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Aguilar Joselyn, Albuja Marcela , Armas Erick, Barreno Xavier , Caiza Domenica, Caiza Erika,
Campoverde Ginevra, Cando Edwin , Cayo Alexander, Chachapoya Fabian, Guevara Keylee.


Since the beginning of time, human beings have tried to understand their environment and
gradually acquire a series of knowledge to ensure their survival as a community and species,
using reason as a means to reach knowledge. This essay seeks to briefly synthesize each
contribution to humanity in its different areas of knowledge; starting with prehistory whose
knowledge in its entirety was of empirical origin originated in experience, with the arrival of
Modernism that meant the rebirth of man, which finally forges the foundations for the birth of
the Contemporary era. Considering what science is as such, a systematic process that takes
place throughout the history of man. [1]

Humanity has been evolving and knowing more and more deeply the nature of the phenomena
of physical, natural, social, technological and health reality; knowledge that, in part, has
contributed to the progress of mankind. [2]

Normally the contributions that someone makes at a political, cultural, intellectual level, and
that by their scope positively affect people, communities, states, among others, are usually
recognized with mentions, awards, that leave the history of that fundamental contribution. If
we review history in general, we will find many examples in this sense, which are basically
those that allowed the great progress and evolution of mankind. Leadership expert Adam Grant
says that what promotes a prosperous society is not the pursuit of achievements, but our ability
to contribute. [3]

Scientific contributions

The medical sciences in health, from a scientific perspective, converge multiple disciplines,
which increase over time and, somewhat conventionally have been grouped into the so-called
basic sciences, to name those that, fundamentally at the expense of laboratories equipped with
high technologies, are oriented to the structures and functions of the most "elementary" levels
of life and penetrate to unexpectedly tiny and complex worlds. Also, biomedical research, to
study aspects related to man, his organs, and tissues, with a predominantly clinical approach
and research in health, public health, or sociomedical, to address the most general, population
and comprehensive aspects of the health-disease process and its determining factors. Just as
health is a human right, research is essential to improve it, as an integral part of society and the
economy. Accelerated globalization, new knowledge about human biology and the information
and technology revolution, today pose new challenges and opportunities for this field. [4]

Urban contributions

Over the years, in several countries, urban contributions have been made based on the
characteristics and needs of the region, which seek to generate comprehensive solutions to
promote social inclusion and productivity in cities. [5]

There is a very important project that is being carried out in Ecuador which is development,
urban regeneration and housing in Guayaquil. This project takes the initiative to normalize land
tenure and relocate families residing in risk areas that are linked to the recovery of the city's
estuaries. Banks with settlements were intervened, public space corridors were created to
contain expansion and sewerage projects to mitigate water pollution with sewers. In addition,
early childhood schools, health centers, recreational and public spaces were built, including
water parks and sports areas. Around USD 540 million has been invested in the entire project.

Social contributions

Eclac's mission in the area of social development is to promote the integral development of
Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on rights and equality. To this end, countries
are provided with diagnoses and analyses of the social situation in thematic areas and specific
population groups; The social policies implemented by the governments of the region to
overcome poverty, greater and universal social protection and the achievement of equality are
analyzed; And successful experiences are studied and disseminated to contribute to decision-
making processes. This mission is crystallized in advising governments in the design of
programs and social policies, and in strengthening the institutional capacities of the countries.

Technological contributions

The contributions in the technological field have also been evidenced throughout history, a
clear example of this is the creation of computers in the twentieth century; although initially
created for the resolution of mathematical operations, little by little it was perfected for
communication, the development of educational and work activities with computer tools
necessary to provide the user with greater ease; with the arrival of the internet, it benefited the
form of distance communication, today we are dependent on the internet, which is beneficial
for the ease of work and detrimental to the creation of virtual lives that affect our social
development. All of this is synthesized in mobile devices to allow us to connect and carry out
activities from smaller and smaller devices. [7]

Contributions to the environment

We also find contributions to the environment that throughout the years, science and
technology have been a key piece for the preservation of the environment, creating new
technologies that are friendly to the different ecosystems of planet Earth. Ecological inventions
seek to cover a human need while minimizing the environmental impact. They are the result of
awareness and the need to do things differently. They are an example of commitment to our
planet. And that is why there are several scientific inventions concerning the preservation of
the environment, but we will talk about the most important and in turn, the best known we find:

The solar panels this invention came out of nowhere in the year 1893 which consists of large
squares that are called "Panels". These panels capture sunlight and are converted into light. [8]


In general, development is important in humanity because it has been built in the natural, social,
technological, health and physical reality. towards humanity several experts such as Adam
Grant say that what a prosperous society promotes is not to pursue achieved but to Show ability
to contribute as scientific and urban contributions And over the years there have been too much
research several contributions of many creations by humanity both in settlements and human
rights or housing or creativity in each of us the United Nations program of human settlements
and has almost 100 programs and technical projects in 160 is countries collaborates with local
authorities for the cula of search for innovative solutions for towns and cities among others
also the con contribution and the great variety of various investigations and contributions that
humanity has made in the world and at this time they are very good apart from being creative
recreational and with a social purpose they are very important for their ability to understand
and create them humanity evolved by too much damage It is very pleasant to know and
determine our progress in all aspects


[1] Máquinas y herramientas, «Aportes a la humanidad,» NA, 19 Febreo 2015. [En línea].
Available: [Último
acceso: 14 Noviembre 2021].
[2] Todos los derechos reservados. , «Concepto,» Enciclopedia Concepto., 1 Mayo 2013. [En
línea]. Available: [Último acceso: 15
Noviembre 2021].
[3] B. Wood y B. G. Richmond, «Wikipedia,» Enciclopedia libre, 8 Septiembre 2018. [En
línea]. Available: [Último
acceso: 2021 Noviembre 2021].
[4] Derechos Humanos AC, «La Vanguardia,» NA, 23 Enero 2020. [En línea]. Available:
cientificos-mas-importantes-este-siglo.html. [Último acceso: 15 Noviembre 2021].
[5] Pnorama general, «Banca Mundial,» NA, 22 Septiembre 2018. [En línea]. Available: [Último acceso:
15 Noviembre 2021].
[6] Corporacion Humanidad Dar, «Index Mundi,» NA, 1 Mayo 2009. [En línea]. Available: [Último acceso:
15 Noviembre 2021].
[7] Juan Manuel Mnosalvas, «Monografias Plus +,» NA, 16 Febrero 2021. [En línea].
FKA5QJVFCDU2Y. [Último acceso: 15 Noviembre 2021].
[8] Roberto Manrique, «CIEP,» NA, 3 marzo 2019. [En línea]. Available: [Último acceso:
15 Noviembre 2021].

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