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Nomor 1

Minimize Costs Through Partnership Formation

Companies affected by globalization are able to form partnerships with

organizations all around the world. Many American, European, and Asian
companies have corporate partnerships that stretch across continents. For example,
Google partnered in 2014 with South Korea's LG Electronics and in 2017 with
Taiwan's HTC to be able to offer its own line of cellular phones, including the
Google Pixel. These kinds of partnerships minimize costs and maximize quality by
playing to the strengths of teams all around the world.

Opportunities for Tax Reduction

Globalization gives multinational corporations the ability to seek out foreign

countries for their investments when their current country adopts a tax policy they
find to be unfavorable. Countries with low corporate tax rates are sometimes called
"tax havens," as they allow corporations and individuals to lower their tax rates by
moving assets offshore. These counties include Bermuda, Belize and Switzerland.
The international financial structure, comprised of encrypted information systems
and private documents, makes all this possible

Coordination Challenges

Multinational corporations may have a difficult time coordinating activities in a

globalized economy. A company that operates in America, Japan and Europe, for
example, will need to hire employees who speak many different languages, and it
may be difficult for that company to make sure all employees are on the same page
when only a few of them speak the same language. Translators may be called upon
to assist in information coordination where language barriers exist. Other
coordination problems may come from differences in cultural norms, for example,
marketing in the Muslim world, and business norms such as managing logistics in
countries with low-quality infrastructure.

Nomor 2

The degree of visibility of the MNCs affects the views of citizens and
government officials in the host countries positively or negatively. A firm may
become visible for any one of the following reasons:
1. Extraordinary contributions to the host country.
2. Use of specialized technologies.
3. Generation of high employment.
4. Payment of high wages, and provision of extensive employee training.
5. High level of conflict with the host/home governments.
6. International publicity (e.g., ITT episode in Chile; recent cases
of bribes by Gulf, Lockheed Aircraft, etc.).
7. Long period of operation in the host country.
8. Pervasiveness of end products in daily life.
The last factor, of course, reflects both the degree of diversification as well as the
frequency of use of the end products. Such pervasiveness,achieved through end-
product use, is likely to catch the attention of governmental decision makers and local
business competitors, evoking fears of economic domination. Similarly, highly
diversified firms, such as ITT, may generate the same fears in the host countries. In
attempting to understand the impact of the degree of product/service diversification
on the MNC's environmental-unit relationships, we compared the nature of the
conflicts experienced by the most diversified and the least diversified firms.
1. Kontribusi luar biasa untuk negara tuan rumah.

2. Penggunaan teknologi khusus.

3. Penciptaan lapangan kerja yang tinggi.

4. Pembayaran upah yang tinggi, dan penyediaan pelatihan karyawan yang ekstensif.

5. Tingkat konflik yang tinggi dengan pemerintah tuan rumah/negara asal.

6. Publisitas internasional (misalnya, episode ITT di Chili; kasus baru-baru ini

suap oleh Gulf, Lockheed Aircraft, dll).

7. Jangka waktu operasi yang lama di negara tuan rumah.

8. Pervasiveness produk akhir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Faktor terakhir, tentu saja, mencerminkan baik tingkat diversifikasi maupun frekuensi
penggunaan produk akhir. Keluasan seperti itu, yang dicapai melalui penggunaan
produk akhir, kemungkinan akan menarik perhatian pengambil keputusan pemerintah
dan pesaing bisnis lokal, yang menimbulkan ketakutan akan dominasi ekonomi.
Demikian pula, perusahaan yang sangat terdiversifikasi, seperti ITT, dapat
menimbulkan ketakutan yang sama di negara tuan rumah. Dalam upaya untuk
memahami dampak tingkat diversifikasi produk/jasa pada hubungan unit lingkungan
MNC, kami membandingkan sifat konflik yang dialami oleh perusahaan yang paling
terdiversifikasi dan yang paling sedikit terdiversifikasi.
Faktanya, sebagian besar orang Eropa
MNC juga menghadapi konflik tingkat negosiasi dan kebijakan seperti MNC AS,
tetapi hanya sebagian kecil dari mereka yang diganggu dengan masalah operasional.
Dalam istilah khusus, jenis masalah antarmuka yang dialami oleh perusahaan
multinasional AS dan Eropa berpusat di sekitar persyaratan pemerintah tuan rumah
untuk pengenceran ekuitas dan kontrol manajemen, pengurangan atau penghapusan
pembayaran royalti untuk teknologi dan pengetahuan, kebijakan penetapan harga
transfer, dll. Masalah operasional yang dihadapi oleh MNC Jepang adalah: semangat
kerja dan produktivitas karyawan yang rendah, pergantian dan ketidakhadiran yang
tinggi, konflik interpersonal antara manajer ekspatriat Jepang dan penduduk lokal.
Masalah operasional seperti yang dihadapi oleh MNC Jepang telah diakui selama
beberapa waktu oleh sejumlah sarjana. Kobayashi, misalnya, menyatakan bahwa "...
(manajer Jepang) sering mengabaikan upaya untuk mengintegrasikan ... mereka
sering memaksakan pada karyawan lokal praduga manajemen Jepang, misalnya,
orang-orang dari pekerjaan tetap, sistem senioritas, atau filosofi bisnis pangsa pasar
daripada peningkatan laba

Nomor 3a. With the help of the CSR, the operating costs can be
reduced. When being focused on environmental issues, many MNCs
start reducing energy disposal and refer to recycling. In this way,
they save resources and decrease spending. Moreover, with the help
of the CRS MNCs can become more recognizable, which allows
them to reduce advertising costs. Finally, they receive an opportunity
to recruit more talent and improve employee loyalty. As the
relationship with the stakeholders may become a problem for the
successful implementation of the CSR, the MNC should build bridges
amongst them. It would be advantageous for the MNC to cooperate
with non-governmental organizations and to pool their resources. In
this way, they have a chance to implement best CSR practices and
enhance outcomes. The impact of their initiatives will also increase
and the lives of the representatives of the general public will improve.

Nomor 3b
Costs savings
By reducing resource use, waste and emissions, you can help the environment
and save money too. With a few simple steps, you may be able to lower your
utility bills and achieve savings for your business. See how to reduce your
business waste to save money.

Finding and keeping talented staff

Being a responsible, sustainable business may make it easier to recruit new
employees or retain existing ones. Employees may be motivated to stay longer,
thus reducing the costs and disruption of recruitment and retraining.

Other benefits of CSR to companies

By acting in a sustainable, responsible way, you may also find it easier to:

 access finance - investors are more likely to back a reputable business

 attract positive media attention - eg when taking part in community
 reduce regulatory burden - good relationships with local authorities can
often make doing business easier
 identify new business opportunities - eg for the development of new
products or services

nomor 4a
Low context. Communication is considered good when it is
precise, simple and clear. Everything is put straight.
Messages are expressed and understood at face value.
Repetition is appreciated if it helps clarify the communication.
Countries with this communication style are usually

multicultural or with a short history. Low context

countries (e.g. US, Australia, the
Netherlands, Germany) want every little thing
to be specific and tend to put all in writing.
How to deal with low context
1. Be as transparent, clear, specific as possible;
2. Explain why you are calling or writing;
3. Be open and share exactly your thinking or idea upfront;
4. Recap/summarize the points at the end;
5. Send a confirmation email with the details clearly itemized afterward

nomor 4b
In high-context cultures (such as those in Japan, China, and
Arab countries), the listener is already “contexted” and does
not need to be given much background information[2]. High-
context cultures are more likely to be intuitive, contemplative,
and concerned with the collective. Communicators in high-
context cultures pay attention to more than the words spoken
– they also pay attention to interpersonal relationships,
nonverbal expressions, physical settings, and social settings.
In high-context cultures, communication cues are transmitted
by posture, voice inflection, gestures, and facial expression.
Establishing relationships is an important part of
communicating and interacting. Unlike the linear
communication style preferred in low-context cultures, high-
context communicators may use spiral logic, circling around a
topic indirectly and looking at it from many tangential or
divergent viewpoints. A conclusion may be implied but not
argued directly. The most challenging communication is high context to high
context unless it is the same culture. Ukrainian to Ukrainian or Japanese to Japanese
would be perfect: same body language signs, unwritten rules, etc. But communication
between Japanese and Ukrainian is difficult because each person is reading between
the lines in their own way.
How to deal with high context
1. Listen more carefully. What is meant not simply said
2. Check your understanding. Be open to non-verbal language
3. Read ‘No’ between the lines
4. Ask open-ended questions to confirm

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