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Articles by MSU Libraries Faculty


Introduction to Using Excel® Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to

Increase Efficiency in Library Data Analysis and Illustration
Andrea Miller
Missouri State University

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Miller, Andrea. "Introduction to using Excel® pivot tables and pivot charts to increase efficiency in library
data analysis and illustration." Journal of Library Administration 54, no. 2 (2014): 94-106.

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Introduction to Using Excel® Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

to Increase Efficiency in Library Data Analysis and Illustration

Author Note

Andrea Miller, Duane G. Meyer Library, Missouri State University.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Andrea Miller,

Duane G. Meyer Library, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield,

MO 65897. E-mail:


Abstract. Excel® offers powerful features that can spare its users countless hours of
tedious and unnecessary effort. Pivot tables and pivot charts are robust tools that can
streamline the work of analyzing library data, making it nearly instantaneous, visually
engaging, and efficient. Although electronic resource usage statistics will be used for
illustrative purposes, countless types of data in a tabular format are suited to the
application of pivot tables and pivot charts. This article will discuss background and
approaches for using these tools, followed by a companion article that will demonstrate
essential techniques and applications.

Keywords: Excel® PivotTables, Excel® PivotCharts, pivot tables, pivot charts, library
data analysis, library data illustration

Author Note
Andrea Miller, Duane G. Meyer Library, Missouri State University.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Andrea Miller,
Duane G. Meyer Library, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield,
MO 65897. E-mail:

Received: November 13, 2013

Accepted: December 12, 2013

Introduction to Using Excel® Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

to Increase Efficiency in Library Data Analysis and Illustration

The need for producing meaningful analysis of data is just as keen today as it was

decades ago when R. W. Hamming declared, “The purpose of computing is insight, not

numbers” (Hamming, 1962, p. [v]). Datasets can be challenging to evaluate for meaning,

especially as the amount of data expands. Row upon row of raw data in spreadsheets may

be virtually impossible to browse through with any hope of discerning its deeper

meaning. Numerical summaries can be helpful but still may be overwhelming if the

summaries themselves are unwieldy in size. Converting these numerical summaries into

pivot tables and pivot charts can often render them more easily comprehensible through

excellent layout and visual representation.

Excel® provides users with the ability to create pivot tables and their related pivot

charts. These beneficial tools automate the process of data analysis and enable nearly

instantaneous changes in the patterns into which data is organized as well as in the

portions of the data that are being viewed. Reports to meet any need may be effortlessly

generated at a moment’s notice to answer ad hoc questions that arise about the data. Pivot

tables enable individual data points to be singled out for instant comparison with other

points, allowing many different variables to be compared with ease. Background and

approaches for using pivot tables and pivot charts will be presented herein, followed by a

subsequent article which will demonstrate critical techniques and applications.

Pivot tables were named for their ability to instantly pivot data into any view that is

desired. Pivot tables and pivot charts will be used as abbreviations for their actual names,

which are PivotTable reports and PivotChart reports. Unfortunately, many people are

either unaware of pivot tables and pivot charts, which are among Excel’s® most powerful

features, or have never attempted to learn how to use them (Altom, 2011; Chen, 2007;

Montondon & Marsh, 2006). Applying these easily operated tools can eliminate the need

to manually create formulas or to sort and re-sort data, thereby saving untold hours of

painstaking effort.

Pivot tables are interactive and may be used with either large or small amounts of

data. The pivot table is created and exists independently from its original source data.

Rows and columns can be easily rearranged for different views of the data with no

disturbance of the source data’s layout or content. Pivot tables make it simple to organize

and summarize the data, as well as compare it and detect patterns. Pivot tables can also

automatically produce totals without the need for writing formulas to perform such

calculations or rearranging the data to calculate subtotals.

A regular table in Excel® is a range of data that has been deliberately formatted as a

table, which gives it special functionality and features beyond that of data that has been

simply entered in the shape of a table, as with a typical spreadsheet. The data in Figure 1

has been formatted as a table, and its appearance and functionality are quite different

from data that has been typed into a spreadsheet with no special formatting applied to it.

Regular tables are not as flexible as pivot tables, however. Pivot tables enable painless

manipulation of large datasets. Pivot tables and pivot charts offer a rapid means of

flipping the axes on which the data resides. Data that appears in rows straight down a

spreadsheet can be flipped using a pivot table. The data can move into columns running

across the spreadsheet to the right, which may enable the data to take a more usable form

when converted into a visual chart. The automation of data manipulation significantly

speeds up the process and removes the potential for human error due to any manual

manipulation of data. Different levels of data granularity can be readily generated. Pivot

tables and pivot charts are dynamic and allow their content to be instantly changed as

desired in order to answer specific questions about the data, while regular tables may

require considerable effort to rearrange the data to produce answers.

[place figure 1 here]

Pivot tables and pivot charts may be used to simplify complex data as well as create

visual representations of many types of library data. Although electronic resource usage

statistics will be used as an example to demonstrate techniques, the applications for pivot

tables and pivot charts are nearly limitless. The basic methods of using these tools can be

applied to many types of library data, both within the realm of electronic resources as

well as throughout the rest of the library. Assessments involving the concepts of “by” or

“per” are particularly well-suited to pivot tables, such as “by fund code” or “per

semester.” Countless questions about the data may be readily answered. What are the

most or the least used resources in a particular category during a certain period of time?

How does this compare to other categories or time periods? How do patterns in

turnaways due to surpassing the maximum number of simultaneous users allowed for an

electronic resource vary from month to month and across 2 or more years? What have the

trends in the costs of certain resources been in comparison to other resources? What

percentage of the budget does each resource represent? Possible applications for pivot

tables and pivot charts abound and become apparent once knowledge of their

functionality has been internalized.


Description of Electronic Resource Statistics

The electronic resource statistics used in the examples are drawn from an internal

record-keeping system maintained by the Missouri State University Libraries’ Systems

Department. The internal recordkeeping system records the number of times an electronic

resource is accessed or “hit” by patrons clicking on one of the library’s permanent URLs

(PURLs) for that electronic resource. The PURLs are used in links to the electronic

resources provided in the library’s “Articles and Databases” web page, online subject

guides, and the online catalog, among other places. The electronic resource statistics are

collected from this internal system three times per year: Commencement Day for the

spring, summer, and fall semesters. The library has assigned each electronic resource to

one of the university’s six colleges, which are represented with abbreviations or has

identified an electronic resource as a general one that appeals to students in more than

one college. The college abbreviations are as follows: CHHS = College of Health and

Human Services; CHPA = College of Humanities and Public Affairs; CNAS = College of

Natural and Applied Sciences; COAL = College of Arts and Letters; COBA = College of

Business Administration; COE = College of Education; and GEN = General use

electronic resource. The result resembles assigning one of seven different fund codes to

each of the 111 electronic resources. Any student is able to use any electronic resource,

regardless of his or her college affiliation. The assignment of college abbreviations is

simply a means of associating electronic resources with their most likely group of users

as well as helping in assessment.


Reports made from pivot tables and pivot charts can be used to visually represent

electronic resource usage numbers in ways that make it easier for decision-makers to

understand the data. Row after row of numbers can be difficult for even the

mathematically inclined to interpret. When looking at a list of numerals, it may be

difficult to judge just how large certain numbers are relative to other numbers. For

example, Figure 1 contains data recording the number of hits on each of the electronic

resources associated with the College of Health and Human Services. Persons viewing

this data are able to see that 5,536 hits for PsycINFO is a very large number in

comparison with the others, especially the 17 hits for the Encyclopedia of Disability. The

question, however, is: Are they able to perceive just how large 5,536 is in comparison to

17 and all the other numbers in between? A mathematically inclined person may be able

to estimate that the 1,546 hits for MEDLINE are roughly 28% of those for PsycINFO, but

the average person may not possess such skills.

By using pivot table and pivot chart tools to convert numbers such as those in Figure 1

into chart illustrations, anyone can instantly see the proportions, relationships, and trends

present in the numbers. These tools provide an easy way to quickly manipulate and

summarize large quantities of numerical data. Contrast Figure 1 with the same data

converted in seconds into a visual illustration in Figure 2 by using pivot tables and pivot

charts. It is now apparent that the 1,546 hits for MEDLINE are between one-fourth to

one-third of the relative numerical size of the 5,536 hits for PsycINFO. The relative usage

rates of various electronic resources become instantly discernible.

[place figure 2 here]


The data may freely be expanded to include data for additional colleges and general-

use electronic resources, as in Figure 3. The heaviest usage rates again become readily

apparent when comparing one college to another. Similarly, the total dominance of

Academic Search Premier, the most frequently used general database with approximately

150,000 hits at the base of the GEN column, is striking in comparison with the others.

[place figure 3 here]

The truly impressive power of pivot tables and pivot charts is exploited when even

larger sets of source data and more variables are employed. It is not difficult to add on

title, college, and hits data for additional years. In Figures 4, 5, and 6, semester data was

added for a 4-year period. The larger results set can be manipulated by collapsing or

expanding parts of the table in order to hone in on particular segments of the data. Field

variables can also be rearranged and filters applied. Pivot charts can likewise be created

and various filters applied to them as well.

The granularity of the data being studied is conveniently open to fine-tuning or

expansion. By adding data reflecting different years and semesters, trends across time are

revealed. Using MEDLINE as an example, layouts reflecting subtotals of usage hits by

semester in Figure 4 can be changed in less than a second to one comparing usage across

successive years in Figure 5. Furthermore, the data can be collapsed with a simple mouse

click to show only the subtotals and/or grand totals at any desired level of granularity, as

in Figure 6 showing subtotals by years. Note that subtotals for different variables appear

on the top line of the section containing the variable. Only the grand total appears at the

bottom, as in a traditional spreadsheet.


[place figure 4 here] [place figure 5 here]

[place figure 6 here]

Review of the Literature

Books Specializing in Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

This article is a brief introduction to the merits of pivot tables and pivot charts and can

neither cover all of their amazing capabilities, nor all their limitations. A number of in-

depth books are available that are devoted exclusively to pivot tables and pivot charts,

and these are valuable sources for additional information. Although this article used

Excel® 2010 in its examples, books about Excel® 2007 can also be useful because most

of the functions remain the same. Jelen and Alexander (2007; 2011) have written

outstanding books that thoroughly cover the subject and are suitable for both beginning

and advanced users. These books contain clear and detailed explanations as well as an

abundance of examples and illustrations. In one particularly visually oriented book,

McFedries (2010a) has covered both beginning and advanced content. Most of the topics

are covered in heavily illustrated, two-page spreads. While this approach is convenient, it

does create a rather dense layout. Dalgleish (2007a) has written a book appropriate for

novices as well as those with previous experience using earlier versions of the software; it

covers the basic features of pivot tables and pivot charts in Excel® 2007. In another book,

Dalgleish (2007b) assumes prior experience with pivot tables and pivot charts, and it

targets more advanced users by presenting hundreds of hypothetical problem scenarios

related to pivot tables and pivot charts in Excel® 2007, followed by their solutions.

Aitken (2007) provides instruction for both beginners and more advanced users in a

single volume. In addition to thoroughly presenting pivot tables and pivot charts, there

are appendices devoted to troubleshooting and to formatting and customizing charts.

Books on Excel®

Many books devoted to Excel® as a whole have chapters or sections on pivot tables

and pivot charts. Such books offer far less information than books devoted exclusively to

pivot tables and pivot charts, but they generally do cover basic techniques. Among the

Excel® books examined, Jelen (2010a) featured the most in-depth content with two

chapters on pivot tables, but only a couple of pages address pivot charts. More

commonly, the books contain a chapter about pivot tables and approximately three to six

pages devoted to pivot charts (Dodge & Stinson, 2011; Frye, 2010; Fuller, Fulton, Hayes

& Riley, 2011; Harvey, 2010; MacDonald, 2010; Walkenbach, 2010a).

Books on Specialized Aspects of Excel®

Books on specialized aspects of Excel® may contain chapters with basic information

on pivot tables and pivot charts (Alexander & Walkenbach, 2010). Some books on

particular aspects of Excel® contain only chapters on pivot tables and do not discuss pivot

charts (McFedries, 2010b; Walkenbach, 2010b). The reverse is also true, with some

specialized Excel® books mainly discussing pivot charts with limited emphasis on their

related pivot tables (Jelen, 2011a).

Business and Computer Science

Many experts in business and computer science appreciate the utility of pivot tables

and their related pivot charts. This awareness is reflected in the literature by the

consistent appearance of articles discussing how to construct and make use of pivot tables

and pivot charts (Hunstad, 2010; Lehman, Lehman, & Feazell, 2011). A technology

column devoted to Excel® regularly discusses topics related to pivot tables (Jelen, 2010b;

Jelen, 2010c; Jelen, 2010d; Jelen, 2011b; Jelen, 2011c; Jelen, 2012). Aloisio and

Winterfeldt (2010) described how a hospital’s department of radiology used pivot tables

to analyze which hours of which days were their busiest periods. The employees became

receptive to altering their staffing patterns to better match workflow needs once they saw

the data and understood how changes would lead to less workload pressure and greater

efficiency. Ting, Pan, and Chou (2010) applied pivot tables to a modified version of

market-basket analysis (MBA) to analyze the likelihood of diners ordering certain

combinations of menu items at a prix-fixe restaurant in order to enable servers to suggest

these combinations. The researchers noted, “Another familiar application of MBA is in

online bookstores, where customers will be presented with ‘associated products’ when

they browse certain items” (Ting, Pan, Chou, 2010, p. 492). Wesley and Cox (2007)

extolled the use of pivot tables in mortality analysis and recommend them as being

accurate and flexible in considering a wide variety of variables. Efstathiou and Golby

(2001) discussed the use of Excel® and its pivot table tools to compute the optimal

physical layout sequence of various manufacturing machines so as to maximize the speed

and efficiency of production. According to Eckert (2005), pivot tables enabled a

construction company to spot weaknesses in the progression of their jobs early enough to

make corrective adjustments. The construction company can now bid labor hours with

great accuracy and identify problems related to profitability. Libraries have many

business operations and could greatly benefit from adopting many of the same key tools

used by businesses, such as pivot tables and pivot charts.



Principals and professors in the field of education also understand the usefulness of

pivot tables for handling student and school-system data. Library administrators, as well

as those teaching courses in library science or information literacy, could benefit from

adopting their methods. According to Mills (2006), the principals in Wilson County, NC

use pivot tables to analyze the relationships between multiple types of data: for example,

analyzing test results for demographic trends as well as identifying particular students at

risk in specific areas. Another use is seeking clues for the means to cultivate better

student behavior by analyzing disciplinary data. Green (2008), a college professor, has

described methods for using pivot tables not only to easily track students’ grades but also

to analyze these grades for information about individual students and the class as a

whole. This information in turn helps him improve his instructional planning. Convery

and Swaney (2012) have developed a university course instructional module that, among

other topics, teaches expertise in pivot tables and their use in accounting. Such tools

facilitate the analysis of data related to business challenges and possible solutions.

Conmy, Hazlett, Jelen, and Soucy (2006) extol the use of pivot tables for

literacy/curriculum coordinators or principals who must look at test results over time to

analyze student and teacher performance trends.

Library Science

In contrast, the literature of library science contains material about using the well-

known spreadsheet aspects of Excel® for library processes but is largely silent about pivot

tables and pivot charts. References to them have appeared only a handful of times with

limited information about their application and best use. Matthews (2009) of the Virtual

Library of Virginia (VIVA) touched upon the use of pivot tables for their advantages in

summarizing usage-statistics data but did not delve deeply into the topic. Jones (2011)

mentioned pivot tables once while describing a system of studying demographic data of

library patrons as collected from ID cards swiped through turnstiles upon library

entrance. As with other educators, Huber (2005) recommended using pivot tables for

their ease in viewing various aspects of data related to student testing.

Although some sources promoting the use of Excel® in libraries do not mention pivot

tables, they do, however, discuss how to normalize library data in order to make it

suitably standardized for analysis. Such normalization is important in the preparation of

source data. Greiner and Cooper (2007) wrote a chapter with helpful descriptions of

methods that can be used to clean up inconsistencies in raw data that has been exported

from an integrated library system into Excel®. Curtis, Scheschy, and Tarango (2000)

wrote an appendix that suggested strategies for standardizing data, particularly for

correcting variances in the transcription of titles, in order to prepare lists for automated

comparison of the amount of overlap in database source lists.


Many librarians rely heavily on Microsoft® Excel® for stockpiling a multitude of types

of data and could greatly benefit from adopting pivot tables and pivot charts for use in

data analysis. These tools can be very helpful to use in interpreting the numbers

contained in various types of library data. This introduction has presented possible

approaches to using pivot tables and pivot charts using the area of electronic resource

usage statistics as an example. The literature has been surveyed, with examination of both

technical sources treating Excel® itself and sources highlighting practical uses in the

fields of business, computer science, education, and library science.

Sample data used in the figures is available for download for experimentation at The sample data and its

usage will be further expounded upon in an upcoming companion article. The companion

article will concern itself with application and will discuss the creation process for pivot

tables and pivot charts using elemental data from electronic resource usage statistics.

Fundamental concepts will be addressed, with demonstrations of techniques. An

understanding of the many contexts in which these tools may be employed will be



Aitken, P. (2007). Excel® 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley
Publishing, Inc.

Alexander, M. & Walkenbach, J. (2010). Excel® dashboards and reports. Hoboken, NJ:

Aloisio, J. J. & Winterfeldt, C. G. (2010). Rethinking traditional staffing models.

Radiology Management, 32(6), 32-38.

Altom, T. (2011, May 23). Time digging into Excel ‘goodies’ will pay off. Indianapolis
Business Journal, p. 25A.

Chen, J. (2007). Analyzing business data with PivotTable report. The Business Review,
Cambridge, 9(1), 23-28.

Conmy, C., Hazlett, B., Jelen, B., & Soucy, A. (2006). Excel for teachers. Uniontown,
OH: Holy Macro! Books.

Convery, S. P. & Swaney, A. M. (2012). Analyzing business issues–with Excel: The case
of Superior Log Cabins, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education, 27(1), 141-156.

Curtis, D., Scheschy, V. M., & Tarango, A. R. (2000). Developing and managing
electronic journal collections: A how-to-do-it manual for librarians. New York, NY:
Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.

Dalgleish, D. (2007a). Beginning pivot tables in Excel 2007. Berkley, CA: Apress.

Dalgleish, D. (2007b). Excel 2007 PivotTables recipes: A problem-solution approach.

Berkley, CA: Apress.

Dodge, M. & Stinson, C. (2011). Microsoft® Excel® 2010 inside out. Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Press.

Eckert, C. (2005). Creating a company report card: Pivot tables allow you to analyze your
numbers any way you want. Here’s how to build one. The Journal of Light Construction,
23(6), 135-144.

Efstathiou, J. & Golby, P. (2001). Application of a simple method of counting for product
demand and operation sequence. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12(4), 246-257.

Frye, C. (2010). Microsoft® Excel® 2010 step by step. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.

Fuller, L. U., Fulton, J., Hayes, D., & Riley, J. A. (2011). Picture yourself learning
Microsoft® Excel® 2010. Boston, MA: Course Technology.

Green, K. (2008). Pivot tables can turn your record keeping around. Mathematics
Teacher, 101(9), 678-681.

Greiner, T. & Cooper, B. (2007). Analyzing library collection use with Excel®. Chicago,
IL: American Library Association.

Hamming, R. W. (1962). Numerical methods for scientists and engineers. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

Harvey, G. (2010). Excel® 2010 for dummies®. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Huber, J. (2005). Ask Mr. Technology. Library Media Connection, 23(4), 61.

Hunstad, M. (2010). Paradise by the dashboard. AFP Exchange, 30(9), 47-50.

Jelen, B. (2010a). Microsoft® Excel® 2010 in depth. Indianapolis, IN: Que.

Jelen, B. (2010b). Reporting a count of records by geography. Strategic Finance, 91(9),


Jelen, B. (2010c). Troubleshooting row labels in pivot tables. Strategic Finance, 92(4),

Jelen, B. (2010d). Year-over-year analysis using Excel. Strategic Finance, 91(7), 54-55.

Jelen, B. (2011a). Charts and graphs: Microsoft® Excel® 2010. Indianapolis, IN: Que.

Jelen, B. (2011b). Frequency distribution. Strategic Finance, 93(1), 52-53.

Jelen, B. (2011c). Ranking values in a pivot table. Strategic Finance, 92(11), 60-61.

Jelen, B. (2012). Counting values within a range. Strategic Finance, 93(8), 54-55.

Jelen, B. & Alexander, M. (2007). Pivot table data crunching for Microsoft® Office
Excel® 2007. Indianapolis, IN: Que.

Jelen, B. & Alexander, M. (2011). Pivot table data crunching: Microsoft® Excel® 2010.
Indianapolis, IN: Que.

Jones, J. L. (2011). Using library swipe-card data to inform decision making. Georgia
Library Quarterly, 48(2), 11-13.

Lehman, M. W., Lehman, C. M., & Feazell, J. (2011). Dashboard your scorecard.
Journal of Accountancy, 211(2), 20-27.

MacDonald, M. (2010). Excel 2010: The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly
Media, Inc.

Matthews, T. E. (2009). Improving usage statistics processing for a library consortium:

The Virtual Library of Virginia’s Experience. Journal of Electronic Resources
Librarianship, 21(1), 37-47.

McFedries, P. (2010a). Excel® PivotTables and PivotCharts: Your visual blueprint for
creating dynamic spreadsheets. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

McFedries, P. (2010b). Formulas and functions: Microsoft® Excel 2010. Indianapolis,

IN: Que.

Microsoft® Excel® (2010) [Computer software]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft®.

Mills, L. (2006). Transforming data into knowledge. Principal Leadership (High School
Ed.), 7(2), 44-48.

Montondon, L. & Marsh, T. (2006). Pivot tables: A means to quick, accurate trial
balances. The CPA Journal, 76(4), 68-70.

Ting, P., Pan, S., & Chou, S. (2010). Finding ideal menu items assortments: An empirical
application of market basket analysis. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51(4), 492-501. doi:

Walkenbach, J. (2010a). Excel® 2010 bible. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.

Walkenbach, J. (2010b). Excel® 2010 formulas. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Wesley, D. & Cox, H. F. (2007). Pivot tables for mortality analysis, or who needs life
tables anyway? Journal of Insurance Medicine, 39(3), 167-173.

Figure Captions

Figure 1. Example of CHHS source data formatted as a regular table.

Figure 2. Example of CHHS data as a pivot chart.

Figure 3. All colleges as a pivot chart.

Figure 4. Usage by semester as a pivot table.

Figure 5. Usage by year as a pivot table.

Figure 6. Figure 5 collapsed to focus on usage by years.


Figure 1. Example of CHHS source data formatted as a regular table.


Figure 2. Example CHHS data as a pivot chart.


Figure 3. All colleges as a pivot chart.


Figure 4. Usage by semester as a pivot table.


Figure 5. Usage by year as a pivot table.


Figure 6. Figure 5 collapsed to focus on usage by years.

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