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Using Personal and

Possessive Pronouns
1. Sort the pronouns into the correct box. Remember that personal pronouns represent
people or things and possessive pronouns show ownership.

I yours his him he you theirs she

hers ours mine it them they we

Personal Possessive

2. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct pronoun.

a) My sister bought a new coat last week. That coat is .
his hers her
b) Matt is a brilliant footballer. We are so proud of .
him them his
c) Tom broke my pen so bought me a new one.
mine me he
d) were happy that their bus had finally arrived.
they we them
e) My friend, Zina, is over there. Can you see ?
his hers her

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Using Personal and Possessive Pronouns

3. Copy the paragraph below, replacing the underlined words with appropriate pronouns.

Sienna and Paul went to the park. Sienna went on the swings first and after, Sienna
went on the roundabout but fell off and grazed Sienna’s knee. Paul played in the sandpit.
Paul built a sandcastle and even made a moat for Paul’s sandcastle. Sienna and Paul
played on the climbing frame together. Sienna and Paul enjoyed chasing each other
until home time.

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Using Personal Pronouns
Subject pronouns I you he she we they it

Object pronouns me you him her us them it

1. are not coming to our party anymore.

2. Would like some cheesecake for dessert?

3. I love my sister. ’s really kind to .

4. need to put back on the shelf.

5. love going on holiday to Spain.

6. I’m going shopping, do want to come with ?

7. Jack saw in the park. were on the swings.

8. ’s broken. Can you take a look at ?

9. were happy that our train had finally arrived.

10. That’s over there! did it!

11. I love that sofa! ’s not too expensive for us, is ?

12. I showed a photograph. was suspicious.

13. is a brilliant dancer. We’re proud of .

14. Are going to finish that painting?

15. I went to see my Aunt in hospital. ’s recovering well.


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