not involve entry into the vertebral
fusion (Dixon et al., 1996). The aim is to canal but this advantage is partly offset by the risk of
improve stability and so reduce the likelihood implant failure or other implant-associated complica-
of this space producing a domino lesion in the tions. Future fixation devices will almost certainly be
future. made of absorbable materials (Vaccaro et al., 2002).
2. Place a cement plug at the adjacent space(s).
However, this approach may increase collapse Metal implant and bone cement method
of the slotted space. Even if this collapse does not (11.40–11.43) Metal implant and bone cement dis-
compress the spinal cord it may cause foraminal traction is a well-tested technique with good long-term
narrowing and radiculopathy. follow up results (Table 11.2). It is also the standard
3. Do nothing at the adjacent space(s) but then rescue technique for a failed ventral slot. The metal
the risk of domino lesions will remain high implants can either be Steinmann pins (11.43B),
(7.14, 11.18, 11.23A). threaded pins (McKee and Sharp, 2003), or bone screws
Grafting and forage are recommended as they carry the (11.13A, 11.19, 11.40–11.43). Attempts to bridge more
lowest risk of the three options, although at present than one interspace usually result in implant failure
there are no data to support their efficacy (11.30). (Ellison et al., 1988; VanGundy, 1988) (11.17B). If two
The threat of a domino lesion is also present after a spaces must be bridged with cement, implants should
single site ventral slot combined with metal and bone be placed in all three vertebrae and the cement re-
cement fixation. The same three prophylactic options inforced with a thick Steinmann pin (13.25). The main
also apply for this situation, but inducing osseous disadvantage of single-level metal and bone cement is
fusion at the adjacent space will be more difficult due the high rate of domino lesions. Subclinical lesions at
to the mass of cement ventral to the slot (see ‘Metal adjacent interspaces should therefore be addressed for
and bone cement’, page 239; 11.18, 11.43). the reasons described under ventral decompression. This
Fenestration is not a suitable treatment for any dog is difficult because of the mass of cement (11.19), but
with CSM (Lincoln and Pettit, 1985; Jeffery and McKee, may be best-accomplished using forage (11.30), a
2001). It hastens intervertebral collapse and anular buck- cement plug, or possibly a locking plate (11.13B).
ling, which cause spinal cord compression. Likewise, fen-
estration of discs to position a distraction instrument Cement plug (11.35–11.39) Cement plugs can be
is not recommended (Wilson et al., 1994) (11.13A). applied to many types of lesion but the most logical indi-
Others suggest that concomitant forage and grafting may cation is for traction-responsive lesions (page 213). These
be sufficient to stabilize an interspace that has been fen- implants retain the advantages of the earlier metal washer
estrated for distraction purposes (M. McKee, personal technique but have overcome many of the disadvantages
communication). (Wheeler and Sharp, 1994; Dixon et al., 1996; Rusbridge
et al., 1998; McKee et al., 1999). Catastrophic collapse
VERTEBRAL DISTRACTION-STABILIZATION from end-plate fracture is unusual with the cement plug
(11.31–11.43) (11.20A), presumably as forces are distributed more
The primary indications for distraction and stabiliza- evenly over the end plates than they were using washers
tion are the presence of a traction-responsive lesion and (McKee et al., 1999). The main advantage of cement
to relieve nerve root compression. Lesions may be plugs is that they can be applied easily to more than one
either single or multiple and cause either dorsal or ven- intervertebral space. The surgeon can therefore be more
tral spinal cord compression (Algorithms 11.1A,B). aggressive in dealing with a dog that has more than one
Distraction-stabilization has been attempted in the lesion, any one of which could go on to cause a domino
past using a number of different techniques, but the problem in the future if not treated (Dixon et al., 1996;
ones now recommended are the cement plug, Synthes Rusbridge et al., 1998).
222 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Cement plugs should be placed routinely at the high- degenerated segments causing radiculopathy or
est risk disc spaces (usually C5/6 and C6/7), and myelopathy should be included in an anterior cervical
ideally to any other space that shows subclinical arthrodesis (Hilibrand et al., 1999). This is also consis-
lesions. An alternate approach is to implant cement plugs tent with reports suggesting that normal canine discs
at sites of spinal cord compression and fuse other sites can adjust to the fusion of adjacent segments, whereas
that are considered to be at risk by forage and grafting abnormal discs can not (Cole et al., 1987; Bruecker et al.,
(11.30). Obviously not every cervical intervertebral 1989a).
space can be fused and the maximum is probably three Cement plugs are also indicated for dogs with posi-
interspaces (Bolesta et al., 2000). It may also be diffi- tional lesion(s) (page 214, Algorithms 11.1A,B). The
cult to decide exactly which sites to fuse in any given aim of stabilization in these dogs is to reduce or abolish
dog. For the Great Dane and other giant breeds, C4/5 movement at the affected interspace. Stabilization may
or even C3/4 may be involved along with C5/6 and even benefit dorsally located soft tissue or osseous
C6/7 (Olsson et al., 1982; Lewis, 1989; Lipsitz et al., lesions by limiting movement locally. Fusion has been
2001). For the Doberman usually only C6/7 and C5/6 shown to cause the regression of ligamentum flavum
discs are at high risk although in some dogs C4/5 lesions in dogs and of bony articular lesions in horses
should probably also be addressed (11.14). (Grant et al., 1985; Seim, 1986; McKee et al., 1990).
The aim of fusing multiple spaces routinely is to Therefore cement plugs should be considered for dogs
reduce the incidence of domino lesions (Dixon et al., with certain types of traction non-responsive lesions
1996; Jeffery and McKee, 2001) (Table 11.2). Support such as those caused by osseous compression of the
for this more aggressive approach also comes from dorsal vertebral canal (11.15). The advantage of using
work in humans with cervical spondylosis. In humans, cement plugs over dorsal laminectomy in these situa-
the risk of new disease at an adjacent level was found to tions is that distraction-stabilization should avoid the
be significantly lower following a multilevel arthrodesis short-term morbidity associated with laminectomy and
than it was following a single-level arthrodesis. will also allow the surgeon to address adjacent, subclin-
Therefore, it has been proposed in humans that all ical lesions (de Risio et al., 2002).

11.14 A: Cement plugs have been

inserted in this Doberman at the C4/5,
C5/6 and C6/7 intervertebral spaces.
The degree of cement filling is good for
C4/5 and C5/6 but suboptimal for C6/7.
The dog wore an external splint for 8
weeks (11.39). B: Two-month follow-up
radiograph reveals good osseous fusion
at all three spaces. The presenting
complaint of neck pain and exercise
intolerance had resolved.


11.15 Young Great Dane with severe,

osseous stenosis from C3/4 to C6/7.
A: Preoperative CT myelogram from site
of maximum compression at C5/6.
Cement plugs were applied at C4/5 and
C5/6; C6/7 was only foraged and
grafted. A restraint device was applied
(13.18B). B: Two-year follow-up, again
from site of maximum compression at
C5/6 (arrow ⫽ cement plug); there is
bony remodeling and less spinal cord
compression (arrowheads). C6/7 had not
fused; compression here was worse, as
was the dog’s neurological status.

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 223

The main disadvantage of the cement-plug technique Long-term results of dorsal laminectomy appear to be
is that it is unclear if an external splint must be used in very good (Lipsitz et al., 2001; de Risio et al., 2002).
the postoperative period. Splints are not tolerated by all The major disadvantage is that there is significant,
dogs, they may require frequent modification or short-term morbidity with deterioration in neurological
replacement and can cause pressure sores (VanGundy, status, which can cause considerable nursing problems
1988) (11.39). An alternative is to use a Halti (13.18B) or in giant-breed dogs (Trotter et al., 1976; VanGundy,
fixation screw or pin to prevent the cement from falling 1988; de Risio et al., 2002). An extensive soft-tissue
out (McKee and Sharp, 2003), (11.16, 11.36–11.38), approach is also needed and ventrally located disc
or to use a locking plate instead (11.13B). material cannot be removed (VanGundy, 1988). Although
dorsal laminectomy should not cause domino lesions,
Locking plate Preliminary results with this tech-
recurrence of clinical signs occurs in about 10% of dogs
nique are encouraging (11.13B,C). A swivel ring in the
and is reported to be due to restrictive fibrosis (Trotter
plate hole means that screws may be inserted at any
et al., 1976; de Risio et al., 2002) (Table 11.2). Because
angle within a range of ⫾20º and the screws lock in the
of the disadvantages of laminectomy, and because
plate via a unique locking mechanism. The Syncage is
cement plugs also allow the surgeon to address multiple
designed to maintain distraction; it lies in the interver-
lesions, including subclinical ones, the cement-plug
tebral space and is packed with cancellous bone. These
technique is preferred for most types of lesion
implants are extremely strong and can even bridge more
(Algorithms 11.1A,B). Dorsal laminectomy has given
than one interspace (McLaughlin et al., 1997; Matis,
good results for dogs with synovial cysts, with four of
2001). Failure rates are lower in humans than for
six dogs being followed for more than 1 year (Dickinson
implants that lack the screw-locking feature (Lowery
et al., 2001). It is not clear if these results will be main-
and McDonough, 1998). However, their utility for mul-
tained long term in a larger series of dogs (Dickinson
tiple lesions in dogs is not yet clear.
et al., 2001; Lipsitz et al., 2001).
When it is desirable to provide additional stability
following dorsal decompression, fusion can be encour-
Dorsal laminectomy (11.44–11.57) This tech- aged by screwing and then bone grafting the facet joints
nique is an alternative for dogs with single dorsal lesions (11.56, 11.57). Potential risks include fracture of a
that do not respond to traction as well as those with facet and trauma to nerves at the level of the foramen.
multiple dorsal lesions (Dickinson et al., 2001; Lipsitz Stability of this fixation technique was reported to be
et al., 2001) (11.8, 11.56, 11.57). This technique also good when spines were assessed grossly at post mortem
provides an option for dogs with ventral lesions at multi- 2 weeks after surgery (Swaim, 1975). Long-term
ple intervertebral spaces (Lyman, 1991) (7.15). results of this approach have not been reported.

Algorithm 11.1A Surgical decision-making in dogs with

Traction non-responsive Positional Traction responsive
a single lesion.

Ventral Dorsal Ventral Ventral Dorsal

lesion lesion lesion lesion lesion

Cement plug(s)*, Cement Cement

locking plate, plug(s)* or plug(s)* or
Ventral slot* laminoplasty or locking locking
dorsal plate plate

Cement plug(s)*
or locking plate

*Consider a strategy to address all high-risk disc spaces

224 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Algorithm 11.1B Surgical decision-making

Traction non-responsive Positional Traction responsive
in dogs with multiple lesions.

Ventral Dorsal Ventral Dorsal

lesions lesions lesions lesions Ventral Dorsal
lesions lesions

slot* Cement Cement
plugs plugs
Cement plugs
or dorsal laminectomy

Laminoplasty (11.58) This technique has been Table 11.4 Main sources of complications
reported just once and was then only used as a single-
level procedure. A 5-year-old Great Dane with marked Early Late
ataxia and tetraparesis improved markedly 2 weeks Intraoperative postoperative postoperative
after surgery. It was normal neurologically 6 months Iatrogenic injury Implant failure Adjacent segment
later but then died of a gastric torsion (McKee, 1988). Technical errors Postoperative disease
Laminoplasty is used widely in humans with severe morbidity Recurrence of signs
vertebral canal stenosis for both single- and multi-level Infection
Adjacent segment
compression (Kohno et al., 1997; Shaffrey et al.,
1999). Its main advantage over laminectomy is that it
provides protection to the spinal cord from the recur-
rent compression that can arise from re-growth of a
fibrous or osseous lamina. This is often termed restrictive soft tissues during a ventral approach to the neck can
fibrosis (Trotter et al., 1976; de Risio et al., 2002). damage important nerves in the cervical region. This
Laminoplasty may also induce less change in adjacent can induce intraoperative arrhythmias or postopera-
discs compared to fusion (Iseda et al., 2001) and war- tive laryngeal paralysis (11.20B), Horner’s syndrome
rants further evaluation. (Boydell, 1995), or megaesophagus (15.40). Bleeding
from the venous plexus can be a major problem during
ventral decompression and may require a blood trans-
fusion. Excessive retraction or improper patient
COMPLICATIONS positioning can exacerbate the bleeding by compressing
Some risks are either inherent to surgery on the cervical the jugular veins (11.24). Hemorrhage can usually be
spine or to a particular breed and as such should be arrested by relieving pressure on the jugular veins in
explained clearly to the owner. Many of the respiratory combination with use of a piece of muscle to promote
and cardiovascular problems discussed in Chapter 7 also coagulation (Table 7.2; 8.43). Direct pressure can also
occur in CSM (Boxes 7.3, 7.4; Table 11.4). These prob- be used (11.29B). Hematoma formation is most likely
lems emphasize further the need for a thorough pre- to occur in the Doberman and can cause delayed dam-
surgical evaluation (Calvert et al., 1996). Complications age to the vagus nerve or its branches (15.40) or even
can be divided into three main categories (Table 11.4). spinal cord compression (Seim and Prata, 1982) (see
page 100).
Technical errors during surgery are the other main
Intraoperative complications source of complications in CSM. Examples include
These are mainly due to either iatrogenic injury or improper selection of the implant (McKee et al., 1990)
technical errors (Table 11.5). Overzealous retraction of (11.16) and poor implant positioning (11.17A, 11.37).
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 225

Table 11.5 Specific complications

Intraoperative Early postoperative Late postoperative

Iatrogenic neural injury (11.20B) Implant failure (11.19, 11.20A) Adjacent segment disease (11.23A)
Wrong surgical site Morbidity after ventral slot (11.21) Restrictive fibrosis
Hemorrhage Morbidity after dorsal laminectomy Recurrence of signs (11.8, 11.23B)
Poor implant selection (11.16) End-plate failure (11.20A) Discospondylitis (14.11)
Poor implant position Self-induced trauma (11.22) Delayed compression from implant
(11.17A, 11.37) Ventral or epidural hematoma
Pneumomediastinum (15.40)
Prolonged extension (11.18) Dorsal seroma
Vertebral fracture Ischemic injury
Adjacent segment disease
Epidural abscess (14.14)
Recumbency complications


11.16 A, B: A single midline screw has been used to keep each cement plug in place (11.35–11.38). Unfortunately each screw
passed through a vascular foramen (1.18) to enter the vertebral canal and cause dramatic compression of the spinal cord, especially
over C5. C: The screws were removed and replaced by shorter ones. The dog walked without assistance the next day and had an
excellent outcome; the screw probably caused only mild, transient spinal cord compression.


11.17 A, B: These screws are all inserted too caudally in their respective vertebral bodies. Two have penetrated an end plate and
all four have the potential to damage the nerve roots or spinal nerves (Swaim, 1975). C: An excess of bone cement can compress
structures within the thoracic inlet to cause dysphagia or even esophageal perforation (Halligan and Hubschmann, 1993; Dixon
et al., 1996). Note that in this dog, the implants span two intervertebral spaces. If this is done, more implants and cement
reinforcement are needed (page 221) (13.25).
226 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

The surgeon may also cause iatrogenic spinal cord Early postoperative complications
damage (Read et al., 1983; Lipsitz et al., 2001), vertebral The main complications at this stage are postopera-
fracture (McKee et al., 1989), induce pneumomedi- tive deterioration and implant failure (Table 11.5).
astinum (Marchevsky and Richardson, 1999), perform Refractory neck pain or a marked deterioration in neu-
surgery at the wrong site, or simply fail to understand rological status are indications for repeat imaging and
certain limitations of the technique itself (11.17C). possibly for a second surgery (Rusbridge et al., 1998;
Prolonged or excessive extension of the neck during McKee et al., 1999).
surgery is undesirable as it causes spinal cord com- Implant failure can occur such as loss of distraction
pression (11.10). In addition, it could lead to fusing after a variety of techniques (Bruecker et al., 1989a;
the vertebrae in extension if the position is not Wilson et al., 1994; Marchevsky and Richardson, 1999;
corrected prior to cement hardening (Bruecker et al., McKee et al., 1999; (11.19–11.20A). Implant failure may
1989b) (11.18). also be subclinical at times (11.19B, 11.20B, 11.37B).

11.18 A: There is a lesion at C5/6 and a

probable subclinical lesion at C4/5. B: The
C5/6 lesion was distracted manually and
stabilized using screws and bone cement.
Only minimal distraction is visible on the
postoperative myelogram; the caudal spine
was also fixed inadvertently in extension.
The dog did well after surgery and had no
deficits or neck pain 7 months later.
The thread for the cranial screw in C6
vertebra was stripped and it was replaced
with a 6.5-mm screw. This dog is at a
particularly high risk for a domino lesion at
C4/5 or C6/7.

11.19 A: Distraction at C6/7

intervertebral space using two small 2.7-
mm distraction screws (11.40). Each of
the four 4.5-mm screws only penetrates
one cortex (11.43). B: Loss of distraction
at 7 months; one of the distraction
screws has broken. In addition the 4.5-
mm screws have changed orientation
probably due to bone remodeling.
The cement has not failed and the dog
was doing well clinically although it had
an episode of neck pain 10 months


11.20 A: Loss of distraction after a cement plug was used at C5/6 (11.38B). The dog showed sudden deterioration 4 weeks after
surgery. A small fracture is visible at the ventral portion of the plug (arrow) and there is failure of the cranial end plate of C6 (arrowhead)
with recurrent spinal cord compression. B: This dog did well until it fell down the stairs 6 weeks after distraction at C6/7. Failure of a
screw in C7 did not cause clinical signs (McKee et al., 1990). The dog had also shown a change in bark since surgery.
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 227

End-plate failure can occur after the cement-plug (Queen et al., 1998; Rusbridge et al., 1998; Macy et al.,
technique (11.20A); potential factors include exces- 1999). Range of motion increases in cadaver spines by
sive motion, thermal necrosis and possibly weakening 30–40% after fenestration and by 66% after a ventral
from too large an anchor hole (Boker et al., 1989; slot, even if the slot is only one third of the vertebral
Martinez et al., 1997; Williams et al., 1997). width (Macy et al., 1999; Wolf and Roe, personal com-
Inadequate removal of disc material during a ventral munication). Ventral slots with dimensions of greater
slot decompression can increase spinal cord compres- than 50% of the vertebral width produce instability in
sion as the intervertebral space collapses (Chambers small dogs and are likely to do the same in larger dogs
et al., 1986; Ellison et al., 1988) (11.21). This compli- with CSM (Seim and Withrow, 1983; Fitch et al.,
cation was seen in up to 20% of dogs that failed to 2000; Lemarie et al., 2000). Dorsal laminectomy in the
respond after ventral slot (Chambers et al., 1986). lumbar region is known to reduce stability significantly
Even if it does not compress the spinal cord, collapse (see Chapter 8) but data are not available for the neck.
can compress the nerve roots in the intervertebral Postoperative deterioration could also be due to an
foramen, thereby increasing cervical hyperesthesia. ischemic or reperfusion injury of the spinal cord
Collapse at an interspace can also be exacerbated by (Cybulski and D’Angelo, 1988). Vascular injuries can
the presence of an unsuspected synovial cyst (4.25). occur either during surgery or in the immediate post-
Even when surgery goes well there can be a deterio- operative period (see pages 86 and 130).
ration in neurological status after either dorsal laminec- Early development of a second lesion at a new disc
tomy or ventral slot (Rusbridge et al., 1998; de Risio space has been described at 2, 4 and 12 weeks after
et al., 2002). This deterioration increases a dog’s surgery (Chambers et al., 1982; Wilson et al., 1994;
susceptibility to self-induced trauma, particularly as Rusbridge et al., 1998). One of these lesions developed
it recovers from anesthesia or tries to stand up at a space that had been fenestrated in order to place
(Bruecker et al., 1989b) (11.22). a Gelpi for distraction and in another the disc was
Even without injury, there may be deterioration sec- affected subclinically at the time of the first surgery
ondary to decreased stability at the operated site(s) (Wilson et al., 1994; Rusbridge et al., 1998).

11.21 A: The preoperative myelogram

reveals ventral, extradural compression at
C6/7 that did not improve with traction.
B: The dog was worse the day after
ventral slot at C6/7; the margins of which
are visible clearly in C7 (arrowhead) and
to a lesser extent in C6. Compression
was now more severe than before
surgery, probably because of inadequate
removal of disc material and intervertebral
collapse (Chambers et al., 1986).

11.22 A: This dog made a good

recovery after ventral slot at C5/6 but
became severely tetraparetic 36 h later.
A small fracture is visible at the ventral
aspect of C5 (arrow), presumably due
to hyperflexion injury (Bruecker et al.,
1989b; McKee et al., 1989).
B: Distraction-stabilization were
performed using screws and bone
cement. The dog made a slow
recovery and was able to walk
4 months after surgery (15.11).

228 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Discospondylitis can also occur on either an early Recurrence of paraparesis or tetraparesis occurs in up
or delayed basis after surgery (Chambers et al., 1982). to one third of dogs after either ventral decompression
It can sometimes be associated with an epidural or metal implant and bone cement fixation (Table 11.2).
abscess (14.14). Recurrence can be caused by compression at the original
site or by a domino lesion at an adjacent site (Jeffery and
McKee, 2001). It usually occurs between 6 months
Late postoperative complications and 4 years after the original surgery, with a mean of
The most important of these is recurrence of clinical around 2 years (Seim, 1986; Bruecker et al., 1989a,b;
signs (Table 11.5; 11.8, 11.23B). Domino lesions or Rusbridge et al., 1998; McKee et al., 1999). Recurrence
adjacent segment disease (11.23A) are a particular seems to be less of a problem for the cement-plug tech-
problem and result at least in part from abnormal nique, which is probably because all high-risk interspaces
stresses imposed on one intervertebral space by fixa- can be stabilized at the same time (Dixon et al., 1996;
tion of an interspace adjacent to it (Fox et al., 1996; Hilibrand et al., 1999).
Hilibrand et al., 1999). These stresses can exacerbate Recurrence after dorsal decompression is often due
any pre-existing subclinical instability and so produce to constrictive fibrosis at the surgical site, also termed
either disc extrusion or hypertrophy of anular or liga- the ‘laminectomy membrane’ (LaRocca and Macnab,
mentous structures (Bruecker et al., 1989a). 1974) (page 86). When the roof of the vertebral canal
is removed at laminectomy, the spinal cord is often dis-
placed upwards when ventral extradural compression is
present (Lyman, 1991). However, the scar that forms
as the laminectomy heals often does so in the position
of the original lamina, which can then cause a recur-
rence of compression (Trotter et al., 1975, 1976;
Lyman, 1991; de Risio et al., 2002). A second surgery
may be successful when signs recur following a dorsal
laminectomy (de Risio et al., 2002) (11.23B). Overall
A recurrence rates appear to be similar between dorsal
and ventral decompressive techniques (Jeffery and
McKee, 2001).
Spinal cord compression can also be caused by a rela-
tive change in the position of an implant secondary to
bony remodeling and collapse of a distracted interspace
(McKee et al., 1990). In addition, late-onset dis-
cospondylitis has been recorded 6 and 26 months after
a surgery and it can also occur as a complication of
an unrelated surgical procedure (Ellison et al., 1988;
Dixon et al., 1996) (14.11).

Postoperative care
Activity must be restricted severely in the immediate
postoperative period. Ataxic dogs should be confined
to a small kennel for 1–2 weeks to prevent them from
stumbling and hyperflexing their neck (11.22).
Activity can be increased gradually after this period. As
a minimum precaution, neck collar restraint and vigor-
11.23 A: This dog underwent a ventral slot decompression at ous exercise should be avoided for 4 months. The first
C6/7 1 year previously. It had recurrent tetraparesis due to a new 6–8 weeks after surgery are the most crucial until sig-
lesion at C5/6. This is the domino effect. B: CT myelogram nificant osseous or fibrous healing has occurred.
made at C5/6 in a Great Dane that underwent a dorsal
Protective neck braces can be used for this period but
laminectomy 1 year previously. The dog improved but then
deteriorated 10 months later. Proliferation of new bone has almost may be tolerated poorly (11.39, 13.18).
reformed the lamina of the vertebral canal resulting in severe spinal Dogs that remain recumbent after surgery require a
cord compression with atrophy (A and B from Sharp et al., 1992). high level of nursing care (see Chapter 15). Pneumonia
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 229

is a particular risk for these dogs (Seim, 1986; Bruecker on whether dogs that are unable to walk before surgery
et al., 1989b). Recumbent dogs are also prone to muscle have a poor prognosis; the opposite may even be true
atrophy, decubitus, gastric volvulus (Trotter et al., 1976; (Seim, 1986; Ellison et al., 1988; Bruecker et al.,
Mason, 1979; Seim, 1986; McKee, 1988) seroma for- 1989a; Dixon et al., 1996; Jeffery and McKee, 2001;
mation at the surgical site (15.34), urinary tract infection de Risio et al., 2002). Clearly there is a need to reduce
(UTI) (Rusbridge et al., 1998), and urine scald (15.35) the overall mortality rate for dogs with this condition
(VanGundy, 1989). Some of these factors can be com- and in particular to reduce the high risk of recurrent
plicated further by hypothyroidism (VanGundy, 1989; spinal cord compression.
de Risio et al., 2002). Additional postoperative problems
in CSM include hematoma formation due to VW disease Key issues for future investigation
(Rusbridge et al., 1998) (15.40), diarrhea and gastroin-
1. Does grafting an interspace that is judged to have
testinal hemorrhage, especially after excessive corticos- subclinical disease increase its stability and thereby result
teroid use (VanGundy, 1988), pancreatitis (Read et al., in a decreased incidence of domino lesions (11.30B)?
1983; VanGundy, 1988); excoriation of digits (Trotter
et al., 1976) (15.7, 15.10), discospondylitis or epidural 2. Does forage of the ventral cortex of adjacent vertebrae
abscess (Chambers et al., 1982; Dixon et al., 1996) (14.11, enhance the degree of fusion at a site grafted with
14.14), sepsis (Black, 1986) (14.14), and multiple cancellous bone (11.30A)?
abscessation (Seim, 1986).
3. Does the routine fusion of C5/6 and C6/7 interspaces
decrease the incidence of domino lesions or will this
approach just serve to transfer the problem along to C4/5
PROGNOSIS or C7/T1? If this approach works, how does the surgeon
The seriousness of this condition is best illustrated by decide how many spaces to fuse (Bolesta et al., 2000)
the fact that a quarter of dogs with CSM in one series (11.14)?
were euthanized within 6 weeks of surgery as a result
of neurological problems (Seim, 1986). Overall long- 4. Is there any objective means to decide whether an
interspace is at risk of a domino lesion (Mitchell et al.,
term mortality rates for CSM vary from 19 to 43%
2001)? Will MRI be able to identify such an interspace
(Seim et al., 1986; Dixon et al., 1996; Rusbridge et al., and does this technique have any advantage over use of
1998; McKee et al., 1999; de Risio et al., 2002). Dogs an extension view under myelography?
with more than one lesion generally have a worse prog-
nosis than dogs with single lesions, and dogs with 5. If the aim is to induce fusion between adjacent vertebrae,
chronic tetraparesis have a guarded prognosis (Seim, at what stage should this be considered successful
1986). Most severely tetraparetic dogs that are going to (Fox et al., 1996; Gibson et al., 2002)? Does the
presence of a radiolucent line in the bridging spondyle
recover will do so within 6 weeks. In some dogs surgery mean that there is insufficient stability?
will only halt the progression of disease (VanGundy,
1988). This is presumably because there is often signifi-
cant loss of neural tissue at the site of the lesion (Read
et al., 1983; Sharp et al., 1995). It is therefore likely REFERENCES
that the outcome will be better if surgery is done earlier Anderson, G.I. (1988) Polymethylmethacrylate: a review of the implica-
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Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2, 74–79.
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Paramedian approach to the ventral neck
Excessive extension should be avoided during positioning as it tends to close the dorsal part of the disc space and
also increases spinal cord compression. Rather than position the neck in extension to improve access to the cau-
dal vertebrae, the dog is positioned with the neck in a relatively neutral position and with a weight tied to the rostral
maxilla. The mild traction also tends to open the disc space, keep the anulus under tension and reduce spinal cord
compression (Goring et al., 1991) (11.24). Exposure to the caudal vertebrae may also be improved using the lateral
muscle separating approach and the strap muscles then serve to protect the trachea, recurrent laryngeal nerve,
carotid sheath and jugular vein (11.25–11.27). Regardless of the approach used it is important to take great care
during dissection near the thoracic inlet and to protect all exposed tissues with damp sponges (Cechner, 1980).

11.24 A: Patient positioning for a ventral
decompression or distraction-stabilization
using traction. The sandbag shown under the
dog’s head can be removed to produce mild
cervical extension if needed. B: Harvesting of
cancellous bone from a proximal humerus
(inset). Both shoulders should be included in
the operative field. Bone graft can be used to
promote fusion following a ventral slot,
distraction-stabilization or after vertebral forage
at an adjacent site (11.30).

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 233

11.25 Initially the standard, midline, ventral approach

to the neck is followed as described in
Chapter 7 (7.17–7.21). Once the strap muscles
have been exposed the surgeon can use a more
lateral approach. The right sternothyroideus
muscle is first separated from the right
sternocephalicus muscle (Cechner, 1980).


11.26 An Army Navy retractor is used to retract all

structures ventral to the longus colli muscles
away from the surgeon except for the right
sternocephalicus, which is pulled towards the
surgeon (Cechner, 1980).


11.27 The dissection is continued through the loose

cervical fascia until the longus colli muscles are
exposed. Balfour self-retaining retractors are
used to keep structures away from the midline
while the dissection is continued to expose the
vertebrae of interest. The esophagus is visible
at the caudal end of the dissection (arrow).


Ventral decompression
The ventral slot technique can be challenging in CSM because of ventral osteophytosis, malformed vertebral
bodies, intraoperative hemorrhage, friable anulus fibrosus, or a combination of these (11.28, 11.29). Surgery at
C6/7 may be especially difficult but access can be improved by taking particular care with patient positioning, by
use of traction (11.24) and possibly by using a paramedian approach (11.25–11.27). Decompression should be
performed as described under 7.37–7.51. If the slot is too narrow the decompression will be inadequate and the
outcome will be more like a fenestration (Chambers et al., 1986; Ellison et al., 1988). However, a slot that
approaches 50% of the vertebral body carries a high risk of subluxation (Fitch et al., 2000; Lemarie et al., 2000).
In general the slot should be about one third of the vertebral width unless it is shaped like an inverted cone
(Goring et al., 1991; Lemarie et al., 2000) (7.50).
234 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Osseous fusion is common following a ventral slot (Swaim, 1975; Gilpin, 1976; Sharp et al., 1995) (11.12). This
may be beneficial in preventing motion at the operated site but probably causes increased stress at adjacent spaces
(Fox et al., 1996; Hilibrand et al., 1999). Normal disc spaces can tolerate this stress but subclinically affected spaces
suffer a high incidence of domino lesions (Bruecker et al., 1989a; Hilibrand et al., 1999) (Table 11.2). A technique is
therefore needed to prevent domino lesions after single site ventral slot surgery. One technique that might accom-
plish this is to try to promote fusion at subclinically affected spaces by forage and grafting (11.30).

11.28 3D reconstruction of a CT scan made the day

after a ventral slot was performed at C5/6
intervertebral space (same dog as in 4.25).
Suction and excellent lighting, such as a
fiberoptic source (5.3), are essential; access
may be improved by modifying the slot into an
inverted cone (7.50) (Goring et al., 1991).


11.29 A: Removal of anulus can be especially

difficult in CSM. It can be aided by preserving
a small knub of anulus during drilling (arrow).
This can then be grasped like a handle to
facilitate its removal after a window has been
cut into the vertebral canal (Jeffery, 1995)
(7.45–7.49). B: Hemorrhage from the 11.29
vertebral venous plexus can be hard to A
control (7.44; Table 7.2); occlusion of the
vertebral venous plexus is by pressure or a
small piece of muscle tissue (8.43). The most
likely puncture sites for the venous plexus are
at each corner. The width of the slot in this
illustration is much greater than generally
recommended unless some type of
stabilization is to be applied afterwards

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 235

11.30 A: After a ventral slot at C6/7

(not shown) cortical bone was
removed over the ventral
aspect of C5 and C6 vertebrae
(arrowheads) without damaging
the C5/6 disc (arrow).
Cancellous bone was then 11.30
applied over both disc spaces
(Dixon et al., 1996; Hilibrand
et al., 1999). B: A ventral slot at C6/7 with forage of the ventral cortical bone on either side of C5/6 (different
dog to A, see 11.5). Both sites show good ventral bridging with new bone at 6 weeks; this progressed to
complete fusion by 4 months. The dog’s neurological deficits had resolved completely by 6 months.

Vertebral distraction (11.31–11.34)

The temporary distraction device can be custom-made as shown in 11.33A but a Freer or Synthes periosteal ele-
vator is just as effective. Use of this initial distraction technique allows one side of the space to be curetted; the dis-
tractor is then repositioned to curette the other side. It is especially important to remove as much material as
possible from the craniodorsal portion of the disc space, although this process is harder to perform properly at C6/7
than at other spaces (11.14). The dorsal anulus must be left intact to prevent cement from entering the vertebral
canal. If the anulus is torn, it is possible to protect the dura prior to introducing cement using Gelfoam (Pharmacia,
Kalamazoo, MI) as this has good thermo-insulating properties (Roosen et al., 1978; Boker et al., 1989).
Distraction can be done using Gelpi retractors in the vertebral bodies as shown in 11.38A (Dixon et al., 1996)
but ideally not by placing a retractor in the adjacent disc spaces (Bruecker et al., 1989a; Dixon et al., 1996; Wilson
et al., 1994) (11.13A). Distraction can also be accomplished by an assistant pulling on a rope around the dog’s
upper canine teeth (7.55) but is unreliable and often produces inadequate distraction (11.18). Finally, small K-wires
may be used to maintain distraction like the screws in 11.40, but are then removed once the cement plug hardens.

a Ventral

11.31 A: Sagittal section through the cervical spine

to show compression ventrally from anulus (a)
and dorsally from ligamentum flavum (b). B:
Distraction relieves compression caused by
redundant tissues. Gelpi retractors maintain
distraction; one tip is against the caudal end
plate of the cranial vertebra and the other in a
small hole drilled in the body of the caudal 11.31 b Dorsal
vertebra (11.34). A rope pulling on the dog’s
maxilla (11.24A), and tied to a hook on the A
surgical table, with or without the Gelpi
distraction shown here, are the most reliable
techniques to permit cement hardening.


236 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


11.32 A: Distraction has been started by making a wide

fenestration at the C6/7 disc. The window in the
ventral anulus fibrosus (a) and the nucleus pulposus
(b) are visible. B: The C6/7 disc is curetted
thoroughly following fenestration. This is easier with a
the space distracted as shown in 11.33B.

11.33 A: A distraction device is introduced into the

intervertebral space to aid curettage. B: The device
is then turned through 90° to distract the two
vertebrae and widen the intervertebral space.
When all nucleus and end-plate cartilage have
been removed (Dixon et al., 1996), a rope or Gelpi
retractor is used to maintain distraction as shown in
11.31B and 11.34.

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 237

11.34 A: A channel is drilled with a fine bur just under

the cortical bone on the ventral surface of the
vertebra. This hole starts about two thirds the
distance along the vertebra caudal to the disc
space to be distracted. One end of the Gelpi is
hooked into this hole; the other is set against
the caudal end plate of the vertebra in front of
the disc space to be distracted (11.31B). The
space is distracted as shown in 11.33B and the
Gelpi is locked. B: The Gelpi retractor is locked. 11.34
The initial distraction device is now removed
and the space checked again to insure that no
nuclear material remains. The space is now
ready to be filled with cement. Care must be
taken not to dislodge the Gelpi once it is in
place; sudden collapse of the distracted space
could injure the spinal cord (Dixon et al., 1996).

Cement plug (11.35–11.39)

11.35 Cement is mixed until the powder is dissolved

and then it is transferred quickly to a 60-ml
catheter-tipped syringe. Attached to the end of
the syringe is an 8 French red rubber tube with
the end cut short so that its tip just fits into the
disc space. Cement is injected into the space
taking care to fill the dorsal portion first without
trapping air under the cement. The Gelpi is then
left in place for 10–12 min.

The handle of a small instrument is used to compress the cement on either side of the Gelpi tip; this tip must be
kept clear of cement to facilitate its removal after cement hardens.
Ideally the two or three high-risk spaces are distracted using this procedure as shown in 11.16 and 11.37.
Alternatively, any subclinically affected spaces can be foraged and then grafted as shown in 11.30.
If no hole has been drilled into the end plate to anchor the cement plug, then a single 4.5-mm screw can be
used to prevent the plug from falling out. A single screw is inserted by drilling and tapping the first cortex only; the
screw then taps its own thread (11.36) as tapping may weaken fixation in cancellous bone (Krag, 1991; Bagley et
al., 2000). The second (inner) cortex should prevent the screw from entering the vertebral canal (see 11.16 for
potential complication). The advantages of using this technique to anchor the plug is that the vertebral end plates
should be less likely to collapse as they are not weakened (11.20A, 11.38) and there is also no need for the dog
to wear a splint after surgery. Some collapse of the space does still occur, presumably from thermal damage to the
end plates (Anderson, 1988; Boker et al., 1989), and to pressure-induced resorption. This technique has worked
238 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

well in the small number of dogs studied provided that the screw is positioned so the head sits over the cement
plug (11.36, 11.37). A similar approach uses threaded pins to anchor the plug instead (McKee and Sharp, 2003).
The original method for anchoring a cement plug is to drill holes in each end plate and to fill these with cement
(Dixon et al., 1996) (11.38). Having an angled bur guard for the drill (5.24) makes it easier to drill the anchor hole
into the cranial end plate.
It is not clear if an external splint provides additional benefit following the standard cement-plug technique.
Although dogs that were not splinted had outcomes as good as those that were, most surgeons who use this
technique recommend use of a splint (Dixon et al., 1996). The dog should be assessed closely for the appear-
ance of rub sores, discomfort, odor or any type of malaise that might signify infection under the splint. If there is
any doubt it should be replaced. A Halti and chest harness are an easier way to restrict movement (13.18B).

11.36 A: Cement has hardened

(arrow). A screw, then
cancellous bone is
applied over the distracted
space. B: Good new bone
production is evident at
C6/7 5 weeks after surgery
with nearly complete 11.36
bridging callus. Note the A B
radiolucent area ventral to
the cement (arrow), which also occurs with the standard technique (Dixon et al., 1996). The implant
survived this male St Bernard jumping a fence to reach a bitch in heat and falling on the far side 2 weeks
after surgery. The dog was normal at 4 months.

11.37 A: These screw heads do

not cover the cement plug
adequately (11.16, 11.36).
B: Follow-up radiograph
12 weeks after surgery
reveals that the plugs have
fallen out (Marchevsky and 11.37
Richardson, 1999). Despite A B
this the dog did well clinically
and its neurological deficits had resolved by 4 months.

11.38 A: Distraction can be

accomplished using a Gelpi
retractor positioned within
each vertebral body as
shown here (Dixon et al.,
1996). B: Excellent filling of
the C5/6 disc space;
cement can be seen clearly 11.38
where it has entered the
caudal anchor hole
(arrow). Despite this the
plug failed due to end-plate collapse 4 weeks after surgery (11.20A) and the dog was euthanized.
It had not worn an external splint although this is not a prerequisite for a successful outcome (Dixon
et al., 1996).
Cervical spondylomyelopathy 239

11.39 A splint can be made in one piece from

fiberglass; it is easiest to apply under general
anesthesia but can also usually be done under
heavy sedation. Whatever material is used has
to be well padded and the entire splint should
be replaced every 2 weeks, or sooner should
problems arise. A Halti headcollar tied to a
chest harness is a simple and effective way to
limit neck movement (13.18B).

Metal implant and bone cement method (11.40–11.43)

Initial vertebral distraction for the metal and bone cement technique cannot be performed using the method
shown in 11.31 and 11.34 because of the final position of the cement. The disc space is first distracted as shown
in 11.33B or 11.40. Then a bone allograft (Veterinary Transplant Services, Seattle, WA) or an autograft from either
the wing of C6, the sternum or the ilium can be wedged into the slot to maintain distraction prior to cement appli-
cation (Fitch et al., 2000). Use of such a graft has the additional advantage that it will promote an osseous union.
Alternatively, distraction can be maintained by a rope around the maxillary teeth (11.24) that is then tied to the
surgical table.

11.40 A: Another distraction

option is to use two,
2.7-mm distraction screws.
With the space distracted
(11.33) these are directed
from the ventral vertebral
body to cross the disc
space and rest against the
end plate of the caudal
vertebra (Queen et al.,
1998). B: The distraction is 11.40
asymmetrical as one of the
distraction screws was
aimed too laterally; this is exacerbated by the curved shape of the end plate (11.19).

The anchoring pins or screws should enter the bone close to the midline (11.41) and are then driven towards
the contralateral articular facets, away from the vertebral canal. Two implants are placed in the vertebrae on each
side of the affected space. The vertebrae are then distracted and this position is maintained by molding bone
cement carefully around each one of the screws.
Even when a ventral slot is not needed to produce decompression, a shallow slot is useful in order to pack with
bone graft and so promote fusion across the interspace. Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) can be used to
insulate the graft as the cement hardens (Roosen et al., 1978; Boker et al., 1989). If pins or screws are to be com-
bined with a ventral slot it is important to position the screws precisely as there is only a limited amount of bone
available. There is more room for implants in the cranial vertebra if they are inserted a little more parallel to the end
plates than shown in 11.43 (Jeffery and McKee, 2001). The screws have better purchase if they penetrate two
cortices but there is less risk of penetrating the vertebral canal or damaging nerve roots if they do not (Swaim,
1975; Zindrick et al., 1986) (11.40, 11.43). If only one cortex is penetrated then the implant will be strengthened
considerably by use of three screws in each vertebra (Garcia et al., 1994).
240 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.41 A: Placement of pins or

screws in cervical vertebra
for distraction-stabilization
(13.56A). B: The diverging
path of the screw in each
vertebra is shown clearly in
this dorsoventral radiograph.
This dog had also
undergone a ventral slot
decompression; the cranial
portion of the slot is visible 11.41

11.42 Sagittal section shows how the ventral slot should

be started almost entirely in the vertebra cranial to
the disc. Owing to the angle of the end plates, and
the position of the slot, there is often less room for
screws in the cranial vertebra than in the caudal
vertebra (11.17–11.19, 11.22, 11.40–11.43). 11.42

11.43 A: Postoperative radiograph of screws and bone

cement in position after a ventral slot.
A hole was only drilled and tapped for the first
(ventral) cortex. Screw position is good but still
there was only room for one 4.5-mm and one
3.5-mm screw in C6 due to the angle used and
the proximity of the cranial edge of the slot
(arrow). B: Pins can also be used as the metal
implant. Positive profile pins are preferred to the
smooth pins shown here. Fully threaded screws
are also preferred to the partially threaded ones
shown in 11.22B as the thread junction can act A
as a stress riser.

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 241

Dorsal decompression (11.44–11.55)

Dorsal decompression may be limited to two vertebrae or it can extend over multiple vertebrae (Lyman, 1991). It
is advisable to preserve the facet joints in dogs with CSM and so the limit of bone removal is usually the medial
aspect of the facet joint(s) (Trotter et al., 1976; VanGundy, 1988). After the initial approach (11.44–11.47), the nuchal
ligament is divided in the midline (11.48). The approach can be alongside the ligament rather than dividing it and it can
even be sectioned if additional exposure is required. It can be repaired later but this is not necessary.
There is a layer of thick fascia and ligamentum flavum between adjacent vertebrae. It can be removed using sharp
dissection but this must be done with great care as the spinal cord is not protected by bone between the vertebral
arches. It is probably safer to remove this layer of fascia after entering the vertebral canal on either side.
Screws are preferred over wire for providing additional stability after dorsal laminectomy (Swaim, 1975; Trotter
et al., 1976) (11.56, 11.57). Cartilage is debrided from the joint surfaces and bone debris, or ideally cancellous
bone graft, is packed around the joints. The main risks with the screw fixation technique are facet fracture or nerve
root damage. The latter could have severe consequences if major nerves to the brachial plexus are injured.

11.44 The dog is positioned with its

limbs pulled cranially and its
caudal neck supported by a
sandbag. The site of incision
when approaching the caudal
cervical vertebrae is from
C3 to T2.


11.45 Skin and superficial fascia incised and retracted

to reveal the aponeurosis of the rhomboideus
and trapezius muscles.


11.46 Diagram to show the position of

muscles relative to underlying
skeletal structures. The muscles
are divided in the midline. Bleeding
from the large neurovascular
bundles that penetrate the fascia
must be controlled to prevent
postoperative hematoma (15.34).
The nuchal ligament can be
palpated at this stage.
242 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.47 The fascia overlying the nuchal ligament is

divided and cleared. The ligament is freed back
to the prominent spinous process of T1. Here
the nuchal ligament has been mobilized,
revealing the paired spinalis muscles (arrows).


11.48 A: The nuchal ligament

attaches to the spinous
process of T1 and then
continues caudally with
the interspinous
ligament. The spinous
process of C7 can
usually be palpated at
this stage. The relative
size of C7 and T1
should be ascertained 11.48
from lateral radiographs A
as they may vary between
animals. B: Nuchal ligament being divided.

11.49 Closer view showing spinalis muscles attached

to spinous process of C7 (arrow).

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 243

11.50 The muscles are elevated from the spinous

process (a) and lamina of the vertebra.
The spinous process is then removed with
bone cutters.


11.51 The spinal cord is now visible (a). Large veins may
be present in the epidural space (11.52). Bleeding
may respond to bipolar cautery but a Hemoclip
(Pilling Weck Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC) or
fine suture is needed if a vein is torn. a


11.52 CT scans of a tetraplegic

Doberman after IV contrast.
A: Image at the unaffected
C6/7 disc space shows how
the vertebral venous plexus
communicates with
intervertebral veins at the
level of the disc space
(arrows). These veins may 11.52
extend into the dorsal epidural A B
space; the exact pattern is
variable. B: Image through C5/6 disc space to show the spinal cord compressed by a lateralized,
non-mineralized disc extrusion (arrowhead) that was confirmed at surgery (from Sharp et al., 1995).

11.53 The laminectomy is performed with a bur. Close

attention is paid to the layers of bone as they are
removed (8.32, 10.29, 10.30).

244 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.54 A: Spinal cord exposed (see also 7.59). The

laminectomy can be continued laterally to
remove proliferated articular processes and
synovial tissue (11.57). B: The laminectomy can
be continued to one side to expose the nerve
root more fully. However, this almost certainly
decreases stability.


11.55 A: Myelogram of a 6-year-old Rottweiler with marked

tetraparesis of 12 months’ duration. There is a
dilation of the ventral and, to an even greater extent,
dorsal subarachnoid space. B: Intraoperative
photograph after dorsal laminectomy to show the
exposed spinal cord and dilation of the subarachnoid
space (arrow). Marsupialization of the arachnoid cyst
is in progress (14.5–14.8).

Cervical spondylomyelopathy 245

11.56 Two-year-old mastiff with

severe osseous compression
at C2/3 (11.57A) that had a
dorsal laminectomy and
4.5-mm lag screws inserted
across the facet joints. The
dog recovered well but 11.56
developed mild left-sided
hemiparesis 3 months later.
This follow-up myelogram shows good decompression at C2/3
(11.57B) compared to the preoperative myelogram (not shown) but a
left-sided synovial cyst at C5/6 (11.8). The owner declined further
surgery; the dog improved and was doing well 3 years later. B

11.57 3D reconstructions of the

(A) preoperative, and (B)
3-month postoperative CT
myelograms at C2/3; same
dog as shown in 11.8 and
11.56. Undercutting was
used to remove compressive
periarticular bone on the
medial aspects of the facet 11.57
joints; this has widened the
vertebral canal significantly
(10.43) (Trotter et al., 1976).

Laminoplasty can be performed using a variety of techniques (McKee, 1988; Kohno et al., 1997; Shaffrey et al.,
1999). In the method illustrated in 11.58, a fine-tipped bur is used to make a cut three quarters of the way along
the midline of the C6 dorsal lamina. Great care is needed to avoid the spinal cord, especially cranially. The cut is
extended into a T-shape caudally. Grooves are cut down to the inner cortical bone at the junction of the lamina
with each pedicle. The laminar flap is elevated sufficiently to make a small bur hole in its medial edge for 0
polypropylene suture. The inner cortical bone is weakened further by drilling until each flap can be elevated
almost vertically. The interarcuate ligament and any dural adhesions must be separated with care. 3.5-mm
screws are placed in lag fashion across the C5/6 articular facets in order to attach and tighten the sutures. A can-
cellous bone graft is packed around the joints and a fat graft then placed over the spinal cord (McKee, 1988).
246 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

11.58 Laminoplasty of the cervical vertebrae as

performed in a 5-year-old Great Dane with
stenosis at C5/6 (McKee, 1988). Many different
types of laminoplasty are used in humans
(Shaffery et al., 1999) (from McKee, 1988).

Neoplasia Chapter


Clinical signs 247 References 263

Tumor biology 248 Procedures 266

Extradural tumors 248 Hemilaminectomy 266
Intradural/extramedullary 249 Dorsal laminectomy 270
Intramedullary 250 Vertebrectomy 273
Nerve sheath tumor resection 275
Diagnosis 250
Radiography 250
Ultrasound 250
Electrophysiology 250 Although tumors are uncommon causes of spinal dis-
Myelography 251 ease, they are significant once the more common prob-
Computed tomography 251 lems such as disc disease (in dogs) and trauma are
Magnetic resonance imaging 251 eliminated. Older animals are usually affected, although
Biopsy 251 certain tumor types do occur in young individuals.

Staging 252

Treatment 254
Medical treatment 254 Animals with vertebral column tumors present with
Radiation treatment 254 a fairly typical pattern of initial non-specific discomfort,
Surgical treatment 255 followed by development of progressive neurological
deficits and more definitive evidence of spinal pain.
Complications 258 Severe pain and significant neurological dysfunction
develop eventually if the condition is allowed to progress.
Marked weight loss or localized muscle atrophy is often
Postoperative care 259
seen. One exception to this pattern is a precipitous
decline following initial mild or even imperceptible signs.
Prognosis 259 This can occur with vertebral body tumors where
Extradural tumors 260 pathological fracture develops (12.12), or in soft tissue
Intradural/extramedullary tumors 260 tumors where the animal tolerates a slowly progressing
Intramedullary tumors 261 degree of spinal cord compression until it decompen-
sates suddenly. Vascular interference by the tumor may
Feline spinal tumors 261 also be responsible for acute deterioration.
Diagnosis 262 Most tumors of the spinal cord cause little or no
Treatment 263 discomfort. Although incontinence usually develops
Prognosis 263 only after an animal has lost all motor function (see
Chapter 2), some animals with intramedullary tumors
Key issues for future investigation 263 develop urinary or fecal incontinence while they are
still able to walk. This can occur even for lesions affecting
248 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

T3–L3 segments (Prata, 1977; Jeffery and Phillips, TUMOR BIOLOGY

1995) (12.4). There are a large number of tumor types that affect
Tumors involving the brachial or lumbosacral plexus the spine. Many tumors are only reported in small
may present initially as a slowly progressive unilateral numbers and these have been reviewed elsewhere
lameness (McDonnell et al., 2001). This can present a (LeCouteur and Child, 1995; LeCouteur, 2001; Oakley
diagnostic challenge and may lead to extended efforts and Paterson, 2003). Common tumor types are listed
to find a non-neurological abnormality; even including in Table 12.1.
surgery for a suspected orthopedic lesion (McCarthy Spinal tumors may be classified by histopathology
et al., 1993). Rectal examination may identify a mass (Table 12.1) or according to their anatomic location in
within the pelvic canal (such as an enlarged lumbosacral the spine (4.21):
trunk, the intrapelvic portion of the sciatic nerve, 1.8A)
• Extradural.
(Niles et al., 2001). Animals with brachial plexus
• Intradural/extramedullary.
tumors may have an axillary mass or show pain on
• Intramedullary.
palpation of the area (Carmichael and Griffiths, 1981; Extradural tumors are the most prevalent type in
Brehm et al., 1995). The miosis of partial Horner’s dogs, accounting for approximately half of all cases.
syndrome (Bradley et al., 1982) (2.15A), unilateral Intradural/extramedullary tumors make up another
loss of the cutaneous trunci reflex with a consensual third and intramedullary tumors the remainder
response (Carmichael and Griffiths, 1981) (2.11, 2.12), (LeCouteur, 2001). Tumors of bone and nerve roots are
or diaphragmatic hemiparalysis (13.12) may be other most common in dogs; extradural lymphoma is most
important clues to brachial plexus neoplasia (Bradley common in cats (Oakley and Patterson, 2003). The
et al., 1982; Wheeler et al., 1986; Bailey, 1990). Signs biology and expected behavior of a tumor must be
tend to be insidious in onset, with spinal cord dysfunc- understood if it is to be diagnosed, staged, and treated
tion occurring only if the vertebral canal is invaded. properly.
Even then half of all dogs with nerve sheath tumors
and abnormal myelograms show no neurological
deficits in the pelvic limbs (Bradley et al., 1982). Extradural tumors
The lower motor neuron (LMN) deficits make elec- As the name implies these tumors lie outside the dura
tromyography a useful test, first for confirming that the mater. They typically cause pain with rapid neurologi-
animal has neurological disease and then in identifying cal deterioration and include vertebral body tumors
which nerve roots are involved (see ‘Electromyography’, and those that occupy the epidural space. Most verte-
page 250). bral body tumors are osteosarcomas; fibrosarcomas are
Involvement of other body systems with diffuse neo- the next most common type (Dernell et al., 2000).
plasia or metastasis may cause clinical signs unrelated Chondrosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma and myeloma
to the nervous system. This is most frequent in animals are less frequent (Dernell et al., 2000; LeCouteur,
with lymphoma. Paraneoplastic effects may also be 2001; Withrow and MacEwan, 2001). Meningiomas
seen, particularly lymphoma-related hypercalcemia. and nerve sheath tumors can be extradural in location

Table 12.1 Classification of major spinal tumor types according to location within the spine

Extradural Intradural/extramedullary Intramedullary

Primary Meningioma Ependymoma

Osteosarcoma Nerve sheath tumours Glioma
Fibrosarcoma (schwannoma, neurofibroma, Lymphoma
Chondrosarcoma neurofibrosarcoma, lymphoma) Hemangiosarcoma
Lymphoma Nephroblastoma Reticulosis (focal
Hemangiosarcoma Sarcoma granulomatous
Lymphoma meningoencephalomyelitis (GME))
Carcinoma Metastatic Metastatic
Neoplasia 249

but are discussed under intradural tumors. Extra- Meningiomas usually cause pain or chronic discom-
dural tumors may also be metastatic in origin (osteo- fort with slowly progressive neurological deficits. Some
sarcomas or carcinomas). Discovery of an extradural meningiomas show an intramedullary pattern on myel-
tumor indicates the possibility of a primary mass else- ography due to associated edema, even though they are
where, particularly the mammary or thyroid glands, located outside the spinal cord (Fingeroth et al., 1987).
kidney or urinary bladder. They tend to be discrete, firm to rubbery extra-
Osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma of the spine show medullary masses. Meningiomas usually compress rather
similar biological behavior. The usual cause of treat- than infiltrate spinal cord but some show invasion along
ment failure is local recurrence (Dernell et al., 2000). the perivascular space (Summers et al., 1994). Four of
Spinal osteosarcomas are moderately aggressive with a 13 spinal cord meningiomas in one report were invasive
metastatic rate reported as 17% (Heyman et al., 1992). (Fingeroth et al., 1987). Distant metastasis has been
A new grading system has been developed for osteosar- reported for intracranial but not for spinal meningioma.
coma; most tumors are high grade (Kirpensteijn et al., Meningiomas show a remarkable histopathological diver-
2002). Grading for fibrosarcoma is less clear cut sity, probably because the meninges arise from both
(Ciekot et al., 1994; Hung et al., 2000). neural crest and mesodermal cells. They originate from
Vertebral plasma cell tumors may exist as a soli- arachnoid granulations and cap cells, and often have recep-
tary plasmacytoma or as multiple myeloma. Solitary tors for progesterone (Summers et al., 1994; Theon
plasmacytoma is not associated with paraneoplastic et al., 2000). Histopathological grading is not standard-
syndromes and usually does not cause monoclonal gam- ized although characteristics of benign versus malignant
mopathy. It has a better prognosis than multiple meningiomas have been reviewed (Ribas et al., 1991;
myeloma but in humans about 50% go on to develop Summers et al., 1994; Theon et al., 2000).
disseminated disease (Rusbridge et al., 1999) (12.12). Nerve sheath tumors usually cause a chronic, progres-
This may be because a third of humans thought to have sive lameness. The two most common sites of origin are
solitary disease actually have occult multiple myeloma from the plexus or from a nerve root within the
on MRI (Moulopoulos et al., 1993). Multiple myeloma vertebral canal (Brehm et al., 1995). Brachial plexus
does cause monoclonal gammopathy and additional tumors are fusiform thickenings of one or more nerve
clinical signs can occur from hyperviscosity or paraneo- trunks, which sometimes coalesce into a common mass.
plastic syndromes (Rusbridge et al., 1999). Spinal cord compression is usually a late event for
Lymphoma has the propensity to involve the dura brachial plexus tumors but is often a presenting sign for
mater and the spinal cord substance itself but is included tumors that arise from within a nerve root (Brehm
here as the usual site is extradural (Britt et al., 1984). et al., 1995). Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is
Canine lymphoma is usually a manifestation of multi- the term preferred to malignant schwannoma or neuro-
centric disease. Lymphoma can affect nerve roots. Spinal fibrosarcoma as it is usually not possible to discriminate
cord compression is often extradural and the mass can the cell of origin. These tumors are usually malignant
sometimes be mistaken for epidural fat (Summers et al., both cytologically and biologically (Summers et al.,
1994). Some dogs show meningeal infiltration and most 1994). Nerve sheath tumors often invade extensively
have neoplastic lymphocytes in the CSF (Rosin, 1982; along the nerve (Oliver et al., 1965; Bradley et al., 1982;
Britt et al., 1984; Couto et al., 1984). Grading tech- McCarthy et al., 1993; Brehm et al., 1995; Jones et al.,
niques for multicentric lymphoma can predict outcome 1995). Invasion into the spinal cord can occur but local
and these may be applicable to spinal lymphoma (Kiupel or distant metastasis is unusual (Brehm et al., 1995;
et al., 1999; Dobson et al., 2001). Malignant histiocyto- Sharp, 1988; Summers et al., 1994). They also metasta-
sis and mastocytosis also affect the spinal cord occasion- size occasionally along the subarachnoid space (2.24,
ally (Moore and Rosin, 1986; Tyrrell and Davis, 2001; 4.27, 4.28, 4.44B). Histopathologically, nerve sheath
Uchida et al., 2001; Moore et al., 2002). Feline lym- tumors are often anaplastic with abundant mitosis and
phoma is discussed on page 261. necrosis. Specific grading systems are not yet standard-
ized (Summers et al., 1994; Kuntz et al., 1997).
Intradural/extramedullary Nephroblastoma is another type of intradural/
These tumors lie within the dura mater but outside extramedullary tumor that occurs between T10 and L2
the spinal cord parenchyma. The most common tumors vertebrae in young dogs (Pearson et al., 1997; Summers
in this category are meningiomas and nerve sheath et al., 1988; Terrell et al., 2000) (12.40). It was
tumors (neurofibroma, neurofibrosarcoma, schwan- referred to formerly as neuroepithelioma but this
noma, lymphoma). Both types can also be in an extra- tumor is really an extrarenal nephroblastoma equiva-
dural location. lent to Wilms’ tumor in humans (Pearson et al., 1997).
250 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Spinal cord compression is often severe but the mass Radiography

tends to be well-circumscribed and the prognosis has Spinal tumors are usually relatively easy to diagnose
been very good after surgical excision in some dogs using standard methods. Following a physical and neuro-
(Ferretti et al., 1993; Siegel et al., 1996). Metastasis is logical examination, routine blood work and urinalysis
rare but some of these tumors are invasive locally are performed. Radiography is often the technique with
(Baumgartner et al., 1988; Terrell et al., 2000). the highest diagnostic yield. Survey radiographs of the
spine may not be diagnostic of soft tissue tumors, part
Intramedullary of the value of negative findings lies in the elimination
Intramedullary tumors occur within the spinal cord of obvious, destructive lesions and of differential diag-
substance and are the least common type. They typi- noses such as discospondylitis (14.11). The axial and
cally cause neurological deficits that progress rapidly. appendicular skeleton should be surveyed in suspected
Tumors are either gliomas (12.4) or, very occasion- plasma cell tumors in order to stage the tumor as soli-
ally, metastatic tumors (Waters and Hayden, 1990; tary or disseminated (Rusbridge et al., 1999). Bony
LeCouteur, 2001). Staging relies mainly on neuroimaging changes will be seen mainly in vertebral tumors (12.1)
and MRI gives the best definition for intramedullary but other tumors, such as meningiomas and nerve sheath
lesions. However, MRI may not always differentiate tumors can cause mineralization or bone remodeling.
intramedullary tumors from those in the intradural/ Spinal tumors do not metastasize frequently to the tho-
extramedullary compartment. This is due partly to rax but chest radiographs (three projections—both right
the limitations of slice thickness and partly because and left laterals with ventrodorsal or dorsoventral
some tumors are only classified accurately using histo- views) should always be taken. Chest radiography is fol-
pathology (Kippenes et al., 1999). A rare, non-neoplastic lowed by abdominal ultrasound; in some animals the
differential diagnosis for an intramedullary space- spinal tumor itself may be a metastatic lesion (Bentley
occupying lesion is epidermoid cyst (Tomlinson et al., et al., 1990; Jeffery, 1991).
A general examination of the abdomen is indicated to
DIAGNOSIS identify other sites of neoplastic involvement and evaluate
Diagnosis of a tumor is usually straightforward but intercurrent disease (Platt et al., 1998). Ultrasonography
degenerative conditions like disc disease (see Chapters can also be very useful to identify some nerve sheath
7 and 8) and degenerative myelopathy, congenital tumors (Platt et al., 1999; Niles et al., 2001) and
anomaly with late onset such as an arachnoid cyst, infec- may even be superior to MRI (Donner et al., 1994;
tious inflammatory disease including discospondylitis and Simonovsky, 1997; Platt et al., 1999).
focal granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME),
or vascular diseases such as ischemic neuromyopathy in Electrophysiology
both dogs and cats, warrant consideration (see Chapter Evidence of denervation on electromyography (EMG)
14). Bone tumors may cross a disc space but this is rare; is highly suggestive of nerve sheath tumor in a dog
this helps to differentiate them from discospondylitis with suspicious clinical signs (Wheeler et al., 1986;
(Moore et al., 2000). Steinberg, 1988; Brehm et al., 1995). Nerve conduction

12.1 A: Four-year-old German shepherd

dog presenting with back pain and
paraparesis. Survey radiographs show a
destructive process affecting the T3
spinous process (arrows). Myelography
revealed extradural compression of the
spinal cord at this site (12.6A). B: Ten-
year-old paraparetic Cocker spaniel with
an osteoproductive process within
and ventral to the T5 vertebral body
(arrow-heads) (12.6B).

Neoplasia 251

studies, late wave assessment and cord dorsum poten- Thickening can also be due to edema and not to neo-
tials may also provide supportive evidence (Cuddon plastic invasion (Simpson et al., 1999). MRI is probably
et al., 2003). better than CT myelography at differentiating tumor
from edema (Simpson et al., 1999).
This provides useful information about the location of Magnetic resonance imaging
the tumor and its position within the vertebral canal This is now considered the gold standard imaging
relative to the dura mater and spinal cord (4.27–4.31). modality for human oncosurgery (Gilson, 2003) (see
It is important to take two views (lateral and ventro- page 57). It is superior to CT for imaging metastases
dorsal) for correct localization (4.30, 4.31). Although and occult myeloma within medullary bone (O’Flanagan
it will remain an important imaging modality, myel- et al., 1991; Rusbridge et al., 1999; Moore et al., 2000).
ography is invasive and image quality can vary due to Sagittal images with T2-weighting provide excellent
technical problems such as contrast leakage or poor lesion localization by identifying peritumoral edema.
filling of the subarachnoid space (see Chapter 4). Nerve sheath tumors are an exception as they do not
False-negative results can also occur, especially with always show abnormalities on T2-weighting although
nerve sheath tumors (Carmichael and Griffiths, 1981; they usually enhance well with contrast (Kippenes et al.,
Bradley et al., 1982; McCarthy et al., 1993) and myel- 1999) (2.25, 12.3). As nerve sheath tumors are often
ography may miss as many as 42% of intramedullary located away from the midline within the axilla the
tumors (4.41) (Grem et al., 1985; Waters and Hayden, study must be centerd to include soft tissues on the
1990). Transverse imaging by CT or MRI in general affected side (Kippenes et al., 1999; Levitski et al.,
allows earlier detection and better surgical planning 1999; Platt et al., 1999). For most tumor types, T1-
than myelography (Waters and Hayden, 1990; Brehm weighted images post-contrast are preferred for defin-
et al., 1995). ing tumor volume and the relationship between the
tumor and surrounding tissues. Assessment of bone
Computed tomography marrow infiltration requires additional pulse sequences
Computed tomography excels in imaging tumors that such as fat suppression. The main limitation of MRI is
destroy cortical bone (Dernell et al., 2000; Moore et al., that some lower field-strength magnets are unable to
2000) (12.6A, 12.7). Administration of intravenous image thin enough tissue slices to permit fine anatomic
contrast may improve detection further, especially for resolution (Kippenes et al., 1999).
some nerve sheath tumors (McCarthy et al., 1993;
Niles et al., 2001). Beam-hardening artefact from the Biopsy
humerus can interfere with resolution of brachial plexus This may be done as a needle aspirate or as an incisional
lesions (Platt et al., 1999). False-positive results can or excisional procedure. The choice is important and
occur in some animals that show thickening of nerve biopsy tracts must be within the final field of surgical or
roots on CT myelography suggestive of tumor (12.2). radiation treatment. Percutaneous fine needle aspiration



12.2 CT myelogram from a dog with chronic lameness, LMN deficits, Horner’s syndrome, and a painful mass in the right axilla.
Myelography was unremarkable. A: A CT scan showed subtle, right-sided, extradural compression at the cranial edge of T1
vertebra (arrow). B: Filling defects caused by C8 nerve roots as they cross the subarachnoid space (arrows). The right ventral
nerve root is much thicker than the left side. In this dog the ventral C8 and T1 nerve roots were invaded by tumor (12.49).
252 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


12.3 MRI of a dog with a 5-month history of unilateral pelvic limb lameness. It was unable to extend its stifle due to severe atrophy
and paralysis of the quadriceps muscle, the patellar reflex was absent but the withdrawal reflex was intact. A: Post-contrast,
T1-weighted image shows a high signal area in the dorsal portion of one psoas muscle (arrowhead). B: T2-weighted image with fat
suppression reveals a high signal mass at the same location as shown in A (arrowhead). Diagnosis was a nerve sheath tumor.


12.4 Five-year-old dog with a 1-week history of mild paraparesis and dribbling urine. Myelography revealed lack of subarachnoid
contrast from T10 to T13. A: CT-guided needle biopsy (arrowhead) at T11/12 was non-diagnostic. B: Hemilaminectomy revealed
discolored spinal cord and a needle aspirate was done over T11. C: Cytological diagnosis was ependymoma or oligodendroglioma.
Euthanasia was performed and histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated glioma (Fernandez et al., 1997). In humans the
histological grade of ependymoma does not necessarily correlate with prognosis (Mork and Loken, 1977; Ritter et al., 1998).

of the spinal cord was shown to produce no neurological of choice except for lymphoma or plasma cell tumors.
deficits when conducted at L1/2 or L2/3 in seven Needle biopsy is preferable when lymphoma or plasma
normal dogs (Schulz et al., 1994). It has also been cell tumor is suspected (Rusbridge et al., 1999; Gilson,
used safely in five cats: one with an intramedullary 2003).
lesion at L2/3 and four with epidural lesions (Irving
and McMillan, 1990). Overall, percutaneous needle
biopsy in humans is rapid and minimally invasive; accu- STAGING
racy rates range from 80 to 95% with image-guidance General staging includes neurolocalization, screening for
(Ayala and Zornosa, 1983; Schiff et al., 1997; Ashizawa any concurrent or paraneoplastic disorders, radiographic
et al., 1999; Gilson, 2003)(12.4). survey of the entire vertebral column, abdominal ultra-
Incisional biopsy provides a higher diagnostic yield sound, and screening for pulmonary metastases using
than percutaneous techniques and larger tissue samples thoracic radiographs or spiral CT. Aspiration of lymph
make histological diagnosis more accurate. However, nodes and bone marrow may also be indicated (Withrow
incisional biopsy necessitates two-stage procedures unless and MacEwan, 2001). Screening for bone metastases in
combined with frozen sections and it can also disseminate humans is done best with a bone scan as this is more
tumor cells if done poorly (Gilson and Stone, 1990). accurate than survey radiography although false-positive
Excisional biopsy is better for spinal cord tumors as results have been reported in dogs (Bentley et al., 1990;
most are well localized and excision is also the treatment Berg and Lamb, 1990; Rusbridge et al., 1999; Dernell
Neoplasia 253

12.5 Diagram of an anatomic

classification system for the extent of
tumor involvement within and adjacent
to a vertebral body (modified from Gilson,
2003). See below for an explanation of
zones I–IV.



12.6 A: CT scan of the dog shown in 12.1A reveals an osteolytic, expansile mass within the spinous process of T3 (zone I,
arrowhead). B: Transverse, T1-weighted MRI of the dog shown in 12.1B reveals a large mass ventral to the vertebra (zone III, white
arrowheads); it has also extended dorsally around the rib (*) into zone II and into the vertebral canal (white arrows). The spinal cord
(black arrow) is displaced by tumor within the vertebral canal (zone IV) (12.41).

et al., 2000) (see page 59). Bone scan may also fail to Anatomical classification of the extent of vertebral
identify plasma cell tumors (Rusbridge et al., 1999). tumors is used to determine surgical approach and
A CSF sample should be collected as neoplastic cells will resection technique and may also assist in determining
be identified occasionally. Neoplastic cells were found in the subsequent fixation to be employed. Classification
CSF from 10 of 12 dogs with lymphoma, which is more is based on the region of spine involved and on the por-
often than for feline lymphoma (one third of cats, see tion(s) of vertebral body affected. A guide for anatomic
‘Feline spinal tumors’, page 262) (Rosin, 1982; Couto classification of vertebral body involvement is shown in
et al., 1984). Local and regional tumor imaging is done by 12.5 (Gilson, 2003).
myelography, CT or MRI. CT is very useful for looking For most tumors of zone I and for smaller tumors of
at cortical bone but MRI is now the gold standard modal- zone II, complete en bloc removal is recommended via
ity for both neural and vertebral tumors (Gilson, 2003) a dorsal or dorsolateral approach (Klopp and Quinn,
(12.3, 12.6B). 2001; Gilson, 2003) (12.6A).
254 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

12.7 A: Survey radiograph of the lumbar

spine in a 9-year-old Rottweiler with
lumbar pain and severe paraparesis.
There is loss of bony detail in the
vertebral arch (arrow). B: CT scan shows
destruction of the pedicle and part of the
vertebral body (zones II and IV). The
extent of bony involvement is clearer on
this than on either the survey radiograph
or the myelogram (not shown). An
intraoperative view is shown in 12.9
(see page 256); the necropsy
A B appearance in 12.8.

consideration of results in humans, there is a great deal

of room for improvement in our management of animals
with spinal tumors. It is probable that improvements will
be incremental based on gradual advances in diagnostic
and surgical techniques combined with earlier diagnosis
and better adjuvant therapies (Gilson, 2003).

Medical treatment
Medical treatment of spinal tumors is unlikely to pro-
vide curative therapy in most patients. The exception
is for animals with multiple myeloma where good
responses are obtained with chemotherapy alone or in
combination with radiotherapy; melphalan and pred-
nisone are the standard chemotherapeutic agents
(Rusbridge et al., 1999). In lymphoma, chemothera-
peutic regimens are employed ideally without surgical
intervention. Agents such as cytosine arabinoside may
be added due to the difficulty of getting drugs across
the blood brain barrier (Couto et al., 1984; Withrow
12.8 Section through the lumbar vertebra at necropsy
performed 4 weeks after imaging and laminectomy revealed and McEwan, 2001). Lomustine is of value for CNS
the extent of the tumor re-growth, particularly involving the tumors (Jeffery and Brearley, 1993; Moore et al., 1999;
vertebral body and the lamina (zones II, III and IV). The CT image Fan and Kitchell, 2000) and oral hydroxyurea may
in 12.7 is very similar to this picture. prove useful for meningioma (Mason et al., 2002).
Doxorubicin or cisplatin (in either systemic or slow-
Resections in zone II at certain sites may be chal- release formulations) have been used to treat various
lenging because of the vertebral artery, ribs or wings of other tumor types (Jeffery, 1991; Dernell et al., 2000).
the ilium. Depending on their size, many tumors in Palliative therapy (analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents)
zones II, III and IV will either require piecemeal intra- may also be used to alleviate pain and peritumoral
capsular resection, vertebrectomy or both (Chauvet edema, although when used alone they only relieve
et al., 1999; Dernell et al., 2000) (12.6–12.8). Tumors clinical signs for relatively short periods.
in zone III must be assessed critically for adherence to
cervical soft tissues or to the thoracoabdominal great Radiation treatment
vessels or organs (12.41) (Gilson, 2003). Ideally, radiation treatment is used as an adjunct to sur-
gery, unless the tumor is small, well localized and par-
ticularly sensitive to radiation (e.g. lymphoma or plasma
TREATMENT cell tumor) in which case radiation may be used as the
Treatment is not possible in every animal with a spinal only therapy (LeCouteur, 2001; Rusbridge et al., 1999;
tumor, but an aggressive approach will prove rewarding Withrow and MacEwan, 2001). An important consider-
in some patients. With the exception of myeloma, verte- ation is that previous surgery decreases the radiation
bral body tumors are difficult to treat, but the fun- tolerance of brain (and probably spinal cord) by causing
damental techniques are well established. Based on injury to local blood vessels. If surgery reduces tumor
Neoplasia 255

burden to microscopic levels, then this is not crucial. If the exact location of the mass. Only 4% of patients
incomplete resection leaves a larger tumor burden, this with anterior (i.e. ventral) tumors worsened after an
factor may prevent the aggressive, postoperative radia- anterior approach whereas 26% worsened after poster-
tion therapy necessary to control macroscopic disease ior (i.e. dorsal) laminectomy. Similarly, over 30% of
(Smith and LaRue, 2000). Radiation can also cause patients with posterior tumors could still walk after
injury to the spinal cord (Tiller-Borcich et al., 1987; a posterior approach compared to less than 16% of
Powers et al., 1992; Rusbridge et al., 1999): patients with anterior tumors approached posteriorly
• Early delayed effects occur from 2 weeks to (Gilson, 2003).
3 months after therapy. They are probably due to
transient demyelination; signs are often temporary Vertebral tumors Dogs may show good initial
and may respond to systemic corticosteroids. improvement after debulking surgery (Moore et al.,
• Late effects occur 6 months or more after 2000), but then often worsen markedly (Bentley et al.,
radiotherapy and are caused by vascular endothelial 1990; Heyman et al., 1992; Chauvet et al., 1999)
and glial cell injury. Signs are usually progressive; (12.9). Of 20 dogs undergoing debulking surgery, seven
this is the main factor limiting radiation dose. were unchanged (35%), eight were better (40%), and
More accurate radiation planning allows higher treat- five (25%) worse after surgery. Improvement is usually
ment doses to be delivered to the tumor while sparing temporary unless combined with effective adjunctive
normal tissues (Smith and LaRue, 2000). Several therapy (Dernell et al., 2000).
tumors affecting the spinal cord appear to respond to Stabilization is required after most partial and all com-
radiation (Siegel et al., 1996; Oakley and Patterson, plete vertebral body resections (Chauvet et al., 1999;
2003) (Tables 12.4–12.6). These include meningioma, Dernell et al., 2000; Gilson, 2003); temporary stabiliza-
ependymoma, nephroblastoma and some but not all tion is required prior to removing an entire vertebra
nerve sheath tumors (12.49, 12.50). (Chauvet et al., 1999; Gilson, 2003) (12.41). Principles
of spinal stabilization after tumor resection are similar to
those used for spinal trauma (Sundaresan et al., 1990)
Surgical treatment (see Chapter 13). The most versatile technique is metal
Owing to the inherent anatomical limitations of dealing implants and bone cement. An external fixator has some
with the CNS, aggressive surgical margins are rarely pos- advantages but is better suited to techniques that do not
sible for vertebral or spinal cord tumors. Nevertheless, use a cement spacer (Walker et al., 2002). Some studies
removal of vertebral tumors using wide margins for report a high incidence of cement failure in humans over
most of a mass, with a more limited margin for the por- time (McAfee et al., 1986; Sundaresan et al., 1990;
tion nearest the spinal cord, may not affect adversely Gilson, 2003). This does not appear to be the case in
the success of local tumor control (Gilson, 2003). animals following spinal trauma, probably because of the
Effective biological barriers to neoplastic tissue should be relative difference in life span, although this issue has
used to advantage; these include ‘collagen rich/vascular not been studied in spinal neoplasia (see Chapters 11
poor’ structures such as intervertebral disc, cortical bone, and 13). Whether or not postoperative radiation will
dorsal longitudinal ligament, dura mater, interspinous affect implants is also unclear (D.E. Thrall, personal
and intertransverse ligaments, and fascial sheaths of communication). Titanium implants may be affected
paraspinal muscles (1.29, 1.32–1.35, 8.65). General less than other metals and have the advantage that they
principles of surgical oncology must be adhered to in also permit postoperative MRI.
order to insure a successful outcome (Gilson, 2003). Following vertebrectomy the surgeon has three main
Normal tissues must be protected by impenetrable bar- options:
riers and copious lavage with suction used to clear the 1. Replace excised bone using grafts such as freeze-
surgery field of tumor cells. Contaminated instruments dried femoral allograft (Veterinary Transplant
should be discarded after tumor excision and new mate- Services, Seattle, WA) packed with autogenous,
rials and instruments are used for closure. The most corticocancellous bone from a vertebral spinous
proximal portion of the specimen is identified and the process. The graft replaces the vertebral body and
tumor margins are assessed histologically (Gilson, is anchored by plates (12.42) or with metal
2003). The goal of surgery is to achieve complete resec- implants and bone cement. Autologous bone can
tion or, at minimum, reduce tumor burden to residual also be harvested from ilium, rib, fibula, ulna or
microscopic disease (Algorithm 12.1). possibly a coccygeal vertebra (Yeh and Hou,
The best results are obtained in humans when the 1994). Additional pieces of cortical graft or an
surgical approach and type of resection is targeted to adjacent rib are split longitudinally to make
256 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Algorithm 12.1 Surgical decision-making in

spinal tumours.

Survey radiographs of
Vertebral spine and thorax, plus Spinal cord
tumour abdominal ultrasound tumour

Neuroimaging - CT or
Biopsy MRI or (myelography) Laminectomy

Lymphoma, myeloma,
Anatomical nerve sheath tumor, Resection under
classification see text magnification

and margins

Zone I, Zone II (small) Zone III Zone IV or

Zones II or III

Dorsal or dorsolateral Ventral or Combined approach –

approach – en bloc lateral approach – vertebrectomy
resection intracapsular
or vertebrectomy

d c


12.9 Intraoperative photographs from the dog in 12.7 and 12.8. A: Exposure of the vertebral column revealed a mass of abnormal
tissue on one vertebra (arrow). B: Hemilaminectomy was performed; much of the vertebral arch was absent. Debulking of the soft
tissues revealed a large defect in the vertebral body (a). The spinal cord (b), spinal nerve (c) and spinal ganglion (d) are seen. The
dog recovered well and was able to walk within 2 days. Histopathological diagnosis was anaplastic carcinoma. Attempts to find the
primary tumor failed, and the dog was paraparetic again within 4 weeks, when it was euthanized (12.8).

protective strut grafts placed dorsal to the spinal 2. Fashion a spacer from bone cement to replace
cord (Chauvet et al., 1999; Gilson, 2003) (12.42). the vertebral body. This is anchored using metal
For further information see bone grafts (see implants and additional bone cement. The
page 292). advantage of the spacer is that it provides
Neoplasia 257

immediate stability and, because there is no graft necessitates that the limb be amputated as the result-
to revascularize, this technique is not affected by ant deficit to the radial, median and ulnar nerves will
adjunctive therapies such as radiation (Brasmer and be too disabling. Good preoperative imaging is espe-
Lumb, 1972; Sundaresan et al., 1985; Matsui cially helpful in surgical planning, such as in determin-
et al., 1994; Gilson, 2003). Ideally, some stabilization ing the exact nerve roots involved and where to
must also be provided to dorsal spinal elements. perform the laminectomy (Sakai et al., 1996; Platt
This could be fashioned from cement although et al., 1999).
thermal injury to the spinal cord must be avoided,
such as by using Gelfoam (Roosen et al., 1978; Spinal cord tumors For spinal cord tumors,
Boker et al., 1989). An alternative is to add resection at the pseudocapsule between the mass and
modified segmental fixation (12.41). normal neural tissue can be curative for many tumor
3. Simply close the gap and fuse the adjacent types. There is much less risk of postoperative instability
vertebrae to leave a shortened vertebral column. In for tumors of the spinal cord than for vertebral tumors.
one study the L2 vertebra was removed from eight Extensive dorsal laminectomy warrants some form of
normal dogs; five of these were clinically normal stabilization, especially after pedicle or articular process
11 months later (Yturraspe and Lumb, 1973). The removal (Siegel et al., 1996) (12.39). Ideally, surgery for
advantage is that there is no spacer to loosen or spinal cord tumors should combine good preoperative
revascularize and there is good protection dorsally imaging, preferably using MRI, intraoperative imaging
for the spinal cord. Some histological changes were with ultrasound and magnification, together with ‘no-
reported at the surgical site in normal dogs and it is touch’ techniques employing lasers and ultrasonic aspira-
not known how well a compromised spinal cord tion (Gilson, 2003). As a minimum, good preoperative
would accept this technique (Yturraspe et al., imaging with intraoperative magnification is preferred
1975). This is probably the best approach of the for intradural/extramedullary tumors (Ferretti et al.,
three although the ribs may complicate its use in 1993). Magnification is essential for resection of
thoracic areas. intramedullary tumors in order to differentiate tumor,
pseudocapsule and normal tissue; to minimize spinal
Nerve sheath tumors Nerve sheath tumors pre- cord manipulation; and to allow recognition and ligation
sent a difficult surgical challenge but are also potentially of blood vessels that supply the tumor and not the nor-
curable if three criteria can be satisfied: mal spinal cord (Jeffery and Phillips, 1995; Gilson,
1. Several centimeters of normal nerve can be excised 2003). Mass removal may lead to reperfusion injury of
with complete histological margins proximal and the spinal cord, and spinal cord manipulation can also
distal to each branch of the mass. Simple visual cause damage. Use of preoperative vitamin E or periop-
inspection of margins usually underestimates erative methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS)
the extent of invasion markedly (Bradley et al., may be beneficial (Pietila et al., 2000) (see
1982). page 83).
2. There is no invasion into the sympathetic nerves As microscopic tumor burden often remains after
and ganglia or the spinal cord (Bradley et al., resection of many tumors, adjunct therapy using
1982; Bradney and Forsyth, 1986) (12.49, chemotherapy or radiation should be considered for
12.50). follow-up treatment (Jeffery, 1991; Siegel et al., 1996).
3. There is no local (McCarthy et al., 1993), or One possible exception is a well-circumscribed nerve
distant metastasis (Oliver et al., 1965; Bradley sheath tumor resected with wide margins of normal
et al., 1982; Brehm et al., 1995). These tumors can nerve on either side or in dogs with more extensive
sometimes invade through the epineurium and nerve sheath tumors that undergo forequarter amputa-
even into adjacent bone (Jones et al., 1995). tion and for which histological margins show no evi-
It is usually necessary to amputate the forequarter or dence of residual tumor (12.50).
hemipelvis in order to satisfy these criteria (Bailey,
1990; Targett et al., 1993; Simpson et al., 1999) (Table TUMOR DISSECTION
12.6). This is also necessary due to the diffuse nature Gentle tissue handling is vital for tumors in or near the
of the tumor within nerves, the high recurrence rate, spinal cord. Manipulation must be kept to a minimum to
and the critical nature of much of the plexus for ade- avoid iatrogenic damage; it is preferable to avoid touching
quate limb function. For the thoracic limb, neoplastic the spinal cord at all. If manipulation is necessary then
infiltration of C8 and T1 spinal nerves, of more than dural sutures are used (Yturraspe and Lumb, 1973)
one spinal nerve or a major portion of the plexus, (12.40). The spinal nerve and vessels can be sacrificed in
258 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

order to improve access if a tumor is difficult to remove Table 12.2 Main sources of complications
(8.51), but this should be avoided if possible in the
brachial and lumbosacral plexuses unless the limb can be Early Late
sacrificed (Fingeroth et al., 1987). The tumor site is Intraoperative postoperative postoperative
isolated with cottonoid pledgets (5.28) to both prevent Technical problems Infection Infection
dissemination of tumor cells and retard migration of Technical errors Lack of stability Implant failure
hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space. The goal of Non-neurological
surgery is to remove the tumor without causing damage problems
to the spinal cord rather than to preserve a beautiful
specimen (Fingeroth et al., 1987). If the tumor involves
dura mater, sharp dissection is used to decrease spinal Table 12.3 Complications
cord manipulation. Large dural defects seem to be of no
consequence in animals and can be left open (14.8) Early Late
(Fingeroth et al., 1987; Ferretti et al., 1993). Soft tumors Intraoperative postoperative postoperative
can be removed by gentle suction but it is important to Iatrogenic spinal Instability Implant failure
retain a piece of the mass for histopathology. For tumors cord injury Pathological Tumor recurrence
that involve nerve it is crucial to mark the proximal Difficulty locating fracture (12.12, (12.11, 12.50)
tumor 12.12) Peridural scar
margins of the mass accurately (12.50) (Targett et al.,
Invasive tumor Implant failure
1993; Niles et al., 2001). Poor access to Wound infection
Intramedullary tumors are best approached via duro- tumor Sepsis
tomy, piaotomy and dorsal myelotomy using magnifica- Incomplete Fat graft necrosis
tion. An ultrasonic aspirator, microsurgical bipolar resection (12.10)
Diagnostic error
cautery and a laser are particularly helpful at this stage
but good results may be obtained using bipolar cautery,
loupes and copious irrigation with suction to preserve
visibility (Jeffery and Phillips, 1995). Tumor removal is achieve complete resection without amputating the
either by blunt dissection to create a plane between nor- limb (Fingeroth et al., 1987).
mal tissue and the mass, or the mass is debulked with Technical errors during surgery may result in instability
the aim that the pseudocapsule then falls in on itself and in the early postoperative period (Table 12.3). Dorsal
a plane can then be developed between normal tissue laminectomy, especially if combined with removal of
and mass (Jeffery and Phillips, 1995; Gilson, 2003). the articular processes, causes a significant reduction
Although considered highly desirable in people, intraop- in spinal stability (see page 286) and in humans up to
erative monitoring of spinal cord evoked potentials 20% of patients experience neurological deterioration
requires dedicated personnel and expertise that are (Findlay, 1984, 1987; Gilson, 2003). Preoperative ver-
rarely available for animals (Cuddon et al., 2003). tebral body collapse in humans also has a negative
effect on outcome after laminectomy (Findlay, 1987;
Santen et al., 1991; Chauvet et al., 1999) (12.11).
Laminotomy has been used in children instead of
COMPLICATIONS laminectomy to avoid late deformity due to instability
The main sources of complications are listed in Table and may be warranted in certain situations for animals
12.2. Intraoperative complications include iatrogenic (Fingeroth and Smeak, 1989; Cristante and Herrmann,
spinal cord injury, which can occur from manipulation, 1994; Gilson, 2003).
instability or vascular compromise (Brasmer and Lumb, Implant failure may occur due to inadequate fixation
1972; Fingeroth et al., 1987) (Table 12.3). The sur- (Brasmer and Lumb, 1972; Yturraspe and Lumb, 1973;
geon may also be unable to find the tumor, especially if Onimus et al., 1996; Miller et al., 2000). Failure of
it is intramedullary. Intraoperative ultrasound is partic- bone cement tends to occur in humans over time
ularly useful in this situation (Nakayama, 1993). The although this is less likely in animals, probably due in
tumor may be invasive and therefore difficult to resect, part to differences in life span (McAfee et al., 1986;
or access to the tumor can be difficult if it extends ven- Jonsson et al., 1994; Yerby et al., 1998; Lu et al., 2001;
tral to the spinal cord. Access may be improved by Jang et al., 2002) (see page 291). However, the incidence
performing a partial corpectomy of the vertebral of metal implant and bone cement failure could prove
body (Moissonnier et al., 2002b) (8.47B). If nerve roots to be higher following tumor irradiation than it is in
are involved at an intumescence it may be impossible to spinal trauma (D.E. Thrall, personal communication).
Neoplasia 259

12.10 Aseptic necrosis of fat graft after dorsal laminectomy.

The dog’s neurological status deteriorated several days
after surgery. Myelography revealed extradural compression.
The graft was removed and the dog made a good recovery

12.12 This dog had been diagnosed 5 years previously with a

solitary plasma cell tumor in L4 when it was treated with
melphalan, prednisone and irradiation (4.47–4.49); back pain
recurred after 63 months. A lytic lesion on the spinous process
of T7 was removed but the sample was non-diagnostic. Two
months later the dog had sudden onset of tetraparesis due to a
pathological fracture of C7. Plasma cells were found at necropsy
in C7, T10, L4 and the spleen and kidney (Rusbridge et al., 1999).

a 10% rate of histopathological misdiagnosis has been

A reported and the rate may be up to 15% in humans
(Levy et al., 1997a).
Some problems only become apparent later in the
postoperative period (Table 12.3). The most important
problem is tumor recurrence. This can also cause insta-
bility but unless vertebral column failure is cata-
strophic (12.11, 12.12), it may respond to repeat
surgery or adjunctive therapy (Bell et al., 1992;
Schueler et al., 1993).

12.11 A: Lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine of a POSTOPERATIVE CARE

paraparetic 3-year-old mixed-breed dog with a destructive
lesion in the L5 vertebral body (arrow). It underwent a dorsal Routine nursing considerations are discussed in
laminectomy and biopsy. B: The dog became paraplegic with Chapter 15. Any postoperative deterioration in neuro-
reduced deep pain sensation 2 days later. There is marked logical status will necessitate a high standard of nursing
collapse of the L5 vertebral body compared to the preoperative care (Chauvet et al., 1999). If radiation treatment is
radiographs. Histological diagnosis was fibrosarcoma (12.42)
planned, it is usual to delay this for 10 days or until the
(from Chauvet et al., 1999).
wound has healed (Siegel et al., 1996).

Fat grafts used to cover dorsal laminectomies must be PROGNOSIS

thin enough to revascularize (8.8, 12.12; see also In some circumstances where a tumor is not amenable
‘Laminectomy healing’, page 86). to treatment because of its location or because a patho-
Further potential complications include sepsis, which logical fracture has occurred, euthanasia is indicated.
is a particular risk for debilitated animals with cancer Alternatively, palliative radiation therapy may be con-
(Chauvet et al., 1999), and diagnostic errors. For example, sidered along with analgesia as discussed in Chapter 15.
260 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 12.4 Outcome of dogs with extradural tumors

Tumor Myxosarcoma3 Plasma cell
type (n ⫽ 3) Osteosarcoma3 Osteosarcoma2 Fibrosarcoma2 Fibrosarcoma1 tumors4

Adjuvant None None Variable Variable Vaccine Chemotherapy ⫾

treatment radiation

Survival 11⫹; 19; 35 ⬍1; 10 4.4 3.7 24⫹ 17, 26, 65*

Final N/A N/A Variable Variable N/A Recurrence


Chauvet et al., 1999; 2 Dernell et al., 2000; 3 Levy et al., 1997a; 4 Rusbridge et al., 1999.
* One dog euthanized at 4 months due to radiation myelopathy.
N/A, not available.

Treatment may only lead to short-term remission in • Surgery without curative intent for soft tissue
some patients, but the quality of life during that period sarcomas may produce useful remission if
can be acceptable if pain is controlled adequately. combined with other treatment modalities
Remission may be achieved for CNS lymphoma in (Dernell et al., 2000). However, the prognosis is
some dogs. Survival times, however, range from days to poor if the animal has marked neurological deficits
a few months (Couto et al., 1984; Turner et al., 1992). (Dernell et al., 2000; Gilson, 2003) (12.7–12.9),
Results may be improved by use of radiation therapy and is also influenced negatively by pathological
(LeCouteur, 2001). fracture (Findlay, 1987; Chauvet et al., 1999)
Extradural tumors
Extradural tumors, with the exception of plasma cell Intradural/extramedullary tumors
tumors and lymphomas, carry a guarded prognosis Intradural/extramedullary tumors have a variable prog-
(Dernell et al., 2000; Gilson, 2003) (Table 12.4). nosis depending largely on tumor type:
• Preoperative neurological status is one important • Meningiomas treated by surgical excision alone in
determinant of final outcome in both humans and nine dogs gave good long-term outcomes in six
dogs (Dernell et al., 2000; Gilson, 2003). In (Fingeroth et al., 1987). Survival is probably
humans, between 60 and 95% of patients who could improved further by use of adjunctive therapies
walk well before surgery still did so after surgery but (Bell et al., 1992; Siegel et al., 1996). Even
only 35–65% of paretic patients and less than 25% incomplete resection of meningioma can give a
of paraplegic patients walked again (Gilson, 2003). good outcome when followed by radiation therapy;
• Another factor is anatomic location; four dogs with three such dogs had 8-, 15- and 25-month survival
tumors in the dorsal spinal compartment were alive times (Siegel et al., 1996) (12.28). A mean survival
from 7 to 30 months after excisional surgery; a of 19.5 months was reported for another 10 dogs
fifth died from complications after 2 months with meningioma (Moissonnier et al., 2002a).
(Klopp and Quinn, 2001). Survival data for dogs with meningioma are shown
• Local disease control is also an important prognostic in Table 12.5.
factor for overall survival (Kuntz et al., 1997; • Nerve sheath tumors on the other hand have
Dernell et al., 2000). Dogs with soft tissue given very disappointing results overall. This is
sarcomas that are resected with incomplete margins particularly true for dogs with tumors that arise
are 10 times more likely to have local recurrence within the vertebral canal and for those undergoing
than dogs with complete margins (Kuntz et al., incomplete resections (Bradley et al., 1982; Brehm
1997). One dog with a fibrosarcoma treated by et al., 1995; Jones et al., 1995; Kuntz et al., 1997;
vertebrectomy survived for over 2 years (Chauvet McCarthy et al., 1993; Schueler et al., 1993;
et al., 1999) (12.42). Another dog that underwent a Targett et al., 1993). Only 6 of 51 dogs (12%)
tail amputation for a caudal osteosarcoma survived where margins were not assessed remained disease
2.5 years (Heyman et al., 1992). free after 1 year (Brehm et al., 1995). Ideally all
Neoplasia 261

Table 12.5 Outcome of dogs with intradural/extramedullary lesions (excluding nerve sheath tumors (12.6))

Tumor Hemangio-4 Nephro- Nephro- Nephro- Mening- Mening- Mening- Mening- Mening-
type sarcoma blastoma5 blastoma2 blastoma8 ioma8 ioma7 ioma1 ioma3 ioma6

No. of dogs 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 9 10

Adjuvant Doxo- Radiation None Radiation Radiation N/A Radiation None None
treatment rubicin

Survival 11 6⫹ 36⫹ 6.5 8–25 46 & 47 19 5 live Mean ⫽

(months) median ⫽ ⬍6 months; 19.5
13.5 1 alive at
36 months

Final Metastasis N/A N/A Recurrence See N/A Recurrence See N/A
outcome citation citation

Bell et al., 1992; 2 Ferretti et al., 1993; 3 Fingeroth et al., 1987; 4 Jeffery, 1991; 5 Jeffery and Phillips, 1995; 6 Moissonier et al., 2002a; 7 Levy et al., 1997a;
Siegel et al., 1996.
N/A, not available.

Table 12.6 Outcome for nerve sheath tumors following complete excision

Targett et al., Bailey, 1990 Platt et al., Niles et al., Siegel et al., Unpublished
1993 1999 2001 1996 (NCSU)

Number of dogs 2 1 1 1 1 3

Survival (months) 9*, 18* 42* 9* 16* 25* 24*, 36*, 8**

Adjuvant None None None None Radiation None

* Without recurrence.
** Probable recurrence, no necropsy; histological margins had not been evaluated.
NCSU, North Carolina State University.

involved branches are resected along with a Intramedullary tumors

generous margin of normal nerve and histological Intramedullary tumor resection has only been reported
margins are evaluated. For tumors involving the in three dogs. Two had ependymomas and both under-
plexus this nearly always necessitates concomitant went surgery and radiation therapy (Jeffery and
amputation (Targett et al., 1993; Simpson et al., Phillips, 1995; Siegel et al., 1996). One dog made a full
1999) (12.49, 12.50). Usually nerve sheath tumors recovery and survived for 70 months (Siegel et al.,
are contained within the nerve by an effective 1996). The second had a poorly differentiated tumor;
tissue barrier of epineurium. Therefore it could walk well 3 months after surgery but was euth-
all neoplastic tissue can often be excised with anized because it remained incontinent (Jeffery and
complete margins, in which case these tumors Phillips, 1995) (see also 12.4). A third dog had a para-
should be curable (Targett et al., 1993; Ganju et al., ganglioma that was removed and the dog was still alive
2001). Results for dogs where apparent complete 10 months later (Poncelet et al., 1994).
excision was performed are shown in Table 12.6.
Nerve sheath tumors show an unreliable
response to radiation (Siegel et al., 1996) FELINE SPINAL TUMORS
(12.49, 12.50). Malignant nerve sheath tumors Spinal tumors account for over half of all cases of feline
in humans also have poor outcomes and the best spinal disease not associated with trauma (Wheeler,
survival times follow amputation (Ganju et al., 1989). Several types of spinal tumors have been
2001). reported, with lymphoma being the most common.
262 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Neurological signs are seen in 5–12% of cats with sys- include: meningioma (most common), osteosarcomas,
temic lymphoma (Spodnick et al., 1992; Lane et al., chondrosarcoma, myeloma, lipoma, glioma and nerve
1994). Most lymphomas are solitary and extradural but sheath tumor (Mills et al., 1982; Shell et al., 1987;
in some cats the tumor may extend over multiple Wheeler, 1989; Levy et al., 1997b).
vertebrae or there may be distant meningeal infiltration
(12.13). Nerve root infiltration is also reported
(Spodnick et al., 1992; Lane et al., 1994). About two
Some extradural tumors may affect the vertebral
thirds of cats with lymphoma are feline leukemia virus
bodies, causing bony changes on survey radiographs,
(FeLV) positive (35/54) and have involvement of other
but this is not typical. Myelography or transverse imag-
organs (32/50), mostly in the kidney (Spodnick et al.,
ing is required to confirm the diagnosis in most cats
1992; Lane et al., 1994; Noonan et al., 1997).
(Asperio et al., 1999). Compression is usually extradural
A less common cause of spinal lymphoma is feline
in lymphoma (12.13, 12.14) although occasionally other
immunodeficiency virus (FIV). In contrast to FeLV-
patterns are seen, particularly if nerve roots are affected.
associated lymphoma, which is a disease of T cells,
Other findings that may indicate possible neoplasia
most FIV-associated lymphomas are B cell in ori-
include soft tissue opacities in the cranial thorax with
gin (Callanan, 1996) (12.14). Other tumor types
mediastinal lymphosarcoma, organomegaly or pulmon-
ary metastases.
Other diagnostic tests are indicated to confirm the
presence of a tumor and to define its nature. The bone
marrow is involved in approximately 75% of cats
(14/19) with extradural lymphoma and bone marrow
aspiration is indicated for cytological analysis (Spodnick
et al., 1992; Noonan et al., 1997). CSF contains malig-
nant lymphocytes in only 11 of 31 of cats with CNS
lymphoma (Spodnick et al., 1992; Lane et al., 1994;
12.13 Myelography showing extradural spinal cord
compression due to FeLV-associated lymphosarcoma in a Noonan et al., 1997). In some instances, fine-needle
1-year-old cat that presented with a sudden onset of lower aspiration (page 252) or biopsy at exploratory surgery
motor neuron signs. Treatment was not attempted. may be the only means of making a definitive diagnosis


12.14 Myelogram from a cat with acute ataxia, paraparesis, generalized lymphadenopathy and herpes keratitis; it was FeLV negative
but FIV positive. Neurological deficits localized to T3–L3 spinal cord; the thoracic limbs were normal. Neoplastic lymphocytes were
detected in the CSF; flow cytology identified these as B-cells. A: Myelogram reveals extradural compression at T1–2, which was
unexpected given the normal thoracic limbs. B: CT myelography confirms the mass as extradural (arrow). Response to chemotherapy
was excellent and remission lasted 1 year. Radiation produced a second remission; lomustine produced a third, brief remission but the
cat was euthanized 18 months after presentation.
Neoplasia 263

(Irving and McMillan, 1990; Spodnick et al., 1992). In One cat with meningioma survived almost 4 years;
an FeLV-positive cat with spinal disease related to an median survival for four other cats was 6 months (Levy
extradural soft tissue mass demonstrated by neuro- et al., 1997b). One cat with myeloma survived 3 months
imaging, it may be reasonable to make a diagnosis of on prednisone therapy (Mills et al., 1982). Complete
lymphoma and to treat accordingly. excision of a nerve sheath tumor resulted in a 6-year
survival in one cat. Vertebral osteosarcoma may be less
aggressive in cats than in dogs and a survival time of 4.5
Treatment years was reported in one cat even after incomplete
Chemotherapy often leads to a rapid improvement in
excision. Non-lymphoid tumors in cats may therefore
neurological function but remission times may be brief.
have a better prognosis than vertebral canal lymphoma
Chemotherapeutic protocols are described elsewhere
(Levy et al., 1997b).
(Withrow and MacEwan, 2001). Clearly, surgical treat-
ment alone in lymphoma has only a limited role because
of the multifocal nature of the disease (Spodnick et al., REFERENCES
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Hemilaminectomy (12.15–12.29)
Cervical hemilaminectomy is described below. The ventral slot approach is rarely useful for spinal tumor exploration as
access to the spinal cord and nerve roots is severely limited. Thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy is described in 8.11–8.37.

12.15 Patient positioning for
cervical hemilaminectomy
via a dorsolateral approach.

12.16 To approach the mid-

cervical vertebrae, the
incision can extend from the
occipital protuberance to
the spinous process of T2.
The skin incision is to one
side of the midline, which
reduces any tendency for
wound breakdown by
avoiding tension over the 12.16
spinous processes. Good
wound healing is important
in case postoperative radiation therapy is planned. Good hemostasis is also vital; any seroma or
hematoma formation should be attended to carefully (see 15.34).
Neoplasia 267

12.17 The skin and superficial fascia are incised to

reveal the superficial muscles. Note the dorsal
branches of the cervical nerves emerging in the
midline and diverging laterally. Each is usually
combined with an artery and vein, which must
be ligated or cauterized as necessary. Further
details of anatomy are covered in Chapters 7, 9
and 11.


12.18 The incision is continued in the midline through

the muscular aponeurosis. The nuchal ligament
is exposed. This may be retracted away from
the surgeon, transected or divided in the


12.19 The nuchal ligament has been divided in the

midline as have the spinalis muscles. This
reveals the muscular attachments to the spinous
process of the cervical vertebra (arrow).


12.20 The spinalis muscles have a a

been elevated from the
spinous processes (a) and
vertebral laminae (b) on the
side of the spine to be
b b

268 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

12.21 The paraspinal muscles are elevated first from

the articular process (a) and then from further
ventrally. Branches of the vertebral artery b
emerge here and must be ligated if
encountered. Bleeding from spinal veins is best c
occluded with a Hemoclip (Pilling Weck Inc., a
Research Triangle Park, NC) (5.31, 11.51). The
spinous process (b) and lamina (c) are seen
here. (1.16).

12.22 The articular process is removed with

rongeurs. The laminectomy is commenced
with a bur. Here the cartilage of the articular
surfaces can be seen (arrow).


12.23 Site of hemilaminectomy.

Here the bone has been
removed in the cranial-
most vertebra. The site of
bone removal is shown in
the caudal-most vertebra.

Neoplasia 269

12.24 Bone is removed until the vertebral canal is

entered. Here the inner cortical bone is visible, and
ligamentum flavum is exposed in the craniodorsal
corner (arrow). The bone will be burred to eggshell
thickness over the entire defect before the vertebral
canal is entered (8.34–8.36, 10.34). The inner
portion of the joint capsule is visible in the center of
the defect (a).

12.25 The laminectomy is continued to reveal the spinal

cord, nerve root (a) and spinal ganglion (b). Large
branches of the vertebral artery and vein are
present at this level; any large tear in a vein is best
closed using a Hemoclip (Pilling Weck Inc.,
Research Triangle Park, NC) (5.31). Hemorrhage
may also occur from the vertebral plexus. This is
b c
best controlled with Gelfoam (Pharmacia,
Kalamazoo, MI), direct pressure, or, as in this case, 12.25
a piece of macerated muscle (c).

12.26 The laminectomy is continued

into the intervertebral foramen
to reveal the nerve root and
spinal ganglion. The
laminectomy may be extended
as appropriate for removal of
neoplasms (7.56–7.59, 11.54).


12.27 Myelogram of a dog that

presented with a 3-month
history of neck pain and
right-sided weakness.
An extradural mass is
compressing the spinal
cord at the level of C1

270 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

12.28 CT scan without

subarachnoid contrast,
same dog as in 12.27.
A: Mineralized mass to one
side of the vertebral canal
prior to surgery (arrowhead).
B: After surgery the mass is
still visible along with the
laminectomy defect in C1. A B
Complete resection was not
possible as the mass had a consistency similar to bone. Histological diagnosis was meningioma; tissue
consisted of cartilage, mature bone with bone marrow and a few scattered fusiform cells.

12.29 3D reconstruction of the dorsolateral

hemilaminectomy (arrows) performed over the
right side of C1 and the cranial aspect of C2.
The residual mass of the meningioma is evident
within the vertebral canal (arrowhead).


Dorsal laminectomy (12.30–12.40)

Cervical dorsal laminectomy is described in 11.44–11.55. Thoracolumbar dorsal laminectomy is described below.
Dorsal laminectomy is the approach of choice for most spinal tumors, although hemilaminectomy may be suitable in
some (12.29, 12.40). Good access is often essential for complete tumor resection and to permit the extensive removal
of surrounding dura necessary with meningioma. Access to ventrally located masses may be somewhat restricted and
use of dural stay sutures (12.40, 14.5–14.8) or rhizotomy (8.51) may be necessary (Fingeroth et al., 1987). Partial
corpectomy of the vertebral body adjacent to the mass (with occlusion of the vertebral venous plexus using bone wax)
may improve access further (8.47B) (Moissonnier et al., 2002b). Dorsal laminectomy with removal of an articular
process does cause significant instability (Smith and Walter, 1988; Shires et al., 1991) (12.39).

12.30 Positioning of dog for
thoracolumbar dorsal
Neoplasia 271

12.31 The skin incision is made

1 cm to one side of the
midline. The precise site of
the incision is governed by
the location of the lesion.


12.32 The skin is incised just off the midline, at least

two vertebrae on each side of the vertebra to
be approached. The superficial fascia is
mobilized and retracted to reveal the
lumbodorsal fascia. Here the fascia has been
incised bilaterally to reveal the spinous

12.33 Exposure of the vertebral bodies is done

bilaterally using the methods described under
thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy (8.12–8.27).
The multifidus muscles have been elevated from
the spinous processes (a) and the vertebral a
arch. This reveals the articular processes (b), b
and the longissimus tendon attaching to the
accessory process (c). The muscle retraction is
maintained with Gelpi retractors. The dissection
is completed on one side before starting the 12.33
other side. The spinous processes are then
removed with rongeurs or bone cutters.

12.34 The spinous processes have been removed.

The articular processes are still present (a) b
and the ligamentum flavum is visible between
the vertebrae (b).

272 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

12.35 The laminectomy is commenced in the midline

with a bur, preserving the articular processes at
this stage. Here the cortical bone has been
removed over two vertebrae, revealing dark
cancellous bone. See Chapter 8 for details on
technique for using the bur (8.34).


12.36 The cancellous bone has been removed with the

bur to reveal the white, inner cortical bone.
This is then thinned to eggshell thickness over
the entire defect (8.33–8.36).


12.37 The final layer of bone is removed to reveal the

spinal cord (arrow). This is achieved with fine
rongeurs and a curette. This degree of exposure
may be adequate for some circumstances.


12.38 The approach can be modified depending on

requirements. Wide exposure of the tumor and
spinal cord is desirable. If the spinal cord is
swollen, care should be taken to remove
enough bone to prevent injury by impingement
of the bone edges (Fingeroth et al., 1987). Here
the pedicle is removed between the articular
processes to expose the lateral aspect of the
spinal cord (arrow). The articular processes are
preserved if at all possible. 12.38
Neoplasia 273

12.39 Here the left articular processes have been

removed as have the pedicles of two vertebrae.
This gives good access to the nerve root (a).
Note the vertebral plexus lying on the floor of
the vertebral canal (arrows); this should be
avoided. Constrictive fibrosis is a potential risk
with this degree of bone removal. Subsequent
stabilization is advisable (Hill et al., 2000; Viguier
et al., 2002; Gilson, 2003).

12.40 Nephroblastoma in a young dog with acute

paraparesis. A: The dura has been opened and
the edges retracted using silk stay sutures. The
spinal cord, covered by nerve rootlets, has
herniated through the durotomy. It is important
to make a long enough laminectomy and
durotomy to prevent distortion of spinal cord
under pressure. B: Gentle dissection has teased
out a large mass (arrows). One rootlet was
enveloped by the mass but there was no
attachment to the spinal cord. The dog
underwent radiation therapy. It improved
substantially but was then lost to follow-up.
Trauma Chapter


Initial assessment 281 Box 13.1 Differential diagnosis of spinal trauma

Other injuries 281 ■ Congenital atlantoaxial instability
Cardiothoracic 282
■ Degenerative disc disease
Urinary tract 282
■ Cervical spondylomyelopathy
Other 282
■ Pathological fracture, neoplasia
■ Dural tear
Neurological examination 282
■ Ischemic neuromyopathy (cats and dogs, see Chapter 14)
Radiography 283 ■ Traumatic feline ischemic myelopathy (see Chapter 14)
Survey radiography 283 ■ Spinal cord hemorrhage
Additional imaging 283 ■ Fibrocartilaginous embolus
■ Psoas muscle injury
Pathophysiology 286 ■ Bilateral pelvic/long bone fracture or cruciate rupture
Spinal fracture biomechanics 286
Biomechanics of fixation devices 289
Trauma can damage the vertebra(e), disc(s), meninges,
Treatment 293 spinal cord, or any combination of these. Diagnosis is by
Choice of therapy 293 history and physical findings in most dogs, but may be
Anatomical location of the injury 295 less obvious in cats (Box 13.1).
After initial assessment of a spinal trauma patient,
Postoperative care 297 consider methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS)
if within 8 h of the injury (see page 83). General prin-
Complications 297 ciples of treatment can be summarized as follows:
Intraoperative complications 297 • Establish a prognosis and stabilize other injuries.
Early postoperative complications 299 • Provide analgesia and consider whether or not to
Late postoperative complications 299 use MPSS (see page 83).
• Reduce vertebral misalignment to relieve spinal
Feline spinal injuries 301 cord compression.
• Provide stability by cage confinement, an external
Prognosis 301 splint, or an internal or external fixator.
• Decompression by laminectomy is not usually
Key issues for future investigation 302 necessary when vertebral alignment is good. It is
recommended for marked extradural compression
References 303
from hematoma, disc material or bone fragments.
Procedures 305
Metal and bone cement 309
Modified segmental fixation 315 Other injuries
External fixation 316 The first priority is to treat shock and other life-
threatening disorders (13.1). A thorough and meticulous
282 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

reduce spinal cord perfusion (page 86), complicate

anesthesia and may also be fatal (Murtaugh and Ross,
1988; Snyder et al., 2001). Dyspnea is also common
after trauma and some animals may require ventilation
(Campbell and King, 2000; Beal et al., 2001).

Urinary tract
Bladder rupture usually causes discomfort on abdominal
palpation, vomiting, depression and hematuria within
24–48 h. Damage to the more proximal urinary tract
may take longer to manifest itself (Weisse et al., 2002).
Pubic or perineal swelling indicates potential urethral
13.1 This dog sustained spinal trauma 2 h previously. It has been
strapped to a rigid board for evaluation and transport. The head Other
can also be taped down for cervical injuries. Early immobilization
Bile duct rupture, although rare, can result in patient
is very important as up to 50% of animals continue to deteriorate
after injury, particularly when referral is delayed (McKee, 1990; deterioration up to 15 days after injury (Neer, 1992)
Hawthorne et al., 1999). A muzzle would be a useful precaution. (2.1). As some injuries are not apparent immediately,
Aggressive intravenous fluid therapy is in progress. the owner should be forewarned of the potential need
for further diagnostic evaluation and treatment (Lanz
et al., 2000).
Box 13.2 Other injuries associated with spinal After initial assessment (including nociceptive evalu-
trauma ation—see below) the patient is given analgesics.
Narcotic agonists are preferred unless there is concomi-
■ Shock
tant hypoventilation; they should also be used with care
■ Pulmonary or pleural lesions
after head injury (Table 15.1). Analgesia must be com-
■ Diaphragmatic hernia bined with some form of stabilization, so that the ani-
■ Traumatic cardiomyopathy mal does not injure itself further. If presented within
■ Damaged urinary tract 8 h of injury high-dose MPSS should be considered
■ Ruptured bile duct although the available evidence for its use is not com-
■ Injury to other abdominal organs pelling (Hurlbert, 2000) (see page 83). Sedatives should
■ Long bone or pelvic fractures not be used routinely because they may decrease
■ Multiple spinal injuries protective muscle tone; adverse effects on the cardio-
■ Brachial or lumbosacral plexus injury vascular system may also exacerbate shock and com-
■ Soft tissue injuries
promise spinal cord blood flow (see page 86).
■ Head injuries
The neurological examination is essential to localize the
physical examination is essential at this stage as many
deficit, to identify multiple lesions, and to determine the
animals have non-neural injuries, which could be over-
prognosis. The single, most important prognostic factor
looked (Box 13.2). In one study, 20% of dogs with
following spinal trauma is the presence or absence of
injuries to lumbar vertebrae had concomitant pelvic
nociception or deep pain sensation (2.21, 13.36B). If
fractures; 33% had cardiopulmonary lesions (Turner,
nociception is absent caudal to a traumatic lesion the
1987). Brachial plexus injury must also be ruled out
prognosis for return of neurological function is poor
(page 30, 2.15, 2.26, 13.1).
(page 302) (Olby et al., 2003). Analgesics should be
given only after this parameter has been assessed as they
Cardiothoracic could alter the findings. Animals with cervical injuries
Post-traumatic cardiac arrhythmias are common and very rarely lose nociception (see page 28) but if severely
are easily overlooked as they can be delayed in onset by tetraparetic they must be assessed for hypoventilation
up to 24 h. Continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) moni- (Griffiths, 1970; Boudrieau, 1997) (6.1). The Schiff–
toring is recommended for 24 h or until any arrhythmia Sherrington response has no prognostic value (see pages
resolves. Arrhythmias can decrease cardiac output, 26, 32, 13.7) although severe vertebral displacement
Trauma 283

does (Bagley, 2000; Papadopoulos et al., 2002) (13.4).

The animal must always be assessed for injury to the
head and brachial plexus (Griffiths et al., 1974; AANS,
2000; Platt et al., 2001) (see pages 29, 30). Screening for
brachial plexus avulsion injury is done by assessing
pupil diameter, cutaneous trunci reflex, thoracic limb
withdrawal and sensation to the digits (Griffiths et al.,
1974; Faissler et al., 2002) (2.20, 2.26).

Survey radiography
Once the patient has been stabilized and a neuroanatomi-
cal diagnosis has been reached, survey radiographs are 13.2 Diagram to illustrate assessment of the articular facets
with the animal in lateral recumbency and with the X-ray beam
taken. The clinician must remember that radiographs angled. The facet joint closest to the film is highlighted with the
are no substitute for the neurological examination; it is beam angled as in a; the other by the beam angle b.
not possible to estimate the neurological status from
the radiographs alone unless there is 100% vertebral dis-
placement (McKee, 1990; Bagley, 2000) (13.6, 13.35).
Lateral views are taken first. Oblique views to assess the
articular facets may be taken with the animal in lateral
recumbency and the beam angled (13.2, 13.3),
although CT is more accurate (13.12, 13.16).
Ventrodorsal radiographs are best taken using a hori-
zontal beam. Failing that, extreme care must be taken
when positioning the animal for ventrodorsal or
dorsoventral radiographs (4.38). Temporary stability
should be provided by a wood or Perspex splint.
Anesthesia or heavy sedation is undesirable prior to this
as it will reduce the stabilizing effect of paravertebral
muscle spasm (Blass et al., 1988).
Multiple fractures are not common except when 13.3 This oblique radiograph reveals a fracture of the articular
adjacent vertebrae are involved or with injuries caudal facets (13.12).
to the lumbosacral junction (Feeney and Oliver, 1980;
Turner, 1987; McKee, 1990; Selcer et al., 1991; These techniques require general anesthesia. Great
Hawthorne et al., 1999). The neurological localization care must be taken when intubating animals with cervical
and assessment for focal hyperesthesia should help to fractures and when positioning any animal with a fracture
rule out multiple injuries. As lower motor neuron (LMN) that might be unstable (4.38). Myelography and MRI
lesions can mask upper motor neuron (UMN) deficits, often add significant time to the overall procedure. MRI
the T3–L3 region should be surveyed when L4–S3 and CT have the advantage of being non-invasive. Of the
deficits are present, likewise the C1–5 region with two, CT is faster but MRI provides better images of
C6–T2 deficits (see page 29). extradural and intradural injuries (Fehlings et al., 1999)
(13.7). Additional imaging is not generally indicated in
Additional imaging an animal with good deep pain sensation that is to be
Specific indications for spinal cord imaging by myelog- managed non-surgically.
raphy, CT or MRI include:
• Identification of additional lesions, such as when MYELOGRAPHY
survey radiographs do not correlate with the Advantages of myelography are that:
neurological localization. • The entire spine can be evaluated easily.
• Identification of lesions that require removal such • It may rule out differential diagnoses (Box 13.1).
as extradural bone fragments, blood clots or disc • Dural tears (Hay and Muir, 2000) (13.10)
material. and spinal cord transection (13.4) can be
284 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

identified. The spinal cord may be transected the added manipulation and anesthetic time. In more
even if radiographs show little evidence of severely affected animals the benefits of invasive imaging
subluxation as there could have been a transient may outweigh the risks. However, care must be taken
yet complete luxation at the time of the original not to manipulate the spine excessively during injection
trauma (13.4). of contrast. One important goal of managing animals
Routine myelography is not recommended for surgi- with spinal trauma is to prevent deterioration, which is
cal candidates that have only mild or moderate neuro- why non-invasive imaging by CT or MRI is preferred
logical deficits. These animals should make a very good (Bagley, 2000).
recovery provided that they do not deteriorate prior to
definitive stabilization. The benefit of identifying a sig- COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
nificant extradural lesion in such animals is outweighed Computed tomography should detect bone fragments
by the risk of neurological deterioration secondary to within the vertebral canal (13.5, 13.12, 13.16). It is
better than survey radiography at detecting articular
facet fractures and it also allows fracture stability to be
assessed using a three-compartment or column model
(Denis, 1984; Shires et al., 1991). In addition, images
can be used to make 2D and 3D reconstructions of the
lesion (13.5, 13.6).
After localizing the lesion, scans should be made
through the region of interest (see page 55). A CT can
aid the choice of entry points and trajectories if an
implant is to be placed in the vertebral bodies (13.49–
13.57). The scan should identify bone fragments, min-
eralized disc and acute hemorrhage (Tidwell et al., 1994;
13.4 Myelographic appearance of a dog that has suffered an Lanz et al., 2000). Use of Hounsfield units (i.e. CT num-
anatomical spinal cord transection following vertebral luxation. bers, a measure of tissue attenuation properties) might
Note that there is now only minimal vertebral displacement. also distinguish spinal cord edema, which is potentially


13.5 A CT scan was used in this dog to look for bone fragments in the vertebral canal. A: Survey radiograph. Note the instability
evident between this and image B. B: Sagittal view of 3D reconstruction. A small fragment is visible on the floor of the canal but it is
not causing compression (arrowhead). C: Transverse view of 3D reconstruction. Fracture of the transverse process is visible. The
postoperative radiograph for this dog is shown in 13.24. A myelogram was not performed.
Trauma 285

reversible, from intramedullary hemorrhage, which car- may provide prognostic information by distinguishing
ries a poor prognosis (Ramon et al., 1997). CT may edema from hematoma. Hematoma often carries a
miss traumatic disc herniations although these are usu- poor prognosis whereas edema has the potential to be
ally impact injuries with little residual mass effect. A reversible (Ramon et al., 1997; Gopal and Jeffery, 2001)
disadvantage of CT is that it may underestimate signifi- (13.7). The following are prognostic indicators in humans
cantly the extent of spinal cord compression and so (Ramon et al., 1997; Selden et al., 1999):
should ideally be combined with an MRI (Tator et al., • Presence and extent of any intra-axial hematoma.
1999). Both CT and MRI still carry the risk of fracture • The extent of spinal cord edema.
displacement during positioning. Animals with failure • The extent of spinal cord compression by
of the disc or end plate (13.5) may be prone to hyper- extra-axial hematoma.
extension injury (4.38). A temporary (non-magnetic Spinal cord swelling does not interfere with MRI as
for MRI, below) splint could be used to reduce the risk. it can for myelography (Gopal and Jeffery, 2001) (see
pages 57, 123, 8.1). The main problems with MRI are
MR IMAGING availability and cost; greater scan times and slice thick-
A mid-sagittal, T2-weighted MRI allows a large area of ness may also be factors. The ideal way to image human
the spinal cord to be surveyed for injury and can also spinal cord injury is using both MRI and a CT scan
provide a quantitative assessment of compression. MR (Fehlings et al., 1999; Tator et al., 1999).

13.6 A: Survey radiograph of a 5-year-old

Labrador that was hit by a car to show
100% displacement of L2 vertebra relative
to L3 in the vertical plane. B: 3D
reconstruction of a CT scan in the same
dog, which illustrates 100% displacement
in the lateral plane as well. The dog was
euthanized as there was no hope of a
functional recovery.



13.7 This dog was paraplegic and incontinent with Schiff–Sherrington syndrome and UMN deficits 2 days after vehicular trauma.
A: 3-mm, sagittal, T2-weighted image. T13–L1, L1–L2 and L2–L3 discs show subtle loss of signal and extend dorsally; there is
high signal within the spinal cord adjacent to these discs consistent with edema. B: 3-mm, axial, T2-weighted image at L1–L2,
same dog. Spinal cord is displaced to the left but not compressed. A low signal, extra-dural mass thought to be a hematoma is
ventrolateral to the spinal cord (arrow). Diagnosis was traumatic disc herniation with focal spinal cord edema, malacia, or both (see
also Gopal and Jeffery, 2001). Treatment was non-surgical; 8 days after trauma the dog could stand and it was normal after 1 month.
286 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Huge forces are necessary to disrupt the vertebral col-
umn and so the spinal cord often sustains a much more
severe injury than it does after a simple disc extrusion
(Tator et al., 1999). Although secondary injury mechan-
isms are the same, the prognosis is much worse after
trauma than it is after a disc extrusion for animals that
have severe injuries (see page 302). In some animals the
bony elements are spared but catastrophic failure of
the disc can still cause serious spinal cord injury (trau-
matic disc herniation). The sudden trauma may tear the
anulus causing a previously healthy nucleus pulposus to
rupture explosively into the vertebral canal. This type
of extrusion does not produce the usual mass effect
associated with the mineralized material of degenerative
disc disease. In the cervical region the explosion of Ventral
nucleus pulposus is directed dorsolaterally by the dor-
sal longitudinal ligament and can cause devastating, 13.8 Diagram to illustrate the dorsal and ventral compartments
asymmetrical neurological deficits. Hemiplegia results of the vertebral column, as referred to in 13.9–13.16. The major
together with loss of sympathetic function and poor drawback of this method of classification is that the majority of
injuries damage both dorsal and ventral compartments (Smith
nociception on the affected side (Griffiths, 1970).
and Walter, 1985).
Catastrophic disc failure in the thoracolumbar region
can also cause severe spinal cord injury and the sudden
change in subdural pressure may tear the dura mater
judged using lateral and oblique radiographs of the spine
(1.21, 13.10). Severe spinal cord injuries with dural
(13.2, 13.3) or preferably by CT or MRI (13.12, 13.16).
tears can even occur after vigorous running or strug-
The vertebral body is assessed readily by survey radio-
gling without any vertebral injury (Hay and Muir,
graphs (13.14). The disc must also be assessed as it is the
2000; Yarrow and Jeffery, 2000).
single most important stabilizing factor against rotation
and lateral bending (Shires et al., 1991; Schulz et al.,
Spinal fracture biomechanics
1996). The main advantage of this scheme is that it gives
Forces that act on the vertebral column include bending
some indication of stability and can serve as a guide to
(dorsoventral and lateral), rotation, shear, and axial
the fixation procedure best suited to each injury (see
loading. These can interact to cause a variety of injuries,
‘Biomechanics of fixation devices’, page 289). The main
but regardless of the exact mechanism one of the
categories of injury are listed in Table 13.1:
most important clinical questions is ‘How stable is the
fracture/luxation site?’ Estimates of stability can be
made from knowledge of the elements in the spine that Table 13.1 Main categories of injury
are compromised. The simplest method is to classify
injuries into three types based on the anatomical com- Failed component(s) Intact component(s)
partment that has been compromised. Injuries may I Intervertebral disc Vertebral buttress and articular
damage the dorsal compartment, the ventral compart- facets
ment or both (Smith and Walter, 1985) (13.8). Another II Articular facet Vertebral buttress and
method to assess stability is to divide the spine into three intervertebral disc
III Vertebral buttress Articular facets and
compartments; however, the exact elements of each
intervertebral disc
compartment vary depending on whether or not the soft IV Articular facets and Vertebral buttress
tissues are included (Denis, 1984; Shires et al., 1991). intervertebral disc
A modification of these various schemes assesses the IV Vertebral buttress and Articular facets
ability of the vertebral column to resist forces applied to intervertebral disc
IV Vertebral buttress and Intervertebral disc
it (13.9–13.16). This scheme assesses specifically the
articular facets
integrity of the vertebral body, which acts as a buttress IV Vertebral buttress, None
to resist bending and axial loading, and of the articular articular facets and
facets, which resist all forces (Smith and Walter, 1985; intervertebral disc
Patterson and Smith, 1992). Articular facet integrity is
Trauma 287

• I: The disc has failed; the buttress and articular extension (Smith and Walter, 1988; Shires et al.,
facets are intact. This injury is surprisingly 1991; Schulz et al., 1996) (13.6, 13.10). It is
unstable due to the importance of the disc for sometimes combined with minor fracture(s)
stability against rotation, lateral bending and of the vertebral body, but in such cases the
spine can usually still resist axial compression
and some degree of dorsoventral bending
(13.5, 13.17, 13.24). An external splint can
provide adequate stability for many fractures in
this category (Patterson and Smith, 1992).
Metal and bone cement or an external fixator
provide the best means of stabilization (Walker
et al., 2002).
• II: A facet has failed; the buttress and disc are
intact. Articular facet fractures that preserve the
ventral buttress are relatively stable provided that
the disc is intact (Shires et al., 1991; Schulz et al.,
1996) (13.12). Facet joints are important for
rotational stability; the metal and bone cement
technique best resists this force (Shires et al.,
1991). Failure of one facet alone causes minimal
instability although cicatrix formation has been
recorded as a late complication of articular facet
13.9 I: Vertebral buttress and articular facets are intact but the
anulus has failed (arrow) (13.10).
fracture (Waters et al., 1994).
• III: The buttress has failed; the facets and disc are
intact. Fractures of the ventral buttress are often
unstable and are particularly susceptible to bending
and collapse in axial compression (Walter et al.,
1986) (13.14, 13.32A). Both external and internal
fixators can give excellent results for this type of
injury (Walter et al., 1986; Bagley, 2000; Walker
et al., 2002; LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003)
(13.21, 13.26, 13.65). An external splint is not
ideal for this type of injury.

13.10 This dog presented with paraplegia and a lack of deep

pain sensation in one limb. A: Myelography revealed extensive
spinal cord malacia with leakage of contrast over T12 (Lu et al.,
2002) (13.52A, 14.18). There is an isolated ventral compartment
injury; the ventral buttress is intact but the disc has failed. B: 3D
reconstruction of a CT scan from the same dog. There is
leakage of contrast (arrowhead) secondary to a presumed dural 13.11 II: The vertebral buttress and disc are intact; an articular
tear (1.21, 13.52). See 13.20 and 13.30 for follow-up. facet is fractured (13.12).
288 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.12 II: This cat was tetraparetic and

paralyzed on its left thoracic and pelvic
limbs along with the ipsilateral diaphragm
after being bitten in the neck by a dog.
A: A triangular bone fragment is
overlaying the vertebral canal at C5/6
(arrow). B: Transverse CT image at C5/6
shows an impacted left articular process.
This fracture was considered stable.
The facet was removed; no fixation was
applied. The cat recovered well but
had severe, residual LMN deficits in
its left thoracic limb.


• IV: Two or more components fail. An injury is

usually very unstable when two components fail
(13.15, 13.19, 13.32). Failure of two components
is often associated with failure of the third (13.16).
Any fixation technique must now withstand almost
all the forces acting on the vertebral column. For
most dogs the choice is between metal implants
and bone cement or an external fixator. An
external splint does not resist axial compression
and is not ideal when there is major failure of the
buttress (Patterson and Smith, 1992). Cage rest is
also suboptimal for this injury.
The scheme in 13.9–13.16 can only serve as a
guide to stability . An additional way to assess vertebral
stability is by the use of stress radiography. In its
simplest form, this is done by just comparing vertebral
positions in subsequent radiographs (13.17). The risks
of more deliberate attempts to move the fracture
are obvious and this is best done with caution under
13.13 III: The vertebral buttress is fractured; the articular facets fluoroscopy.
and disc are intact (13.14). Regardless of the method used, our understanding
of fracture stability remains incomplete (Walter et al.,
1986; Schulz et al., 1996). Shear force and axial


13.14 This dog jumped out of a truck at 20 mph. It could walk and was continent but had decreased anal tone. There is a fracture
of the L7 buttress; the facets are intact. A: Survey radiograph. B: Mid-sagittal 3D reconstruction of the same dog. C: Dorsal view of
the 3D reconstruction. The facets are intact but overridden (10.48). Postoperative radiographs are shown in 13.21.
Trauma 289

recumbency or as it moves with its pelvic limbs

dragging to one side. Axial loading occurs from para-
vertebral muscle spasm. Only the effects of isolated
dorsoventral, lateral bending and rotational forces
have been studied experimentally and these studies
may not reflect the clinical situation accurately. It is
very hard to predict stability for most injuries except
for rare isolated facet lesions. Furthermore, good out-
comes may be obtained sometimes using non-surgical
management or with less rigid internal fixation tech-
niques even in unstable fractures (Selcer et al., 1991)
Despite these shortcomings, the least stable frac-
tures must be where there has been catastrophic failure
of two or three components (Schulz et al., 1996; Shires
et al., 1991) (13.16, 13.32). Although in vitro results
for metal and bone cement implants have been con-
13.15 IV: Vertebral buttress and articular facet fracture; the disc flicting, it is the internal fixation technique with the
may also fail.
best overall success in clinical use (Garcia et al., 1994;
Sharp et al., 1998; Bagley, 2000; Walker et al., 2002;
LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003). An external fixator
loading have not been tested; most models have not can also be very strong and a splint can be successful in
looked at the effect of vertebral body failure; the certain situations (Patterson and Smith, 1992; Walker
definition of instability has been questioned (Fox et al., et al., 2002).
1996); and the strength that a fixator requires to
counter each force is not known (Waldron et al., 1991;
Schulz et al., 1996). Most internal fixation methods Biomechanics of fixation devices
tested to date are far from ideal (Walter et al., 1986). NON-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT
The relative contribution of the four main forces Animals with injuries in the cervical or lumbosacral
acting on the vertebral column is also unknown, and regions often respond well to non-surgical management
almost certainly varies between patients. For example, (Smith and Walter, 1985; Hawthorne et al., 1999).
dorsoventral bending occurs when a paraplegic animal Analgesia is not usually required beyond 96 h. Intractable
is lifted or as it attempts to raise its hindquarters. pain or neurological deterioration warrants a reassess-
Rotation may occur as an animal rises from lateral ment of therapy.


13.16 Images of a 1.6 kg dog with articular facet fractures; the vertebral buttress has also failed through the disc. The dog had
decreased anal tone but could walk and was continent despite the marked displacement. A: Survey radiograph. B: Mid-sagittal
3D reconstruction of a CT scan through the fracture site. C: Transverse CT scan to show articular facet fractures. Spinal stapling
was successful although not at all ideal for this fracture (13.63).
290 Small Animal Spinal Disorders


13.17 A, B: Severe instability of a spinal fracture as demonstrated by a change in position between two radiographs (McKee, 1990).
Although there is only a small fracture, loss of the disc removes 30–40% of the spine’s overall stability (Shires et al., 1991).

Advantages It is inexpensive, there are no compli- injuries that preserve the ventral buttress; it can some-
cations related to implants and the spinal cord is not times work with severe compromise of the ventral but-
subject to myelography, anesthetic hypotension or tress although it is not the ideal technique for such
manipulation. Hospitalization times may be less than injuries (Patterson and Smith, 1992).
for internal fixation (Selcer et al., 1991).
Advantages The advantages are similar to conserva-
Disadvantages Significant instability cannot be tive management but this technique provides much
addressed, reduction is difficult, some animals suffer greater stability (13.46). It can be used as the sole means
prolonged discomfort, and the neurological deficits of fixation or as a supplement to internal fixation. It is
worsen in some patients or even become irreversible. most applicable to mid-thoracic or lumbar fractures but
The main problem with medical management of tho- can also be used for cervical or lumbosacral injuries.
racic or lumbar fractures is the longer recovery period
compared to surgery and the much longer time Disadvantages The disadvantages are: the nursing
required to reach optimal neurological status (Selcer care needed; variable individual tolerance for splints;
et al., 1991). Cage rest alone is only recommended for the possibility of neurological deterioration (13.24);
the most stable fractures in the thoracolumbar region and the development of complications such as urine
and certainly not when there is severe compression or scald or decubitus (13.36A, 13.47). When employed as
when two or three components have failed (13.16, an adjunct to internal fixation it is difficult to observe
13.32). Non-operative management in humans is not the surgical wound unless the splint is attached by
really comparable as it involves reduction by traction Velcro straps (13.41).
and a degree of immobilization that is not possible in Good candidates for external fixation include those
most animals (Fehlings and Tator, 1999; Tator et al., with normal nociception, an intact ventral buttress
1999). An external splint is the nearest equivalent in (13.9, 13.11), and no pelvic, thoracic or major soft tis-
animals and this may also help to reduce some dis- sue injuries (Patterson and Smith, 1992).
placed fractures (Patterson and Smith, 1992). Marginal candidates are those with a compromised
ventral buttress (13.13, 13.15) and those with pelvic,
EXTERNAL SPLINT (13.37–13.47) thoracic or soft tissue injuries (Patterson and Smith,
An external splint has been shown to prevent dorsoven- 1992).
tral angulation of thoracolumbar spines subjected to
large bending forces. The forces used were in excess of EXTERNAL FIXATOR (13.64–13.66)
those causing failure of five internal fixation techniques External constructs have been compared to both intact
in a spinal fracture model and were in the range of spines and to Steinmann pin and bone cement implants.
those experienced by a large paralyzed dog undergoing Type II external constructs and internal fixation using
routine nursing care. External splinting works best with eight Steinmann pins with bone cement were stronger
Trauma 291

than type I external constructs and internal fixation using Advantages The advantages are that it is economi-
four pins with cement. All implants tested were as strong cal, most clinics have the necessary orthopedic implants
as an intact spine in extension and rotation and were and it can work well when the vertebral buttress is
stronger in flexion; the type II external construct using a intact.
parabolic arch was the strongest single device. Although
there was no overall difference between the arch con- Disadvantages The disadvantages are that it immo-
struct and internal fixation using eight pins with cement, bilizes a long segment of the vertebral column with the
the arch was the strongest in flexion. Flexion is consid- weak link being the orthopedic wire, not the Steinmann
ered the main mode of failure for most implants (Lanz pin. In addition, the wire can cause fracture of the artic-
et al., 2000; Walker et al., 2002). ular facets. It is not recommended for stabilizing a com-
promised vertebral buttress (13.13, 13.15).
Advantages The advantages are that these fixators
can be made to be very strong (Walker et al., 2002); they METAL AND BONE CEMENT
work well if the ventral buttress is compromised (13.65); This technique was originally described using Steinmann
dissection can be minimized and pins can even be placed pins placed in the vertebral bodies (Rouse and Miller,
fluoroscopically (Wheeler et al., 2002); and the implant 1975; Blass and Seim, 1984). Threaded metal implants
can be removed easily after healing (Ullman and and bone cement are preferred for most types of spinal
Boudrieau, 1993; Lanz et al., 2000) (13.65). It can also fracture/luxation and have been used in animals of all
be a very useful rescue technique if other methods fail sizes with very good results, including those with sig-
(13.65). nificant compromise of the ventral buttress (13.32). A
study using negative threaded, 4-mm Steinmann pins
Disadvantages Disadvantages include the poten- showed that four-pin and eight-pin patterns were at
tial to introduce infection and place excessive tension least as stiff as intact spines. Eight-pin constructs were
on the skin or fascia (Shores et al., 1989; Lanz et al., significantly stronger than four-pin constructs (Walker
2000); the pin tracts need regular cleaning; additional et al., 2002). The optimum configuration of pins or
postoperative management can be labor intensive screws has yet to be determined by biomechanical testing
(Lanz et al., 2000); limited pin lengths for large dogs and a variety of configurations work well in a clinical
using some systems (14.13); and the risk of traumatic setting (13.25, 13.31, 13.48). Failures in clinical cases are
removal (13.65). Removal of the device prior to opti- unusual despite mixed results in biomechanical testing
mal fracture healing could result in catastrophic failure. (Garcia et al., 1994; Sharp et al., 1998; Bagley et al.,
2000; Magnier and Lavaste, 2002; Walker et al., 2002;
LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003). Implant failure occurred
INTERNAL FIXATION in only one of 19 dogs in one series (Sharp et al., 1998)
The procedures described are usually performed via a
(cement fracture shown in 13.28A).
standard dorsal approach to the thoracolumbar spine
(12.30–12.33). The dorsal spinal plate, vertebral body Advantages The advantages are the immobilization
plate, transilial pin techniques (Lewis et al., 1989), and of only a short segment of the vertebral column and its
spinal stapling are no longer recommended. Bilateral utility in thoracic and caudal lumbar areas because the
plating has similar biomechanical properties to pins and ribs and spinal nerves can be avoided easily. The implants
bone cement but is harder to perform over the thoracic provide excellent strength and stability against rotation,
and caudal lumbar regions (Viguier et al., 2002). AO flexion and extension (Waldron et al., 1991; Walker et al.,
locking plates may be useful in some situations 2002).
(11.13B); these can now be made from bioabsorbable
materials that avoid stress protection by transferring Disadvantages The disadvantages include the low
load gradually to the spine (Yerby et al., 1998; Vaccaro resistance of some configurations to dorsoventral bend-
and Madigan, 2002; Vaccaro et al., 2002) (13.33). ing (Walter et al., 1986; Walker et al., 2002); migration
of smooth pins (13.29), difficulty in closing soft tissues
over cement if placed in a doughnut pattern, difficulty of
MODIFIED SEGMENTAL FIXATION (13.61–13.63) removal; potential for implant failure (13.27, 13.28) or
Although the original spinal stapling technique is inad- stress protection (13.33), and the risk of infection
equate and no longer recommended for all but the (10.45, 13.28, 13.34).
smallest dogs, it is improved by incorporation of the Failure of Steinmann pins and bone cement occurs
articular facets into the fixation and by use of several mainly because of pin pullout from the bone (Walter
pins in parallel (McAnulty et al., 1986). et al., 1986; Waldron et al., 1991). The cement bar must
292 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

be thick enough (13.59) and the implants must be strong • The implant diameter should be as large as possible.
enough for each patient (Willer et al., 1991) (13.27). 4.5-mm cortical screws should be used for dogs
Although one study showed poor results with screw and weighing over 30 kg (Beaver et al., 1996) (13.27).
cement implants, it compared 3.2-mm Steinmann pins
to 3.5-mm screws but these screws have only a 2.4-mm
core diameter (Garcia et al., 1994). The strength of a BONE GRAFTS
metal implant is proportional to its radius to the power These have a wide range of potential uses, which include
of four, so small increases in diameter dramatically to enhance the healing of fractures and luxations. Grafts
increase implant strength (Beaver et al., 1996). When are either cortical or cancellous in origin; they can be
pins of the same diameter are used to produce external derived from the host (autograft) or from a donor (allo-
fixation and internal fixation of the lumbar spine in a graft) (Millis and Martinez, 2003). Autogenous cancel-
canine model the techniques have similar mechanical lous graft is the most effective material to improve bone
properties (Walker et al., 2002). The actual strength healing. It does not provide useful mechanical strength
required in any given animal is not known but will but up to 10% of transplanted cells survive to produce
obviously depend on the fracture, and the weight and bone (osteogenesis). It also induces adjacent cells to
temperament of the animal. In general, the largest pos- make new bone (osteoinduction) and it forms a
sible implant should be used. Use of threaded in place weak scaffold for bone ingrowth (osteoconduction).
of smooth implants should increase the strength of the Harvesting autogenous cancellous bone requires a sep-
fixator because: arate surgical approach; the proximal humerus is the
• Threaded implants have greater resistance to most accessible site during ventral surgical approaches
pullout than equivalent-sized smooth pins. (11.24) and the iliac crest during dorsal approaches.
• Threaded implants are less likely to migrate than • Cortical autografts can be harvested from the
smooth pins. ilium, rib, fibula or ulna.
• Threaded implants do not need to be notched to • Caudal vertebra can be used as a free vascularized
provide anchorage for the cement. graft (Yeh and Hou, 1994).
Additional advantages of screws over threaded pins • Corticocancellous autograft can be obtained from
are that: the ilium, sternum, wing of C6 vertebra, or from
• Screws do not require cutting, which could cause adjacent spinous processes (Chauvet et al., 1999).
rocking and loosening of a pin. • Cancellous allograft (Veterinary Transplant Services,
• Screws are interchangeable, so the optimum Seattle, WA) can be used like fresh cancellous graft;
implant length can be selected. it can also be combined with a small amount of
• Screw heads provide additional purchase for the autogenous graft. Cancellous allografts contain no
cement. live cells; they are not osteogenic but are both
In summary: osteoconductive and osteoinductive. Small blocks of
• Positive profile threaded pins or screws should be allograft can also be used to temporarily distract a
used instead of Steinmann pins. ventral slot during fixation.
• The implant pattern shown in 13.54A (see also • Cortical allografts (Veterinary Transplant Services,
13.20, 13.25, 13.65) is preferred over the Seattle, WA) are used to provide some mechanical
pattern shown in 13.49A. This is because three support and a strong scaffold for new host bone
implants per fragment are 66% stronger than two ingrowth. They may be packed with cancellous
per fragment (Garcia et al., 1994). Implants can be bone to enhance healing further.
placed in two vertebrae on each side of the lesion • Demineralized bone matrix can also be used to
if necessary (Bagley, 2000; Bagley et al., 2000), enhance bone healing. It is available as a powder
but this immobilizes four or five vertebrae (Veterinary Transplant Services, Seattle, WA) made
compared to just the two or three shown in from cortical bone after acid-extraction of the
13.20 and 13.48. mineral to expose osteoinductive proteins. These
• The implant should penetrate two cortices for proteins then cause adjacent mesenchymal cells to
greater holding power (Zindrick et al., 1986). The differentiate into osteogenic cells.
risk of damage to the aorta or vena cava is low but Potential indications for bone grafts in neurosurgery
this must still be borne in mind when drilling and are to improve healing potential such as in a diabetic or
when tapping the thread (see page 9, 1.23). The risks geriatric animal; for arthrodesis (9.28, 10.52D, 11.30A),
are lowered by using a relatively flat trajectory to replace bone loss such as after vertebrectomy
(13.52, 13.54B). (12.42) and to manage infection (13.28, 14.12).
Trauma 293

TREATMENT • Reassess deep pain after 24 h of circulatory support

combined with an external splint.
Choice of therapy
Non-surgical management is indicated for most cervical • Image by myelogram or MRI in case these provide
clear evidence of spinal cord transection, which
injuries and for some lumbosacral injuries (see ‘Anatomi-
carries a hopeless prognosis for recovery (13.4).
cal location of the injury’, page 295). Surgical manage-
Severe compression or parenchymal hemorrhage on
ment is best for most thoracic and lumbar injuries.
MRI are also likely to be poor prognostic signs in
Severe shock and hypotension can exacerbate the neu-
animals much as they are in humans (Ramon
rological deficit and so it may be worth reassessing a
et al., 1997; Fehlings et al., 1999).
patient that shows a lack of deep pain sensation after a
24-h period of circulatory support. Definitive treat- • Perform a durotomy as this might identify that the
spinal cord is not in continuity (13.4). However,
ment in such animals should only be undertaken once
a severely compromised spinal cord that nevertheless
the owner has been made fully aware of the prognosis
remains physically intact may be even less likely to
and the likely time course for recovery (see ‘Prognosis’,
survive when subjected to additional manipulation.
page 301).
If there is any tissue in continuity, the animal
PATIENTS WITH NO DEEP should be given the benefit of the doubt. Only
PAIN SENSATION about 5% of axons need to survive across the injury
The clinician has several options for animals with no deep site in order for a dog or cat to regain the ability
pain due to thoracic or lumbar injuries (Algorithm 13.1): to walk (Blight and Decrescito, 1986; Basso et al.,
• Perform euthanasia because of the poor prognosis 1996; Jeffery and Blakemore, 1999; Olby et al.,
(Olby et al., 2003). 2003). The presence of severe, localized malacia is

Algorithm 13.1 Surgical decision-making

Presentation Euthanasia
when deep pain is absent.

Reassess after 24 hours

support with a splint
(+/– MPSS)

Deep pain No deep Examine for

present pain spinal cord
transection by

See Algorithm 13.2 Euthanasia

Cord intact Cord

Cord No compression
transected Severe
compression Euthanasia

Euthanasia Stabilize

External Internal
fixation fixation
294 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

to be expected after any serious injury and on its on an individual basis. A suggested approach is shown
own does not warrant euthanasia (Salisbury and in Algorithm13.2. If the animal satisfies criteria for a
Cook, 1988) (8.50 and see page 132). splint (see page 290) then non-surgical therapy can be
If imaging or direct inspection rules out spinal cord considered. With surgery, the risks of implant failure
transection, the surgeon can: or infection, overall hospitalization time and cost are
• Stabilize the spine using internal or external fixation factors to be considered. Surgical patients may stay in
and hope that the dog recovers or can live in a cart. hospital longer than medically treated patients and can
• Apply an external splint and reassess over 7 days. therefore incur more than twice the expense. Final neu-
If deep pain sensation has not returned by then, rological status may not differ between animals treated
and certainly if it does not return within 1 month, medically and those treated by surgery (Selcer et al.,
then it probably never will. The only hope is that 1991). However, in general:
the animal will have a delayed recovery of motor • Surgery is the preferred treatment for thoracic or
function but without recovery of continence lumbar injuries due to the low overall risk of
or deep pain (Olby et al., 2003) (see pages 87, complications and the difficulties in instituting
131, 302). non-surgical therapy in many animals. Reduction
Either approach is acceptable in this situation pro- of misalignment, additional decompression if
vided that the owner is aware the chances for a full necessary and rigid fixation are the goals of surgery.
recovery are probably less than 5%. • For most animals a simple re-alignment provides
sufficient decompression (Bagley, 2000; Bagley
PATIENTS WITH INTACT DEEP et al., 2000). Immediate decompression has the
PAIN SENSATION most relevance in patients with severe deficits
The decision between surgical and non-surgical man- (Tator et al., 1999; Fehlings et al., 2001;
agement for thoracic or lumbar injuries should be made Papadopoulos et al., 2002).

Algorithm 13.2 Surgical decision-making

when deep pain is present.

Surgical Non-surgical


Compression No
Improves Deteriorates

Decompress by
realignment Continue Surgical

Bone, disc

Decompress by
(mini) hemi-
laminectomy Fixation

Internal fixation External fixator

Trauma 295

• Adding a laminectomy will increase surgical • Hemilaminectomy should be used rather than dorsal
time and decrease stability further. It is only laminectomy (Smith and Walter, 1988). Where
indicated when there is a large extradural mass possible, less invasive surgeries that preserve the
of bone fragment, disc or blood clot (Lanz facet are preferred over standard hemilaminectomy
et al., 2000). because facet removal is very destabilizing,
particularly when the disc is also damaged (Shires
et al., 1991; Schulz et al., 1996) (see page 126).
• The vertebral column must always be stabilized
after dorsal laminectomy.
• A final factor that may modify the decision regarding
surgery is the anatomical location of the injury.

Anatomical location of the injury

This region has the largest ratio of vertebral canal to
spinal cord diameter. Cage rest, with external support
in unstable or displaced fractures (13.18), is the treat-
A ment of choice for most cervical fractures unless the
animal is deteriorating neurologically (Hawthorne et al.,
1999). Mortality rates may be as high as 35–40%
with surgery (Stone et al., 1979; Hawthorne et al.,
1999). Severe intraoperative hemorrhage can also
occur with C2 fractures and reduction can be challeng-
ing (Boudrieau, 1997; Schulz et al., 1997) (13.64).
This is not the easiest location to apply a splint but one
can be made from various materials (13.18).
Surgery may reduce recovery times but is best
reserved for animals that:
• Are tetraplegic or have poor ventilatory function.
• Show neurological deterioration despite adequate
confinement or external fixation.
B • Remain very painful beyond an initial 48–72 h.
The most useful surgical technique for cervical injuries
13.18 A: Dog with a fracture/luxation of C2 treated with an is ventral placement of pins or screws and bone cement
external splint. The splint should ideally extend from near the (Rouse, 1979; Schulz et al., 1997) (11.22, 13.19 and
lateral canthus of the eyes to the mid-thoracic region. B: An
alternative means of stabilizing the upper cervical area using
see page 221). The main disadvantage of this technique
a chest harness and Halti collar; the Halti with harness can also is that it may fail if used to span more than one inter-
be used in cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM). vertebral space, which can be a problem if a vertebral

13.19 This dog was unable to walk after

running into a tree. The C5 fracture was
stabilized with bone screws and cement
(11.22, 13.56A); the dog could walk well
within 2 weeks. Note that the screws in
C7 are placed too far caudally.

296 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.20 Dog shown in 13.10 after

stabilization with six 3.5-mm screws
and bone cement. This dog suffered
an unusual complication (shown in


13.21 Postoperative radiographs from

the dog shown in 13.14. A: L7 fracture
stabilized with screws and bone cement.
B: Two cancellous screws have been
inserted into the wing of each ilium.
Better purchase would have been
obtained by angling these screws
vertically as shown in 13.65 and 14.12.
The dog was clinically normal 6 weeks
after surgery.


body is shattered (see 11.17C). In this case at least displacement may result in only mild neurological
three implants should be on either side of the fracture deficits (13.16, 13.26). Fractures in this region can heal
and Steinmann pins used to reinforce the cement satisfactorily without surgical intervention (Smith and
(13.25). If dorsal stability is required, such as after facet Walter, 1985; Patterson and Smith, 1992). Candidates
luxation, screws may be placed across the articular for internal fixation include animals with persistent pain,
facets (Swaim, 1975; Basinger et al., 1986). marked deficits or deteriorating neurological status.
Screws or threaded pins and bone cement are the pre-
ferred technique, with implants in the wing of the ilium
if necessary (13.21, 13.26).
These are the most common regions of the vertebral
An external fixator also works well in this area (13.65,
column to be injured in animals, and are also at most
13.66, 14.13). A splint or modified segmental fixation
risk for devastating neurological consequences because
can be effective but ideally the ventral buttress should
of the relatively small diameter of the vertebral canal
then be intact (McAnulty et al., 1986; Patterson and
compared to other areas. Metal implants and bone
Smith, 1992) (13.63).
cement (13.20) or an external fixator (13.65) are pre-
ferred unless the dog is a good candidate for an exter-
nal splint (Patterson and Smith, 1992) (see page 305).
Fractures of the sacrum have a high incidence of
L6 AND L7 VERTEBRAE AND neurological deficits if they traverse the vertebral canal
LUMBOSACRAL JUNCTION or involve the sacral foramina (Kuntz et al., 1995;
The vertebral canal is relatively spacious in the caudal Anderson and Coughlan, 1997; Kuntz and Bonagura,
lumbar area because the spinal cord ends around the 2000) (13.22). Surgery may improve outcome although
6th lumbar vertebra, and only nerve roots occupy the risk of iatrogenic injury is high (Kuntz et al., 1995).
the caudal part of the vertebral canal (1.5, 1.9 and Therefore surgery should be restricted to animals
see page 1). For these reasons, injuries causing severe with severe or progressive deficits. Realignment of the
Trauma 297


13.22 A: Cat with a sacrocaudal injury and transverse sacral fracture (arrow). Six weeks post trauma the cat still had a paralysed
tail, no anal reflex and was incontinent. Dorsal laminectomy revealed fibrosis; neurolysis produced no improvement and the cat was
euthanized at 18 weeks. Histopathology revealed lesions in the S2, S1 and L7 nerve roots caused by traction injury to the cauda
equina (Smeak and Olmstead, 1985; Kuntz and Bonagura, 2000). B: Necropsy specimen from a dog with a transverse sacral
fracture that has severed all nerve roots at this level (arrowheads).

L7–S1 articular facets facilitates reduction of a sacral Table 13.2 Intraoperative complications
fracture (Pare et al., 2001). Sacrocaudal injuries occur
most commonly in cats (Feeney and Oliver, 1980). Early Late
The role of tethering in this type of injury is unclear Intraoperative postoperative postoperative
(Taylor, 1981; Smeak and Olmstead, 1985; LeCouteur Poor reduction Complications Implant failure
and Sturgess, 2003). Cats that do not recover contin- (13.24–13.26) of trauma Infection (13.34)
ence by 4 weeks post-injury have a poor prognosis Poor implant Implant failure Callus
selection (13.27) (13.28, 13.29) encroachment
(Smeak and Olmstead, 1985). Fractures of the caudal
Poor implant Wound infection Syringomyelia
vertebra are usually treated non-surgically or by tail placement (13.28) Arachnoid cyst
amputation. (13.23) Gastrointestinal (13.32)
Inadequate ulceration Late deformity
cement Urinary tract Adjacent segment
POSTOPERATIVE CARE (see also (13.27, 13.28A) infection disease (13.28)
Chapter 15) Pneumothorax Decubitus
Fat embolism Urine scald
The surgical wound must be examined at least daily for
Cardiac Pneumonia
any sign of infection. A urinary tract infection (UTI) arrythmias Vascular
should be anticipated in any animal whose deficits are complications
severe enough that it cannot walk. Urine obtained by Sepsis
cystocentesis should be analysed every 2 days or if the
urine appears cloudy; culture should be done if there is
any sign of infection. Bacteremia from the urinary and
gastrointestinal tracts or from skin lesions increases the Intraoperative complications
risk of infection at the surgical site (see page 355). Any These fall into two main groups: cardiopulmonary com-
sudden increase in pain (13.27) or deterioration in neu- plications and technical errors (Table 13.2). Cardiovas-
rological status (13.30) suggests infection or implant cular complications are most likely in animals with
failure and requires repeat radiographs. A deterioration cervical and thoracic injuries (Hawthorne et al., 1999)
in patient status can also occur from non-neurological (see page 86). Pneumothorax is common and may be
complications of the original trauma (Box 13.2). iatrogenic (Swaim, 1971; Blass and Seim, 1984; Selcer
et al., 1991). Fat embolism may occur during fracture
repair (Schwarz et al., 2001). Technical errors in fixation
COMPLICATIONS include improper placement of implants (Blass and Seim,
These are discussed for three major time points— 1984) (13.19, 13.23), poor postoperative alignment
intraoperative, early and late postoperative (Table 13.2). (13.24–13.26) that can even lead to a delayed onset
298 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.23 One Steinmann pin has been inserted too far and could
damage vital structures in the retroperitoneal space or abdomen
(see 1.23 for relationship of vertebrae to the aorta and vena
cava). This dog was normal at 5-year follow-up.

13.25 A: Mild deformity in extension, and B: significant lateral

misalignment. Use of K wires through the articular facets helps
A to prevent this (Berry et al., 1999). The cement bars have been
reinforced with Steinmann pins (13.59). Six 4.5-mm screws
have been used in this 30-kg dog. Despite the poor alignment
the dog recovered from paraparesis to walking within 48 h and
was normal at 6 weeks. See also 13.51.

13.24 This dog was progressively paraparetic 7 days after a low-

impact injury. An external splint was applied but the neurological
status deteriorated. A: Preoperative radiograph shows an injury at
L4/5 (same dog as 13.5). B: Although facet joint alignment was
good, the surgeon exerted excessive ventral pressure causing a
misalignment in extension (Matthieson, 1983). Use of a towel or
sandbag under the abdomen helps to prevent this as does gentle
traction on the spinous processes as the cement hardens (Blass 13.26 This 11 kg dog was paraparetic with no anal tone 24 h
and Seim, 1984; Lewis et al., 1989; Berry et al., 1999). Fortunately after trauma. Reduction using a laminectomy spreader, curved
the dog recovered quickly and was normal within 2 months. hemostat or Senn retractor could have overcome the
misalignment shown here (Harrington and Bagley, 1998) (13.64).
Correct alignment is not quite so crucial in the caudal lumbar or
syringomyelia in humans (Perrouin-Verbe et al., 1998;
cervical regions because there is more space at these sites.
Fischbein et al., 1999; Bains et al., 2001), poor choice Nerve roots of the cauda equina also tolerate deformity better
of implant (13.27), and too little cement or an uneven than does spinal cord. The dog was normal within 8 weeks
cement bar (13.27, 13.28A). and remained so 2 years later.
Trauma 299

13.27 Implant failure 4 days after

surgery; the cement did not cover the
cranial screws adequately (13.57). The
3.5-mm screws were also not strong
enough for this 44 kg dog (Beaver et al.,
1996). They were chosen in order to fit
down the pedicle into the base of the
articular facet of L7. This is a useful way
to add an additional implant but should
not be used as the sole fixation because
the pedicle limits the implant diameter.
The rescue procedure is shown in



13.28 Implant failure 5 days after surgery. A: The cement has broken; either the bar was not thick enough (13.59) or a bubble
(13.33), fold or thin area was present at this site (McAfee et al., 1986) (13.27). Wound culture yielded Streptococcus fecalis.
B: Wound discharge resolved 2 weeks after the implant was replaced with screws and cement plus modified segmental fixation
(13.61–13.63). The dog did well for 2 years when pain and discharge returned. The implant was removed and discharge
resolved again. The dog did well for 3 more years but then developed a marked kyphotic deformity.

Late postoperative complications

Early postoperative complications The most likely problems at this stage again relate to
A high index of suspicion must be maintained during this either the implant or to delayed infection (Table 13.2).
period for complications relating to other organ systems Of 19 dogs managed by metal and bone cement, five had
such as leakage from the urinary tract or bile duct infections (13.34). All were treated successfully although
(Matthieson, 1983). Some complications, especially vas- one suffered a late recrudescence (13.28). Three of the
cular disorders like pulmonary thromboembolism and five did not undergo implant removal (Sharp et al., 1998).
deep vein thrombosis, will benefit from early mobiliza- Infection can also be a problem underneath external
tion and physical therapy (Selcer et al., 1991). If the ani- splints and may even be fatal if detected too late (McAfee
mal becomes very painful or deteriorates neurologically et al., 1986) (13.36A). Callus has been reported to
then implant failure or infection must be considered encroach into the vertebral canal but this is a very unusual
(13.28–13.30; see also Table 13.2). External fixation problem (Carberry et al., 1989). Internal fixators do not
(13.64–13.66) is an excellent rescue technique in such generally require removal; late removal could lead to
situations. It would have been a much better rescue kyphotic deformity or even pathological fracture (13.28,
technique for the dog shown in 13.28B; bone grafting 13.33). Other potential problems include adjacent seg-
may also help to improve healing at infected sites (Auger ment disease (13.31), late-onset syringomyelia (Perrouin-
et al., 2000). Verbe et al., 1998), or arachnoid cyst formation (13.32).
300 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.29 This dog died 1 week after surgery of unknown causes.

The pin was loose in the abdomen but did not appear to be the
cause of death. Implant migration is most likely with smooth pins 13.31 Three-year follow-up of the dog shown in 13.32.
(Blass and Seim, 1984; Blass et al., 1988; Wong and Emms, Although domino lesions have not been reported after fracture
1992). Every effort should be made to incorporate all implants into repair there is evidence that additional strain is imposed on
the cement, including any K wires (compare 13.48 and 13.63). segments adjacent to the fixation (arrows) (Fox et al., 1996;
Wheeler et al., 2002). This could help to explain the failure
shown in 13.30 (Goffin et al., 1995).

13.30 This dog lost deep pain sensation 8 days after surgery at
T12/13 (13.20). This unusual failure may be a type of adjacent
segment disease (MacMillan and Stauffer, 1991; Fox et al.,
1996; Lanz et al., 2000; Wheeler et al., 2002) (11.23, 13.31). B
A: Radiography revealed luxation at the adjacent T13/L1
interspace. The implant was intact. B: Marked rotational 13.32 A: Preoperative myelogram of the dog shown in 13.31
deformity was also present. The preoperative myelogram and and 13.33. The T12 vertebral buttress has failed and the facet
CT scan were re-examined but no injury was found at T13/L1. joints have luxated. Despite the severity of the injury the dog
3D CT scan reconstructions were also examined to view the made an excellent recovery and did very well for 3 years when
articular facets but no abnormality was detected (13.10B). The it developed progressive paraparesis. B: A myelogram then
dog recovered motor function at 3 months; it could walk by revealed an arachnoid cyst (arrowhead) at T12/13 (see
6 months but did not recover continence or deep pain pages 321, 323). The dog remained stable for a further 21
(Olby et al., 2003) (see pages 32, 131, 302). months without intervention (Skeen et al., 2003).
Trauma 301

13.35 Example of the devastating type of spinal injury

commonly encountered in cats (13.6, 13.12).
13.33 A CT scan through the arachnoid cyst shown in 13.32
confirmed a focal dilation of the subarachnoid space (arrowhead).
Note also the large bubble in the cement (arrow). This can
weaken the implant and could predispose it to failure (McAfee Although non-surgical therapy is useful it usually is
et al., 1986; Anderson, 1988; Beaver et al., 1996) (13.28). There limited to cage confinement as cats tolerate splints poorly
is also significant loss of cortical bone in the vertebral body when
(Carberry et al., 1989). In theory, any internal fixation
compared to the ribs. This could be due to stress protection,
which could complicate late implant removal (Craven et al., 1994; technique can be applied to cats although feline spinal
Vaccaro and Madigan, 2002) (13.28). injuries are often severe (13.35).

This varies somewhat with the location of injury. Progno-
sis is very good after cervical injury if the animal does not
die acutely from respiratory arrest (see pages 28, 82). In
the largest series to date, 32 of 39 dogs (82%) with neck
injuries made a functional recovery; results were much
better after non-surgical treatment because the mortality
rate was only one third of that in the surgically treated
dogs. Twenty-five of 28 dogs recovered after non-surgical
management compared with seven of 11 after surgery
(89% vs 64%). Results were good after non-surgical man-
agement even for dogs that were unable to walk. Delay in
instituting definitive treatment was a predictor of poor
outcome (Hawthorne et al., 1999). Immediate decom-
pression by vertebral realignment is likely to benefit ani-
mals with tetraplegia or hypoventilation secondary to
cervical injury (Papadopoulos et al., 2002).
The prognosis following thoracic and lumbar injury is
similar to that for disc disease provided that the animal
has good deep pain at presentation. However, studies
with good follow-up are limited. Surgical management
of 24 such animals gave good results in 21 (88%),
although 10 had residual deficits and one was eutha-
nized due to implant migration after 22 months (Blass
13.34 Infection is a potential problem when using bone and Seim, 1984; McKee, 1990). In another study, 19
cement. A: Reduction of the luxation was poor. B: The dog of 23 dogs (83%) presenting with intact deep pain
developed pain after 6 weeks due to discospondylitis at T13/L1.
made good recoveries (Sharp et al., 1998). Non-surgical
The entire implant was removed and the pain resolved after
2 months of antibiotics (Blass and Seim, 1984; Wong and Emms, management in a further 25 animals, comprising either
1992) (13.28). At 2-year follow-up the dog was walking but had cage confinement or splinting, gave good results in 24
no deep pain sensation (Olby et al., 2003). (96%). Three had residual deficits (Carberry et al.,
302 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1989; McKee, 1990). Non-surgical management using Although MPSS may have some benefit in severe
a splint in 16 dogs gave good results in all animals injuries, its contribution is likely to be marginal (see
although six had residual deficits. Six dogs also devel- page 83). Adequate reduction and fixation by internal
oped serious complications and three deteriorated but or external means is far more important.
these problems were temporary and resolved in all The prognosis after sacral fracture is good with 26 of
cases (Patterson and Smith, 1992). 32 dogs (81%) recovering (Kuntz et al., 1995). Cats
Animals presenting with thoracic or lumbar injuries with sacrocaudal injuries usually recover urinary conti-
and no deep pain rarely recover after trauma. Of nine nence if they retain good anal tone and perineal sensa-
such dogs, none regained deep pain over follow-up tion on initial examination. Cats that do not become
periods of 6 weeks to 2 years (Olby et al., 2003). Two continent within 1 month generally fail to regain urinary
did recover motor function without recovering deep function (Moise and Flanders, 1983; Smeak and
pain (13.30, 13.34). This unusual phenomenon, which Olmstead, 1985). Animals that remain incontinent
can also occur after thoracolumbar disc disease (see may be candidates for permanent cytostomy tubes
pages 32, 131), presumably is mediated by a peripheral (see 15.32).
rim of surviving axons at the edge of an extensive cen- The prognosis following brachial plexus injury is
tral lesion (Griffiths, 1978; Olby et al., 2003) (6.2). guarded to poor. The best prognostic indicator is the
Recovery of motor function without deep pain usually presence or absence of deep pain sensation in the distal
takes 3–4 months; it rarely produces a normal gait and limb. Five of seven dogs with normal sensation made
animals are usually incontinent with recurrent urinary complete recoveries whereas only six of 21 with
tract infections. Based on extrapolation of data from reduced sensation recovered or remained in stable con-
disc disease, a full recovery is unlikely unless deep pain dition. Abnormal motor nerve conduction is also asso-
returns within 4 weeks of injury (Olby et al., 2003). ciated with a negative outcome (Faissler et al., 2002).

Key issues for future investigation

1. What is the best way to manage cranial thoracic lesions (13.36A)?

2. Is there any advantage to using more severe stimuli to assess deep pain (13.36B)?

3. Will MRI prove to be prognostic in animals as it may be in humans by detecting spinal cord hemorrhage (Ramon et al., 1997;
Fehlings et al., 1999; Selden et al., 1999)?

4. What can electrophysiology contribute to determining prognosis?


13.36 A: This dog showed progressive paraparesis after trauma. It had subluxation at T2/3, which was managed with an
external splint. This is a difficult area to stabilize so the sides of the splint were extended down each flank to just above the elbow
but this made it impossible to check beneath the splint without removing it. The dog would not eat 5 days after splinting and was
found in extremis on day 6. A huge, phlegmon-like, subcutaneous abscess was present associated with a small decubital lesion.
Bone cement and threaded implants would have been preferable in this dog. B: The prognosis for dogs with traumatic injuries
and without nociception on presentation is very poor (Olby et al., 2003). It would be helpful to be able to differentiate animals
without deep pain that are capable of functional recovery from those with irreversible injuries. Here an electrical stimulator from
an electromyography (EMG) machine is being used but there was no response in this dog. Alternative methods include strong
pliers or a cattle prod (see page 132).
Trauma 303

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Non-surgical (13.37–13.47)
Cage confinement can give excellent results and is the only non-surgical option for most cats (Carberry et al., 1989;
Selcer et al., 1991). A splint is preferred for dogs if certain criteria are satisfied including intact deep pain sensation,
an intact ventral buttress and no pelvic, thoracic or soft tissue injuries (Patterson and Smith, 1992) (see page 290).
It is essential that as much of the area under the splint as possible along with the skin of the groin and axilla be
examined daily. Urine soiled straps must be replaced. Areas at risk from urine scalding or fecal soiling benefit from
application of Desitin ointment (Pfizer Inc., New York). If there is any doubt, the straps or splint must be loosened
sufficiently to allow proper inspection and then reattached. If doubt remains the splint must be removed.
Useful indicators of potential problems are the animal’s mental attitude, its appetite, and the presence of pain
or fever (13.36A). Most animals are surprisingly comfortable in a splint unless problems such as decubital ulcers
develop. The splint should be maintained for a minimum of 4 weeks (3 weeks for immature animals), and is
preferably then followed by a further 2–4 weeks of strict cage confinement.
306 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.37 Diagram to illustrate the construction of an

external splint that is to be applied to a dog with
a spinal injury. The splint is made from sheet
aluminum, 0.54 mm in thickness, double or
triple layered if necessary for added rigidity. In
animals less than 10 kg, materials such as
Orthoplast (Johnson and Johnson, New
Brunswick, NJ) may be substituted. To make
the splint, measure and cut the splint to the
dimensions A–B, 2A–C and 2B–D (Patterson 13.37
and Smith, 1992).

13.38 The splint extends from between the

scapulae to the tail base, measured directly
along the spine. Most animals have marked
kyphosis following spinal injury, which must be
considered during measurement.


13.39 The material is bent along its longitudinal axis

to form a ridge; the splint is flattened slightly
over the pelvic area. At the sides, the splint
should extend laterally to the mid-scapula and
the hip joint (13.46). The splint should be well
padded with cotton, especially at the edges,
and covered with Elastoplast (Johnson and
Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ).


13.40 Some animals tolerate application of the splint

while fully conscious, but most require
sedation and a few need general anesthesia
(Patterson and Smith, 1992). With the animal
on its side, the splint is slid under the dog with
the ridge aligned along the animal’s dorsal
midline. 13.40
Trauma 307

13.41 The animal and splint are then rotated

simultaneously until the animal is lying on its back in
the splint (Patterson and Smith, 1992). The dog
usually relaxes and the fracture may reduce to
some degree. The axillae and groin are padded
heavily with cotton wool prior to attaching the splint
using Elastoplast (Johnson and Johnson, New 13.41
Brunswick, NJ). This has the advantage of being
light, porous and adhesive. Velcro straps are much
easier to re-adjust but more likely to cause abrasions. Velcro is preferred when the splint needs to be
removed frequently.

13.42 To secure the dog to the splint, the caudal half

of the animal is first extended over the end of
a table.


13.43 Elastoplast (Johnson and Johnson, New

Brunswick, NJ) is applied in a cruciate pattern
over the pelvis, avoiding the anus and vulva. In
male animals it is important that any strap
crossing the base of the penis is not too tight,
or pressure necrosis of the urethra is possible
(Patterson and Smith, 1992).

13.44 In male dogs, a cod-piece roughly the shape

of a half flowerpot can be made from
aluminum, Orthoplast (Johnson and Johnson,
New Brunswick, NJ) or an empty saline bag to
protect the base of the penis and to try to
funnel urine away from the abdomen and
inguinal straps (Bagley et al., 2000).

308 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.45 In the pectoral region, the straps are applied as a figure of eight,
extending in front of the shoulder and under the neck like a
harness. The straps around the chest must be snug but must
not impede ventilation. Radiographs can be taken through the
splint to check fracture alignment.


13.46 The main advantages of an external splint are

that it is inexpensive and strong (Patterson and
Smith, 1992). It also facilitates lifting the
animal, turning it from side to side, moving it to
clean the kennel, or taking it out to void.
Handles made from aluminum rods can also
be incorporated into the splint or may be
taped on afterwards (Bagley, 2000).


13.47 The main disadvantage is the potential for

pressure sore formation along the edges and
underneath the splint (13.36A). In addition, the
straps can cause skin excoriation in the axilla
or inguinal region. They may also hinder
manual expression of the bladder, and
prevention of urine scald can be challenging.

Trauma 309

Metal and bone cement (13.48–13.60)

This is the internal fixation technique of choice. Threaded pins or screws should be used (Sandman et al., 2001); the
implant diameter should be as large as possible (Beaver et al., 1996), each implant should penetrate two cortices
(Zindrick et al., 1986), and ideally three implants should be used on each side of the lesion (Garcia et al., 1994).
The cement bar must also be strong enough (Rouse and Miller, 1975; Willer et al., 1991) (13.59). Variables in using
implants include:
• The pattern in which implants are placed (13.49, 13.54).
• The angle or trajectory at which they penetrate the vertebrae (13.52).
• Their entry points (13.55).
Intravenous antibiotic effective against staphylococci (such as a cephalosporin) is given and repeated every
1–2 h during surgery (Marcellin Little et al., 1996; Novelli, 1999; Kriaras et al., 2000).
Fracture reduction can be very difficult in some injuries without some type of mechanical assistance (Boudrieau,
1997; Schulz et al., 1997; Bagley et al., 2000) (13.64). A laminectomy spreader, Senn retractor, or a curved
hemostat can be used for reduction of L7 fractures or manual traction can be put on the tail (Blass and Seim,
1984; Beaver et al., 1996; Harrington and Bagley, 1998; Bagley et al., 2000). Cervical injuries can be reduced
using traction on the maxilla or a Gelpi retractor can be placed in holes drilled in the middle of a vertebra (Blass
and Seim, 1984; Blass et al., 1988) (11.38). A Scoville–Haverfield or similar retractor can also be placed in adjacent
disc spaces or between a disc space and the base of the skull for C2 fractures (Boudrieau, 1997).
Initial stabilization is provided by bone-holding forceps (13.48, 13.60) while K-wires are placed across the artic-
ular facets to provide additional stability and maintain alignment (Blass and Seim, 1984; Beaver et al., 1996; Berry
et al., 1999) (13.28A, 13.48). When a hemilaminectomy must be performed, when a facet is fractured, and when
a ventral approach is used for cervical fractures, the K-wire can instead be placed across a disc space to main-
tain reduction (Blass et al., 1988). Additional methods for reducing a fracture are discussed in 13.64.
A small K wire is used initially to make a point of purchase for the drill bit. It can also be used to make a test hole
to evaluate bone quality over the chosen path of the implant. If bone quality is poor this small test hole can easily
be redirected without prejudicing the final pilot hole. Pins should be placed using a low power setting to reduce
bone necrosis; a pilot hole is recommended for threaded pins (Egger et al., 1986; Walker et al., 2002). Muscle
should be protected during drilling with a drill guard. If brisk hemorrhage arises from the pilot hole then a finger
or bone wax should be placed over the hole, which should be tapped and screwed as soon as possible (1.19).
A flatter implant trajectory increases implant holding strength due to the greater bone contact (Garcia et al.,
1994). Such an angle is also necessary if a hemilaminectomy has been performed so that the cement can be posi-
tioned well away from the spinal cord. Landmarks for lumbar vertebrae are the ventral portion of the base of the
accessory process and the junction of the transverse process with the vertebral body (Rouse and Miller, 1975; Blass
and Seim, 1984; Wong and Emms, 1992; Bagley et al., 2000; LeCouteur and Sturgess, 2003). Entry points should
be between these landmarks and are discussed in 13.55. A skeleton should always be available for reference.
The implant entry point should be no higher than the base of the accessory process. If a flat trajectory is to be used
then the entry point should ideally be no higher than the floor of the vertebral canal otherwise the vertebral canal may
be entered inadvertently (Walker et al., 2002). There is some variation based on the exact vertebra (1.21–1.23, 1.25,
13.56). Also, due to the concave ventral surface in the middle of each vertebral body, implant placement must be
more precise centrally. A CT scan is invaluable for planning the entry point as well as the trajectory.
The bone cement is applied in a cylindrical pattern on each side of the spine. Wound closure is then much eas-
ier than when cement is applied in a doughnut pattern. Implants must be encased fully by the cement (13.57).
The wound is irrigated with saline to dissipate heat generated by the curing of the cement. The spinal cord and
nerves must not contact the cement, especially following hemilaminectomy. Gelfoam (Pharmacia, Kalamazoo,
MI) has good insulating properties and should be used to protect exposed spinal cord (Roosen et al., 1978;
Boker et al., 1989). Excision of epaxial muscle facilitates wound closure (Blass and Seim, 1984). Potential causes
of cement failure include a fold or thin region of the cement bar. Cement can be reinforced with a pin provided
that this is encased fully by the cement (Bagley et al., 2000) (13.25, 13.28, 13.48). Antibiotic should not be added
to the methylmethacrylate unless done in a very carefully controlled fashion as it tends to reduce strength (Ethell
et al., 2000; Weisman et al., 2000). It is preferable to give a second dose of intravenous antibiotic just prior to
bone cement application.
310 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.48 A: Counter pressure is

applied by bone clamps on
the spinous processes
during the initial approach,
K-wire fixation of facets
(shown here) and while the
cement hardens (Blass and
Seim, 1984) (13.24). Note 13.48
the torn supraspinous A B
ligament (arrow). B: All K-wires
must be incorporated fully into the cement to prevent migration (13.63). If this is not possible then
small screws should be used. In this Pomeranian, three screws and three positive profile pins were
used for fixation; several hairline fractures dictated the implant pattern. The dog (4.38) was almost normal
6 months later.

13.49 Diagrams to
illustrate one
possible implant
pattern. The
preferred pattern is
to drive implants 13.49
perpendicular to A
the vertebral body
(13.54A), which allows placement of three implants in each vertebra
instead of the two shown here (Garcia et al., 1994). A: Dorsoventral
view. B: Transverse view.

13.50 Steinmann pins must be cut and notched and

the ends then bent to provide purchase for
the bone cement. Positive profile pins are
preferred due to the tendency for smooth pins
to migrate (Wong and Emms, 1992) (13.29).
They also have a roughened surface for better
cement attachment and do not need to be
notched (5.32).

Trauma 311

13.51 A: Lateral, and B: ventrodorsal radiograph

of pins and bone cement fixation. This dog
developed a late postoperative infection
(13.34). Alignment is suboptimal. In theory this
dog is at risk for late onset syringomyelia
(Perrouin-Verbe, et al., 1998).


13.52 Range of angles that

can be used for
vertebral implants
(same dog as in
13.10). A 30° angle
from horizontal has
been recommended
as standard (Walker
et al., 2002;
Wheeler et al., 2002). A
A: Transverse CT scan
of T12 vertebra to show the range of possible implant trajectories. The
angles have to be more vertical in thoracic vertebrae because of the ribs. Landmarks for thoracic vertebrae
are the ventral portion of the base of the accessory process and the tubercle of the rib. B: Transverse CT
scan of L2 vertebra to show the range of possible implant trajectories (1.21–1.23).
312 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.53 A: This 3D reconstruction

is from the dog shown in
13.31–13.33. The screws
are visible in blue and were
placed using the more
vertical angle shown in
13.49B than the flat angle
shown in 13.54B. B:
Corresponding ventrodorsal 13.53
radiograph to show screw A B


13.54 Diagrams to show the preferred implant

pattern. A: Dorsoventral view. The advantage of
this pattern is that it makes it easier to place three
implants in each vertebral body (Garcia et al.,
1994). B: Transverse view to show a flat trajectory
for screws. Implants can also be put in using the
more vertical angle shown in 13.49 and 13.53 but A
a flatter trajectory provides slightly more bone
purchase as well as more room for cement (13.52).

Trauma 313

13.55 Illustration of potential

entry points in the
vertebral bodies. A, B:
T12 vertebra. C, D: L2
vertebra. Implants should
enter bone between the
two lines; the higher the
entry point, the more
vertical the trajectory and
vice versa. If further
clarification of anatomy is 13.55
needed, the floor of the
vertebral canal can be
palpated with care at the
intervertebral foramen
using a fine, curved
dental instrument.


13.56 The entry points and

implant trajectory will
vary with the anatomical
location of the fixation.
A: Entry points and
potential implant
trajectories are shown on
a CT scan of C6 vertebra
(11.41–11.43). The disc
spaces and intervertebral
foramina should be 13.56
avoided (Rouse, 1979; A B
Wong and Emms, 1992).
B: Entry points and potential implant trajectories are shown on a CT scan of L6 vertebra. The range of
possible angles is less here than can be used at L2 and is even less for L7 vertebra (1.25). Variations
may also be marked between different types of dog.
314 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.57 Fractures or luxations involving

L7 vertebra may
warrant different implant
patterns. Radiographs of this
dog are shown in 13.27 and
13.65. A: Implants can be A B
placed in L7 down the pedicle
and into the base of an articular facet as shown here. Note that there is insufficient cement around the
screws; the technique should also not have been used with a compromised ventral buttress. B: Screw
placement in the sacrum (two most lateral screws on each side) is also discussed on page 204.
Implants can also be placed into the wings of the ilium, but should be placed vertically (13.65) rather
than horizontally (13.21, 14.12) for better bone purchase.

13.58 Bone cement is best applied when it no longer

sticks to the surgeon’s gloves. It can be used
when more liquid, but then bone wax wrappers
should be used as a mold. Wrappers are first
coated with bone wax to retard cement
adhesion and they must be removed before it


13.59 Vertebral bodies A: before, and B: after

bone cement application (13.33, 13.53,
13.57, 13.60). The cement bar must be of
sufficient thickness; as a rough guide the
bar should be between 1.25 and 2.5 cm in
diameter depending on the weight of the
animal. This usually requires 40 g of cement
for large dogs and 20 g for smaller animals
(Rouse and Miller, 1975; Willer et al., 1991). A
Ideally vacuum mixing should be used to
prevent bubble formation and to lessen
exposure of personnel (Anderson, 1988)
(13.33). Steinmann pins of various sizes
can be incorporated into the cement to
reinforce it (13.25). This is useful for large
dogs or at sites subject to excessive
forces (11.17C).

Trauma 315

13.60 Intraoperative view A: after implant placement,

and B: after bone cement application. Bone
wax has been used to fill the screw heads to
facilitate implant removal if necessary. Kirschner
wires should ideally be placed through the
articular facets once the fracture has been
apposed to maintain alignment (13.28, 13.48).
Bone holding forceps maintain reduction as
cement hardens (13.24, 13.25, 13.48). 13.60

Modified segmental fixation (13.61–13.63)

The original spinal stapling technique should only be used for cats or for dogs weighing less than 7 kg (Matthieson,
1983) (13.63). The improved modified segmental fixation has been used in dogs over 40 kg (McAnulty et al., 1986)
(13.28B). Both techniques should ideally be used only when the ventral buttress is intact.

13.61 Diagram to show application of modified

segmental fixation. The orthopedic wire
penetrates the base of the articular facet and is
twisted around the Steinmann pins. Wires can
also be placed through the base of each spinous

316 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.62 Close-up of an articular facet joint to show the

position of the wire in modified segmental
fixation. Additional pins are used depending on
the estimated stability of the fracture and on the
weight of the dog (McAnulty et al., 1986).


13.63 Spinal stapling as shown in this 1.6 kg dog

(13.16) and modified segmental fixation provide
useful alternatives for fixation in the lumbosacral
region (McAnulty et al., 1986). A: The bone
fragment visible at L6/7 could not be reached
after a dorsal laminectomy. B: The dog was
normal and there was good fracture healing
6 weeks later although one K-wire had
migrated. The dog was normal 6 months after 13.63

External fixation (13.64–13.66)

Although dependent on the exact design of the fixator and on the type of implants used, this can be an extremely
reliable method for use in even very large dogs (Walker et al., 2002) (13.65, 14.13). It is also a useful rescue pro-
cedure (13.27) and can be used at infected sites (14.12). Placement of pins under fluoroscopic guidance may
give more consistent insertion angles and better bone purchase; a closed technique makes fracture stabilization
during implant insertion of paramount importance (Wheeler et al., 2002).
Trauma 317

13.64 Reduction of an overridden L7 fracture

using a laminectomy spreader (same dog
as in 13.27) (Bagley et al., 2000). The
positions of the laminectomy spreader jaws
are marked by white arrowheads.
* ⫽ articular facet of L7. A: Before
reduction. A short dorsal laminectomy has
been made in the center of the caudal
lamina of L7; the laminectomy spreader has
been anchored cranially at this point and
caudally under the roof of S1. B: Fracture
reduced. Torn articular facet joint capsule is
now visible (black arrow).


318 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

13.65 After failure of the implant

shown in 13.27, an
external apparatus was
applied as shown. A:
Lateral view. B:
Dorsoventral view.
Implants in each ilial wing 13.65
are angled from dorsal to
ventral to obtain better
purchase into soft bone. Skin and lumbodorsal fascia must be pulled towards the midline prior to pin
penetration or there will be excessive tension at wound closure (Shores et al., 1989; Lanz et al., 2000).

13.66 External fixator (SK External Fixation System,

Imex Veterinary Inc., Longview, TX) in place
(14.13). Postoperative management can be
labor intensive. There is also a risk of
traumatic removal; this dog panicked and
removed the entire device as it tried to enter its
kennel during a thunderstorm 5 weeks after
fixation. Incredibly, the dog’s neurological
status, which was almost normal, did not
deteriorate (Lanz et al., 2000; Walker et al.,

Miscellaneous conditions Chapter


Degenerative 319 Psoas muscle injury 331

Degenerative myelopathy (chronic degenerative
radiculomyelopathy, CDRM) 319 Vascular 332
Synovial cyst 320 Fibrocartilaginous embolism (ischemic
Facet joint pain 320 myelopathy) 332
Sacroiliac joint pain 320 Ascending myelomalacia 332
Leukodystrophies 320 Ischemic neuromyopathy (aortic embolism, iliac
Arachnoid cyst 321 thrombosis) 332
Spondylosis deformans 321 Spinal cord hemorrhage, hematoma 333
Intermittent claudication 334
Anomalous 321
Congenital vertebral anomalies 321 Key issues for future investigation 334
Sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322
Spina bifida 322 References 334
Tethered spinal cord 322
Spinal dysraphism 322 Further reading 337
Syringomyelia and hydromyelia 322
Cartilaginous exostoses 323
This chapter covers various other important conditions of
Dermoid sinus 323
the spine that are likely to be encountered but are not
Epidermoid cyst 323
covered specifically elsewhere in this book. Surgical treat-
Arachnoid cyst 323
ment is not indicated in many of these conditions, thus
they must be diagnosed correctly to avoid unnecessary
Metabolic 326
operations (Braund and Sharp, 2003). Key references
Lysosomal storage diseases 326
are given, but the list is not intended to be encyclopedic.
Osteoporosis 326
See Dewey et al. (2003), Braund (Further reading) and
LeCouteur et al. (2000), which are comprehensive and
Nutritional 326
have excellent bibliographies. The diseases are listed
Hypervitaminosis A 326
according to the DAMNIT scheme (Table 3.1).
Idiopathic 326
Tumoral calcinosis 326 DEGENERATIVE
Disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis Degenerative myelopathy (chronic
(DISH) 326 degenerative radiculomyelopathy, CDRM)
This is a degenerative condition of the spinal cord of older
Infectious/inflammatory 326 dogs; it is mostly seen in large breeds and particularly
Discospondylitis 326 German shepherd dogs. A similar disorder has been
Epidural empyema 328 described in a cat (Mesfin et al., 1980). There are prob-
Inflammatory CNS diseases 329 ably several different types of canine degenerative
Epidural steatitis 331 myelopathy that are grouped together and cannot be dif-
ferentiated at present. Phenotypes in the various breeds
Trauma 331 of dog may vary somewhat from that of the classic condi-
tion found in the German shepherd dog (Matthews et al.,
320 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

1985; Salinas and Martinez, 1993). Onset of signs in animals (Cook et al., 2002). Diagnosis is not simple
German shepherd dogs is from 5 years of age. Progressive and depends largely on nerve blocks in humans
pelvic limb ataxia, loss of proprioception, and paraparesis (Manchikanti, 1999). Signal intensity changes in lumbar
occur. The neurological examination usually indicates a pedicles on MRI may be a diagnostic tool that is appli-
T3–L3 lesion, but some dogs lose their patellar reflex cable to animals (Morrison et al., 2000).
because of dorsal nerve root involvement. Urinary and
fecal function is normal. Spinal pain is not seen. Signs in Sacroiliac joint pain
affected dogs progress over several months, and eventu- This is another common cause of low back pain in
ally the thoracic limbs will be involved (Averill, 1973; humans that can mimic disc pain and that might have a
Griffiths and Duncan, 1975). counterpart in animals (Pang et al., 1998; Swezey, 1998;
The diagnosis is confirmed by the absence of struc- Hodge and Bessette, 1999). CT evidence of osteoarthri-
tural spinal cord disease on myelography or MRI. Even if tis in the joint is suggestive but MRI will probably prove
other lesions are found, for example a disc extrusion, the to be more useful as an indicator of physiological signifi-
possibility of degenerative myelopathy also being pres- cance (Morrison et al., 2000).
ent should be considered (10.53). Analysis of lumbar
CSF often reveals a moderate elevation in protein. The
cause is unknown and there is no known treatment. Leukodystrophies
Degenerative changes are found at necropsy throughout Several breed-specific disorders are described in Afghan
the spinal cord and in nerve roots, mainly affecting the hounds, Dalmatians, Miniature poodles and Dutch
thoracolumbar region. There is a loss of both myelin and kooiker dogs. The most common examples are seen in
axons, with cellular infiltration in the most severely Rottweilers.
affected regions (Johnston et al., 2000).
Synovial cyst Leukoencephalomalacia is a degenerative CNS disease,
These cysts arise from the synovial joints between the reported in Rottweilers in the USA, the Netherlands and
articular facets. Often the affected joint(s) also show(s) Australia. There is malacia throughout the spinal cord,
degenerative changes on survey radiographs. The cysts particularly in the cervical region, due to demyelination
tend to occur mainly in the cervical area of giant-breed and cavitation. The etiology is unclear.
dogs but can be found in the thoracolumbar area Affected dogs show clinical signs from 1 to 4 years of
(Dickinson et al., 2001); they have also been reported in a age. There is pelvic limb ataxia and hypermetria, pro-
German shepherd dog presenting with lumbosacral pain gressing through paraparesis to tetraparesis over a period
(Webb et al., 2001). Synovial cysts in humans are thought of months. Proprioceptive deficits are marked. Limb
to be an under-diagnosed problem in the elderly and this reflexes are intact or hyperactive.
problem will probably be recognized more frequently in Differentiation from neuroaxonal dystrophy and other
dogs with the increased use of cross-sectional imaging and CNS conditions is important. All routine diagnostic tests
especially MRI (Charest and Kenny, 2000). CT myelogra- are normal in leukoencephalomalacia. The major differ-
phy and MRI reveal discrete, round, cystic structures ential features are the presence of proprioceptive deficits
(Levitski et al., 1999a,b; Lipsitz et al., 2001) (11.8). in leukoencephalomalacia, and tremor or dysmetric head
Imaging by myelography usually shows dorsolateral com- movements together with decreased menace responses in
pression of the spinal cord due to soft tissue rather than neuroaxonal dystrophy (see below).
bone. Cysts in the caudal neck may be located more There is no treatment and the prognosis is poor;
laterally or even ventrolaterally within the vertebral canal most dogs with leukoencephalomalacia are euthanized
(4.25, 11.8). Dorsal laminectomy and removal of the cyst within 1 year of presentation (Chrisman, 1992).
or distraction–stabilization (page 219) can be performed.
Prognosis has been good over a mean follow-up of 17 ROTTWEILER NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY
months although it is not known how young dogs do over Neuroaxonal dystrophy is a degenerative CNS disease
a longer period of time (Dickinson et al., 2001). In seen mainly in Rottweilers, but has also been reported
humans, synovial cysts are usually associated with facet occasionally in cats. Axonal dystrophy with spheroids is
joint degenerative disease and so there may be overlap seen in parts of the CNS, including the dorsal horn gray
with facet joint pain (see below) (Howington et al., 1999). matter of the spinal cord, and in the gracile, cuneate and
dorsal spinocerebellar tract nuclei. Cerebellar atrophy
Facet joint pain may also be seen. The etiology is unknown and there
Facet joint pain is a common cause of both neck and low may be overlap in some dogs between this condition and
back pain in humans and is a potential source of pain in leukoencephalomalacia.
Miscellaneous conditions 321

Affected dogs show clinical signs from puppyhood, Spondylosis deformans

but these may not be noticed until the dog is adult. Spondylosis deformans is a common radiographic finding
There is pelvic limb ataxia and hypermetria of the thor- in older dogs, but it is rarely associated with clinical signs
acic limbs. Proprioception is normal. Limb reflexes are (Morgan et al., 1989). Generally the osteophytes develop
intact or even hyperactive. Head incoordination, tremor, ventrally and laterally on the vertebral body, and they
positional nystagmus, and loss of menace response (due may grow to the point that they bridge the intervertebral
to cerebellar involvement) develop later, often after sev- space (Larsen and Selby, 1981) (14.1). Osteophytes
eral years. Weakness is not seen. around the articular facet joints may be of more signifi-
Differentiation from other CNS conditions is import- cance (see ‘Facet joint pain’, above). The thoracolumbar
ant (see above). Routine diagnostic tests are normal. junction and lumbosacral joint are particularly affected.
There is no treatment and the long-term prognosis is Where these changes are seen at the lumbosacral joint
poor, although affected dogs may survive as active pets they may be related to clinical signs of lumbosacral dis-
for several years (Chrisman, 1992). ease. However, this diagnosis should not be reached on
the basis of survey radiographs alone, as such changes
Arachnoid cyst are seen in many normal dogs (see page 188). It is
In an arachnoid cyst there is a focal accumulation of important to differentiate spondylosis deformans from
CSF in the subarachnoid space, which compresses the the changes seen in discospondylitis (14.11–14.13).
spinal cord (Dyce et al., 1991; Skeen et al., 2003). These
can be acquired secondary to some type of injury (13.32)
although they are usually congenital lesions (see below). ANOMALOUS
Congenital vertebral anomalies
Vertebral malformations are common findings in dogs
and are also seen occasionally in cats. Some do cause
compressive myelopathy or are associated with anom-
alies of the spinal cord (Bailey, 1975; Bailey and Morgan,
1992). Many cases of atlantoaxial subluxation also have
an underlying congenital vertebral malformation (see
Chapter 9). Anomalies such as hemivertebrae, butterfly
vertebrae and block vertebrae are relatively common
14.1 Spondylosis deformans was an incidental finding in this but they rarely cause clinical signs. Hemivertebrae are
7-year-old Boxer dog. seen usually in the small, brachycephalic breeds. They


14.2 Dog with severe ataxia and paraparesis due to a hemivertebra at T7. Threaded pins and bone cement were used to stabilize
the site prior to performing a dorsal laminectomy. Neurological function was unchanged postoperatively and the dog was walking
well within a few days.
322 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

are wedge-shaped deformities that may cause spinal Tethered spinal cord
deviation in the lateral or dorsoventral plane depending This condition is usually associated either with spina
on the orientation of the wedge (14.2). When the devi- bifida and meningo(myelo)cele or with an intradural
ation is marked they tend to cause a chronic, progressive lipoma (Fingeroth et al., 1989; Plummer et al., 1993;
myelopathy. Skeletal abnormality may be apparent on Huttmann et al., 2001; Shamir et al., 2001). It can also
physical examination but the exact site should be con- be caused by previous surgery that leaves a residual
firmed by neuroimaging (Dewey et al., 2003). Animals defect in the dura mater with subsequent spinal cord
that have severe spinal cord compression may show a herniation (Henry et al., 1997).
marked deterioration of neurological deficits after inva-
sive tests such as myelography, so MRI is preferred. Spinal dysraphism
Deterioration is also common when animals with these Malformations of the spinal cord have been described in
lesions are subject to decompressive laminectomy (page several breeds of dogs, particularly Weimaraners (Broek
126). Stabilization of the vertebral column should be the et al., 1991). Various lesions of the central canal, gray
primary aim of surgery and decompression should not be matter, dorsal sulcus and ventral fissure have been
performed without concomitant fixation (Aikawa, 2001). described and a syringohydromyelia may also be present.
Nevertheless, the prognosis is guarded in dogs with A bunny-hopping pelvic limb gait, abnormalities of the
severe neurological deficits. Vertebral anomalies would hair coat, a depression of the sternum, and head tilt may
be an ideal condition in which to use electrophysiological be seen. Neurological deficits localize to the T3–L3 spinal
monitoring during spinal cord surgery (see Chapter 4, cord and signs are often evident in affected puppies. The
page 60). signs are usually non-progressive. Abnormalities may be
detected using MRI (Dewey et al., 2003).
Sacrocaudal dysgenesis
Cats and dogs with congenital tail defects often have ver- Syringomyelia and hydromyelia
tebral abnormalities of the sacrum and caudal vertebrae. Syringomyelia and hydromyelia are fluid-filled cavitations
Manx cats, Pugs and Bulldogs are affected most often of the spinal cord and central canal respectively.
and the condition is inherited in the Manx. The vertebral Syringomyelia can be a congenital or an acquired (11.12)
abnormalities may themselves cause neurological spinal cord lesion (Cauzinille and Kornegay, 1992;
deficits that affect the pelvic limbs, lower urinary tract Perrouin-Verbe et al., 1998), whereas hydromyelia is
and anus or there may be malformations of the spinal more often associated with congenital malformations.
cord such as spina bifida. Diagnosis is suspected from the Hydromyelia can also be a complication of myelography
clinical signs. Radiography will demonstrate vertebral (Kirberger and Wrigley, 1993), and has been described in
abnormalities and myelography or MRI may reveal spinal a cat secondary to feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
cord malformations. Treatment is not possible and the (Tamke et al., 1988). Clinical differentiation is often
prognosis is poor. impossible and these two conditions may occur together.
In humans these conditions probably result from over-
Spina bifida crowding within the caudal fossa of the skull, such as
This is a developmental defect resulting from failure of occurs in Chiari type-1 malformations. The overcrowding
the embryonic vertebral arch to fuse normally. There is thought to obstruct CSF flow and lead to the syringo-
may be protrusion of the meninges or spinal cord into hydromyelia (Nishikawa et al., 1997). Early surgical inter-
a meningocele, a myelocele or a meningomyelocele; this vention to decompress the caudal fossa and restore the
is termed spina bifida aperta. Alternatively, there may flow of CSF in susceptible individuals might prevent the
be no protrusion of nervous tissue, which is termed development of syringomyelia (Fischbein et al., 1999).
spina bifida occulta (Wilson et al., 1979; Wilson, 1982). The onset of clinical signs is usually in adult dogs.
There is a high incidence of these conditions in English Diagnosis is aided considerably by MRI (Kirberger et al.,
bulldogs and Manx cats. 1997; Levitski et al., 1999b; Taga et al., 2000). Associated
Spina bifida usually involves the caudal lumbar spine. changes such as spinal hyperesthesia, torticollis or scolio-
Clinical signs indicative of L4–S3 spinal cord dysfunction sis are common (Child et al., 1986; Bagley et al., 1997;
occur. Radiography may reveal defects in the dorsal Dewey et al., 2003). Syringohydromyelia has been
vertebral arch, such as paired spinous processes, and reported in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, which usually
myelography or MRI may demonstrate a meningocele. present with a characteristic scratching at the shoulder
Treatment is not possible but untethering may help (see region (14.3A). Other signs include apparent neck, tho-
below). When there is an opening in the skin, closure racic limb or ear pain and thoracic limb lower motor
should be considered to prevent meningomyelitis. neuron (LMN) deficits. In these dogs the disorder is
Miscellaneous conditions 323

ribs and limb bones. It is caused by abnormal differenti-

ation of cartilage cells in bones that develop by endo-
chondral ossification, leading to the production of large
masses composed of a thin cortex lined by cartilage and
with a core of cancellous bone. The etiology is unclear
(Gambardella et al., 1975; Meomartino et al., 1997).
The masses continue to grow until skeletal maturity is
reached and may also continue thereafter in some dogs.
Diagnosis is by radiography (14.3B). Surgical decom-
pression of compressive lesions may be necessary but the
prognosis is guarded in dogs and is considered to be poor
in cats. Neoplastic transformation can result in clinical
signs in adult animals and this may actually be more
common than was thought previously (Jacobson and
A Kirberger, 1996; Dewey et al., 2003).

Dermoid sinus
In dermoid sinus (pilonidal sinus) the skin over the dor-
sal midline is inverted and, in some dogs, the invagin-
ation communicates with the dura mater. Rhodesian
ridgebacks and Shih tzus have a high incidence
(Tshamala and Moens, 2000). Infection from the cyst
may extend to the spinal cord, causing meningitis and
myelitis with associated clinical signs.
Diagnosis is based on physical examination and clini-
B cal signs. If a cyst is suspected to be in communication
with the vertebral canal, myelography or MRI is
14.3 A: Syringohydromyelia (arrow), mild hydrocephalus and preferable to fistulography. Infected lesions are treated
caudal occipital malformation in a Cavalier King Charles by antibiotics and surgical excision; it may be necessary
spaniel with persistent scratching at the shoulder. B: Multiple
cartilaginous exostoses affecting the last rib and L4 vertebra.
to perform a laminectomy to retrieve all the tissue.
Careless exploration of this type of lesion, without a
full appreciation of its extent, can lead to the develop-
thought to develop secondary to compression at the ment of marked neurological deficits.
level of the foramen magnum (Rusbridge et al., 2000).
Anti-inflammatory medications may improve the clinical Epidermoid cyst
signs temporarily but early surgical intervention is This is a rare cystic lesion that arises from entrapment of
recommended in humans with Chiari type-1 malforma- epithelial cells within the neural tube. This lesion can be
tions (Rusbridge, 1997; Fischbein et al., 1999). There is congenital or it can be acquired secondary to mechanical
a trend away from shunting of the syrinx in humans implantation of epithelial cells, such as by puncture of
towards decompressing the caudal fossa by an occipital the spinal cord by a needle (Tomlinson et al., 1988).
craniectomy (Sgouros and Williams, 1995; Nishikawa Myelography or MRI will show an intramedullary
et al., 1997; Sakamoto et al., 1999). This approach lesion, which is likely to be mistaken for a spinal cord
has also been used with success in a small number of tumor such as nephroblastoma of young dogs (see
dogs with syringomyelia (W.B. Thomas, personal com- page 249).
munication). When syringomyelia develops following
trauma, a decompressive laminectomy with subarach- Arachnoid cyst
noid space reconstruction is recommended (Sgouros and These are not true cysts as they do not have an epithelial
Williams, 1996). lining (Dyce et al., 1991). Rather there is a focal accu-
mulation of CSF, probably due to adhesions within the
Cartilaginous exostoses subarachnoid space (Dyce et al., 1991; Moissonier et al.,
Cartilaginous exospores (osteochondromatosis) may 2002) (14.6). The natural pulsation of CSF is sufficient
cause spinal cord compression at any site of the vertebral to produce a bulbous or tear-drop enlargement of the
column of dogs and cats. Lesions may also occur on the subarachnoid space and this can then cause marked spinal
324 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

cord compression (Dewey and Coates, 2003) (14.4). et al., 2002; Skeen et al., 2003) (13.32). Diagnosis is by
Dysraphism or syringomyelia may accompany this condi- myelography or MRI (Galloway et al., 1999) (14.4).
tion (Dyce et al., 1991; Galloway et al., 1999). The con- Sonography is helpful during surgery to provide intra-
dition occurs at two main locations: the cervical area or operative orientation (Galloway et al., 1999). Surgical
the thoracolumbar junction. It should be suspected in decompression may be effective. A dorsal laminectomy is
a young dog with progressive signs of myelopathy, but usually needed in order to gain adequate exposure of the
which is pain free. Rottweilers may be over-represented cyst (11.55, 14.5). Seven of 11 dogs improved in one
(Moissonier et al., 2002; Rylander et al., 2002; Skeen series after fenestration and resection of the cyst. How-
et al., 2003). The condition is also described in cats ever, three dogs with cervical lesions required postopera-
(Shamir et al., 1997). Arachnoid cysts can also be tive ventilatory assistance, two because of hematoma
acquired secondary to trauma or disc lesions (Rylander formation (Rylander et al., 2002). Successful long-term


14.4 Ten-month-old Retriever with progressive paraparesis for 2 months. A: Well-defined, bulbous dilation of the dorsal subarachnoid
space at C2/3. This communicates with the rest of the subarachnoid space as contrast flowed caudally within a few minutes
(14.8B). B: Dorsoventral view confirms the discrete border of this lesion. Surgical appearance of the lesion is shown in 14.8A.


14.5 Seven-month-old Labrador with tetraparesis for 1 month. Myelography revealed a subarachnoid cyst at C2/3. A: The dura
has been opened over the cyst; the wall is still intact and compressing the spinal cord (arrow). B: The cyst wall (arrow) has been
incised to reveal the spinal cord beneath a pool of CSF. The dog was normal 2 years after surgery (Skeen et al., 2003).
Miscellaneous conditions 325

outcomes were obtained in 8 out of another 13 dogs that

were followed for more than 1 year. There were no sig-
nificant predictors of a good outcome although there was
a trend towards a good outcome in dogs of less than
3 years of age, those that had a duration of signs of less
than 4 months, and when marsupialization was used as
the surgical technique (Skeen et al., 2003).
Marsupialization is one potential technique for treat-
ing arachnoid cysts (McKee and Renwick, 1994).
Durotomy is performed and the dural edges are sutured
to periarticular soft tissues using magnification and non-
absorbable suture material (4/0 to 8/0 depending on the
breed). A wide laminectomy gives excellent access but
runs the risk of putting undue tension on the dura, espe-
14.6 Three-year-old Toy poodle with a cervical arachnoid cyst. cially at the cranial and caudal ends of the durotomy. If
The dura has been opened to reveal an extensive network of this happens a release incision should be made (14.7A).
fine adhesions (arrow) in the subarachnoid space. The dura Another technique used to treat arachnoid cysts is to
mater and arachnoid adhesions are being manipulated (arrow- make a wide fenestration in the dura. Here the dura is
head) with two, modified 25-gauge needles (5.19). This dog’s
excised over the cyst (14.8) and ideally visible subarach-
gait improved but it remained fecally incontinent 4 months later.
It then developed urinary incontinence and its gait noid adhesions (14.6) are also removed using meticulous
deteriorated 26 months postoperatively (Skeen et al., 2003). hemostasis (Frykman, 1999; Rylander et al., 2002). A rare


14.7 A: Marsupialization at T12/13 in a 9-year-old Westie with progressive paraparesis and fecal incontinence for 2 months.
A release incision may be needed if marsupialization puts tension on the dura (arrow). The dog was doing well 22 months after
surgery (Skeen et al., 2003). B: The laminectomy in this dog is not as wide but still gave enough access to suture the dura accurately.


14.8 A: A wide dural fenestration has been made after hemilaminectomy at C2/3. The dog was much improved 24 months after
surgery (Skeen et al., 2003). B: Radiograph taken 10 min after the images shown in 14.4. Contrast has flowed from the previous
point of obstruction (arrow) into the remainder of the subarachnoid space. CSF flow dynamics have been studied in one dog
with an arachnoid cyst and showed normal communication with the subarachnoid space (Moissonier et al., 2002).
326 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

potential complication of not closing a dural incision is

that the spinal cord could herniate through the defect;
this has only been reported in humans (Osterholm,
1974; Henry et al., 1997; Watters et al., 1998).

Lysosomal storage diseases
Lysosomal storage diseases occur where there is a defect
of metabolism caused by dysfunction in a specific
enzyme pathway. They are relatively common disorders
in dogs and cats and frequently cause neurological signs,
which are usually seen from early in life and are progres- 14.9 Hypervitaminosis A in a cat showing massive vertebral
sive. Most cause signs of intracranial disease but cats exostoses.
with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI can present with
paraparesis. Neurological deficits are caused by verte- parts of the spine and the limbs may also be involved
bral exostoses that can resemble cartilaginous exostosis (Goldman, 1992). Clinical signs related to nerve root and
and hypervitaminosis A (Haskins et al., 1980, 1983). spinal cord compression are seen. Neck pain and rigidity,
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA in dogs can present as ataxia, paresis of the thoracic limbs, and lameness may
an adult onset pelvic limb ataxia or hypermetric gait occur. The diagnosis is suspected in a cat fed exclusively
(Fischer et al., 1998; Jolly et al., 2000). Cytoplasmic on liver, and is confirmed by radiography (14.9).
inclusions may be detected in hepatocytes but defini- Treatment is difficult. Stopping vitamin A intake can
tive diagnosis requires specialized techniques. There is arrest the development of further exostoses, and anti-
no treatment and the prognosis is poor. inflammatory drugs may relieve clinical signs.

Osteoporosis IDIOPATHIC
This is a common problem in humans, the incidence of
Tumoral calcinosis
which increases with age as well as in women after meno-
Also known as calcinosis circumscripta, this condition
pause or ovariectomy (Riggs, 2002). Other risk factors
has been described as a cause of compressive spinal cord
include chronic renal disease, type I diabetes, cortico-
dysfunction in young dogs. The most common site is
steroid use and Cushing’s disease (Khanine et al., 2000;
between C1 and C2 but it has also been reported in the
Vestergaard et al., 2002). Vertebral fractures are a com-
thoracolumbar region (McEwan et al., 1992; de Risio
mon sequel to osteoporosis in humans (Khanine et al.,
and Olby, 2000). Diagnosis is by radiography; a mineral-
2000); diagnosis is made by radiography, scintigraphy,
ized mass is visible at the site of cord compression
CT or MRI (Cook et al., 2002; Tan et al., 2002). Even
(14.10). The cause is not known. Surgical decompres-
though vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis is a com-
sion may be successful.
mon problem in humans it is nevertheless under-
diagnosed (Gehlbach et al., 2000). Osteoporosis has been Disseminated idiopathic skeletal
produced experimentally in canine lumbar vertebrae as a hyperostosis (DISH)
result of ovariectomy or steroid administration (Norrdin This is thought to be an exaggerated proliferation of bone
et al., 1990; Yamaura et al., 1993); it has also been recog- as a result of minor stresses, which results in extensive
nized as a clinical problem in dogs with Cushing’s disease ossification throughout the body. A characteristic feature
as well as in routine post-mortem studies (Pellegrini et al., in the spine is a ‘flowing pattern’ of ventrolateral new
1979; Huntley et al., 1982; Schleithoff, 1984). Vertebral bone formation that extends over at least four adjacent
fracture secondary to osteoporosis is therefore likely to be vertebrae. Clinical signs usually just reflect the mechani-
an under-recognized cause of spinal pain in dogs, espe- cal limitations to movement (Morgan and Stavenborn,
cially in older, neutered animals with Cushing’s disease. 1991; Dewey et al., 2003).

Hypervitaminosis A Discospondylitis
Cats fed a diet with excessive vitamin A may suffer from Discospondylitis is an inflammatory condition centered
a skeletal condition characterized by severe exostosis of on the intervertebral disc and involving the vertebral end
the vertebrae, particularly in the cervical spine. Other plates and adjacent bone of the vertebral body. Large
Miscellaneous conditions 327

breeds of dogs are affected most often. The condition is first identified. Systemic illness is common, typically
rare in cats (Malik et al., 1990; Watson and Roberts, with pyrexia, lethargy, inappetence, and dysuria related
1993). The disease is usually caused by Staphylococcus to cystitis.
intermedius but other organisms including Streptococcus Diagnosis is by radiography (14.11, 14.12). Generally
sp., Escherichia coli and Brucella canis are also found. the radiographic changes are seen clearly, but occasion-
Fungal infections are uncommon but should be consid- ally the radiographs will be normal even though infection
ered particularly in German shepherd dogs; hyphae may is present (occult discospondylitis). When the radio-
be detected in urine sediment (Butterworth et al., 1995; graphs are inconclusive, a bone scan may reveal the
Watt et al., 1995; Greene, 1998). lesion (Stefanacci and Wheeler, 1991) (see page 59).
The bacteria usually gain access to the disc by Blood or urine cultures are positive in about two thirds
hematogenous spread from other foci in the body, of of patients (Kornegay, 1986). Brucella canis titers should
which the bladder is most common. Occasional cases be analyzed in endemic areas.
associated with foreign body migration are seen, usually Treatment of bacterial discospondylitis is initially
grass seeds (awns). Iatrogenic cases following surgery by use of antibiotics. In view of the predominance of
are also recognized, especially when an implant has been S. intermedius, clindamycin, cepazolin or cloxacillin are
used (13.34, 14.11, 14.14). the best initial choices. Ampicillin and amoxycillin are
The first clinical sign is usually pain, with concurrent not useful because the organism is often resistant to these
or later development of neurological deficits. Certain drugs through the mechanism of ␤-lactamase production.
sites are predisposed: lumbosacral, caudal cervical, thora- Further treatment is governed by clinical progression
columbar and mid-thoracic vertebrae. Multiple discs and results of bacteriological testing. Treatment must be
may be involved, either adjacent or distant to the disc continued for at least 6 weeks, even when the response
is good. Most dogs respond well to antibiotics alone
(Gilmore, 1987), or combined with surgical curettage
(Kornegay and Barber, 1980). It is not known how many
dogs suffer a recurrence of signs.
Treatment for B. canis is with minocycline (25 mg/kg
PO q24h for 2 weeks) and streptomycin (5 mg/kg IM or
SQ q12h for 1 week) or gentamycin (2 mg/kg IM or SQ
q12 h for 1 week) (Greene, 1998). There is potential for
zoonotic spread, and recurrence is common. It may be
wise to castrate male dogs with B. canis infection as the
testes can act as a reservoir of infection (Kerwin et al.,
Surgical curettage of solitary, readily accessible
lesions often leads to rapid resolution of signs
(Kornegay and Barber, 1980). It also provides material
14.10 Tumoral calcinosis in a young Labrador retriever with
for culture and promotes blood supply to the affected
progressive paraparesis. The myelogram reveals a large,
mineralized epidural mass located dorsally between C1 and C2. disc. Surgical intervention should always be considered
Following surgical removal of the mass the dog returned to in patients with an unsatisfactory response to anti-
normal within a few weeks (Lewis and Kelly, 1990). biotics. The main risk is that surgery could destabilize the

14.11 Ten-year-old Doberman with

S. intermedius discospondylitis at C6/7.
It had undergone total hip replacement
9 months previously, which became
infected and was removed after 4
months. A: Destructive lesion at C6/7.
There is sclerosis and destruction of C6
and C7 end plates (arrowhead). B: CT
scan through caudal C6 confirms bony
destruction within the vertebral body

328 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

14.12 Rottweiler with uncontrollable

pain due to discospondylitis at L7/S1
that did not respond to 1 week of
antibiotics and opioid analgesics. An
external fixator was applied and the
dog was pain-free the next day. It
was normal 3 months later although
L7/S1 had not fused; no bone graft
had been used at surgery.



14.13 A: The dog shown in 14.12 at 6-week follow-up. B: Dorsal view of the external fixator (SK External Fixation System, Imex
Veterinary Inc., Longview, TX). A potential limiting factor in large dogs is the length of pin; these were only just long enough to attach
the clamps.

affected intervertebral space further; loss of stability laminectomy without stabilization is not recommended
can also occur spontaneously in animals with advanced as it may lead to marked instability.
bony destruction. Subluxation or collapse of the inter- In addition to instability and collapse of the disc
vertebral space then results together with severe pain space, another serious complication of discospondylitis
and neurological deficits. When collapse occurs in the is the development of epidural abscessation (see below)
lumbosacral area the animal often develops intractable (Lobetti, 1994; Remedios et al., 1996).
pain (14.12). Fixation of the spine is then best pro- Fungal discospondylitis is a systemic infection that
vided by an external device that can be removed once occurs in German shepherd dogs and occasionally in
the infection has resolved and the site has stabilized other breeds of dog; this disorder is not restricted to tropi-
(Auger et al., 2000; Walker et al., 2002). In the lum- cal or semi-tropical regions as was initially thought. It is
bosacral area threaded pins or screws may be driven caused usually by one of several Aspergillus species and
through the articular facets into the sacrum (McKee has a poor prognosis. Diagnosis can often be obtained by
et al., 1990). Pins or bone cement have also been used identifying fungal hyphae in urine sediment. Itraconazole
successfully in the face of infection (Lavely et al., may control the disease but the long-term prognosis is
2002). An autogenous bone graft placed into the poor (Butterworth et al., 1995; Watt et al., 1995).
affected interspace probably enhances complete fusion
(Auger et al., 2000) although this does not seem to be Epidural empyema
crucial for a successful outcome (McKee et al., 1990) This is an emergency situation that requires rapid diag-
(14.13). Decompression of discospondylitis lesions by nosis and treatment (14.14). Clinical signs include fever,
Miscellaneous conditions 329


14.14 A: Doberman that underwent a ventral slot and distraction stabilization using screws and bone cement for a dynamic lesion
at C5/6. The dog did well for 4 days but then became febrile and suffered progressive neurological deterioration. B: A repeat
myelogram 2 weeks after surgery revealed small erosions of the C6/7 end plates and a diffuse epidural mass extending from the
mid-body of C5 vertebra to mid-C7 (arrowheads). The dog died; epidural abscess was found at necropsy.

lethargy, pain and neurological deficits along with even thousands per microliter), mainly comprising neu-
peripheral neutrophilia and a neutrophilic CSF pleocy- trophils along with an increase in protein concentration.
tosis. Less than half of dogs described have had con- Infectious agents are not seen in the CSF and culture is
comitant discospondylitis. Myelography can provide an negative; an immune-mediated mechanism is suspected.
accurate diagnosis but is no longer recommended in The CSF may be relatively normal between bouts of the
humans if MRI is available because the latter permits disease.
earlier identification of lesions (Angtuaco et al., 1987; Treatment with long-term corticosteroids is recom-
Reihsaus et al., 2000). Lumbar puncture is also no longer mended (prednisolone 2–4 mg/kg/day initially, reducing
recommended in humans as it carries the risk of intro- to anti-inflammatory doses) until the clinical signs and
ducing infection into the subarachnoid space. Surgical CSF pleocytosis resolve. The prognosis is fair, although
decompression and drainage together with antibiotics some dogs experience relapses. Older dogs with high
are the treatment of choice in humans. The biggest prob- IgA levels in their CSF require a longer duration of cor-
lem is one of early diagnosis before massive neurological ticosteroid therapy and have a less favorable prognosis
damage has occurred (Reihsaus et al., 2000). Results in (Tipold and Jaggy, 1994; Cizinauskas et al., 2000).
dogs have been mixed. One study reported a good out-
come in five of seven dogs whereas others report a poor CANINE DISTEMPER VIRUS INFECTION
outcome even after aggressive therapy (Dewey et al., Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is the most
1998; Lavely et al., 2002). common infectious cause of neurological disease in dogs.
Demyelination and inflammation occur in various sites
Inflammatory CNS diseases throughout the CNS. The virulence of the virus strain
STEROID-RESPONSIVE MENINGITIS— and the immunocompetence of the dog are important
ARTERITIS factors in determining the severity of disease. Other
Several aseptic meningitis syndromes have been described CNS infections may be seen in association with the
in dogs. Meningitis and polyarteritis has been described in immunosuppression related to CDV. Systemic signs of
a colony of young research Beagles; Bernese mountain disease may occur, although this is not a consistent fea-
dogs also suffer from a similar syndrome (Meric, 1988). ture (Tipold et al., 1992; Thomas et al., 1993). The neu-
These disorders are similar to necrotizing vasculitis of the rological signs may be multifocal although in one third of
meningeal arteries (Meric et al., 1986). cases they suggest a focal lesion. Signs may be acute in
The clinical signs are typical of meningitis, with depres- onset. CSF analysis usually reveals mild to moderate,
sion, cervical pain and stiff gait; pyrexia is also seen in this lymphocytic pleocytosis (see page 45). Diagnostic meth-
condition. The disease may be acute or it can have a ods include testing for local production of antibody in
relapsing pattern. Analysis of CSF reveals marked pleocy- the CSF; fluorescent antibody testing of conjunctival
tosis (with CSF white blood cell counts in the hundreds or cells, CSF leukocytes, or skin biopsy; or for viral RNA by
330 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

polymerase chain reaction (Tipold et al., 1992; Thomas which can lead to the formation of large granulomas
et al., 1993; Haines et al., 1999; Sharp et al., 2000). (Cordy, 1979).
Confirmation of a diagnosis of CDV infection is difficult Clinical signs are typical of meningoencephalomyelitis;
ante mortem. Skin biopsy is easy and may be the most onset is usually between 3 and 7 years of age. Spinal cord
accurate method (Haines et al., 1999). syndromes may be seen alone or as part of a multifocal
Treatment is restricted to managing the clinical signs presentation. The signs of spinal disease may be restricted
and providing supportive care. Prognosis is guarded. to spinal hyperesthesia or may include neurological
deficits. The course is usually chronic, but some cases
INFECTION (FIP) Analysis of CSF reveals moderate, mainly mono-
Neurological signs, including spinal cord syndromes, may nuclear pleocytosis with increased protein, but the
be seen in cats with FIP virus infection. Multisystemic findings are non-specific. Imaging in dogs with spinal
signs, particularly ocular involvement, are seen in most cord involvement may reveal an intramedullary lesion
affected cats. Neurological signs are most often associ- (14.15). Treatment with immunosuppressive doses of
ated with the dry form of the disease. CSF is usually corticosteroids may lead to improvement (prednisolone
abnormal with increased protein and a mixed, predomi- 1–2 mg/kg/day) (Munana and Luttgen, 1998). The long-
nantly neutrophilic pleocytosis (Foley et al., 1998) (see term prognosis used to be poor, although excellent long-
page 45). There is no definitive treatment and the prog- term results have now been obtained after treatment
nosis is poor (Kline et al., 1994). with cytosine arabinose (Cuddon et al., 2002).


MENINGOENCEPHALOMYELITIS (GME) Meningomyelitis due to other agents is relatively rare in
This is an inflammatory disease of unknown etiology; any dogs and cats; infections are usually associated with brain
part of the CNS may be involved and the lesions can involvement and therefore present with multifocal neu-
either be focal or diffuse in nature. The retina and optic rological signs. Many organisms have been implicated,
nerves may also be affected. Perivascular accumulations including bacteria, rickettsial, fungal and helminth
of mononuclear cells are present throughout the CNS, organisms; the distribution of some of these is regional
(Munana, 1996; Stiles, 2000; Gasser et al., 2001). Some
of the organisms that may affect the spinal cord in dogs
and cats are listed in Table 14.1.
The signs are typical of inflammatory CNS disease as
described above. Some infections show mainly signs of
intracranial disease, typically rickettsial infections when
seizures, dullness, depression, and vestibular signs occur.
Pelvic limb hyperextension is often seen in young dogs
with toxoplasmosis or neosporosis (Nesbit et al., 1981).
Systemic signs of infection may be apparent, for exam-
ple gastrointestinal disturbance or respiratory signs,
which may indicate the portal of entry into the CNS.
Patients may be pyrexic, but this is variable.
Confirmation of the diagnosis is usually by CSF
14.15 T2-weighted MRI of a 9-year-old Boxer dog with an analysis. Pleocytosis is variable, but very high cell counts
extensive high signal area (arrow) in the cervical spinal cord. (in the thousands per microliter) may be seen, mostly
Histopathological diagnosis was GME.

Table 14.1 Known organisms associated with spinal cord disease

Viruses Bacteria Rickettsia Fungi Protozoa Helminth

Canine distemper Staphylococcus sp. Rickettsia sp. Cryptococcus neoformans Toxoplasma gondii Baylisascaris sp.
Feline infectious Brucella canis Ehrlichia sp. Coccidioides imitis Neospora caninum
peritonitis Bartonella sp. Blastomycoides dermatidis
Rabies Histoplasma capsulatum
Miscellaneous conditions 331

composed of neutrophils; eosinophils may also be present. consequence of trauma and it is imperative that they be
Organisms may be seen in the CSF. Culture may be recognized on admission of the patient (2.15, 2.26,
attempted but is often unrewarding. Serological test- 2.28, 13.1, 14.16B).
ing may be useful in some infections, for example in Re-implantation of avulsed ventral nerve rootlets into
neosporosis, rickettsial disease or cryptococcosis. the cervical spinal cord has recently been proposed as a
Those rare patients where bacterial infections are iden- new treatment for avulsion injuries in dogs and cats
tified should be treated with antibiotics. The bacterial (Moissonnier et al., 1996, 2001). Although an effective
sensitivity and CNS penetration of the drug must be con- treatment is needed desperately, surgical repair is
sidered in choosing an antibiotic (Greene, 1998). Fungal unlikely to be useful for most animals with plexal
infections are difficult to treat, but amphotericin B, itra- injuries due to the difficulty in producing an early
conazole and fluconazole may be effective. Rickettsial return of function to the distal limb and the likelihood
infections are treated with tetracyclines, preferably doxy- of residual sensory deficits (Rodkey and Sharp, 2003).
cycline or chloramphenicol. Protozoal infections may be Trauma can occasionally produce neurological deficits
treated with clindamycin, azithromycin or trimethoprim- by affecting the blood supply to the spinal cord, periph-
sulfonamide combined with pyrimethamine (Bosch- eral nerves or muscles. Acute pelvic limb paralysis is
Driessen et al., 2002). described in cats after severe abdominal trauma. It is
The use of corticosteroids in meningomyelitis is con- thought to be a vasospasm or thrombosis of radicular
troversial. They are contraindicated in fungal infection, blood vessels (Summers et al., 1994). Paralysis of a
but may have a role in acute bacterial infections of the thoracic limb has been described after injury to the sub-
CNS (Vandecasteele et al., 2001; Gijwani et al., 2002). clavian artery in a dog (MacCoy and Trotter, 1977).
The potential consequences of corticosteroid use must Gunshot injuries may involve the vertebral column or
be considered before their administration. Their use at spinal cord and are usually devastating (Fullington and
the same time as antibiotics can also make it difficult to Otto, 1997).
determine which is responsible for an improvement in
the animal’s condition. Psoas muscle injury
This unusual condition can cause acute onset of pelvic
Epidural steatitis limb lameness with severe pain on extension of the hip
This is a common complication to epidural empyema but and palpation of the psoas muscles along with reluc-
could also occur secondary to infection with Brucella, tance to stand (Krawiecki and Puignero, 1995; Breur
Bartonella or Mycobacterium sp. (Postacchini and and Blevins, 1996). If inflammation and hemorrhage is
Montanaro, 1980; Nas et al., 2001). Epidural fibrosis and severe there may also be unilateral femoral nerve
fat necrosis are also seen secondary to vascular com- deficits (N. Olby, personal communication). The clin-
promise in lumbosacral disease (see page 190). ical signs are caused by an injury or a hematoma within
the psoas muscle; femoral neuropathy is due to com-
pression within the muscle compartment (Robinson
TRAUMA et al., 2001). Diagnosis is made by ultrasound or MRI.
The most common disorders are discussed on pages Most dogs improve with rest but a tenomyectomy may
30 and 283. Brachial plexus injuries are a common be necessary to resolve the pain.

14.16 A: Post-mortem appearance of a

brachial plexus avulsion. Note the absent
nerve roots and rootlets on the side with
subdural hemorrhage. B: This dog was
paraplegic due to an L1 vertebral fracture;
its brachial plexus avulsion was almost
overlooked before repairing the vertebral

332 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

VASCULAR Confirmation of the diagnosis is by elimination of

Fibrinocartilaginous embolism other causes. Myelography or MRI should be performed
(ischemic myelopathy) to rule out compressive spinal cord lesions (14.17).
Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a syndrome of Generally, the myelogram is normal, but in some cases of
acute, severe neurological dysfunction of dogs. It is an FCE, it will show an intramedullary pattern of spinal
important differential diagnosis in cases of disc disease, cord swelling. MRI reveals spinal cord edema and
trauma, and other acute spinal conditions (Cauzinille swelling in the acute stage. Changes in CSF are often
and Kornegay, 1996). The emboli are composed of fibro- non-specific although xanthochromia is very suggestive
cartilage, identical to the material within the nucleus of FCE (4.1).
pulposus. In pathological studies of FCE, emboli are Treatment is by supportive care of the patient. Use
found in the vasculature of the spinal cord substance or of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS), as in
nerve roots. The exact mechanism by which they gain spinal trauma, may be useful in the first few hours fol-
access to these areas is not clear. lowing onset (see page 83). Other corticosteroids are
Adult dogs of large and giant breeds are affected most not indicated.
often along with Miniature schnauzers, but this condi- The prognosis is variable and dependent largely on the
tion can affect any dog. FCE can occur in dogs as early size of the area that undergoes necrosis. Discrete upper
as 8 weeks of age, although it is seen most often in motor neuron (UMN) lesions often improve, but loss of
adults between 3 and 7 years (Cauzinille and Kornegay, nociception or extensive LMN deficits carry a poor prog-
1996; Junker et al., 2000; Hawthorne et al., 2001). The nosis (Cauzinille and Kornegay, 1996). Dogs that recover
condition appears to be very rare in cats (Scott and may be left with residual neurological deficits unless the
O’Leary, 1996; Abramson et al., 2002). lesion is small (Hawthorne et al., 2001).
Peracute, severe neurological presentations occur,
often following vigorous exercise or mild trauma. Ascending myelomalacia
Owners may note a progression of the signs over a This is probably an ischemic lesion induced by the
period of several hours, often from an initial lameness to diffuse spread of extruded disc material; it is illus-
eventual paralysis. However, progression beyond the trated in 8.5 and 14.18 and discussed on page 128.
first 24 h is very unusual and this helps to differentiate Extensive malacia may also be evident following
the condition from other myelopathies. Spinal hyper- trauma (13.10).
esthesia is not usually present on clinical examination,
but sometimes severe discomfort is apparent during
the development of the condition and this can persist Ischemic neuromyopathy (aortic
for several hours after onset (Cauzinille and Kornegay, embolism, iliac thrombosis)
1996). Any part of the spinal cord may be affected, and Ischemic neuromyopathy is a common cause of acute
often the signs are markedly asymmetrical. paraplegia in cats. Involvement of either one pelvic limb,


14.17 10-year-old cat that was normal prior to an acute onset of symmetrical tetraparesis localizing to the C6–T2 spinal cord. T2-
weighted MRIs show high signal within the spinal cord (arrows) that extends A from the level of C2 to C7 vertebral bodies and that
B occupies much of the cross-sectional area of the spinal cord. Histological diagnosis was FCE.
Miscellaneous conditions 333

or of one thoracic limb, has been reported in 13 and 14% The prognosis for long-term survival is guarded. Rectal
of cats, respectively (Smith et al., 2003). Hypothermia, temperature of 99°F (37.22°C) or higher was the best
tachypnea and signs of cardiac disease are common in predictor of survival to discharge; 76% of 39 cats with a
affected cats and renal or gastrointestinal dysfunction temperature of 99°F (37.22°C) or more survived to be
may also be apparent. Affected limbs are usually discharged (Smith et al., 2003). Median long-term sur-
arreflexic, hypothermic and hypalgesic; femoral pulses vival of 44 cats was 117 days. Recurrence occurred in 11
are often absent and the gastrocnemius muscles cats (25%). Cats with congestive heart failure at presen-
swollen and painful in pelvic limb involvement. The nail tation had significantly shorter survival times than cats
beds are characteristically cyanotic and the toes do not without heart failure (77 days vs 223 days). Low-dose
bleed after needle prick. Diagnosis is based on the aspirin therapy is recommended as an inexpensive, safe
clinical signs (Griffiths and Duncan, 1979; Laste and treatment that is at least as effective as high-dose aspirin
Harpster, 1995). Pre-existing cardiomyopathy underlies or warfarin (Smith et al., 2003).
the thromboembolic episode, but the presence of a This condition also occurs in dogs although it is less
thrombus does not entirely explain the clinical signs. common than in cats. The presenting signs are also dis-
There also appears to be a failure of collateral circulation tinct from those in cats; the onset tends to be gradual
caused by release of vasoactive substances from the area and most dogs do not appear to be in discomfort.
of the thrombus. Hyperadrenocorticism, neoplasia and cardiac disease
are predisposing factors (van Winkle et al., 1993).
The prognosis depends on the underlying cause;
the prognosis for dogs surviving the acute episode is
favorable (Boswood et al., 2000).

Spinal cord hemorrhage, hematoma

Hemorrhage and hematoma formation may occur within
the spinal cord, in the subarachnoid space or in the
epidural space. Epidural hemorrhage is a common com-
plication of acute thoracolumbar disc extrusion (Olby et
al., 2000). Hemorrhage can also cause marked deteriora-
tion after ventral slot surgery for cervical disc extrusion
(Seim and Prata, 1982). Bleeding can occur with various
coagulopathies such as hemophilia, rickettsial disease,
trauma, anticoagulant toxicosis, or as a complication to
any severe bleeding disorder (Stokol et al., 1994). If spinal
14.18 Typical myelographic appearance of a dog with
myelomalacia secondary to intervertebral disc extrusion. hemorrhage is suspected in the absence of trauma, tests
There is infiltration of contrast material into the parenchyma for clotting function should be performed. Analysis of CSF
of the spinal cord (arrow) (Lu et al., 2002). may reveal xanthochromia (4.1) or erythrophagocytosis.


14.19 T2-weighted MRI of a 9-month-old dog with neck pain and tetraplegia for one day caused by a hematoma (arrowheads).
Platelet numbers, coagulation profile and a buccal mucosal bleeding time were normal. The dog failed to improve and was
euthanized after 3 weeks; necropsy showed that the hematoma was subarachnoid; no cause was identified. A: Sagittal image.
The dotted line shows the level of the transverse image. B: Transverse image. For MRI of blood, see page 58. C: Necropsy.
334 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

If fresh blood is seen in a CSF sample, it is most likely to Bailey, C.S. (1975) An embryological approach to the clinical significance
of congenital vertebral and spinal cord abnormalities. Journal of the
be caused by puncture of a dural vessel rather than American Animal Hospital Association 11, 426–434.
reflecting an underlying blood disease. Bailey, C.S., Morgan, J.P. (1992) Congenital spinal malformations. Veterinary
Intramedullary hematoma formation is an unusual Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice 22, 985–1015.
Bosch-Driessen, L.H., Verbraak, F.D., Suttorp-Schulten, M.S., van
cause of tetraparesis in young, large-breed dogs (Martin Ruyven, R.L., Klok, A.M., Hoyng, C.B., Rothova, A. (2002) A prospective,
et al., 1986) (14.19). The cause is not known; there may randomized trial of pyrimethamine and azithromycin vs pyrimethamine
or may not be an associated coagulopathy. Neck pain is a and sulfadiazine for the treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis. American
Journal of Ophthalmology 134, 34–40.
variable finding. Surgical decompression is indicated Boswood, A., Lamb, C.R., White, R.N. (2000) Aortic and iliac thrombosis
in compressive lesions not associated with clotting in six dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 41, 109–114.
disorders. Any underlying coagulopathy must also be Braund, K.G., Sharp, N.J.H. (2003) Neurological examination and local-
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Intermittent claudication in 25 dogs. Veterinary Surgery 25, 262.
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dysraphism in the Weimaraner. Journal of Small Animal Practice 32,
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and Prata, 1980; Markwalder, 1993; Porter, 1996). It is Butterworth, S.J., Barr, F.J., Pearson, G.R., Day, M.J. (1995) Multiple dis-
cospondylitis associated with Aspergillus species infection in a dog.
characterized by circulatory impairment of neural
Veterinary Record 136, 38–41.
structures that occurs secondary to exercise. Inter- Cauzinille, L., Kornegay, J.N. (1992) Acquired syringomyelia in a dog.
mittent claudication has also been recognized in humans Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 201, 1225–1228.
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1. Is decompression indicated for severe vertebral American Veterinary Medical Association 189, 909–912.
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time as stabilization or at a second surgery? dystrophy and leukoencephalomalacia. Journal of Small Animal Practice
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Cizinauskas, S., Jaggy, A., Tipold, A. (2000) Long-term treatment of dogs
2. What is the long-term recurrence rate following medical
with steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis: clinical, laboratory and thera-
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Tipold, A., Vandevelde, M., Jaggy, A. (1992) Neurological manifestations
of canine distemper virus infection. Journal of Small Animal Practice 33,
Tomlinson, J., Higgins, R.J., LeCouteur, R.A., Knapp, D. (1988) Intraspinal FURTHER READING
epidermoid cyst in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Braund, K.G. (2003) Clinical Neurology in Small Animals: Localization,
Association 193, 1435–1436. Diagnosis and Treatment.
Tshamala, M., Moens, Y. (2000) True dermoid cyst in a Rhodesian ridge- toc.asp
back. Journal of Small Animal Practice 41, 352–353.
Vandecasteele, S.J., Knockaert, D., Verhaegen, J., Van Eldere, J.,
Peetermans, W.E. (2001) The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory treat-
Postoperative care Chapter


Analgesia 339 Box 15.1 Important clinical signs to recognize in

Opioid analgesics 340 the postoperative neurosurgical patient
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ■ Post-myelographic seizures
analgesia 341 ■ Inappetance
Analgesia in cats 343
■ Depression
Other agents 343
■ Persistent fever
■ Wound discharge
Nursing care 343
Moving patients 343 ■ Diarrhea or vomiting
Myelography 343 ■ Abdominal pain
Treatment plans 343 ■ Melena or ‘coffee ground’ vomit
Cleanliness 343 ■ Change in ability to void, or in the ease of manual
Urinalysis 344 expression
Recumbency 344 ■ Blood or floccular material in urine
Hydration and nutrition 344 ■ Odiferous urine
■ Urine scald
Flooring for recumbent patients 345 ■ Decubital ulcers
■ Increase in spinal pain
Physiotherapy 346
■ Deterioration in neurological status
Control of urinary function 350
Anatomy and physiology 350
conditions such as pneumonia or pancreatitis. If com-
Disorders of micturition 351
plications are viewed as something to be expected the
Pharmacological manipulation of micturition 351
surgeon is more likely to have the patient monitored
Assisted emptying of the bladder 352
appropriately (Box 15.1).
Care of neurosurgical patients can be labor intensive
Postoperative complications 355
(Table 15.4). It is important that hospital nursing staff
Urinary tract infections 355
have a high standard of training and are properly
Gastrointestinal disturbances 355
informed about what parameters to monitor, how often
Pancreatitis 357
to monitor them, and what the most likely complica-
Wound complications 357
tions are going to be in each individual patient. Clear
Urine scald 357
written instructions should also be given to the client at
Decubital ulcers 358
the time of discharge.
Miscellaneous 359

References 360 ANALGESIA

Neurosurgical procedures often cause a great deal of
pain for human patients. It is likely that in the past vet-
The surgeon should accept that some form of postop- erinarians have tended to overlook the degree of pain
erative complication will develop in many neurosurgi- suffered by our patients (Hansen and Hardie, 1993;
cal patients. This may range from a simple urinary tract Dohoo and Dohoo, 1996; Lascelles et al., 1999). Doubt
infection (UTI) to less common but life-threatening as to whether an animal really is in pain often caused a
340 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

clinician to withhold analgesics, yet the same clinician The pure opioid agonists are the most potent anal-
would administer antibiotics without documented evi- gesics but they also have more potential side-effects.
dence of infection (Crane, 1987). When in doubt, a They should be given on a fixed schedule every 2–4 h;
dose of opioid should be tested for effect. the interval can be decreased if greater analgesia is
needed. The response varies markedly between patients.
Opioid analgesics Therefore small, intravenous doses should be given
Opioids are the most effective analgesic for severe pain. every 5 min (for dogs and cats 0.1 mg/kg morphine;
The approximate duration of action of these drugs, 0.05 mg/kg oxymorphone; 0.05 mg/kg hydromorphone)
together with their advantages and disadvantages, are until a satisfactory level of analgesia is achieved (stop
outlined in Table 15.1. Preoperative or intraoperative administration if mydriasis occurs in cats). The total dose
opioid administration is recommended to reduce the required for that patient is then repeated on the fixed
requirement for postoperative analgesia. Fentanyl patches schedule thereafter. A continuous intravenous infusion
are a convenient way to provide long-lasting analgesia can also be used by delivering the cumulative dose for
(15.1). As these patches have a delayed onset of action each time interval as a constant rate infusion over
(see Chapter 6, page 84), they should be applied the that same period, but the animal must be re-evaluated
night before elective surgeries and are supplemented frequently in case adjustments are needed to the
with additional intravenous opioid agonists as needed. rate. Common side-effects include ileus and nausea.

Table 15.1 Narcotic analgesic agents1

Drug* Dose Interval Advantages Disadvantages

Morphine (pure agonist) Dog: 0.2–1.0 mg/kg IM, SQ 4h Inexpensive, sedative Respiratory depression
Dog: 1–5.0 mg/kg PO 4–6 h Bradycardia**
Cat: 0.1–0.4 mg/kg IM, SQ 4h Caution IV**

Oxymorphone (pure Dog: 0.05–0.2 mg/kg 2–4 h Less vomiting than As for morphine
agonist) IV, IM, SQ with morphine Expense, availability
Cat: 0.02–0.1 mg/kg

Hydromorphone Dog: 0.02–0.4 mg/kg 2–4 h Similar to oxymorphone As for morphine

(pure agonist) IV, IM, SQ Expense
Cat: 0.02–0.2 mg/kg

Butorphanol Dog: 0.2–1.0 mg/kg 1–2 h Reduced respiratory or Less potent analgesic in
(agonist/antagonist) IV, IM, SQ cardiovascular effects severe pain, sedation
Cat: 0.1–0.6 mg/kg IV, IM, SQ; 2–6 h lasts longer than
0.5–1.0 mg/kg PO 6–8 h analgesia

Buprenorphine Dog: 0.005–0.02 mg/kg 6–12 h Reduced respiratory If respiratory depression

(partial agonist) IV, IM, SQ or cardiovascular does occur it can be
Cat: 0.005–0.01 mg/kg IV, IM, SQ effects difficult to reverse

Fentanyl transdermal Dog: ⬍10 kg: 25 ␮g Lasts up to Convenient, well Delay in onset 12–24 h
patch (pure agonist) 10–29 kg: 50 ␮g 3 days; longer tolerated, apply before dogs, 6–12 h cats.
⬎30 kg: 75–150 ␮g in cats surgery (see page 84) Ineffective in some
Cat: 25 ␮g patch animals

Codeine 60 mg with Dog: Dose at 10 mg/kg of 8h Inexpensive Sedation, GI side-

300 mg acetaminophen the acetaminophen PO Useful orally effects. Not for cats

B. Hansen, personal communication.
* Consult appropriate source for contraindications and adverse reactions and to verify doses. Many opioids are controlled substances.
** Concomitant administration of atropine may be required to overcome bradycardia; this is only a problem if hypovolemic or under anesthesia.
GI, gastrointestinal.
Postoperative care 341

Histamine release occurs in dogs after IV administration increases in dogs to a mean of 13 h with the addition of
of morphine; this can cause problems for animals under epidural medetomidine at 5 ␮g/kg (Branson et al.,
general anesthesia or those with hypovolemia but not 1993). Buprenorphine and morphine are equally effec-
usually for hemodynamically stable, conscious dogs. tive when given epidurally to dogs; the dose for mor-
The dose-dependent respiratory depression of opioid phine is 0.1 mg/kg and for buprenorphine is 4 ␮g/kg,
agonists means that they must be used with care in diluted in warm saline to a volume of 1 ml per 5 kg and
animals that have decreased ventilatory function, such injected into the lumbosacral epidural space (Smith et
as those with cranial cervical spinal cord lesions. Opioid al., 2001). Urinary retention can occur after epidural or
agonists can increase intracranial pressure and should be systemic opioid (Herperger, 1998). Epidural abscessation
used with care after severe head trauma unless paCO2 has been reported as a rare complication of epidural anal-
can be monitored and preferably intracranial and mean gesia (Remedios et al., 1996). In general, transdermal
arterial blood pressure as well (Marik et al., 1999; de fentanyl lasts much longer than epidural morphine and is
Nadal et al., 2000; Lam and Warner, 2001). Judicious use easier to use (Robinson et al., 1999).
of these agents is justified in animals with less severe
head injuries provided that their neurological status can Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
be monitored closely and ideally that the effect on drug (NSAID) analgesia
paCO2 can also be assessed. Animals that become The NSAIDs are indicated either as a supplement to
hypercapnic will need to be ventilated in order to opioid analgesia or when opioids are unsuitable (Table
restore paCO2 to between 25 and 30 mmHg. 15.2). Carprofen is particularly useful as it can also be
Epidural morphine is a useful technique for some neu- given intravenously; it is most effective when given pre-
rosurgical patients such as those with severe nerve root or operatively (Lascelles et al., 1998). All NSAIDs provide
cancer pain. Respiratory depression has not been a prob- analgesia by blocking the cyclooxygenase enzymes that
lem in normal dogs. It does not have central opioid produce prostaglandins. Cyclooxygenase (COX) activity
effects and is not associated with sensory, sympathetic is either primarily constitutive (the COX-1 enzyme con-
or motor blockade, so the patient can still walk and anal- stantly produces prostaglandins necessary for normal
gesia can be effective as far cranial as the thoracic limbs. metabolic functions in many tissues) or primarily
Epidural morphine is equivalent both to intravenous mor- inducible (the COX-2 enzyme is induced by inflamma-
phine and to local bupivacaine nerve block for controlling tion to produce prostaglandins locally). Prostaglandins are
pain after lateral thoracotomy (Pascoe and Dyson, 1993; integral to the inflammatory process and they enhance
Popilskis et al., 1993). The onset of action is from 20 to nociception both peripherally and centrally. Some
60 min and mean duration of analgesia is 6 h; this prostaglandins, particularly prostaglandin E (PgE) are
important for homeostasis in tissues like kidney and
Newer NSAIDs have now been developed that only
inhibit COX-1 weakly. Carprofen, ketoprofen, etodolac
and meloxicam are COX-1 sparing; carprofen and keto-
profen being somewhat less so than meloxicam (Kay-
Mugford et al., 2000; Brideau et al., 2001). The analgesic
effects of these newer NSAIDs are good and they are
roughly equivalent to each other. Carprofen provides
superior analgesia to the opioid pethidine in dogs and
cats (Lascelles et al., 1994; Balmer et al., 1998); higher
doses of most NSAIDs provide analgesia comparable to
low doses of opioids in most studies.
The COX-1 sparing NSAIDs in general cause less
gastrointestinal ulceration than more potent COX-1
inhibitors. The gastrointestinal side-effects of etodoloc
and carprofen are significantly less than aspirin (Reimer
et al., 1999). Carprofen is known to preserve protective
levels of PgE in the gut and no significant gastrointesti-
15.1 Skin reaction to a fentanyl patch. The patch has been
nal problems were observed in more than 200 dogs with
removed as dermatitis can increase the rate of absorption. degenerative joint disease (Holtsinger et al., 1992).
Fever can have the same effect (Bagley et al., 2000). However, meloxicam in higher doses can cause severe
342 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

Table 15.2 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug analgesia1

Drug* Dose—dog Dose—cat Comment**

Aspirin 10–25 mg/kg PO q12 h 10 mg/kg PO q36–48 h Coagulopathy

Ketoprofen 1 mg/kg PO, IV, IM, SQ q24 h 1 mg/kg PO, IV, IM, SQ q24 h
for 5 days for 5 days

Meloxicam Acute pain: Acute pain:

0.2 mg/kg PO, IV, SC once, then 0.2 mg/kg PO, IV, SC once,
0.1 mg/kg q24 h then 0.1 mg/kg PO q24 h for
3–4 days
Long-term therapy: Long-term therapy: up to
0.1 mg/kg q24 h 0.1 mg per cat q48–72 h

Etodolac 10–15 mg/kg PO q24 h N/A

Lower dose for long-term use

Meclofenamic acid 1.1 mg/kg PO q24 h N/A

Lower dose for long-term use

Deracoxib 3–4 mg/kg q24 h N/A

Carprofen 2 mg/kg PO, IV q12 h 2–4 mg/kg q5 days PO, IV, SC Rare, severe hepatic effects.
Do not repeat within 5 days
or use long-term for cats

B. Hansen, personal communication.
* Consult appropriate source for full list of contraindications and adverse reactions and to verify doses.
** All NSAIDs have the potential to cause GI side-effects.
N/A, not available.

ulceration despite its greater selectivity for COX-2.

Acute renal failure has been reported in humans taking
COX-1 sparing drugs (Goldstein et al., 2001; Ahmad
et al., 2002). Owing to the tendency for neurosurgical
patients to develop gastrointestinal disturbances,
NSAIDs should not be used for more than a few days
and this probably applies to COX-1 sparing drugs as
well (Ahmad et al., 2002). A specific contraindication
to NSAID use is when the animal has recently had
corticosteroids, including methylprednisolone sodium
succinate (MPSS), because of the high risk of gastroin-
testinal bleeding and even perforation (Toombs et al.,
1986; Strombeck and Guilford, 1990; Hinton et al.,
2002). Care in the use of NSAIDs is also needed in any
animal with renal or hepatic dysfunction; especially dur-
ing periods of hemodynamic instability. Furthermore,
COX-1 inhibition by some of these drugs, such as 15.2 Postoperative appearance of a dog given 12 mg/kg of
aspirin and ketoprofen, prevents thromboxane A2 syn- aspirin 24 h before ventral slot. Severe bruising was probably
due to poor platelet aggregation. Aspirin blocks COX-1
thesis and causes decreased platelet aggregation with
irreversibly, thereby inactivating platelets. New platelets
significantly increased bleeding times (Grisneaux et al., must then be generated and so the effect on coagulation
1999; Mathews et al., 2001; Kerwin and Maudlin, can last 7 days or more. Aspirin should not be used
2003) (15.2). A synthetic form of prostaglandin E preoperatively.
Postoperative care 343

(misoprostol) can be used prophylactically to counter Myelography

gastrointestinal side-effects of NSAIDs (Walt, 1992; It is important that the animal’s head is kept elevated
Murtaugh et al., 1993). Misoprostol is also protective to at all times following the injection of contrast into the
the kidney and could be used for this purpose should subarachnoid space, both during the myelogram and
NSAIDs be deemed necessary (Paller and Manivel, during recovery from anesthesia. This simple precau-
1992; Shield, 1992; Davies et al., 2001). tion is easily overlooked as a means of preventing post-
myelographic seizures.
Analgesia in cats
Selected opioids can be used in cats (Table 15.1). Treatment plans
Meloxicam and carprofen are also tolerated well by cats The best way to nurse a neurological patient, especially
using oral (both drugs) and IV (carprofen) routes (Parton one with multiple problems, is to make a plan for each
et al., 2000; Slingsby et al., 2000; Lascelles et al., 2001) day as illustrated in Tables 15.3 and 15.4. In this man-
(Table 15.2). Acetaminophen should not be used in cats. ner, voiding requirements, physiotherapy needs, med-
ications, laboratory work and routine tasks are planned
out and not forgotten. A specific plan for physiother-
Other agents apy is also useful (Table 15.5).
These include:
• Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that has also Cleanliness
been used to alleviate trigeminal pain in humans.
Animals that soil themselves repeatedly may be easier
It can be an effective analgesic for animals with
to manage if their entire hindquarters are shaved.
pain caused by neoplasia or inflammation of a
Soiled areas should be bathed as necessary; bathing of
nerve root. The dose range starts at 5 mg/kg q8h
the perineal area may be needed several times a day in
and extends in dogs up to 50 mg/kg q8h given to
some animals. It is often suggested that patients with
effect; potential side-effects include sedation and
surgical wounds should not be bathed until a minimum
of 5 days after surgery. However, in one study bathing
• Medetomidine can provide useful supplemental
analgesic at low doses (1–3 ␮g/kg/h). The drug’s
Table 15.3 Nursing plan for a neurological patient*
cardiovascular effects are much shorter in duration
when used at such low doses but are quite Task 0800 1200 1600 2000(etc)
dramatic with an IV bolus. The dose should
therefore be given over 10 min to avoid
hypotension; it can also be delivered by syringe
Express bladder (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
pump or in IV fluids.
• The skeletal muscle relaxants methocarbamol Feed 1/4 can (X) ( )
(55–132 mg/kg PO in divided doses) or diazepam
( Table 15.7) are useful to relieve muscle spasm
Check drinking water (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
after spinal surgery.
• Acupuncture may also be a helpful adjunctive Phenoxybenzamine (X) ( )
means of providing analgesia (Haskins, 1987; 5 mg PO
Still, 1989; Janssens, 1992).
• Physiotherapy such as heat, ultrasound (15.13B) Diazepam 2.5 mg PO (X) ( ) ( )
and laser (15.14A) can provide additional pain
relief. Pain relief after laser therapy is probably Trimethoprim-sulfa (X) ( )
mediated mainly through serotonin release 120 mg PO
(Walker, 1983; Clokie et al., 1991).
Urinalysis ( )

NURSING CARE *Taken from the hospital record of a 4-year-old male Dachshund that
had undergone a hemilaminectomy for thoracolumbar disc extrusion
Moving patients 4 days previously. The dog was paraplegic and incontinent, with
Proper support must be provided for the spine when reduced deep pain sensation. An E. coli, sensitive to trimethoprim/
sulfa, had been cultured from his urine on admission.
moving an animal with a spinal lesion, especially an TPR, temperature, pulse and respiratory rate; (X), task completed;
anesthetized patient. Use of a board or stretcher is ( ), task still to be completed.
indicated (13.1).
344 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

and swimming did not influence the incidence of wound ventilation. The chest should be auscultated twice
infection, even when performed in the first 3 days after daily to facilitate early detection of problems. Patients
surgery (Hosgood, 1992). should be fed while supported in a sternal position to
reduce the risk of aspiration (Nicoll and Remedios,
Urinalysis 1995). They should be kept on a water bed if possible
If urinary incontinence is present, a urinalysis should be to minimize the development of decubitus.
done every 2–3 days, regardless of whether the patient
is on antibiotics. Most animals with neurological deficits Hydration and nutrition
that are severe enough to interfere with motor function Tetraparetic animals dehydrate easily and should be
will also have inefficient bladder emptying that predis- offered water from a sternal position every 4 h and most
poses them to retention cystitis. also require intravenous fluids. Total protein, hemato-
crit, urine specific gravity and serum electrolyte con-
Recumbency centrations should be monitored daily in these patients.
Recumbent, tetraparetic animals need to be turned every Nutritional support for the neurosurgical patient
2 h because sustained hypostatic congestion predisposes should also be evaluated carefully. Stress, particularly
the patient to pneumonia; alternating between lateral from trauma or surgery, results in an increased metabolic
and sternal recumbency will also help to improve rate and so enhanced nutritional intake is important

Table 15.4 Nursing plan for a neurological patient*

Task 8 am 10 am 12 noon 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm 8 pm 10 pm 12 midnight 2 am 4 am 6 am

TPR b.i.d. (X) ( )

Express bladder (X) ( ) ( ) ( )

q 6 h; take outside

Nil per os _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
except water

Offer water q4 h (X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

and place sternal

Sucralfate 500 mg (X) ( )

per os q12 h

375 mg Amoxycillin– (X) ( )

clavulanic acid q12 h

Rebandage feet (X)

Turn q4 h (X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Coupage and turn q4 h ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Chest radiograph ( )

Place in sling for 1/2 h (X) ( ) ( )

* Taken from the hospital record of a 6-year-old male Doberman (same dog as shown in 15.7) with cervical spondylomyelopathy that had
undergone a ventral decompression 1 week previously. The dog was recumbent, tetraparetic, and although continent, he needed manual
expression of his bladder to initiate voiding. Food was being withheld as he had suffered severe bloody diarrhea the previous day, for which he was
being treated with sucralfate. The dog also tended to chew his feet if they were left unbandaged. The chest radiograph was scheduled because
the dog appeared depressed and auscultation of the lungs suggested early pneumonia. Coupage and turning the animal effectively every hour is
preferable for pneumonia; propping the animal into sternal recumbency is also helpful. The nursing care for this patient is particularly complex, and
illustrates the support needed for certain types of neurosurgical patients.
TPR b.i.d., temperature, pulse and respiration rate, twice a day; (X), task completed; ( ), task still to be completed.
Postoperative care 345

to minimize immunosuppression and the tendency to

deplete body protein. The patient should be given
palatable, high-quality meals several times daily to cope
with their increased requirement; ideally, their exact
caloric requirements should be calculated. Conversely,
an inactive, overweight, paraplegic dog with no serious
complications may need a reduction in its nutritional
intake (Strombeck and Guilford, 1990).


PATIENTS (15.3–15.7)
Different flooring materials and their indications are illus-
trated below. In general, a raised grate is best for most 15.5 A waterproof foam mattress; in general the foam should
small paraparetic or paraplegic patients. The advantage be as thick as possible. Non-retentive bedding is recommended
as urine tends to pool in the depression made by the patient.
of a grate is the reduced tendency for an animal to lie in
Foam does distribute body weight more evenly but decubitus
its own urine and feces, particularly if non-retentive will still develop without additional precautions.
bedding is provided. A grate does not provide padding

15.3 Paraplegic dog on a raised grate. This flooring allows urine 15.6 An inflatable airbed also provides good protection against
and other fluids to pass through it keeping the dog cleaner and decubitus. A useful, cheap and disposable alternative is to use
drier. It is suitable for most small patients and for larger patients plastic bubble packing material; the largest-sized bubbles seem
with minimal neurological deficits. to work best.

15.4 Non-retentive bedding. Artificial fleece (Unreal Lamb Skin, 15.7 A waterbed is the ideal surface for a large recumbent
Alpha Protech, North Salt Lake, UT) is an excellent material to patient. Problems include cost and the risk of cooling the animal
use with a raised grate as it stays dry yet allows liquids to pass unless the water is heated. Punctures can be a problem just as
through (Swaim et al., 1996). It may make some patients they can for airbeds. The patient also tends to roll off the edge
uncomfortably hot (Nicoll and Remedios, 1995). unless the bed is surrounded by a barrier. See Table 15.4.
346 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

and is not suitable for large, severely tetraparetic patients circulating water blanket is the only safe way to warm
or those with established decubitus. In such cases, a vari- a neurological patient (15.8). Electric heating blankets
ety of padded flooring materials can be employed; each can be unreliable and dangerous (Swaim et al., 1989).
has its own advantages and disadvantages. Direct heat must not be applied to patients with a fen-
Nursing staff must be aware that patients with dis- tanyl patch (page 85).
turbed pain perception are at extreme risk for the devel-
opment of thermal burns. A thermostatically controlled
However good the flooring material, the aim is to mini-
mize the recumbency period, because this is when
the animal is most susceptible to complications. This
period can be shortened by physiotherapy and early
mobilization. Towel walking of paraplegic dogs or
supporting a tetraparetic patient in a sling are often
possible within 24–48 h of surgery (15.9, 15.10).

15.8 Neurological patients are susceptible to cooling excessively

as they may have difficulty avoiding draughts or generating their
own heat. Heat can only be supplied safely by warming the
surrounding air (15.20), or via a thermostatically controlled water

15.9 A: Walking a paraplegic dog by supporting its
hindquarters with a towel placed under the abdomen just in 15.10 These two slings with frames provide an excellent way
front of the pelvic limbs. The tail can also be used to provide to rehabilitate tetraparetic dogs. A: A canvas sling and metal
support provided that it is held at the base to avoid injury. frame; this sling tends to rub more than the one shown in B.
B: A Walkabout sling (Walkabout Harnesses, Santa Cruz, CA) B: This sling is made from Neoprene (Dupont-Dow, Wilmington,
can also be useful for early mobilization. DE); it is shown in 15.16 supporting a dog in a whirlpool bath.
Postoperative care 347

Tetraparetic animals with good motor function can be passive range of motion can usually begin almost imme-
walked with assistance using a tracking harness diately after recovery from surgery. Massage of the
(15.11). Assistants must take care not to injure them- limbs for 15 min once or twice a day is usually well
selves when lifting heavy patients (15.12). tolerated especially for recumbent animals. Massage
Standard physiotherapy techniques are often effec- should be performed in a distal to proximal direction
tive when modified for animals (Taylor, 1992; in order to promote venous return (Berry and Reyers,
Bockstahler et al., 2002) (15.13–15.15). Massage and 1990). Hot packing is useful to reduce swelling, pain
and muscle spasm (7.12). Hot packs should be insu-
lated from the animal’s skin; treatments should last
10–20 min repeated every 8–12 h (Jerram et al., 1997).
Ultrasound is another way of applying warmth to
deeper tissues and is useful to prevent and treat muscle
spasm (Taylor, 1992) (15.13B). Ultrasound is converted
to heat, mainly at the bone–tissue interface; it causes
little temperature rise in superficial tissue. Intensities
from 0.5 to 4 W/s are used; pain indicates excessive heat
generation. Creative thinking can adapt other human
techniques to veterinary patients (Taylor, 1992) (15.14,
15.15). Neuromuscular stimulator packs (Respond Dual
Channel Neuromuscular Stimulator, Medtronic) can
build specific muscle groups and can be useful (Taylor,
15.11 A tracking harness gives effective support to a tetraparetic 1992), for example after brachial plexus injury has
dog with good motor function. This is the same dog illustrated in
15.38 and 15.39, 4 months after surgery for cervical spondylo-
caused shoulder muscle atrophy (see Chapter 2). As for
myelopathy (11.22). The decubital ulcer visible in 15.38 has nursing care, it is recommended to develop a specific
contracted but is still open and eventually required surgical closure. plan for each animal (Table 15.5). An external splint (see

15.12 A: A mechanical hoist is

invaluable for lifting large, recumbent
dogs in a sling. The hoist is raised
and lowered using a simple lever
mechanism (arrowhead). B: This
dog has been suspended from the
same hoist but this time using two
Walkabout slings (Walkabout
Harnesses, Santa Cruz, CA).


15.13 A: Passive range of motion; this

is done for 5–10 times in two or three
sessions a day (Jerram et al., 1997).
B: Ultrasound should not be used over
nerves or directly over a laminectomy
defect as it generates heat (Taylor, 1992).
Here the energy is being directed away
from the bony defect.

348 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

15.14 A: Low power, cold laser is used

immediately after surgery to stimulate
healing by evoking an intracellular,
photochemical response; it also causes
release of serotonin to provide pain relief.
B: A treadmill is invaluable for tetraparetic
dogs; it can be combined with a sling
as here.


15.15 Balance training stimulates

recovery of proprioceptive
responses. A: Tetraparetic dog on
a ball. B: Same dog on a balance


Table 15.5 Physical therapy plan for a neurological patient*

Task 8 am 10 am 12 noon 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm 8 pm 10 pm 12 midnight

Range of motion X X X X

Proprioceptive sensory stimulation X X X X X

Massage (effleurage) X X X X X

Helium–neon laser; scan surgical site X

Standing balance in sling X X X X

(15.10, 15.12). 10 min increasing
to 30 min

* Taken from the hospital record of an 11-year-old dog (similar to the dog shown in 15.10A) with cervical spondylomyelopathy that had undergone
a ventral decompression 1 week previously. Active postoperative physical therapy begins postoperative Day 1. Active mobilization and sensory
stimulation continues every 4 h until the dog is discharged.
X, task completed.

13.46) can be applied as a temporary precaution to In addition to the physical well-being of the patient,
make physiotherapy safer for an animal with an unstable the mental attitude of the animal often has a significant
thoracolumbar lesion. Swimming in a whirlpool bath or effect on outcome, particularly when recovery is delayed
a bathtub is invaluable (15.16–15.19) but the animal (15.39). For dogs facing protracted recovery periods the
must be dried thoroughly afterwards (15.20). temporary and intermittent use of a paraplegic cart can
Postoperative care 349

15.17 A small dog can be suspended by hand in a shallow

bath. Water levels can be varied to provide support along with
some degree of weight bearing. At the end of the session, the
15.16 The sling shown in 15.10B has been used to support patient must be dried with towels and a warm air drier to
this dog inside a whirlpool bath. While in the pool, the patient’s prevent hypothermia (15.20).
limbs are flexed and it is encouraged to swim. Chlorhexidine
has been added to the water, which should be at 38–40°C.
The tank is either filtered or it must be drained daily.

15.18 Life jackets are necessary

when an animal is in a deep pool as
it can still get into difficulty, especially
once tired. A: The jacket has a
handle on top and must fit properly
so that the dog cannot slip out of it
(K-9 Float coat, Ruffwear, Bend,
OR). B: Hydrotherapy should begin
slowly, an attendant must always be
present and the animal must wear a
life jacket (Taylor, 1992; Jerram et al.,


15.19 Here the patient is being made to swim against a jet of 15.20 A warm air blower is invaluable as neurological patients
water; it can also be made to swim around the tank to retrieve a are inefficient at drying themselves. The drier must not be too
ball. Animals with cervical lesions may be reluctant to maintain hot, as the patient may be unable to move away or may not
their head in this somewhat extended position. even feel the heat on areas with poor nociception.
350 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

play a role in rehabilitation. In general, the risk of the dog • Insure that the bladder is emptied at least three
coming to rely on the cart is usually outweighed by the times daily.
stimulus of enhanced mobility although they should • Monitor the urine regularly using a dipstick at home.
probably not be used for the first month in order to • The dog must be of a suitable temperament.
encourage the animal to walk. In special circumstances, Provided that these criteria are satisfied, many dogs
some dogs will do well in a cart long-term (15.21). The can have an excellent quality of life and may live for
permanent use of carts is suitable for selected patients years in this way.
in which there is no hope for return of neurological
function. In such cases the owner must:
• Be informed of the final prognosis. CONTROL OF URINARY FUNCTION
• Be able to cope with the physical demands of The clinician is usually aware of the animal’s preoperative
getting the dog into and out of the cart. urinary status, but the status can change several times in
• Be able to be with the dog while it is in the cart. the days after surgery. For example, an incontinent dog
• Be able to manage the incontinence and tendency that could be expressed easily before surgery might
for urine scald along with repeated infections. become impossible to express a few days after surgery.
Several days of intermittent catheterization might then
be necessary before manual expression again becomes
possible using drugs to modify sphincter tone (page 24).

Anatomy and physiology

Parasympathetic fibers run in the pelvic nerves, which
originate from S1 to S3 spinal cord segments and cause
the detrusor muscle of the bladder wall to contract
(15.22). The detrusor muscle normally contracts in a
co-ordinated fashion to empty the bladder. Each indi-
vidual smooth muscle cell in the bladder wall is joined
to its neighbors by so-called ‘tight junctions’. These
junctions have low electrical resistance so that the wave
of membrane depolarization spreads rapidly from cell to
cell over the whole detrusor muscle. Over-distension of
the bladder can disrupt the ‘tight junctions’ so prevent-
ing the normal co-ordinated contraction of the detrusor
15.21 A cart (K-9 Cart Company, Oak Harbor, WA; Dewey’s
Wheelchairs for Dogs, Prineville, OR) designed for use in muscle fibers. This should be prevented by keeping
paraplegic dogs. These are made in a variety of sizes to bladder volumes low at all times and paying strict atten-
suit different body weights. tion to assisted emptying of the bladder (see below).

15.22 The physiological control of

Cortical micturition is complex and involves the
neurons integration of spinal cord reflexes with
the modulating effect of higher centres.
Any lesion in the spinal cord is likely to
alter either the reflexes, their higher
UMN-sphincter control, or both. This can then change
L 1 23 Sensory- the bladder’s ability to store urine
1 2 34 sphincter efficiently and to empty itself completely.
Motor- sphincter

Postoperative care 351

Sympathetic fibers run in the hypogastric nerves, out when the bladder fills to the point where intravesicu-
which originate from L1 to L4 or L5 spinal cord seg- lar pressure exceeds sphincter pressure causing urinary
ments, and cause the urethral smooth muscle to contract. retention and overflow. After approximately 1 month, a
Somatic nerve fibers run in the pudendal nerves, which reflexive emptying of the bladder develops.
originate from S1 to S3 spinal cord segments and cause In LMN lesions, the sphincter tone is decreased and
the urethral striated muscles to contract. Both the so urine will tend to leak continuously (Table 15.6).
smooth and the skeletal muscle tone of the urethra con- Occasionally some animals, such as cats with sacrocaudal
tribute to maintaining a functional urethral sphincter injuries, have an LMN bladder that is difficult to express
mechanism. (These will be referred to collectively as the because of increased sympathetic tone (O’Brien, 1988).
urethral sphincter mechanism unless stated otherwise.)
Pharmacological manipulation
Disorders of micturition of micturition
Micturition disorders are divisible broadly into either The most common problem is excessive urethral sphinc-
upper motor neuron (UMN) deficits affecting the spinal ter tone in UMN bladder dysfunction. The patient’s vol-
cord proximal to the sacral segments, or lower motor untary efforts to void, or attempts at manual expression
neuron (LMN) deficits affecting the sacral spinal cord of the bladder, may be unable to overcome this excessive
or nerve roots. In mild or moderate UMN spinal cord urethral tone. The result is an increase in the residual
lesions (grade 2 or 3), increased urethral tone may pre- volume of urine in the bladder. As it is not usually pos-
vent the patient from emptying the bladder fully. Initially, sible to distinguish smooth from striated muscle effects
in severe UMN lesions (some grade 4 and all grade 5), the in any individual patient, the simplest approach is to block
detrusor muscle is paralysed and urine is retained. It leaks the activity of both sphincters (15.23, Table 15.7). Dogs

Table 15.6 Differences in urinary function associated with UMN or LMN lesions

UMN (cranial to UMN (cranial to LMN lesions

sacral segments) sacral segments) (sacral segments)
paraplegic—acute paraplegic—chronic

Detrusor function ⫺ ⫹ ⫺

Striated muscle sphincter tone ⫹ or ⫹⫹ ⫹ or ⫹⫹ ⫺

Smooth muscle sphincter tone ⫹ or ⫹⫹ ⫹ or ⫹⫹ ⫹

⫹ Normal; ⫹⫹ increased; ⫺ decreased.

LMN, lower motor neuron; UMN, upper motor neuron.

15.23 Innervation of the bladder and urethra.

Detrusor muscle

Urethral sphincter
(smooth and striated muscle)

Somatic sympathetic α
Contracts and closes

Sympathetic β—relaxes
352 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

with UMN lesions that have minimal motor function Assisted emptying of the bladder
are therefore usually started on diazepam, along with The three crucial roles of assisted voiding are to:
either phenoxybenzamine or prazosin. This prophylactic • Prevent leakage and urine scald by keeping
approach is preferable to waiting for an UTI to develop; intravesicular pressure and volume low.
the drugs can easily be discontinued once the animal is • Empty all urine from the bladder periodically to
able to void unaided. Drugs acting on the urinary tract reduce the risk of retention cystitis.
are shown in Table 15.7: • Prevent overstretching of ‘tight junctions’ by
• Diazepam is used to reduce the striated muscle avoiding bladder distension.
tone. It is not recommended in cats; dantrolene Retention cystitis will develop in any patient that
can be used as an alternative. does not empty its bladder completely. No antibiotic,
• Phenoxybenzamine is used to reduce the smooth regardless of its potency or spectrum, can prevent this.
muscle tone (sympathetic antagonist). There Use of ‘antibiotic cover’ in these circumstances only
is usually a delay of 2–3 days before succeeds in selecting the most resistant organism
phenoxybenzamine takes effect. The drug (Lees, 1986). Incontinent animals with either UMN or
is potentially carcinogenic and may be LMN bladder lesions require assisted emptying at least
discontinued. three times daily, with pharmacological assistance rec-
• Prazosin is now the preferred alpha antagonist. It ommended for UMN lesions. Some clinicians prefer
is inexpensive but can cause marked hypotension indwelling catheters to avoid urine leakage and the
and so animals should first be tried on half the patient stress that manual expression can cause.
calculated dose and ideally blood pressures are Repeated cystocentesis is not recommended as a means
measured for the first few days of treatment (Lane of keeping the bladder empty. Bethanechol and pos-
and Thomas, 2000). An alternative is terazosin, sibly cisapride (Lane and Thomas, 2000), may improve
which has also been used safely in dogs and cats voiding in animals with LMN lesions but are not rec-
(R. Schueler, personal communication). ommended in UMN lesions.

Table 15.7 Drugs acting on the lower urinary tract1

Use Drug* Species Dose Notes and side-effects

Alpha antagonist Phenoxybenzamine Dog 0.25–0.5 mg/kg PO q12 h Hypotension

Cat Per cat—1.25–7.5 mg PO q12–24 h Start at lowest dose

Alpha antagonist Prazosin Dog 1 mg /15 kg PO q12–24 h Hypotension

Cat Per cat—0.25–0.5 mg PO q12–24 h Start at lowest dose
Care in CRF

Alpha antagonist Terazosin Dog Per dog—1–2 mg up to 11 kg, Hypotension

2–5 mg up to 50 kg; PO q12 h Start at lowest dose
Cat Per cat—0.5–1 mg PO q12 h Priapism, rare, needs
immediate treatment

Skeletal muscle Diazepam Dog Per dog—2–10 mg PO q8 h Give 10–20 min before
relaxant Cat Not recommended expression

Skeletal muscle Dantrolene Dog 1–5 mg/kg PO q8–12 h Alternative to diazepam

relaxant Cat 0.5–2.0 mg/kg PO q8 h Potential for hepatic toxicity

Urinary antiseptic Methenamine Dog 10–20 mg/kg PO q8–12 h Urine pH must be below 6.5
mandelate Cat Same or 250 mg PO q8–12 h Liver function must be normal

Lane and Thomas, 2000.
*Consult appropriate source for full list of contraindications and adverse reactions.
CRF, chronic renal failure.
Postoperative care 353

MANUAL EXPRESSION (15.24, 15.25) or tense abdomens, those with external splints, or before
Probably the best method to try initially for assisted increased urethral tone has been modified by drugs.
voiding is simple manual expression of the bladder. Some animals become very difficult to express due to
Drugs that decrease sphincter tone usually make expres- the development of UTI, presumably because it often
sion easier. It can sometimes be difficult to estimate the induces urethral spasm. Animals managed with manual
completeness of bladder emptying without subsequent expression are prone to urine leakage and need fre-
catheterization or ultrasound scanning. Occasional use quent bathing of their hindquarters to prevent urine
of one of these objective methods for determining scald and decubitus (15.35).
bladder volume is useful, but with experience the effec-
tiveness of manual expression can usually be assessed INTERMITTENT ASEPTIC
quite well by palpation. The advantage of manual expres- CATHETERIZATION (15.26–15.28)
sion is that, in contrast to catheterization, it avoids the This may prove necessary in some difficult or fractious
introduction of bacteria into the normally sterile blad- patients, or in dogs whose sphincter tone has not been
der. Even if only performed twice daily, with the third modified successfully. Strict attention must be paid to
emptying done by catheter, this approach is preferable aseptic technique. Even with these precautions, bacteria
to catheterization each time. The disadvantages of may still be introduced into the bladder because the
manual expression are that it can be difficult to perform
effectively in some animals, especially those with large

15.26 Aseptic technique is crucial when catheterizing the bladder.

The tip of the penis or the vulva is irrigated with sterile saline and
15.24 Manual expression of the bladder relies on gentle, then dilute iodophor or chlorhexidine solution. In females a sterile
continuous, caudal abdominal pressure to overcome urethral speculum or a gloved finger is used to locate the urethral opening.

15.27 A sterile, soft rubber urinary catheter with sterile

15.25 Excessive force should not be used to overcome high lubricating jelly is advanced using a ‘no touch’ technique,
sphincter resistance; this might damage the bladder wall. It is holding it instead by a short length of sterile catheter wrapping.
better to maintain moderate pressure to cause the sphincter The catheter is protected inside its wrapping to prevent
to fatigue. contamination prior to insertion.
354 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

15.30 A commercially available urine collection container is

15.28 Once the catheter is in the bladder, a sterile syringe is
preferred for the closed technique. This apparatus prevents
used to aspirate urine. If large volumes are anticipated, then a
reflux of urine into the bladder and has a much lower likelihood
sterile three-way tap or stopcock is useful to allow urine to be
of introducing bacteria into the urinary tract than IV drip tubing
emptied from the syringe without repeated disconnection and
and an empty fluid bag.
potential contamination.

15.29 A Foley catheter can be sutured to the vulva and the 15.31 Drip tubing connects this catheter to an empty IV fluid
bulb inflated as shown. The catheter can then be connected bag. The bag should always be kept lower than the animal; if
to a closed collection system (15.30, 15.31). the animal is moved the tubing should be clamped to prevent
reverse flow. These bags are difficult to empty aseptically; laying
the bag on the floor increases the likelihood of contamination.
The preferred collection apparatus is shown in 15.30.
distal urethra has a normal flora that includes Staphylo-
coccus intermedius and Escherichia coli in particular
(Stone and Barsanti, 1992). Nosocomial organisms
to measure urine output in patients with reduced renal
may also be introduced by poor technique. Urinary
function. Closed collection has the advantage of per-
catheters are the second most common source of noso-
mitting diuresis while keeping the bladder empty.
comial bloodstream infection in people (Maki and
Diuresis is useful if the patient has a severe infection as
Tambyah, 2001); the risk of infection also increases
it helps to flush debris and bacteria from the bladder.
with the number of catheterizations (Lees, 1986;
This technique is also useful for the short-term manage-
Lulich and Osborne, 1995). Irrigation of the prepuce
ment of incontinent animals as it keeps the animal clean
or vestibule with 0.02% chlorhexidine prior to each
and dry, which reduces both the development of urine
catheterization may help to reduce the infection rate
scald and the chances for direct contamination of a
(see ‘Closed collection system’, below).
surgical wound. Closed collection should ideally be
replaced by another means of assisted voiding within
CLOSED COLLECTION SYSTEM (15.29–15.31) 3 days. If a catheter is to be used for longer, it must be
This system is useful in incontinent patients with severe replaced every 3 days and use of urinary antiseptics
UTI, in males that are hard to express manually, and should be considered. The risk of infection can be kept
Postoperative care 355

consequence of UTI is transient bacteremia, which

may lead to wound infection or sepsis (Barsanti and
Finco, 1984). Repeated UTI is common; it may be the
presenting problem for animals that fail to recover
nociception after a severe injury even though they
recovered good motor function (Olby et al., 2003).
The potential for increased residual urine and an
associated UTI should be recognized in all patients
with a lesion severe enough to disturb motor function.
In such animals a urinalysis should be performed every
2–3 days on urine collected by cystocentesis. Evidence
of inflammation on urinalysis, such as the presence of
inflammatory cells or bacteria, warrants:
• Urine culture.
15.32 Tube cystostomy is best performed using a Bard Urological • Re-assessment of the method for assisted voiding.
Catheter (C.R. Bard, Inc., Covington, GA) with a mushroom tip. • Specific antibiotic therapy.
In an animal with marked neurological deficits and a
severe, established UTI, a 12–24 h period of diuresis
low for the first 4 days if good catheter management is
combined with continuous evacuation of the bladder
practiced (Smarick et al., 2002); but increases signifi-
into a closed drainage system is recommended. Before
cantly thereafter. The vestibule or prepuce should be
urine culture results are available, the initial antibiotics
irrigated every 8 h with sterile saline and then a very
of choice are trimethoprim-sulfa, amoxycillin–clavulanic
dilute solution of chlorhexidine (0.02%) (Smarick et al.,
acid or a cephalosporin. Treatment is maintained for 14
2002). Nosocomial bacteriuria or candiduria develops
days and repeat culture is performed once the animal
in up to 25% of humans requiring a urinary catheter for
has been off antibiotics for 7 days. Multidrug-resistant
7 days or more (Maki and Tambyah, 2001); correspond-
organisms may be treatable with subcutaneous amikacin
ing rates for animals can be as high as 50% after 4 days
or imipenem (Barker et al., 2002). Candida sp. are an
(Barsanti et al., 1985).
important cause of UTI in humans and may account for
infections in animals where bacterial culture is negative,
especially those on long-term antibiotic therapy (Maki
In certain circumstances a prepubic tube cystostomy
and Tambyah, 2001).
provides an alternative to repeated catheterization
Methenamine mandelate (Table 15.7) is a urinary anti-
(15.32). An interlocking box suture pattern is recom-
septic agent that is useful in chronic UTI or in patients
mended to anchor the tube (Daye et al., 1999). Tubes
undergoing intermittent catheterization (Kevorkian et al.,
are left in place for a minimum of 7 days; animals are
1984; Krebs et al., 1984). The drug is hydrolyzed in the
able to void normally after tube removal once the initi-
bladder to ammonia and formaldehyde at a pH ⬍6,
ating problem has resolved (Williams and White, 1991).
which usually requires the mandelic acid supplemen-
Tube cystostomy can also be used occasionally as a long-
tation (Pearman et al., 1978). It should only be used in
term option for animals that are permanently inconti-
animals with normal liver function.
nent and difficult to express (Smith et al., 1994).
Gastrointestinal disturbances
Up to 15% of dogs with disc disease will develop gas-
POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS trointestinal problems and the mortality rate has been
The most important potential complications are UTI, reported to be as high as 2%. The major risk factor in one
gastrointestinal disturbances, pancreatitis, surgical study was use of dexamethasone; dose and duration of
wound complications, urine scald and decubital ulcers. therapy were not important (Moore and Withrow, 1982).
Vomiting can have a variety of causes including cortico-
Urinary tract infections steroids, antibiotics, NSAIDs or pancreatitis. If vomiting
Stagnant urine remaining in the bladder after voiding will occurs, food, water and non-critical medications should
predispose the patient to UTI. Animals with Cushing’s be withheld for 24 h and intravenous fluids given to
disease or diabetes mellitus are also predisposed to UTI replace losses. A high index of suspicion should be main-
and animals given corticosteroids may be at increased tained for pancreatitis (see below) and aspiration pneu-
risk of pyelonephritis (Barsanti et al., 1992). An important monia (especially in recumbent animals). Drugs used to
356 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

treat gastrointestinal disturbances are listed in Table 15.8. intake and non-essential drugs are stopped and symp-
Persistent vomiting warrants anti-emetic therapy and sug- tomatic therapy is started. Misoprostol is indicated for
gests an underlying cause such as pancreatitis. NSAID-induced GI ulceration. It would also seem to be
Diarrhea will tend to increase the risk of UTI or the logical therapy for corticosteroid-induced bleeding.
wound infection and every attempt should be made to However, it does not reduce the incidence of GI hem-
prevent it, or at least to shorten its severity and duration. orrhage caused by corticosteroids; omeprazole, cimeti-
Food should be withheld for 12–24 h and then a high dine and sucralfate are also ineffective (Hanson et al.,
fiber diet offered. If this fails, opioids are the preferred 1997; Neiger et al., 2000). The lack of a suitable phar-
anti-diarrheal drugs (Strombeck and Guilford, 1990). macological agent emphasizes the importance of preven-
Bleeding into the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, presenting tion, supportive care and dietary management. Barium
as ‘coffee ground’ vomit or melena, should be treated sulfate may work to stop GI bleeding or diarrhea when
aggressively (8.4). This problem has a high potential mor- all else fails.
tality rate; compromise of the GI barrier can also lead to Colonic and gastroduodenal perforation carry the
bacteremia and sepsis (Epstein et al., 1992). All oral highest mortality rate of all GI complications. Furthermore,

Table 15.8 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system1

Use Drug** Species Dose Notes and side-effects

Antiemetic Metoclopramide Dog and cat 0.2–0.5 mg/kg SQ q8 h Not if GI bleeding, seizures

Antiemetic Chlorpromazine Dog and cat 0.5 mg/kg IM q8 h Hypotension, seizures

Ulceration Ranitidine Dog 2 mg/kg PO, IV, q8–12 h More effective than cimetidine
Cat 2.5 mg/kg PO, IV, q12 h

Ulceration Famotidine Dog 0.5–1.0 mg/kg PO, Once daily dosing

SQ, IV q24 h
Cat 0.5 mg/kg PO, SQ q24 h IV in cats not recommended

Ulceration Sucralfate Dog and cat 0.25–1.0 g per Can bind other drugs
animal—PO q8 h

Ulceration Omeprazole Dog and cat 0.5–0.7 mg/kg

PO q24 h

NSAID-induced ulceration Misoprostol Dog 1–5 ␮g/kg PO q8 h Diarrhea, abortion

Cat Unknown

Diarrhea Loperamide Dog and cat 0.08 mg/kg PO q8 h Narcotic overdose

Diarrhea Bismuth salicylate Dog 0.25 ml/kg PO q6 h For enterotoxic diarrhea, not
with NSAIDs or corticosteroids
Cat Not recommended

Diarrhea and ulceration Barium sulfate Dog and cat 0.5 ml/kg q 24 h, Constipation
max. 3 doses Aspiration

Constipation Bisacodyl Dog and cat 5–10 mg PO q24 h Laxative

per animal

Constipation Psyllium Dog and cat 2–10 g PO in food q12–14 h Laxative and stool softener

Strombeck and Guilford, 1990; Hart et al., 1997; Plumb, 1999.
*Consult appropriate source for full list of contraindications and adverse reactions.
GI, gastrointestinal. NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Postoperative care 357

affected dogs often show none of the classic signs of an complication was swelling of the wound (7.12), which
acute abdomen making early detection very difficult. affected 7.5% of the dogs. Wound discharge occurred
Major risk factors are multiple doses of corticosteroids, in another 5% but it was not determined what propor-
particularly dexamethasone, or combination of cortico- tion of these was infected (Hosgood, 1992).
steroids with NSAIDs; enemas may also play a role in Many factors play a role in wound infection (Hosgood,
colonic perforation (Toombs et al., 1986; Hinton et al., 2003) (see Box 6.2). Spinal surgery is classified as a clean
2002; Reed, 2002). surgical procedure; the infection rate for clean proce-
Control of defecation rarely causes a problem, as dures is reported as 2.5% (Vasseur et al., 1988). How-
reflexive emptying will occur periodically even in ever, a number of factors predispose spinal surgeries to
animals with functional transection of the spinal cord. a higher infection rate compared to other clean proce-
However, constipation can become a problem. Good dures, including frequent preoperative use of cortico-
hydration status must be maintained but enemas should steroids or NSAIDs, obesity, GI ulceration and UTI
be used with caution due to the potential risk of colonic (Epstein et al., 1992; Hosgood, 1992) (8.4, 15.2).
perforation associated with this procedure (Toombs Routine use of intraoperative antibiotic is therefore rec-
et al., 1986). High fiber diets and stool softeners such as ommended, especially when surgery lasts longer than
psyllium derivatives are safer alternatives (Hart et al., 90 min (Vasseur et al., 1988; Novelli, 1999). Postoper-
1997). One potential late complication in dogs that fail ative antibiotic is only recommended when intra- or post-
to recover after intervertebral disc disease is fecal operative infection is documented (Kriaras et al., 2000).
incontinence; this applies to dogs with UMN as well as A sterile adhesive dressing is useful to protect the
LMN injuries (Olby et al., 2003). wound from gross contamination (15.33). This should be
kept in place for several days, but the wound must also
Pancreatitis be checked daily for seroma formation, swelling, red-
Acute pancreatitis has a high mortality rate. It should ness or discharge. Large seromas should be drained and
be considered along with GI perforation in any neuro- the wound repaired again to close dead space (15.34).
logical patient that develops a sudden onset of vomiting, If infection is documented, a culture should be taken
collapse and pyrexia during its postoperative course. from the depths of the wound after aseptic preparation
Some dogs show a more insidious onset of signs. High of the skin. Antibiotic therapy should be instituted, ini-
doses of corticosteroids do seem to predispose dogs to tially directed at staphylococcal involvement (cefazolin
pancreatitis, particularly those with neurological dis- 5–15 mg/kg IV, IM q8 h, or cefadroxil 20 mg/kg PO
ease (Strombeck and Guilford, 1990; Williams, 1995). q12 h). Severe wound infections should be subject to
Diagnosis can be difficult; serum amylase and lipase surgical debridement and irrigation.
are not specific but may help if markedly elevated and
abdominal ultrasound can also be very useful (Hess et al., Urine scald
1998). Treatment entails withholding all oral intake for Urine scald is an important cause of dermatitis and also
5 days until the clinical signs are in remission. Intravenous predisposes to decubital ulcer formation. Any dog that
fluid therapy must keep up with fluid losses, which can soils itself with urine or feces must have the affected
be dramatic, and urine output should also be moni-
tored. Metabolic acidosis and electrolyte derangements
are common and warrant regular blood gas and elec-
trolyte measurements. An anti-emetic such as chlor-
promazine should be used at the lowest possible dose to
control vomiting. Metaclopramide is not recommended.
Procaine penicillin and an aminoglycoside are the anti-
biotics of choice (Strombeck and Guilford, 1990). The
prognosis is guarded.

Wound complications
Wound complications have been recorded in as many
as 14% of dogs undergoing spinal surgery (36/264).
Surgical time over 90 min and use of multifilament,
absorbable suture material increase the complication 15.33 A sterile, self-adhesive dressing. Use of a bandage does
rate; monofilament, absorbable material is therefore not reduce the incidence of wound complications; it is not known
recommended for wound closure. The most common if it lowers the actual wound infection rate (Hosgood, 2003).
358 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

15.34 A: Seroma after cervical dorsal

laminectomy. This area and the lumbo-
sacral region are at high risk of seroma or
hematoma formation and so closure of
dead space must be perfect. B: Closed
suction apparatus draining a seroma.
The protective bandage has been
removed for illustration.


15.35 Early urine scald around the vulva in a dog incontinent

due to an L6 fracture managed using an external splint. Regular
replacement of the straps and washing and drying the skin is
indicated. Desitin (Pfizer Inc., New York) is helpful although
ingestion of large amounts can cause zinc toxicity.

area bathed and dried. Emollient cream and a water

repellent ointment such as Desitin (Pfizer Inc., New York) 15.36 The area over the ischiatic tuberosity in the early stages of
are particularly useful (15.35). Animals that are unable decubitus formation, to show edema and the onset of hair loss. At
to move can be placed on human infant absorbent diapers, a more advanced stage, areas of decubitus may appear simply as
which collect urine and prevent it from soaking the skin; a wet area on the hair coat due to the exudation of serum.
these can be weighed if necessary to quantify urine out-
put. An indwelling catheter may be needed to prevent
leakage until the urine scald resolves. skin overlying the shoulder, elbow, rib cage, pelvis, hip,
and lateral stifle are the areas most at risk. The hair over
Decubital ulcers high-risk areas must be parted and inspected regularly
Decubital ulcers result mainly from unrelieved com- to look for moisture and hyperemia (Swaim et al.,
pression of tissue between a hard surface and a bony 1996). The early appearance of decubitus is develop-
prominence (15.36–15.39). Even small paraplegic ani- ment of erythema, edema and tenderness, followed by
mals can develop decubital ulcers (15.37). serum exudation and alopecia. Skin and subcutaneous
The skin should be kept clean and dry at all times and tissue loss then develops rapidly. Decubital ulcers may
in recumbent animals the bony prominences should be give rise to episodes of bacteremia, with the potential
examined at least daily for the onset of decubitus. The risk of infecting the surgical wound or implant.
Postoperative care 359

An appropriate flooring material (15.3–15.7) is essen-

tial to prevent, or at least retard, the onset of decubitus.
Resolution of established decubitus is obviously difficult
until the inciting cause is eliminated. Relief of pressure
is an important principle of treatment, which has been
reviewed in detail (Swaim et al., 1996). Neurological
patients are at particular risk due to the high potential
for urine and fecal soiling, which must be minimized
by regular bathing and drying (15.17, 15.20). Prompt
removal of devitalized tissue and regular irrigation with
an antiseptic solution (such as 0.4% chlorhexidine or
Domeboro solution (Domeboro Astringent Solution,
Bayer, Morristown, NJ)) are recommended. Surgical
15.37 Some paraplegic dogs, like this Miniature schnauzer, sit debridement and primary closure, possibly using skin
compulsively with their pelvic limbs extended rigidly. This posture flaps or grafts, may be required to resolve an indolent
puts constant pressure on the ischiatic tuberosity leading to
ulcer, even after neurological function returns (Swaim
decubitus. Foam rubber pads or aluminum splints can be
fashioned to prevent continued contact (Coates et al., 1995; et al., 1996) (15.11).
Swaim et al., 1996).
A number of other problems can arise during the post-
operative period. These include:
• Self-mutilation can occur in some animals with
paresthesia or absent deep pain (2.26, 15.7).
• Some male dogs with severe UMN lesions develop
permanent erections; this can also lead to self-
mutilation or the exposed penis may simply get
traumatized (Olby et al., 2003). Gabapentin
(page 343) has been used to treat spasticity in
humans with chronic spinal cord injuries (Gruenthal
et al., 1997); it may help to reduce the muscle
spasm contributing to erection in dogs. Elizabethan
collars or other restraint devices may also be helpful.
15.38 An advanced decubital ulcer over the greater trochanter
that will require aggressive management.
• In humans, prolonged recumbency combined with
inactivity increases significantly the risk of deep vein
thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism. These
are almost certainly under-recognized as causes of
morbidity and mortality in veterinary neurosurgical
patients (Feldman, 1986). Treatment is difficult so
every effort should be directed toward avoiding
circulatory stasis by providing adequate
physiotherapy and intake of fluids (LaRue and
Murtaugh, 1990). Aspirin may be protective.
• Some problems are more likely to develop after
surgery for specific disorders. Myelomalacia
develops in some dogs with thoracolumbar disc
disease (see page 128); pathological fractures can
occur in dogs with spinal tumors; pneumonia and
15.39 The same dog illustrated in 15.11 and 15.38 is shown gastric dilation or torsion are more likely in
lying on inflatable rings, one placed under the shoulder and one recumbent, tetraparetic dogs after cervical surgery.
under the hip. An alternative is to fashion a bandage into a
Some complications can be prevented by a
similar doughnut shape (Nicoll and Remedios, 1995). These
devices are difficult to keep in place for long; they were used to thorough presurgical evaluation (15.40).
allow this dog to be moved from his waterbed into an area with Finally, an animal’s mental status should not be over-
lots of activity. looked in the recovery process. Affection from nursing
360 Small Animal Spinal Disorders

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Note: Numbers in bold refer to illustrations or tables

A Anaphylaxis 85 bulging 110, 124–125, 219

Anatomical location of the injury CSM 219, 234, 236
Abdominal palpation 23–24
295–297 fenestration 154, 202
Abrasions 167
Anatomical specimens 73, 74 mini-hemilaminectomy 159
Abscess formation 51, 184, 122, 212,
Anatomy pediculectomy 159
225, 229
blood supply 14–17 removal 234
Accessory process 141, 156
nervous tissue 1–6 spinal fracture 288–289
ACE inhibitors 85
skeleton 6–14 thoracolumbar disc disease
Acetaminophen 343
urinary system 350–351 124–125
Achilles tendon rupture 20
Anesthesia Aorta 10
Acupuncture 96, 343
complications 86 Aortic embolism 332–333
CSF collection 64 Apnea 82
Addison’s disease 20, 38
induction 85 Arachnoid cyst 321, 323–326
Adjacent segment disease 225
maintenance 85 diagnosis 29, 36, 122
Adverse drug reactions localization of signs 37
premedication 85
analgesics 84–85, 340–342 recovery 85–86 marsupialization 244
anesthetics 85 side-effects 85 myelographic abnormalities 51
anti-coagulants 82, 99, 333, 342 Angiotensin converting enzyme postoperative complications 297,
anti-convulsants 343 (ACE) inhibitors 85 300, 301
anti-emetics 356 Angled bur guard 77 spinal 212
anti-infectives 85 Anomalous spinal disease 36 subarachnoid 324
anti-inflammatories 83, 84, 85, Antibiotics see also specific drugs Arrhythmia, heart 297
341–342 drug side-effects 85, 355 Arteritis 329
cardiovascular system agents 85, prophylactic 83, 309, 327, 331, Articular facet fracture 287–289
352 355, 357 Articulations, synovial 9–11
gastrointestinal system agents 356 wound infection 357 Ascending motor tracts 6
sedatives 282 Anticlinal vertebra 9 Ascending myelomalacia 36, 37, 332
Albuminocytological dissociation 45 Anti-coagulant drugs 82, 99, 333, Ascending sensory tracts 5
Allograft 117, 220, 221, 274, 292 342 Aseptic catheterization (intermittent)
see also Fat graft Anti-convulsants 343 353–354
Alpha-antagonists 352 Anti-emetics 356, 357 Aseptic necrosis 259
Amikacin 355 Anti-infective agents 85 Aspergillus infection 42, 328
Aminoglycoside 357 Anti-inflammatory drugs see also Aspiration 167
Amoxycillin 327, 344, 355 Corticosteroids; Non-steroidal Aspirin
Amphotericin B 331 anti-inflammatory drugs analgesia 342
Ampicillin 327 cervical disc disease 96 bleeding disorders 99, 342
Amputation, tail 297 CSM 218 ischemic neuromyopathy 333
Analgesia hypervitaminosis A 326 platelet dysfunction 82, 342
opiates 84–85, 340–341, 343, 356 lumbosacral disease 188 Assessment, clinical 81–82
palliative 254 palliative 254 brachial plexus 30–31
postoperative care 131, 339–343 side-effects 83, 85, 341–342 cranial nerves 20, 21, 25
preoperative assessment 84–85 thoracolumbar disc disease 123 DAMNIT formula 21, 35, 36
thoracolumbar disc disease 123, ventral slot surgery 102 differential diagnosis 20
131 Antiseptic, urinary 352 etiology 20–28
Anal reflexes 183 Anulus fibrosus eyes 21
Anal sac adenocarcinoma 184 approach to ventral neck 115 functional 20–22, 25–29, 184
364 Index

Assessment, clinical (contd.) Beagle Blood contamination 44

grading 124, 125 chondrodystrophy 13 Blood gas analysis 42
history taking 19 meningitis 329 Blood supply 14–17
lesion localization 21, 38–39 Bedding (postoperative) 346 see also Vascular system
lesions 28–32 Bence–Jones proteinuria 42 Body position
lumbosacral plexus 30–31 Bernese mountain dog (meningitis) 329 CSF collection 66
neurological 20–28 Bethanechol 352 head position 29, 94
observation 20, 21 Bile duct rupture 19, 282 imaging 46, 47, 54, 55, 56
palpation 21, 22–25, 26 Biomechanics of spinal fixation patient examination 20–25, 25–28
physical 19–20 286–290 paw position 20, 22
Ataxia 167, 169 Biopsies perception of 5, 6, 22, 23, 348
Atlantoaxial joint 46–47 core 79 position for radiography 46
Atlantoaxial subluxation (fracture) needle 61–62, 275 postoperative 225, 228–229, 343,
161–180 tumors 61–62, 251–252, 275, 276 344, 345–346
bone cement 177–178 Bisacodyl 356 Body weight (cement bar thickness)
cats 169–170 Bismuth salicylate 356 314
clinical signs 37, 161–163 Bladder Bone diseases
complications of treatment assisted emptying 131, 343, 344, CSM 211, 212
166–167 352, 353 DISH 326
cross-pins 180 dysfunction 351–352 lumbosacral 183, 184
CSF collection 43 innervation 351 mimicking spinal disease 20
decision-making algorithm 165 leakage 20 neurological patient 81
diagnosis 36, 37, 94, 163–164, 212 neurological screening 20 osteoarthritis 20
dorsal stabilization 166–167 rupture 282 osteochondritis dissecans 20, 36,
fixation 166–180, 171–176 Blastomycoides dermatidis 330 37, 183
multiple ventral implants Bleeding disorders see also Von osteochondritis 20, 36, 37, 183
177–178 Willebrand disease osteoporosis 38, 122, 326
myelographic abnormalities 51 aspirin-induced 99 scintigraphy 59–60
non-surgical treatment 164–165, bleeding time test 217 tumors 94, 248, 249, 260
167 blood clots 99 Bone physiology
postoperative care 169 cervical disc surgery 99 composition 7
prognosis 169 cervical myelopathy 82 demineralized matrix 292
ventral fusion 166–168 CSF analysis 65 production 209
wire fixation 178–180 CSM 217, 224, 225, 229, 234 Bone surgery
Atlantooccipital dysplasia 37 epidural 57 allograft 117, 220, 221, 274, 292
Atlantooccipital space 71 gastrointestinal 83, 84, 229, 342, atlantoaxial subluxation 168,
Atlas (C1) 7, 14, 106, 161 356 177–178
Atropine 85 Hemoclips 78 autograft 117
Axis (C2) 7, 14, 174 hypoventilation 82 bleeding from cancellous bone 142
Azithromycin 331 laminectomy 98, 138, 146 bone vessel plug 77
Azotemia 82 neurovascular bundles 241 bone wax 77, 142, 313, 314
Azygous vein 15, 16 preoperative assessment 213, 217 cement 238, 314
prevention 138 CSM 223, 232, 235, 238–240,
respiratory 82 245
spinal cord 51, 94, 281, 333 decompression 117, 203, 243
Bacterial infections see also specific subdural 57 external fixation 290–292
organisms surgical complications 98, 128, facetectomy 203
CSF analysis 45 224, 225, 229 fragments 51
postoperative complications 355 thyroid hormone supplementation fusion 234
spinal cord disease 330 217 hemilaminectomy 1, 143, 268,
Balance training 348 venous plexus 99, 146, 234 269
Barium sulfate 356 Von Willebrand factor 42, 82, 217, infection risk 301
Bartonella 42, 330, 331 229, 360 instrumentation 77, 79
Basset hound (atlantoaxial Blood cell counts laminectomy 195, 198, 200, 208,
subluxation) 161 CSF 44, 45 272
Bathing (postoperative) 343, 349 routine laboratory analysis 41 lumbosacral disease 191, 198,
Baylisascaris 330 white blood cells 42, 329 200
Index 365

Bone surgery (contd.) tachycardia 85 vertebral distraction–stabilization

metal and cement fixation 313, 314 vascular diseases 20, 36, 329, 221–223
methylmethacrylate 78 332–333 Central cord syndrome 29
rongeurs 76 Carprofen 341, 343 Cerebellar disease 29
trauma 291–292 Cartilaginous exostoses 36, 323 Cerebellomedullary cistern (CMC)
tumors 255–256 Cart (paraplegic) 350 CSF collection 64, 65–68, 85
vertebrectomy 274 Catheters 353–354 injection of contrast medium 53, 71
Botulism 38 Cats Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Boxer dog analgesic drugs 340, 343 cell counts 44, 45
proprioception disorder 22 anti-inflammatory drugs 342 cervical disc disease 94, 99
spondylosis deformans 320 atlantoaxial subluxation 169–170 collection 43, 64–69, 85
Brachial plexus cervical disc disease 35, 103 examination 44, 45
anatomy 2 feline immunodeficiency virus functional anatomy 4–5
assessment 30–31 81, 262 meningitis 329
avulsion 30, 37 331 feline infectious peritonitis 35, neutrophils 43
miosis 25 330 sedimentation chambers 44
myelopathy 36 feline leukemia virus 81, 262, 263 thoracolumbar disc disease 122
nerve sheath tumor resection 275, gastrointestinal tract 356 ventral recumbancy 69
276 Horner’s syndrome 25 xanthochromia 45
spinal trauma 282, 283, 302 hypervitaminosis A 326 Cervical disc disease 93–120 see also
Brain herniation 65, 66 ischemic myelopathy 37, 38 Cervical spondylomyelopathy
Brainstem lesions 29, 212 ischemic neuromyopathy 281, cats 103–104
Brain tumor 38 332–333 diagnosis 35–37, 94–96
Brucella canis 42, 327, 330, 331 lymphoma 263 clinical signs 37, 93–94
Buccal mucosal bleeding time 217 Manx 322 decision-making algorithm 97
Bulldog 322 pharmacology 340, 342, 343, 352, palpation 24
Bupivacaine 341 356 dorsal decompression 98
Buprenorphine 340, 341 sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322 laryngeal nerve paralysis 99
Bursitis 94 spinal trauma 36, 37, 169, 287, non-surgical treatment 96
Butorphanol 340 297, 301–302, 305 pain 37, 94
Buttress, vertebral 287–289 thoracolumbar disc disease 10, postoperative care 102
127, 128, 129, 133 prognosis 102–103
tumors 261–263 surgical treatment
urinary tract 302, 352 approach to ventral neck
Cage rest 125, 126, 131, 228, 288, 305 Cauda equina 106–109
Calcinosis circumscripta 212 compression 181–182 complications 98–102
Calcinosis (tumoral) 37, 122, 326 disc fenestration 202 distraction–stabilization 117–118
Calcium metabolism 42, 212, 326 functional anatomy 3 dorsal decompression 98
Calculi 38, 122 lumbosacral laminectomy 199, dorsal laminectomy 120
Callus encroachment 297, 299 200 fenestration 96, 109–110
Candida 355 nerve roots 3 hemilaminectomy 119, 266–270
Canine distemper virus (CDV) 42, neuritis 36, 37, 184 indications 96
329–330 Caudal vertebra locking plate 220
Carcinoma 248 lumbosacral disease 183 paramedian approach to ventral
Cardiovascular disorders sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322 neck 232–233
arrhythmia 282, 297 tail injuries 296–297 postoperative care 102
bradycardia 86 Cauterization 75, 83, 275 ventral decompression 96–98,
cardiac arrest 167 Cavalier King Charles spaniel 111–118
cardiomyopathy 213 (syringomyelia) 322–323 Cervical fibrotic stenosis 212
cardiopulmonary arrest 99 Cefadroxil 357 Cervical spine
differential diagnosis 38 Cefalosporin 83, 85, 355 blood supply 15
disorders mimicking spinal disease Cefazolin 83, 327, 357 diagnosis 35–37
20 Cellulose surgical spears 77 anatomical location of injury
endocarditis 20 Cement plugs 295–297
hypertension 20 CSM 218, 219, 220–223, 226, myelography 38, 70, 72
insufficiency 20 237–239 radiography 46, 49
neurological patient 81 ventral decompression 117 ligaments 14
366 Index

Cervical spine (contd.) Cisapride 352 Constipation 356

spinal cord segments 3 Cisplatin 254 Contrast meda
stenosis, fibrotic 36, 37 Claudication, absorbtion 53
Cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM) intermittent 38, 334 discography 50
211–246 see also Wobbler neurogenic 36 epidural leakage 71
syndrome Clavulanic acid 344, 355 epidurography 50
cement plug 218, 237–239 Cleanliness, postoperative 343–344 hand position 70
CSM 218 Client communication 88 iohexol 43, 49, 86
diagnosis 35, 36, 94, 71–72, Client consent form 88 myelography 49, 72
212–216, 281 Clindamycin 327, 331 poor filling 53
decision-making algorithms Closed collection system 354–355 spinal cord parenchyma 54
223–224 Cloxacillin 327 sterile meningitis 42–43
neurological examination 20 Coccidioides imitis 330 Coonhound paralysis 38
hypothyroidism 217 Cocker spaniel Cord dorsum potentials 61
non-surgical treatment 218 kyphosis 131 Corpectomy 58, 149, 147
surgical treatment 218–224 thoracic tumor 250 Corticosteroids see also Anti-
complications 224–228 Codeine 340 inflammatory drugs
dorsal decompression 223, Cod-piece 307 canine distemper virus infection
241–245 Collar (head) 237, 239, 295 330
dorsal laminectomy 218 Column splitting 52 CSM 218
indications 219 Computerized tomography (CT) drug side-effects 355, 356, 357
laminoplasty 223–224, 245–246 imaging 55–57 see also Magnetic fungal infections 331
metal and cement fixation 218, resonance imaging GME 330
239–240 atlantoaxial subluxation 164 meningitis 329
paramedian approach to ventral body position 55, 56 meningomyelitis 331
neck 232–233 cervical disc disease 95–96 MPSS 83–84, 133, 217, 257, 282,
postoperative care 228–229 comparison to MRI 57 293, 332, 342
presurgical evaluation 216–217 CSM 214–216 osteoporosis 326
prognosis 229 disc extrusion 56, 57, 94 preoperative assessment 83–84
ventral decompression 218, dorsal recumbency 55 thoracolumbar disc disease 125,
219–221, 233–235 neoplasia 251 126, 131, 133
vertebral distraction 221–223, preoperative assessment 82 wound infection 83, 357
235–237 spinal cord expansion 57 Costs of surgery 88
Cervical tumors 35, 37 thoracolumbar disc disease 56, 123 Coupage 344
Cervical vertebrae 7–8 trauma 284–285 Coxofemoral arthritis 184
C1/C2 7, 14, 106, 161,174 Confinement (cage) 125, 126, 131, Cranial nerves 20, 21, 25
C1/C5 15, 28–29, 36, 37–38, 212 228, 288, 305 Creatine kinase (CK) 42
C1/C8 1 Congenital diseases Creatinine 82
C5/C7 8 arachnoid cyst 122, Crossed extensor reflex 32
C5/C6 212 atlantoaxial instability 281 Cross-pin fixation see also Pin
C6/C7 52, 211 myopathy 38 fixation; Screw fixation
C6/T2 15, 28, 28, 36, 212 vertebral anomalies 37, 212, atlantoaxial subluxation 180
Chemical shift artifact 2 321–322 dorsal 180
Chemotherapeutic agents 254, Consent form 88 spinal trauma 282
262–263 Conservative treatment Cruciate ligament rupture 20, 184
Chest harness 237, 239 anti-inflammatory drugs 96 Cryoprecipitate, bleeding disorders
Chihuahua (atlantoaxial fracture) 161 atlantoaxial subluxation 164–165, 217
Chloramphenicol 331 166–167 Cryptococcus neoformans 42, 330
Chlorhexidine 355 cervical disc disease 96 Curettage 236
Chlorpromazine 356, 357 complications 166–167 Curettes 75, 79
Chondrodystrophoid breeds 2–13, 93 CSM 218 bone graft collection 79
Chondroid metamorphosis 12 decompression 124, 125 House 75, 144
Chondrosarcoma 248 fenestration 124, 125 Shea 75
Chronic degenerative immobilization 282 Cushing’s disease
radiculomyelopathy (CDRM) 319 lumbosacral disease 188, 192 osteoporosis 326
Cicatrix formation 287 recovery times 124, 125 preoperative assessment 82
Cimetidine 356 rest 123, 124, 125, 192, 282 wound infection risk 83
Index 367

Cushing’s syndrome 81 Degenerative disc disease 36, 183, microbiology 42, 45

Cutaneous trunci reflex 20, 24, 26–27 184, 281, 320 serology 42
Cuticle bleeding time 217 Degenerative leukoencephalomalacia urinalysis 42
Cyclosporin 85 320 Diaphragm
Cystocentesis, postoperative 297 Degenerative myelopathy 36, 37, herniation 282
Cysts 209, 212, 319, 319–320 paralysis 82
arachnoid 29, 37, 51, 122, 212, Degenerative neuroaxonal dystrophy Diarrhea 339, 356
297, 300, 301, 321, 323–326 320–321 Diazepam
cystocentesis 297 Dehydration (fluid intake) 85, 343, analgesia 85, 96, 102, 343
dermoid sinus 184, 212, 323 344–345, 355 lower urinary tract effects 352
epidermoid 36, 212, 323 Demineralized bone matrix 292 micturition disorders 352
kidney 55 Dens post-myelographic seizure
marsupialization 244 hypoplasia 164 prevention 216
subarachnoid 324 ligaments 14 Disc anatomy 12–13
synovial 36, 37, 52, 94, 122, 183, malformation 164 Disc degeneration 12, 36, 183, 184,
215, 245, 320 normal CT 7 281, 320
tube cystostomy 355 Dental instruments 76 Disc extrusion (bulge) see also
Cytosine arabinoside 254 Depression (post-surgical) 339 Intervertebral discs; specific
Dermatitis 83, 167 spinal regions
Dermatofibrosis 38 age related 59
Dermoid sinus 36, 37, 184, 212, 323 atlantoaxial 163
Dachshund Descending motor tracts 5–6 cervical 93, 94, 99
cervical disc extrusion 93 Desitin 358 definition 13
chondroid metamorphosis 12 Desmopressin (DDAVP) 217 diagnosis 56, 57, 94, 212
hemilaminectomy 344 Detrusor function 351 dorsolateral hemilaminectomy
L4/S3 lesions 38 Dexamethasone 65, 83 144–145
thoracolumbar disc disease Diabetes mellitus 81, 83 Hansen type 13
treatment 126 Diagnosis, differential intervertebral foramen 96
thoracolumbar mid-bodies 10 cervical spine 35–39 protrusion 59
ventral slot decompression 116 CSM 281 surgical complications 127, 129,
Dalmatian (L2/L7 defects) 28–29 lumbar spine 15, 37 131
DAMNIT scheme 21, 35, 36 lumbosacral spine 35–39, 184, 184 surgical indications 219
Dantrolene 352 myelopathy 184 thoracolumbar 122, 127, 129, 131,
Decision-making algorithms neurological examination 20 136
atlantoaxial subluxation 165 spinal trauma 184 Disc herniation see also Intervertebral
cervical disc disease 97 synovial cyst 36, 94 discs
cervical spondylomyelopathy 223 thoracolumbar spine 35–39, 122 CSM 211, 219
lumbosacral disease 189 Diagnostic techniques 41–72 dorsal hemilaminectomy 119
neoplasia 256 diagnostic imaging Hansen type 12, 37
thoracolumbar disc disease 124 CT scan 55–57 lumbosacral 186, 200
trauma 293, 294 MRI 57–59 myelographic abnormalities 51
Decompression (dorsal) for CSM myelography 51–54, 70–72 surgical indications 219
218, 219 radiography 45–50 terminology 58
see also Ventral decompression radiology 50–51 thoracic 123
Decubital ulcers 339, 347, 358–359 scintigraphy 59–60 thoracolumbar 36
Decubitus 127, 167, 297 ultrasonography 54–55 traumatic 285
Deep pain sensation see also electrophysiology Disc mineralization 59
Nociception; Pain cord dorsum potentials 61 Discogenic pain 184
after durotomy 293 electromyography 60–61 Discography 50
after hemilaminectomy 150 F waves 61 Discospondylitis 326–328
lack of 293 spinal cord evoked response atlantoaxial subluxation 163
malacia 293–294 60–61 CSM 212, 225, 228
neurological examination 21 laboratory analysis differential diagnosis 36, 122
spinal fracture 87 biochemistry 41–42 fungal infection 328
thoracolumbar disc disease 125 biopsy 61–62 localization of signs 37
trauma 293–295, 301–302 CSF analysis 42–45, 64–69 lumbosacral disease 183, 184
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 127, 359 hematology 41 myelographic abnormalities 51
368 Index

Disc trauma 36, 51 butorphanol 340 F waves 61

Disseminated idiopathic skeletal codeine 340 gastrocnemius muscle 60
hyperostosis (DISH) 36, 326 dantrolene 352 neoplasia 250–251
Distraction–stabilization 117–118, fentanyl 84–85, 341 spinal cord evoked response
235–237 glycopyrrolate 85 60–61
Doberman halothane 85 Electrosurgery
bleeding disorders 217 iohexol 86 cautery 83
chronic active hepatitis 213 ivermectin 85 instruments 75
CSM 36, 211–212, 214–215, ketoconazole 85 Embolism
219–220, 222, 243 ketoprofen 342 aortic 332–333
epidural mass 329 loperamide 356 fat 297
hypothyroidism 217 metronidazole 85 fibrocartilaginous 35, 37, 212, 281,
intramedullary lesion 53 misoprostol 356 332
MRI of cervical spine 2 morphine 340, 341 Empyema, epidural 36, 328–329
seizures during myelography 86 MPSS 84 Endocarditis 20
Staphylococcus intermedius 327 nitrous oxide 85 Endotracheal tube 85
ventral decompression 344 non-steroidal 83, 85, 341–342 End-plate failure 225, 227, 238
von Willebrand disease 359–360 opiates 84–85, 340, 341 Enrofloxacin 85
Dogs (general) see also specific breeds oxymorphone 340 Ependymoma 51, 248, 252
anticonvulsants 343 phenoxybenzamine 352 Epidermoid cyst 36, 212, 323 36
anti-inflammatory dose 342 prazosin 352 Epidural abscess 51, 122, 212, 225
carts 350 sedatives 282 Epidural empyema 328–329
gastrointestinal tract pharmacology steroids 83, 85, 326, 357 Epidural fibrosis 183
356 sucralfate 356 Epidural hemorrhage 57
narcotic analgesic dose 340 terazosin 352 Epidural leakage 49, 53, 71
physical therapy 348 trimethoprim–sulfonamide 85 Epidural lipomatosis 36
postoperative nursing plan 343, Dura Epidural steatitis 330–331
344 dorsolateral hemilaminectomy Epidurography 50
urinary tract pharmacology 352 incision 148 Epineurium 276
water therapy 349 herniation 191 Erections 359
Domino lesions lesions 51 Erythrophagocytosis 45
after fracture repair 300 stay suture 279 Escherichia coli 327
after ventral slot surgery 117, 220, tears 36, 122, 281 Esophagus disease 98, 99
221, 228 Durotomy Etodolac 341
cement plug 221–222 dorsolateral hemilaminectomy 148 Euthanasia 229, 293
Wobbler syndrome 101 patients with no deep pain Euthyroidism 217
Dorsal funiculi 1 sensation 293 Evoked response, spinal cord 60–61
Dorsal longitudinal ligament 14 preoperative assessment 87 Exercise intolerance 36–37, 222
Doxorubicin 254 thoracolumbar disc disease 132, Exostoses, cartilaginous 36, 323
Doxycycline 331 149 Extensor postural thrust 23
Draping 74, 78–79 Dysgenesis, sacrocaudal 322 External fixation 237, 316–318,
Dressings 344, 357 Dyspnea 82, 99, 167 328
Drug interactions 85, 342 Dysplasia External splints 239, 290, 305, 306
Drug side-effects antlantooccipital 36, 37 Extradural tumors 248–250,
ACE inhibitors 85 myelodysplasia 36, 212, 322 259–263
alpha-blockers 352 Dysraphism (spinal) 36, 212, 322 Eye function 21
anesthetics 85
anti-coagulants 82, 99, 333, 342
anti-convulsants 343
anti-emetics 356 Edema 99 Facetectomy 192, 202
anti-infective agents 85 Ehrlichia 38, 42, 330 Facet joints
anti-inflammatory agents 83, 85, Electric drill 77 fracture 191, 207
341–342 Electrocardiogram (ECG) 213, 282 pain 36, 122, 184, 320
barium sulfate 356 Electrocautery 83 removal 130
Baytril 85 Electromyography (EMG) 60–61 Facial sensation 20
bisacodyl 356 Electrophysiology Famotidine 356
buprenorphine 340 cord dorsum potentials 61 Fat embolism 297
Index 369

Fat graft external 290–291 German shepherd

autogenous fat 86–87 internal 291 chronic degenerative
dorsolateral hemilaminectomy 149 multiple implant 166 radiculomyelopathy 319–320
fenestration of disc extrusion 201 Fixation–stabilization fungal discospondylitis 328
foraminal decompression and atlantoaxial subluxation 166–167 lumbosacral disease 38, 185, 186,
facetectomy 202 caudal disc extrusion 96 190
free fat 86–87 cervical disc disease 117–118 nuclear bone scan 60
laminectomy 208 Flexor (withdrawal) reflex 27 sacral subluxation 182
minimization of scarring 86–87 Floating limb gait 28, 212 thoracic tumor 250
necrosis 38 Flooring (cage) 345–346, 359 German short-haired pointer 4
postoperative complications 127, Fluconazole 331 Giant breed dogs (CSM) 211, 222,
128, 129 Fluid intake 85, 343, 344–345, 355 223
thoracolumbar disc disease 127, Focal granulomatous see also Large breed dogs; specific
128, 129 meningoencephalomyelitis breeds
Fecal incontinence 131, 183 (GME) 248 Glioma
Feline diseases see also Cats Food intake 343, 344, 356 myelographic abnormalities 51
thoracolumbar disc disease 127, Forage (CSM surgery) 221, 232, poorly differentiated 252
128, 129 235 tumor classification 248
FeLV-associated lymphoma 262 Foramen magnum 179 Glucocorticoids 217
feline immunodeficiency virus Foraminal decompression 192, 202 Glucose metabolism 20, 38
(FIV) 81, 262 Foreign body migration 36 Glycopyrrolate 85
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) Free radicals 84 GME (focal granulomatous
35, 330 Fungal infection 42, 328, 330 meningoencephalomyelitis) 248
feline leukemia virus (FeLV) 81, Fusion–fixation Golden retriever
263 atlantoaxial subluxation 166, bulbous dilation of dorsal arachnoid
Femoral nerves 127 167–168 space 324
Fenestration and disc removal lumbosacral disease 189, 192 left hemiparesis 29
bulging disc 202 new bone production 209 myelomalacia 61
cervical disc disease 96, 109–111 sacral subluxation 204 thoracolumbar spinal cord segments
comparison to ventral slot 97 F waves 61 3
CSM 221, 227 vertebral bone loss 61
fenestration 127, 154–159 Golf-tee pattern 52
hemilaminectomy 149, 159 Gracilis contracture 20, 184
instrumentation 75 Gabapentin 343 Grafts
laminectomy 201 Gadoteridol 58 bone 117, 220, 221, 274, 292
pediculectomy 159 Gagging 20 fat 38, 86–87, 127, 128, 129, 149,
postoperative complications 130, Gait abnormalities 201, 202, 208,
221, 227 disconnected 212 Granulomatous
thoracolumbar disc disease 124, ‘floating’ limb 28, 212 meningoencephalomyelitis
127, 130, 154–159 neurological examination 20 (GME) 330
Fentanyl 84, 340, 341 Gallstones 38, 122 Great Dane
Fever 339 Gastrocnemius muscle 60 CSM 36, 211, 213, 222–224, 228,
Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) Gastrointestinal tract disturbances 246
35, 36, 37, 212, 281, 331–332 bleeding 83, 84, 342, 356 dyspnea after imaging 82
Fibroid metamorphosis 12 diarrhea 339, 356 hypothyroidism 217
Fibrosarcoma 38, 248, 249, 260 drug-induced 83, 84, 341, 342, postoperative complications 228
Fibrosis 356 Gunshot injury 36, 331
cervical 36, 37, 212 melena 339, 356
epidural 183, 190 parasites 38, 122
peridural 131 perforation 83
restrictive 225, 273 pharmacology 356 Halothane 85
Fine needle aspiration 61 postoperative 339, 355–357 Halti head collar 237, 239, 295
FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) 35, ulceration 127, 297, 341, 356 Hansen-type disc herniation 12, 13,
330 vomiting 339, 356 182, 183
Fistula, cutaneous 127 Gelatin sponge 78 Harnesses 218, 237, 239, 347
Fixation devices Gelfoam 36, 78, 86, 99, 269 Headlight 73, 74
biomechanics 289–290 Gentamicin 327 Head movements 29, 94
370 Index

Heart disease Hepatic disease 81, CSM 220, 224, 225, 226, 238,
arrest 167 hepatitis (chronic) 213 239–240
cardiomyopathy 213 hepatotoxicosis 85 failure 167, 191, 192, 224, 225,
cardiopulmonary arrest 99 Histoplasma capsulatum 330 226, 258–259, 299, 318
differential diagnosis 20, 38 History taking 15, 19 intervertebral 220
neurological patient 81 Hock flexion 27, 30, 182 lumbar spinal injury 296
rhythm disorders 85, 86, 282, 297 Hopping 20, 22 lumbosacral disease 191, 192
Heat therapy 347 Horner’s syndrome metal and cement fixation
Helminths 330 cats 25 239–240, 296
Hemangiosarcoma 248, 261 cervical disc surgery 99 migration 300
Hematoma cervical tumor 251 multiple ventral implants
cervical disc surgery 99 CSM 224 177–178
CSM 212, 225, 229 Horses (Wobbler syndrome) 218 screw fixation 192
extradural 99 Hounsfield units (CT numbers) surgical complications 191, 224,
postoperative complications 99, 283 225, 226
225, 229 Hydration 85, 343, 344–345, 355 thoracic spinal injury 296
prognosis 284 Hydrocephalus 162–163 threaded 292
spinal cord 36, 37 212, 333 Hydromorphone 340 titanium 255
spinal trauma 284 Hydromyelia 212, 322–323 wound infection risk 83
Hemilaminectomy see also Mini- Hydrosorb TS 87 Infections see also Wounds and
hemilaminectomy Hydroxyurea 254 wound infections; specific
cervical disc disease 98, 119, Hyoid venous arch 171 organisms
266–270 Hypercalcemia 42 antibiotic prophylaxis 83
dorsolateral 136–150 Hyperesthesia 20, 21, 183, 184 discospondylitis 36, 326–328
marsupialization 326 see also Nociception; Pain epidural empyema 328–329
neoplasia 266–270 Hyperflexion injury 99, 227 infectious agents 330–331
nerve sheath tumor 275–279 Hypergammaglobulinemia 42 inflammatory disorders 35,
spinal trauma 294 Hyperkalemia 20, 38 330–331
thoracolumbar disc disease 125, Hyperreflexia (pseudo) 183 surgical 83, 99, 131, 191, 357
126, 151–154 Hypertension 20 Inflammatory disorders 35, 36
Hemiparesis 94 Hyperthyroidism 20, 38 atlantoaxial subluxation 36, 163
Hemivertebra 320–321 Hypertrophic osteodystrophy 20 canine distemper virus infection
Hemoclips 78 Hypervitaminosis 36, 37, 326 329–330
Hemocytometer 44 Hypocalcemia 42 cauda equina neuritis 36
Hemogram 41 Hypodermic needles 76 central nervous system 122,
Hemorrhage see also Bleeding Hypoglycemia 20, 38 329–331
disorders Hypokalemia 20 discospondylitis 36, 326–328
aspirin-induced 99 Hypothyroidism 81, 82, 213, 217 epidural empyema 36, 328–329
cervical 82, 99 Hypoventilation 82, 99 epidural steatitis 330–331
CSF analysis 65 FIP 330
CSM 224, 225, 229, 234 foreign body migration 36
diaphragm paralysis 82 Gelfoam reaction 36
epidural 57 Iatrogenic injury GME 330
gastrointestinal 229 cervical disc surgery 99 meningo(encephalo)myelitis 36
Hemoclips 78 CSM 224, 225, 226 steroid-responsive
hypoventilation 82 intraoperative complications 224 meningitis–arteritis 329
prevention 138 lumbosacral disease 191 Infraspinatus contracture 20
psoas muscle 38, 281 neural 225, 226 Instrumentation, surgical 73–79
respiratory 82 surgical complications 99, 191, Intercapital ligament 13
spinal cord 51, 94, 281, 333 225, 226 Intercostal artery 15, 278
subdural 57 Idiopathic disorders 38, 326 Intermittent aseptic catheterization
surgical 98, 128, 138, 146, 224, Iliac thrombosis 38, 332–333 353–354
225, 229 Imipenem 355 Intermittent claudication 38, 334
thoracolumbar 128 Immobilization 282 Internal fixation devices 291
venous plexus 99, 146, 234 Implants see also Locking plates; see also Metal and cement
Hemostasis 81, 82 Metal and cement fixation fixation
Hemostat 77 atlantoaxial subluxation 177–178 Interspinous ligaments 14
Index 371

Intertransverse ligaments 14 K-wires 117, 167–168, 235 Lhasa Apso 94

Intervertebral discs see also Disc Kyphosis 131, 306 Ligamentous hypertrophy 211
herniation Ligaments
anatomy 12 cruciate 20
disc removal 75 dorsal longitudinal 14
functional anatomy 11–13 Labrador functional anatomy 13–14
fusion 220, 221 disc herniation 123 ligamentum flavum 197, 199
Intervertebral foramen 3, 11, 96 displacement of L2, 284 nuchal 242
Intracranial disease 163 dorsal hemilaminectomy 119 ventral longitudinal 14
lesions 94 lumbosacral disease 188 vertebral 13–14
raised pressure 64 spinal cord hematoma 36, 333 Limb disorders
Intradural–extramedullary lesions spinal cord mass 58 functional assessment 25–26
29, 51, 52, 53, 248 subarachnoid cyst 324 gait, attitude and posture 212
Intradural–extramedullary tumors tumoral calcinosis 327 lameness 183, 184, 204
248–252, 259–263 Lameness (pelvic limb) 183, 184, neurological examination 28
Intraoperative complications 204 Lipomatosis, epidural 36
cervical disc disease 98–99 Laminectomy Liver disease 81
CSM surgery 224–226 cervical disc disease 98, 120 Locking plates 219, 220, 220, 221,
thoracolumbar disc disease 127 CSM 218, 219, 227, 243–244 223
trauma surgery 297, 297–299 dorsal 98, 120, 126, 189–190, Locomotor status 20, 20, 22
tumor surgery 258 195–202, 218, 223, 272 Lomustine 254
Intubation 85 healing 86–87 Longissimus tendon 271
Intumescence 2, 3, 258 lumbosacral 188, 189–190, 192 Longus colli muscles 109, 112, 173
Iohexol 43, 49, 86 neoplasia 270–273 Loperamide 356
Ischemic injury 225 postoperative complications 209 Lower motor neurons (LMN)
Ischemic myelopathy 35, 36, 51, spinal trauma 294 bladder function 24, 351
122, 184, 281 technique diagnostic pitfalls 29
Ischemic neuromyopathy 20, 38, compared to pediculectomy 153 differentiation of abnormalities 26
122, 212, 281, 332–333 dorsal 126, 189–190, 218, 219, EMG 60
Ischemic neuropathy 281, 227 lesion severity 31–32
332–333 House curette 75 limb function 25–26
Ischemic spinal cord 86 spreader 74 motor system function 26
Isoflurane 85 thoracolumbar 126, 270–273 muscle atrophy 26
Itraconazole 331 Laminectomy membrane 228 reflexes 5, 26
Ivermectin 85 Laminoplasty 219, 223–224, thoracolumbar disc disease 121
245–246 Lumbar arteries 16
Large breed dogs see also specific Lumbar cord segments 3
breeds Lumbar disc disease see also
Jamshidi needle 79 cardiomyopathy 213 Lumbosacral disease
Jaw tone 20 CSM 211 anatomical location of the injury
Joint capsule proliferation 211 lumbosacral disease 183, 184 296
Joint pain 36, 122, 184, 320 spondylosis deformans 185 CSF collection 68–69
Jugular vein 69, 278 thoracolumbar disease 132–133 differential diagnosis 15, 35, 37
Junctionopathy 20 Laryngeal nerve 98, 99, 108 lumbar puncture 68, 69, 72
Laryngoscope 85 myelography 71
Larynx 171 radiography 47–48, 49–50
Laser therapy 348 Lumbar nerve roots 3
Ketoconazole 85 Lasix 65 Lumbar nutrient foramen 9
Ketoprofen 341, 342 Laxatives 356 Lumbodorsal fascia 154
Kidney disease Lesions (examination) Lumbosacral anatomy 11, 182
calculi 38 classification 50 Lumbosacral disease 181–209
cysts 55 decision-making algorithm 223, see also Lumbar disc disease
nephroblastoma 249–250 224 diagnosis
neurological patient 81 localization 21, 28–31 clinical signs 183
pain 122 severity 31–32 CT 186–188
worms 38, 122 Leukodystrophy 36, 320, 320–321 decision-making algorithm 189
Kirschner wires 178 Leukoencephalomalacia 320 differential 36, 184
372 Index

Lumbosacral disease (contd.) Massage (effleurage) 348 Methylprednisolone sodium succinate

discography 186 Mastiff (MPSS)
electrophysiology 184 CSM 215, 245 see also Corticosteroids
epidurography 186 dens hypoplasia 164 drug dose 84
examination 183–184 Hansen-type disc herniation 182 drug interactions 342
hyperesthesia 184 Medetomidine 343 drug side-effects 84
localization of signs 37 Medullary lesions 51 neuroprotective effect 83
L4/S3 lesions 37 Melena (coffee ground) vomit 339, spinal trauma 282, 293
myelography 185 356 treatment
survey radiography 185 Melanoma 248 CSM 217
non-surgical treatment 188 Meloxicam 341–342, 343 decision-making 293
surgical treatment Menace deficits 20, 29 fibrocartilaginous embolism
complications 191–192, 192 Meninges 3–4 332
dorsal fusion–fixation 190–191, Meningioma see also Neoplasia; outcome 133
204–209 Tumors preoperative 83–84, 217, 257
dorsal laminectomy 189–190, CSM 212 spinal cord tumors 257
195–202 diagnosis spinal trauma 282
facetectomy 190, 202–204 differential diagnosis 35 thoracolumbar disc disease
foraminal decompression 190, localization of signs 37 133
202–204 myelographic abnormalities 51 Metronidazole 85
prognosis 192 intradural 249 Micturition see also Urinary system;
Lumbosacral junction 296 prognosis 260 Urine
Lumbosacral myelography 48–49, 72 surgical dissection 273 neurological damage 24
Lumbosacral plexus 4, 30, 148 treatment outcome 261 physiological control 350
Lumbosacral reflexes 183 tumor classification 248 postoperative care 351
Lumbosacral vascular system 183 Meningitis–arteritis 329 Miniature dogs see also Small breed
Lumbosacral vertebrae Meningitis (FIP) 330 dogs
anatomy 8–9, 10, 11 Meningocele 212 Chihuahua 161
L1/L7, 1 Meningoencephalitis 38 pinscher 118
L2, 284 Meningomyelitis poodle 177, 325
L3, 36–37 CSM 212 schnauzer 332, 359
L4/S3, 28, 37–38 differential diagnosis 36 toy breeds 165
L6/L7, 296 localization of signs 37 Mini-chuck 76
L7, 12, 296 lumbosacral disease 184 Mini-hemilaminectomy
Lymphoma see also Neoplasia;Tumors neck pain 94 combined with pediculectomy
extradural 249 Meningomyelocele 36, 212 154
FeLV-associated 81, 263 Mental status dorsolateral 143
spinal 262 depression 339 lateral approach 151
tumor classification 248 neurological screening 20 thoracolumbar disc disease
Lysosomal storage disease 36, 326 postoperative care 359–360 126–127, 136, 151–154
Metabolic disease 36 Minocycline 327
Metaclopramide 356, 357 Miosis 25
Metal and cement fixation, see also Misoprostol 343, 356
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging Implants Mobilizers, surgical 75
atlantoaxial subluxation 164 CSM 218, 219, 221, 228, Morphine 340, 341
cervical disc disease 95–96 239–240 Motor system 5–6
comparison to CT 57 failure 258–259 Motor neurons (LMN and UMN) 5,
CSM 216 implant pattern 310, 312 20, 24–26, 29, 31–32, 60, 121,
diagnostic imaging 57–59 implants 239–240, 296 351
thoracolumbar disc disease 123 postoperative complications 228 Movement disorders 183 see also
trauma 285–286 trauma 309–316 Walking ability
Malacia, focal 148, 286, 293–294 ventral decompression 117 Moving of patients, postoperatively
Mannitol 65 Methenamine mandelate 352 343
Manx cat Methocarbamol 96, 102, 343 Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI 326
sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322 Methoxyfluorane 85 Mucosal bleeding time (buccal) 217
spina bifida 322 Methylmethacrylate bone cement 78 Multiple cartilaginous exostoses
Marsupialization 244, 325 see also Bone cement (osteochondromatosis) 212
Index 373

Multiple ventral implants 169, 177 Myelomalacia surgical treatment 255–259,

Muscle 146 malacia 148 266–279
Muscle activity see also postoperative 127, 359 tumor biology 248–250
Electromyography secondary to disc extrusion 333 Neospora caninum 42, 330
EMG 60–61 thoracolumbar disc disease 127, 128 Nephroblastoma 51, 248, 249–250,
gastrocnemius muscle 60 Myelopathy 261, 273
urinary sphincter 351 brachial plexus 36 Nerve block 341
Muscle atrophy 26, 183 cervical 38, 82, 212 Nerve compression 6, 29
Muscle masses 20, 26 degenerative 37, 184, 209 Nerve hook 76
Muscle miosis 25 differential diagnosis 184, 212 Nerve roots 3, 12, 21, 131
Muscle palpation 21, 24 fibrocartilaginous embolic 212 nerve root compression 29
Muscle relaxants 352 hemorrhage 82 nerve root signature 93, 94, 103,
Muscles and muscle groups hypoventilation 82 212, 279
epaxial 147, 152, 159, 196, 197 hereditary 36 nerve root tumors 251, 275,
iliocostalis 155, 156, 157, 158 ischemic 35, 37, 51, 184 279
intercostal 278 lumbosacral disease 184 Nerve sheath tumor
levator costarum 157, 158 myelographic abnormalities 51 clinical signs 248
longissimus 141, 155 Myelotomy 87 diagnostic imaging 252
longus colli 109, 112, 173, 233 Myesthenia gravis 38 differential diagnosis 35, 212
multifidus 271 Myopathy 20, 38 myelographic abnormalities 51
omotransversarius 276 Myositis 20, 38 prognosis 260–261
pectoral 276 Myxoma 260 resection 275–279
psoas 37, 38, 331 surgery 257
rhomboideus 241 tumor biology 248
scalenus 277, 278 Nerves
spinalis 242, 243, 267 Narcotic agents 85, 96, 340 cranial 20, 21, 25, 277, 278
sternocephalicus 107, 233 Necrosis femoral 127
sternohyoid 107,171 aseptic 259 laryngeal 98, 99, 108
sternothyroid 172 fat graft 36 musculocutaneous 31
strap 233 Needle biopsy 275 pelvic 30
trapezius 241 Neoplasia 247–279 see also specific pudendal 30
Musculocutaneous nerve 31 tumor types radial 31, 275
Mycobacterium 331 diagnosis saphenous 31
Myelitis 184 biopsy 251–252, 262 sciatic 30
Myelodysplasia (spinal dysraphism) classification 248 superficial peroneal 31
36 clinical signs 247–248 thoracic 277, 278
Myelography differential 35, 163, 281 tibial 31
abnormalities electrophysiology 250–251 ulnar 31
common causes 51 imaging 250–251 Nervous tissue, functional anatomy
CSM 213–216 localization of signs 37 1–6
interpretation 50–51 staging 252–254 Neuritis
neoplasia 251 extradural 248–249, 259 cauda equina 36, 37, 184
nerve sheath tumor 51 extramedullary 249–250, 259–261 polyradiculoneuritis 38
neurodegeneration 53–54 fibrosarcoma 38 Neurogenic muscle disease 24, 26
spinal cord expansion 57 intradural 38, 249–250, 259–261 Neurological disease
trauma 283–284 intramedullary 250, 261 CSM 212
complications 51–54, 217 lumbosacral 184 ischemic 38, 332–333
contrast media 49, 70, 86 nerve root tumors 251, 275, 279 localization of signs 37
indications 48–49 nerve sheath tumor 257, 275–279 lumbosacral disease 184
postoperative care 343 neurological patients 81 neuroaxonal dystrophy 320–321
spinal region prognosis 259–261, 263 neurogenic atrophy 26
cervical 49, 70–72, 95, 164 spinal 248, 261–263 neuromyopathy 37, 38, 184,
lumbar 49–50, 71 spinal cord 59, 257–258 212
lumbosacral 72 treatment neuropathy 38, 184, 332–333
normal lateral 49 decision-making algorithm 256 patient management 81
thoracolumbar 122–123 non-surgical treatment 254–255, peripheral 38, 184
Myeloma 42, 61, 248 262–263 trauma 282–283
374 Index

Neurological examination see also Non-surgical treatment Osteoporotic pathological fracture

Reflexes anti-inflammatory drugs 96 122
brachial plexus 30–31 atlantoaxial subluxation 164–165, Osteosarcoma 248, 249, 260
cranial nerves 20, 21, 25 166–167 Otitis externa 167
DAMNIT formula 21, 35, 36 cervical disc disease 96 Otitis media 94
differential diagnosis 20 complications 166–167 Oxymorphone 340
eyes 21 CSM 218
functional assessment decompression 124, 125
attitude, posture and gait 20, 22, fenestration 124, 125
29 immobilization 282 Packed cell volume (PCV) 82
hyperesthesia 20, 21, 184 lumbosacral disease 188, 192 Pain see also Deep pain sensation;
limbs 28, 29 recovery times 124, 125 Nociception
motor function 20, 22, 26 rest 125, 126, 131, 192, 228, 282, abdominal 38, 122
pain 21, 25, 27–28 288, 305 discogenic 184
proprioception 22 thoracolumbar disc disease 123, facet joint 36, 122, 184
urinary function 20, 21 124, 125 lumbosacral 181, 184
grading 124, 125 trauma 282, 289–290, 305–309 neck 94
lesion localization 21, 38–39 Nuchal ligament 241, 242 oropharyngeal 94
lumbosacral plexus 30–31 Nucleus pulposus 13, 111, 152, 156 with paraplegia 32
observation 20, 21 Nursing care, postoperative 343–345 pleuritic 94
palpation see also Postoperative complications postoperative
abdomen 22–24 Nutrient foramen 9 after hemilectomy 149
muscle 21, 26 Nutrition see also Food intake after spinal trauma 301–302
pain assessment 24 hypervitaminosis A 36, 37, 326 after ventral slot surgery 103
spine 24–25 postoperative nursing care sacroiliac joint 184
Neuromuscular disorders 20 344–345 thoracolumbar disc disease 122,
Neuromyopathy (ischemic) 20 vitamin disorders 36, 37, 217, 326 125
Neuropathy 38, 184, 332–333 Pain syndrome (thalamic) 38
Neurovascular bundle 139, 141 Palliative therapy 254
Neutrophils 43, 45 Palpation (spine) 24–25
Nitrous oxide 85 Obesity 83 Palpebral reflex 20
Nociception (pain perception) see also Occipital artery 15 Pancreatitis 38, 122, 357
Pain Occipital protuberance 178 Panniculus reflex 21
decision-making algorithms 293, Oculovestibular response 20 Panosteitis 20
294 Odontoidectomy 171, 177 Paraparesis 29, 32
deep pain sensation 20, 21, Oligodendroglioma 252 Paraplegia 26, 32, 130
87, 125, 127, 293–295, Omeprazole 356, 356 Paralysis
301–302 Operating loupes 73, 74 Coonhound 38
localization 37, 38 Operating microscope 73, 74 progressive myelomalacia 127
neurological examination 27–28 Operation duration 83 tick 38
pathophysiology 286 Opioid analgesics 340–341, 343, 356 Patellar luxation 20
prognosis 32, 301–302 side-effects 84–85, 340, 341 Patellar reflex 20, 26–27
recurrent 150 Organophosphate toxicity 38, 42 Pathophysiology, trauma 290–292
trauma 87, 293–295 Oropharyngeal pain 94 Patient examination
withdrawal reflex 28 Orthopedic disease etiology 20–28
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory CSM 211, 212 history taking 19
drugs (NSAIDs) see also Anti- DISH 326 lesions 28–32
inflammatory drugs fracture 122 neurological 20–28
cervical disc disease 96 lumbosacral 183, 184 physical 19–20
effect on thyroid function tests neurological patients 81 Paw position 20
217 mimicking spinal disease 20 Pedicle grafts 87
pharmacology 341 tumors 248, 249, 260 Pediculectomy 127, 151–154
postoperative care 192, 341–343 Osteoarthritis 20 Pelvic nerve 30
preoperative assessment 82, 83 Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) Penicillin derivatives 83
side-effects 83, 85, 341–342, 355, 20, 36, 37, 183 Penile erection 359
356 Osteophytes 211 Penrose drains 276
wound infection 357 Osteoporosis 38, 326 Perineal reflex 20
Index 375

Periodontal disease 83 flooring and bedding 345–346 surgical considerations 86–87

Periosteal elevator 75, 136, 197, 235 hydration and nutrition 344–345 Pressure sores 308
Peritonitis 330 moving patients 343 Procaine penicillin 357
Peroneal nerve 31 myelography 343 Proprioception (perception of
Pharynx pain 94 neoplasia 259 position)
Pheochromocytoma 20 neurosurgery 339 anatomical considerations 5
Phenobarbitone 217 physical therapy 346–350 effects of compression 6
Phenoxybenzamine 343, 352 recumbency 344 neurological examination 22
Physical examination 19–20 slings and harnesses 346, 347, 349 postoperative sensory stimulation
see also Neurological examination trauma 297 348
Physical therapy 131, 343, 346–350 treatment plans 343, 344 reflex step 23
Pilonidal sinus (dermoid sinus) 36, urinary function 344, 350–352, Prostate disease 38, 81, 122, 184
37, 184, 212, 323 353–355 Protein analysis 42, 45
Pin fixation 78 see also Cross-pin Postoperative complications 224 Protozoal infections 38, 330
fixation; Screw fixation see also Intraoperative Pruritus 183
angles for fixation 311, 312 complications; Preoperative Pseudohyperreflexia 27, 183
entry points and trajectory 312 complications Psoas muscle 37, 38, 122, 184, 281,
external fixation 292 cervical disc surgery 99–102 331
failure rates 169 CSM 225, 226–228 Psyllium 356
insertion 76 decubital ulcers 358–359 Ptosis 25
metal and cement fixation 309 deep pain sensation (loss of) 150 Pudendal nerve 30
stapling technique 315–316 deformity 258 Pug
Steinmann pins 221, 290–292, fenestration 130 lumbosacral disease 191
296, 298, 310, 314, 315 gastrointestinal 127, 297, 355–357 sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322
vertebral distraction–stabilization implant failure 258–259 tetraparesis 101
221 infections 83, 258, 259, 354–355, Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE)
Pinscher, miniature 118 357 359
Placing test 23 myelomalacia 359 Pupillary light reflex 20
Plasma cell tumor 259, 260 osseous fusion 97 Pyoderma 81
Platelets 82, 342 penile erection 258, 359 Pyometra 81
Pleocytosis 44, 45, 49, 329, 330 respiratory 168 Pyrimethamine 331
Pleuritic pain 94 self-mutilation 359
Pneumatic system 77 seroma formation 358
Pneumomediastinum 225 spinal cord tethering 149
Pneumonia 99, 297 thoracolumbar disc disease Rabies 330
Pneumothorax 127, 130, 158, 297 127–132 Radial nerve 31, 275
Polyarthritis 20, 38, 94, 122 thromboembolism 359 Radiation injury 36
Polymyositis 38, 94, 122, 163 trauma 299, 299–301 Radiation therapy 254–255
Polyradiculoneuritis 38, 184 tumor recurrence 259 Radicular arteries 16
Poodle urine scald 357–358 Radiculopathy 20, 38
atlantoaxial subluxation 161, 163, Posture, attitude and gait 20, 20, 23, Radiography
168 181 imaging techniques
dens hypoplasia 164 Prazosin 352 discography 50
Position (perception of) Prednisolone 96, 218, 329, 330 epidurography 50
anatomy 5 Prednisone 254 interpretation 50–51
nerve compression 6 Preoperative assessment myelography 48–50, 51–54
neurological examination 22 analgesia 84–85 normal spinal 46
postoperative sensory stimulation anesthesia 85–86 positioning 46, 47
348 client communication 87 principles 50–51
reflex step 23 clinical assessment 81–83 survey radiography 45–46, 283
Positive profile pins 78 durotomy 87 x-rays 82, 99
Postoperative care 339–360 imaging 82 lesions
analgesia 339–343 laminectomy healing 86–87 atlantoaxial joint 46–47
atlantoaxial subluxation 169 myelotomy 87 cervical 46, 49, 94
cervical disc disease 102 pharmacological considerations extradural 51
cleanliness 343–344 83–85 intradural 51
CSM 228–229 recovery after spinal cord injury 87 intramedullary 51
376 Index

Radiography (contd.) thoracolumbar disc disease 123, Sarcoma 248, 261

lesions (contd.) 124, 125 Scalenus muscle 277, 278
lumbar 49–50 Restrictive fibrosis 225, 273 Scalpel 75
neoplasia 250 Reticulosis (focal granulomatous Scar formation 86–87, 191, 192
thoracolumbar 122 meningoencephalomyelitis) 248 Schiff–Sherrington sign 26, 32
trauma 283 Retractors Schiff–Sherrington syndrome 32,
postoperative care 344 Adson–Baby 74 284
Ranitidine 356 Army Navy 152, 233 Schmorl’s node 36, 94, 184
Recovery times, thoracolumbar blunt 74 Schnauzer (miniature)
surgery 125 Gelpi 74, 108, 138, 235, 236, 237, decubital ulcers 359
Recumbency 238 fibrocartilaginous embolism 332
CSF collection 59 Gosset 74 Sciatic nerve 31
imaging 47, 55 Langenbeck 138 Scintigraphy 59–60
postoperative 225, 228–229, 344 multi-toothed 74 Scoliosis 61, 127
Red blood cell counts 44, 45 pediatric Balfour 74 Screaming (in dogs) 94
Reflexes 26–27 self-retaining 74, 197 Screw fixation see also
anal 183, 185 Senn 138 Fusion–fixation; Pin fixation
crossed extensor 32 Weitlander 74 atlantoaxial subluxation 166, 169,
cutaneous trunci 20, 24, 24, 26–27 Retriever 174–176
hock flexion 27, 30, 182 bulbous dilation of dorsal arachnoid CSM 220, 223, 225, 226,
LMN 5, 26 space 324 237–240
palpebral 20 left hemiparesis 29 failure rates 169
panniculus 21 myelomalacia 61 lumbar spine 274, 296
patellar 20, 26–27 thoracolumbar spinal cord lumbosacral spine 190, 191, 192,
perineal 20 segments 3 296
postural 20 vertebral bone loss 61 pelvic limb lameness 204
pseudohyperreflexia 27, 183 Rhizotomy 148 postoperative complications 208,
pupillary 20 Rhodesian ridgeback 222 225, 226
reflex step 23 Rib (thirteenth) 140, 155 techniques
Schiff–Sherrington sign 32 Rickettsia 42, 330 cement plug 237, 238
spinal 20, 21, 87 Rongeurs 76 laminectomy 191, 192, 208
UMN 6, 26 Root signature 93, 94, 103, 212, 279 locking plates 223
withdrawal 20, 27, 28, 31 Rottweiler metal and cement fixation
Renal disease atlantoaxial subluxation 161 239–240
calculi 38 CSM surgery 244 placement 207, 208
cysts 55 discospondylitis 328 threaded screws 240, 292, 309
nephroblastoma 249–250 laminectomy 201, 244 ventral slot 220
neurological patients 81 leukodystrophy 320–321 vertebrectomy 274
pain 122 leukoencephalomalacia 320 trauma 296
worms 38, 122 lumbar tumor 254 Sedatives 282
Respiratory disorders neuroaxonal dystrophy 320–321 Sedimentation chambers 44
dyspnea after imaging 82 spinal compression 216 Seizures
fentanyl-induced 84 after myelography 53–54, 86, 339
hypoventilation 82 after neurosurgery 339
pneumomediastinum 225 prazosin 352
pneumonia 99, 297 Sacral vertebrae Self-mutilation 127, 183, 359
pneumothorax 127, 130, 158, S1/S3, 1 Sensory function see also Neurological
297 S3, 37, 37–38 examination; Nociception;
postoperative 168 Sacrocaudal spine Proprioception
pulmonary edema 167 dysgenesis 36, 37, 322 ascending sensory tracts 5
respiratory arrest 167 localization of signs 37 facial sensation 20
upper airway disease 20, 38 tail injury 296–297 Sepsis (postoperative) 99, 229, 259,
Rest see also Non-surgical treatment Sacroiliac joint pain, cervical 36, 184, 297
cage confinement 125, 126, 131, 320 Septic arthritis 20
228, 288, 305 see also Lumbosacral disease Septic shock 83
lumbosacral surgery 192 Sacrum 3 Seroma formation 99, 191, 229, 358
spinal trauma 282, 288 Saphenous nerve 31 Sevofluorane 85
Index 377

Sharpei 60 Spondylomyelopathy (cervical) 20, Syringohydromyelia 163

Shih Tzu 35, 36, 94, 71, 211–246, 281 Syringomyelia 36, 37, 51, 94, 163,
chondrodystrophy 12 see also Wobbler syndrome 212, 297, 311, 322
disc extrusion 94 Spondylosis deformans 185, 320, 321
L4/S3 neurological defects 30 Sponges 77, 78, 79, 141
neck pain 94 Stabilization
Shock atlantoaxial subluxation 166–167 Tail defects
septic 83 caudal disc extrusion 96 lumbosacral disease 183
spinal 32, 282 cervical disc disease 117–118 sacrocaudal dysgenesis 322
Silky terrier (disc extrusion) 102 Staphylococcus 327, 330 Tail injuries 296–297
Sinus (pilonidal) 36, 37, 184, 212, 323 Stapling (spinal) 316 Tartar scrapers 76
Skeletal hyperostosis 36, 326 St Bernard 238 Technical errors 258
Skeleton 6–14 Steatitis (epidural) 330–331 Temperature, pulse, respiratory rate
Slings and harnesses 346, 347, 349 Steinmann pins 221, 290–292, 296, (TPR) 343, 344
Small breed dogs see also Miniature 298, 310, 314, 315 Temporal muscle mass 20
dogs; Toy breed dogs Stenosis Temporomandibular joint lesion 94
atlantoaxial subluxation 161 cervical fibrotic 36, 37, 212 Tendonitis 20
thoracolumbar disc disease 151 vertebral canal 183 Tendons 20, 271
Soft tissue tumors 94 Sternocephalicus muscles 107 Terazosin 352
Spears 77 Sternohyoid muscles 107 Tetanus 38
Specific gravity (CSF) 45 Sternothyroid muscles 172, 172 Tethered spinal cord 36, 37, 149,
Sphincter tone 191 Steroid-responsive meningitis–arteritis 184, 322
Spina bifida 36, 37, 184, 322 329 Tetracyline antibiotics 331
Spinal arteries 16 Steroids 83, 326, 329, 357 Thalamic pain syndrome 38
Spinal cord see also Corticosteroids; Non- Thiamine deficiency 36
anatomy 1, 1–6, 24 steroidal anti-inflammatory Thoracic spine
blood supply 16 drugs anatomy 8–9
evoked responses 60–61 Stilette 65 aorta 10
nerve fibers 6 Stranguria 184 blood supply 15
segments 1–3 Streptococcus 327 localization of injury 296
ultrasound examination 55 Streptomycin 327 mid-bodies 10
white matter tracts 5–6 Subdural hemorrhage 57 radiography 47–48
Spinal cord disease Subdural space 4 spinal cord segments 3
compression 227, 228 Sucralfate 344, 356 Thoracolumbar disc disease
expansion 57 Suction tip and bulb syringe 77 diagnosis
hematoma 36, 37, 94, 212, Supraspinous ligaments 14 clinical signs 121–122
333–334 Surgical instruments 73–79 CSF analysis 122
hemorrhage 36, 51, 94, 281, Surgicel 77 decision-making algorithm 124
333–334 Surgifoam 77 differential 122
herniation 147, 273 Survey radiography 163–164, 213, imaging techniques 56, 122–123
infection 330 283 kyphosis 131
injury 87 Suturing 276 non-surgical treatment 123–126
ischemia 86 Swallowing 20 prognosis 132–133
liquification 132 Swimming therapy 348–349 surgery
malacia 287 Synovial articulations 9–11 complications 127, 129,
swelling 127 Synovial cyst 320 130–132
tethering 36, 37, 149, 184, 322 cervical 215 disc extrusion 127, 129, 131
tumors 59, 257–258 column splitting 52 decompression 124, 126–127,
Spinal dysraphism (myelodysplasia) CSM 212, 219, 245 130
36, 212, 322 differential diagnosis 36, 94, 122 fenestration 127, 154–159
Spinal ganglion 3 localization of signs 37 hemilaminectomy 126,
Spinalis muscle 267 lumbosacral 183 126–127, 136–150,151–154
Spinal nerves 3, 183, 191, 277, Synthes locking plate 219, 220, 221 kyphosis 131
278 Syringes laminectomy 126, 270–273
Spinal palpation 24–25 collection of CSF 67 pediculectomy 126, 127,
Splints, external 239, 290, 305, 306 hypodermic needles 76 151–154
Spondylitis 326–328 suction tip and bulb syringe 77 recovery times 124–125
378 Index

Thoracolumbar vertebrae spinal region Urinary system see also Bladder

T1/T13, 1 cervical 295–297 antiseptic 352
T2, 36 lumbar 296 function 21, 22, 23–24, 351–352
T3/L3, 15, 28, 36, 37 lumbosacral 184 incontinence 24, 183, 302
Thrombin 99 sacral 36, 296–297 infection 42, 81, 82, 83, 131, 297,
Thrombocytopenia 82 thoracic 282, 296 355
Thromboembolism 359 treatment micturition disorders 351
Thrombosis (iliac) 332–333 bone grafts 292 neurological damage 24
Thyroid gland 20, 172, 217 choice 293–295 pharmacology 352
Thyroid hormone supplementation complications 297–301 physiological control 350
217 fixation 2890–291, 316–318 postoperative care 351
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) metal and bone cement Urine
217 291–292, 309–316 urine retention 182
Tibial crest avulsion 20 modified segmental 291 urinalysis 42, 339, 343, 344
Tibial nerve 31 non-surgical treatment 289–290, urine scald 127, 297, 339,
Tick paralysis 38 305–309 357–358
Toxicity postoperative care 297 voiding change 339
organophosphate 38, 42 urinary tract 282
toxic disease 36 Traumatic feline ischemic myelopathy
toxic myopathy 38 36, 37, 281
zinc 358 Trimethoprim–sulfonamide 85, 331, Vascular disease 20, 36, 329,
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis) 343, 355 332–334;
42, 330 Tube cystostomy 355 see also Cardiovascular disorders
Toy breed dogs 165, 325 Tumoral calcinosis (calcinosis Vascular system see also Blood supply
see also Miniature dogs circumscripta) 36, 37, 122, 212, arteries
TPR (temperature, pulse, respiratory 326 aorta 10, 332–333
rate) 343, 344 Tumors 252–254 see also Neoplasia; intercostal 15, 278
Trachea 108, 171 specific types of tumor occipital 15
Traction (response to) 213, 214, biopsy 61–62 omocervical 276
223, 224 classification 248, 253 superficial cervical 278
Transverse foramen 7, 8 seeding 276 blood supply
Transverse ligament of the atlas spinal 59, 257–258, 261–263 spinal regions
14 cervical spine 15
Trauma 281–318 see also lumbar spine 16
Atlantoaxial subluxation lumbosacral spine 183
bile duct rupture 19 Ulcer formation spinal cord 16
biomechanics 286–289 decubital 339, 358–359 thoracic spine 15
diagnosis gastrointestinal 127, 297, 341, vertebral column 14–17
anatomical location of the injury 356 veins
295–297 Ulnar nerve 31 azygous 15
decision-making algorithm 293, Ultrasonography 54–55, 250 jugular 278
294 Ultrasound therapy 347 venous drainage 17
differential 36, 184 Upper airway disease 20, 38 vena cava 10
imaging techniques 283, Upper motor neurons (UMN); see venous plexus 114, 145–146,
283–286 also Lower motor neurons 148
initial assessment 281–282 bladder function 20, 24, 351 Ventilation (mechanical) 101
neurological signs 28, 282–283, crossed extensor reflex 32 Ventral decompression (slot)
293–295 EMG 60 cervical disc disease 99, 103
fracture 21, 36, 87, 286–289 motor evaluation 25–26 comparison to fenestration 97
gunshot injury 36, 331 reflexes 6, 26 complications 98, 99, 227, 228
neurology severity 31–32 CSM 218, 218, 219–221, 227,
deep pain sensation 293–295 thoracolumbar disc disease 121 228
examination 21 Ureter calculi 38, 122 laryngeal nerve 108
pathophysiology 289–292 Urethra lumbosacral disease 192
psoas muscle 331 innervation 351 postoperative care 100, 101,
prognosis 301–302 neoplasia 184 102
recovery 87 tumor 38 recovery 103
Index 379

Ventral fissure 16 Vomiting 339, 355–356 White matter tracts 5–6

Vertebrae (general) Von Willebrand (VW) factor/disease Wire fixation
anticlinal 9 cervical hematoma 360 atlantoaxial subluxation 167, 169,
blood supply 14–17 CSM surgery 229 178–180
column splitting 52 diagnosis 217 dorsal 178–180
congenital anomalies 321–322 hypothyroidism 217 failure rates 169
functional anatomy 1–15 preoperative assessment 82 K-wires 117, 167–168, 235
intervertebral discs 11–12 routine laboratory analysis 42 Withdrawal reflex 20, 28, 31
ligaments 13–14 Wobbler syndrome see also Cervical
spinal cord segments 2–3 spondylomyelopathy
synovial articulations 9–11 domino lesions 101
Vertebral buttress 287–289 Walking ability drug-induced seizures 86
Vertebral canal 7, 8 CSM surgery 229 horses 218
cauda equina compression 181 lumbar vertebrectomy 274 MRI 58
CSM 211, 219 neurological examination 32 surgery 77, 218
differential diagnosis 36 pain 32 Working dogs (lumbosacral disease)
tumors 253 paraparesis 32 183, 188
type I disc extrusion 14 paraplegia 32 Wounds and wound infections
Vertebral column 14–17 spinal reflex 87 discharge 339
Vertebral distraction/stabilization supported 346 dressings 344, 357
218, 219, 221–223 thoracolumbar disc surgery 124, obesity 83
see also Fixation–stabilization; 130 postoperative 99, 127, 128, 297,
Internal fixation devices; Metal ventral slot surgery 102, 103 339, 357
and cement fixation Warfarin 333 predisposing factors 83, 357
Vertebral foramen 141 Washing (postoperative) 343 prevention 357
Vertebral fracture 225, 331 Water bath therapy 348–349 routine laboratory analysis 42
Vertebral instability 211 Water intake 85, 343, 344–345, septic shock 83
Vertebral plexus 15, 269, 273 355
Vertebral tumors 253, 255–257 Waterproof drapes 74
Vertebrectomy 255, 273–274 Wedges (foam) 46
Vestibular disease 85 Weimaraner Xanthochromia 45
Viral infections 330 atlantoaxial subluxation 161
Visual function spinal dysraphism 322
blindness 85 Westie (marsupialization) 325
neurological examination 20, 21 Wheelbarrowing test 23 Yorkshire terrier 43
placing test 23 White blood cells (WBC)
ptosis 25 CSF analysis 44, 45
Vitamin A 36, 37, 326 meningitis 329
Vitamin E 217, 257 urinalysis 42 Zinc toxicity 358

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