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Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake

shock sequences were long noted and investi-

Chapter goals gated in terms of felt-event numbers. But with
• Define seismic moment, a physical measure of an ability to measure seismic-wave amplitudes,
earthquake size.
earthquake size could be quantified and com-
• Describe the origin of earthquake magnitude bined with estimated locations (see Chapter 6) to
better explore spatial and temporal earthquake
• Describe commonly used magnitude scales. patterns.
• Describe the relationship between magnitude As mentioned in Chapter 1, the modern, pre-
ferred tectonic measure of an earthquake size is
and energy.
the seismic moment, M0 ,
• Use magnitude to explore patterns in earth-
quake size and frequency of occurrence. M0 = μ A D̄ , (7.1)
• Describe earthquake spatial and temporal af-
tershock patterns including magnitude. where μ, the elastic shear modulus, is a measure
• Discuss common earthquake catalogs. of the stiffness of rock surrounding the ruptured
portion of the fault, A is the area of the portion
of the fault that ruptured, and D̄ is the average
As seismometer design and manufacture im- slip over the rupture surface. Seismic moment
proved and standardized instruments became has the intuitive interpretation that earthquake
available, the goal of quantitatively comparing size is a product of a measure of the rupture-
earthquakes came within reach. Much of the adjacent-rock’s ability to store energy, the area
earthquake rupture process remained unclear of the fault that moved, and the distance the
(the elastodynamics of faulting were not yet rocks moved (one side relative to the other). The
fully developed) but seismogram-based mea- units of seismic moment are N-m or dyne-cm,
surements could be compared, combined, and both of which represent a force times a distance
cataloged. An obvious quantity to investigate (the lever arm). Energy has the same funda-
was earthquake size and if possible, estimates of mental units (ML2 T −2 ) but we distinguish these
earthquake energy. More quantitative descrip- physically different quantities by using N-m for
tions of earthquake geography and frequency the moment and joules for the energy. From a
were also important. Large events were obvi- dimensional-analysis viewpoint, one would ex-
ously less frequent than small events, and after- pect a unit-free scale factor (possibly a combina-

Foundations of Modern Global Seismology 197 Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
198 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

tion of physical parameters) to relate energy and particles, moves, and movement embodies ki-
moment. netic energy. The sum of the potential and ki-
Seismic moment is a static measure of an netic energies integrated over time equals the
earthquake’s size, a fundamental earthquake energy expended moving the ground.
property central to any description of a seismic As an example, consider a location in the
event, and a quantity relatively well-constrained ground situated directly above a monochro-
using modern seismic observations. Although matic seismic energy source. The displacement
the ground motion amplitude is directly pro- of the ground, x(t), at that position can be repre-
portional to M0 , moment is not the only source sented using
characteristic that influences seismic shaking
intensity. Ground-motion amplitude and dura- 2πt
tion also depend on dynamic properties that x(t) = A cos , (7.2)
are not included in the seismic moment. The
short-period spectral content of shaking, includ- where A is the wave amplitude and the period
ing periods that damage human-made struc- is T . The ground velocity is
tures, trigger liquefaction and landslides, etc.,
are strongly influenced by the spatial distribu- 2πA 2πt
tion and temporal rate of slip accumulation dur- ẋ(t) = − sin . (7.3)
ing an earthquake, as well as the speed and com-
plexity of the earthquake’s rupture propagation. The kinetic energy of a unit mass at the location
Source rupture and slip characteristics are rep- of interest is given by 12 ρ ẋ 2 (t). If we average this
resented in the seismic source time-function, quantity over a complete deformation cycle, we
s(t), or its Fourier Transform, the source spec- obtain the kinetic energy density, e(ρ, A, T ),
trum, S(ω). The concepts of seismic moment and
source time functions arose from simple earth- T
quake rupture models developed after magni- 1ρ
e(ρ, A, T ) = ẋ 2 (t) dt
tudes had begun to be measured, compiled, and 2T
analyzed. The key point is that magnitude is a
mixture of both the static and dynamic earth-  ρ   2πA 2 T 

quake properties, which contributes to its value, = sin2 dt
2T T T
but also makes detailed interpretations of mag- 0
nitude subtle and complex.
= ρ π2 . (7.4)
7.1 The energy in seismic waves The energy density is proportional to the wave
amplitude squared and the frequency squared
For hazards and engineering, an ideal mea- (f = 1/T ). Thus for the same vibration ampli-
sure of earthquake size would be the energy tude, a higher-frequency signal carries more en-
transported by seismic waves, ES , as well as ergy than a lower-frequency signal. Over the
the frequency and duration of shaking. We can course of a cycle of deformation, the mean po-
quantify the energy carried by a seismic wave tential and kinetic energies are equal, so es (ρ, A,
by considering the history of a particle as it re- T ) = 2 e(ρ, A, T ).
sponds to a transient deformation. As a wave Now imagine that we have a spherical wave
passes, the particle, which has an elastic poten- source radiating energy in all directions about
tial energy by virtue of its connection to nearby the source. The wave amplitude decreases as
7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales 199

the wave propagates as a result of the expan- reasonable. But as with all things magnitude, re-
sion of the wavefront, and anelastic attenuation. lationships are reasonably clear for first-order
If we integrate our expression for the seismic- comparisons, but the use of the quantities for
wave energy density at one location over an en- precise work requires a deep understanding of
tire spherical wavefront and include the wave the problem.
attenuation effects, we obtain an expression of
the form
 2 7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales
Es = F (r, ρ, c) × , (7.5)
T The concept of earthquake magnitude, a rela-
tive-size scale based on measurements of seis-
where ES is the energy radiated by the source
mic wave amplitudes, was developed by Kiyoo
as seismic waves, r is the distance the wave has
Wadati and Charles Richter in the 1930s, more
traveled, ρ is the density near the wavefront,
than 30 years before the first seismic moment
and c is the wave speed. The logarithm of the
was estimated in 1964. Even with paper records,
energy is proportional to the logarithm of am- ground-motion amplitude measurements could
plitude over period, A over T : be made efficiently. However, traditional mag-
  nitudes are limited because the character of
log Es = 2 log + log F (r, ρ, c) . (7.6) seismic waves is strongly influenced by fault
T rupture details. Earthquakes with similar seis-
mic moments may have very different source-
We represent the common, base-ten, logarithm
time functions, which leads to different short-
as log, and will use ln for the natural logarithm.
period seismic-wave amplitudes. Even in the
For a spherical wave propagating in a uniform
simplest cases, the duration of rupture can pro-
medium, a functional form of F (r, ρ, c) can be duce frequency-dependent effects that influence
derived, but the form is more complicated for wave amplitudes in systematic ways that may
the Earth. We could relate seismic energy to seis- be difficult to recognize without lengthy anal-
mic wave amplitude and period directly using ysis. Despite these limitations, earthquake-size
the above equation if F (r, ρ, c) were known. estimates based on wave amplitude measure-
As detailed below, Richter and others defined ments remain useful because of their simplicity
magnitude scales to include log (A/T ) at least and long history. Short-period magnitudes are
partly because the seismic-wave energy was also important because high-frequency shaking
proportional to log (A/T ), and because ampli- in a narrow frequency band is often responsible
tude and period could be measured from seis- for earthquake-related damage.
mograms. This was a good start and the idea In the 1930’s, Richter was investigating earth-
worked better than expected. But construction quake processes in southern California and col-
of a detailed relationship between magnitude lecting observations from a seismic network out-
and energy remained a challenge because the fitted with Wood-Anderson seismic sensors that
energy in the waves also depended on unknown had a standardized instrument response. A uni-
source physics and amplitudes depended on form seismometer sensitivity is important if you
propagation effects. Relating magnitude to en- want to compare quantitatively the ground mo-
ergy was approached empirically. Gutenberg tions from earthquakes at multiple seismic sta-
and Richter (1956) estimated a form for F (r, ρ, c) tions. When comparing measurements, Richter
and showed that observed values and the early noticed that for individual earthquakes, the log-
empirical energy-magnitude relationships were arithm of the maximum amplitude observed
200 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

arithmic scale is used because the seismic-wave

amplitudes of earthquakes vary enormously.
A unit increase in magnitude corresponds to a
10-fold increase in ground displacement. Magni-
tudes are averages of estimates computed from
multiple stations to overcome amplitude biases
caused by source propagation effects not ac-
counted for in the simple formula: radiation pat-
tern, directivity, and anomalous path properties.
Four primary magnitude scales are in use today:
ML , mb , MS , and MW .
FIGURE 7.1 Origin of the local magnitude scale, based
on the systematic decrease of seismic amplitudes with epi-
central distance. Different symbols identify amplitudes mea- 7.2.1 Local magnitude (ML )
sured from different events. The data are for Southern Cali-
fornia earthquakes in January, 1932. The dashed line shows Richter’s first seismic magnitude scale was
the formula developed by Richter to match the general trend motivated by his goal to issue the first cat-
of the observations (from Richter, 1958).
alogue of California earthquakes. This cata-
logue contained several hundred events, whose
on a Wood-Anderson seismogram seemed to size ranged from barely perceptible to large,
follow a systematic pattern of decreasing am- and Richter felt that an earthquake description
plitude with increasing epicentral (source-to- should include a more objective size measure-
station) distance (Fig. 7.1). The amplitude pat-
ment to communicate the event’s significance.
terns suggested that a single number could, to
As described above, he had observed that for
first order, characterize earthquake size, and led
Richter to develop the first magnitude scale. measurements from uniform instruments, the
Magnitude scales are based on two simple as- logarithm of maximum ground motion for sev-
sumptions: (1) given the same source-receiver eral earthquakes decayed with distance along
geometry and two earthquakes of different size, parallel curves (Fig. 7.1). He surmised that rela-
the “larger” event will typically produce larger- tive size of events could be calculated by com-
amplitude arrivals; (2) the effects of source paring event amplitudes with amplitudes corre-
depth and geometric spreading and attenuation sponding to a reference event:
can be removed from the amplitude measure-
ments. The general form of all magnitude-scale
formulas is log A − log A0 = ML , (7.8)

M = log (A/T ) + f (, h) + Cs + Cr , (7.7)

where A and A0 are the displacements of the
where A is the absolute maximum ground dis-
earthquake and the reference event respectively,
placement of the seismic wave on which the
scale is based, T is the period of the signal, f is both observed at a prescribed distance. Richter
a correction for epicentral distance () and focal chose his reference earthquake, with ML = 0,
depth (h), Cs is a correction for the siting of a sta- such that A was 10−6 m at an epicentral distance
tion (e.g., variability in amplification due to local of 100 km. Using Richter’s reference event def-
rock type), and Cr is a regional correction. A log- inition and amplitude correction curve (log A0 ),
7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales 201

we can approximate Eq. (7.8) using that both the period and the gains were slightly
⎧ different from those assumed. The discrepan-

⎪ log(A) − 0.27 + 1.65 log  , cies are not important for a first-order use of ML

⎨ 0 ≤  ≤ 200 km values to categorize earthquakes, but subtle seis-
ML = (7.9) mological analyses should account for details.

⎪ log(A) − 3.55 + 3.07 log  , The modern version of ML for a region with seis-

200 <  ≤ 600 km mic wave attenuation characteristics similar to
California, recommended by the International
where A is the amplitude in millimeters. At first Association of Seismology and Physics of the
glance Eq. (7.9) is not in the form of (7.7), but Earth’s Interior (IASPEI), one of the eight As-
Richter made a number of restrictions that can sociations that comprise the International Union
be factored out of (7.7). First, all the instruments of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), is
used were narrowband and identical, and thus
the maximum-amplitude was always of a single ML = log A + 1.11 log R + 0.00189 R + 0.91 ,
dominant period, T ∼ 0.8 s. Second, all the seis- (7.10)
micity was shallow (less than 15 km deep), and where R is the hypocentral distance (R =
the travel paths were confined to southern Cali- √
h + 2 ) where h is the hypocentral depth
fornia. Thus the corrections for regional depen- (both in km). A is the amplitude in microns ob-
dence and focal depth are approximately con- served on a horizontal-component seismogram
stant, and Eq. (7.9) is a simplified form of (7.7). filtered to replicate a Wood-Anderson standard
The scale is not without issues however, for ex- seismograph with unit magnification. The stan-
ample, the original assumed instrument gain is dard Wood-Anderson short-period instrument
now believed to have been overestimated. had a magnification thought to equal 2800, but
Earthquakes with ML ≤ 2.5 are called mi- which was later estimated to equal 2080, see Bor-
croearthquakes and are rarely felt. The smallest rmann and Dewey (2014). For regions with dif-
events that are recorded have magnitudes less ferent attenuation characteristics, a similar form
than zero, and the largest ML recorded is about is recommended, but calibrated to the region.
7, which corresponds to seven orders of mag- ML remains a very important magnitude scale
nitude in ground displacement. In practice, ML because it was the first widely used earthquake
is usually a measure of the regional-distance S “size measure,” and all other magnitude scales
wave. The magnitude for each of the horizon- are to some extent calibrated to ML . In addition,
tal components is averaged in a least-squares ML remains a very useful scale for engineering.
sense to give an ML for a given station. ML may Many structures have natural periods close to
vary considerably from station to station, due that of a Wood-Anderson instrument (0.8 s), and
not only to station corrections but also to vari- the extent of earthquake damage is closely re-
ability in the S-wave radiation pattern. The val- lated to ML .
ues of ML from all stations are averaged to give
the “magnitude.”
ML in its original form is rarely used today 7.2.2 Body-wave magnitude
because Wood-Anderson torsion instruments Local magnitude works fine at local and near-
are uncommon and, of course, because most regional distances, but the limitations imposed
earthquakes do not occur in southern California. by instrument type and the distance correction
Modern data can be analyzed by digitally sim- make it impractical for global characterization
ulating the response of the Wood-Anderson in- of earthquake size. Gutenberg measured magni-
strument, but doing so has led to the recognition tudes (mB ) of distant or teleseismic, earthquakes
202 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

using the intermediate-period (roughly 5 s to tionally, this magnitude is based on amplitudes

20 s) period body-wave train that included P, measured in the first few cycles of the P -wave
PP, and S. The use of the largest observed phase arrival and is computed using
helped reduce the effects of radiation pattern
and the use of PP extended the distance range mb = log (A/T ) + Q (h, ) , (7.12)
to distances for which direct P does not exist
(beyond the P and S core shadow zones). A mod- where A is the ground-motion amplitude in mi-
ern intermediate-period body-wave magnitude, crometers and T is the corresponding period in
mB (BB), has been defined and utilized more re- seconds. The reason for using several cycles of
cently. The formula is the P wave is that the effects of radiation pattern
and wave interactions with Earth’s surface for
Vmax shallow events can result in a complicated wave-
mB (BB) = log + Q (h, ) , (7.11)
2π form. In practice, the period at which mb is usu-
where Vmax is the largest amplitude in an abso- ally measured is 1 s (historically, the WWSSN
lute sense in a ground velocity seismogram (mi- and many regional network instruments had a
crons/s) observed in the P -wave train (largest response “peaked” near 1 Hz). For a given event,
amplitude before P P arrives). The distance and scatter of the order of ±0.3 mb units is not un-
depth correction factor, Q (h, ) is described be- usual, so robust estimates require extensive av-
low and is the same correction used for the eraging.
short-period body-wave magnitude, mb . Al- The correction for distance and depth, Q(h,
though the period is not explicit in the mB (BB) ), is empirical. Fig. 7.2 includes plots of Q(h, )
expression because it is based directly on ground correction surfaces from GR, Gutenberg and
velocity, measurement of the period is encour- Richter (1956), and VC, Veith and Clawson
aged because it contributes useful information (1972). Corrections are often shown as contour
on the spectral content of the maximum ground plots, but here we show them using distance
velocity. curves for a set of sampled source depths. Each
In the early 1960’s, with the establishment row of the plot represents the amount added to
of the Worldwide-Standard Seismographic Net- log (A/T ) to produce a magnitude for the cor-
work (WWSSN), which included standardized responding source depth. The height of each
short- and long-period seismometers, it became bar represents the size of the correction; a bar
convenient to define body-wave magnitude with zero height would correspond to a mb 5.0
based on the amplitude of short-period tele- earthquake. The GR corrections are used by the
seismic P waves. The short-period observations USGS and other agencies, the VC corrections are
were less noisy than longer-period observations used by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Or-
and the change led to a significant increase in ganization’s (CTBTO) International Data Cen-
the number of small events that could be quan- ter (IDC). Corrections are fairly uniform in the
tified using teleseismic observations. The move 30◦ to 90◦ degree range, but are complicated
to shorter periods also enabled incorporation of at closer, upper-mantle distances, which reflects
measurements from short-period seismic arrays the complexity of the body waves in this epicen-
that were established around this time. These tral distance range. The correction dramatically
advantages were particularly important for un- decreases at 20◦ because P-wave interactions with
derground nuclear explosion monitoring, which the mantle transition zone structure can result
was a primary reason the WWSSN network was in very large amplitude arrivals. The correc-
established. The resulting body-wave magni- tions dramatically increase near 100◦ because
tude is represented using the symbol mb . Tradi- diffraction along the core dramatically reduces
7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales 203

FIGURE 7.2 The correction Q(h, ), Gutenberg and Richter (1956), and P (h, ), Veith and Clawson (1972), that are applied
to determine the body-wave magnitude (computed to adjust observations for an mb 5 reference event). The third panel shows
the difference between the others and all plots are on the same scale. The GR corrections remain in use by the USGS and other
agencies, the VC corrections are used by the CTBTO IDC. Note that in the teleseismic range (30 to 90 degrees), the curves
vary relatively smoothly. The steep increase beyond 100 degrees is an attempt to correct for the loss of short-period energy
as the wave diffracts along the core-mantle boundary. The complexities in regional distances are related to upper mantle
complexity with both depth and geographic location within the shallow Earth.

short-period P amplitudes. The VC corrections may arrive much later. The USGS and others
are smoother than the GR values. For shallow who monitor earthquakes use a time window
events, the corrections are similar, but include that extends as late as the arrival of PP or 60 sec-
differences up to 0.25 magnitude units. For onds to capture large amplitude P waves. For
deeper sources, especially at regional distances, large earthquakes, the time-window difference
the differences are as great as one magnitude is significant and the IDC mb will be a lower
unit. The use of different correction surfaces bound on the USGS measurements. Perhaps the
can lead to systematic differences in magnitude, most important take-away is that although mag-
but correction surface issues are not the only nitude is viewed as a simple metric, the details
complication of working with mb . Differences are rather complex and care is needed to work
in measurement practice, including the instru- with magnitudes in a detailed, quantitative way.
ment/filter response used to isolate the short- For most applications, where magnitude repre-
period signals on a digital seismogram, and the sents a rough indicator of earthquake size, these
length of time over which the maximum ampli- issues are less important.
tude is measured also affect estimated mb . The
IDC’s primary interest is in nuclear explosions,
so they restrict the mb measurement window to
7.2.3 Surface-wave magnitude (MS )
the first five seconds of the P-waveform. This Beyond about 600 km, the long-period seis-
is perfectly acceptable for explosions, which re- mograms of shallow earthquakes are dominated
lease their energy very quickly. However, large by surface waves, usually with a period of ap-
earthquake rupture durations are much longer proximately 20 s. Earth’s crustal structure is
than five seconds, and the largest amplitude such that Rayleigh waves with periods near 20 s
204 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

(roughly 18 to 22 s, sometimes called the crustal revised, distance correction is used by groups
Airy phase) propagate efficiently, which makes that monitor underground nuclear explosions.
them a good choice for measuring earthquake As was the case with mb , changes to magnitude
size. However, surface-wave amplitudes de- scales such as MS can provide more consistent
crease with the source depth and rather than try metrics for earthquake size suitable to applica-
to correct the surface-wave amplitude for depth, tion with modern digital observations, but they
we use surface waves only to compare shallow also introduce a time-variable complexity that
earthquake size using surface-wave magnitude. requires earthquake scientists to be aware of the
In modern notation, the classic MS is repre- subtle but systematic differences between mod-
sented as MS (20), that is, the magnitude deter- ern and historic magnitude estimates.
mined from the amplitude measured at 20 s.
Since surface-wave amplitudes depend on dis-
tance differently than those of body waves, we 7.2.4 Other magnitude scales
have a different form for the distance correc-
The total number of magnitudes is substantial
tions, and in fact, a number of different formulas
and we cannot review them all. Small earth-
have been proposed. The equation for comput-
quakes recorded by local networks at short dis-
ing surface-wave magnitude is
tances have been categorized using the duration
MS (20) = log A/T + 1.66 log  + 3.3 , (7.13) of the coda following the S-wave. The prac-
tice allows estimates of nearby earthquakes,
where A is the amplitude in micrometers (or mi- even when the amplitude is driven off-scale or
crons) of Rayleigh wave observations with a pe- clipped by the instrument. The more qualitative
riod close to 20 s. In general, the amplitude of seismic intensity measurements have been cal-
the Rayleigh wave on the vertical component ibrated with seismogram-based magnitudes so
is used for the distance range 20◦ ≤  ≤ 160◦ , that the maximum intensity can provide an esti-
but this has not always been the case. MS has mate of the size of large historical earthquakes.
long been used as a better metric of the size of
The magnitude of large historic tsunamigenic
larger earthquakes than mb , and the energy re-
earthquakes have been measured using tsunami
lationship between MS and seismic energy was
effects calibrated by modern measurements of
used in the definition of moment magnitude,
magnitude and modern tsunami.
MW . So MS (20) remains an important parameter
for many historic and modern earthquakes. The Regional magnitude, mb (Lg)
existence of modern digital data offers oppor-
tunities to produce more robust and consistent In large more stable regions of the continents
metrics. The broad-band MS recommended by such as eastern North America, which for many
IASPEI has the form years hosted fewer seismic stations so that the
local data were less common, ML has been re-
Vmax placed with mb (Lg), a measure based on the
MS (BB) = log + 1.66 log  + 3.3 , (7.14)
2π regional-distance Lg arrival. Lg is a superpo-
where Vmax is the maximum absolute ground sition of shear-wave and higher mode energy
velocity in microns/s within the vertical compo- traveling with a group speed roughly in the
nent Rayleigh-wave train within a period range range from 3.2 to 3.6 km/s (regionally variable).
of 3 s ≤ T ≤ 60 s and applicable across the dis- Lg is a mixture of energy leaving the source from
tance range 2◦ ≤  ≤ 160◦ . a range of directions that average some of the di-
These are not the only formulas used to es- rectional variations in wave amplitude. The U.S.
timate surface-wave magnitude. A similar, but Geological Survey uses a piecewise continuous
7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales 205

Box 7.1 Magnitudes and Explosion Monitoring

Seismic magnitudes are an integral part of modern approaches to monitoring large under-
ground nuclear explosions. We can split seismic explosion monitoring analyses into two tasks,
explosion identification and explosion characterization - magnitudes have been central to each.
mb , was in part developed for the analysis of explosion sources and smaller-magnitude earth-
quakes that were difficult to quantify using mB or MS (20) during the era of paper records
(and to some extent, even with modern digital data). After some investigation, it was discov-
ered that the ratio of short-period P -wave to intermediate-period Rayleigh-wave energy in
explosive sources differed from that typical of earthquakes. Thus examination of the ratio of
mb /MS (20) provided a way to identify candidate explosive sources from the far more numer-
ous earthquakes. For smaller explosions, often observed only at regional distances, the use of
teleseismic-based magnitudes is problematic. Regional discriminants based on the same princi-
ples but quantified using short-period spectral ratios of P -, S-, or Lg -wave amplitudes are used
in place of mb and MS .

FIGURE B7.1.1 Explosion mb -yield observations and relationships for Nevada Test Site (NTS) (left) and Semi-
palatinsk Test Site (STS) (right). Scatter in the NTS observations is partially from differences in explosion emplacement
conditions (from Maceira et al., 2017).
In addition to their use in event discrimination, approximate relationships between magnitude
and explosion yield have also been developed. P -wave-based relations are more reliable for
this purpose. In Fig. B7.1.1 we show known yield versus mb for the Nevada and Semipalatinsk
(former Soviet Union) test sites. The STS relationship is relatively consistent

mb = 4.45 + 0.75 log10 W , (B7.1.1)

where W is the explosion yield in kilotons of TNT equivalent. The yield relationship for the
Nevada Test Site is more complicated. For hard-rock sources
206 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

mb = 3.92 + 0.81 log10 W . (B7.1.2)

Clearly, explosions with the same mb from each test site correspond to significantly different
yields. The systematic difference in mb for a given yield is caused by the strong attenuation
beneath the U.S. test site within the Basin and Range (underlain by a hot and attenuative
upper mantle) relative to the less attenuating upper mantle under the Soviet test site. In the
1970’s and 80’s, estimating yields from the measured magnitudes before the mantle variations
were understood caused political issues between the two superpowers. In addition to geologic
effects, inherent in these yield relationships are assumptions about the explosion depth and em-
placement conditions, which can complicate the broad use of simple relations. Transporting a
relationship from one test site to another (or even a different region of a single test site) requires
careful consideration of the geologic characteristics of both sites.

formula in the region the western conterminous U.S. is much stronger

⎧ than in the east, which leads to a more substan-

⎪ 3.75 + 0.90 log  + log(A/T ) , tial amplitude correction in the west relative to

0.5◦ ≤  ≤ 4◦ the east.
mb (Lg ) =

⎪ 3.30 + 1.66 log  + log(A/T ) ,

4◦ <  ≤ 30◦ Seismic coda magnitude
(7.15) Richter and others chose to use the ampli-
tude of the major seismic arrivals to estimate
where A is the peak ground motion amplitude in
the size of an earthquake. As described earlier
microns calculated using a seismogram filtered
in this chapter, one of the factors that reduces
with a short-period seismometer response filter,
the size of the direct waves during propagation
T is the period in seconds, and  is the epicen-
is the scattering of the wave’s energy by het-
tral distance in degrees.
erogeneity in the Earth. Although P -waves scat-
The recommended IASPEI formula for
tered from S-waves can arrive before the S wave,
mb (Lg) is
most of the scattered energy arrives after the
mb (Lg ) = log A + 0.833 log R major arrival because the scattered waves travel
a longer distance (from the source to the scat-
+ 0.04343 γ (R − 10) + 2.13 , (7.16)
terer then to the receiver). Scattered waves fol-
where A is the maximum absolute amplitude low all the major seismic arrivals (P , S, Lg , etc.)
observed on a regional seismogram filtered with and form what we call a seismic wave’s coda.
a short-period instrument response in microns, The scattered waves that arrive closest in time
γ is a regional attenuation parameter, and R is to the major arrival have the largest amplitudes
the hypocentral distance. The Lg signals prop- because they experience fewer scattering inter-
agate well through regions with relatively uni- actions and propagated only a slightly larger
form crustal thicknesses but do not traverse re- distance than the major arrival. Amplitudes de-
gions with significant changes in crustal thick- crease steadily as the time after the major ar-
ness, including continent-ocean transitions. The rival increases because the later-arrival scattered
value of γ has to be calibrated for each re- waves may have been scattered multiple times
gion of application. For example, attenuation in and/or simply followed a longer path to the sta-
7.2 Earthquake magnitude scales 207

tion. The result is a roughly exponential decay

in the amplitude of the signal behind the ma-
jor arrivals. We can predict the pattern theoreti-
cally (and gain insight into the nature of seismic
wave speed heterogeneity) or we can measure
the coda shape empirically, since it appears to be
a relatively stable function of frequency within a
particular region.
The coda amplitudes carry information on
earthquake size since the overall amount of scat-
tering is proportional to the size of the waves
that are being scattered. If we know the char-
acteristic shape of the coda in a particular re- FIGURE 7.3 Example shear-wave narrowband-filtered
gion, then we can use the coda level to esti- coda-envelopes (solid lines) estimated by smoothing the log-
mate source size. The averaging properties of arithmic average of the codas of the two horizontal compo-
coda smooth out focusing or defocusing effects nents. Dashed curves show synthetic envelope fits for the
coda amplitude measurements. After a short time, the loga-
that can substantially increase or decrease the rithm of the coda amplitude decreases linearly with distance.
peak amplitude of a seismic wave, particularly Note that the higher-frequency coda attenuates faster be-
at short periods. Also, since the coda includes cause it corresponds to signals with shorter wavelengths that
waves that leave the source in all different di- make it more susceptible to intrinsic attenuation and scat-
tering. The differences in the levels of the coda correspond
rections they can help reduce the effect of earth- to source properties or near-station geology (from Mayeda,
quake radiation patterns (provided enough of 2003).
the coda to insure sufficient averaging is observ-
able). Major seismic wave amplitudes are mod-
ulated by the faulting geometry of the earth- bration to account for lateral variations in scat-
quake, which complicates earthquake size esti- tering.
mates that do not include a correction for the
effect (radiations patterns are discussed in more
detail in Chapter 17). As a result of the intrin-
7.2.5 Magnitude saturation
sic averaging of the seismic wavefield by the Both MS (20) and mb were designed to be as
scattering process, magnitudes based on cali- compatible as possible with ML . Sometimes all
brated coda-shapes can be used to estimate ro- three magnitudes have the same value - but, this
bust earthquake magnitudes using fewer seis- is not always the case. For small earthquakes
mic stations. In practice, a coda analysis is per- differences may be caused by signal-to-noise
formed for a range of frequencies using narrow- issues. For example, MS (20) is hard to mea-
band coda signals to construct an estimate of sure for small or deep earthquakes. For large
the source spectrum (Fig. 7.3). The magnitude earthquakes, when signal-to-noise is not an is-
is then estimated from the source spectrum. The sue, magnitude differences reflect earthquake
source spectrum is discussed in more detail in physics not well understood at the time that the
the next Chapter. Coda magnitudes are an im- magnitude scales were developed. Each of ML ,
portant tool for constraining earthquake size mb , and MS (20) depends on an amplitude mea-
and spectra, but the effects at short periods and surement at a different period (and wave type),
short coda durations needed to model close, roughly 0.8 s (usually S), 1.0 s (usually P), and
small-magnitude earthquake may require cali- 20 s (Rayleigh), respectively. If earthquakes ra-
208 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

FIGURE 7.4 Illustration of magnitude saturation for the high-frequency magnitude mb versus the lower-frequency magni-
tudes MW and the start of saturation for MS at large magnitudes. The data are from the U.S. Geological Survey measurements
contained in the ISC catalog. For several of the earlier large earthquakes, the GCMT MW is used since the values in the ISC
catalog reflect initial underestimated values. The data are from the years 2004-2017 and the symbol shading indicates the
number of observations at each coordinate pair. The darker symbols indicate more data, lighter symbols indicate fewer ob-

diated seismic waves with a uniform amplitude complexity. Small earthquakes have short dura-
at all periods, the magnitudes would agree as tions and ML , mb , and MS (20) are all measured
long as distance and depth corrections were ac- at periods longer than 3 τr and the magnitudes
curate. However, earthquakes radiate uniform generally agree. But for large earthquakes, the
amplitudes as a function of period only for peri- duration of the event increases first beyond the
ods shorter than roughly π times the earthquake short-periods used to measure ML and mb and
duration, τr . A rough estimate of a typical earth- the magnitudes stop increasing with earthquake
quake duration in seconds can be computed us- size because the short-period peak amplitudes
ing stop increasing as rupture grows and complex-
ity causes complex interference patterns among
τr [s] ∼ 100.6 M−2.8 . (7.17)
the shorter period components of the seismo-
This value is approximate, because the spread of gram. We call this effect magnitude saturation.
durations for any particular magnitude is easily Classic ML and mb saturate roughly near
a factor of 2 of this “typical” value, so do not magnitude 6.5 (which has a duration of roughly
use the relation for precise work. For compar- 10 s). MS (20) remains a reasonably consistent
ing magnitudes, we must be concerned about a measure of earthquake size until the duration
decrease in seismic wave amplitude that occurs of the event is roughly a minute, and it begins
when the measurement period is shorter than to saturate for magnitudes just larger than 8.0.
roughly ∼ 3 τr . The effect is illustrated in Fig. 7.4, which is a
Physically, what happens is that longer pe- comparison of USGS mb estimates with MW es-
riod components of the signal, which corre- timates on the left and USGS MS (20) with MW
spond to waves with wavelengths much larger estimates on the right. Ideally, the magnitudes
than the spatial dimensions of the rupture and would agree and follow the lines, which have
periods that smooth out temporal variations in a slope of unity. The saturation effect is quite
the rupture process, do not sense any rupture clear for mb and although the number of large
7.3 Seismic energy, magnitude, and moment magnitude 209

events is limited, saturation is also apparent suggests that for small and moderate-magnitude
for MS (20). Note also that the relationship for earthquakes in southern California, ML is a sta-
smaller magnitudes is not simple either, neither ble estimator of earthquake energy. The relation-
mb nor MS follow the one-to-one line with MW . ship, valid for ML ≤ 6.5, is
Broad-band magnitude, mB (BB) and MS(BB)
are measured using a broader frequency ranges log Es = 9.05 + 1.96 ML , (7.20)
than the classic magnitudes. As a result, they
saturate at higher magnitudes than their clas- where ES is in ergs. The relationship has a slope
sic counterparts, but they too saturate. The first of 2, which indicates energy in the short-period
step towards a non-saturating magnitude scale (T ∼ 0.8 s) range used to estimate ML , increases
was an empirical relation between magnitude by a factor of 100 for a unit increase in ML . This
and energy. differs with the usual relationship between MS
and energy for large earthquakes because MS
and ML are measured at different frequencies
7.3 Seismic energy, magnitude, and and the source spectrum of earthquakes is fre-
quency dependent. The ML expression is not
moment magnitude valid for large earthquakes because ML satu-
rates because of the same source-spectrum fre-
Gutenberg and Richter constructed empirical quency dependence. For first-order approxima-
relationships between mB and MS and ES in ergs tions, the MS relationship is usually the one cho-
(1 erg = 10−7 joules): sen, but the important point is that the complex-
ity of earthquake rupture can complicate magni-
log Es = 5.8 + 2.4 mB , (7.18) tude’s interpretation. Using magnitude for other
and than direct event comparisons requires under-
standing of the history, limitations and subtleties
log Es = 11.8 + 1.5 MS . (7.19) of this important and oft-quoted quantity.
Obviously, the energy calculation in Eqs. We can also relate seismic moment to seis-
(7.18) and (7.19) suffers from all the problems mic energy. An earthquake’s energy budget can
of the magnitude estimation. In particular, E be quantified in terms of the change in stress
estimated using a saturated magnitude will be caused by the fault rupture and offset. Kostrov
underestimated. Eq. (7.19) is fairly robust, since (1974) showed that the radiated seismic energy
MS does not saturate until large magnitudes. is proportional to the rupture area, fault offset,
Eq. (7.19) provides an interesting insight into the and the stress decrease on the fault produced by
tremendous range of earthquake size. The differ- the earthquake (usually called the stress drop):
ence between the energy released in an MS = 7.0 1
and an MS = 8.0 earthquake is a factor of 101.5 , Es ≈ σ D̄A , (7.21)
or ∼ 32. In other words, the seismic energy re-
leased in a magnitude 8.0 earthquake is over 30 or, rearranging terms using the definition of
times greater than that released in a magnitude M0 = μAD̄,
7.0 earthquake, and it is three orders of mag-

nitude greater than that released in a MS = 6.0 Es ≈ M0 . (7.22)
earthquake. 2μ
Kanamori et al. (1993) related ES computed We can use this expression to relate M0 to magni-
from local and regional distance seismograms tude through Eq. (7.19). If we assume that earth-
with ML in southern California. Their analysis quake stress drop is roughly constant and equal
210 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

to about 3 MPa, this yields the relation 7.4.1 The Gutenberg-Richter

log M0 = 1.5 MS + 16.1 , (7.23) For example, there is an important scaling
relationship between earthquake size and fre-
where the moment is in units of dyne-cm. This quency of occurrence. Richter and Gutenberg
equation gives a simple way to relate magnitude first proposed that in a given region and for a
to seismic moment and, in fact, can be used to given period of time, the frequency of occur-
define a new magnitude scale, MW , called mo- rence can be represented by
ment magnitude:
log N = A − b MS (7.25)
log M0 − 16.1
Mw = . (7.24) where N is the number of earthquakes with
1.5 magnitudes in a fixed range around magnitude
MS , and A and b are constants. The numerical
The moment-magnitude scale, derived by value of A varies with the length of time over
Kanamori (1977), is calibrated to MS but will not which seismicity is examined, the area of the
saturate because M0 does not saturate. Gener- region studied, and the area’s seismicity rate.
ally, estimating M0 is more complicated than es- Mathematically, A represents the logarithm of
timating magnitude, but modern seismic analy- the number of M = 0 events. For practical rea-
ses routinely provide M0 estimates for all events sons the lower magnitude threshold for analysis,
larger than MW ∼ 5.0. Using the non-saturating Ma , is larger than zero, and we replace MS with
MW magnitude scale, the largest earthquake (MS − Ma ) in the relation. Then a is the num-
recorded was the 1960 Chilean earthquake, with ber of events at the magnitude threshold). Often,
MW = 9.5. N (M) represents the number of events equal to
or larger than M. The form of the relationship
remains the same, but the constant, a, must be
7.4 Descriptive earthquake statistics interpreted differently. The constant b in (7.25) is
called the b value and often, if not typically, has
a value of 1.0. We can rearrange terms in (7.25)
Once earthquake size was quantified, obser-
and substitute M0 from (7.23) for MS to obtain
vations from around the world could be com-
pared and contrasted and patterns identified. −(b/1.5)
N (M0 ) = A M0 . (7.26)
Just as earthquake locations greatly refined ev-
idence that earthquakes were spatially concen- This type of power-law size distribution arises
trated in relatively narrow regions, important from earthquake self-similarity. Self similar-
patterns were identified in earthquake tempo- ity has a number of interpretations, but gen-
ral, spatial, and magnitude distributions. With erally means that small and large earthquakes
the tools of instrument-based earthquake lo- are similar. That means that the ratio of fun-
cation and magnitude estimation, the patterns damental physical quantities such as fault slip
could be investigated more broadly and more to fault length or fault slip to fault area scale
quantitatively because analyses could be ex- in proportion to event size. The same ideas
tended to smaller and more remote earthquake lead to a roughly constant earthquake stress
sequences, which greatly increased the observa- drop (actually stress drop varies over a limited
tions of earthquake processes. range). Fig. 7.5 is a histogram of the number
7.4 Descriptive earthquake statistics 211

clustered in space and time and are not associ-

ated with an identifiable mainshock. The b val-
ues for swarms can be as large as 2.5, which im-
plies that no large earthquakes accompany the
occurrence of small-magnitude events. Swarms
most commonly occur in volcanic regions, and
the generally accepted explanation is that faults
simply are not large or continuous in this en-
vironment and that stress is substantially het-
erogeneous. Thus, the maximum moment ex-
pected for a given earthquake is small, and
many smaller events must accommodate the
FIGURE 7.5 Number of earthquakes as a function of the strain accumulation (since the energy associated
logarithm of seismic moment (or magnitude). This is a global with a magnitude of 5.0 is 1000 times smaller
data set for all earthquakes since 1977. The solid line is a
than that for a magnitude of 7.0, we mean many
straight line fit to the central part of the distribution. The
equation of the line is log N = 19.9 − 0.65 log M0 , which has a smaller events!)
slope close to −2/3, and a b-value for the magnitude depen- Eq. (7.25) is often used in seismic hazard anal-
dence close to 1.0. ysis to determine the maximum credible earthquake
during a specified time window. If we assume
that A and b values determined for a given
of earthquakes as a function of seismic mo- time range are self-similar in both size and fre-
ment and magnitude. The data set includes quency of occurrence, the Gutenberg-Richter re-
over 50,000 events with magnitudes greater than lation can be extrapolated to larger time win-
about MW 5 that have occurred since 1977. In dows. The recurrence time of an earthquake of
the intermediate size range (where most of the magnitude M is proportional to N −1 . For exam-
earthquakes contribute), the b value is roughly ple, if we monitored a region for one year and
1.0. In general, b values are between 23 and found that b = 1 and A = 3.5, we then would
1 and do not show much regional variability. expect a magnitude 4.5 earthquake in the next
If we consider Eq. (7.25) determined per year, 10 years and a magnitude 5.5 earthquake in the
then the A value gives the maximum expected next century. Obviously, this type of analysis is
earthquake (assuming b = 1). Globally, we ex- loaded with assumptions; a maximum magni-
pect roughly one earthquake per year for which tude will eventually be reached, and a 1-yr win-
MW ≥ 8.0. A b-value of unity implies that each dow may poorly represent the earthquake fre-
year we should observe roughly 10 or more quency of occurrence for all magnitudes.
events for which MW ≥ 7.0 (see Figure in chap- We can use Eq. (7.25) to estimate the yearly
ter 1) and 100 or more events for which MW ≥ energy release from earthquakes. The largest
6.0. With this in mind, you can understand the event in a given year usually accounts for ap-
seismologist’s frustration with the question, “Is proximately 10% of the total seismic energy re-
this the big one?” which is heard any time an lease, and the events with magnitudes greater
earthquake does damage in California. Earth- than 7.0 account for more than 10% of the total.
quakes of magnitude 6.0 are hardly unusual Proceeding this way, the annual energy release
phenomena, at least globally. by earthquakes averages 1.0 − 2.0 × 1017 J/yr.
The one case in which the b-value departs The average energy release is smaller than that
significantly from ∼ 1.0 is earthquake swarms. released in large megathrust earthquakes. The
Swarms are sequences of earthquakes that are 1960 Chilean megathrust earthquake had a seis-
212 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

mic moment of roughly 2 × 1023 N-m. Using earthquakes into background and triggered ac-
Eq. (7.22) and assuming a 3 MPa stress drop and tivity requires separating or de-clustering events
shear modulus of 40 GPa, the estimated energy in an earthquake catalog. Many approaches for
release is about 80 × 1017 J, at least 40 times the earthquake catalog de-clustering have been de-
annual average. The annual earthquake energy veloped - early approaches were heuristic, more
release is comparable to that expected from a recent approaches have incorporated statistical
magnitude in the range from 8.3 to 8.5. Earth- models of earthquake occurrence.
quake energy release is relatively small com- On a global scale, we can crudely assume
pared to the energy release of other geophysical that most large earthquakes are mainshocks, not
processes. The 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in triggered by other events (not completely accu-
the Philippines alone released roughly 8 × 1019 J. rate, but for a simple experiment, it’s a reason-
The heat flux out of the solid Earth is roughly 44 able starting point). Fig. 7.6 shows the cumula-
terawatts, or about 1.4 × 1021 J/year. For com- tive distribution of the number of large events
parison, global human energy consumption is per year observed for the last ∼ 120 years. We
roughly 6 × 1020 J/yr. used the USGS PAGER catalog updated with the
USGS Common Catalog for more recent years
for the computation. We chose to define large
7.4.2 Earthquake occurrence rates with a minimum magnitude of 7.0, but the dif-
Estimation of the probability of an earth- ference between an M 6.9 and an M 7.0 earth-
quake occurrence is central to seismic hazard quake is of no physical significance. The number
estimation, which is a fundamental problem for of cataloged events from 1900 to 2018 with M ≥
earthquake science. In many physical systems, 7 is 1872. The cumulative large-event count-per-
random events are modeled as a Poisson pro- year distribution is consistent with our estimates
cess - events are assumed to occur randomly, of the mean number of earthquakes per year in
but at a uniform rate. Under such assumptions Chapter 1 - roughly 15-16 (we can consider the
probabilities of event occurrence can be esti- mean value as an estimate of the mean of the dis-
mated using a Poisson distribution, which is tribution). The match to the distribution is good,
parameterized completely by the rate of event and the pattern is reasonably consistent consid-
occurrence. For earthquakes in general, the as- ering that we did not remove aftershocks, which
sumption of a Poisson process is inappropri- we know do not follow the same Poisson-rate
ate. Earthquakes occur in sequences and many assumptions as mainshocks.
events are not independent. But a Poisson model To refine the analysis, we applied a very sim-
has value when we consider the largest earth- ple, heuristic declustering algorithm to the orig-
quakes that may occur in a particular region. inal earthquake list. We assumed that any event
If these events can be considered independent, occurring within four weeks and 200 km of an
their occurrence rate can be estimated using earlier large event is an aftershock. Applying
earthquake history, earthquake catalogs, and this rule to the original 1872 large events iden-
paleo-seismic investigations. The results can be tified 164 (roughly 10%) of the events as sus-
used to estimate earthquake occurrence proba- pected aftershocks. The cumulative histogram of
bilities. More generally, earthquake occurrence the de-clustered events is compared with a Pois-
patterns are viewed as the sum of two com- son distribution parameterized by 14 events per
ponents, background earthquakes that occur year in Fig. 7.7. The largest visual change in the
as part of a tectonically driven Poisson pro- histogram is the removal of any year with more
cess, and triggered earthquakes that are initi- than 28 events (four of the original 32 events in
ated by other earthquakes. The separation of 1943 were classified as aftershocks). The cumu-
7.5 Patterns in earthquake sequences 213

FIGURE 7.6 Cumulative distribution of the number of years (count) versus the number of large, M ≥ 7, in each year. The
dotted curve shows the predictions for a Poisson distribution with a global large earthquake rate between 15-16 events per

FIGURE 7.7 Cumulative distribution of the number of years (count) versus the number of large, M ≥ 7, in each year
with suspected aftershocks removed. The dotted curve shows the predictions for a Poisson distribution with a global large
earthquake rate between 14 events per year.

lative Poisson distribution fit is slightly better of these giant events in any hundred-year inter-
for the de-clustered data. But we must keep in val.
mind that we employed a simple de-clustering The global pattern of large earthquakes ap-
rule. Changing the rule to classify events in pears roughly compatible with a Poisson de-
larger or smaller temporal and spatial ranges scription, but this is far from a complete char-
as aftershocks would affect the pattern. A de- acterization of earthquake occurrence patterns.
crease in the mean number of events per year A substantial number of earthquakes are trig-
by roughly one event per year (from 15-16 to gered by other earthquakes and are not indepen-
14) is more consistent with de-clustered cumu- dent in their timing, location, or size. For these
lative distribution. Of course any estimate of av- events, the uniform-rate assumption associated
erage number of large earthquakes in a given with a classic Poisson distribution is inapplica-
year should include the aftershocks, so the num- ble.
ber of 15-16 remains the appropriate answer to
the general question of how many large earth-
quakes typically occur each year? The larger the 7.5 Patterns in earthquake sequences
events we want to analyze, the fewer data we
have and the less certain the analysis. Using the Earthquakes occur in sequences. Nearly all
Onur and Muir-Wood historical catalog of giant large earthquakes are followed by a sequence
earthquakes (estimated MW ≥ 8.8), from about of smaller earthquakes, known as aftershocks,
1550 to the present, a similar analysis suggests a which are spatially and temporally related to
mean of roughly 5-6 giant earthquakes per cen- the large event. We assume that the same pro-
tury. Assuming a Poisson distribution, this sug- cess also occurs for even the smallest events, but
gests a 55% chance of experiencing five or fewer those aftershocks are too small for routine de-
and an 70% chance of experiencing six of fewer tection. Some events are preceded by seismicity,
214 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

which after the fact are called foreshocks. The However, earthquake sequences quite simi-
largest earthquake in the sequence is called the lar to the recent foreshock sequences have been
mainshock, but these labels are only certain af- observed in other regions believed to be large-
ter the sequence is complete. The terminology is earthquake capable, but no large earthquake fol-
valuable to enable discussion of events as they lowed. Thus, it remains difficult to distinguish
occur, but must remain flexible as a result of the elevated earthquake activity that occurs prior to
diversity of earthquake sequence types. Much of a larger event from elevated earthquake activ-
this text can be considered an analysis of main- ity that is not followed by a large event. The
shock properties - in this section we discuss fore- interpretation of seismic activity as precursory
shock and aftershock processes and their associ- remains ambiguous. In the case of Tohoku, the
ated patterns. earliest activity could easily have been inter-
preted as foreshocks of the MW 7.0 event, not
the larger MW 9.0 event. One research avenue
7.5.1 Foreshock patterns and earthquake that might reduce the ambiguity is work to col-
nucleation lect and study information on possible aseismic
Many earthquakes appear to be preceded by deformation that may drive foreshock activity.
detected precursory seismic activity called fore- Since most events are offshore, that effort will re-
shocks and the percentage is even larger (over quire marine deformation networks, which are
70%) for large earthquakes (for which foreshock under development but require substantial re-
activity may be easier to detect). Foreshocks sources. In addition, other observations, such as
themselves are no different from other earth- those obtained before the 2004 Parkfield earth-
quakes, so identifying them as foreshocks is the quake, suggest that expecting a simple, clear
challenge. Given the complexity of earthquake pattern may not be realistic. But even an ap-
rupture, it makes some sense that fault ruptures proach that works part of the time could have
would start with precursory activity. The 1960 substantial value. Given the complexity of earth-
Chile earthquake began with a sequence of ma- quake precesses, earthquake scientists must con-
jor earthquakes that may have been triggered tinue to inform nonspecialists that any notable
by precursory aseismic slip. The 33 hours prior earthquake in a region is a indication of a poten-
to the great event included at least three ma- tial for future shaking and a reminder for those
jor events. Although at a smaller scale, several that live in earthquake-prone regions to stay pre-
recent large earthquakes also began with ex- pared.
tended sequences of foreshocks, including the
2011 Tohoku and the 2014 Northern Chile earth- 7.5.2 Aftershock patterns and rupture
quakes (Fig. 7.8). Just over three weeks before
the nucleation of the MW 9.0 Tohoku earthquake,
precursory activity began near and migrated to- Awareness of aftershocks must be very old,
wards the large event’s hypocenter. Two days since large earthquakes without aftershocks are
before the great event, an MW 7.3 event rup- exceptionally rare. But the term aftershock orig-
ture a region close to the Tohoku earthquake’s inated in descriptions of the 1755 Lisbon earth-
hypocenter. The 2014 Tarapacá, Chile (MW 8.1) quake. The largest earthquake in a sequence,
earthquake showed a similar pattern - it was known as the mainshock, introduces a nearby
preceded by nearly two weeks of moderate to strain change that perturbs adjacent segments of
large offshore earthquakes in a region that had the same fault as well as the complex system
not registered a large earthquake since a very of faults generally found in all fault systems.
large event in 1877. Faults and fault segments adjacent to the rup-
7.5 Patterns in earthquake sequences 215

FIGURE 7.8 Plate boundary thrust sequences for the 2011 Mw 9.0 earthquake in Tohoku, Japan (A), and the 1 April 2014
Mw 8.1 earthquake in north Chile (B). Shaded dots indicate great earthquake epicenters. The fault geometries of large fore-
shocks are indicated by focal mechanisms. Arrows indicate migration direction. In the maps on the right of each panel, shade
denotes depth of foreshocks (from Brodsky and Lay (2014)).

ture respond to stress changes induced by the aftershock in a sequence in the oceanic litho-
strain change, and aftershocks are produced. sphere is more often roughly two magnitude
Aftershocks typically begin immediately after a units smaller than the mainshock.
mainshock and are distributed throughout the Typically, the relative frequency of after-
volume around the rupture affected by the strain shocks decays rapidly at first, then slowly tran-
adjustment (the source volume). Aftershocks can sitions into the normal background rate. Omori
be dangerous as a result of the damage to struc- studied aftershocks in Japan in the late 1800’s
tures caused by the mainshock. But in most and early 1900’s and developed an empiri-
earthquake sequences, the sum of the aftershock cal formula to describe typical aftershock rates
seismic moments rarely exceeds 10% of the (Omori’s Law). Let n(t) represent the frequency
mainshock moment. For a typical shallow inter- of aftershocks at time t after the mainshock, then
plate MS = 7.0 earthquake, thousands of small C
aftershocks may occur. In general, for shallow n(t) = , (7.27)
(K + t)P
earthquakes, the largest aftershock magnitude is
roughly a unit smaller than the mainshock (1.2 where K, C, and P are constants that depend on
units smaller on average, this is called Båth’s the size of the earthquake. The P value is usu-
Law). These patterns vary with tectonic environ- ally close to 1.0-1.4. The key features of the curve
ment. Oceanic transform earthquakes, oceanic are a rapid decrease in the number of events
intraplate earthquakes, and deep earthquakes followed by a very slow return to background
(earthquakes that rupture within oceanic litho- activity levels. Fig. 7.9 is a plot of the time his-
sphere) produce fewer aftershocks than shallow tory of the aftershocks of the 2015 Nepal earth-
continental and interplate events, and the largest quake. The first large event in the sequence be-
216 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

gins a classic Omori decay until a second cluster Within the seismogenic zone the crust deforms
of events occurs two weeks later, which starts a primarily either by stable or unstable sliding on
second Omori decay pattern. Some recent stud- faults and more rarely by brittle failure when
ies have suggested that the decay rates for af- subjected to stresses greater than the strength of
tershocks depends on the rate of tectonic strain the material. Rock strength and frictional behav-
loading in the source volume. In this model, re- ior depend on deformation rate, temperature,
gions that accumulate strain more slowly host pressure, and composition. For most materials
longer duration aftershock sequences. The im- that could realistically make up a significant
plication is that relatively long aftershock se- fraction of the crust and for realistic tempera-
quences should be expected in regions of slow ture profiles, rock strength increases to a depth
strain accumulation, such as the interiors of con- of roughly 15 km and then decreases rapidly.
tinents. At least some well known earthquake Near the same depth frictional properties transi-
sequences are consistent with the idea. tion from those conducive to unstable sliding to
Aftershock spatial distributions are often used those favoring stable sliding. The precise depth
to infer the mainshock rupture area. For most varies from place-to-place with details of com-
earthquakes, the rupture area (or aftershock position and thermal structure. The maximum
area) scales with magnitude. Utsu and Seki in the strength is often near the base of the un-
(1954) developed an empirical relationship stable seismogenic zone. The geometry of the
seismogenic zone has important consequences
log A ∼ 1.0 MS + 2.0, (7.28)
for earthquake size. The implication is that a
where A is measured in m2 . Aftershock zones ex- maximum fault width is available for rupture,
pand slightly during a month or more following below which stable sliding or ductile deforma-
the mainshock presumably involving changes tion occur. Earthquakes that rupture this entire
in fluid pressures or aseismic deformation oc- zone can be classified as large, and those that
curring in response to the mainshock. For this only rupture part of the seismogenic zone can
reason, when possible, rupture area is estimated be classified as small.
from the extent of the aftershock zone after 1 Thus far we have described fault slip, D, in
to 2 days. Fig. 7.10 includes map and cross- terms of average slip on the part of the fault
sectional views of the aftershocks of the 1983 that ruptured. Within an earthquake rupture,
Borah Peak, Idaho, earthquake. The aftershocks slip varies considerably, and in fact the slip of-
define a zone approximately 70 km long and a ten appears to be concentrated on patches called
dipping surface compatible with the southwest- asperities (by analogy to the microstructural
dipping nodal plane of the focal mechanism. protrusions in Amonton’s early work on fric-
Note that the mainshock hypocenter is located tion). Asperities are generally thought to repre-
at the southeast end and near the bottom of the sent zones of relatively high stress drop. Average
rupture. Apparently the Borah Peak earthquake stress drop appears independent of earthquake
rupture mode was unilateral, the rupture propa- size, but parts of a rupture may have stress
gated up and to the northwest. It is common for drops an order of magnitude higher than the
the hypocenter of a mainshock to be located near average. The variation in frictional properties
the bottom of the rupture; likely related to fault or slip history on the fault responsible for the
strength conditions in the crust. nonuniform slip and/or stress drop remains an
Earthquake hypocenters outside subduction active area of research. Aftershocks on the fault
and collision zones are seldom deeper than hosting the rupture often concentrate around the
15-20 km. Along any fault, the deepest earth- edges of the mainshock asperities. Fig. 7.11 is a
quakes define the base of the seismogenic zone. map of interplate aftershock density in the re-
7.6 Earthquake catalogs 217

FIGURE 7.9 (left) Mainshock and aftershock locations for the 25 April, 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake (MW 7.9). (right)
Magnitude timeline and Omori-Law summary using the number of earthquakes in successive 12-hour time intervals. The
aftershocks decay according to Omori’s law until a large aftershock occurred just over two weeks later.

gion surrounding the 2011 MW 9.0 earthquake also include information on the earthquake size
off the coast of Honshu, Japan. Regions of rel- (seismic moment) and faulting geometry of the
atively intense aftershock activity surround the source if it is available, so are a rich source of in-
substantial area of mainshock slip centered on formation for tectonic investigations. The avail-
the star. Many additional aftershocks occurred ability of faulting geometry information also al-
within the upper and lower plates above and lows seismologists to use the waveforms to con-
below the region of significant mainshock slip, strain Earth’s Interior by modeling seismograms
but slip between the plates in that region was directly.
subdued. The first lists of earthquakes (we know of)
were constructed in the 1600’s. Karl Ernst Adolf
von Hoff of Germany (1771-1837) began pub-
7.6 Earthquake catalogs lishing annual lists of worldwide earthquakes
in 1826. The first global earthquake catalogs re-
Now that we have a basic understanding of lied on historic accounts of shaking and earth-
how earthquakes are located, and how magni- quake damage. French seismologist, Alexis Per-
tude is used to estimate an earthquake’s size, we rey (1807-1882), compiled local, regional, and
can discuss the archives of this information, seis- global earthquake lists. In the 1850’s, Robert
mic catalogs. In a sense, an earthquake catalog is Mallet, assisted by his college-student son, John
a table of information about earthquakes (when William (later a chemistry professor at the Uni-
and where they occurred, how big they were, versity of Alabama), compiled a comprehensive,
etc.). The most commonly used information in global earthquake catalog for the British As-
a catalog are the hypocentral locations and ori- sociation. Mallet (1810-1881), an Irish engineer
gin times of earthquakes, but seismic catalogs and one of the founders of earthquake seismol-
also include the arrival-time, amplitude and pe- ogy, published broadly on earthquakes and used
riod measurements used to estimate the source field observations of the 1857 Neapolitan Earth-
parameters. The arrival time measurements are quake to investigate the origin and mechanics
the basis of tomographic travel-time based in- of earthquakes, seismic waves, and the damage
vestigations of Earth’s interior. Modern catalogs they cause.
218 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

FIGURE 7.10 Aftershocks of the 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho, earthquake. The fault ruptured the surface for about 40 km. Note
that the aftershocks define a plane that is consistent with the N22◦ W plane of the focal mechanism (from Stein and Barrientos,

None of these earlier researchers had the information from seismometer deployments.
benefit of data from seismometers, only his- Volumes of his 21,000 event catalog once occu-
toric records. Seismometer development began pied 85 feet of shelf space in the Societe de Ge-
in the early 1800’s and usable instruments that ographie in Paris (Davison, Charles. 1927. The
became available in the late 1800’s allowed de- Founders of Seismology. Cambridge [England]:
tection of more small earthquakes. In the late The University Press).
1800’s and early 1900’s Fernand Jean Baptiste Seismicity, in the modern sense, is a term
Marie Bernard comte de Montessus de Ballore used to indicate the spatial, temporal, and size
(1851-1923) constructed perhaps the largest his- distributions of earthquake activity in a given
torical earthquake catalog and included some region. Gutenberg and Richter (1949, 1954) com-
7.6 Earthquake catalogs 219

TABLE 7.1 U.S. Geological

Survey earthquake descriptors.
Magnitude Range Descriptor
M ≥ 8.0 Great
7.0 ≤ M < 8.0 Major
6.0 ≤ M < 7.0 Strong
5.0 ≤ M < 6.0 Moderate
4.0 ≤ M < 5.0 Light
3.0 ≤ M < 4.0 Minor
2.0 ≤ M < 3.0 Very Minor

Seismology (1958), tabulated and summarized

much ground-breaking research of the 1930’s
40’s and 50’s. Between 2007 and 2013, the U.S.
Geological Survey produced a set of posters
with a Seismicity-of-the-Earth theme. You can
find and download them online.
As discussed in Chapter 1, earthquakes are
commonly classified based on size of the event.
Table 7.1 shows the U.S. Geological Survey
earthquake descriptors based on magnitude.
The descriptors can be used to quickly con-
FIGURE 7.11 Map view of interplate aftershock density vey the potential impact an earthquake without
recorded throughout the one-year period immediately fol-
lowing the 2011 Tohoku-Oki mainshock. Typical reference
specificy the exact magnitude.
focal mechanism are shown in the lower-right corners. The
earthquake generated may aftershocks within the upper
plate above the mainshock rupture, the focus here is on in- 7.6.1 Modern earthquake catalogs
terplate events along the plate boundary. The black star indi-
Modern earthquake catalogs are for the most
cates the epicenter of the 11 March 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku-Oki
mainshock. Diamonds represent the epicenters of small re- part available online. No catalog contains all the
peating earthquakes. The gray curve identifies the down-dip information on all the earthquakes that occur.
limit of interplate seismicity. Large aftershock locations are We say a catalog is complete to a specified mag-
identified. Most of the interplate aftershocks lie outside the nitude threshold if it has all the earthquakes of
region of large slip during the mainshock (modified from
Kato and Igarashi, 2012).
that size or larger. Even above the completeness
threshold, the amount of information included
in a catalog varies. Some catalogs are more suit-
pleted a comprehensive summary of earthquake able for some purposes than others. Catalogs
geography including seismogram-based earth- serve users with a broad range of interest, from
quake magnitude estimates. Their efforts estab- the public, to the press, and researchers. Many
lished a number of regional seismicity classifi- of the online interfaces provide a range of in-
cations, and earthquake-depth categories (shal- formation formats that include different levels
low, intermediate, and deep) that we continue of information. Over long periods of time, cat-
to use. Their classic summary, Seismicity of the alogs are merged, revised, and sometimes re-
Earth, (1949, 1954) is available online in PDF for- designed. Many of the hypocenter and magni-
mat, and along with Richter’s Book Elementary tude estimates for historical earthquakes come
220 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

from analysis by Gutenberg and Richter in the Tensor Catalog (GCMT) - a valuable resource
1950’s (Abe, 1975; Pacheco and Sykes, 1992). that includes not only consistent estimates of
The USGS Common Catalog. The USGS more than 50,000 post-1976 earthquake seismic
maintains a number of catalogs including a real- moments, but also important information on the
time update of their Common Catalog, COM- faulty geometry of the events. The GCMT is a
CAT. The term common indicates that the cat- major resource for seismologists and other geo-
alog integrates results obtained from the USGS scientists studying earthquakes and tectonics.
global and regional networks. For example, an The information is publicly available through
earthquake in east-central California may be lo- a search interface or the entire catalog can be
cated by three regional networks, northern and downloaded for more custom analyses. For a
southern California, and Nevada as well as the complete appreciation of the catalog informa-
global monitoring network. Some coordination tion, details on the methods used to estimate the
is required to insure that duplicate events are event parameters are documented in a series of
not included and that the best estimate of the scholarly articles (Dziewonski et al., 1981; Ek-
hypocenter parameters are archived. The infor- ström et al., 2012).
mation in COMCAT is dynamic and events are The International Seismic Center, Global-
added and revised in near real time. During the Earthquake-Model Catalog. ISC-GEM is a his-
weeks that follow an event, revisions may be toric earthquake catalog constructed to help the
performed as the data are reviewed (large events
GEM group estimate seismic hazard and risk
are more completely analyzed quicker).
(Storchak et al., 2013). ISC-GEM includes many
COMCAT includes reasonably complete in-
older events that have been relocated using
formation on global activity with magnitudes
modern algorithms and earth models to create
greater than about 4.5. For smaller events, the
a more consistent set of earthquake hypocenter
results are probably complete for earthquakes
and magnitude estimates. The variability in the
in the conterminous US for earthquakes with
quality and quantity of seismic travel time and
magnitudes greater than 3.0. Regions with dense
seismic networks such as California, Puerto amplitude measurements results in a variable,
Rico, etc include events complete to smaller albeit improving quality of solutions with time.
magnitude ranges. The U.S. is not unique, and Since the seismological community continues to
many countries and regions produce catalogs analyze information on historic and older earth-
of smaller earthquakes that occur within their quakes, the GEM catalog will continue to evolve
regions of focus. A thorough study including for some time. Although global appears in the
information on small earthquakes in a specific name, information from regional networks is
region always benefits from some communi- integrated into the GEM catalog, so in some lo-
cation with any local groups monitoring local cales, the magnitude threshold is lower than in
activity. The UK’s International Seismic Center other global historic catalog.
(ISC) has historically aggregated many of the The USGS Centennial Catalog. The USGS
catalog results into the ISC Catalog. The task is Centennial catalog is similar to the ISC-GEM, in
substantial, particularly assessing the quality of that older events, with magnitudes larger than
solutions and arrival-time picks, but the result is roughly 5.0 are reanalyzed to be more consistent
a valuable resource. with their modern equivalents. Again, the qual-
The Global Centroid Moment Tensor Cata- ity and quantity of the older data remains lower
log. As mentioned in Chapter 1, researchers ini- than their modern equivalents, so not all historic
tially at Harvard and then Columbia University events can be located with the accuracy and pre-
have developed the Global Centroid Moment cision of more recent earthquakes.
7.7 Summary 221

Catalogs of Large Historic Events. Onur performed using consistent and modern earth
and Muir-Wood (2014) constructed a catalog models and magnitude formulas. This trend will
of the largest earthquakes (M ≥ 8.8) believed likely continue for some time. Perhaps most im-
to be complete back to 1700 and nearly com- portant is the need to understand the history
plete back to the late 1500’s. The catalog in- of an earthquake catalog and recognize changes
cludes 18 events since 1700. From the informa- in procedures used to locate and estimate the
tion available, South America is the region most size of earthquakes, as well as acknowledge the
prone to the largest earthquakes. Paleoseismic history of seismic networks, which generally
methods have been used to construct paleo- evolved to include more observations during the
catalogs of earthquakes in many regions. The re- last century. Catalogs are an important source of
sults are much less certain than instrumentally- information on background earthquake occur-
based results, but provide an important look rence and earthquake sequences.
into the deeper history of fault behavior. No sim-
ple global catalog of all these events has been
compiled - but histories for various subduc- 7.7 Summary
tion zone segments (Cascadia, Chile, etc.) have
been estimated using geologic evidence related Richter developed magnitude with a mod-
to tsunami and submarine landslide deposits. est goal of classifying earthquake into three
Trenching across and along continental faults strength levels (large, medium, and small). As
also provides information on large fault systems measurements accumulated, he and Gutenberg
such as the San Andreas in California, North realized that it worked much better than ex-
Anatolian in Turkey, and many others. pected. In the years that followed, they extended
Catalogs of Earthquake Impact. Several cata- the idea repeatedly and used magnitude to iden-
logs include information on the impact of earth- tify important patterns in earthquake size distri-
quakes (and tsunami) on humans. Fatality cata- bution and mapped earthquake geography with
logs spanning more than one century have been a more quantitative basis than ever before. They
developed by Utsu (2002). The USGS’ PAGER also empirically related magnitude to earth-
catalog was developed to use for rapid hazard quake energy release, a fundamental advance
estimation following large threatening modern in earthquake physics. But magnitude measures
events (Allen et al., 2009). The catalog was last a complicated mix of static and dynamic ef-
updated in 2008. NOAA’s National Centers for fects associated with earthquake rupture, and
Environmental Information maintains catalogs the long history of measurement has resulted
of significant historic and modern earthquakes in a metric of earthquake size that is both ex-
(deadly and damaging) and tsunami (NOAA, tremely valuable for basic size classification, but
2018). As with the hypocenter catalogs, precise that also includes subtle dependencies on the
casualty numbers are not available for all deadly diversity of earthquake rupture characteristics.
earthquakes and the range of estimates for in- Using magnitude quantitatively requires care,
dividual catastrophes can be dramatic. For ex- but the success of the scale for communicating
ample, the 2010 Haiti earthquake death toll esti- a first-order estimate of an earthquake size is
mates range from 90,000 to 300,000. without peer in seismology.
All seismic catalog information has uncer- Earthquake sequences exhibit patterns, but
tainty and as new information is uncovered and not all follow the same script. Omori provided a
analyzed, some seismic catalogs are often up- quantitative model of the rate of the aftershock
dated. As more data are converted from pa- occurrence that indicates an initial rapid decay
per records to digital, location analyses can be followed by an extended return to background
222 7. Earthquake size & descriptive earthquake statistics

levels. We have seen enough foreshock activity quake prediction remains an elusive goal. With
to know that while they are not as ubiquitous more than a century of instrumental seismicity
as aftershocks, they are often observed. Some recorded in catalogs, including more than 50,000
optimism is warranted that a combination of consistently measured size and faulting geom-
geodetic and seismic observations may provide etry estimates, seismologists and other earth-
information on impending earthquakes in some quake scientists have a wealth of information
(but not all) instances. But knowing when activ- to continue studying the complex and diverse
ity is foreshock in nature remains a challenge. earthquake processes.
The observations suggest that short-term earth-

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