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Clinical Infectious Diseases


Treatment Options for Carbapenem-resistant Gram-

negative Bacterial Infections
Yohei Doi1,2
Center for Innovative Antimicrobial Therapy, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania; and 2Departments of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Aichi, Japan

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Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the greatest threats to public health, with rising resistance to carbapenems being a
particular concern due to the lack of effective and safe alternative treatment options. Carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bac-
teria of clinical relevance include the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, and more recently,
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Colistin and tigecycline have been used as first-line agents for the treatment of infections caused by
these pathogens; however, there are uncertainties regarding their efficacy even when used in combination with other agents. More
recently, several new agents with activity against certain carbapenem-resistant pathogens have been approved for clinical use or are
reaching late-stage clinical development. They include ceftazidime-avibactam, ceftolozane-tazobactam, meropenem-vaborbactam,
imipenem-cilastatin-relebactam, plazomicin, eravacycline, and cefiderocol. In addition, fosfomycin has been redeveloped in a new
intravenous formulation. Data regarding the clinical efficacy of these new agents specific to infections caused by carbapenem-
resistant pathogens are slowly emerging and appear to generally favor newer agents over previous best available therapy. As more
treatment options become widely available for carbapenem-resistant gram-negative infections, the role of antimicrobial stewardship
will become crucial in ensuring appropriate and rationale use of these new agents.
Keywords.  antimicrobial stewardship; carbapenemase; multidrug resistance; rapid diagnostics.

As the antimicrobial resistance crisis worsens, carbapenem resist- posed by carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria has
ance in gram-negative pathogens poses a special clinical challenge, spurred renewed interests in developing new treatment modal-
as carbapenems have long been considered the most active and ities to treat such infections. These efforts are finally bringing
potent agents against multidrug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative novel antimicrobial agents with activity against carbapenem-
pathogens. Indeed, on the global priority list of antibiotic-resistant resistant gram-negative pathogens into clinical practice. This
bacteria published by the World Health Organization in 2017, 3 of review is intended to provide an overview of the current state of
the 4 pathogens designated as being of critical priority for research therapy for carbapenem-resistant gram-negative infections, the
and development of new antibiotics are carbapenem-resistant newer agents that have or are expected to become available, and
pathogens, including carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae how these new treatments may fit into clinical practice through
(CRE), carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and sound antimicrobial stewardship.
carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii [1]. The key elem-
ents that define the threat of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative
pathogens include (i) increasing incidence of these pathogens
worldwide since the turn of the century [2]; (ii) lack of safe and
efficacious agents for treatment once the efficacy of carbapenems Among the large group of gram-negative bacteria, a limited
is lost due to resistance [3]; and (iii) high mortality rates associated number are capable of causing illness in humans in the context
with carbapenem-resistant gram-negative infections [4]. of carbapenem resistance. The types of the mechanisms causing
Clinical development of new antimicrobial agents had lagged carbapenem resistance (eg, carbapenemase production, porin
in the 1990s, but increasing recognition of the clinical challenges mutation, or efflux pump upregulation) are described in detail
in the article by Nordmann and Poirel [5]. The key organisms

to consider include the order Enterobacteriales (which includes

Correspondence: Y. Doi, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, S829 Scaife Hall, 3550
Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 ( the family Enterobacteriaceae), P.  aeruginosa, A.  baumannii,
Clinical Infectious Diseases®  2019;69(S7):S565–75 and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases
Society of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (
by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any Historically, the order Enterobacteriales was highly susceptible
medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work
to carbapenems, with the exception of the family Morganellaceae
is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciz830 (Proteus species, Morganella species, and Providencia species),

Treatment Options for CR-GNB  •  cid 2019:69 (Suppl 7) • S565

which are intrinsically nonsusceptible to imipenem. Acquired 1980s, but this view changed in the 1990s when MDR and
carbapenem resistance among the more commonly encoun- often carbapenem-resistant A.  baumannii strains started to
tered species in the family Enterobacteriaceae, such as Klebsiella cause infections (eg, ventilator-associated pneumonia [VAP])
pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, emerged sporadically over the in intensive care units in Europe, which then soon spread to
1990s with the production of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs; eg, hospitals worldwide [22]. These carbapenem-resistant strains
imipenemase metallo-β-lactamase [IMP] and Verona integron- were found to belong to several clonal groups (CG), espe-
encoded metallo-β-lactamase [VIM] groups) [6, 7]. However, re- cially CG1 and CG2, and produced acquired carbapenemases
sistance was only recognized as a major public health concern in that were highly specific to A. baumannii. The most common
the early 2000s when CRE emerged and then spread in healthcare A. baumannii carbapenemase is OXA-23, particularly in the US
facilities in the mid-Atlantic states of the United States (US) [8]. [23], whereas OXA-40 and OXA-58 carbapenemases are also

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This new epidemic was initiated by K. pneumoniae that produced distributed globally, albeit at lower frequencies than OXA-23.
carbapenemases (KPC)—a group of β-lactamases with the ability Unlike P.  aeruginosa, noncarbapenemase-mediated mechan-
to hydrolyze carbapenems [9]. Within a decade, KPC-producing, isms appear to play a lesser role in carbapenem resistance of
carbapenem-resistant bacteria had spread to most of the rest of the A. baumannii [24].
US, Israel, and southern European countries (especially Greece
and Italy) and, more recently, to the South American continent and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
China [10]. Just over 10% of K. pneumoniae that cause healthcare- Stenotrophomonas maltophilia differs from the carbapenem-
associated infections in US hospitals are currently carbapenem- resistant pathogens discussed above in that it naturally pro-
resistant [11], and much of this is due to KPC-producing organisms duces inducible L1 MBL and is therefore intrinsically resistant
[12]. This was followed by the emergence of K. pneumoniae pro- to carbapenems as a species [25]. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
ducing oxacillinase (OXA)–48 carbapenemases in Turkey [13], as is an environmental species that can cause opportunistic res-
well as E. coli producing New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM) piratory tract and bloodstream infections in susceptible hosts,
MBLs in India [14]. Enterobacteriaceae producing OXA-48 and including those with cystic fibrosis, malignancy, and immu-
NDM carbapenemases have now been identified worldwide, and nosuppressive conditions. Although the species used to be
the situation with the latter in the Indian subcontinent appears susceptible to several other agents (eg, ceftazidime, ticarcillin-
to be particularly worrisome [15]. It is important to consider the clavulanate, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluoroquinolones,
specific groups of carbapenemases underlying carbapenem re- and tetracyclines), susceptibility rates to these agents are de-
sistance, as each novel agent has been developed with a unique clining [26].
spectrum of activity against Enterobacteriaceae producing various

Pseudomonas aeruginosa General Considerations

Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the first species in which ac- Selecting an antimicrobial regimen for carbapenem-resistant
quired carbapenem resistance emerged after the introduction gram-negative infections is almost always challenging, though
of the first carbapenem, imipenem, in the mid-1980s; resist- the degree of difficulty varies depending on the specific clin-
ance was due to changes in porin expression, which rendered ical scenario. In particular, tissue penetration and local free
the outer bacterial membrane impermeable to imipenem [16]. antibiotic concentration at the site of infection are important
Although meropenem is less prone to this resistance mechanism, factors to consider in the selection of the most appropriate an-
P. aeruginosa can become resistant to meropenem by upregulation tibiotic therapy. Host variables, renal function in particular,
of efflux pumps [17]. In the US, 10%–20% of P. aeruginosa clin- may also have an impact on the decision-making process.
ical isolates identified in healthcare settings are resistant to at Furthermore, the overall susceptibility profiles of the pathogens
least 1 carbapenem [18, 19]. Globally, carbapenem resistance due to noncarbapenem agents must be considered.
to production of MBLs (in particular the VIM group) appears to Even when carbapenem resistance is confirmed in a path-
be common in P. aeruginosa [20], which has implications when ogen, some noncarbapenem agents (other than colistin,
considering treatment options, as most β-lactamase inhibitors tigecycline, and minocycline) may be active against these
(BLIs) are unable to inhibit their activity. MBLs are considered pathogens. Among noncarbapenem agents, gentamicin is ac-
uncommon in P. aeruginosa in the US, but outbreaks by VIM- tive against some CRE strains, and some observations suggest
producing P. aeruginosa have been reported [21]. that gentamicin-containing regimens may be more efficacious
than other combination regimens for sepsis due to CRE [27].
Acinetobacter baumannii Ampicillin-sulbactam has been used successfully to treat in-
Acinetobacter baumannii had been considered an opportun- vasive infections caused by A.  baumannii strains [28], with
istic pathogen of questionable clinical significance until the sulbactam being the active component of this combination

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against some carbapenem-resistant strains [29]. Of note, only against carbapenem-resistant pathogens has led to its wide-
a small proportion of the carbapenem-resistant P.  aeruginosa spread use for the treatment of infections caused by such patho-
strains are susceptible to noncarbapenem agents such as gens. Although few head-to-head studies have been conducted,
cefepime, ciprofloxacin, and amikacin [30]. The majority clinical observations suggest a less than optimal outcome of pa-
of S.  maltophilia strains are susceptible to trimethoprim- tients who received colistin monotherapy for these infections
sulfamethoxazole, and only some strains are susceptible to [35]. In addition, colistin is administered as an inactive pro-
minocycline, ticarcillin-clavulanate, or fluoroquinolones [31]. drug—colistin methanesulfonate—which results in a prolonged
Although clinical evidence is limited, fluoroquinolones may be period of low plasma concentrations of the active drug and
as efficacious as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in the treat- theoretically increases the risk of resistance development [34].
ment of S. maltophilia infections [32, 33]. However, the suscepti- Polymyxin B, the other approved agent in the polymyxin class of

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bility patterns are not predictable for most carbapenem-resistant antibiotics, is not formulated as a prodrug, which mitigates the
gram-negative bacteria, and therefore selection of any of these concerns related to a delayed increase in its plasma concentra-
older agents must be guided by clear antibiotic-specific suscep- tion, but less is known about its pharmacokinetic, efficacy, and
tibility testing results reported by the microbiologists. More re- safety profiles. Because of these concerns, the standard practice
cently, ceftazidime-avibactam and meropenem-vaborbactam over the past decade has been to use colistin or polymyxin B in
for CRE and ceftolozane-tazobactam for carbapenem-resistant combination with at least 1 other agent of a different class when
P. aeruginosa infections have become important treatment op- its use is warranted.
tions in countries where these agents have become available for
clinical use. Furthermore, several other new agents are reaching Tigecycline and Minocycline
late-stage clinical development (Table 1). Tigecycline is a glycylcycline agent that was designed to re-
sist key tetracycline resistance mechanisms (ribosome pro-
Polymyxins (Colistin and Polymyxin B) tection and active efflux) and as a result has broad-spectrum
Colistin (or polymyxin E) is a mixture of cyclic polypep- activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative patho-
tide antibiotics with activity against most species in the order gens, with notable exceptions of P. aeruginosa, Proteus species,
Enterobacteriales (except for Serratia marcescens and Proteus, and Providencia species [36]. Among carbapenem-resistant
Providencia, Morganella, and Hafnia species), P.  aeruginosa, gram-negative pathogens, tigecycline is active against the ma-
A.  baumannii, and some S.  maltophilia strains [34]. While jority of CRE, A. baumannii, and S. maltophilia strains. Despite
prominent toxicity (both nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity) has its in vitro activity against these problematic pathogens, data
limited the clinical use of colistin, its broad-spectrum activity regarding clinically efficacy have been mixed, with an excess

Table 1.  Activity and Indications of New Agents Against Carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative Pathogens


Class A Class B Class D Indications directed Trial
Carbapenemase Carbapenemase Carbapenemase (Including (Including
Agent (eg, KPC) (eg, NDM) (eg, OXA-48) P. aeruginosa A. baumannii S. maltophilia Expected) Expected)

Ceftazidime- Yes No Yes Yes No No cUTI/AP, cIAI, No

avibactam HABP/VABP
Ceftolozane- No No No Yes No No cUTI/AP, cIAI, NP No
Meropenem- Yes No No Noa No No cUTI/AP Yes
Imipenem- Yes No No Yes No No cUTI/AP, cIAI, Yes
cilastatin- HABP/VABP
Cefiderocol Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes cUTI/AP, HABP/ Yes
Plazomicin Yes Variableb Yes Variable No No cUTI/AP Yes
Eravacycline Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes cIAI No
Fosfomycin Yes Yes Yes Variable No No cUTI/AP No
Abbreviations: A. baumannii, Acinetobacter baumannii; AP, acute pyelonephritis; cIAI, complicated intra-abdominal infection; cUTI, complicated urinary tract infection; HABP, hospital-acquired
bacterial pneumonia; KPC, Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase; NDM, New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase; NP, nosocomial pneumonia; OXA, oxacillinase; P.  aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa; S. maltophilia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia; VABP, ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia.
Not active beyond the activity of meropenem alone.
Frequently inactive against strains that produce NDM-type metallo-β-lactamases.

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mortality risk shown in comparative clinical trials [37]. Double- Hospitalized Adults With Complicated Urinary Tract Infections
dose tigecycline has been adopted by some clinicians for severe [UTIs]) enrolled and randomized 1033 patients to receive
infections such as VAP, but clinical data are limited and many ceftazidime-avibactam or doripenem [51]. Among the 810 pa-
patients cannot tolerate the gastrointestinal side effects [38]. As tients in the microbiological modified intent-to-treat (mMITT)
with colistin, tigecycline is mostly used in combination regi- population, the noninferiority criterion (both US Food and
mens when treating carbapenem-resistant gram-negative infec- Drug Administration [FDA] and European Medicines Agency
tions to overcome the above pitfalls. In addition, tigecycline is margins [−10% and −12.5%, respectively]) was met for the
generally not recommended for bacteremia because of its bac- coprimary endpoints of symptomatic resolution at day 5 (70.2%
teriostatic activity and low steady-state concentrations in serum vs 66.2%) and the composite symptomatic resolution/microbio-
at current dosing recommendation [36, 39]. logical eradication at test of cure (TOC) (71.2% vs 64.5%). The

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Minocycline, an old derivative of tetracycline, has been cIAI study enrolled and randomized 1066 patients to receive
“rediscovered” as an agent with in vitro activity against most ceftazidime-avibactam plus metronidazole or meropenem [52].
carbapenem-resistant A.  baumannii strains [40]. It is not as Clinical cure rates among the 823 patients in the mMITT popu-
active against CRE as tigecycline and has no activity against lation at TOC were 81.6% and 85.1%, respectively, fulfilling the
P.  aeruginosa. Clinical data regarding its efficacy against −10% noninferiority criteria. It should be noted that the ma-
carbapenem-resistant A.  baumannii infections are currently jority of the patients had appendicitis and low Acute Physiology
limited to case series [41]. and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores, and there-
fore were not as ill as those who would require ceftazidime-
Ceftazidime-avibactam avibactam for treatment in clinical practice. The third phase 3
Avibactam is a diazabicyclooctane BLI that was approved in study (REPRISE) was an open-label, pathogen-directed trial
combination with ceftazidime for the treatment of compli- involving 333 patients with cUTI or cIAI due to ceftazidime-
cated intra-abdominal infections (cIAIs) and complicated uri- resistant Enterobacteriaceae or P.  aeruginosa strains who were
nary tract infections (cUTIs) in 2015, and subsequently for randomized to receive ceftazidime-avibactam or best available
the treatment of hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated therapy [53]. The clinical cure rates at TOC were comparable at
bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP) in 2018 [42]. Avibactam 91% in both groups in this study. Finally, in the double-blind,
binds reversibly to class A  β-lactamases including KPC noninferiority phase 3 trial of HABP/VABP (REPROVE; A
carbapenemases, class C β-lactamases, and certain oxacillinases Study Comparing Ceftazidime-Avibactam Versus Meropenem
(ie, OXA-48 carbapenemases), but it does not inhibit MBLs in Hospitalized Adults With Nosocomial Pneumonia), 879 pa-
such as NDM carbapenemases [42]. Avibactam is renally tients were randomly assigned to ceftazidime-avibactam or
excreted, and its pharmacokinetics are similar to those of meropenem [54]. Predominant gram-negative baseline patho-
ceftazidime, allowing for coformulation [43]. Ceftazidime- gens in the mMITT population were K. pneumoniae (37%) and
avibactam is highly active against KPC-producing CRE, and P. aeruginosa (30%), and 28% were ceftazidime-nonsusceptible.
has become the first-line therapy for these infections in many In the clinical modified intent-to-treat (MITT) population,
hospitals. However, ceftazidime-avibactam–resistant KPC- 68.8% in the ceftazidime-avibactam group were clinically cured,
producing K.  pneumoniae may emerge upon treatment with compared with 73.0% in the meropenem group, meeting the
this agent in as many as 10% of patients as a result of muta- prespecified −12.5% noninferiority criteria.
tions in the blaKPC gene [44]. These variant KPC β-lactamases Although randomized trials specifically targeting carbapenem-
are no longer able to hydrolyze carbapenems efficiently, and as resistant gram-negative infections have not been conducted, treat-
a result these ceftazidime-avibactam–resistant K.  pneumoniae ment of CRE infections with ceftazidime-avibactam has been
strains are typically susceptible to carbapenems [45]. However, associated with higher rates of clinical success and survival com-
clinical significance of this observation is unclear, since subse- pared with colistin or aminoglycoside-containing regimens [55].
quent exposure to carbapenems can restore resistance to them
[46]. The majority of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa strains Ceftolozane-tazobactam
are susceptible to ceftazidime-avibactam [47]. Nonetheless, Ceftolozane is a new 3’-aminopyrazolium cephalosporin
susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains to ceftazidime-avibactam with robust activity against P.  aeruginosa [56]. It is stable
depends on the coexistence of various resistance mechanisms by itself against multiple resistance mechanisms including
affecting porin channel function, efflux pump expression, overexpression of AmpC, a chromosomal cephalosporinase
and/or β-lactamase enzyme expression [48–50]. Ceftazidime- (β-lactamase) [56]. The combination with tazobactam further
avibactam is not active against A. baumannii or S. maltophilia. improves its antipseudomonal activity and also imparts activity
Several phase 3 studies have been completed and reported. against strains producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases
The cUTI study (RECAPTURE; Ceftazidime-Avibactam (ESBLs) (but not any carbapenemases). Ceftolozane-tazobactam
Compared With Doripenem Followed by Oral Therapy for is active against 67%–89% of carbapenem-nonsusceptible

S568 • cid 2019:69 (Suppl 7) • Doi
P.  aeruginosa strains [57, 58] but is not active against CRE, Two phase 3 studies of meropenem-vaborbactam have
A. baumannii, or S. maltophilia. As a β-lactam–BLI combina- been completed. TANGO-I (Efficacy/Safety of Meropenem-
tion, its efficacy is best correlated with time above the min- Vaborbactam Compared to Piperacillin-Tazobactam in Adults
imum inhibitory concentration (MIC) (%fT > MIC) [59]. With cUTI and AP) randomized 550 patients with cUTI/AP to
Phase 3 studies have been completed for cUTI (ASPECT-cUTI; receive meropenem-vaborbactam or piperacillin-tazobactam
Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous CXA- [66]. In the study, patients could be switched to oral levofloxacin
201 and Intravenous Levofloxacin in Complicated Urinary Tract after receiving 15 or more doses of intravenous therapy if they
Infection, Including Pyelonephritis) and cIAI (ASPECT-cIAI; met prespecified criteria to complete 10 days of total treatment.
Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous CXA- The primary endpoint of composite clinical and microbio-
201 and Intravenous Meropenem in Complicated Intraabdominal logical cure in the mMITT population was achieved in 98.4%

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Infections). ASPECT-cUTI enrolled 1083 patients with cUTI of the meropenem-vaborbactam group and in 94.0% of the
or acute pyelonephritis (AP; 82% of patients), mostly caused piperacillin-tazobactam group at the end of therapy, meeting
by E.  coli, to receive ceftolozane-tazobactam or levofloxacin the prespecified −15% noninferiority margin. TANGO-II
[60]. The composite cure rates at TOC were 76.9% and 68.4%, (Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability of Vabomere Compared to Best
respectively, in the mMITT population in favor of ceftolozane- Available Therapy in Treating Serious Infections in Adults) was a
tazobactam. ASPECT-cIAI enrolled 993 patients with cIAI, fre- pathogen-directed study in which 72 patients with cUTI, HABP/
quently polymicrobial, to receive ceftolozane-tazobactam plus VABP, cIAI, or bacteremia suspected or confirmed (n  =  47)
metronidazole or meropenem [61]. The clinical cure rates at TOC to be due to CRE were randomized to receive meropenem-
in the mITT population were 83% and 87.3%, respectively. Both vaborbactam or best available therapy [67]. Randomization
studies met the predefined noninferiority margin. The combina- for this trial was stopped early when the interim analysis indi-
tion was generally well tolerated. Another noninferiority phase cated statistically significant differences in the efficacy at TOC
3 study of nosocomial pneumonia (ASPECT-NP; Safety and favoring meropenem-vaborbactam. Meropenem-vaborbactam
Efficacy Study of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam to Treat Ventilated appears to be well tolerated. Real-world clinical experience on
Nosocomial Pneumonia [MK-7625A-008] [ASPECT-NP]) has the use of meropenem-vaborbactam is not yet available.
been completed and demonstrated comparable rates in day 28
all-cause mortality and in clinical cure rate at the TOC visit be- Plazomicin
tween ceftolozane-tazobactam and meropenem (ClinicalTrials. Aminoglycosides exert bactericidal activity against gram-nega-
gov identifier NCT02070757) [62]. tive bacteria by inhibiting protein synthesis by the 30S ribosome.
Clinical data on patients infected with carbapenem- However, resistance is common, primarily due to production of
resistant P.  aeruginosa are limited. In a series of 21 patients various aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes, with efflux playing
with infections due to MDR P. aeruginosa, most of which were a lesser role in general [68]. Plazomicin is a synthetic deriva-
carbapenem-resistant and caused pneumonia, 71% (15/21) had tive of sisomicin with hydroxyl-aminobutyric acid at position
clinical success and 30-day all-cause mortality was 10% (2/21), 1 and 2-hydroxyethyl group at position 6’ [69]. These changes
suggesting a potential role of this combination in this patient in the structure allow plazomicin to resist modification by all
population [63]. However, resistance emerged in 3 of the 21 pa- aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes, with the exception of
tients, indicating the need for monitoring of susceptibility in the AAC(2’)-I, which is produced by Providencia stuartii. Plazomicin
event of persistently positive cultures. is broadly active against the family Enterobacteriaceae, including
strains that are resistant to existing aminoglycosides (amikacin,
Meropenem-vaborbactam gentamicin, tobramycin) [70]; however, it is not active against
Vaborbactam is the first boronic acid BLI, a group that is known many of the strains producing NDM carbapenemases be-
to reversibly and competitively inhibit serine-β-lactamases; cause of frequent coproduction of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
vaborbactam is the first agent to be approved for clinical use. It methyltransferases that protect the aminoglycoside binding
inhibits class A β-lactamases, including KPC carbapenemases, site of 16S rRNA and consequently confer high-level resistance
but not class B MBLs such as NDM and VIM carbapenemases to amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin, and plazomicin [71].
or class D β-lactamases [64]. Vaborbactam also inhibits class Plazomicin activity toward P.  aeruginosa and A.  baumannii is
A ESBLs and class C AmpC β-lactamases, but these activities are overall comparable to existing aminoglycosides and is not pre-
considered ancillary because meropenem, which is partnered dictable [70, 72]. Although beyond the scope of this review,
with vaborbactam, is highly stable against these β-lactamases. plazomicin is also highly active against Staphylococcus aureus
As such, the primary role of vaborbactam is inhibition of KPC and coagulase-negative staphylococci, including methicillin-
carbapenemases. Vaborbactam has been developed in combina- resistant strains [70]. As an aminoglycoside, the efficacy of
tion with meropenem, which has pharmacokinetics consistent plazomicin is predicted by the peak plasma concentration
with those of vaborbactam [65]. over the MIC of the pathogen (fCmax/MIC); plazomicin is

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administered once daily as a 30-minute intravenous infusion, al- eravacycline is less prone to efflux similar to the other tetra-
though dosing frequency needs to be adjusted for patients with cyclines [77]. Eravacycline has activity against gram-negative
severe renal impairment [73]. pathogens including CRE, carbapenem-resistant strains of
Two phase 3 trials have been completed for plazomicin. The A. baumannii and S. maltophilia, but not those of P. aeruginosa
first one enrolled 609 adult patients with cUTI including AP to [78]. It is also active against gram-positive pathogens (including
receive plazomicin or meropenem allowing for stepdown to oral methicillin-resistant S. aureus and vancomycin-resistant entero-
levofloxacin in both arms (A Study of Plazomicin Compared cocci) and many of the clinically relevant anaerobic species [79].
With Meropenem for the Treatment of Complicated Urinary Eravacycline is administered as an intravenous infusion and its
Tract Infection [cUTI] Including Acute Pyelonephritis [AP] pharmacodynamic driver of efficacy is free drug area under the
[EPIC] study) [74]. In this study, the composite clinical and mi- curve divided over MIC of the pathogen (ƒAUC/MIC) [80].

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crobiological cure rates of the mMITT population were 88.0% and The initial clinical development program for eravacycline in-
91.4% at day 5, and 81.7% and 70.1% at TOC for plazomicin and cluded 2 phase 3 studies (cIAI and cUTI/AP), which have been
meropenem, meeting the prespecified −15% noninferiority crite- completed and reported. In the IGNITE 1 (Efficacy and Safety
rion. Increase in serum creatinine was reported in 7.0% and 4.0% Study of Eravacycline Compared With Ertapenem in Complicated
of patients in the plazomicin and meropenem groups, respectively. Intra-abdominal Infections study, 541 patients with cIAI were
The second clinical trial was a pathogen-directed trial aimed spe- enrolled, with 270 patients randomized to receive eravacycline
cifically at CRE infections (A Study of Plazomicin Compared and 271 patients to receive ertapenem [81]. For the mITT pop-
With Colistin in Patients With Infection Due to Carbapenem- ulation, the clinical cure rates at the TOC visit were 86.8% in the
Resistant Enterobacteriaceae [CRE] [CARE] study) [75]. In this eravacycline group and 87.6% in the ertapenem group, meeting
study, patients with bloodstream infection, HABP, or VABP due the prespecified −10% noninferiority criterion. Both study
to CRE were enrolled and randomized to a plazomicin-based drugs were well tolerated overall, but nausea (8.1%) and phle-
combination regimen or a colistin-based regimen. The second bitis (3.0%) occurred more commonly in the eravacycline group.
agents were meropenem or tigecycline and were selected by the IGNITE 2 (Efficacy and Safety Study of Eravacycline Compared
investigator. Among the 39 evaluable patients, rates of day 28 all- With Levofloxacin in Complicated Urinary Tract Infections;
cause mortality or significant disease-related complications were NCT01978938) was a phase 3 study of cUTI/AP in which 908
23.5% for plazomicin and 50.0% for colistin, while the rates of patients were enrolled and randomized to receive eravacycline
day 28 all-cause mortality were 11.8% for plazomicin and 40.0% or levofloxacin intravenously for at least 3 days, with an option
colistin, with the survival benefit especially pronounced for those to a stepdown to oral formulation of the same drugs to com-
with bloodstream infection (day 28 all-cause mortality: 7.1% for plete the 7-day treatment period. The primary outcome was
plazomicin and 40.0% for colistin) [75]. The incidence of serum the composite clinical and microbiological outcome at the
creatinine increases was 16.7% in the plazomicin group and 50.0% TOC visit in the mITT population using a −10% noninferiority
in the colistin group [75]. Although superiority of plazomicin- margin, which eravacycline did not meet (NCT01978938). In
containing regimens over colistin-containing regimens was not response, the manufacturer initiated an intravenous-only cUTI/
demonstrated in the CARE study due to underenrollment, the AP study (Efficacy and Safety Study of Eravacycline Compared
data support the role of plazomicin-based combination therapy as With Ertapenem in Participants With Complicated Urinary
an alternative to colistin-based combination therapy. The CARE Tract Infections [IGNITE 3]; NCT03032510) and a second cIAI
study is also significant in that it provided data on the efficacy of study (Efficacy and Safety Study of Eravacycline Compared
colistin-based regimens for the treatment of CRE infections in the With Meropenem in Complicated Intra-abdominal Infections
context of a prospective, randomized trial. Plazomicin was ap- [IGNITE  4]; NCT02784704). In IGNITE 4, 500 patients were
proved for the treatment of cUTI in the US in 2018 [73]. Real-life randomized to eravacycline or meropenem. The clinical cure
clinical use of plazomicin in the treatment of infections caused by rates in the mITT population were 90.8% and 91.2%, respec-
carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria will add to the ex- tively, meeting the prespecified −10% noninferiority criterion
isting body of evidence on its efficacy and safety profile. [82]. However, for IGNITE 3, which enrolled and randomized
1205 patients to receive intravenous eravacycline or ertapenem
Eravacycline for a minimum of 5  days followed by optional oral regimens,
Eravacycline is a synthetic tetracycline with a fluorine atom at the combined clinical and microbiological success rates for
C-7 and a pyrrolidinoacetamido group at the C-9 position in eravacycline and ertapenem in the mITT population were
the tetracycline D-ring [76]. Similarly to other tetracyclines, 84.8% and 94.8% at the end of intravenous therapy, and 68.5%
eravacycline inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ri- and 74.9% at TOC, respectively, both missing the prespecified
bosomal subunit of bacteria, and as with tigecycline, its activity noninferiority margin of −10% (unpublished data). Based on
is not affected by ribosome protection proteins such as TetM, these results, the new drug application for cIAI was approved in
which compromises activity of other tetracyclines. However, 2018 by the FDA [83].

S570 • cid 2019:69 (Suppl 7) • Doi
Imipenem-Cilastatin-Relebactam iron [91]. This mechanism enables cefiderocol to actively
Relebactam is a new BLI with a diazabicyclooctane core, similar cross the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria into the
to avibactam [84]. It inhibits class A β-lactamases including KPC periplasmic space using a receptor-mediated bacterial iron
carbapenemases and class C β-lactamases, but not class B or class transport system, as described in more detail by Sato and
D β-lactamases [85]. Its presence substantially restores the activity Yamawaki [92, 93]. In addition, cefiderocol is stable against
of imipenem-cilastatin against the majority of KPC-producing hydrolysis by a variety of β-lactamases, including class A (eg,
CRE strains and carbapenem-resistant strains of P.  aeruginosa, KPC, ESBL), class B (eg, NDM, VIM, IMP, L1), class  C
but not those of A. baumannii or S. maltophilia [85, 86]. (AmpC), and class D (eg, OXA-48 of Enterobacteriaceae and
Two phase 2 studies have been conducted to demonstrate the OXA-23, OXA-24 of A.  baumannii) [91, 94, 95]. As a result,
efficacy and safety of imipenem-cilastatin-relebactam. The first cefiderocol is active against gram-negative bacteria ranging

Downloaded from by guest on 14 November 2019

study enrolled and randomized 302 adult patients with cUTI/AP from Enterobacteriaceae to P.  aeruginosa, A.  baumannii, and
to receive imipenem-cilastatin with or without relebactam at 2 dif- S.  maltophilia, including carbapenem-resistant strains [91,
ferent doses, with stepdown to oral ciprofloxacin allowed [87]. The 96]. In a large surveillance study of gram-negative bacteria
rates of favorable microbiological response at the end of therapy isolated from patients at North American and European hos-
in the microbiologically evaluable (ME) population were com- pitals (SIDERO-WT-2014), cefiderocol was highly active
parable and ranged between 95.5% and 98.7%. The second study across all gram-negative species [97]. Specifically, the min-
enrolled and randomized 351 patients with cIAI to receive sim- imum inhibitory concentrations inhibiting growth of 90%
ilar dose-ranging regimens [88]. Favorable clinical response at the of tested isolates (MIC90s) were 1–4  μg/mL for meropenem-
end of therapy in the ME population was documented in 95.2%– nonsusceptible isolates of Enterobacteriaceae, 0.5–1  μg/mL
98.8% of the patients. The relebactam-containing regimens were for meropenem-nonsusceptible isolates of P. aeruginosa, 1 μg/
as well tolerated as the imipenem-cilastatin–only regimen in these mL for meropenem-nonsusceptible A.  baumannii, and 0.25–
2 studies. A small, pathogen-directed, phase 3 trial (Efficacy and 0.5 μg/mL for isolates of S. maltophilia [97]. As cefiderocol is a
Safety of Imipenem+Cilastatin/Relebactam [MK-7655A] Versus β-lactam agent, the pharmacodynamic parameter predictive of
Colistimethate Sodium+Imipenem+Cilastatin in Imipenem- efficacy is %fT > MIC (the percentage of a dosing period that
Resistant Bacterial Infection [MK-7655A-013]  [RESTORE-IMI the unbound drug concentration exceeded the MIC) [98–100].
1])  randomizing patients with VABP, HABP, cIAI, or cUTI due One phase 2 study has been completed and 2 international,
to imipenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria to imipenem- randomized phase 3 studies are under way for cefiderocol.
cilastatin-relebactam or imipenem-cilastatin and colistin has The phase 2 APEKS-cUTI study enrolled and randomized
been completed. In the study, 31 of 47 randomized and treated pa- 452 patients to receive cefiderocol or imipenem-cilastatin.
tients met the mMITT criteria [89, 90]. Favorable overall response No oral stepdown was allowed in this study. The composite
was comparable for imipenem-cilastatin-relebactam (71.4%) and clinical and microbiological efficacy endpoint at TOC was
imipenem-cilastatin plus colistin (70.0%) in the mMITT popula- met in 72.6% and 54.6% of the patients, respectively, meeting
tion. Favorable clinical response at day 28 was higher for imipenem- the prespecified −15% noninferiority criterion. Cefiderocol
cilastatin-relebactam (71.4%) compared with imipenem-cilastatin was well tolerated overall, with a lower serious adverse event
plus colistin (40.0%), and 28-day all-cause mortality was lower for rate compared with the imipenem-cilastatin group (5% and
imipenem-cilastatin-relebactam (9.5%) than imipenem-cilastatin 8%, respectively) [101]. The CREDIBLE-CR (A MultiCenter,
plus colistin (30.0%), respectively. Fewer patients who received RandomizED, Open-label ClInical Study of S-649266 or Best
imipenem-cilastatin-relebactam had a drug-related adverse AvailabLE Therapy for the Treatment of Severe Infections
event compared with imipenem-cilastatin plus colistin (16.1% Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Gram-negative Pathogens)
vs 31.3%), including treatment-emergent nephrotoxicity (10% vs study is an ongoing pathogen-directed trial of carbapenem-
56%). Another phase 3 trial (Imipenem/Relebactam/Cilastatin resistant gram-negative infections in which patients with VAP,
Versus Piperacillin/Tazobactam for Treatment of Participants hospital-acquired pneumonia, healthcare-associated pneu-
With Bacterial Pneumonia [MK-7655A-014] [RESTORE-IMI monia, bloodstream infection, sepsis, or cUTI are randomized
2])  randomizing VABP and HABP patients to imipenem- to receive cefiderocol or best available therapy (NCT02714595).
cilastatin-relebactam and piperacillin-tazobactam has been com- Furthermore, the APEKS-NP (A Multicenter, Randomized,
pleted (NCT02493764). Double-blind, Parallel-group, Clinical Study of S-649266
Compared With Meropenem for the Treatment of Hospital-
POSSIBLE TREATMENT OPTIONS IN THE acquired Bacterial Pneumonia, Ventilator-associated Bacterial
NEAR FUTURE Pneumonia, or Healthcare-associated Bacterial Pneumonia
Cefiderocol Caused by Gram-negative Pathogens) study, an ongoing
Cefiderocol is a novel siderophore cephalosporin in which HABP/VABP study comparing cefiderocol with meropenem,
the catechol side chain forms a chelated complex with ferric is expected to have results in the near future (NCT03032380).

Treatment Options for CR-GNB  •  cid 2019:69 (Suppl 7) • S571

Fosfomycin conducted before regulatory approval. These challenges include
Fosfomycin is a phosphoenolpyruvate analog that exhibits (i) insufficient high-quality clinical data to guide their use in
bactericidal activity by inhibiting one of the first steps in the target patient population; (ii) often delayed approval of sus-
peptidoglycan synthesis. It is active against a wide range of ceptibility testing methods; (iii) complexity of their antibacte-
gram-negative pathogens, in particular E.  coli, and has been rial spectra; and (iv) high acquisition costs.
used successfully as an oral formulation for the treatment of First, the pivotal clinical trials supporting the approval of
uncomplicated urinary tract infections for several decades these agents are typically noninferiority trials that do not spe-
[102]. Fosfomycin is active against the majority of CRE and cifically target infections from carbapenem-resistant organisms.
carbapenem-resistant P.  aeruginosa strains but not those of Although more pathogen-directed trials targeting carbapenem-
A. baumannii or S. maltophilia based on current susceptibility resistant gram-negative infections are being conducted for

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breakpoint for urinary tract isolates [102, 103]. Dose fractiona- agents seeking approval, these studies are not powered to allow
tion studies in murine thigh infection model demonstrated that for statistical inference of superiority of the study drugs over
the pharmacodynamic driver of fosfomycin most likely linked the comparators. Therefore, postmarketing clinical experience
to its efficacy was ƒAUC/MIC [104]. Of note, the currently will likely play an important role in informing appropriate use
widely used susceptibility testing methods (eg, automated of the new agents. Second, approval of clinical breakpoints and
testing by Sensititre, VITEK-2, Phoenix, and manual tests per- susceptibility testing methods may lag behind the approval of
formed by Etest) have limitations in providing the fosfomycin the new agents by a year or more. In such cases, patients could
MIC values accurately for E.  coli and K.  pneumoniae isolates potentially be treated with a new agent that lacks in vitro ac-
[105, 106], and also when the pathogen produces KPC enzymes tivity, therefore risking treatment failure. It is encouraging to
[105]. When compared with the standard agar dilution method, see that more efforts are now being made to address this issue,
such tests performed with high very major error (ie, false sus- and it is hoped that susceptibility testing methods will be avail-
ceptible) rates [106]. able at the time of product launch in the future. Third, beyond
A phase 2/3 study of intravenous fosfomycin (ZEUS; their shared activity against KPC-producing organisms, the
Randomized, Double-Blind, Comparative Study to Evaluate spectrum of activity is nuanced, even within the same class.
the Safety and Efficacy of ZTI-01 vs Piperacillin/Tazobactam For example, ceftazidime-avibactam has activity against organ-
in the Treatment of cUTI/AP Infection in Hospitalized Adults; isms producing OXA-48 carbapenemase, whereas meropenem-
NCT02753946) has been completed. In this intravenous-only vaborbactam and imipenem-relebactam lack activity. Finally,
study, 465 patients with cUTI or AP were enrolled and ran- the costs of the new agents will be considerably higher than
domized to receive fosfomycin or piperacillin-tazobactam. those that have been on the market, and this will likely preclude
The study met the –15% noninferiority criterion, with overall their empiric use in most circumstances unless the likelihood of
success rates at TOC of 64.7% and 54.5%, respectively, in the infection from a carbapenem-resistant pathogen is compellingly
mMITT population [107]. high and the clinical condition does not allow for any delay in
One major uncertainty about intravenous fosfomycin is appropriate therapy. The last 2 points in particular highlight
whether monotherapy is efficacious in the treatment of systemic the crucial role of antimicrobial stewardship led by infectious
infections other than cUTI/AP, as carbapenem-resistant strains diseases pharmacists and physicians in promoting appropriate
tend to have reduced susceptibility to fosfomycin [108]. In and rational use of the new agents against carbapenem-resistant
countries where intravenous fosfomycin is already available, it gram-negative pathogens.
has mostly been used in combination with various other agents Traditional culture-based susceptibility testing requires
[109]. A potential, novel therapeutic strategy to avoid the issues 48–72 hours from specimen collection to availability of results.
related to resistance development during fosfomycin mono- However, it typically takes another 24 hours to test susceptibility
therapy, namely, its combination with ceftazidime-avibactam, of the new agents as they are not routinely tested, and additional
has been proposed by Papp-Wallace et  al for infections with tests are required in response to reports of carbapenem resist-
high bacterial burden [110]. ance. Ideally, rapid diagnostic tests can shorten this turnaround
time and thus time to appropriate therapy. Several nucleic acid
CONSIDERATIONS ON ANTIMICROBIAL amplification testing platforms that contain probes or primers
for carbapenemase genes are commercially available [111].
As newer agents with activity against carbapenem-resistant Some of these tests can be run directly from a positive blood
organisms become available for clinical use, approaches to culture bottle and can predict carbapenem resistance based on
treatment selection and optimization become important con- the genotype, for example, the presence of a KPC gene, as de-
siderations. Challenges that are unique to these agents from the scribed earlier by Nordmann and Poirel [5]. However, these tests
antibiotic stewardship point of view relate to their rapid stream- require dedicated instruments, and the cost of each test is rel-
lined development, which resulted in fewer clinical trials being atively high, which precludes their universal use. Therefore, an

S572 • cid 2019:69 (Suppl 7) • Doi
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