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Video: Q&A - What’s my favorite restaurant?


Hello my dear followers!

Today, I will be doing a Q&A about food.

The first question is: What’s your favorite restaurant?

Well, my favorite restaurant is Franklin restaurant.

Next question: What is your favorite restaurant like?

Franklin restaurant is elegant and healthy but expensive.

Another question: What’s your favorite food?

What’s my favorite food? I think it’s beef with onions and potatoes.

Next question: Soda or juice?

Mmm... I prefer juice because the fruit is fresh and healthy.

We are about to finish the questions: What do you think of the service at your
favorite restaurant?

I think it’s wonderful!

And final question... What do you think of the food at your favorite restaurant?

In my opinion, it’s delicious and tasty. Go and try it for yourselves!

Now, it’s your turn. Comment this video telling me what your favorite food and
restaurant are.

I hope you liked this Q&A.

See you next time!

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