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Image Retrieval
A big part of the data that we work with is presented as an image, drawing, or photo.
In this chapter, we will implement a similarity-based image retrieval without the
use of any metadata or concept-based image indexing. We will work with distance
metric and dynamic warping to retrieve the most similar images.

In this chapter we will cover:

• Image similarity search

• Dynamic time warping
• Processing the image dataset
• Implementing DTW
• Analyzing the results

Image similarity search

While comparing two or more images, the first question that comes to our mind
is what makes an image similar to another? We can say that one image is equal to
another if all their pixels match. However, a small change in the light, angle, or
rotation of the camera represents a big change in the numerical values of the pixels.
Finding ways to define if two images are similar is the main concern of services such
as Google Search by Image or TinEye, where the user uploads an image instead of
providing keywords or descriptions as search criteria.
Similarity-based Image Retrieval

Humans have natural mechanisms to detect patterns and similarity. Comparing

images at content or semantic level is a difficult problem and an active research field
in computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. We can represent
an image as a matrix (two-dimensional array), in which each position of the matrix
represents the intensity or the color of the image. However, any change in the
lighting, camera angle, or rotation means a large numerical shift in the matrix. The
question that comes to our mind is how can we measure similarity between matrices?
To address these problems the data analysis implements several content-based image
retrieval (CBIR) tools such as comparison of wavelets, Fourier analysis, or pattern
recognition with neural networks. However, these methods cause a loss of a lot of
the image information, or need an extensive training similar to the neural networks.
The most used method is the description-based image retrieval using metadata
associated with the images, but in an unknown dataset, this method is not effective.

In this chapter, we used a different approach, taking advantage of the elastic

matching of a time series, which is a method widely used in voice recognition and
time series comparison. For the purposes of this chapter, we understand the time
series as a sequence of pixels. The trick is to turn the pixels of the image into a
numerical sequence, as is shown in the following figure:

Dynamic time warping (DTW)

Dynamic time warping (DTW) is an elastic matching algorithm used in pattern
recognition. DTW finds the optimal warp path between two time series. DTW is used
as a distance metric, often implemented in speech recognition, data mining, robotics,
and in this case image similarity.

The distance metric measures how far are two points A and B from each other in
a geometric space. We commonly use the Euclidian distance which draws a direct
line between the pair of points. In the following figure, we can see different kinds of
paths between the points A and B such as the Euclidian distance (with the arrow)
but also we see the Manhattan (or taxicab) distance (with the dotted lines), which
simulate the way a New York taxi moves through the buildings.

[ 94 ]
Chapter 5

A Euclidean Distance
Manhattan Distance

DTW is used to define similarity between time series for classification, in this
example, we will implement the same metric with sequences of pixels. We can say
that if the distance between the sequence A and B is small, these images are similar.
We will use Manhattan distance between the two series to sum of the squared
distances. However, we can use other distances metrics such as Minkowski or
Euclidean, depending on the problem at hand.

In the following figure we can observe warping between two time series:

Distance metrics are formulated in the Taxicab geometry proposed

by Hermann Minkowski, for more information about it visit

[ 95 ]
Similarity-based Image Retrieval

The example of this chapter will use mlpy, which is a Python module for Machine
Learning, built on top of numPy and sciPy. The mlpy library implements a version of
DTW that can be found at

See Appendix, Setting Up the Infrastructure, for complete instructions on how to

install mlpy library.

In the paper Direct Image Matching by Dynamic Warping, Hansheng Lei and
Venu Govindaraju implement a DTW for image matching, finding an optimal
pixel-to-pixel alignment, and prove that DTW is very successful in the task.

In the following figure we can observe a cost matrix with the minimum distance
warp path traced through it to indicate the optimal alignment:

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Chapter 5

Processing the image dataset

The image set used in this chapter is the Caltech-256, obtained from the
Computational Vision Lab at CALTECH. We can download the collection of all
30607 images and 256 categories from

In order to implement the DTW, first we need to extract a time series (pixel sequences)
from each image. The time series will have a length of 768 values adding the 256 values
of each color in the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) color model of each image. The
following code implements the"Image.jpg") function and cast into an
array, then simply add the three vectors of color in the list:
from PIL import Image
img ="Image.jpg")
arr = array(img)
list = []
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][0]) #R
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][1]) #G
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][2]) #B

Pillow is a PIL fork by Alex Clark, compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x.
PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh. In this chapter,
we will use Pillow due to its compatibility with Python 3.2 and can be
downloaded from

Implementing DTW
In this example, we will look for similarity in 684 images from 8 categories. We will
use four imports of PIL, numpy, mlpy, and collections:
from PIL import Image
from numpy import array
import mlpy
from collections import OrderedDict

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Similarity-based Image Retrieval

First, we need to obtain the time series representation of the images and store
it in a dictionary (data) with the number of the image and its time series as
data[fn] = list.

The performance of this process will lie in the number of images

processed, so beware of the use of memory with large datasets.

data = {}

for fn in range(1,685):
img ="ImgFolder\\{0}.jpg".format(fn))
arr = array(img)
list = []
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][0])
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][1])
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][2])
data[fn] = list

Then, we need to select an image for the reference, which will be compared with all
the other images in the data dictionary:
reference = data[31]

Now, we need to apply the mlpy.dtw_std function to all the elements and store the
distance in the result dictionary:
result ={}
for x, y in data.items():
#print("{0} --------------- {1}".format(x,y))
dist = mlpy.dtw_std(reference, y, dist_only=True)
result[x] = dist

Finally, we need to sort the result in order to find the closest elements with the
OrderedDict function and print the ordered result:

sortedRes = OrderedDict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x:

for a,b in sortedRes.items():

[ 98 ]
Chapter 5

In the following screenshot, we can see the result and we can observe that the result
is accurate with the first element (reference time series). The first result presents a
distance of 0.0 because it's exactly similar to the image we used as a reference.

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Similarity-based Image Retrieval

All the codes and datasets of this chapter may be found in

the author's GitHub repository at

We can see the complete code as follows:

from PIL import Image
from numpy import array
import mlpy
from collections import OrderedDict

data = {}

for fn in range(1,685):
img ="ImgFolder\\{0}.jpg".format(fn))
arr = array(img)
list = []
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][0])
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][1])
for n in arr: list.append(n[0][2])
data[fn] = list
reference = data[31]

result ={}

for x, y in data.items():
#print("{0} --------------- {1}".format(x,y))
dist = mlpy.dtw_std(reference, y, dist_only=True)
result[x] = dist

sortedRes = OrderedDict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x:

for a,b in sortedRes.items():

[ 100 ]
Chapter 5

Analyzing the results

This example presents a basic implementation that can be adapted in several cases
such as 3D object recognition, face recognition, or image clustering. The goal of this
chapter is to present how we can easily compare time series without any previous
training, in order to find the similarity between images. In this section we present
seven cases and will analyze the results.

In the following figure, we can see the first three searches and can observe a good
accuracy in the result, even in case of the bus the result displays the result elements
in different angles, rotation, and colors:

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Similarity-based Image Retrieval

In the following figure, we see the fourth, fifth, and sixth search, and we can observe
that the algorithm performs well with an image that has a good contrast in colors.

In case of the seventh search the result is poor, and in similar cases when the
references time series is a landscape or a building, the result are images that are not
related to the search criteria. This is because the RGB color model of the time series is
very similar to other categories. In the following figure, we can see that the reference
image and the first result share a big saturation of the color blue. Due to this, their
time series (sequences of pixels) are very similar. We may overcome this problem
by using a filter such as Find Edges on the images before the search. In Chapter 14,
Online Data Analysis with IPython and Wakari, we present the use of filters, operations,
and transformations for image processing using PIL.

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Chapter 5

In the following table we can see the result of the complete set of tests:

Categories Number of % First Result % Second Result

Images Right Right
Dinosaurs 102 99 99
African people 85 98 95
Bus 56 98 90
Horse 122 92 88
Roses 95 96 92
Elephants 36 98 87
Landscape 116 60 52
Buildings 72 50 45

In this chapter, we introduced the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm, which is
an excellent tool to find similarity between time series without any previous training.
We presented an implementation of DTW to find similarity between a set of images,
which worked very well in most cases. This method can be used for several other
problems in a variety of areas such as robotics, computer vision, speech recognition,
and time series analysis. We also saw how to turn an image into a time series with
the PIL library. Finally we learned how to implement DTW with the mlpy library. In
the next chapter, we will present how simulation can help us in the data analysis and
how to model pseudo-random events.

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