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Pronombres sujetos son las palabras en una frase

que se refieren a la persona u objeto que realiza la

acción del verbo. En español son palabras como “yo”,
“tu”, “ella”, etc. Esto significa que tu, usted y ustedes
son todas equivalentes a la palabra “you” en Inglés.
El verbo TO BE es uno de los más importantes de la
lengua Inglesa . Su significado equivale a los verbos
SER y ESTAR del Español.
1.- I am a teacher.
2.- I am in a virtual class now.
3.- Sarah is in London.
4.- She is a good daughter.
5.- Carla and I are in the car.
6.- We are very good friends.
1.- Are you in Paris? - Yes, I am.
- No, I’m not.
2.- Are Mary and Paul in class? - Yes, they are
- No, they aren’t
3.- Is Juan from Spain? - Yes, he is.
- No, he isn’t
5.- Is Istambul in Turquia? - Yes, it is
- No, it isn’t
Los adjetivos posesivos son palabras que modifican al
sustantivo añadiéndole una idea de pertenencia o
posesión. Se colocan antes del sustantivo o pronombre
para mostrar quién o qué lo posee. Se los usa con más
frecuencia en Inglés que en Español.
1.- I am your new friend. My name is Isabel.
2.- Ana is my sister. She likes her clothes very much.
3.- Charles is rich. His car is fantastic.
4.- They are my parents. Their names are Dora and James.
5.- This lion is in its cage at the zoo.
6.- These blue birds are in their nest.
Be careful with this :

• My pen is black (singular)

• My pens are black (plural)

• Our car is expensive (singular)

• Our cars are expensive. (plural)

• Her child is intelligent. (singular)

• Her children are intelligent. (plural)

Be careful with this, too.

• It`s = A contraction of it is
• Its = The possessive adjective of it.
Complete the following sentences with the correct
possessive adjective.
1. Jhon has a bike. ______ bike is fast.
2. I have a dictionary. ______ dictonary is old.
3. You have an alarm clock. ______ alarm clock is noisy.
4. France is in Europe. ______ capital is Paris.
5. Brian and Mary like ______ new teacher.
6. We have a house. ______ house is small
7. She is my sister. ______ name is Susan
8. You and Mike have friends.______ friends are nice.
1. This is Maria’s flat.
2. Peter’s house is small but comfortable.
3. Her father’s name is Ruben
4. His mother`s job is in La Paz.
5. Hugo’s dog is dangerous.
6. Her sons’ school is in the center of the
7. Carlos’ project is interesting

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