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CAP 6-10

Put it down to experience=se intampla cv rau dar decizi sa ineti din grs
Know where I stand=te ingrijoreaza relatia cu cineva
Given me food for thought=overthink
Learnt my leason=inveti din greseli
Teach him a lesson=se invata minte
Got the message=become aware of a fact
Set/put the record straight=a face totul clar
I heard it through the grapevine=a auzit de la cnv care a auzit de la altcnv
A figment of your imagintion=cv ce ti ai imaginat dar nu e adv
Lost sight of=a uita cv important
What beats me=ceea ce nu inteleg...
Having second thoughts=a avea indoieli
The ins and outs of=the details of
Makes all the difference=has a very good effect on a thing
Goes like a dream=goes very well indeed
Works like magic=works very well
Goes from strength to strength=gets better and better
Does the trick=solves a problem very well
Is the be-all-and-end-all=is the most important thing
Turns out to be a blessing in disguise=are un efect bun desi la inceput nu parea
Someoneisa victim oftheir own success=succesul lor are un efect negativ, nu pozitiv
Someone doenst have the ghost of a chance=they have no chance at all
Smth gives up the ghost= cnv se opreste din a castiga deoarece stiu ca n au sansa
Someone leaves their mark on..=cnv are efect asupra cv pt totdeauna
Would go places=be succesful
Hit the big time=sa fi cunoscut national si sa faci bani
Made a go of=been very succesful with
Come up against a brick wall=maopreste cv din a face ce mi am propus
Put my foot in=a spune cv stanjenitor
In dire straits=intr o situatie dificila
Dug myself into a hole= am facut cv si e greu sa ies din acea situatie
Spread myself too thin=incerc sa le fac pe toate si in final n am putut sa fac nimic
Be left holding the baby=m au lasat sa fac tot singura
Got me Over a barrel= sunt intr o situatie din care nuj cum sa ies, n am csf
Clutching at straws now=sunt intr o situatie dificila si o sa incerc orice
Drawn a blank=nu pot sa obtin ceva ce mi am propus
Face the music=sa accepti pedeapsa pt ce ai facut
Fact of life=cv ce trb sa ccepti pt ca n ai csf
Easier said than done=usor de zis, greu de facut
Making to=sa ai de-a face cu cv ce nu vrei
Give it a shot/whirl=a incerca, a ii da o sansa
Get to grips with=a face un efort sa nu ai de-a face cu o situatie
To be on the safe side=sa ai grija desi nu e necesar
Get to the bottom of=a inerca sa afle adevarul
Shed a great deal of light/brought to light/come to light= a fost adus la lumina, s a aflat
Shed/throw lighton smth=a ajuta pe cnv sa inteleaga cv
In the bag=cu siguranta poate atinge acel scop
The answer to my prayers=cv de care aveai nevoie sau cnv
Wave a magic wand=a gasi o solutie usoara pt o problema
Tie up a few loose ends=sa faci cv inainte sa fie cv complet
Fall into place=be understood or go well
Pick up the pieces=sa se intoarca la normal
Taking the law into their own hands=sa faci cv ce ar trb sa faca politia etc
Have become a law unto themselves=sunt scapati de sub control si ignora legea
Lay down the law=be firm and clear about the law
Bending the rules=a las ape cnv sa incalce legea
Carry the can=sa accepti vina desi altii sunt vinovati
Get/let someone off the hook=a lasa pe cineva fara resposabilitati sau sa l tina departe de o
situatie dificila
Leave someone on their own devices=a lasa pe cineva nesupraveghat, sa ia deciziile singur
Are at the recieving end=sunt tinta criticilor altcuiva
Are at someone s beck and call=sa faci ceva ce zice cnv oriundsi oricand
Get your own way=a convinge pe cnv sa te lase sa faci ce vrei
Go to the polls=vote in a general ellection
Spin doctors=cnv se intalneste cu presa si povesteste totul intr-un mod care il avantajeaza
A hidden agenda=o incercare de a ascunde informatii importante, intentiile adevarate


CAP 6-10

Fringe benefits=smth extra you get because of your job in addition to your pay

Be blown away by smth=it amazes you bcs it was good

They are on the same wavelength=they think in the same way

Part and parcel=a necessary part of an event or experience which cannot be avoided

Burning a hole in the pocket of...=if you have money, u want to spend it as soon as possible

See eye to eye=to agree

Get their act together=organise themselves so that they do things efficiently

Sit on the fence=delay making a decision when they have to choose between two different options
in a dispute („sunt Elvetia”)

Be back on square one=have to work again on smth bcs the other attempt failed

Have/has been stirred with a stick=very untidy

Tuned to the moon=eccentric

Over the back=typical for someone

Right off the bat=do smth immediately

Throw someone the curveball=surprise someone with smth difficult to deal with

Batting a thousand=do smth very well better than u hoped

Drop the ball=do smth stupid

Catch some z”s= sleep

Fresh out of smth=has just finished/sold all its supply

Is not worth a dime=no value

The icing/frosting on the cake=cv face cv mai bun

Fight like cats and dogs=argue violently all the time

Donkey/grunt work=hard/boring work

Take the biscuit/cake=to describe smth u find annoying

Weep/cry buckets=cry a lot

Hard/cold cash=bani gheata

Like the cat that got the cream/like the cat that ate the canary=very pleased with oneself

The first lady of...=the best

From hell=difficult, hard to deal with

Fallen off the radar=been forgotten

Go the extra mile=make a big effoert for smth unnecessary

Do exactly what it says on the tin=do exactly what it claims to do

Like nailing jelly to a wall=difficult to understand or describe because it is not clear

Be cool with smth=happy with the suggestion

Doesn t float my boat=disagree with one sb likes

Big time=extremely

End of story/discusion=cand nu vrei sa mai discuti despre cv

Too much info.=cand cnv iti spune cv foarte personal despre care nu vrei sa auzi

Don t even go there=cand cnv deschide un subiect ce nu iti place

As thin as a rake=very thin

As smooth as silk=very smooth

As bright as a button=very clever

As thick as two short planks=very stupid

As fresh as a daisy=full of energy

Ran like the wind=very fast

Drives like a maniac=fast and badly

Fits like a glove=se potriveste de minune

As clear as crystal=very clearly

As poor as a church mouse=very poor

As silent as the grave=totally silent

As dry as a bone=very dry

As dry as dust=very boring

As red as a beetroot=red faced through embarrassment

Were all over her like a rash=close to someone in a seductive way

As thick as thieves=very close, sharing secrets

As quick as a flash=very quickly

As keen as mustard=very eager, enthusiastic

Fighting like cat and dog=always fighting

Working like a dog=work very hard

A face like thunder=very angry

As stubborn as a mule=very stubborn

Black and white=clear

Neat and tidy=tidy

Hit and miss=sometimes good, sometimes bad

Neck and neck=equal

Wear and tear=damage bcs it is used everyday

Black and blue=very bruised

Bumper to bumper=very heavy

Little by little=putin cate putin, gradually

Give or take=plus or minus

Here, there and everywhere=everywhere

Heads or tails=cap sau pajura

At sixes ans sevens=in a state of confusion

Out and about=active, doing her ususal activities

Chalk and cheese=totally different

Hustle and bustle=crowds and noise

Be all fingers and thumbs=unable to do what u want

In dribs and drabs=small amounts at a time

Blood, sweat and tears=hard work

Time after time=many times

Waxed and waned=fluctuated

Through and through=typical, completely

Every nook and cranny=every small place

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