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Ever since mankind became imaginative, storytellers have been

explaining everything people encountered, whether or not it was true.
These storytellers are modern humans most influential people.
© 1999 - 2010 Donald L. Hamilton
Human Imagination has given mankind the unique ability to communicate abstract concepts
and ideas among its people. It has given its storytellers the power to emotionally enter
people's minds. These storyteller's have the ability to create happiness or hatred or any
other emotion humans may possess. Their ability to persuade make them one of the most
powerful groups among the "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" species.
Ever since mankind had evolved a brain capable comprehending abstract
ideas, along with an extremely powerful creative imagination, people have
from generation to generation gradually created more complex cultures as
they progressed. Their highly sophisticated talking apparatus in their throats
plus this powerful new imagination enabled them to create many complex
vocal sounds that they could associate with everything they encountered in
everyday life, even the mysterious things they encountered but did not
They connected these vocal sounds into a series of sounds that became
crude sentences. Languages were created. This allowed them to convey
more complex and sophisticated ideas to one another. Eventually, the
sentences became a language, the language of a particular family or tribe.
There are thousands of different languages and dialects in the world today.
People used this crude language to convey everyday deeds and ideas to one
another. Some imaginative people in the tribe began using the words to tell
stories of events that happened to them, perhaps on a hunt or some other
incident. They discovered that if they used their imagination they could
embellish their stories with fanciful fabrications. This gave them a sense of
power. By telling stories they soon realized that they could influence the
other people to do their bidding, either good or bad. They could dominate
other people just by their storytelling. They could frighten them with their
stories. These people have evolved into our storytellers, mankind's most
influential and powerful people.
As languages became more sophisticated and complex, people's imagination
began to aggrandize. Its hard to imagine imagining without having a
language to use. Our imagination works best when it is stimulated by
challenges - adversity, exigencies, beauty, new ideas, etc. Its power
multiplies when it interacts with other “imaginative minds”. The power of our
imagination depends upon the sophistication of the society we live in. The
more words we have at our disposal the better our imagination will work.
Words are mental pictures we have learned to associate in our imagination
with specific things and ideas, either by vocal sounds, writing, or signs
(hand). They are one of mankind’s most vital tools.
Early storytellers told of great encounters they had with animals and other
tribes whether it was true or imaginary. The early artists tried to tell their
stories by painting pictures on the cave walls or rocks. They told of
encounters with their ancestors, of imaginary adventures. Anything they did
not understand they rationalized with a fabricated story.
Eventually some imaginative storytellers invented Gods, a ‘supernatural
beings’ that had special powers to control certain phenomena, to explain
various things such as thunder and lightning, etc. that they did not
understand or was difficult to explain. (Man always has that feeling of a
mysterious unknown in the back of his mind.) These stories were passed on
from generation to generation, embellished and changed somewhat. They
became the great myths of the tribes. The storytellers created myths,
superstitions, rituals, morals, traditions, rules, codes, laws, religions, from
things that they experienced or imagined in their mind.
Some storytellers, in order to make a greater impression on their audience,
even claimed to have talked with their ‘Gods’. This made the storytellers
very special people themselves. It gave them a special power, to be able to
talk to their ‘Gods’. They became the priests of the tribe. They claimed they
received special powers from their ‘Gods’. It elevated them above the other
members of the tribe. They now enjoyed a very special standing within the
tribe and were able to exert much greater influence on their fellow
tribesmen, even to the point of demanding animal and human sacrifices.
For thousands of years these storyteller priests, all over the world, were able
to convince their believers that these sacrifices were necessary to satisfy
their ‘Gods’. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of these stories.
It was a form of domination and mind control on their part, a method of
influencing and controlling their subjects. Their myths and stories were
mainly used to set a moral codes for the tribe to follow, with their ‘Gods’
looking over their shoulder to make sure they followed the codes. Moses
went up the mountain and came back down with the Ten Commandments his
‘God’ had given him. These commandments became the dominant moral
code for western civilization.
For hundreds of years the Hebrew tribe’s storytellers spun their tales,
created traditions, etc. They were passed down verbally from generation to
generation and finally collected and written down in the Bible as the word of
‘God’. Later the followers of Jesus Christ added their own stories to the Bible
as the New Testament. These were also accepted as the word of 'God' by the
Christians but not by the Jews.
Homer's great epics are another example of the tenacity of storytelling and
the power of the human memory. Homer created his stories around 1200
BC, long before the Greeks developed a credible, lasting, alphabet. His
works were then passed vocally from generation to generation for hundreds
of chaotic years by a sect of priests called the Homer ides of Chios. They
were devoted to preserving, purifying and reciting these stories. They had to
completely rely on their memory to accurately convey these great works
through the ages. The stories were finally written down around 700 BC. They
became the textbooks in the schools of Greece and the cornerstone of
western literature.
Great storytellers such as Jesus Christ, Confucius, Moses, Mohammed,
Gautama Buddha and the Hindus' of ancient times created the world's great
religious myths and moral codes that are followed by billions of people today.
Moses and Mohammed claimed to get their stories directly from God. Jesus
said he was the son of God. Confusius was more interested in explaining
everyday life rather then spiritual life and the mystery of creation. These
philosophies have a powerful positive influence on humanity.
In contrast to this positive influence, at the extreme other end of the
spectrum, was Germany's famous storyteller, Adolph Hitler. Hitler is a good
example of a creative imagination doing its worst for mankind. (The human
imagination can create stories that promote tremendous evil just as well as
it can create stories that promote tremendous good.) By writing his book,
giving hundreds of stirring speeches, staging tremendous awe inspiring
rallies, and telling many stories he convinced the German people to follow
him. All of these things put together were Hitler's “story”. His stories
provoked deep human emotions that created tremendous hate and anger
against his potential victims.
Hitler was well aware of the power of storytelling, since the very first thing
he did when he came to power was burn the books of the other storytellers.
He made sure his was the only story being told in Germany. It is ironic that
some of the greatest storytellers of all time (the Jews) were prime victims of
this evil storyteller.
Democracy and freedom were held in very low esteem in Hitler’s Germany.
At about the same time that Hegal was creating his philosophy (that
contributed to the rise of Hitler), our country’s storytellers; Jefferson, Paine,
Henry, Adams and their contemporaries, were creating our country's
democratic philosophy. Later, Karl Marx another powerful storyteller created
the communist philosophy. Which stories would become dominant was
determined in the battles of World War Two and with the communist
philosophy, in the “cold war”.
President Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and General Charles
DeGaulle were the storytellers who prevailed in this era. The stories of each
of these leaders offered mainly hope to their people and led the way to our
post war prosperity. I think Stalin was more of a ruthless power grabber,
rather then a storyteller. Lenin and Marx were the storytellers who influenced
the people in Russia. Benito Mussolini and Mao Tse-tung were other
storytellers whose stories led to tremendous grief for the people of their
respective countries and other countries.
In the New World, thousands of years ago, an ancient storyteller priest
somewhere in central or South America told the story to the effect, that in
order to appease their gods and keep them happy they would have to
sacrifice people by cutting their hearts out and spilling their blood. This grim
story unfortunately was accepted and spread throughout the area. As a
result of this story, millions of innocent people were murdered in these
regions by the Aztecs, Incas, Mayas, etc. for hundreds of years. There are
countless other examples of storytelling that have had a profound effect on
mankind throughout its history. It seems as though people will believe any
story they hear. Storytellers are extremely powerful people.

All families, tribes and societies need resolute storytellers to

constantly encourage, inspire and guide their people in a positive
moral manner!

Storytelling, both positive and negative, is one of the most powerful of all
human capabilities. It is surely one of the devil's most valuable tools. (Yes,
there really is a devil, but it exists only in the 'Mind' of mankind. It is simply
the dark side of Human Imagination.) Storytelling is used in every
conceivable way to influence motivate and dominate people. It is easy to
spot the evil storytellers on television and in the other media today spinning
(or singing) their tales of hate. People who agitate hatred and anger against
other people, who falsely accuse their neighbors of wrong doing, or start
false rumors are examples of evil storytellers.
The young girls who instigated the infamous witch trials in Salem,
Massachusetts a couple of hundred years ago by accusing their neighbors of
witchcraft are good examples of the harm this type of storytelling can cause,
especially when some foolish people take the accusers seriously. It still goes
on today, falsely accusing people, wrecking their lives.
The Homo Sapiens before they received their powerful imagination (before
the "transformation" to imaginative beings) were not capable of this power.
They were extremely intelligent beings but lacked the Human Imagination.
They did not have the mental power to invent words, languages, stories, etc.
According to recent findings they lacked the "language gene" necessary to
begin the storytelling traditions.
Language gene
For thousands of years following mankind's transformation people had only
the spoken word to rely on for their communication. Ancient prehistoric
drawings and paintings of animals, people and symbols were also early
forms of communicating. This type of communicating evolved into
pictographs and later ideographs such as the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Finally
around five thousand years ago the Sumerian tribes in southern
Mesopotamia developed the first primitive phonetic writing called cuneiform.
It marked the end of prehistory and the beginning of recorded history. The
idea of placing marks on a clay tablet that could be associated with specific
ideas was a giant imaginative step in mankind's intellectual progress.
Words, whether they are vocal sounds or marks on a paper convey ideas
(mental pictures) to our mind. They are made possible by our ability to
imagine. If we hear words or see them written in a foreign language that we
have not learned to associate with things or ideas, they mean nothing to us.
They simply do not generate any mental images for us. Some of the more
intelligent animals have a limited ability to “learn” vocal sounds but not
writing. Writing has given mankind a much greater ability to communicate
more accurately and preserve the stories and ideas of the previous
The joy of creating stories, or poems, singing ballads, reading, or listening to
these stories is also one of the great pleasures of being human. When we
read or listen to a story we instantly form mental images of the characters
and actions in our mind. We can “visualize” with our mind. We can learn the
intimate thoughts of the great minds of the past by reading their stories. We
can travel in our imagination anywhere the story takes us no matter where
or when. We can go back in time and travel down the Mississippi river with
Huck Finn or go into the future, travel out into space to another galaxy. It
makes no difference, as long as we have an imagination we can go to these
When listening to stories on the radio, before television became popular,
each listener had to visualize their own private mental pictures of the
characters and locale. We were usually very surprised when we did finally
see a picture of the real person who portrayed the character in the story and
it did not match our mental picture at all. Such was the magic of radio.
The playwright and movie maker go a step further in their storytelling. They
physically set up the scenes, props and assign actors to play the part of the
characters. Presenting drama plays is an ancient form of storytelling that the
Greeks and Chinese developed long ago. It is a natural outgrowth of
storytelling. Although with the play, the audience could actually see the
characters and actions of the story, much was left to the imagination as far
as the scenery was concerned.
Now a days there is much more elaborate movable scenery to support the
story and less imagination is needed to enjoy the play. With the advent of
the motion pictures everything is becoming more and more realistic. The
present state-of-art technology of computer generated special effects used
in motion pictures are so realistic that no matter what situation is portrayed
little imagination is needed. With the development of “Virtual Reality” the
audience will be going right “into” the scenes in the near future. Someday
we may be able to “enter” a Jurassic type park and walk among the
dinosaurs in a virtual reality world.
Storytelling has grown immensely in its scope and power from its simple
beginning of telling stories over the camp fire. It now encompasses every
facet of human endeavor. Nearly everyone has a story to tell. We are
constantly being bombarded by stories both good and bad, by our family,
friends and the media. Companies spend billions of dollars every year on
advertising, trying to get their stories across to us, trying to influence us to
purchase their products.
Beer advertisements, for example, have equated partying and having a good
time with drinking beer for so long that it now just seems the normal thing
to do. Political leaders try to influence us with their stories. On television,
religious leaders are constantly telling their stories. In large areas of the
world today religious leaders completely dominate the lives of whole
populations through their mythical stories. Holding the threat of eternal
damnation over their heads if they disobey their "word of god". (Very
powerful people!)
Satellite broadcasting of radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and
now the computer’s Internet are immensely powerful storytelling mediums
that spread both positive and negative stories into every household across
the world for better or for worse. The editors have tremendous power to
disseminate the stories they want made known and to ignore the ones they
don’t (not so much power over the Internet, yet). Violence is especially
acceptable in the movies, viewers are constantly being exposed to people
being killed and battered as realistically as possible.
This scenario may be OK for movies, depending upon who the storyteller
makes as the bad guys. When the movies or stories start making various
groups of people the bad guys, we are getting into a dangerous area. The
hate and anger emotions produced by the storytellers may be more
dangerous then the actual violence of the stories. Some “rappers” are
continually expounding their hate and anger stories to our young people.
The influence of these stories is beginning to be felt around the country.
In real life, the government's storytellers tell stories (propaganda) to arouse
the anger in their citizens when they are preparing to go to war against
other countries. I witnessed this in our country during World War Two when
the Germans and Japanese were the bad guys (they really were). After the
war the stories changed from these countries to making the communists out
to be the bad guys. At the present time we are sort of floundering looking
for some new potential bad guys.
(Note) Since I wrote this article we have indeed found some new really bad
guys with the militant Muslims. ((Mullahs whose hatred stories of America
and the other western democracies have influenced powerful dupes such as
bin Laden and his followers to want to kill as many Americans as they can.))
The news media has been a powerful storytelling influence on people since
the invention of the printing press. With the invention of radio, television and
the video camera its power has increased immensely by graphically
reporting their stories on television over and over and getting everybody all
In addition to violence, the movie and television storytellers relate their
stories over and over to the effect, that the “normal” thing to do, if people of
the opposite sex are attracted to each other (are in “love”), is to have sex as
soon as possible. This has helped change the morals of our young ladies in a
couple of generations so much that they now think they are abnormal if they
resist having sex until they are married. Hollywood, a city whose primary
business is storytelling, has made having sex the socially acceptable thing to
do. Adultery is now more or less accepted as normal (depending upon who is
doing it).
As the moral ethics code of the motion picture storytellers has deteriorated
in the last thirty years, the birthrate of single mothers has risen in direct
proportion. Whether we realize it or not, all these stories are exerting a
powerful influence on our young people. It is leading to a gradual moral
decay in our country. We may not have a Hitler ranting and raving but our
ubiquitous storytellers are just as effectively spreading their powerful
influence into every nook and cranny across the country (and alot of it is not
A large percentage of our young people are able to accept or reject these
messages on their merit but many are not and if the stories are repeated
enough (and are not opposed by positive storytellers) they are eventually
accepted as normal behavior. Our storytellers; family, peers, friends, church
leaders, teachers, movie producers, authors, politicians, philosophers,
historians, comedians, civic leaders, etc., need to accentuate the positive.
They have the power to guide, motivate, inspire and influence our present
and future citizens.
Storytellers, through their stories, can enter into our imagination
and interact with our deepest human emotions.
They can inspire us to strive for greatness or motivate us to do senseless
evil. They can make us happy, angry or sad. They can make us laugh or cry.
Storytelling and human emotion are closely linked, together, from the time
of infancy, they strongly influence every aspect of our life. Very little
happens in the human drama without a storyteller at its source.
Storytelling includes all types of family and tribal gossip, religious and
secular teaching, philosophy, prose, poetry, religious beliefs, myths,
traditions, propaganda, scientific writings, speeches, news chronicles,
periodicals, advertising, plays, movies, television stories, songs, and
unfortunately lying. It is one of the most powerful of all human capabilities.
It started with people’s ability to create words that they could associate, in
their imagination, with some idea, thing or action. Its power can be
awesome! It help create the "MIND" of mankind.
(The MIND of Mankind: Chapter 3. - Development of words,
Language and Storytelling.)
The 'MIND' of Mankind is the vast network of human minds that are able to
communicate abstract ideas across time and distance - made possible by the
Human Imagination.


- Human Imagination -
The source of Mankind’s tremendous power!
Donald L. Hamilton
ISBN 09649265-1-2, 210 pages, trade paperback with drawings.

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Reviews & Comments

∙   I received your book in the mail and I am on page 96 this morning. I can't put it down!!! I have read litterly
100's of books in the past 15 years and I have to say that your book (so far) is answering every question that I
ever had about life! Your book makes more sense to me than any other I have read.  Sincerely, Donna
∙   "The Mind of Mankind" explores the unique ability of the mind to form a mental image - to imagine.  Mr
Hamilton discusses current theories as well as mysteries and introduces new ones from his fertile imagination for
us to ponder, consider, accept or reject.
Richard Fuller,   Senior Editor - Metaphysical Reviews
∙   "I'm a geophysicist. I work in geodynamics and climate. My field of work is earth rotation and gravity in relation
with climate. I read some ideas of your book, and they are quite good. Regards - Rodrigo, France
∙    Ted Holmes says, "I just want to pass along my compliments on the depth of thought you have put into your
work. I especially enjoyed the portion illustrating how a body does not move except in relation to other bodies, not
in relation to space.  It is the first time I have heard about this concept."
∙    From a satisfied reader -" Hello Mr Hamilton, Just finished your book ... great job! Do you have any other
similar books available?? I was looking for information on creation/evolution when I came across your book. This
book should  be included in the educational systems of the world ... all ethnic groups could benefit greatly from this
writing." - Matt

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