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1 to 1 carer appraisal.- annually/ after carer viewing/ after probation meeting. Questionnaire to be filled out by
the carer prior to in preparation for the meeting with the manager- kindly fill out the questions before your
meeting- so that the manager can discuss these questions with you.

Name of carer. _________________________________________________________________________

Start date______________________________________________________________________________

How do you like your job as a carer?

1. Do you know of any complaints against you? Kindly explain this and what you have done to adjust your practice so that
the complaints do not happen again e.g. lateness? Cutting time? Not using electronic monitoring? Not signing mar sheets?

2. List any compliments you have had that the office knows about through the service user?

3. List any safeguarding’s that you may have reported to the office? How did you report this?

4. When were you last trained? In what subjects in care?

5. Do you attend team meetings?

6. Do you take direction from the office?

7. Do you help out with emergencies?

8. Are you using electronic monitoring all the time?

9. Please write what are the 4 W s of reporting an incident it may be safeguarding or anything else?

10. Please write down when you would use one slide sheet.

11. Write down would you use two slide sheets?

12. Please write when you would use a handling belt.

8 Princeton Mews, 167-169 London Road, Kingston upon

Thames, Surrey KT2 6PT
Te l e p h o n e : 0 2 0 8 4 3 9 7 7 0 0 Fax: 020 8439 7659

13. Can a handling belt be used to move a service user from the floor to a chair?

14. Can you store an open tin of food in the fridge?

15. Do you check for outdated foods in the fridge of the service user you go to?

16. What do you do with outdated food?

17. What do you do with outdated medicines?

18. Have you had any missed calls?

19. Have you rushed your calls at all?

20. How do you rate the quality of service you give to our service users?

21. Have you done a double call on your own? If yes why?

22. What do you understand by mental capacity?

23. What do you understand by person centred care?

24. If a person with dementia and memory loss refuses to have personal care, food, medicines, how would you encourage

25. How long would you take to encourage them?

26. What would you do other than this?

27. Would you visit a service user in hospital?

28. Would you go to a service user’s home if you did not have that person on your Rota?

29. How do you ensure that you are making sure that when you use the key safe you do so safely?

8 Princeton Mews, 167-169 London Road, Kingston upon

Thames, Surrey KT2 6PT
Te l e p h o n e : 0 2 0 8 4 3 9 7 7 0 0 Fax: 020 8439 7659

30. What would you write on a MAR sheet if the service user has been in hospital for 1 week and you are the first
person to conduct care on that day?
31. When do you use a financial record form?

32. What is a financial authorization form?

33. What is a key authorization form?

34. Are you sure that you are filling the MARS as well as writing reasons why you write A, O or R on the form?

35. Do you make sure you watch the service user swallow their medication?

36. Do you make sure you watch the service user eat their food? Do you record this?

37. Do you leave fluid out for the service user? Do you record this?

38. What are the risk of a service users who sis a heavy smoker that does not have a smoke alarm?

39. What actions will you take if you find out a service user’s fire alarm does not work?

40. What is Data Protection?

41. How do you keep service users data safe and secure?

42. What is child abuse?

43. Describe what is meant by privacy, dignity and inclusion?

8 Princeton Mews, 167-169 London Road, Kingston upon

Thames, Surrey KT2 6PT
Te l e p h o n e : 0 2 0 8 4 3 9 7 7 0 0 Fax: 020 8439 7659

Updated 23/07/15

July 2015

8 Princeton Mews, 167-169 London Road, Kingston upon

Thames, Surrey KT2 6PT
Te l e p h o n e : 0 2 0 8 4 3 9 7 7 0 0 Fax: 020 8439 7659

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