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How to create a professional graphic charter?

When creating your business project, you have to set up the entire visual communication universe of the
latter. Concretely, what does this imply?

You will have to work on the graphic code which will be used in your communication media:

The logo

The showcase site

Business cards

The commercial brochure



But how do you best establish your graphic charter, so that it matches your business and the message
you want to convey?

The answer in 5 essential tips!

1. Choose the colors in relation to its activity and its values

First of all, take the time to learn about color coding in the business world . Indeed, each color
involuntarily conveys an idea or an emotion to the Internet user.

For example :

Green immediately makes one think of nature and ecology;

Red induces seduction, but also dynamism;

Black is often synonymous with luxury;

Blue is reminiscent of technology and also gives a relaxing feeling ...

You must take into account the natural perception of these colors to choose the one that corresponds to
your activity, but also to the values that you want to convey.

2. Choose readable fonts adapted to your target

You will also have to take into account the nature of your activity and the profile of your prospects to
offer suitable fonts.

For example, know that the Comic sans MS is today a font derided on the web, which benefits from an
old-fashioned image. Conversely, Google Fonts are currently on the rise in web design trends in 2020 and
can become the ally of your graphic charter.

But among the latter, it will be necessary to make a choice between models considered masculine,
others more feminine, childish characters, other graphics, etc.

3. Correctly integrate the graphic charter

You must choose a logo that must fit perfectly into your graphic charter. If possible, it is recommended to
treat them together.

This makes it possible to match all the colors and design with the symbol of your company. If they are
processed at the same time, they will combine perfectly and you will immediately give an ultra-
professional look to your documents and your website.

4. Induce a perfect combination of the elements

This is exactly what we are trying to explain to you in the previous paragraph. For a quality graphic
charter, all the elements used, that is to say the shapes, colors and fonts, must combine perfectly.

The complete design should enhance your corporate culture and immediately induce what you want to
convey in the minds of your prospects.

5. Call in a professional graphic designer

If you have no concept of graphics, it is better to entrust your graphic charter to a professional. The
design and the colors have a real impact on your target audience and a choice totally out of step with
what they expect from a company like yours can impact your turnover.

The graphic charter is in a way the “first impression”! However, if you miss your introduction, your
prospects will not want to learn more, even if your services are of high quality.

Your graphic charter and your design will follow you everywhere and for several years, as long as they
are both correctly defined from the launch of your activity.

To this end, quickly post your ad on and find a professional service provider who will be
able to develop a graphic charter in line with your market and your objectives!

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