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In this technique, learners listen to a model provided by the teacher and then repeat or imitate
a. Phonetic training b. Tongue twisters c. Visual aids d. Listen and imitate
2. These materials are used to cue production of focus sounds.
a. Visual aids b. Photographs c. Tongue twisters d. Symbols
3. When talking to second-language learners in the beginning level, are we allowed to use longer
and complex sentences?
a. Partially yes b. No c. Yes d. Maybe
4. One of the speech modifications as a form of instructional support which means teachers
should provide more and slightly longer pauses to give students more time to make sense of
the utterances.
a. Careful with fused forms
b. Use gestures
c. Speak at standard speed
d. Use specific names instead of pronouns.
5. Which of the following techniques is considered as the key to create a positive climate in a
a. Building confidence
b. Contextualized practice
c. Personalizing language
d. Reading aloud
6. What should be the minimum minutes per week that is allocated to spelling instruction?
a. 60-75 b. 50-60 c. 100 d. 80
7. Which of the following refers to the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts and
ideas in a readable print?
a. Reading b. Listening c. Writing d. Speaking
8. Aries do not plan before or during writing a specific topic, what area of difficulty does Aries
a. Knowledge difficulties b. Skill difficulties c. Motivation difficulties d. None
9. Cyra exhibits poor spelling and punctuation whenever she writes an essay, what difficulty does
she have?
a. Knowledge difficulties b. Skill difficulties c. Motivation difficulties d. None
10. Which of the following employs phonetic training?
a. Articulatory descriptions, articulatory diagrams, and a phonetic alphabet are used.
b. Learners listen to a model provided by the teacher and then repeat or imitate it.
c. Learners learn how to be fluent in speaking.
d. These materials are used to cue production of focus sounds.
11. This program primarily helps students address language skills deficits by helping them acquire
self-confidence to face their own weakness and overcome these through acquisition of self-
help strategies.
a. Remedial program b. Language programs c. School programs d. Curriculum
12. What knowledge is referred to when students have the understanding that letters represent
a. Sight-word knowledge b. Sound-Symbol Correspondence c. Alphabetic
knowledge d. Basic sight words
13. This is the instructional heart of the remedial session.
a. Direct Instruction Component c. The Orientation Component
b. Cognitive Development Component d. Schema-enhancement Component
14. What consideration is described when the teacher opens the student’s mind and will to engage
new words?
a. Disposition b. Repetition c. Self-instruction d. Interaction and meaningful
15. In remedial vocabulary instruction, we maintain an awareness of new words outside the
classroom. What phase is this?
a. Disposition b. Integration c. Self-instruction d. Interaction and meaningful
16. Why is it important for students to have alphabetic knowledge?
a. It is important so that letters may be enunciate clearly and words may be read and spelled
b. It is important because it will give us the idea of how many letters are there in the alphabet.
c. Alphabetic knowledge is part of the curriculum.
d. Alphabetic knowledge is an essential factor in reading.
17. This unit of time should be spent in building a knowledge base for further reading and
independent thinking.
a. Direct Instruction Component c. The Orientation Component
b. Cognitive Development Component d. Schema-enhancement Component
18. All of the statements tell about providing a conducive learning environment EXCEPT:
a. The school must be helpful for students.
b. Comfort and security must be felt.
c. It must be warm and accommodating.
d. The classrooms are not well-ventilated.
19. Teacher Rhea is speaking too fast, can this affect the student’s listening comprehension?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. It depends upon the situation.
20. What is the correct syllabication of the word “dagger”?
a. Dag/ger b. Da/gger c. Dagg/er d. Da/gg/er
21. What could be the result of having poor listening skill?
a. It can lead to a successful communication.
b. You can understand what the speaker is saying.
c. It can lead to misunderstandings and communication barriers.
d. All of the above.
22. What does aw, ou, oi, and oy form?
a. Diphthongs b. Consonant sounds c. Blends d. Compound words
23. School-based remedial sessions tend to involve how many learners?
a. 5-10 b. 3-10 c. 10-20 d. 5-15
24. This component provides continuity and focus to the remedial session, this is also the period
when teachers let the students know what will happen in remedial program.
a. Direct Instruction Component c. The Orientation Component
b. Cognitive Development Component d. Personal-emotional Growth Component
25. The learner’s level of familiarity about the topic does not affect his listening comprehension.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the above.
Direction: Write KD if the matter being described is part of the knowledge difficulties, SD if it is one of
the skill difficulties, and write MD if it describes motivation difficulties.
________1. Have visual motor integration weaknesses and fine motor difficulties.

________2. Students feel helpless and poorly motivated due to repeated failure.

________3. Students have negative self efficacy (competency) beliefs.

________4. Restricted knowledge about genre-specific text structures.

________5. Arvie shows poor attention and concentration.

________6. Less awareness of what constitutes good writing and how to produce it.

________7. Limited vocabulary.

________8. Have limited ability to self regulate thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the writing

________9. Lack persistence.

________10. Impoverished, fragmented, and poorly organized topic knowledge.

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