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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, tanggal : Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Kelas : VI (Lima) Waktu : ............... - .......................

I. Choice a,b,c,or d for the correct answer! The correct order is …

Pilih a, b, c, atau d untuk jawaban yang benar! a. Indonesia 34 has provinces.
1. Siapakah yang memimpin kecamatan ? b. Indonesia has provinces 34.
The English sentence is … c. Indonesia provinces 34 has.
a. Who leads subdistrict? d. Indonesia has 34 provinces.
b. Who leads village? 10.The capital of Korea is …
c. Who leads governor? a. Bangkok
d. Who leads citizen? b. Hanoi
2. Pak Amir adalah seorang kepala desa. c. Seoul
The English sentence is … d. Dublin
a. Mr. Amir is a vice president. e.
b. Mr. Amir is ministers. 11. Sekarang pukul enam duapuluh menit.
c. Mr. Amir is a village chief. The English sentence is …
d. Mr. Amir is a vice mayor. a. It is twenty past six
3. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat in English is … b. It is twenty to seven
a. Municipal Hall. c. It is a quarter past six
b. President Pallace. d. It is a half past seven
c. House of Representative. 12. to – five – seven – is – it
d. Regional House of Representative. The correct order is …
4. Government in Indonesian is … a. It is seven to five
a. Presiden b. It is to five seven
b. Balaikota c. It is five to seven
c. Bupati d. It is seven five to
d. Pemerintahan 13. Mita goes to the library at ten ten in the
5. The capital of Philippine is… morning. The time in number is …
a. Melbourne a. 10.50 p.m.
b. Bandar Seri Begawan b. 10.10 a.m.
c. Manila c. 10.20p.m.
d. Bangkok d. 10.40 a.m.
6. Mayor – is – she – famous – a 14. Deni goes to the park at quarter past four in the
The correct order is … afternoon.
a. She is a famous mayor. The time in number …
b. She mayor is a famous. a. 04.15 p.m.
c. Is mayor she a famous. b. 04.45 p.m.
d. A famous she is mayor. c. 03.15 a.m.
7. A regent leads a … d. 03.45 p.m.
a. City 15. Sita takes a bath at five ten until five twenty. Sita
b. Regency takes a bath for …minutes
c. Province a. Ten
d. Country b. Fifteen
8. President of Indonesia works for … years. c. Twenty
a. Two d. Twenty five
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

9. Indonesia – provinces – has – 34

II. Do these excercises!
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!
16. Who is the head of state in People’s Republic of

What building is it?


What time is it?

19. Arrange into a sentence!
This – Malika’s- bicycle – is – new
20. Write into English!
Ini adalah jaket baru saya.
Jaket ini milik saya.

III. Do these excercises!

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!
Mr Bowo goes to the office at 07.05 a.m.. It takes 30
minutes to go to his office. So, he arrives at 07.35
a.m.. He works for nine hours at the office.
Mr. Bowo goes home at 05.00 p.m.. He has
dinner with his family at 07.15 p.m.. He goes to bed
at 10.00 p.m.. He must wake up early for tomorrow.

21. What time does Mr. Bowo go to the office?

22. What time does he arrive at the office?
23. How long does he work in the office?
24. What time does Mr. Bowo go home?
25. What does Mr. Bowo do at a quarter past seven
in the evening?

Subject : English Language Name : .................................................. score

Class :V Test Number : ..................................................

I. Choice A,B,C or D

1. A B C D 6. A B C D 11. A B C D
2. A B C D 7. A B C D 12. A B C D
3. A B C D 8. A B C D 13. A B C D
4. A B C D 9. A B C D 14. A B C D
5. A B C D 10. A B C D 15. A B C D

II. Do these excercises!

16 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
17 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
18 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
19 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
20 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
III. Do these excercises!

21 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
22 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
23 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
24 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
25 .......................................................................................................................................................................................

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