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Pet aad ie “any man who Oe etal eed a THORIN’S COMPANY st jar and Rob lined OmPIN fotg i a iy an igh heared Da po inte py wl by ng Po th aa see orton bond with Bib. Br on he cer ha pea he common tngué tal. Thi wen a eee bade tat te Fo Ms Sl. Bombur en te te he Dears a he hal bu eg or pon the Dee aval at Bg End father led him 10 8 rin Oahu ori ped sort . he Prancing, ‘hance encounter with the Grey Wieard. In th io, Gandalf set Thorn upon a path fr redemption, march upon Frebor and retake his homeland. Thorin ses off fo attempt to rally the seven Dwar armies to his cause, whilst Ganda heads to The Shite in search ofa burglar This search ld Gandalf to Bag End, only be greted by Bilbo ‘Baggins as fhe were selling burton a the door. The reluctant Hobbie was son subjected tothe Dares descending upon is uit home, Although he wus wraware of iat the tie, Bilbo ‘el jo hese Dass inter quest orca The Lael Mountain an frm the Company of Trin Oakenshield isin were the final members ofthe company, both unable wy Alongside Thoin sod his nephews i ad Fa. Young and brash the lute of potential treasure. by Dusen standard these Brees had mac ear about he orks ofthe world Ban, aad his broker Duan had fought Alongside Thoin since the lon day of Erebor. They wee presen or the coming of Smaug andthe ls of Erber, an ough atthe bate of Acanalbizar against the armies ofthe Pale Oe ‘ARMY COMPOSITION ‘This army may include: Thorin Oakenshicl; Balin the Dwarf; Dwain the Dwarf Kili dhe Dwar Fil the Dwar Bifur the Dwarf Bofur the Dwarf; Bombur the Dwarf; Ori the Dwarf; Nori the Dwarf: Dot the Dwarf: Oin the Dwar; Gloin the Dwarf Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey. [ARMY BONUS “I would take each and every one of these Dwarves lover an army from the Iron Hills, for when I called ‘upon them, they answered” ~ Models from this army list may reroll To Wound rolls of a 1 wh Thorin Oakenshield ‘ADDITIONAL RULES A Thorin’s Company warband is always a single warband, made up entirely of Heroes, and can even extend beyond the normal model limits fo a warband, The Hero with the highest Heroic Tier is treated as being the warband’ captain HEROES OF THORIN’S COMPANY THORIN OAKENSHIELD.. DWARF, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF LEGEND Thorin Oakenshield i he heir 0 the drome of Exebor, a Dus of nate Dass’ el from the if noes sil sre ears flo How wl take every ounce of homeland, Thrill his people wel, forging a new ho has set Thorn upon a pt han courage to accomplish, as we ‘hem in the Blue Mo meatng with Gane Dee pack Erebor ad rec m his aso small amount of help from his Ki and one unsuspecting bu Orcrst BREN A magical bade forged by the Elves during thet yee 4 7 33 6 ancien wars, Orns isthe Bae of Orkin. Known i th ‘of Sen as Goblin Clewver, ana the language ofthe Ore. WARGEAR Overs i a Brat sre with an unnaturally be el Dwarf armour and sword, laid unde of Sauron’ minions over the yor Oreist is an Elven-made hand-and-a-half sword that has the Orebane, Goblinbane and Uruk ate special rules, + Heroic Suength Aetionally, the bearer of Orcrst has the Terror (Goblin), + Heroic Challenge Terror (Ore) and Terror (Urukchai) special rules, OPTIONS The Oakenshield RHA — ls a he hale of A Orci. YO points where Thorn uly made his nar fighting off he Pale Ore with fae 5 points naught but an oaken branch for a shied. Tots day, Thorn sll The Oakenshiekd S points bears the Oukensield in bute The Oakenshield ia shield, Additionally, should Thotin opt to use it for Shielding during a Fight and he wins, he may make a single Strike at his Stength (receiving no bonuses. From any weapons) The younger of Thorn’ nephews, Kili still a shed fight Company: His noble tne ana wuluable member of hori’ has proved hint with great swordsmanship, as well as making hi shor witha bow. However, his best quality 1 his unwavering loyalty his family for Kil crack will anychingwethin his power to prow his brother anal uncle ‘Older brother to Ki i seven bit his brothers re his bothers dar, he sft nly bythe spoof his equal, However i’ quick wits blades — many an Orc has fll out of the swiftness re match in which Fi dhrowes his as and even mone have Jailed to match the young Dua’ skill in combat Like his brother, Fis frcely loyal to Torin, an is willing tors everthing for him KILI THE DWARF... WARE INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF FORTITUDE. WARGEAR Armout, sword and Dwarf bow HEROIC ACTIONS | + Heroic Accuracy + Heroic Strike ‘OPTIONS Pony points | SPECIAL RULES ‘Combat Synergy ES

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