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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
A.Y. 2020-2021


Presented by:
BSEd English 3B

Presented to:

September 2021
I. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the BSEd English Program of the
College of Teacher Education along the following areas: curriculum, instruction,
and assessment.

In our community there is full of investment, like parents, public officials, and
public educators. Every company or job has a set of criteria which the employees
should master or meet the standard that is needed and to have effective employees.
The Tarlac State University’s English program helps the student to nurture their skills
within the bound focus area. Firstly, the curriculum is curated with fundamental
courses with extensive research invested in the learning materials utilized and
distributed. The TSU offers now 80 course which most of the courses that are offered
have attained level two accreditation or higher. Now the colleges are achieving level
III accreditation. The implication that can be drawn from this is nothing less of a
watchful consideration for what’s beyond graduation for English majors.

The community is opened with many opportunities for the people and there is full
of investment, like parents, public officials, and public educators who cares about the
students. Every company or job has a set of criteria which the employees should
master or meet the standard that is needed and to have effective employees. The
Tarlac State University’s English program helps the student to nurture their skills
within the chosen course. Firstly, the program’s curriculum contains fundamental
courses and well-planned instructional strategies and materials. The TSU offers now
80 course which most of the courses that are offered have attained level two
accreditation or higher. Now the colleges are achieving level III accreditation. The
program only alongside with the years of studying, not based on what's beyond the
student that graduated.

Secondly, the instruction is a balance of teachers acting as facilitators of learning

wherein the students are given the needed materials and assistance from professors
but at the same time having total control of their own learning, decision-making and
time management. But because of the new normal classroom setting, both students
and teachers must adjust and find new methods to help the learning process. This may
not be good in the teacher’s part where the students are being more dependent to them
in providing all the lessons and giving most of the information which results in
students being more incompetent and less responsible.

Lastly, assessment is a way of finding out if learning has taken place. In our
program, it is treated as a way of identifying if the students are meeting the set goals
or objectives through various forms of assessments. This is a good way to inform the
teachers if there are additional actions that should be taken to help the students meet
the competencies needed for their future profession. It also prepares the students in
taking the licensure examination needed to officially become an educator. However,
not all forms of assessment are effective in testing the students’ individual knowledge
and skills, therefore are not valid and reliable but are still being administered and
included in the program’s assessment tools.
II. Search for reputable state universities and colleges with BSEd English Program.
List their best practices in their remediation and retention.

Benguet State University

Retention Policy
After admission, students must not have any failing grade in any academic course excluding
PE and CMT during their first year. Students failing to satisfy this are advised to shift to other
degree or non-degree programs of the University.
The College adapts and implements the University policy on scholastic delinquency (BSU code
chapter XXXIV article 111):
a. Any student will be on Probationary Status if he obtains final grades of 5.0 and/or INC in 50-
75% of the total number of academic units in which he is enrolled.
b. Any student will be on Probationary Status if he obtains final grades of 5.0 and/or INC in 50-
75% of the total number of academic units in which he is enrolled. When on Probationary Status
the maximum load a student may carry is fourteen (14) units. Moreover, students in such status
can be reverted to regular status upon passing more than 50% of the academic load in the
succeeding semester and upon completion/passing of deficiencies before the next registration.
c. Any student will be permanently disqualified and debarred from re-enrolment in the College,
if he/she obtains final grades of 5.0 in at least 75% of the total number of academics in which he
is enrolled. The same rule applies to students who are on Warning Status for three (3)
consecutive semesters /terms. This rule on disqualification do not apply to:
1. Students whose grades of 5.0 were incurred due to unauthorized dropping of subjects as
certified by the instructors concerned.
2. Senior students or students in the last curriculum year of their curricular program.
3. Students who received final grades in less than twelve (12) units; and
4. Students enrolled in non-degree and/or special courses.

Arellano University
Retentions Policy
A student's continued study in the University is based on the cumulative General
Weighted Average (GWA) of grades in all subjects in the approved academic load during a
semester or term, including PE and NSTP / ROTC. The National Service Training Program
(NSTP consists of the following components: (a) Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), (b)
Literacy Training Service (LTS), and (c) Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). Each of these
component trainings shall be undertaken within two semesters only.
Students who are going from second to third year of college (e.g., Nursing students who
are about to participate in the capping ceremony) must show a GWA of 2.5, including PE and
NSTP/ROTC. In addition, students enrolled in programs with Board requirements must go
through a Panel Interview, which will recommend how the student's "weak areas" may be
addressed. Students who fail to achieve the required GWA may, nevertheless, enroll in the
following semester or term according to their normal schedules of classes, but may be required to
take special remedial classes in their identified academic areas of weaknesses.
Third year students going on fourth year must pass the college administered Revalida and
obtain a GWA of 2.5, including PE and NSTP/ROTC. They must also pass the college
administered Revalida with a minimum grade of 75%. Students who fail the first Revalida are
given a second chance to pass in the Summer, prior to their senior year. Students who fail the
second Revalida and/or fail to achieve the required GWA may, nevertheless, enroll according to
their normal schedules of classes, but may be required to take special remedial classes in their
identified academic areas of weakness. The Score in the Revalida will constitute 20% of the final
grade for Course Audit I.
Students failing in Course Audit I shall follow the normal processes, i.e, students will have to re-
take the subject.

Cagayan State University

Retention Policies
2.2.1 A qualifying examination is administered to incoming sophomore students. If the student
failed in the qualifying examination, he/ she is advised to shift to another program in the
2.2.2 A student receives a warning if at the end of the semester; he/ she got grades of 75% in
three subjects or one failure in his/ her academic loads.
2.2.3 A student is placed on probation for one semester if he/ she incurred two failures in his/ her
subject. The student is advised to shift to another course if he/ she failed to improve his/ her
2.2.4 Academic loads of students under probation may be reduced to 21 units if deemed
2.2.5 Any student who incurred three failures is dismissed from the college; however, he is
allowed to shift to another program in the university.
2.2.6 The students must not have been blacklisted or suspended from classes.
2.2.7 Only graduating students are allowed to cross- enroll subjects not offered during the
semester, only in an accredited teacher education institution, to carry a maximum load of 21

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