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CLASS: 7A DATE:_____________ YOUR NAME:___________________________________________________


Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1. You hear a tour guide talking about her job. What does she like best about being a tour guide?
A. the places she visits
B. the people she works with
C. the different types of food she eats
2. You hear the start of a radio programme about cars. Who is the guest on this programme?
A. a car designer B. an electrical engineer C. a mechanic
3. You hear a businesswoman talking to her assistant. What does she want him to do?
A. write a report B. make a phone call C. send an email
4. You hear two friends talking about an evening out. Where did they go?
A. to the cinema B. to the theatre C. to a party
5. You hear a man talking about his aunt. What was her profession?
A. doctor B. lawyer C. actress
6. You hear a brother and sister talking about a present for their mother. What have they bought?
A. a book B. a DVD C. a cooking pot
7. You hear an announcement in a multiplex cinema. Which screen is showing the film Racing
A screen 3 B. screen 5 C. screen 6
8. You hear a ballet dancer talking about an injury. What part of his body has he hurt?
A. his back B. his feet C. his arm

Part 2: You will hear part of a talk by a man called David Barns, who is the director of a company
that will be building a new shopping mall. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with
a word or short phrase.
The mall is expected to open in (9) _____July______________________________ next year.
The total cost will be (10) ________12___________________________ billion pounds.
A new (11) _____________railway station______________________ will be built next to the
shopping mall.
The car park will be situated (12) _______underground______________________ and will have
spaces for 3,000 cars.
Three (13) ______________nurseries_________________ will be provided to help shoppers with
One section of the mall has a (14) ________fairground___________________________ .
There will be (15) ___________7______________________ cinemas showing a wide range of
the current films.
(16) __________________classic_________________ films will be shown twice a day.
There will be walkways with (17) ________flowers_______________________ between different
areas of the mall.
There will be an exhibition focusing on the (18) _______ecology________________________ of
the area
Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about how they got their
current jobs.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 1
A. I'd done some unpaid work experience at the company. Speaker 1 C 19
B. I saw an advertisement on a careers website. Speaker 2 G 20
C. I had a contact who worked at the company. Speaker 3 E 21
D. I heard about it from a friend. Speaker 4 D 22
E. I was lucky with a phone call. Speaker 5 F 23
F. I approached the boss face to face.
G. I was promoted from a previous position.
H. I found out about the company through social media.

Part 4: You will hear a radio interview with a doctor called Ann Winters, who is an expert on
memory. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24. Ann compares the human memory to a hard drive because
A. both can be negatively affected by external factors.
B. both can be trained to expand and improve.
C. both can store an unlimited number of images.
25. We are told that people suffering from Alzheimer's disease
A. don't understand the mechanism of life.
B. can't remember who they are.
C. forget how to perform simple tasks.
26. Research has shown that people who have mentally active jobs
A. will never develop Alzheimer's disease.
B. are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
C. are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
27. Apparently, our memories are harmed by
A. doing too many physical exercises.
B. devices designed to help us remember things.
C. forcing ourselves to try to remember too much.
28. Ann says we can remember things if we
A. connect them with a physical object.
B. look at them very carefully first.
C. encourage people to remind us about them.
29. The technique Ann describes works best for people
A. who like pictures.
B. who are used to abstract thought.
C. who can visualise ideas well.
30. Doing crosswords is an example of activities that
A. can prevent ageing.
B. can extend life expectancy.
C. can delay memory decline.

You are going to read an article about three pairs of women who exchanged jobs for a day. For
questions 16-30, choose from the women (A-F). The women may be chosen more than once.
Which woman says she

16 B thought about the person she changed places with?

17 A found the routine much busier than in her normal job?
18 C discovered she wasn’t very good at the job she tried?

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 2
19 D found the work she did for one day worthwhile?
20 E found some of the people she came across hard to handle?
21 A had difficulty making a decision?
22 E didn’t enjoy being the centre of attention?
23 D appreciated the relationships among her new colleagues?
24 E thought the clothes she wore gained her more respect?
25 D was surprised at her own reaction to some aspects of the job she tried?
26 B might consider doing similar work to the job she tried?
27 F doesn’t normally deal with people on an individual basis?
28 C had not had a realistic idea of the job before she tried it for a day?
28 E was given some information which she was already aware of?
30 A noticed the problems of the other people she was working with?


What would it be like to live somebody else's life for a day?
A. Mandie Currie, a zoo-keeper, spent the day in the offices of the magazine Marie Claire.
‘Choosing what to wear for my day at Marie Claire was tricky because normally I wear a uniform
at work. First I went to a still-life photo studio, then to press previews, all before lunch. The zoo
is such a tranquil, peaceful place - and here I was rushing around when I could be sitting quietly
giving an animal a cuddle. Some of the members of the fashion team seemed quite stressed -
my job doesn’t really get pressurised. At a fashion shoot in the afternoon, it made me laugh to
think that I’d usually be cleaning out cages or handling rats. I’m fascinated to see how
magazines work, but I really enjoy my job at the zoo so I'll stay put.’
B. Alice Cutler, a fashion assistant at Marie Claire, spent the day at London Zoo.
‘I arrived at the zoo in my leather boots and dark blue trousers. The zoo gave me a green polo
shirt instead to work in - which was just as well, as I got very dirty. As I stroked one of the
elephants, I reckoned Mandie would probably be packing up clothes in the cupboard. By five
o’clock, I stank but I'd had such a brilliant day. When I retire from fashion, I could see myself
working with elephants - but maybe in Africa.’
C. Karen Hodson, a nurse at Hammersmith Hospital, went on location with the television
gardening programme Ground Force.
'I was extremely excited about meeting the team, and Alan Titchmarsh, the programme
presenter, was really nice. One of the things I liked was the chance to be in the fresh air.
Depending on my shifts, I sometimes never see daylight. Even though it was hard work, it was
great fun. I thought I was pretty strong but I felt weak compared with the rest of the team. My
romantic vision of landscape gardening had not included physical hard work or meticulous
planning. I was more an enthusiastic than effective gardener, so I don’t plan to give up my other
D. Charlie Dimmock, landscape gardener with the TV programme Ground Force, worked a
shift at Hammersmith Hospital.
‘I made beds and handed out tablets. I expected to faint when I was doing some jobs, but I
amazed myself by finding that it didn't bother me. The friendship among the nurses is great, and
it felt tremendously ‘girlie’ compared with my normal male environment. I feel my job is a real

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 3
waste of time compared with nursing. My day at the hospital was not exactly pleasant but it left
me with a great sense of satisfaction.’
E. Lucy Harvey, a personal trainer, spent the day with the airline Ryanair as a member of
the cabin crew.
‘I changed into the uniform, and the moment I put it on I felt completely different - people
suddenly look up to you. Before the flight, our supervisor told us about safety, what to do if
someone had a heart attack - which 1 knew about from my fitness training. When the
passengers boarded the flight to Paris I gave out magazines. Everyone stared at me and I felt
very self-conscious. On the return journey, we had 80 schoolchildren on board who wouldn’t sit
still. I wished I was back in the gym with one sensible adult to look after.’
F. Sonia McDermott, an air hostess with the airline Ryanair, spent the day as a personal
trainer in a gym.
‘I was dreading doing this swap as I don’t do any exercise. I was amazed at how much attention
you give to one person. In my job you meet 130 passengers four times a day. I was very
surprised at lunch to see that some of the trainers didn’t eat ultra-healthily, but they all drink lots
of water. I wouldn't swap my job for this. However, it has inspired me to join a gym and try to be
a bit healthier.’

A. The sentences below are definitions of expressions with birds and animals. Complete each
expression with the correct animal or bird from the list below. Note that in one case the answer
is plural and in three cases the answer is a possessive form.

cat / crocodile / dog / duck / elephant / goats / goose / horse / lion / rat / sheep / wolf

1. Distinguish good or clever people from bad or stupid ones.

= Separate the sheep from the ___ goats __________.
2. Mirrors in the centre or at the side of the road to guide
motorists at night. = ___cat__________ eyes
3. A useless, often expensive thing or possession. =
A white __elephant___________
4. A miserable existence. = A ___dog’s__________life
5. Have enough money to avoid being hungry or in need.
= Be able to keep the __ wolf ___________ from the door.
6. Person who is not approved of by the other members of
the family or group. = The black _sheep____________
7. A person who hides his real abilities and can surprise us
later. = A dark ___ horse __________
8. Expressions of sorrow that are not sincere =
__ crocodile ___________ tears
9. A hopeless search for something that, does not exist or
cannot be found = A wild ___ goose __________ chase
10. A person or organisation unable to manage without help.
= A lame ___duck__________
11. A way of life where everyone competes with everyone
else to succeed = The __ rat ___________ race

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 4
12. The largest or best part of something when it is divided.
= The _lion’s____________ share

B. Replace the phrases in italic type with the verb get in the correct tense and the appropriate
preposition or adverb. Those marked (*) require two. Write your answer in the column on the

1. She’s very intelligent and sure to make progress in life. ____get on__
2. I’ve recovered from my illness now and am feeling much better. ___got over__
3. He doesn’t have a good relationship with the other people at work. ___get on/along_
4. This terrible weather depresses everyone. ___gets down____
5. I ran after the thief but unfortunately he escaped. __got away__
6. My grandfather is very old; he’s approaching ninety.* __getting on for__
7. I’ll reply as soon as I can but I’ve been very busy and haven’t found __got round to___
time for it so far.* __gets away with_
8. Like most politicians, he tells lies but isn’t punished for it.* ____getting at__
9. I know what you’re suggesting but I’m sure you’re wrong. __get out of_____
10. You said you’d help me so don’t try to avoid it.*

C. Study these phrases with get and complete the sentences with the most appropriate one in
each case in the correct form. Use the correct possessive pronoun instead of one’s.

get a move on • get cold feet • get into debt • get into one’s stride • get on one’s nerves •
get one’s own back • get out of hand • get rid of • get the sack • get the better of

1. The way he smiles as soon as he sees someone with a camera irritates me. It really ____ get
on my nerves _________________________.
2. I don’t know why you keep those old clothes you never wear. You should _________ get rid of
_________ them all.
3. He's a very good businessman. You won’t find it easy to ___ get the better of
_______________ him in a deal.
4. He found the work rather difficult at first, but once he understood what he had to do, he soon
________ got into his stride _____________________.
5. If you come to the office as late as this tomorrow, you’ll ____ get the sack
6. ______ Get a move on _______________________! We’re all waiting for you!
7. I don’t believe in borrowing money. Once you ________ get into debt ______, you never know
if you’ll be able to pay it back.
8. Things ______have got out of hand _______________________. I’m afraid we’ve lost control
of the situation.
9. He treated me very badly when we were at school together so I’m just waiting for the
opportunity to ___ get my own back __________________________.
10. She said she was going to tell the boss what she thought about him but at the last minute she
_______ got cold feet _____________________ and lacked the courage to go through with it.

D. For each of the sentences below, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must
use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the word given.

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NQ Education / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 5
1. We’re not very well off but we’ve got enough to live on without going hungry. wolf
We’re not very well off but we’ve got enough to ___keep the wolf from the door
2. He had always liked animals. fond
He had always __been fond of__________________________________ animals.
3. If the Government doesn’t act soon, the situation will be beyond their control. hand
If the Government doesn’t act soon, the situation will ___ get out of hand ____
4. Do you know the risks involved in keeping the animal here? aware
______Are you aware of______________________________ the risks involved in keeping the
animal here?
5. We set these tests to help the teacher separate the good students from the weaker ones.
We set these tests to help the teacher separate the ____ sheep from the goats
6. That awful rap music they’re playing upstairs is driving me mad. nerves
That awful rap music they’re playing upstairs is ________getting on my
7. They arrived late because of the heavy traffic. due
Their late arrival __was due to__________________________________ the heavy traffic.
8. You’re wasting your time. It’s a search that won’t lead you anywhere. chase
You’re wasting your time. You’re involved in ______a wild goose chase______________.


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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 6

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