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CUFE Spring/2016

PPC-C Senior-2 Level

Credit Hours System Graduation Project-2

Graduation Project-2
“Revamping of Crude Distillation Unit”
Final Report

Submitted by:
Bassem Sayed Hassan Kashef
Enas Gouda Mustafa
Hadeer Ayman Salah
Menna Samir Gaber

Supervised by:
Prof. Fatmah Ashour
Prof. Mamdouh Gadallah

Listed below are the names of the people who provided us with significant help in
developing our graduation project. To all we extend our sincere thanks & Gratitude.

Prof. Mamdouh Gadallah
Prof. Fatmah Ashour
Prof. Mai Fouad
Eng. Nourhan Hisham
Eng. Mostafa El-Nahas
With loads of respect and appreciation, this group would like to extend
their heart full gratitude and appreciation to everyone who contributed to
this project on and off campus and bring it into what it has become so far.
We would like to thank our dear advisor Prof. Mamdouh Gadallah
whose expertise, continuous support and consistent guidance has given us
the knowledge and guidelines to bring this study into success.
We would also like to show our gratitude to our coordinator and
supporting professor, Prof. Fatmah Ashour, who has been nothing but
professional and supportive in all aspects of this project.
Our advisors have been nothing but supportive and motivational and we
would like to thank them from our hearts for their keenness that we
become better versions of ourselves and show our best work in this

Executive Summary
This Project thoroughly discusses the revamping of an existing crude
distillation unit. The main aim of this project is to increase the capacity of
the existing unit whilst keeping the energy consumption to a minimum so
that the furnace isn‟t bottlenecked, also the CO2 emissions and waste
water are kept at authorized and environmentally regulated levels to keep
this project as green as possible. This was mainly done by optimizing and
adjusting the network of heat exchangers to reach a higher level of
energy integration using pinch analysis in this revamping process. The
work was reinforced by powerful simulation software Aspen HYSYS,
Aspen Energy Analyzer and Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating.
Energy efficiency has become an important feature in the design of
process plants due to the rising cost of energy and the more stringent
environmental regulations being implemented worldwide. In many
countries most of the chemical plants were built during the era of cheap
energy with little emphasis placed on energy efficiency due to the
abundance of cheap utility sources such as coal and crude oil. In most of
these plants, there exists significant potential for substantial process heat
recovery by conceptual integration of the plant‟s heat exchangers. Pinch
Technology has been demonstrated to be a simple and very effective
technique for heat integration and process optimization. This study
applies the Pinch Technology approach to retrofit the heat exchangers
network of the Crude Distillation Unit of a complex petroleum refinery
with the aim to reduce utilities requirement and the associated gaseous
pollutants emission.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments................................................................................................................ i

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ ii

Chapter I ............................................................................................................................ 1

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2

2. Problem Description and Available Data ................................................................ 5

2.1. Specific Objective............................................................................................. 7

2.2. Constraints ........................................................................................................ 7

Chapter II .......................................................................................................................... 8

3. Literature Review..................................................................................................... 9

3.1. Crude Oil Distillation ....................................................................................... 9

3.2. Design Methods ................................................................................................ 9

3.3. Distillation Schemes ....................................................................................... 11

3.4. Tray Hydraulic Parameter .............................................................................. 16

3.5. Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) .................................................................... 19

3.6. Common Types of Heat Exchangers .............................................................. 21

3.7. Heuristics for Process Heat Integration .......................................................... 22

3.8. Pinch Analysis ................................................................................................ 24

3.9. Introduction to Process Control ...................................................................... 28

Chapter III ....................................................................................................................... 32

4. Capacity ................................................................................................................. 33

4.1. Retrofitting Schemes ...................................................................................... 33

4.2. Optimization variables .................................................................................... 34

4.3. Hydraulic Analysis ......................................................................................... 42

4.4. Material balance and energy balance.............................................................. 46

4.5. CDU Products ................................................................................................. 52

4.6. Plant layout ..................................................................................................... 57

Chapter IV ....................................................................................................................... 60

5. Integration .............................................................................................................. 61

5.1. Problem Table Algorithm ............................................................................... 61

5.2. Heat Exchanger Network................................................................................ 65

5.3. Aspen Energy Analyzer .................................................................................. 68

5.4. Network Optimization .................................................................................... 73

5.5. Pinch design method (PDM) .......................................................................... 84

5.6. Retrofit Cost of heat exchanger ...................................................................... 87

CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................... 89

6. Design development and cost saving ..................................................................... 90

6.1. Environmental Analysis ................................................................................. 90

6.2. CO2 emissions calculation for heat integrated distillation systems ................ 90

6.3. Cooling Water Estimation .............................................................................. 94

Chapter VI ....................................................................................................................... 96

7. Design .................................................................................................................... 97

7.1. Flash Separator Design Calculations .............................................................. 97

8. The Calculation and Design of Additional Exchangers ....................................... 100

8.1. Process conditions ........................................................................................ 100

8.2. Tube side Calculations.................................................................................. 105

8.3. Shell Side Calculations ................................................................................. 110

8.4. Nomenclature................................................................................................ 116

Chapter VII ................................................................................................................... 117

9. Process control ..................................................................................................... 118

9.1. Types of controllers ...................................................................................... 118

9.2. Process control scheme ................................................................................. 120

9.3. Environment control scheme ........................................................................ 121

9.4. List of controllers.......................................................................................... 121

9.5. Dynamic control ........................................................................................... 123

9.6. Dynamic controller over the Furnace ........................................................... 128

Chapter VIII .................................................................................................................. 141

10. Risk assessment ................................................................................................ 142

10.1. Hazard and operability study .................................................................... 142

10.2. Fish bone diagram: .................................................................................... 143

Chapter IX ..................................................................................................................... 148

11. Conclusion........................................................................................................ 149

12. Recommendations ............................................................................................ 150

13. References ........................................................................................................ 151

14. Appendices ....................................................................................................... 153

14.1. Appendix A ............................................................................................... 153

14.2. Appendix B ............................................................................................... 154

14.3. Appendix C ............................................................................................... 155

14.4. Appendix D ............................................................................................... 156

14.5. Appendix E ............................................................................................... 156

List of Figures
Figure 2.1.1 - Sketch of existing crude distillation column ................................................ 5
Figure 2.1.2 - Existing heat exchanger network ................................................................. 6
Figure 3.3.1 - Atmospheric crude unit .............................................................................. 11
Figure 3.3.2 - Atmospheric crude unit with preheating train ............................................ 13
Figure 3.3.3 - Pre-flash design .......................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.3.4 - Pre-fractionation design ............................................................................. 14
Figure 3.3.5 - Progressive distillation scheme .................................................................. 15
Figure 3.6.1 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger ................................................................. 21
Figure 3.6.2 - Double Pipe Heat Exchanger ..................................................................... 21
Figure 3.7.1 - Annualized cost vs. temperature difference ............................................... 22
Figure 3.7.2 - HEN............................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3.7.3 – HEN Matching........................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.8.1 - Graphic representation of traditional and pinch design approach .............. 24
Figure 3.8.2 - Steps for pinch technology ......................................................................... 25
Figure 3.8.3 - A pinched HEN .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 3.8.4 - Minimum area for heat exchange network................................................. 27
Figure 3.9.1 - split range controller .................................................................................. 28
Figure 3.9.2 - Ratio Controller .......................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.9.3 - PID Controller ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 3.9.4 - Model Predictive Controller ....................................................................... 29
Figure 3.9.5 - Mechanism of feedback closed control loop .............................................. 30
Figure 4.2.1 – Preflash Possible Connections ................................................................... 35
Figure 4.2.2 - Applied Preflash ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.2.3 - Kerosene Stripping Steam .......................................................................... 36
Figure 4.2.4 - LGO Stripping Steam ................................................................................. 37
Figure 4.2.5 - Upper Pump Around Flow rate .................................................................. 39
Figure 4.2.6 - Lower Pump Around Flow Rate ................................................................ 40
Figure 4.2.7 – Duties of Upper & Lower Pump Arounds ................................................. 41
Figure 4.2.8 - Proposed Retrofit Methodology ................................................................. 42
Figure 4.3.1 – Design Diameters Vs. Actual Diameters ................................................... 43

Figure 4.3.2 – Checking for Maximum Design Diameter ................................................ 44
Figure 4.3.3 – Pressure Drop Distribution ........................................................................ 45
Figure 4.3.4 – Vapor Load Distribution............................................................................ 45
Figure 4.4.1 – Tower Material Balance ............................................................................ 47
Figure 4.6.1 - Plant Layout ............................................................................................... 57
Figure 5.1.1 - Horizontal heat transfer between hot composite and cold composite in the
above pinch area ............................................................................................................... 62
Figure 5.1.2 - Shifting of hot composite vertically down by ΔTmin/2 and cold composite
vertically up by ΔTmin/2 .................................................................................................. 62
Figure 5.2.1 – HEX Network ............................................................................................ 66
Figure 5.2.2 – HEX network Furnace ............................................................................... 67
Figure 5.2.3 – Distillation Tower Furnace ........................................................................ 67
Figure 5.3.1 - Range Targets............................................................................................. 68
Figure 5.3.2 - Process streams .......................................................................................... 69
Figure 5.3.3 - Utility streams ............................................................................................ 69
Figure 5.3.4 - Targets ........................................................................................................ 70
Figure 5.3.5 - Composite Curve ........................................................................................ 71
Figure 5.3.6 - Grand Composite Curve ............................................................................. 71
Figure 5.3.7 - Utility Composite Curve ............................................................................ 72
Figure 5.3.8 - Adding Steam Generation .......................................................................... 72
Figure 5.3.9 - Utility Composite Curve ............................................................................ 73
Figure 5.4.1 - HEN diagram ............................................................................................. 74
Figure 5.5.1 - PDM ........................................................................................................... 84
Figure 5.5.2 – Path of Retrofit .......................................................................................... 84
Figure 5.5.3 – Retrofit Curve ............................................................................................ 86
Figure 6.2.1 - Sources of emissions from a crude distillation unit .......................... 91
Figure 7.1.1 – Flash Separator Dimensions ...................................................................... 97
Figure 9.2.1 – Process Control Scheme .......................................................................... 120
Figure 9.3.1 –Environmental Control scheme ................................................................ 121
Figure 9.5.1 – Dynamic Assistant ................................................................................... 124
Figure 9.5.2 – Dynamic Parameters ................................................................................ 125

Figure 9.5.3 – Dynamic Specifications ........................................................................... 125
Figure 9.5.4 – Dynamics for Heat Transfer Equioment.................................................. 126
Figure 9.5.5 – Pressure Specification ............................................................................. 126
Figure 9.5.6 – Dynamic Assistant ................................................................................... 127
Figure 9.6.1 – Dynamic Temperature Control Over the Furnace ................................... 128
Figure 9.6.2 – Adjusted Tuning Parameters ................................................................... 128
Figure 9.6.3 – Range of Process Variables ..................................................................... 129
Figure 9.6.4 – Range of Control Valve Duties ............................................................... 129
Figure 9.6.5 - Disturbance .............................................................................................. 132
Figure 9.6.6 – Adjusted Disturbance .............................................................................. 133
Figure 9.6.7 – Dynamic Temperature Control over HEX .............................................. 134
Figure 9.6.8 – Adjusted Range ....................................................................................... 135
Figure 9.6.9 – Adjusted Tuning Parameters ................................................................... 135
Figure 9.6.10 – Adjusted Curve ...................................................................................... 136
Figure 9.6.11 - Disturbance ............................................................................................ 137
Figure 9.6.12 – Dynamic Flow Control over Furnace .................................................... 138
Figure 9.6.13 – Adjusted parameters .............................................................................. 138
Figure 9.6.14 – Adjusted Curve ...................................................................................... 139
Figure 9.6.15 - Disturbance ............................................................................................ 140
Figure 10.2.1 – Furnace Hazards .................................................................................... 143
Figure 10.2.2 – Heat Exchanger Hazards ....................................................................... 144
Figure 10.2.3 - Distillation Column Hazards .................................................................. 146

List of Tables
Table 2.1 - Section diameter in existing column ................................................................ 5
Table 3.1 - Effect of controller paprameters on response ................................................. 31
Table 4.1 – Kerosene Stripping Steam ............................................................................. 36
Table 4.2 – LGO Stripping Steam .................................................................................... 37
Table 4.3 - Upper Pump Around Flow rate ...................................................................... 38
Table 4.4 - Lower Pump Around Flow rate ...................................................................... 39
Table 4.5 - Upper pump around ........................................................................................ 40
Table 4.6 -Lower pump around ........................................................................................ 40
Table 4.7 – Furnace Energy Balance ................................................................................ 48
Table 4.8 - In flow ............................................................................................................ 49
Table 4.9 - Out flow .......................................................................................................... 50
Table 4.10 - CDU products characteristics ....................................................................... 52
Table 4.11 - Prices of the CDU Products .......................................................................... 55
Table 5.1 - Added Area of 30% ........................................................................................ 75
Table 5.2 - Retrofit ............................................................................................................ 85
Table 5.3 – Comparison between Modification Methods ................................................. 88
Table 7.1 – Obtained Data ................................................................................................ 98
Table 9.1 - Difference between PID, PI and P ................................................................ 119
Table 11.1 – Cost Savings .............................................................................................. 150

Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 1

Chapter I
Introduction & Problem Statement
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 2

1. Introduction

Crude oil distillation systems are among the largest energy consumers in the chemical
industries. Crude oil distillation systems are complex configurations that interact strongly
with the associated heat recovery systems. In crude oil distillation, the crude oil is
preheated in two stages before entering the distillation column. The first stage is a heat
exchanger network (HEN), where the oil is heated to an intermediate temperature by
cooling distillation process streams and recovering the heat from condensers. Afterwards,
the crude oil enters a furnace to reach the required processing temperature.

The more fuel consumed in the furnace, the larger the operating cost. Any heat recovered
from the distillation process reduces the utility consumption in the furnace. The energy
efficiency of the distillation process can be improved by designing the distillation column
to create opportunities for heat recovery and designing the HEN to exploit these

Any change in the operating conditions of the distillation column changes the amount of
heat that may be recovered, and therefore affects the energy efficiency of the distillation
system (i.e. the distillation column and the associated HEN). These operating conditions
include the feed preheating temperature, reflux ratios, pump-around temperature drops
and liquid flows, and stripping steam flows. For example, when the temperature drop
across the pump-around is reduced, the pump-around will operate at a higher
temperature, which creates opportunities for heat recovery. Therefore, the energy
efficiency of the distillation system can be improved by optimizing all these variables

Objectives of retrofit projects in refineries include reducing energy consumption and

increasing production capacity, in order to increase profit. The retrofit targets are
preferably achieved by re-using the existing equipment more efficiently rather than
installing new units and incurring greater capital investment. While fulfilling these
retrofit objectives, existing equipment constraints, such as hydraulic capacity, must be
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 3

met. Both these retrofit aims can be achieved by increasing the energy efficiency (and
hence decreasing vapor loads) of the crude oil distillation column.

Existing retrofit methods do not consider the existing distillation columns simultaneously
with the existing heat exchanger networks. Because they do not consider the hydraulic
constraints of distillation columns, the retrofit modifications may require substantial
capital investment. Furthermore, the heat integration targets for grassroots design, rather
than the details of the existing heat network, are considered.

Previous approaches have not considered the existing distillation column with the details
of its existing heat exchanger network at the same time. Most methods suggested column
modifications, which might require capital investment without the efficient re-use of the
existing distillation equipment. Practical constraints, such as hydraulic limitations of the
existing distillation column, have not been taken into account. This might lead to
unfeasible designs. In addition, while heat integration targets obtained from pinch
analysis were considered, the details of the heat recovery system were not. Many
approaches used rigorous simulations, which lead to convergence problems, and are also
time-consuming. Finally, methods developed for grassroots design cannot be applied
directly to retrofit refinery distillation columns.

This report presents an optimization-based approach to retrofit design of refinery

distillation systems. This approach simultaneously considers the existing distillation
column and the details of its associated heat exchanger network. It accounts for the
hydraulic constraints of the distillation column. The approach is applicable for optimizing
existing refinery distillations for reducing energy consumption and operating cost, as well
as for achieving a range of other retrofit objectives such as throughput increase, product
specification changes and atmospheric emissions reduction.

First, we read several articled on how to increase capacity efficiently and ways to cover
the bottlenecks that we might encounter. We then focused on how to minimize the energy
consumption so that when the capacity increases, we don‟t have to take more energy
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 4

from external sources, compensating the increase in energy that the increased capacity
requires by decreasing the existing capacity energy with the same amount. We used
ASPEN HYSYS and ASPEN ANALYZER as tools to help us with the calculations and
check for network and distillation column energy optimization.

We designed the new equipment that we added for energy optimization as one heat
exchanger and one preflash vessel. We compared between every method with the
maximum energy saving. Energy saving reduces the amount of CO2 emissions which
benefits the environment. We also took into account plant safety, so we conducted
HAZOP and fish bone diagrams for possible risks that may encounter the plant.
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 5

2. Problem Description and Available Data

This case study is for crude oil distillation unit retrofit. The configuration of the existing
crude oil distillation column is shown in Figure 2.1.1. As shown in the figure, the crude
oil is split into five products using a reboiled main column with 3 side strippers and two
pump arounds. These products are, from top to bottom: naphtha (NAPH), kerosene
(KER), light gas oil (LGO), heavy gas oil (HGO) and residue (RES).

Figure 2.1.1 - Sketch of existing crude distillation column

The existing column has 33 actual stages divided into 3 sections. Each section has a
different actual diameter as shown in Table 2.1. Each side stripper has a diameter of

Table ‎2.1 - Section diameter in existing column

Section Stages D (m)

1 1-11 5.3
2 12-30 6.7
3 31-33 4.3
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 6

The existing unit processes a throughput of 130,000 barrels/day. The crude oil is heated
in the preheat train from ambient temperature of 43 oC to 246 oC and then in the fired
heater to 330 oC. The actual hot utility consumption in the heating process is 69.235 MW
(62.953 MW in the furnace, 6.282 MW in the reboiler) and the existing heat exchangers
area is 14,302 m2. The details of the preheat train and the fired heater are shown in
Figure 2.1.2.

HE # Area, m2 QH = 69235 KW
Q Furn = 62953 KW A proc = 7561 m 2
1 1601 A util = 6743 m 2
1491 Q Reb = 6282 KW
3 348
1 7
4 387 1
2 8 21
5 478
6 474 2 4 20
7 700 3 3 19
8 700 5
9 359 4
10 360 9
11 318 5 10 18
12 345
6 12 17
15 120
16 1229 7
17 133 8
18 296
19 237 13 2 4 6 8 10 12 9

20 175 1 3 5 7 9 11
21 2461 14 10

T o ut Bottlenecked

T in
Chapter I: Introduction & Problem Statement 7

2.1. Specific Objective

The aim of the retrofit project is to increase the throughput of the existing crude oil
distillation unit from the current throughput to 150,000 barrels/day (16% increase in
throughput) and debottleneck the existing network.

2.2. Constraints

The existing heat exchanger network has some restrictions and limitations regarding the
existing heat exchanger network, which are:
1) The maximum heat duty of the fired heater (furnace) is 76.673 MW.
2) The maximum heat duty of the reboiler is 6.282 MW.

Then, the existing heat exchanger network is expected to have a bottleneck by increasing
the throughput more than the current operations.
Chapter II: Literature Review 8

Chapter II
Literature Review
Chapter II: Literature Review 9

3. Literature Review

3.1. Crude Oil Distillation

For petroleum to be valuable, it needs to be refined. Distillation is the primary refinery

process that has a major function of separating the crude into fractions. First we remove
salts from the crude in the de-salter. Then preheating the inlet feed through the heat
exchanger network with hot product streams. Then the feed is further heated by the tube
still heater to raise the temperature of the crude to the suitable distillation temperature.

3.2. Design Methods

3.2.1. Retrofit design

Revamping is trying to upgrade an existing unit or equipment because this unit in refining
can be costly and intensive. So, instead of installing new equipment, upgrading an
existing one saves more money. Retrofit design, one of the major occupations of
engineering is the redesign and evaluation of existing plant units.
About 70% of the projects in process industry are retrofit projects. Retrofit of an existing
plant exceeds the new process design in complexity and difficulty. Sometimes, it‟s hard
to quantify many parameters that must be considered. The literature has general rules that
are both successful and disastrous real cases (Erico 2009).
While using retrofit, it‟s important to follow a few general principals. Taking in
consideration the most importance is to get the maximum usage of the already existing
equipment. Every equipment has underutilized potential than we can take advantage of.
Knowing the limits and the capabilities of the unit is very important to lower the revamp

3.2.2. Grassroots Design

Chemical process design can be categorized into two types, retrofit design and grassroots
design. Grassroots design implements a brand new process with equipment required to
meet specified conditions and specific economic and environmental goals. In crude
Chapter II: Literature Review 10

distillation design using grassroots, two methods are used: rigorous and short cut based
Grassroots design was earlier used based on rigorous method using engineering
experience, hand calculation and empirical equations, which consumes a lot time and
effort as said by (Gadalla M., 2003). In shortcut models, the reflux ratio, the number of
theoretical stages, reboiler duty, the feed location, side draws etc… is calculated for a
specified set of product and feed requirements fed into the software used (Mamdouh
Gadalla, 2003)

3.2.3. Shortcut method for retrofit

A new set of shortcut models for retrofit design of complex distillation columns has been
developed by M. Gadalla, M. Jobson and R. Smith (Department of Process Integration,
Manchester, UK). These models are applicable for various configurations of distillation
columns, including simple columns, sequences of simple columns, complex columns
with side-strippers or side-rectifiers, and partially or fully thermally coupled sequences.
Distillation columns with either a re-boiler or stripping steam are accounted for. For a
given column configuration and operating conditions, the model calculates the flow rates,
temperatures and compositions of the product and internal streams, and the various heat

The results obtained compare very well with rigorous simulation results. The significance
of the new shortcut models is that they are intended specifically for retrofit design, and
they can be applied to complex column configurations. Furthermore, these models
account for the changes in relative volatility and molar overflow through the column,
overcoming the underlying limitations of the previous shortcut models.

The retrofit models are reliable for very complex configurations, including a large
number of well-behaved components crude oil distillations. The models also apply to
other distillation applications, such as naphtha fractionation, petrochemicals separation,
etc. The retrofit models provide a basis for optimizing and improving the operating
Chapter II: Literature Review 11

conditions of existing distillation columns for energy-related, economic and

environmental benefits.

The models can also be applied to calculate the additional heating and cooling
requirements for increased throughput to an existing distillation process. The models can
be utilized to assess retrofit modifications, such as adding side-coolers or replacing
stripping steam with a re-boiler. Furthermore, these models can be combined with
hydraulic models, for the calculation of column diameters, to assess the effect of
increasing throughput on the hydraulic capacity of an existing distillation column.

3.3. Distillation Schemes

3.3.1. Atmospheric Distillation

Crude units are the first units that process petroleum in any refinery. Their objective is to
separate the mixture into several fractions like naphtha, kerosene, diesel and gas oil. A
schematic diagram of an atmospheric crude fractionation unit is shown in Figure 3.3.1.

Figure 3.3.1 - Atmospheric crude unit

Chapter II: Literature Review 12

Crude oil contains salts which can be harmful to downstream equipment and must be
removed. To remove the salts, water is mixed with the crude oil and typically heated to
temperatures between about 215ºF to about 280 ºF and allowed to separate in the desalter.
The desalted crude enters another heat exchanger network. Both heat exchanger networks
make use of the vapors of the main column condenser, the pump-around circuit streams
(PA1, PA2 and PA3), and the products that need to be cooled. Then, the preheated crude
enters the furnace, where it is heated to about 340-372 ºC (644-700 ºF). The partially
vaporized crude is fed into the feed region (called flash zone) of the atmospheric column,
where the vapor and liquid separate. The vapor includes all the components that comprise
the products, while the liquid is the residue with a small amount of components in the
range of gas oil. These components are removed from the residue by steam stripping at
the bottom of the column. Products are withdrawn from the side of the column and side
strippers are used to help controlling the composition of light components.
In addition, to more effectively remove heat, liquid is extracted at various points of the
column and cooled down to be reinjected at a different position on the column. Cooling
water and sometimes air coolers are used in the heat exchangers PA1, PA2 and PA3, but
it is always more advantageous to have these streams release their heat to the raw crude
oil in the heat exchanger networks (HEN), usually called pre-heating 2 trains. Several
different designs and configurations for the heat exchanger network in the conventional
crude oil distillation unit are possible. Figure 3.3.2 shows one particular instance of a
preheating train, not necessarily the best or most recommended one (efficient ones are
discussed later.
Chapter II: Literature Review 13

Figure 3.3.2 - Atmospheric crude unit with preheating train

3.3.2. Pre-flash
In the preheating train, the crude is under pressure to suppress vaporization. In the case of
a light crude, the pressure required to suppress vaporization is too high. The solution is to
separate some light components before heating the crude further in the preheat train
Figure 3.3.3. The light components separated in the pre-flash drum are sent to the
column directly.

Figure ‎3.3.3 - Pre-flash design

Chapter II: Literature Review 14

3.3.3. Pre-Fractionation
In the pre-fractionation design Figure 3.3.4, the light components are separated in a pre-
fractionation column. Thus, in the pre-flash design, components in the range of naphtha
are condensed in the condenser of the atmospheric tower, while in the prefractionation
design, these components are split into two fractions: light naphtha condensed in the
condenser of the pre-fractionation condenser and heavy naphtha condensed in the
condenser of the atmospheric tower.

Figure ‎3.3.4 - Pre-fractionation design

The pre-fractionation design, however, is considered to be similar to the pre-flash design

when energy consumption is considered (Bagajewicz and Ji, 2002). Because the
condensation heat for naphtha (or light naphtha plus heavy naphtha) is constant, the only
difference is that the pre-fractionation design provides this heat in two condensers with
different temperatures. When there is significant heat surplus in the temperature range of
the condensers (intermediate and light crudes), the difference does not affect energy
Chapter II: Literature Review 15

3.3.4. Progressive Distillation

Figure ‎3.3.5 - Progressive distillation scheme

Progressive distillation is a very good sequence for the production of light products. First,
the feed flows through the heat exchanger network to raise the temperature of the crude
to prepare it for the light product separation (light and heavy naphtha separation). After
the light product separation, the feed continues its way to the furnace to raise it to the
temperature needed for the heavy product separation (light distillate, heavy distillate and
residue). Progressive is another word for gradual; gradual separation of the crude
constituents. That‟s the main idea for progressive distillation. This sequence on its own
helps in saving 9% of the overall utility requirements. It saves around 16% of the heat
utility of the furnace as well as providing better quality for the products.

3.3.5. Steam vs. Reboiler

Steam injection has been used for years as an alternative to reboilers. Nelson (1949) first
pointed out that reboilers, usually run by hot oil as is still the practice in several rerun and
stabilizing columns, “do increase the efficiency of fractionation, but a satisfactory degree
of separation can usually be obtained more cheaply by the use of a (steam) stripping
Chapter II: Literature Review 16

section”. This type of analysis has been repeated in one way or another throughout the
years. For example, Hsie and McAvoy (1990) state that “steam also reduces the partial
pressure of the hydrocarbons and thus lowers the required vaporization partial pressure of
the hydrocarbons and thus lowers the required vaporization temperature”. The obvious
implication of all these statements is that steam injection is better, because it lowers the
temperature, and eventually by implication, lowers the energy requirements. Finally,
side-strippers have been used to improve the Gap and steam stripping has been used over
the years to provide the necessary vaporization.

3.4. Tray Hydraulic Parameter

The plate structure must be designed to support the hydraulic loads on the plate during
operation and the loads imposed during construction and maintenance. The basic
requirements of a tray are that should
1. Provide good vapor- liquid contact
2. Provide sufficient liquid holdup for good mass transfer (high efficiency)
3. Have sufficient area and spacing to keep the entrainment and pressure drop within
acceptable limits
4. Have sufficient down comer area for the liquid to flow freely from tray to tray

The range of operation of the installed trays governs the maximum and minimum vapor
and liquid loads. The maximum possible loading of vapor and liquid is important to
determine diameter column and tray hydraulic parameter such as pressure drop.
When the vapor loading is raise at constant liquid loading, the entrainment (jet flooding)
is reached. The liquid content in the column is increases as well as the pressure drop over
the total height of the column.
Otherwise, when the liquid loading is raise at constant vapor load the down comer
flooding can be achieved. The down comer is not able to handle the high loading and
therefore the liquid content and the pressure drop of the column increase. For both the
vapor and liquid loading, lower and upper limits exist.
Hydraulic mechanism should be control these limits. The operating area of a column
should be chosen by carefully considering these limitations. The operation area is located
under the jet flood line. In this area a wide surface area of the phases is present for the
mass transfer and the best mixing of the phases exist.
Chapter II: Literature Review 17

For both the vapor and liquid loading, lower and upper limits exist. Hydraulic mechanism
should control these limits.
Active Area or Bubble Area - the deck area of the tray which may either be perforated
or fitted with valves or bubble caps and is the area available for vapor/liquid contacting
Blowing Flood - occurs at low liquid rates at which the tray operates in the spray regime
resulting in massive entrainment of liquid to the tray above to the extent that the tray deck
is essentially blown dry.
Calming zones – un-perforated strips of plate at the inlet and outlet sides of the plate
Down comer - a vertical channel that connects a tray with the next tray below which
carries froth and creates residence time which helps the vapor disengage from the froth.
Down comer Area - is the area available for the transport of liquid from one tray to the
next tray below.
Down comer Back-up Flood - occurs when the head of liquid in the down comer backs
up onto the tray deck. The head of clear liquid in the down comer is a balance of the
pressure drop across the tray plus the head loss through the down comer clearance.
However an aeration factor must be applied to estimate the actual height of aerated liquid
in the down comer
Down comer Clearance - is the space below the down comer apron allowing liquid to
flow from the down comer to the tray deck below. This must be sized to provide a
balance between the minimum head loss required for good liquid distribution across the
tray deck and avoiding excessive down comer back-up.
Down comer clear liquid the measure of the amount of liquid in the down comer.
Down comer Flood- occurs at high liquid loads when the down comer are too small to
allow effective vapor disengagement (either because the downward velocity or "inlet
velocity" of the liquid is too high or else insufficient residence time) causing vapor
entrainment to the tray below. The resulting increased aeration of the liquid in the
downcomer may also cause premature downcomer back-up flood.
Downcomer froth backup - the amount of froth in the downcomer which is a function
of the pressure drop across the tray deck the froth level on the tray itself and any
frictional losses in the downcomer and its clearance.
Downcomer velocity - the maximum clear liquid velocity into the top of the downcomer.
Chapter II: Literature Review 18

Entrainment Limit - is reached when the velocity of vapor through the tray open area is
high enough to project liquid droplets to the tray above.
Flow Path Length - is the span of tray deck between the downcomer inlet and the outlet
weir and is the shortest path that the liquid takes in crossing the active area from one
downcomer to the next. This has a big influence on tray efficiency, particularly in small
columns as well as trays with large or multiple downcomers.
Head of clear liquid - a function of weir height and weir length (as well as liquid and
vapor rates and physical properties) and so pressure drop may be reduced by increasing
the number of flow paths in high liquid rate services.
Jet Flood - is the criteria used to predict the point at which massive liquid carryover will
occur due to the height of spray on the tray deck exceeding the available tray space. It is
normal practice to limit tray design to a maximum of 80% of jet flood to allow a safety
margin on tower control, possible discrepancies of VLE data and also the limitations of
the flooding correlation used.
Number of Flow Paths - Larger diameter trays may be fitted with multiple downcomers
to reduce the liquid load across each active area section. This reduces the weir load and
liquid head on the tray deck resulting in higher vapor capacity, lower pressure drop and
improved operating turndown range.
Open Area (or Hole Area) - is the aggregate area available for vapor passage through
the tray deck via perforations or valve and bubble cap slots. This is a critical factor in the
tray operating range since high vapor velocity through the open area (hole velocity) will
induce heavy liquid entrainment (as well as high pressure drop), but low hole velocity
may allow liquid to "weep" or even "dump" through the tray deck to the tray below. The
influence of open area on pressure drop also impacts on the liquid back-up in the
Operating area - the range of vapor and liquid rates over which the plate will operate
satisfactorily (the stable operating range).
Outlet Weir Height - The outlet weir is used to maintain a head of liquid on the tray
deck as well as to ensure a positive vapor seal to the bottom of the downcomer.
Tray Pressure Drop - may also be a limiting criterion particularly in low pressure
services. The operating tray pressure drop is the sum of the dry pressure drop caused by
Chapter II: Literature Review 19

the resistance to vapor flow through the tray open area and the head of clear liquid on the
tray deck.
Tray Spacing - is the vertical distance between adjacent tray decks. This effects both the
height of spray that may be generated on the tray deck before liquid carryover and also
the allowable head of liquid in the downcomers.
Turndown ratio - the ratio of the highest to the lowest flow rates
System limit (ultimate capacity) the maximum available capacity for vapor flow in a
given column diameter with a known liquid rate and physical properties; the ratio of
design vapor load to the vapor load for ultimate capacity.
Vapor handling capacity of a tray - proportional to the active area (i.e. inversely
proportional to the approach to Jet Flood) Weeping - occurs when the velocity of the
vapor through the tray open area is too low to prevent liquid from leaking through the
open area thus by-passing contact area to the tray below. Most valve and sieve trays will
weep in normal operation.
Weeping is considered excessive when it is sufficient to cause loss of efficiency - usually
10 to 20%.
Weep point - the lower limit of the operating range occurs when liquid leakage through
the plate holes becomes excessive.
Weir loading – a measure of the amount of liquid going over the outlet weir

3.5. Heat Exchanger Network (HEN)

Heat exchanger network helps the crude feed to reach a temperature that is close to the
column feed temperature by exchanging heat with distillation products, and recovering
heat from condensers. The amount of heat recovered is affected by any change in the
process conditions. Thus, the energy efficiency of the system changed with the HEN
included (Gadlla M.J.)
There are many advantages for the presence of HEN among which is it economic
efficiency, because the network saves some energy off the furnace to raise the feed
temperature to the column feed temperature. Saving the energy off the furnace has a great
effect environmentally because CO2 emissions are partly produced from the fired heater
Chapter II: Literature Review 20

(flue gases). This method also decreases the formation of coke, increasing the value of
the leftover product.
The crude distillation unit consumes 20%–30% of the total energy required to distill a
given crude into products. Therefore, it is critical to optimize and recover as much heat as
possible from heat streams throughout the refinery to optimally heat and vaporize the
crude for fractionation. The preheat train consists of heat exchangers that incrementally
heat up the crude feed using hot streams from the crude distillation and other downstream
units in the refinery. Crude exits in the preheat train at around 250 °C
Chapter II: Literature Review 21

3.6. Common Types of Heat Exchangers

3.6.1. Shell and tube

This type or heat exchanger consists of a large shell with number of parallel tubes.
Mostly the more corrosive or fouling fluid is routed in the tubes and the other fluid in the
shell. Shell and tube is used rather than the double pipe when the area of heat transfer
exceeds 200 ft2.

Figure 3.6.1 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

3.6.2. Double pipe

This type consists of two concentric tubes one is larger than the other. The same
mechanism as the shell and tube with two fluids hot and cold, one of the fluids passes
through the big tube and the other passes by the smaller one.
The flow arrangements for the two exchangers are the same: - cross flow, countercurrent
which is mostly used, and concurrent. Unlike the shell and tube exchangers the double
pipe is characterized by the number of hair pins but the shell and tube is characterized by
the number of shell and tube passes.

Figure 3.6.2 - Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

Chapter II: Literature Review 22

3.7. Heuristics for Process Heat Integration

There are general rules or heuristics which can be used for early screening of the
alternatives that can be used for a simple system. But for detailed, efficient design
advanced technologies are used with advanced software such as the pinch technology.

3.7.1. The first heuristic

The first heuristic states that the temperature approach should not decrease below 20F
and if it reached 20ºF in one end the other end should not have a temperature approach
less than 40ºF. Generally we want the maximum heat that can be obtained meaning a
decrease in the approach, but on the other side that increases the area needed so we need
to make a tradeoff between the cost of equipment and the cost of utilities as steam and
water. The decision depends on the location of the plant, as an example the price of 1 m3
of water provided for industry only costs 2.85 pounds, while in a country like Denmark
the price of the same amount is about 6.7 USD. So what can we call an efficient design in
Egypt can be a bad choice in Denmark.

Figure 3.7.1 - Annualized cost vs. temperature difference

It is clearly shown in Figure 3.7.1 that as the temperature difference increases, the capital
cost decreases while the operating energy cost increases, so there is a trade off in order to
get the optimum point of total cost at ΔTmin.
Chapter II: Literature Review 23

The annualized cost is calculated from the following equation:

( )
( )

Where is the fraction of interest rate per year, and is number of years. (Smith, 2005)

3.7.2. The second heuristic

The second heuristic states that we should match the stream that will be heated having the
highest target temperature with the hottest stream that needs to be cooled, and the hot
stream that will be cooled to the lowest target temperature should be matched with the
coldest stream to be heated.

3.7.3. The third heuristic

The third heuristic states that it is advisable not to reject in air gas with temperature more
than 200ºC and in water liquids with temperature more than 100ºC. First of all that is
considered as disposal of useful energy and also in the case of water the disposal of waste
at high temperature can cause thermal pollution which is a subject not treated with much
care especially in developing countries although its consequences are drastic. Thermal
pollution can cause a decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels in water causing suffocation
for plants and animals, besides the danger of migration of some species that favor colder
conditions and attraction of other species which causes loss of diversity and imbalance of
the ecosystem.(A.O.Ghallab)(Rinkesh)(Alfonso,2010)

Figure 3.7.3 – HEN Matching Figure 3.7.2 - HEN

Chapter II: Literature Review 24

3.8. Pinch Analysis

3.8.1. Definition of Pinch Technology

Pinch technology is a well-known process integration analysis. It‟s a thermodynamic
method for obtaining the best heat integrated heat exchanger network with minimum
utility consumption and maximum heat recovery.
Pinch technology depends on the first and the second laws of thermodynamic. The first
law is for determining the enthalpy changes (H) for each stream passing in the heat
exchanger. The second law is to determining the flow direction to avoid any crossovers
between the cold and the hot streams. The only flow direction if from the hot to the cold.
In a heat exchanger, the hot stream can‟t be cooled below the cold stream and the cold
stream can‟t be heated above the hot stream. The hot stream can only be cooled to a
temperature defined by the temperature approach.

3.8.2. Objective of Pinch Technology

The main objective of pinch technology is to save money and by having better process
heat integration (increase heat recovery and decrease the utility consumption).

Figure 3.8.1 - Graphic representation of traditional and pinch design


The traditional design approach begins with the design of core process streams. Then, a
heat exchange system to provide heating and cooling that serves the process trying to
integrate the energy present. The utility system then compensates for the shortage for the
energy needed for the system.
Chapter II: Literature Review 25

The pinch technology approach pinch technology reveals chances for better process
integration. It deals with the interaction between the heat recovery and the utility system.
It sets targets for the minimum heating and cooling duties for the system, and the
maximum allowable heat recovery in the system. Thus, it achieves financial savings and
maximum heat integration. Pinch technology is special because it deals with all the
system of the process streams together as single, integrated system. This gives us the
space for modification and integrating energy efficiently.

3.8.3. Steps for Pinch Analysis

Figure 3.8.2 - Steps for pinch technology

3.8.4. A New Graphical Method for Pinch Analysis Applications:

Description of an existing heat exchanger network has now become much easier to read
thanks to the development of a new graphical method. The exchangers‟ details are plotted
as temperature of hot streams versus temperature of cold streams. The performance of the
heat exchanger network is easily analyzed compared to the pinch analysis principles. Any
energy inefficiency in the network that affect the potential energy recovery is determined
Chapter II: Literature Review 26

quantitatively. The new graphical method proposes graphical-based potential

modifications for better energy integration. Throughout the energy analysis and
modifications implementation, the presence of the diagonal is key in visualizing the
temperature driving force for existing exchangers. Typical case study results showed that
17% in energy savings and 39% in cooling water demands are obtained by HEN
modifications. The principal strengths of the new graphical method are:
1. the method provides an interactive visualization of the HEN analysis, and
2. The method may replace the use of commercial simulators for energy
analysis (e.g. Aspen Energy Analyzer).
3. The method helps better understand the problem of energy analysis and
energy integration practices. It also allows shifting heat graphically
between exchanger loops and reducing utilities' heat through the use of

Figure 3.8.3 - A pinched HEN

Chapter II: Literature Review 27

Consider the following process

Figure 3.8.4 - Minimum area for heat exchange network

In Figure 3.8.4 (a), Hot stream A having lower heat transfer coefficient is joined with the
cold stream C having higher coefficient, while hot stream B having higher heat transfer
coefficient is joined with the cold stream D having lower coefficient. In both matches,
temperature difference is the vertical separation between the curves. Arrangement (a)

requires 1616 m2 area overall as shown.

On the other hand, Figure 3.8.4 (b), there is a different arrangement. Hot stream A
having lower heat transfer coefficient is joined with the colder stream D, which is also
having lower coefficient but it uses temperature differences higher than vertical
separation. Hot stream B is joined with the colder stream C, both having higher heat
transfer coefficients, but gives temperature differences lower than vertical. Arrangement

(b) requires 1250 m2 area overall, lower than the vertical arrangement. Therefore, we will
go for the arrangement which gives minimum area for the network.

3.8.5. Simulation
The use of simulation tools and techniques becomes invaluable. In fact, refineries were
one of the first users of computational models to improve process operation. The rapid
pace of advance of computer hardware and software has enabled an engineer to develop a
multitude of models for most processes in the refinery. While the task of building a
Chapter II: Literature Review 28

model is is not difficult now, the ability to build a model that accurately reflects the plant
operation and has predictive capability remains elusive. We must always remember a
fundamental modeling premise: “GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT”.

Modeling and optimizing the preheat train can be a significant undertaking.

While process simulators can handle the complexity of the network, we require additional
tools to optimize this heat-exchanger network (e.g., Aspen Technology‟s Aspen Energy
Analyzer). There has been significant work in this area and impressive savings are
possible using pinch technology and mathematical optimization methods. In our
simulations, we will simplify the preheat train and model it as a simple heater with a
variable heat duty.

3.9. Introduction to Process Control

HYSYS Control Operations includes multiple of controllers, each of a distinct function.

3.9.1. Split Range Controller

Several manipulated variable are used to control a single process variable.

Figure 3.9.1 - split range controller

3.9.2. Ratio Controller

To keep the ratio of 2 variables constant.

Figure 3.9.2 - Ratio Controller

Chapter II: Literature Review 29

3.9.3. PID Controller

Manipulates a stream OP to maintain a specific flow sheet variable PV at a certain value

Figure 3.9.3 - PID Controller

3.9.4. Model Predictive Controller

Control processes with interacting multivariable, complex nature

Figure 3.9.4 - Model Predictive


All the above mentioned controllers are function of PV, SP, and OP which are elaborately
shown in their corresponding figure.
 Process Variable (PV): stream or operation that you want to control
 Set Point (SP): the value of the process variable that the controller is trying to
 Output Target OP (Manipulated Variable): stream or valve which is controlled by
the PID controller

The controller compares the process variable to the set point and produces an output
signal, which causes the manipulated variable to open or close accordingly in order to
reach the set point. PID controller is the simplest yet the most used in our process
simulation later on. A PID controller is a simple three-term controller.
 P-Proportional
 I- integral
 D- Derivative
Chapter II: Literature Review 30

Figure 3.9.5 - Mechanism of feedback closed control loop

The transfer function of the most basic form of the PID controller

Where = proportional gain, = integral gain and = Dervative gain

It‟s assumed that the controller is a closed loop where the error is sent to the PID
controller for correction. The error is donated by “e”. The control sends a signal “u” to
the process which equals the proportional gain ( ) times the magnitude of the error plus
the integral gain ( ) times the integral of error magnitude plus the derivative gain ( )
times the derivative of the error magnitude.

There are four main characteristics of the closed loop response:

1. Rise Time: time taken for the process output to rise above 90% of the desired
level for the first time.
2. Overshoot: how high the peak level is from the steady state, normalized against
the level of the steady state.
3. Settling Time: the time it takes in order for the system to contact the steady state.
4. Steady-state Error: the divergence of the steady state output to the desired output.

The following table contains the effect of increasing the controller‟s parameters ,
and to its response regarding the four characteristics we discussed earlier.
Chapter II: Literature Review 31

Table ‎3.1 - Effect of controller paprameters on response

NT: no definite trend. Minor change

In order to choose the right design for PID controller set on any part of the process, some
typical steps are to be taken in order to achieve the response desired. These steps are:
1. Determine what characteristics of the system needs to be improved
2. Use to reduce the rise time
3. Use to decrease the overshoot and settling time
4. Use to exclude the steady-state error (Zhong, 2006)
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 32

Chapter III
Capacity Modification
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 33

4. Capacity

4.1. Retrofitting Schemes

In order to achieve our two main goals which are increasing capacity and reducing energy
consumptions, we looked up a number of modifications that have been suggested to the
distillation column and the heat exchanger network. Some methods suggest installation of
new internals with higher efficiency or the use of intermediate re-boilers in order to
improve the efficiency of the distillation system.
The energy efficiency of the process in refinery distillation systems is firmly dependent
on the heat exchanger network design. To illustrate, the duty and temperature drop of
each pump around as well as the connection between the heat exchangers (matches) and
heat exchanger areas can tell how much heat is recovered. Since 1982 which is when
pinch analysis has been applied to identify modification to the distillation column along
with the heat exchanger network.
Some suggestions include
1. Rivero and Anaya suggested adding additional trays and adding reboilers to the
stripping columns.
2. Linnhoff and Dhole‟s idea to use the column‟s grand composite curve (CGCC) to
pinpoint suitable modifications to save energy.
3. Dhole and Buckingham extended this method for energy saving and
debottlenecking of refinery distillations systems via three stages:
 First, CGCC is used to make column modifications
 Second, the design of heat exchanger network is altered to save energy by
adding more heat transfer area.
 Third, debottleneck the arrangement by carrying out some design changes.
4. Liebmann‟s approach for retrofitting involves two steps
 First, modification to the distillation column to reduce its energy demand
are applied and the CGCC provides the heat recovery potential guidelines.
 Second, the column is remodified followed by a reanalysis of the CGCC
to further increase the heat recovery.
 Overall, two level of modifications include relatively inexpensive method
such as modifications that include piping changes to prevent the mixture
of unlike streams together, and adjusting the stripping steam flow rates.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 34

 The second expensive method includes replacing internals and relocating

feeds and draws.
5. Bagajewicz et al successfully applied Liebmann‟s retrofit approach by linking the
pinch analysis with rigorous simulation and optimizing the column‟s operating

Improved Method
Although these suggestion are very helpful, however none of them assesses the existing
heat exchanger network along with the crude distillation column. Moreover, they rather
propose various modifications than offer a systematic approach to retrofitting. Some of
these methods require significant capital investment, while constraints as maximum tray
capacity are violated by others. Our approach aims to identify the set of operating
conditions in an existing crude distillation unit that will allow the existing heat exchanger
network to recover as much heat as possible.

4.2. Optimization variables

4.2.1. Pre-flash
Pre-flash is an empty vessel used to separate the vapors that form in the crude. Due to
temperature increase and pressure drop in the preheat train, some vapors form. We
separate the vapor phase from the liquid phase of the crude oil before it enters the furnace
in the pre-flash separator. As a result, we‟re expecting the amount of flow rate that enters
the furnace to decrease and thus, decrease the furnace duty as well, because it‟s heating a
less amount of flow.
Figure 4.2.1 shows different ways for the vapors to be connected to the column. Each
sequence has its effect on the possibility for energy conservation.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 35

Figure 4.2.1 – Preflash Possible Connections

We studied these sequences and found out that mixing the vapor coming out of the pre-
flash with stream coming out of the furnace will decrease the temperature entering the
column and we don‟t want that. So we decided to connect the vapors out of the pre-flash
directly to column. We entered the column environment and saw the tray that has the
closest temperature to the vapor temperature and connected the vapor to it.
Reducing the energy consumption of the existing crude distillation allows the column
throughput to increase due to resulting reduced vapor flows. Accordingly, we studied
Harbet‟s idea to install pre-flash unit or pre-fractionator before the crude distillation unit.
This would save energy and increase the column throughput.

Figure 4.2.2 - Applied Preflash

Chapter III: Capacity Modification 36

After applying pre-flash, it saved 4 MW from the furnace duty, which is a great number
regarding that the pre-flash vessel is relatively cheap.

4.2.2. Stripping Steam Manipulation

Changing stripping steam flow rate also has an effect. Increasing the flow rate of the
stripping steam leads to a decrease in the bottom product temperature; this reduces heat
recovery opportunities. On the other hand, with a smaller steam flow rate, heat recovery
opportunities improve because of the higher temperature of the bottom product. We
randomly selected a stripping steam and changed its flow rate. We have three stripping
streams and the following are the results of each stripping steam flow rate and the
corresponding duty of the furnace.

4.2.3. Kerosene stripping steam

Table ‎4.1 – Kerosene Stripping Steam

Flow rate (kg/h) Q furnace (MW)

420 48.96
400 48.95
390 48.95
350 48.94
300 48.93
250 48.92
100 48.88
50 48.86
10 48.85

Figure 4.2.3 - Kerosene Stripping Steam

Chapter III: Capacity Modification 37

4.2.4. LGO stripping steam

Table ‎4.2 – LGO Stripping Steam

Flow rate (kg/h) Q furnace (MW)

333.2 48.95
300 48.94
250 48.92
240 48.91
230 48.91

Figure 4.2.4 - LGO Stripping Steam

4.2.5. HGO stripping steam

HGO stripping steam was too low 54.3 to change so it wouldn‟t have any effect on the
duty of the furnace.
We can conclude that changing side strippers flow rate does affect the furnace duty to our
benefit, however the change is by average 0.0444 MW which is not much. Taking into
account that changing steam flow rate will affect our products flow rate therefor we
didn‟t implement it in our pursue to decrease energy consumption. However varying
steam flow rate is more valuable if we are implementing it on a grass root design instead
of a retrofit of an existing column.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 38

4.2.6. Pump Around Manipulation

Changing pump around flow rates, the PAs reject heat at temperatures higher than that of
the condenser, creating opportunities for heat recovery. When the temperature difference
across the PA decreases, the PA will operate at a higher temperature level, which
improves heat recovery opportunities. On the other hand, if the PA duty increases for a
fixed liquid flow rate, the temperature difference across the PA will increase. Therefore,
the PA outlet stream will operate at a lower temperature level, downgrading the quality of
the heat source for heat recovery. In this move the flow rates of the two pump around are
changed. The duty and the temperature drop specification are left unchanged. Another
trial was to change decrease the PA duty and see its effect on heat recovery through
seeing the changed that happened to the furnace duty.

4.2.7. Upper pump around

Table ‎4.3 - Upper Pump Around Flow rate

Flow rate (kg/h) Q Furnace (MW)

2.12E+05 48.95
2.50E+05 48.81
3.00E+05 48.68
4.00E+05 48.5
6.00E+05 48.3
8.00E+05 48.26
9.00E+05 48.24
1.00E+06 48.23
1.50E+06 48.23
1.90E+06 48.23
2.00E+06 48.24
2.20E+06 48.24
2.50E+06 48.25
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 39

Figure 4.2.5 - Upper Pump Around Flow rate

4.2.8. Lower pump around

Table ‎4.4 - Lower Pump Around Flow rate

Flow rate (kg/h) Q Furnace (MW)

3.00E+05 49.18
3.50E+05 49.06
4.00E+05 48.97
4.10E+05 48.96
4.13E+05 48.96
4.15E+05 48.95
4.50E+05 48.92
5.00E+05 48.89
8.00E+05 48.89
9.00E+05 48.93
1.00E+06 48.96
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 40

Figure 4.2.6 - Lower Pump Around Flow Rate

4.2.9. 1.1.7. Pump around duty

Table ‎4.5 - Upper pump around

Q (MW) T draw T back delta T °C Q fur (MW)

-8.328 123.7 65.12 58.58 48.95
-8 123.7 67.56 56.15 48.95
-7 123.7 74.96 48.81 48.95
-6 123.7 82.21 41.49 48.95

Table ‎4.6 -Lower pump around

Q (MW) T draw T back delta T °C Q fur (MW)

-23.04 237.7 165.7 72 48.95
-22 237.7 169.5 68.2 48.9
-21 237.7 173.1 64.6 48.85
-20 237.7 176.6 61.1 48.8
-19 237.7 180.1 57.6 48.76
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 41



Q furnace (MW)


upper PA
lower PA
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Q PA (MW) (upper PA)

Figure 4.2.7 – Duties of Upper & Lower Pump Arounds

As shown in Figure 4.2.7, changing the pump around flow rates do affect the furnace
duty. However, it doesn‟t change it significantly knowing that changing the pump around
flow rate will affect the temperature profile in the column as well as the products flow
rates. Also changing the upper PA didn‟t have any effect on the furnace duty because its
duty is already small 8.328 MW. On the other hand changing the lower PA duty did
change the furnace duty for a little from 48.95 to 48.76 which saved 0.19MW. Therefore,
we didn‟t implement this trial on our pursue to decrease the furnace duty and save
Figure 4.2.8 presents the proposed retrofit methodology for the evaluation and
assessment of hardware modifications to crude oil atmospheric distillation columns when
increasing capacity. The impacts on the HEN are also considered in the methodology.
The results from the simulation are used as inputs to the hydraulic correlations for the
columns to check for hydraulic bottlenecks, and to a HEN simulation model to estimate
the required heat transfer area and fired heating demand.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 42

Figure 4.2.8 - Proposed Retrofit Methodology

4.3. Hydraulic Analysis

Hydraulic analysis of the distillation column is allowed by the calculation of diameters.

By plotting the diameters for various stages against the stage number we can see the
diameter profile. This profile makes it easy for us to identify the column bottlenecks that
limit increasing the capacity. Column bottlenecks occur in stages where the existing
tower diameter is smaller than the required diameter. The diameter calculations allow us
to identify the hydraulic limitations to be considered in the optimization framework.
Therefore, we divided the tower into 33 sections on HYSYS each section represent the
tray it‟s corresponding to so that we can get 33 diameters to plot against 33 tray. This
way, we can compare the calculated diameters with the existing ones to make sure that
the existing ones are not exceeded; otherwise a penalty is enacted. Thus the optimized
distillation column is free from bottlenecks.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 43

Figure 4.3.1 – Design Diameters Vs. Actual Diameters

As shown in Figure 4.3.1, we don‟t have bottleneck for increasing the capacity from
130000 bbl/day to 150000 bbl/day, for detailed calculations check Appendix A.
From the figure, it‟s obvious that we have space for increasing the capacity even more
than 150000. That‟s why we calculated the maximum capacity that the distillation
column can withstand without facing bottleneck.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 44


N (stage number)
Actual 21

D130 18
D150 15
D160 12
D165 9
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
diameter (m)

Figure 4.3.2 – Checking for Maximum Design Diameter

From Figure 4.3.2 we found out that we can increase capacity up to 27% of the original
capacity without facing diameter bottleneck.
Pressure drops across trays are one of the most crucial factors to evaluate the
performance of the column internals. Pressure drop measurements also play an important
role in troubleshooting of the distillation column since the misleading or incorrect
measurements are among the top ten causes of column malfunctions Pressure drops are a
function of vapor and liquid loads, and physical properties. Due to composition changes
along the column, the pressure drops at the top and bottom sections of the column may be
very different. The pressure drops at the lower half of the column is significantly lower
than those at the upper half of the column, particularly at high vapor rates. As shown in
the figure, increasing the capacity did not affect the pressure drop greatly, just a slight
change. Pressure drop is another green light for increasing the capacity.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 45

delta P (KPa) 0.8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Delta P 130 delta P 150

Figure 4.3.3 – Pressure Drop Distribution

vapor load (m3/hr)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

vapor load 130 vapor load 150

Figure 4.3.4 – Vapor Load Distribution

Chapter III: Capacity Modification 46

4.4. Material balance and energy balance

• Before designing any process, a process engineer should perform detailed

material and energy balances for all available equipment in the plant.
• To determine the optimum reaction path and species allocation, a preliminary
material (mole or mass) balance must be calculated for the process, taking into
account the conversion per pass which in turns determines the need of separation
and recycle or not.
• These preliminary material balances also indicate the utility consumption and the
duty of individual units, which in turns helps in the comparison between the
economics of alternate processes.

Material balance concept based on mixing components, this mixing cause changing in the
physical properties of the component, If there are no leaks and the measurements are
correct, then the other possibilities that can account for this difference are that propane is
either being generated, consumed, or accumulated within the unit. A balance (or
inventory) on a material in a system (a single process unit, a collection of units, or an
entire process) may be written in the following general way.

4.4.1. Material balance of the distillation column

Material balance of the retrofit design of the heat integrated crude refinery based on a
proof to that input mass flow rate equals to the output mass flow rate.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 47

Steam 1 Kerosene

Steam 2 D1-WATER Fuel gas

Steam 3 Crude-l-PA
Steam 4




Figure ‎4.4.1 – Tower Material Balance

Input mass flow rate:

 Feed: 744905.09 kg/hr
 Steam 1: 10130.1 kg/hr
 Steam 2: 400.26 kg/hr
 Steam 3: 333.22 kg/hr
 Steam 4: 54.33 kg/hr

Total = 755823 kg/hr

Output mass flow rate:
 Fuel gas: 925.0424 kg/hr
 Naphtha: 36509.34 kg/hr
 D1water: 14655.82 kg/hr
 Residue: 506756.4 kg/hr
 Kerosene: 100082.6 kg/hr
 Light gas oil: 83356.7 kg/hr
 Heavy gas oil: 13509.93 kg/hr
Total: 755,795.8 kg/hr
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 48

This proves that the summation of the mass flow rate of inputs equals to that of
the outputs

4.4.2. Energy balance

1- Furnace

Table ‎4.7 – Furnace Energy Balance

In Out
Temperature ºC 39.82 328
Pressure (kpa) 3040 255
Q (kj/h) 603906117.4
Molar flow (kgmole/hr) 2933
enthalpy (kj/kg) 809.3455956 1726.622486
cp (kj/kgmole.c) 516.6552325 773.5316425
mass flow (kg/hr) 744905.0888 744905.0888
enthalpy*mass flow 602885652.8 1286169876

The difference between enthalpy of inner flow and outer flow = 1286169876 –
602885652.8 = 683284223.2 kj/hr

Percentage of error in the furnace energy balance = =

= 13.14411
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 49

2- Tower

Table ‎4.8 - In flow

compositions feed Steam 1 steam 2 steam 3 steam 4

Methane 2.78E-03 0 0 0 0
Ethane 1.81E-03 0 0 0 0
Propane 4.87E-03 0 0 0 0
i-butane 1.22E-03 0 0 0 0
n-butane 2.37E-03 0 0 0 0
i-pentane 7.12E-04 0 0 0 0
n-pentane 6.85E-04 0 0 0 0
n-hexane 4.41E-04 0 0 0 0
H20 7.93E-02 1 1 1 1
Temperature ºC 3.28E+02 4.20E+02 420 420 420
Pressure (kpa) 2.55E+02 1.13E+03 1127.765 1127.76501 1127.765
Molar flow(kgmole/h) 2933.233532 562.3116014 22.218028 18.496705 3.015803
Mass flow(kg/hr) 744905.0888 10130.1 400.26 333.22 54.33
CP (kj/kgmole c) 38.42659828 38.42659828 38.426598 450.79467 77.47854
Q (kj/hr) 3.09E+08 -1.28E+08 -5050781 -4204820 -685576.7
enthalpy (kj/kg) 4.15E+02 -12618.7504 -12618.75 -12618.75 -12618.75
Enthalpy*mass flow 3.09E+08 -1.28E+08 -5.05E+06 -4.20E+06 -6.86E+05
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 50

Table ‎4.9 - Out flow

compositions fuel gas naphtha d1 water residue kerosene Lgo Hgo

Methane 0.307915 2.96E-03 2.44E-08 7.48E-12 4.32E-09 1.40E-09 1.64E-09
Ethane 0.13682 5.62E-03 4.57E-10 3.82E-11 1.51E-07 1.20E-08 1.02E-08
Propane 0.203519 2.48E-02 1.17E-11 5.30E-10 6.91E-06 2.31E-07 1.57E-07
i-butane 2.80E-02 7.57E-03 1.07E-14 4.96E-10 1.11E-05 2.58E-07 1.51E-07
n-butane 4.27E-02 1.54E-02 2.54E-14 1.36E-09 3.64E-05 7.66E-07 4.26E-07
i-pentane 6.19E-03 4.94E-03 1.89E-17 1.62E-09 4.19E-05 9.94E-07 4.96E-07
n-pentane 4.77E-03 4.80E-03 5.13E-10 1.82E-09 5.05E-05 1.18E-06 5.66E-07
n-hexane 1.14E-03 3.09E-03 1.56E-20 5.61E-09 9.46E-05 3.40E-06 1.53E-06
H20 9.23E-02 2.15E-03 0.99999997 1.11E-02 6.57E-03 6.64E-03 8.10E-03
Temperature ºC 59.99995 59.999946 59.9999456 348.022893 176.1278 2.81E+02 315.0701
Pressure (kpa) 215.7463 215.74634 2.16E+02 2.60E+02 229.5369 247.46474 2.53E+02
Molar flow(kgmole/h) 22.75752 388.65371 813.529937 1202.58092 681.1138 380.59839 48.5336
Mass flow(kg/hr) 925.0424 36509.343 14655.8235 506756.4 100082.6 83356.704 13509.93
CP (kj/kgmole c) 77.99938 673.75675 272.406889 1338.90189 397.5018 673.75675 878.8893
Q (kj/hr) -1.97E+06 -13950963 -2.30E+08 2.52E+08 -2.07E+06 2.32E+07 5.16E+06
Enthalpy (kj/kg) -2.13E+03 -3.82E+02 -1.57E+04 4.98E+02 -2.06E+01 2.79E+02 3.82E+02
Enthalpy*Mass flow -1.97E+06 -1.40E+07 -2.30E+08 2.52E+08 -2.07E+06 2.32E+07 5.16E+06

 Sum heat flow IN = 1.72E+08 kj/hr

 Sum heat flow OUT = 3.28E+07 kj/hr

Then the difference between QIN – QOUT = -1.39E+08

 Sum m*ΔH IN = 1.72E+08 kj/hr
 Sum m*ΔH OUT = 3.28E+07 kj/hr

Then the difference between ∑ m*ΔH IN - ∑ m*ΔH OUT = -1.39E+08 kj/hr

This Proves that QIN = m*ΔH IN and QOUT = m*ΔH OUT
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 51

3- Heat exchangers

In Out
Temperature 39.82 236.4845
Pressure 3040.062 3040.062
Mass Flow (kg/hr) 744905.1 744905.1
Molar flow 2933.234 2933.234
CP (kj/kgmole c) 847.8 717.6677
Q (kj/hr) -2.9E+08 7.01E+07
Enthalpy (kj/kg) -395.377 94.11633
Mass Flow* Enthalpy -294517974.6 70107730.01

 The difference between m*ΔH of inner flow and outer flow = 364625704.6 kj/hr
 The difference between Q of inner flow and outer flow = 3.65E+08 kj/hr

This Proves that QIN = m*ΔH IN and QOUT = m*ΔH OUT

Chapter III: Capacity Modification 52

4.5. CDU Products

Table ‎4.10 - CDU products characteristics

Motor Gasoline A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons with

or without small quantities of additives, blended to form a
fuel suitable for use in spark-ignition engines. Motor
gasoline, as defined in ASTM Specification D 4814 or
Federal Specification VV-G-1690C, is characterized as
having a boiling range of 122 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit at
the 10 percent recovery point to 365 to 374 degrees
Fahrenheit at the 90 percent recovery point. Motor Gasoline
includes conventional gasoline; all types of oxygenated
gasoline, including gasohol; and reformulated gasoline, but
excludes aviation gasoline. Note: Volumetric data on
blending components, such as oxygenates, are not counted in
data on finished motor gasoline until the blending
components are blended into the gasoline.
Aviation Gasoline A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons with
or without small quantities of additives, blended to form a
fuel suitable for use in aviation reciprocating engines. Fuel
specifications are provided in ASTM Specification D 910
and Military Specification MIL-G-5572. Note: Data on
blending components are not counted in data on finished
aviation gasoline.
Kerosene A light petroleum distillate that is used in space heaters, cook
stoves, and water heaters and is suitable for use as a light
source when burned in wick-fed lamps. Kerosene has a
maximum distillation temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit
at the 10-percent recovery point, a final boiling point of 572
degrees Fahrenheit, and a minimum flash point of 100
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 53

degrees Fahrenheit. Included are No. 1-K and No. 2-K, the
two grades recognized by ASTM Specification D 3699 as
well as all other grades of kerosene called range or stove oil,
which have properties similar to those of No. 1 fuel oil. See
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel.
Kerosene-type jet fuel A kerosene-based product having a maximum distillation
temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent
recovery point and a final maximum boiling point of 572
degrees Fahrenheit and meeting ASTM Specification D 1655
and Military Specifications MIL-T-5624P and MIL-T-
83133D (Grades JP-5 and JP-8). It is used for commercial
and military turbojet and turboprop aircraft engines.
No.1 Distillate A light petroleum distillate that can be used as either a diesel
fuel (see No. 1 Diesel Fuel) or a fuel oil.

. 1 Diesel Fuel: A light distillate fuel oil that has

distillation temperatures of 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-
percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM
Specification D 975. It is used in high-speed diesel engines
generally operated under frequent speed and load changes,
such as those in city buses and similar vehicles.
. 1 Fuel Oil: A light distillate fuel oil that has
distillation temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-
percent recovery point and 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-
percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM
Specification D 396. It is used primarily as fuel for portable
outdoor stoves and portable outdoor heaters.
No.2 Diesel Fuel A fuel that has distillation temperatures of 500 degrees
Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and 640 degrees
Fahrenheit at the 90-percent recovery point and meets the
specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 975. It is
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 54

used in high-speed diesel engines that are generally operated

under uniform speed and load conditions, such as those in
railroad locomotives, trucks, and automobiles.
No.2 Fuel oil A distillate fuel oil that has a distillation temperature of 640
degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent recovery point and
meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D
396. It is used in atomizing type burners for domestic heating
or for moderate capacity commercial/industrial burner units.
No.2 Distillate A petroleum distillate that can be used as either a diesel fuel
(see No. 2 Diesel Fuel) or a fuel oil (see No. 2 Fuel Oil).
No.4 Fuel oil A distillate fuel oil made by blending distillate fuel oil and
residual fuel oil stocks. It conforms with ASTM
Specification D 396 or Federal Specification VV-F-815C
and is used extensively in industrial plants and in
commercial burner installations that are not equipped with
preheating facilities. It also includes No. 4 diesel fuel used
for low- and medium-speed diesel engines and conforms to
ASTM Specification D 975.
Residual fuel oil A general classification for the heavier oils, known as No. 5
and No. 6 fuel oils, that remain after the distillate fuel oils
and lighter hydrocarbons are distilled away in refinery
operations. It conforms to ASTM Specifications D 396 and
D 975 and Federal Specification VV-F-815C. No. 5, a
residual fuel oil of medium viscosity, is also known as Navy
Special and is defined in Military Specification MIL-F-859E,
including Amendment 2 (NATO Symbol F-770). It is used in
steam-powered vessels in government service and inshore
power plants. No. 6 fuel oil includes Bunker C fuel oil and is
used for the production of electric power, space heating,
vessel bunkering, and various industrial purposes.
Sales to End Users Sales made directly to the consumer of the product. Includes
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 55

bulk consumers, such as agriculture, industry, and utilities,

as well as residential and commercial consumers.
Sales for Resale Sales of refined petroleum products to purchasers who are
other-than-ultimate consumers; wholesale sales.
Propane (consumer A normally gaseous paraffinic compound (C3H8), which
grade) includes all products covered by Natural Gas Policy Act
Specifications for commercial and HD-5 propane and ASTM
Specification D 1835. It is a colorless paraffinic gas that
boils at a temperature of -43.67 degrees Fahrenheit. It does
not include the propane portion of any natural gas liquid
mixes, i.e., butane-propane mix.

Table ‎4.11 - Prices of the CDU Products

Dec-015 Jan-016 Feb-016

Sales to end users
Motor Gasoline 1.604 1.505 1.332
Kerosene-type jet fuel 1.232 1.038 1.032
Propane (consumer grade) 0.422 0.377 0.409
No. 2 Distillate 1.368 1.201 1.188
No.2 Diesel fuel 1.365 1.198 1.186
No.2 Fuel oil 1.695 1.45 1.407
Residual Fuel oil 0.919 0.71 0.633
Sales for resale
Motor Gasoline 1.365 1.187 1.046
aviation gasoline 2.252 2.122 1.908
Kerosene-type jet fuel 1.207 1.022 1.019
Propane (consumer grade) 0.499 0.46 0.47
Kerosene 1.275 1.183 1.155
No.1 Distillate 1.516 1.263 1.278
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 56

No.2 Distillate 1.173 1.012 1.035

No.2 Diesel fuel 1.176 1.015 1.043
No.2 Fuel oil 1.126 0.976 0.948
No.4 Fuel oil 0.953 0.739 w
Residual Fuel oil 0.633 0.499 0.495
sulfur greater than 1 % 0.552 0.477 0.475
sulfur less than or equal 1% 0.639 0.502 0.498

Source: U.S Energy Information Analysis (EIA)

Release date: Feb, 5th 2016
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 57

4.6. Plant layout

Figure 4.6.1 - Plant Layout

Plant layout is a principle to make the best use of the site considering the process used,
equipment, safety, security, cost and environmental consideration.
1- General principles of layout of a chemical plant:
i. Consider the site environment and its surroundings.
ii. Arrange the major blocks: process, utilities, off-sites and buildings.
iii. Perform the detailed layout and spacing within the specific plants and units.

2- Factors affecting layout:

i. Topography
ii. Groundwater and Drainage
iii. Weather
iv. Neighbors
v. Emergency
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 58

3- Plant layout principles should be applied on utilities used in the site:

a. Fired heater
i. All heater exhaust gas is ducted to a centrally located 100-m high stack
ii. Fired heaters are located a minimum of 15m from the hydrocarbon-
containing equipment.
iii. The pipe rack can be used to provide part of the separation between the
reactor and the heater.
b. Distillation tower
i. Supported by skirts or other structural means to provide (NPSH)
ii. Clear access to the pumps is required at the bottom.
iii. Grouped together so that personnel access is by platforms with stairs (or
ladder access on the pipe rack side)
iv. The spacing between tower internals is critical from both a process and
accessibility standpoint.
v. These internals should be oriented by the layout person and checked by
the vessel designer
vi. Manhole about every 10 trays and should be 60 -cm diameter where
c. Heat exchanger:
i. The channels always face away from the pipe way and an open area is
provided to remove the heat exchanger tube bundles periodically for
ii. Water-cooled heat exchangers are supplied with cooling water from a
cooling-water main usually located underground.
iii. Heat exchangers are grouped together and located relatively close to
other equipment for energy conservation; this favors maximum heat
recovery consistent with the associated savings in fuel and cooling cost
 Locating the heat exchanger bundles in elevated structures is often
done where plot space is tight.
 These heat exchanger systems are often complex and the piping
between the heat exchanger bundles is tightly compacted.
 Elevated heat exchangers often require special provisions to be
able to remove the heat exchanger bundles.

d. Pipe rack Considerations

i. All of the non nozzle-to-nozzle pipe runs are made by running pipe to
and from the pipe rack.
Chapter III: Capacity Modification 59

ii. Utility lines, electric lines, and instrumentation lines are often run on
the pipe rack as well.
iii. The designer selects the most appropriate pipe rack layout depending
on the space availability and the equipment layout requirements.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 60

Chapter IV
Energy Integration
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 61

5. Integration

5.1. Problem Table Algorithm

For a given ΔTmin, Composite curves can be used to obtain energy targets. However,
this will require the use graph paper. If the number of streams is large then this method
becomes tedious. Thus, even though composite curves are useful in providing conceptual
understanding of the process one needs a convenient computation algorithm. Linhoff and
Flower, 1978 developed such an algorithm known as Problem Table Algorithm (PTA) for
calculating pinch temperature and energy targets.
To lay the foundation of such a method, let us examine what will happen if hot composite
curve is moved vertically down by Tmin/2 and the cold composite is raised vertically
up by an amount Tmin/2 as in Figure 5.1.2. Dotted lines show the modified hot and
cold composite curves. It can be seen that the modified composite curve meet at a point
(pinch point) as expected. Further, the quantity of minimum hot and cold utility remains
unchanged. As depicted in Figure 5.1.1 it is not possible to transfer heat in a temperature
interval horizontally as the T available is zero. However, as shown Figure 5.1.2 it is
possible to transfer heat between shifted composite curves horizontally as the temperature
difference in a temperature interval is Tmin. The actual temperature of the shifted hot
composite at the red dot( in “B”) is T1 and that of the blue dot ( in “B”) is T1‐
Tmin and thus the temperature between these two dots which are in the same level of
temperature ( after shifting) is Tmin. This argument is valid for all temperature
intervals and thus the horizontal heat transfer is possible in a temperature interval if the
hot composite is shifted downward by an amount Tmin/2 and cold composite is shifted
vertically upward by an amount Tmin/2 and cold composite is shifted vertically upward
by an amount Tmin/2.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 62

Figure 5.1.1 - Horizontal heat transfer between hot composite and cold composite in the above pinch area

Figure 5.1.2 - Shifting of hot composite vertically down by ΔTmin/2 and cold composite
vertically up by ΔTmin/2

Thus the shifting technique thus developed can be effectively used to develop a strategy
to compute energy targets without constructing hot and cold composite curves.

5.1.1. Procedure of PTA

1. The process is divided into temperature intervals

2. Hot composite curves are shifted vertically to be colder by ΔTmin/2

3. Cold composite curves are shifted vertically to be hotter by ΔTmin/2

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 63

4. Set up shifted temperature intervals

5. Calculate simple energy balance within each shifted interval

(∑ )

6. Classify shifted intervals according to sign of ΔH to a surplus or a deficit of


7. Cascade any surplus heat down the temperature from interval to interval

8. Make all heat flows positive (at least zero) by adding heat from hot utility to all
temperature intervals

9. Report Pinch temperature, and QHmin, QCmin

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 64

Applying PTA we got the same results as the composite curve constructed by ASPEN
ANALYZER in simple steps


Qhmin = 27.33 MW
Qcmin = 34.38 MW
Tpinch = 227.7 °C
Tpinch = 237.7 ºC for hot streams
Tpinch = 217.7 ºC for cold streams
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 65

5.2. Heat Exchanger Network

In refinery distillation systems, the energy efficiency of the process strongly depends on
the heat exchanger network design, the connections between the heat exchangers (also
known as matches) and heat-exchanger areas determine how much heat is actually
recovered. In any process designs there are a lot of hot streams need to be cooled and
other cold streams need to be heated. for example the cold stream entering distillation
column need to be heated otherwise the hot stream coming from the distillation column at
very high temperature need to be cooled as energy saving wise and costly wise also
unwanted energy from the outlet stream coming from the distillation column can be used
to heat the cold stream entering the distillation column and this process called heat

1. Copy the feed stream then name by 'crude oil' which has 130,000 bbl./day
2. Splitting the crude oil into two streams with equal capacity 65000 bbl./day
3. The first stream enters heat exchanger '12' and the second enter heat exchanger '11'.
4. Export the upper pump around then split the 'upper-pump-around draw streams' into
two streams, the first enter heat exchanger '12' which exchange with the crude oil,
crude oil will be heated by cooling the upper pump around stream and the second
stream enter exchanger '11' exchange with second crude oil stream.
5. The degree of freedom of heat exchanger
 Assuming ΔP=0
 UA= 3.6*10^5 Kj/C.h
6. The two upper around streams which are cooled come out from the heat exchangers
'12' and '11' are mixed and enter the cooler '17'.
7. The degree of freedom of the cooler:
 Delta P=0
 Temperature out from the cooler is the inlet temperature of the upper pump
around into the tower T = 65.12 ºC.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 66

Figure 5.2.1 – HEX Network

8. Break connection to the kerosene product stream before entering the cooler 'E-103',
and split this stream into two streams with same flow rate.
9. The crude oil stream came out from heat exchanger 12' need to be heated enter the
heat exchangers '10', so exchange with the first stream of kerosene which need to be
10. The same steps done in the heat exchanger '9'., the two streams which are cooled
come out from the heat exchangers '10'' and '9' are mixed and enter the cooler '18' for
further cooling by cooling water.
11. Avoid error in the network by using recycle icon to make sure when you break
connection stream don't affect the other one.
12. Repeating the above steps among the others heat exchangers by exchange crude oil
with the product streams (Residue, lower pump around, heavy as oil, light gas oil).
13. The final two streams are mixed and enter the furnace, the outlet temperature from
the furnace is the 'feed' stream enter the tower T= 328
14. The target is minimize the duty of the furnace to save energy and also unwanted
energy from the outlet stream coming from the distillation column can be used to heat
the cold stream entering the distillation column.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 67

Figure 5.2.2 – HEX network Furnace

Figure 5.2.3 – Distillation Tower Furnace

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 68

5.3. Aspen Energy Analyzer

1. Open “Aspen Energy Analyzer” and choose “create new HI case”.
2. Click “Data transfer from Aspen HYSYS” and follow the steps until you
complete them all.
3. This is the data taken from the Aspen HYSYS file
4. Choose utilities cooling water and air

Figure 5.3.1 - Range Targets

Although the range target curve was plotted, it shows a relation between a minimum
temperature difference and total cost index. The information helped in obtaining optional
Delta Tmin = 2 - 7 ºC, but we can't use this range as crude oil is not clean and it may
cause fouling effect in the heat exchanger network, the range of cryogenics process is 5
ºC as it's very clean while the optimum delta T min for crude oil = 20 ºC.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 69

Figure 5.3.2 - Process streams

The analyzer take all streams in the HYSYS even the useless and repeated streams; hence
we must make sure the active streams is the only exist in the network, example there are
existing two upper pump around streams, first in the network and the other in the
distillation so we must delete the stream distillation as it is repeated and don‟t affect the

Figure 5.3.3 - Utility streams

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 70

The utility are responsible of all heat given and taken from the streams, after optimization
the heat exchanger network, we will need less utility and pay less, The utilities used in
the current process:
 Cold utilities (cooling water and air)
 Hot utilities (LP steam and fired heater"1000")

1. Energy targets
 Miniuim cooling duty= 35.53 MW
 Miniuim heating duty= 28.31 MW
 Pinch temp: The Hot = 237.7 ºC , The Cold=217.7º C
2. Composite curve
3. Grand composite curve
4. Utility composite curve
5. Heat exchanger network

Figure 5.3.4 - Targets

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 71

Figure ‎5.3.5 - Composite Curve

Figure 5.3.6 - Grand Composite Curve

Figure 5.3.6 - Grand Composite Curve

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 72

Figure 5.3.7 - Utility Composite Curve

The pinch design method creates a network structure based on the assumption that no
heat exchanger should have a temperature difference smaller than delta Tmin, The
diagram shows that heat exchanger network between the hot/cold streams and their
corresponding utilities, this is, by far, not the optimum network since some the duty
needed to heat up or cool down the streams are taken from utilities that we pay for.

Figure 5.3.8 - Adding Steam Generation

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 73

Figure 5.3.9 - Utility Composite Curve

Since mass of LP steam= 8353 kg/hr. and its cost 4.23/1000 $/1b

Saving cost = = $ 636,419.0476 $/ year

Mass of MP steam= 1.710e+0004 kg/hr. and it costs 5/1000 $/1b

Saving cost = = $ 1, 507936.508 $/ year

Total profit = $ 2, 144355.556 $/ year

5.4. Network Optimization

Pinch analysis has been applied to identify modifications to the column and the heat
exchanger network, the main goal is to reduce energy consumption
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 74

Figure 5.4.1 - HEN diagram

1. Area addition to existing heat exchangers
2. Addition of one or more new heat exchangers.
3. Relocation of existing exchangers
4. Loop and path analysis

Loop and Path Analysis

1. Choose a value for EMAT (Exchanger Minimum Approach Temperature)
Tmin= 20ºC
2. Increase the duty of the process-process exchangers along a loop until one or
more of the exchangers becomes a bottleneck
3. If the full savings potential has not been achieved, try to remove the bottleneck
 Modifying branch flow fractions in split regions.
 Re-sequence exchangers if one has excess driving force and another is the
bottleneck or insert a split so that the driving forces are more even.
4. Increase the duty of exchangers on the loop again until the full savings potential
has been achieved.
5. Use heat load loops to re-distribute the driving forces in the network, thereby
reducing overall area requirement.
6. Explore the use of paths to perform energy relaxations to also adjust area.

There are three different scenarios have been explained in this series
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 75

5.4.1. First Modification Method

1. Additional area to exist heat exchanger
Adding a shell or exchanging the bank of tubes by one more efficient, the
maximum percentage to increase area of heat exchanger is 30 %.

Table ‎5.1 - Added Area of 30%

No. of HEX A (m2) Anew (m2) Added Area

12 345 448.5 103.5
11 318 413.4 95.4
10 360 468 108
8 700 910 210
6 474 616.2 142.2
4 387 503.1 116.1
2 1491 1938.3 447.3
9 359 466.7 107.7
7 700 910 210
5 478 621.4 143.4
3 348 452.4 104.4
1 1601 2081.3 480.3

2. Add a new heat exchanger

The cooler 'E-21' has high duty=22.1 MW, this duty is costly as it can be used to
heat the cold stream entering the distillation column; hence add heat exchanger
'E-13' with duty= 2 MW and area=98.4 m2. Which exchange the crude oil before
split in two streams with the residue before entering to the cooler 'E-21', this
modification lead to reduction the duty of the cooler to 14.3MW, and decrease the
furnace from 41 MW to 39.5 MW.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 76

3. Loop and path

a. Path
 Increase heat exchanger 7 from 11.9 MW to 13 MW
 The furnace will decrease 38.3 MW and the cooler E-21 decrease to 16.3

Q from Q to
Cooler E-21 17.5 16.3
Furnace 39.5 38.3
Heat exchanger 7 11.9 13

b. Loop
 Increase heat exchanger 7 from 13 MW to 15 MW
 Increase heat exchanger 8 from 17 MW to 18 MW
 The furnace will decrease 36.3MW
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 77

 To control the minimum temperature approach above 20 decrease the heat

exchanger 1 from 31 MW to 30 MW

Q from Q to
Heat exchanger 7 13 15
Heat exchanger 8 17 18

c. Path
 Increase heat exchanger 3 from 4.4 to 5 MW
 The furnace will decrease to 35.8 MW and the cooler E-18 will be 8.4

Q from Q to
Cooler E-18 8.9 8.4
Furnace 36.3 35.8
Heat exchanger 3 4.4 5
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 78

Finally the duty of the furnace and re-boiler (Qh) decrease from 60.95 MW to 47.8 MW

5.4.2. Second Modification Method:

1. Additional area to exist heat exchanger
As we said, increase area of heat exchangers by 30%

N Area before Area after Area added Cost

12 345 344.2 -0.8 0
11 318 355.1 37.1 14907.23
10 360 190.7 -169.3 0
8 700 1367.5 667.5 92065.25
6 474 209 -265 0
4 387 34.5 -352.5 0
2 1491 1458.7 -32.3 0
9 359 203.4 -155.6 0
7 700 1371.2 671.2 92386.42
5 478 252.4 -225.6 0
3 348 147.2 -200.8 0
1 1601 4413.7 2812.7 227844.8
15 120 -120 0
16 1229 5784.3 4555.3 308714.6
17 133 157 24 11329.86
18 296 94.1 -201.9 0
19 237 1073.5 836.5 106131.7
20 175 239.1 64.1 21038.37
21 2461 218.2 -2242.8 0
22 82.3 81.2 -1.1 0

2. Re-piping
Removing, and relocating heat exchangers due to crossing the pinch as shown in
figure, Although it save more energy but it's very expensive to relocate the
exchangers, the cost of re-piping about 60.000 $ per exchanger that exclude the
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 79

area added, hence this method isn‟t always prefer to use in retrofit of existing

a. Heat exchanger one 'E-1'

Since we know the pinch approach from 217.7 to 237.7, and in 'E-1' the hot stream enter
348ºC and the cold stream exist at 156.4 ºC, this mean that 'E-1' cross the pinch, So we
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 80

can relocate it in a new location then adding new heat exchanger 'E-101' to fill the gap
that have been happened.

b. Heat exchanger two 'E-2'

Same happen to 'E-2' as it also cross the pinch so it must relocate it and add new heat
exchanger 'E-100' to fill the gap have been happened.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 81

3. Additional new heat exchanger

a. Add new heat exchanger to decrease the duty of re-boiler from 12 MW to

b. Add new heat exchanger to decrease the duty of condenser and furnace by
using path method

Added Hex Area Cost

e104 785.7 115024.2
e100 553.6 94828.57
e101 1233.2 148532.2
e105 126.6 45301.65

Finally the duty of the furnace and re-boiler (Qh) decrease from 60.95 MW to 47.5 MW.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 82

5.4.3. Third Modification Method

This modification is the mixed between the previous two methods:
1. Additional area to exist heat exchanger
Increase area of heat exchangers by 30%

N Area before Area after added area cost

12 345 537.1 192.1 42006.23
11 318 489.9 171.9 39166.54
10 360 266.2 -93.8 0
8 700 1059.5 359.5 62342.14
6 474 480.3 6.3 4878.384
4 387 25.3 -361.7 0
2 1491 610.4 -880.6 0
9 359 2605.5 2246.5 197760.9
7 700 13081.1 12381.1 579601.8
5 478 400.5 -77.5 0
3 348 162.7 -185.3 0
1 1601 2219.4 618.4 87738.7
15 120 14.7 -105.3 0
16 1229 1775.7 546.7 81184.54
17 133 14.7 -118.3 0
18 296 89.4 -206.6 0
19 237 1017.1 780.1 101565.5
20 175 253.9 78.9 23980.04
21 2461 1995.1 -465.9 0
22 82.3 59.9 -22.4 0
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 83

2. Re-piping
Re-located heat exchanger two 'E-2' to more efficient location to save energy,
which lead to add new heat exchanger „E-104‟ to fill the gap happened in
temperature with area= 188.6 m2
3. Add new heat exchanger
Add heat exchanger 'E-100' with duty= 2 MW and area=105 m2

Added Hex Area Cost

e104 188.6 54522.42
e100 105 41710.5

4. Pre-flash
Installing pre-flash before the furnace saves 4 MW

Finally the duty of the furnace and re-boiler (Qh) decrease from 60.95 MW to 42 MW
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 84

5.5. Pinch design method (PDM)

Use PDM to get optimum area and energy requirement, where ABC is an ideal curve, X
existing area and energy. Any modifications was drawn from existing point to the Q and
area reached, best modification is the nearest one to the ideal curve

Figure 5.5.1 - PDM

Figure ‎5.5.2 – Path of Retrofit

Chapter IV: Energy Integration 85

Table ‎5.2 - Retrofit

Qh (MW) A (m2)
Ideal 17.92 4.38E+04
19.33 3.04E+04
22.14 2.06E+04
24.95 1.62E+04
27.76 1.36E+04
30.57 1.18E+04
33.38 1.05E+04
36.19 9570.3
39 8860.1
41.81 8281.1
44.62 7793.9
47.44 7384.4
50.25 7041.2
55.87 6462.6
61.49 5975.1

Qh (MW) A (m2)
Re- piping 47.5 14909.8
Added area 47.8 11566.4
Mixed 42 11469
Existing 60.95 10945.3
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 86



Figure 5.5.3 – Retrofit Curve

As shown in Figure 5.5.3, the nearest curve to the ideal is the mixed method curve, that
means that the mixed method would be the best choice and the optimum modification.
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 87

5.6. Retrofit Cost of heat exchanger

Retrofit cost of installing additional heat exchanger area Chen (2008) applies the
cost model presented by Smith (2005) in which it is assumed that the capital cost
of a heat exchanger can be predicted using a simple relationship between the
surface area AHX and three cost law constants a, b, and c, depending on the
materials of construction, pressure rating and type of heat exchanger (Eq.
(25)).Chen (2008) presents four cost models for:
$Cost = a + b*(Area) ^c
a. Installing additional area to existing heat exchangers
$Cost = 1530*(Area) ^0.63
b. Installing new heat exchangers
$Cost = 13000+1530*(Area) ^0.63
c. Heat exchanger re-piping and heat exchanger re-sequencing
 Re-piping $Cost=60,000
 Re-sequencing Cost=35,000 $

The capital cost predicted by this model should be also updated, since it was presented by
Smith (2005). The annual CEPCI for 2005, 468.2 and the CEPCI for heat exchangers and
tanks of 2016, 547.2

Therefore Cost at 2016 =

After that, calculate payback time period in capital budgeting refers to the period
of time required to recoup the funds expended in an investment
Payback time = energy saved / capital cost
Cost of total energy saved= (Q existing – Q method) * 150,000
Chapter IV: Energy Integration 88

Table ‎5.3 – Comparison between Modification Methods

Cost ($) Added hex Re-piping Mixed

Total energy saved 1972500 2017500 2842500
Re-piping - 120000 60000
Total area added 530257.8075 874418.1975 1220224.8
New heat exchanger 40559.94476 403686.6321 96232.919
Pre-flash - - 50,000
Capital cost 667132.5802 1634008.891 1667145.8
Payback time 0.338216771 0.809917666 0.5865069

Although from the table we get the minimum payback time is the first method, but the
energy saved in third method is much greater than first method so it is optimum in a long
run to save this energy and the payback time is still good at 0.586.
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 89

Design Development and Cost Saving
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 90

6. Design development and cost saving

6.1. Environmental Analysis

As commonly known, CO2 is one of the main reason for global warming as it‟s a
greenhouse gas. It‟s responsible for two third of the greenhouse effect. CO2 sources in the
atmosphere is mainly due to fossil fuel combustion. All refineries are required to reduce
their CO2 emissions in order to comply with environmental regulations as agreed in the
Kyoto Protocol. Reducing CO2 emissions is expensive because it requires to implement
capital investment technologies. Although energy saving is accompanied by a
corresponding reduction in emissions, there is increasing need for explicit estimation of
the emissions associated with various energy-intensive distillation-based operations in
process industries.

Furnace and reboilers are the main sources of CO2 emissions produced in refining
distillation systems. Importing electricity from power stations can also be a source for
CO2 emissions. Such systems release a large amount of emissions, however a large
degrees of freedom can be manipulated to reduce the emissions to the atmosphere.

6.2. CO2 emissions calculation for heat integrated distillation


Furnaces and reboilers which are the mean sources of CO2 provide heat sources to the
system through burning a fuel. The well-known equation describing the fuel combustion
when mixed with air, producing CO2 is:

( )

Where x and y denote the number of carbon, C, and hydrogen, H, atoms, respectively,
present in the fuel compositions, and where complete oxidation of carbon is assumed.
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 91

Figure 6.2.1 shows an existing crude oil distillation unit; the heat and power generating
devices used are fired heater (furnace), boiler and gas turbine. These devices are possible
sources of CO2 emissions. Typical fuels used in these heating devices are light and heavy
fuel oils, natural gas and coal.

Figure 6.2.1 - Sources of 𝑪𝑶𝟐 emissions from a crude distillation unit

6.2.1. CO2 calculations

In the combustion of fuels, air is assumed to be in excess to ensure complete combustion,
so that no carbon monoxide is formed. CO2 emissions, (kg/s), are related to
the amount of fuel burnt, Qfuel (kW) in a heating device.
Parameter Value unit
Furnace efficiency 90 %
Carbon Percent 75.4 %
α(ratio of molar masses of 3.67 dimensionless
C )
Net Heating Value 51,600 kJ/kg
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 92

( )( )

required before integration:

= 48.95 MW
= 12 MW
= +
= 48.95 + 12 = 60.95 MW = 60950 kW
= 60950/0.9 = 67.833 MW = 67833.3 kW
= [(67833.3/51600) (75.4/100)] (3.67) = 3.6377 kg/sec= 0.003677 ton/s=
114,719.5604 ton/yr
required after integration:
= 30 MW
= 12 MW
= +
= 30 + 12 = 42 MW= 42000 kW
= 42/0.9 = 46.67 MW = 46670 kW
= [(46670/51600) (75.4/100)] (3.67) = 2.5027 kg/sec = 0.0025027 ton/s=
78,928.2 ton/yr
savings = 35,791.4 ton/yr
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 93

Cost and economic parameters for emissions calculations

Parameter Value Unit
Carbon Tax 15 $/ton
Fuel Cost 3 $/MMBTU

Cost before integration

Carbon = 15$/ton * 114,719.5604 ton/yr = 1,720,793.406 $/yr

Fuel Cost=

Fuel Cost = 6,077,995.252 $/yr

Cost after integration

Carbon = 15$/ton * 78,928.2 = 1,183,923 $/yr

Fuel Cost =

Fuel Cost = 4,181,722.523 $/yr

Savings Value Unit
Carbon Tax Savings 536,870 $/yr
Fuel cost Savings 1,896,272.729 $/yr

Since all the values of the fuel cost were taken in 2003, it is expected that it does not cost
the same in 2016 due to inflation. Applying the basic rule of economics to get the future
value of a compound interest, we will take the interest rate to be 10%.
The future value of money is how much it will be worth at some time in the future. The
future value formula shows how much an investment will be worth after compounding
for so many years.
( )
F is the future value of the investment
P is the present value
is the interest rate
n is the number of years
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 94

 Cost before optimization in 2016

F = 6,077,995.252 ( ) = 20,982,888.05$/yr
 Cost after optimization in 2016

F= 4,181,722.523 ( ) = 14,436,440.29 $/yr

 Fuel cost savings in 2016 = 6,546,447.757 $/yr

In 2003 ($/yr) In 2016 ($/yr)

Before Integration 6,077,995.252 20,982,888.05
After Integration 4,181,722.523 14,436,440.29
Savings 1,896,272.729 6,546,447.757

6.3. Cooling Water Estimation

Required before integration:

= * * ΔT
= 507.9 kW
= 3100 kW
= 22140 kW
= 12070 kW
= 1085 kW
= 9419 kW
= 19380 kW
= 67,701.9 kW
= 4.18 kJ/kg.K
ΔT = 40 – 20 C
Mass of cooling water = / ΔT
= 67,701.9 / (4.18) * (40 – 20) = 809.83 kg/s = 2,915,392.823 kg/hr
= 25,538,841.13 ton/yr
Chapter V: Design Development and Cost Saving 95

Required after integration:

= * * ΔT
= 400 kW
= 2600 kW
= 12500 kW
= 8400 kW
= 1600 kW
= 8400 kW
= 19300 kW
= 53,200 kW
= 4.18 kJ/kg.K
ΔT = 40 – 20 C

Mass of cooling water = / ΔT

= 53,200 / (4.18) * (40 – 20) = 636.36 kg/s = 2,290,909.1 kg/hr
= 20,068,363.64 ton/yr
Cooling water mass savings = 5,470,477.494 ton/yr

Cost and economic parameters for cooling water

Parameter Value Unit
Cold Water 0.377 $/ton

Cost before integration

= 25,538,841.13 ton/yr
Cooling water cost = 0.337 * 25,538,841.13 = 8,627,986.868 $/yr

Cost after integration

= 20,068,363.64 ton/yr
Cooling water cost = 0.337 * 20,068,363.64 = 6,779,852.581$/yr
Cooling water cost saving = 1,848,134.287 $/yr
Chapter VI: Special Designs 96

Chapter VI
Special Designs
Chapter VI: Special Designs 97

7. Design

7.1. Flash Separator Design Calculations

First of all to calculate the height and diameter of a flash separator some data needs to be
obtained. This data includes the vapor phase fraction in the feed “yi”, the liquid phase
fraction in the feed “xi”, the amounts of Liquid “L” and Vapor “V” to be separated. To
continue with the flash calculations the densities of both liquid and vapor streams are
needed as in respectively.

Figure 7.1.1 – Flash Separator Dimensions

Chapter VI: Special Designs 98

The Required Data obtained using Aspen HYSYS

Table ‎7.1 – Obtained Data

Data Value Unit

yi 0.17
xi 0.83
L 708914 kg/h
V 35991 kg/h
9.27 kg/m3
689.25 kg/m3
VV 1.079 m3/s
VL 0.29 m3/s

7.1.1. Diameter Calculations

To begin the diameter calculations we need to determine the settling velocity of the

√ √

Since a demister will be used then

The next step would be to calculate the vapor volumetric flow rate .

√ √

Assuming a hold up time

Chapter VI: Special Designs 99

The final step would be to calculate the separator‟s total height .

Chapter VI: Special Designs 100

8. The Calculation and Design of Additional Exchangers

8.1. Process conditions

Physical Properties Value Unit
T1 247.4 F
T2 258.2 F
W 1.12E+06 lb/h
C 0.5654 btu/lb.f
K 0.071 btu/hr.ft.F
μ 9.089 cp
ρ 52.08 lb/ft3
s 0.834
API 38.16
Rd 0.002

Physical Properties Value Unit
t1 103.7 F
t2 111.1 F
w 1.64E+06 lb/h
c 0.5565 btu/lb.f
k 0.07 btu/hr.ft.F
μ 5.872 cp
ρ 49.85 lb/ft3
s 0.798
API 45.82
Rd 0.002
Chapter VI: Special Designs 101

Step 1
Heat balance:
Q = WC(T2 – T1) = wc(t2 – t1)

( )

Step 2
True temperature difference,
LMTD “Logarithmic mean temperature difference”
Hot fluid Cold fluid Difference
258.2 high temp. 111.1 147.1
247.4 low temp. 103.7 143.7
10.8 difference 7.4 3.4
Chapter VI: Special Designs 102

FT is determined using Fig. 18 in Kern using R and S

Step 3
Getting the bulk temperature for each fluid,

Trial 1
a) Assume a tentative value of UD with the aid of Table 8, and compute the surface
area from . It is always better to assume UD too high than too low, as
this practice ensures arriving at the minimum surface area.
Chapter VI: Special Designs 103

To get the number of tubes

from table 10.

b) From tube counts “Table 9” choosing 1 in. OD tubes on in. Square pitch for
fouling reasons, assume two tube passes. The quantity of tube-side fluid is very
large for the

Small heat load and moderately large and will otherwise cause difficulty in meeting
the allowable if too many tube passes are employed.
Chapter VI: Special Designs 104

Nearest tube count is 288 tubes with a shell ID of 27 inches.

c) Corrected Coefficient
Chapter VI: Special Designs 105

8.2. Tube side Calculations

Hot stream “Distillation Column Bottoms”

Step 4
Flow Area, using table 10 and assuming a BWG of 16

Step 5
Chapter VI: Special Designs 106

Step 6

Step 7

Using and in fig. 24 get the value of

Step 8

Get the value of ( ) using

Chapter VI: Special Designs 107

( )

Step 9

( )

Chapter VI: Special Designs 108

8.2.1. Proceed with the pressure drop calculation for Tube Side
Step 1
From fig. 26 we get
Chapter VI: Special Designs 109

Get from fig. 6 in kern

Step 2
Chapter VI: Special Designs 110

8.3. Shell Side Calculations

Flow area,
Since the minimum baffle spacing will provide the greatest value of ho , assume

Step 5‟
Calculate the mass velocity


Get from fig. 28 in kern for tube OD 1 in. and in. square pitch
Chapter VI: Special Designs 111

Reynolds number is given by,

Get from fig. 28 using
Chapter VI: Special Designs 112


For and , use fig. 16 to determine ( )

( )
( )

Step 9‟

( )

Chapter VI: Special Designs 113

Proceed with pressure drop calculations for the exchanger‟s Shell Side
Use fig. 29 to get
Chapter VI: Special Designs 114

Get from Fig. 6 using a temperature of and an API of

Number of crosses,

( )
Chapter VI: Special Designs 115

Step 13
Clean overall Coefficient ,

Step 14
Dirt Factor,
Chapter VI: Special Designs 116

8.4. Nomenclature

A Heat transfer surface, ft2

a Flow area, ft2
B Baffle spacing, in
C Specific heat of hot fluid in derivations, Btu/(Ib)(°F)
C‟ Clearance between tubes, in
c Specific heat of fluid, Btu/(Ib)(°F)
D Inside diameter of tubes, ft
Ds Inside diameter of shell, ft
De Inside diameter of shell, ft
FT Equivalent diameter for heat transfer and pressure drop, ft
f Friction factor, ft2/in2
G Mass velocity, lb/(hr)(ft2)
hi , ho Heat-transfer coefficient in general, for inside fluid, and for
outside fluid, respectively, Btu/(hr)(ft2)(°F)
hio Value of h; when referred to the .tube outside diameter,
jH Factor for heat transfer, dimensionless
k Thermal conductivity, Btu/ (hr) (ft') (°F/ft)
L Tube length, ft
LMTD Log mean temperature difference, °F
N Number of shell-side baffles
Nt Number of tubes
PT Tube pitch, in.
Q Heat flow, Btu/hr
Rd Dirt factor, (hr)(ft2)(°F)/Btu
Re Reynolds number for heat transfer and pressure drop,
s Specific gravity, dimensionless
Chapter VII: Process Control 117

Chapter VII
Process Control
Chapter VII: Process Control 118

9. Process control

9.1. Types of controllers

A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop

feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems. A PID
controller calculates an "error" value as the difference between a measured process
variable and a desired set point. The controller attempts to minimize the error by
adjusting the process control inputs.
The PID controller calculation algorithm involves three separate constant parameters, and
is accordingly sometimes called three-term control: the proportional, the integral and
derivative values, denoted P, I, and D. Heuristically, these values can be interpreted in
terms of time: P depends on the present error, I on the accumulation of past errors, and D
is a prediction of future errors, based on current rate of change The weighted sum of
these three actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as the position
of a control valve, a damper, or the power supplied to a heating element.
In the absence of knowledge of the underlying process, a PID controller has historically
been considered to be the best controller. By tuning the three parameters in the PID
controller algorithm, the controller can provide control action designed for specific
process requirements. The response of the controller can be described in terms of the
responsiveness of the controller to an error, the degree to which the controller overshoots
the set point, and the degree of system oscillation. Note that the use of the PID algorithm
for control does not guarantee optimal control of the system or system stability.
Some applications may require using only one or two actions to provide the appropriate
system control.
PI controllers are fairly common, since derivative action is sensitive to measurement
noise, where the absence of an integral term may prevent the system from reaching its
target value due to the control action.
Chapter VII: Process Control 119

Table ‎9.1 - Difference between PID, PI and P

Control Mode Characteristics

P  Experience off-set at steady state
 Simple
 Easy to tune

PI  No off-set
 Possibilities exist of instability
 Better dynamic response than integral alone

PID  Most expensive

 Most complex
 Rapid response
 No offset
 Difficult to tune
Chapter VII: Process Control 120

9.2. Process control scheme

Figure 9.2.1 – Process Control Scheme

Chapter VII: Process Control 121

9.3. Environment control scheme

Figure ‎9.3.1 –Environmental Control scheme

9.4. List of controllers

Controller Function

FC-crude It control the inlet flow of the crude through the valve to maintain
steady product flows

TC-feed It control the temperature of the feed crude through changing the duty
of the furnace (Fuel)

LC-cond It control the liquid level of the condenser through changing the reflux
rate of the stream returning to the column (Valve-reflux)
Chapter VII: Process Control 122

PC-cond It control the pressure in the top section of the column through
changing the duty of the condenser

FC-ker It control the flow rate of the steam stream (S-2) of the side stripper
through measuring the amount of the product Kerosene

FC-hgo It control the flow rate of the steam stream (S-4) of the side stripper
through measuring the amount of the product heavy gas oil

FC-lgo It control the flow rate of the steam stream (S-3) of the side stripper
through measuring the amount of the product light gas oil

LC-liquid It control the liquid level of column through changing the output of
the re-boiler of the column (Valve-residue)

TC-residue It control the temperature of the output cooled residue stream through
changing the duty of the cooler E-100 to make sure that its
temperature is suitable for further fractionation (e.g. vacuum
TC-up_pump It control the temperature of the returned stream of the upper pump
around through changing the duty of the cooler crude-TPA_Q

TC-low_pump It control the temperature of the returned stream of the upper pump
around through changing the duty of the cooler crude-LPA_Q
Chapter VII: Process Control 123

9.5. Dynamic control

Dynamic simulation is the use of a computer program to model the time varying behavior
of a system. The systems are typically described by ordinary differential equations or
partial differential equations. As mathematical models incorporate real-world
constraints, like gear backlash and rebound from a hard stop, equations become
nonlinear. This requires numerical methods to solve the equations. A numerical
simulation is done by stepping through a time interval and calculating the integral of the
derivatives by approximating the area under the derivative curves. Some methods use a
fixed step through the interval, and others use an adaptive step that can shrink or grow
automatically to maintain an acceptable error tolerance. Industrial uses of dynamic
simulation are many and range from nuclear power, steam turbines, 6 degree of freedom
vehicle modeling, electric motors, econometric models, biological systems, robot arms,
mass spring dampers, hydraulic systems, and drug dose migration through the human
body to name a few. These models can often be run in real time to give a virtual response
close to the actual system. This is useful in process control and mechatronic systems for
tuning the automatic control systems before they are connect to the real system or for
human training before they control the real system.
Loop tuning
Tuning a control loop is the adjustment of its control parameters to the optimum values
for the desired control response
1. Proportional band/gain (Kc)
2. Integral gain/reset (Ti)
3. derivative gain/rate (Td)

Stability (bounded oscillation) is a basic requirement, but beyond that, different systems
have different behavior, different applications have different requirements, and
requirements may conflict with one another.
PID tuning is a difficult problem, even though there are only three parameters and in
principle is simple to describe, because it must satisfy complex criteria within the
limitations of PID control.
Chapter VII: Process Control 124

If the PID controller parameters are chosen incorrectly, the controlled process input can
be unstable, i.e., its output diverges, with or without oscillation, and is limited only by
saturation or mechanical breakage. Instability is caused by excess gain, particularly in the
presence of significant lag.
Generally, stabilization of response is required and the process must not oscillate for any
combination of process conditions and set-points, though sometimes marginal stability
(bounded oscillation) is acceptable or desired.
Steps to change from steady state to dynamic:
When open the dynamic assistant Find several problems that must be adjusted before
enter dynamic mode

Figure 9.5.1 – Dynamic Assistant

i. Equipment sizing

Size each equipment by enter its volume or diameter and length of each equipment, Size
valve (cv) no of gallons per min of water at 60 f with pressure drop 1 psi = resistant of
Chapter VII: Process Control 125

flow, or HYSYS will calculate size of valve if it is not given by enter 'size valve' make
sure valve opening 50% due to control both case (open and closed valve).

Figure 9.5.2 – Dynamic Parameters

ii. Pressure gradient (Delta P not constant in dynamic mode)

 Enable pressure flow relationship (delta p change with change flow in
Flow= (CV, P1, P2)

Figure ‎9.5.3 – Dynamic Specifications

Chapter VII: Process Control 126

 for heat transfer equipment

P= k ( )
Delta p change, therefore calculate constant p to adjust in dynamic mode.

Figure ‎9.5.4 – Dynamics for Heat Transfer Equioment

 For vessels

dp/dt = ( )
Since volume constant, pressure already changes with flow and temperature.
iii. Enable pressure specification in all boundary streams.

Figure 9.5.5 – Pressure Specification

Chapter VII: Process Control 127

This steps can do by HYSYS by click to the button 'make change', but you must know
this steps because sometimes HYSYS disable to solve the problems, now the assistant
didn't identify any problems and we can start dynamic mode, but make sure all previous
steps done as we can't return to steady mode again.

Figure 9.5.6 – Dynamic Assistant

Chapter VII: Process Control 128

9.6. Dynamic controller over the Furnace

Temperature Control over the furnace to control the temperature of the feed crude
through changing the duty of the furnace.

Figure 9.6.1 – Dynamic Temperature Control Over the Furnace

i. Adjust tuning parameter
Click Autotuner to get the optimum parameter for this control

Figure ‎9.6.2 – Adjusted Tuning Parameters

Chapter VII: Process Control 129

Assume the process variable (temperature) range from 315 ºC to 360 ºC

Figure 9.6.3 – Range of Process Variables

Assume the range of the control valve (duty) vary from 45 MW to 60 MW

Figure 9.6.4 – Range of Control Valve Duties

Chapter VII: Process Control 130

9.6.1. Comparison between PID. PI and P controllers

Kc Ti Td
PID 0.501 0.00989 0.0022

PI 0.501 0.00989 -
Chapter VII: Process Control 131

P Controller 0.51 - -

The difference negligible between PID & PI as both method reach SP fast with % valve
opening = 45.4, while P has slower response with valve opening 8.78 % because it
depend only in proportional control.
Where strip chart legend:

We can cause disturbance to the furnace by:
 Changing the set point “SP”
 Changing the feed flow rate
 Changing the temperature.
 Changing the pressure.

An example of those disturbance we choose changing the set-point, since the initial set-
point =328 ºC, so let the new set-point =340 ºC
Chapter VII: Process Control 132

Figure ‎9.6.5 - Disturbance

We find that the valve opening reach 100% and yet doesn't reach the set-point (340 ºC);
hence we must change the range of control valve, use maximum duty 65 MW instead of
60 MW.
Chapter VII: Process Control 133

Figure 9.6.6 – Adjusted Disturbance

The result was the controller reach 340 ºC in1.4 minutes with valve opening 76.
Chapter VII: Process Control 134

9.6.2. Dynamic controller over heat exchanger

In heat exchanger „12‟ the temperature control receives a signal from the temperature of
the outlet stream of the cold crude oil (Crude 2); according to the set point, controller
start to adjust the opening percentage of the valve of hot pump around draw stream (TPA
Similarly in heat exchanger „11‟ control the outlet crude temperature (Crude 1) by adjust
the valve opening of the hot pump around draw stream (TPA 11).

Figure 9.6.7 – Dynamic Temperature Control over HEX

In Heat exchanger „11‟

Adjust the range
 process variable from 60 % to 70 %
 valve opening from 40% to 80%
 set point from 65 to 67 °C
 Tuning parameters k= 0.744
Ti= 0.671
Td= 0.149
Chapter VII: Process Control 135

Figure ‎9.6.8 – Adjusted Range

Figure ‎9.6.9 – Adjusted Tuning Parameters

Chapter VII: Process Control 136

Figure ‎9.6.10 – Adjusted Curve

Where strip chart legend

i. Disturbance

We can cause disturbance to the heat exchanger by:

 Changing the set point “SP”
 Changing the feed flow rate
 Changing the temperature.
 Changing the pressure.

An example of those disturbance we choose changing the set-point, since the initial set-
point =66.20 ºC, so let the new set-point =66 ºC
Chapter VII: Process Control 137

Figure ‎9.6.11 - Disturbance

The result is the controller reach 66 °C in 0.406 minutes with valve opening 40 %.
Repeat the previous steps for Heat exchanger 12 to control the outlet crude temperature.
Chapter VII: Process Control 138

9.6.3. Dynamic controller over flow rate enter furnace

It controls the inlet flow of the crude through the valve to maintain steady product flows.
STD ideal liquid flow rate = 130.000 bbl. /day = 0.2392 m3/sec.

Figure ‎9.6.12 – Dynamic Flow Control over Furnace

Adjust tuning parameter

Figure ‎9.6.13 – Adjusted parameters

The controller reach the set point with valve opening = 55 %

Chapter VII: Process Control 139

Figure ‎9.6.14 – Adjusted Curve

Where strip chart legend

Changing the set-point cause disturbance, since the initial set-point =130,000 bbl. /day,
so let the new set-point =135,000 bbl. /day.
Chapter VII: Process Control 140

Figure ‎9.6.15 - Disturbance

Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 141

Chapter VIII
Risk Assessment
Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 142

10. Risk assessment

10.1. Hazard and operability study

Deviation Types Potential Recommendation


High Cooler failure High and low level

Unbalanced duty of
Temperature alarms
Low Heater failure

Decreasing in
High Loss of feed amount of product High and low level
Pressure due to low reflux alarms
Failure in Unbalanced pressure
condenser in the column
Level controller Fouling or weiring
high flow or the column Level alarms
Level controller
Low Unbalanced level
low flow
Flow in reboiler
increased then loss
High Open valve
of temperature in Input and output flow
Flow column alarms
Duty increased in
Low Close valve reboiler and the
tower will overheat
Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 143

10.2. Fish bone diagram:

It is a way to analyze a cause and effect that helps in determining the problem,
this type of tools help in obtaining the main roots of a problem

10.2.1. Fishbone of the furnace

Over heating or over firing NOx production Incomplete combustion

Process tubes
exceed metallurgical Too much combustion production of CO
limits and rupture
Reduce flame temperature
Pose a threat Reduces flame then increase fuel flow
to human life. temperature

Dropping efficiency reducing efficiency which

increase pollution
Explosions can destroy levels
process equipment Furnace
Flue gas forced out Short flame

Low temperature
Leaks in convection section

Wasted heat

Heat loss Increased NOx

Excessive draft Too much combustion air

Figure 10.2.1 – Furnace Hazards

The main factors

 Over heating or over firing:

It can cause process tubes to exceed metallurgical limits and rupture. In cases
where tube leaks occur, resulting explosions can destroy process equipment and
pose a threat to human life. The release of the process stream into the
surroundings can pose an environmental threat. Even minor events can result in
extended downtime for repair, affecting production.
Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 144

 NOx production:
Too much combustion air reduces flame temperature and drops efficiency. In
most applications, this is the biggest source of heater inefficiency and NOx
production. The high temperature in the flame and radiant section, together with
combustion turbulence at the burners, causes dissociation of air molecules. The
nitrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen
dioxide (NO2), together known as NOx.
 Incomplete combustion:
Incomplete combustion occurs when not enough combustion air is supplied to
burn all the fuel completely. The large amount of CO and H2 formed because of
the incomplete combustion makes the burner extremely inefficient. This reduces
the flame temperature and might encourage the operator to increase fuel flow thus
making matters worse.
 Excessive draft:
The air registers are wide open and the damper mostly closed. This generates a
positive pressure which forces flue gases outward through leaks in the convection
section leading to serious structure damage, as well as heat loss.

10.2.2. Fishbone for heat exchanger:

Fouling Turn Down Maldistribution

Difficult to control
Corrosion the outcome Disturbance in flow


Changes in the outlet

Organic products decomposition temperatures

Dominates heat transfer resistance by the wall

High viscosity

Increasing heat exchanger

undesirable size
Low thermal conductivity

Scales and rust

High-energy cost

Low thermal conductivity Performance

Figure 10.2.2 – Heat Exchanger Hazards

Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 145

The main factors

 Fouling
It is the deposition of any undesired material on heat transfer surfaces; it
increases the overall thermal resistance and lowers the overall heat transfer
coefficient of heat exchangers. Fouling also impedes fluid flow, accelerates
corrosion and increases pressure drop across heat exchangers

 Types of fouling
• Scaling/Crystallization Fouling:
Scaling is the most common type of fouling and is commonly associated with
inverse solubility salts such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) found in
water. Reverse solubility salts become less solute as the temperature
increases and thus deposit on the heat exchanger surface. Scale is difficult to
remove mechanically and chemical cleaning may be required.

• Particulate/Sedimentation Fouling

Sedimentation occurs when particles (e.g. dirt, sand or rust) in the solution
settle and deposit on the heat transfer surface. Like scale, these deposits may
be difficult to remove mechanically depending on their nature.

• Corrosion Fouling

Results from a chemical reaction formed with the heat exchanger surface
material, many metals such as copper and aluminum form adherent oxide
coatings, which prevent further corrosion.

• Chemical Fouling:

Fouling from chemical reactions in the fluid stream, which result in the
deposition of material on the heat exchanger surface. This type of fouling is
common for chemically sensitive materials when the fluid is heated to
temperatures near its decomposition temperature.

 Turn down
It means that any small changes, which might be made to the throughput, can lead
to massive changes within the heat exchanger outlet temperatures, which will
cause problems within your process plant.
Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 146

 Maldistribution
The main problem having poor maldistribution is the reduced thermal
performance, which will cause many problems affecting the heat exchanger and
the process plant.

 Low thermal conductivity

Means that heat exchanger has not enough conduction, which leads to many
problems as fouling, corrosion and rust it increases insulation which leads to
decreasing in heat transfer

 Performance

It is an important issue and it must be improved and change depending on the

plant and the environment surrounding the performance.
Heat exchangers aim for high heat transfer coefficient. However, within some
heat exchangers this can be very hard to achieve which can lead to some issues
with the performance of your heat exchanger.

10.2.3. Fishbone for distillation column

Loss of reboiler steam pressure Column pressure upsets Feed problems

Not having feed

Drop in reboiler duty Effects relative volatility consumption analyser

Affect product
Increase in composition
the impurity levels of product
Inefficient flow rate controller

Improper scheme control

Column Hazards
Overheating Off specification product

Excessive reflux requirement

Vacuum lost due to
blockage of line

High boil up rate

Residue solidify

Temperature disturbance Efficiency problems

Figure ‎10.2.3 - Distillation Column Hazards

Chapter VIII: Risk Assessment 147

The main factors

 Column pressure upset
It has a direct effect on the relative volatility of the key components in the
column. The column pressure could affect the product composition.

 Temperature disturbance
If vacuum is lost during distillation, the temperature of the feed can increase to
the heating medium temperature. Loss of the vacuum could be due to blockage in
the line – this can in turn lead to a sealed system with increasing pressure. A
failing vacuum pump can have the same effect because the pump is usually

 Loss of reboiler steam pressure

When a steep drop occurs in the pressure especially in the towers that are
operating with control valves on the reboiler steam, which is nearly fully open
results in a sharp drop in the reboiler duty, which leads to increase in the
impurities in the product.

 Feed problems
Feed composition, which distillation control systems must deal with on all basis,
it is caused by not having a feed consumption analyzer. In addition, feed flow rate
is a problem concerning the dynamic mismatch between response of the product
compositions to feed flow rate changes and the response. Poor efficiency usually
results from inadequate liquid and vapor contact or insufficient disengagement of
liquid from vapor.

 Efficiency problems
Poor efficiency usually results from inadequate liquid and vapor contact or
insufficient disengagement of liquid from vapor; it can also be confused with
analytical errors or improper operating conditions.
Chapter XI: Conclusion & Recommendations 148

Chapter IX
Conclusion & Recommendations
Chapter XI: Conclusion & Recommendations 149

11. Conclusion

Existing refinery distillation systems are highly energy-intensive, and have complex
column configurations that interact strongly with the associated heat exchanger network.
An optimization approach for retrofit of refinery distillation columns has been developed.
This approach can optimize an existing heat-integrated refinery distillation column, while
taking into account its hydraulic limitations. We were able to increase the capacity from
130,000 bbl/ day to 150,000 bbl. /day. We determined the maximum capacity that the
tower can handle without facing diameter bottleneck which is up to 27% of the original
capacity. Secondly with the aid of pinch technology, and some tricks from the literature
as loop and path, increasing area, re-piping, and adding additional heat exchanger and
flash separator, we were able to cut energy consumption from 60.96 to 42 MW saving
18.96 MW. Taking into account that the cost of 1 MW is 150,000 $, we saved
2,844,000$. In addition to the MW saved, energy integration saved the emissions up
to 32% which is equivalent to 35,791.4 ton/yr. it also saves carbon tax up to 536,870 $/yr.
and fuel cost saving equal to 6,546,447.757 $/yr. Not only that, but also the cost of
cooling water was greatly saved. It saved 21.4% equivalent to 5,470,477.494 ton/yr.
(1,848,134.3 $/yr).

Most importantly, upgrading the capacity to 150,000 bbl/day will consume more energy,
it will consume 87.17 MW (the duties for the furnace and the boiler). So it needs more
26.21 MW. We saved 18.96 from the 26.21 required for upgrading the capacity from
130,000 bbl/day to 150,000 bbl/day. So, now after the optimization we pursued,
upgrading to 150,000 bbl/day now needs 7.25 MW instead of 26.21 MW.

We also designed the additional heat exchanger and preflash that we added to save
energy and their cost was nothing compared to the cost they saved in energy cost. We
also added the control system for the column and furnace and heat exchanger network.
The controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs. We
chose PID controller. Finally we conducted risk assessment on the column and its
Chapter XI: Conclusion & Recommendations 150

associated furnace and HEN. We brainstormed for possible risk that might encounter the
column and how to prevent them as much as possible.
Table ‎11.1 – Cost Savings

Parameters Unit Base case Optimum unit

Total energy consumption MW 60.95 42
Cooling water ton/yr. 25,538,841.13 20,068,363.64
Cost Cooling water $/yr. 8,627,986.868 1,848,134.287
CO2 emission ton/yr. 114,719.5604 78,928.2
Cost CO2 emission $/yr. 1,720,793.406 1,183,923
Fuel Gas kW 67,833.3 46,670
Cost Fuel Gas $/yr. 20,982,888.05 14,436,440.29
Total operating cost $/yr. 31,331,668.32 17,468,497.58
Re-piping $ --- 60,000
Total area added $ --- 1,220,224.8
New heat exchangers $ --- 96,232.9
Pre-flash $ --- 50,000
Total capital cost $ --- 1,667,145.801
Total energy saved $/yr. --- 20,310,997.58
Payback time --- --- 0.082080941
Income of steam generation $/yr. --- 2, 144,355.556

12. Recommendations

 Adding pre-fractionator would be very useful to separate the naphtha before

entering the tower, which saves energy consumption of the tower, but it requires
time and money to design.
 Progressive distillation is another approach that saves great money for refineries,
so it should be considered if this were a grass root design instead of retrofit.
 A plant visit is also recommended to be in touch with how the process runs in real
life, facing the real problems and seeing mitigation plans.
 The new graphical method for pinch analysis application proposed by M. Gadalla
is very helpful and has many advantages to win the composite curve.
 Use the dynamic mode in HYSYS instead of the steady state mode in order to
control the streams easier and to get the sense of real life plant and the
fluctuations of variables.
References 151

13. References

R. Smith, “Heat integrated distillation systems”, chemical engineering transactions,

Volume 21, 2010
M. Gadalla, Z. Olujic, M. Jobson, and R. Smith “Estimation and reduction of CO2
emissions from crude oil distillation units” (2006)

M. Gadalla, M. Jobson and R. Smith. “Shortcut Models for Retrofit Design of

Distillation Column”. (2003)

M. Gadalla “Retrofit of Heat Integrated Crude Oil of Distillation Columns” (2003)

M. Gadalla, M. Jobson and R. Smith “Optimization of existing heat-integrated refinery

distillation systems”. (January, 2003)

M. Gadalla, M. Jobson, and R.Smith “Increase Capacity and Decrease Energy for
Existing Refinery Distillation Column”

V.M. Enríquez-Gutiérrez, M. Jobson, L.M. Ochoa-Estopier, and R. Smith “Retrofit

of Heat Integrated Crude Oil Distillation Columns”. University of Manchester (2015)

R. Smith, M. Jobson, and O. Lluvia. “Optimisation of heat-integrated crude oil

distillation systems. Part III: Optimisation framework” (2014)

M. Gadalla, Dina Kamel, Fatma Ashour, Hemdan Nour El din “A New Optimisation
Based Retrofit Approach for Revamping an Egyptian Crude Oil Distillation Unit” (2013)

M. Gadalla “A new graphical method for Pinch Analysis applications: Heat exchanger
network retrofit and energy integration” (2015)

T.J. Cai* and‎M.R.‎Resetarits‎“Pressure Drop Measurements on Distillation Columns”‎

Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, (2011)

Mohamed Sherin, “Group Design Project Progressive Distillation” (2013)

Prices for crude distillation unit products retrieved from: U.S Energy Information Analysis (EIA),
Feb, 5th (2016)
Lin, D., A. Lee, S. Williams, Lee J. N. and J. Poon. “A Case Study of Crude/Vacuum
Unit Revamp” AIChE Spring Meeting. New Orleans, February (1996)
Nelson W. L. “Petroleum Refinery Engineering” Mc Graw Hill (1949).
References 152

Liebmann, K., “Integrated crude oil distillation design”, Ph.D. dissertation, University of
Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, (1996)
James H.Gary, Glenn E. Handwerk. Mark J. Kaiser, “Petroleum Refining
Technology and Economics” fifth edition (2007)
Richard T., Joseph A., Debangsu B., “Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical
Process” fourth edition (2014)
Robert E. Treybal, “Mass-Transfer Operations” third edition (1980)
D.Q.Kern “Process Heat Transfer” international student edition (1965)
Risk assessment retrieved from:
problems/ and http://www.project- (2016)
Crude distillation unit overview retrieved from:
design/che5480-07/Petroleum%20Fractionation-Overview.pdf (2016)
Appendices 153

14. Appendices

14.1. Appendix A

Actual D (m) N D 130 D 150 D160 D165

5.3 1 3.962 4.572 4.572 4.724
5.3 2 4.267 4.572 5.029 4.877
5.3 3 4.267 4.572 5.029 5.182
5.3 4 4.267 4.572 4.877 5.029
5.3 5 4.267 4.572 4.877 5.029
5.3 6 4.267 4.572 4.877 5.029
5.3 7 4.267 4.572 5.029 4.877
5.3 8 4.115 4.724 4.724 4.877
5.3 9 4.115 4.42 4.724 5.029
5.3 10 3.962 4.42 4.724 4.572
5.3 11 3.353 3.962 4.115 4.267
6.7 12 4.724 5.182 5.334 5.639
6.7 13 5.486 5.639 5.791 6.096
6.7 14 5.334 5.639 5.944 5.944
6.7 15 5.486 5.791 5.944 5.944
6.7 16 5.486 5.791 5.994 5.944
6.7 17 5.486 5.791 5.944 5.944
6.7 18 5.486 5.791 5.944 5.944
6.7 19 5.334 5.639 5.791 5.944
6.7 20 5.334 5.639 5.791 5.944
6.7 21 5.334 5.639 5.791 5.791
6.7 22 5.486 5.486 5.639 5.791
6.7 23 5.029 5.334 5.486 5.791
6.7 24 4.877 5.029 5.182 5.182
6.7 25 4.724 4.877 5.029 5.029
6.7 26 4.572 4.724 4.877 4.877
6.7 27 4.572 4.724 4.724 4.877
6.7 28 4.42 4.572 4.572 4.572
6.7 29 4.267 4.42 4.572 4.572
6.7 30 4.572 4.724 4.877 4.877
4.3 31 3.048 3.353 3.505 3.505
4.3 32 3.048 3.2 3.353 3.353
4.3 33 3.048 3.2 3.353 3.353
Appendices 154

14.2. Appendix B

130,000bbl/day 150,000 bbl/day

vapor load
N (m3/h) vapor load (m3/h)
1 33021 41562
2 36119 44409
3 36948 45024
4 36908 44933
5 36733 44705
6 36487 44388
7 36176 43980
8 35759 43418
9 35085 42478
10 33001 39753
11 31590 37724
12 46090 53429
13 52779 59551
14 56042 62270
15 56430 62508
16 56214 62208
17 55812 61736
18 55334 61190
19 54800 60585
20 54192 59897
21 53452 59058
22 52449 57908
23 50015 55142
24 47795 52377
25 46524 50952
26 45805 50201
27 45108 49465
28 44546 48838
29 44055 48368
30 59042 64592
31 14500 14790
32 13810 13984
33 14303 14299
Appendices 155

14.3. Appendix C

Delta P 130 Delta P 150

N (bar) (bar)
1 1.149 1.086
2 1.099 1.141
3 1.15 1.196
4 1.196 1.206
5 1.196 1.206
6 1.189 1.2
7 1.177 1.186
8 1.275 1.193
9 1.221 1.234
10 1.186 1.226
11 1.259 1.162
12 1.175 1.152
13 1.026 1.046
14 1.168 1.187
15 1.101 1.116
16 1.102 1.115
17 1.094 1.106
18 1.083 1.094
19 1.163 1.169
20 1.143 1.148
21 1.115 1.12
22 1.165 1.169
23 1.216 1.152
24 1.19 1.219
25 1.182 1.208
26 1.235 1.261
27 1.175 1.193
28 1.189 1.183
29 1.268 1.264
30 1.19 1.228
31 0.8227 0.7035
32 0.7614 0.7175
33 0.7984 0.7338
Appendices 156

14.4. Appendix D

N UA kJ/C-h A m2 U QFUR UA Anew

12 3.60E+05 345 1.04E+03 1.48E+00 4.68E+05 448.5
11 3.31E+05 318 1.04E+03 1.48E+00 4.31E+05 413.4
10 1.91E+05 360 5.30E+02 1.48E+00 2.48E+05 468
8 6.08E+05 700 8.69E+02 1.66E+00 7.91E+05 910
6 4.00E+05 474 8.44E+02 1.57E+00 5.20E+05 616.2
4 9.36E+04 387 2.42E+02 1.55E+00 1.22E+05 503.1
2 9.72E+05 1491 6.52E+02 1.61E+00 1.26E+06 1938.3
9 1.87E+05 359 5.21E+02 1.54E+00 2.43E+05 466.7
7 6.16E+05 700 8.79E+02 1.55E+00 8.00E+05 910
5 2.56E+05 478 5.35E+02 1.59E+00 3.32E+05 621.4
3 1.44E+05 348 4.14E+02 1.69E+00 1.87E+05 452.4
1 1.78E+06 1601 1.11E+03 1.49E+00 2.31E+06 2081.3

14.5. Appendix E

Mass flow rate 130e3

(kg/hr) bbl/day
fuel gas 1260
naphtha 36510
kerosene 100100
lgo 83360
hgo 13510
residue 567400
reboiler duty 53500000
fired heater duty 603900000
Appendices 157

Mass flow (kg/hr) 150e3 bbl/day Mass flow

fuel gas 1453.8462 (kg/hr) 160e3 bbl/day
naphtha 42126.923 fuel gas 1550.7692
kerosene 115500 naphtha 44935.385
lgo 96184.615 kerosene 123200
hgo 15588.462 lgo 102596.92
residue 654692.31 hgo 16627.692
reboiler 61730769 residue 698338.46
fired heater duty 696807692 reboiler duty 65846154
fired heater
duty 743261538
Mass flow Mass flow
(kg/hr) 165e3 bbl/day (kg/hr) 162e3 bbl/day
fuel gas 1599.2308 fuel gas 1570.1538
naphtha 46339.615 naphtha 45497.077
kerosene 127050 kerosene 124740
lgo 105803.08 lgo 103879.38
hgo 17147.308 hgo 16835.538
residue 720161.54 residue 707067.69
reboiler duty 67903846 reboiler duty 66669231
fired heater fired heater
duty 766488462 duty 752552308

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