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How have time and

space been redefined for you recently? What has changed?

2.What continued to be important to you when things changed? Who did you stay connected to?
How do these things + people bring you stability, allow for you to grow, and help define your

3.What are you learning during this time about what and who is important to you?

4.How can you honor that importance going forward?

“Ask yourself what is really important, and then have the wisdom and courage to build your life
around that answer.” -Lee Jampolsky

complicated or confused in your life?

6.How do you think you could begin to untangle this and find some clarity?

7.What might make it difficult?

8.How might your resilience building practices strengthen your spirit and help you to face this

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” -Albert Einstein

routine allow for reflection? How often do you take time out to think and/or talk about how things
are going for you + what you can do to be healthier + happier?

10.What areas of your life might need more reflection (more thinking + talking about them) than
they have been getting so far?

11.It is easy to keep our mind busy with social media, TV, and conversations about other people’s
problems. Sometimes this can become a defense mechanism to distract ourselves from really
looking inward. What might you stay blind to if you do not make enough space for reflection?

12.Is there anything in your life that feels like a grind? Where might there be room to incorporate
your resilience building practices into this?

…… “Sometimes, you just need a break. In a beautiful place. Alone. To figure out everything

SECOND FEELS LIKE HIND? There is an old saying that hindsight is 2020. This means that when you
look back on something, your vision of how a set of decisions played out is much clearer than
when you were making them, and you may wish you could change some past decisions. What past
decisions would you like to learn from and do differently in future situations?

14.What decisions have you been making recently that may need to be looked at more closely?

15.Imagine your future self a year from now (or 5, or 10). What wisdom or advice would you want
to share with your current self?
16.In what ways might you want to redirect your decisions based on your reflections?

…………………..“We repeat what we don’t repair.” -Christine Langley-Obaugh

17.CAN WE RISE IN PLACE EVEN AS WE SIT STILL? What things are people rising up about around
you? How do you feel about it?

18.Is there anything you are currently rising up for? If not, is there something you would like to
rise and stand up for?

19. How are you rising up or how could you rise and stand up for what is important to you?

20.How can you do this while still allowing time + space for reflection and resilience building
practices to keep your spirit strong and steady as you rise?

”The time is always right to do what is right.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

21.CAN WE RISE TO FACE THE WALLS OF OUR WILL? Where or how do you feel stuck as you rise up
for what is important to you?

22.What parts of this feeling are within your control and what parts are not?

23.What could help you change the things that are in your control?

24.How might this help you to feel less stuck? What hopeful actions might become possible?

………..“The only thing you can really control… is how you react to things out of your control.”
-Bassami Tazar

25.CAN WE RISE LIKE THE TIDES, EYES ON PRIZE, AS TEARS SPILL? * Who is or might be willing to
rise and stand up with you for what is important to you?

26.How can you work together for the changes you want?

27.Why is it important to have a clear focused goal to work towards?

28.Is there anything about this issue that makes you sad or angry? How might taking action help
you to not feel as overwhelmed by this sadness or anger?

…”I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change… I’m changing the things I cannot accept.”
-Angela Davis

29.AND THEN RISE ONCE AGAIN WHEN THEY ONCE AGAIN FILL? Are there any setbacks you have
had recently or in the past as you worked to stand up for something important to you?

30.What or who helped you or could help you not to give up after a setback?

31.How do you relate to sadness and anger? Do you allow yourself to feel and move through
them? What helps you to eventually find peace?

32.How can resilience help you to stay committed even when things get hard? What is one
resilience building practice you might need to remind yourself of today?
……………………….“Every setback is a setup for a comeback.” -T.D. Jakes *For more information on
mind-body responses to stress and trauma, please see Supplement II on p. 55

different than others around you?

34.What life might feel very different than your own?

35.How much time do you or would you like to spend getting to know people whose lives are very
different from your own? Why?

36.What connects us even when our lives are very different? Why are these things important to
remember as we learn about each other’s lives?

“Although we come from vastly different stories and very different walks of life, …we also share a
recognition that together, we can accomplish great and wonderful things that we can’t accomplish
alone.” -Barack Obama

37.CAN WE LEARN TO LISTEN AND NOT JUST TO SEE? Share a time when you made an assumption
from looking at someone and then found yourself surprised when they told you more about

38.Why might it be dangerous to make assumptions based only on what we see?

39.How does listening help us learn more about others? How could you strengthen your listening

40.Who could you listen to more carefully or more often? What would you want to learn more
about from them?

“The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete. They
make one story become the only story.” -Chimamanda Adichie

41.CAN WE RISE TO THE CHANGE THAT WE WANT US TO BE? What vision do you have for your
community or our world that you share or would like to share with others?

42.How do you or can you begin to make that vision a reality through your daily decisions and

43.Sometimes there is so much change we want that it can be overwhelming to know where to
start. What might be a simple and realistic starting place for you?

44.How can you help others in your community or beyond to find their starting place as well?

...................”We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Ghandi

45. AND STAY RISING TOGETHER ‘TIL WE ARE ALL FREE? What does freedom mean to you? Do you
feel free? In what areas of your life do you find freedom? Are there any areas of your life where
you feel less freedom than in others?

46.Who in your community or world is struggling for their right to freedom right now? How does
this make you feel?
47.How do you think your own freedom is connected to others’ freedom?

48.What can you do to help support the freedom of all people?

”Until the killing of … black mothers’ sons is as important to the rest of the country as the killing of
a ………………...white mother’s son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest.” -Ella Baker

Make a sideways 8 with your finger. Breathe in slowly as you loop to the left, pause with your
breath in the middle, and exhale slowly as you loop to the right. Do this a few times. What do you
feel or notice?*

50.Why is breath so important? How do you or could you honor it?

51.Do you ever use deep, calm breathing to help you move through sadness or anger? How does it
help or how do you think it might help?

52.How do you or could you remember to call on your breath to help you through hard moments?

………“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” -Thich
Nhat Hanh *For more information on mind-body responses to stress and trauma, please see
Supplement II on p. 56

53.AND HONOR SELF AND EACH OTHER IN LIFE AS IN DEATH? How can you honor your self today?
What does it mean to honor ourselves?

54. Who is someone that is no longer living that you would also like to honor? How can you honor

55.Who is someone that is still living that you would also like to honor? How can you honor them?

56.Why is it important to honor both the living and the dead? Why is it important to honor both
self and each other?

.............”You can’t erase what you know. You can’t forget who you are.” -Sandra Cisneros

57.CAN WE LEAVE THIS COCOON READY FOR OUR REBIRTH? What would feel to you like a
breaking out of your cocoon? Is that something you feel ready for?

58. What adjustments will you have to make to your current lifestyle?

59. Look or think back to the questions on the first page. Have you grown or transformed in the
ways you had hoped? Have you grown and transformed in any other ways you didn’t expect?

60. How do you hope to continue to grow and transform even beyond the cocoon? How do you
hope that your community continues to grow and transform?

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to
………………………………………………blossom” -Anais Nin

61.AND RISE WITH THESE WINGS FOR ALL WE ARE WORTH? Breathe deep. Our wings are ready.
How can you bring your fullest self to this next chapter of rising?
62.How can you remember to continue standing up for what you believe in over and over again,
even when it’s hard?

63.How can you remember to continue practicing the things that bring you joy, peace and strength
of spirit?

64.What has stood out to you during these reflections? What would you like to bring into your
next chapter?

….“And suddenly you know: it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
-Meister Eckhart

1. I have learned to value time and space more, giving more importance to the necessary
and priority things for me, such as my family and my study. I have learned that time is very
scarce and valuable and that sometimes our day is full of expressions such as time alone,
there is no time to lose and I do not have time, many times we want to ignore the clock,
leave everything and have a little free time to be able to use it in other activities in which
we can enjoy, go out, relax and why it is not simply to do nothing. That is why it is very
important to keep in mind to do things right away and not leave them for the last
2. What always continued to be important to me was first of all God my family and study
since this will help me to always get ahead I always kept my contact with my family And
with God sharing more with them and giving them all my love . God gives me stability by
shaping my character and always being there for me when I need it and my family giving
me advice, Showing me what is right and what is wrong AND leading me on the right path.
3. During this time I have learned to value God a lot and why I distanced myself a little
from him and I also learned to be more in family ah, ah ah, to be more responsible and
punctual, to study to be a better professional and I learned to be a better person, helping
others. The most important person for me is God and my family.
4. I can honor them by being grateful for all the wonderful things they have given me for as
long as I need them, always supporting them and being with them at all times and above
all never fail them.
5. Sometimes it stressed me out because I am doing poorly in an exam and I get
frustrated, also because sometimes we young people do not pay attention to what our
parents tell us and we get angry because they do not give us a permit or because we want
something that they can't give us, but they tell us and they do it for our good
6. Regarding the exams, studying more and not leaving everything to the last and
regarding the things that we do and that our parents do not agree with is that, I must be
more aware of what if they tell us that it is not because they have more experience and
because they know what is wrong and they will want the best for us. It makes it difficult
because sometimes we are very stubborn and we see ourselves in danger and in terms of
study it makes it difficult since sometimes I am a little lazy and I fall asleep with the things
that I have to deliver and study.
7. These would help, first that we must fix our tension in the now to stop oscillating
between the concerns of the past and those of the future, Second we must be grateful to
all the people and all the things that help us and teach us to be better people, third take
care of our inner voice since many times we begin to doubt our ability and we can fall into
the temptation that we are not capable of improving ourselves, fourth taking control of
each day and fifth dedicating time to generate good personal relationships since Affective
ties and trust with family friends are essential to feel supported, valued or contained during
difficult times.It is not about asking for help but also offering others to accompany them,
learn from their experiences and gain perspective when going through a crisis
8. The areas of my life in which I need more reflection is that sometimes I leave everything
to the last minute and I must be more responsible both with myself and with others and
9. They could remain blind to laziness, By saying later I do it and by doing nothing And
start doing everything when necessary
10. If, like all many or most people, we have routines that sometimes we do not want to
leave because they do us good or because we are afraid to experience something new, In
my life for example I feel that it is a routine to lie down, watch series and not leave my
house. There could be space dedicating time to the people who appreciate me the most,
paying more attention to the now and not being so locked in myself.
11. I would like to learn not to be spiteful and try to forgive I would also like to learn to be
less lazy and more responsible with my daily activities, learn to be less rude to people who
appreciate me and give them my best.
12. Leave everything to the last minute and think that everything can be done later since
they lead me to laziness and do not bring anything good for my future.
13. The biggest advice that I can give my current self is to have an open mind for what you
want in life and what you want to do, always keep your goals in mind and meet them no
matter how difficult it may seem. To think that nothing is too big for you and that if you put
your mind to it, you can achieve everything. No
14. My decisions I would like to direct them to be more obedient to be more responsible to
fulfill the goals that I propose and to live from day to day without leaving everything for
15. Sometimes people get up around me because I am usually very rude and I do not
control my words I am also very impulsive and I do not think before saying hurtful words. I
feel bad because sometimes I speak without thinking and say things that I do not want to
say and I regret it, I know that I should focus my thoughts to give a better response to
others and not be rude.
16. I would like to get up leaving laziness aside and also helping those who need me,
either through advice or a hug. I would like to defend all my goals and projects that lie
ahead and also those who need my help.
17. I wake up being a great person, being optimistic and thinking that everything I do will
turn out well for me. I defend what is important to me knowing that this is what I need for
my future, to be a better person and to help others.
18. I can do it By having faith, trusting in me and saying I can and I am capable of
improving, of helping AND of giving my best to all those who need it.
19. I feel trapped when I get carried away by laziness and laziness since they cloud me to
achieve my goals and be able to meet them day by day.
20. They are all under my control since I myself decide to put laziness aside and move on
and meet my goals day by day.
21. I could help thinking about what that is what awaits me for my future and that is what I
want to become when I finish my career. To think that I am not going to do one of the best
but the best.
22. The hopeful actions would be doing my part to fulfill everything that I propose and thus
not be stuck in the same day-to-day routine which affects me to achieve my goal.
23. First of all I, since this depends on me second that all God that he is the only one who
can help me achieve my goal and get ahead and third that all my family since she is
always there for me and is the one who always me will support.
24. We can work together since they can give me advice and help me and open my mind
to fulfill what I want for myself.
25. Because that is how we focus on it, we keep it in mind and we divert our minds to other
things that do not help us achieve this goal.
26. Of course I am, it saddens me that sometimes The goals I want to achieve depends on
me and I do not meet them and I get involved in other things that are not important to
achieve what I want and I get angry with myself.
27. If I have had enough setbacks between them, they did not deliver things on time
because I was carried away by laziness.
28. As I said before, the only ones who want the best for me and who can help me put
everything that clouds my sight aside are God and my family.
29. I relate very closely to sadness and anger. Most of the time I have these feelings since
sometimes they are very stubborn and what helps me find myself is by distracting my mind
from something else and telling my mother what is happening to me since she gives me
some good advice to solve my problems.
30. Resilience helps me because it allows me to have self-control with myself, putting into
practice the values that have been instilled in me and avoid crises like this insurmountable
ass trying to look beyond the present and think that things will improve in the future. The
development practice that I need to remember is that I always have my goals clear and
focus on the tasks that I must accomplish every day.
31. I feel different because each person has AND their way of acting, thinking and
speaking, Each person is unique AND has different values and principles. I am different
since I have my own values and attitudes, feelings
32. No life could feel the way I feel right now with mine, I know that I have to change many
things but I feel good about the life I have now and I don't want to change anything about
33. I tell you for a long time because each person has important things to highlight from
which we must learn from them and each person has a special touch that makes them feel
unique and we must value that.
34. We are connected by love, friendship and sometimes similar problems that can
happen to both people connect us.
35. It is important because they can help us by giving us advice so that we can solve the
problems we have and that is why we should not discriminate against anyone or reject
36. I once saw a woman who had many tattoos and many piercings and the first thing I
thought was that this woman could be anything but what she was, this woman was
dedicated to taking care of orphaned children. That is why we should not judge physical
appearance and know people.
37. It is dangerous because sometimes we crash and we can create a bad comment or a
bad reputation for that person, since that person is nothing of what we thought.
38. It helps us not to judge others, it also helps us to see the world from another
perspective and to reflect on it. I could strengthen my listening skills by paying attention
when they speak to us looking into the eyes and thus be able to contribute or contribute
something when the other person needs it.
39. All people deserve to be listened to regardless of who they are, young or old, I would
like to learn from each of them since each of them has a different way of seeing the world
and life and that helps us to have various opinions or concepts about what surrounds us.
40. I would like to share with others and teach them since this world has many beautiful
things regardless of what we are living today, I would like to teach or share to be better
people, help others and put ourselves in the shoes of others to thus form a better world full
of peace, joy, friendship, and empathy
41. I can show others that not all life is rosy and that all people have different problems to
face every day, they can also teach others to share with those who need it most and help
them to listen and understand the problems of others and not judge them
42. My starting point first of all is going to be leaving everything to the hand of God
because he is the only one who can help us according to what my starting point would be
to foster empathy so that we can all understand each other.
43. Everyone must be clear about their purpose in life, which would be their starting point
starting with what one wants to teach or change in our world. Starting from the smallest to
the largest.
44. Freedom for me is that state or condition to choose responsibly the way to act within a
society, it is that ability of the human being to act according to their values, criteria, reason
and will without limitations. In these moments of my life I feel free since I can make my
own decisions based on the values and principles that were instilled in me. The area of
my life where I feel least free is when something I have to do ties me to ask someone
else's permission.
45. In my world most people are fighting for free expression. This makes me feel that
everyone has a different way of thinking and that everyone is free to do whatever he wants
with her life, with her body, with her decisions and with her way of acting and thinking.
46. I feel that this can relax me and focus on doing the eight and not be thinking about
other things that can distract me from not doing this.
47. Breathing is important because it helps us focus AND restore emotional balance. I
honor her by spending more time with her.
48. And today I can erase myself by dedicating my time and prioritizing what is good for
me. Honoring does not mean giving us respect AND admiration for ourselves
49. To my grandmother since she was a very important person for me who taught me
many values and principles, I can honor her by keeping her present in my heart and never
forget her.
50. My parents, I can honor them by showing respect, being obedient, listening to what
they tell me and giving them a lot of love
51. Important because each one deserves your respect and admiration. Each one of us
deserves that others respect us and have a beautiful concept of us, so that they will not be
able to disrespect us and misdirect us
52. If I feel ready to get out of my cocoon because that way I can make my own decisions,
being free, without the pressure of anyone and show the world that I can with everything I
propose and what I want to achieve for my life
53. The adjustments I must make is that I must work daily to achieve my goals, stop being
less lazy and always listen to the advice that people who want the best for me give me.
54. If I have grown in a way that I expected because I have changed my way of thinking
and acting and I have also grown in some way that I did not expect since I am still
stubborn and a little lazy.
55. I hope to continue growing by correcting all those things that prevent me from moving
forward and I hope that my community will also grow by showing others that they can meet
their goals and accomplish everything that they set out to do every day leaving behind
everything that clouds them. looking into the future
56. I can bring it by proving to myself all that I can achieve if I put my mind to it And not
being afraid of anything
57. I remember them always having my concepts clear and asking God a lot to help me
move forward to fulfill what I want
58. I remember it always keeping it in my mind and illustrating the things that make me
happy so as not to fall into sadness
59. I am struck by the fact that I have noticed many shortcomings, many errors that I have
in myself and thus be able to remember that I have those errors and improve them day by
day, also committing myself to what I can fight for what I want

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