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NAME:Justin Ramirez




INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to every question in a paragraph form with 4 or more

sentences. Text size-12, Style-Times New Roman. Elaborate or explain on every
question. Check your grammar and spelling. You must have one full page.

How did you prepared for this project? Explain.

I Prepared for this project by highlighting my abilities and qualities to demonstrate my skills in
coding. Discuss your work ethic and your ability to do jobs quickly. Discuss the courses and
training that I received that have helped me perform better at my preparation. But as well as
being confident inorder to be a leader for what was coming.

How was your experience before, during, and after this project? From beginning to end.

My experience before the project as I was in their shoe when I was first learning about coding
and the basic fundamentals of programming but after practice and asking for help I was able to
be more advanced and took more advanced courses which were difficult at first but just asking
for help, in general, is so hopeful you learn so much such as communication and being
responsible. During the project, it was very iffy at first but being that relationship with the
student and having trust was so helpful and easy. After the project, I learn something new about
how important it is to help the youngsters and to help them find there interests and career goals.

What did you learn? How do you better understand working and teaching others? Explain.

One of the most important aspects of communication is listening. Successful listening entails not
only comprehending spoken or written information, but also comprehending how the student
feels during communication. Also don’t give unwanted advice. But also check my tone and body
language and be professional and to be real with student.
What was easy, hard, explain why?

What was easy about the project was already having an understanding of the basics of
programming and being able to teach and get my lesson through the student. What was hard
about the project was them being able to listen and leaving them alone without my help and them
struggling or not understanding.

How that this project benefits our community? Explain.

Coding is a fundamental literacy in the digital age, and they must learn, work with, and
comprehend the technology around them. Learning to code at a young age prepares them for
the future. Coding helps youngsters in communication, creativity, numeracy, writing, and
confidence. But also,find their skills and talents and soon to hope for a career in that curriculum.
It will teach them how to discover logical answers to complicated situations. But also for them to
teach future generations and benefit their community.

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