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gcit [Source] [Options]

Source is either an ISO filename or folder in GCReEx/DiscEx format.

All options are case insensitive.

-Quit or -Q
Quit after the operation if there's no errors.

-AlwaysQuit or -AQ
Quit after the operation even if there's errors.
Exit codes are as follows
0 - No error
1 - Error during operation
2 - User cancelled
3 - Command line error

Flush the file buffers so that the SD card can be ejected almost immediately after
the operation.

-Backup or -B
Save a backup of the original fst.bin and boot.bin files inside the trimmed ISO.

-Align or -A [4|32|32K]
Set the alignment used in the ISO. 4 bytes, 32 bytes or 32KB. Default is auto.

-Format or -F [GCReEx|DiscEx|FullISO]
Set the destination format. Default is Trimmed ISO.

-Dest or -D [filename|folder]
Set the output location.
GCReEx and DiscEx formats expect a folder.
The ISO formats expect a filename.
When extracting games from a GCOS multiboot disc, a folder is expected regardless
of the output format.
Default is a file or folder called "out" in the same folder as the source.


gcit game.iso

gcit game.iso -b -d c:\backup\trimmed.iso

gcit game.iso -b -a 32K -d c:\backup\trimmed.iso

gcit game.iso -f gcreex -d c:\games\extracted

gcit game.iso -f DiscEx -d c:\games\extracted

gcit game.iso -q -flush -f FullISO -d "c:\folder with spaces\full.iso"

gcit multigame.iso -q -f discex -d "c:\games"

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