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Why do companies invest so little in SEO ?

SEO remains the first digital acquisition channel. And yet, it is also the lever in which companies invest
the least. Why is that ?

The ocean of the web is subjected to strong winds and violent storms, making any position precarious. In
this hostile territory, it is impossible to stay in place for long! There is only one island of stability: it is
natural referencing , which has long ensured the success of marketing strategies of all kinds. SEOs know
that this is the first lever for digital acquisition . Marketers know this too. Even Internet users, who use
Search en masse, understand it intuitively. And yet, businesses are still reluctant to invest in SEO. How to
explain it? An attempt at clarification in 4 reasons.

1. Companies are struggling to grasp the interest of natural referencing

61% of marketers make SEO optimization their marketing priority, at the expense of any other strategy.

But marketers are not decision makers. Before adopting a new course, they need the approval of high
places. Problem: the management of companies are not necessarily aware of the interest of natural
referencing. Most of the time, they don't even know what the hell is going on.

A little reminder: SEO is all the methods and techniques used to improve the positioning of web pages
on search engines. Understanding what SEO can do allows you to better understand its potential and
long-term impact. It should be noted, in particular, that 97% of experiences on the web start with a
search engine - mainly with Google, which channels 79% of global desktop traffic and 94% of mobile
traffic. On this same Google, 63,000 searches are carried out every second (source: Internet Live Stats).
Needless to say, it is essential to be on this search engine to hope to benefit from the windfall
represented by all these users and all these requests!

2. Companies pay little attention to digital visibility

Still too many companies say that digital visibility is a “plus” to add to their marketing, without it being
essential. After all, if you already have a good market positioning, you have a rich customer base, and the
prospects are good, why gesticulate all over the Internet to attract traffic?

It's ignoring that digital visibility is the new advertising. And that it is particularly well suited to changes
in consumer behavior. By virtue of the advantages offered by the Internet, users are more curious, more
demanding and more volatile. They ask search engines when they plan to buy a product or service (61%
of them), and even more when it is a "big" purchase like a computer, a car or a car. a house (81% of
them). Which means one thing: a business that is not on the web is gradually becoming invisible… and
eventually disappearing.

But that's not all. Because Internet users are also sensitive to the way in which companies are present
online, for example through the publication of articles on a blog (complementary to any successful SEO
strategy). We also see that 50% of users are more likely to click on a link when the brand appears several
times in the results of the search engine consulted. In other words: the more a brand is visible, the more
confidence it inspires.

3. Companies ignore that SEO generates the best marketing ROI

What is not immediately measurable is not worthy of praise: this could be the response opposed by a
company management to a marketer who would question the lack of investment in SEO. However, what
is invisible is not necessarily ineffective. Of course, the benefits of natural referencing in terms of ROI
(return on investment) are less easy to measure than those of paid referencing or Display. Of course, the
effects of SEO take longer to be felt. But in the end, when we put together the results of natural methods
and those of paid techniques, we see that SEO is the lever that generates the best marketing ROI. First,
because it is very effective: 51% of global traffic comes from Search, against 34% from emails and banner
ads, and only 10% of the SEA. 70 to 80% of Internet users knowingly ignore paid links to click on organic
links from natural referencing. And 57% of B2B marketers say SEO levers generate more contacts than
any other strategy.

The effectiveness of SEO is all the more noticeable as mobile uses explode. While 87% of mobile users
use a search engine at least once a day, it becomes crucial to be visible to mobile Internet users as well,
secondly, because it is (overall) inexpensive. The investments required are less than in an advertising
strategy, and the effects produced are more lasting. The levers of natural referencing make it possible to
build a solid structure made up of notoriety and trust, in a pure Inbound vision.

Not only do you generate more traffic for reduced investments, but this traffic is already pre-qualified
since it is part of an active approach.

4. Businesses believe SEO is all about positioning

Although the primary object of SEO is the positioning of web pages on search engines, it is far from being
its only interest.

In reality, visibility is only the first effect of better positioning. It is accompanied by two concepts that are
even more decisive for guaranteeing the success of companies: credibility and notoriety.

Credibility stems from a notable presence on search engines, itself being proof of the relevance of the
related web pages and the quality of the products / services offered.

In fact, to put it simply, Google favors the results that best meet the demands of Internet users. A page
that appears in the first results did not end up there by chance. Notoriety comes from the expertise
attributed to a brand on the web.

SEO relies heavily on content, whether it's published on a professional blog or directly on the website
(72% of marketers believe that content creation is the most relevant SEO tactic).

This content allows the company to assert its expertise in its field and to demonstrate its know-how, with
the aim of forging natural bonds of trust with consumers. So that they say to themselves, when they are
looking for such and such a product or such a service: "I need this brand and not another!" ".
SEO is not just a game of virtual levers to activate an obscure and cryptic mechanism. It is a bundle of
methods leading a company to be more visible, more credible and more and more known to consumers,
according to a solid and lasting marketing strategy. It is therefore high time to dispel this
misunderstanding and encourage businesses to invest in SEO!

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