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international Order
The world is composed of many countries or states, all of them having different
forms of government. Some scholars of politics are interested on individual states and
examine the internal politics of these countries. For example, scholar studying the
politics of Japan may write about the history of its bureaucracy. Other scholars are more
interested in the interactions between states other than their internal politics. These
scholars look at trade deals between states. They also study political, military, and
other diplomatic engagement between two or more countries. These scholars are
studying international relations. Moreover, when they explore the deepening of
interactions between states, they refer to the phenomenon of internationalization.
Internationalization is a major part of globalization, and therefore important to study
because state/governments are key drivers of global processes.
World politics today has four attributes:
1. Countries or states that are independent and govern themselves .
2. These countries interact with each other( engage in diplomacy, trade, education
3. International organizations. like the UN, that facilitates these interactions
4. International organ izations take on lives of their own:
Example ; The UN – meeting grounds between presidents and heads of state;
_ has task-specific agencies like WHO , ILO, UNICEF,
1. Treaty of Westphalia – Set of agreements signed in 1649 at the end of the 30
years war between the major powers in Europe that aimed to avert war in the
future by recognizing that the treaty signers exercise control over their domestic
affairs, and not to meddle in each other’s affairs.
2. Napoleonic Code - Set of principles of the French Revolution issued by Napoleon
Bonaparte, Emperor of France, that challenged the Westphalian System. The
principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity forbade privileges, encouraged
freedom of religion and promoted meritocracy in government system.
3. Concert of Europe – Alliance of European powers that sought to restore the
powers and privileges of kings. It restore sovereignty of states. The architect of
this system was Klemens Von Metternich of Austria.
4. Internationalism – It is the desire for greater cooperation and unity among states
and people.
a. Liberal Internationalism – It was promoted by Emmanuel Kant. It was a form
of global government; states like citizens of countries give up some freedoms
and “ establish a continuously growing states consisting of various nations
which will ultimately include the nations of the world. Another promoter of this
system was Jeremy Bentham who advocated the creation of international law
that would govern the interstate relations, thereby creating greatest happiness
of all nations taken together.
Results of the Movement:
 Principle of Self-determination – the belief that the world’s nations had a
right to a free and sovereign government.
 League of Nations – It was created after World War I. Its purpose was to
prevent another war in the future.
b. Socialist Internationalism - a union of socialist and labor parties established
in 1889. Its contribution includes the following:
 May 1 as labor day * 8-hour workday * International Women’s
Under the system the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic and Bolshevism
was created after the Russian Revolution.
Terms to remember under this system:
1. Socialism
2. Communism
Internationalism is but one window into the broad phenomenon of globalization, but
it is a crucial aspect of globalization since interactions are heightened by increased
interdependence of states. This international interdependence manifests itself thru
state-to-state relations and these relations are facilitated also by international
organizations. Most prominent of this organizations is the United Nations (UN).
Go to the internet and research about COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM. Then
answer the following questions:
1. What is Communism?
2. What is Socialism?
3. Explain briefly the difference between communism and socialis m.

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