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750. Kurulus Yildéniimii Miinasebetiyle ULUSLARARASI SEMPOZYUM 25-26 Kasim 2019 bra Elginkan Vakfi Heritage of the Golden Horde: The Genesis of Crimean Khanate Towns (Altin Orda Mirast: Kirim Hang Sehirlerinin Kurulusu) Dog. Dr, Sergei Bocharov" ‘The Golden Horde State founded two towns Sotkhat-Crimea (Stary Krym) and Qirg-Yer (Chufut-Kale) during its existence on the Crimean Peninsula, fn the period of its emergence in the middle of the 15th century the Crimean Khanate “inherited” these two Golden Horde towns on the peninsula only, The following coastal Genoese towns existed at the time - Caffa (contemporary Feodosia) Soldaia’ (contemporary Sudek), Chembalo (contemporary Balaklava) and Vosporo (contemporary Kerch), The two other towns of the late Byzantine principality of Theodoro were the cepital of the principality located on the second ridge of the Crimean Mountains in the South-Western Crimea bearing the same name of Theodoro (contemporary Mangup) and the town of Kelamita (contemporary Inkerman) at the mouth of Akhtarsk liman, As a result of the Ottoman conquest of 1475, the Crimean Khanate partially lost its independence, whereas the lands and towns of the Genoese and Theodorites on the peninsula were included in a new province (sanjak, and then liva) of the Ottoman Empire - Kefe. Since the moment of conquest, the number of towns of the Ottoman Crimea hes remained the same, and only their names have changed as follows: Caffa into Kefe, Soldaia into Sudak, Chembalo into Balaklava, Vosporo into Kerch, Theodoro into Mangup, and Kalamita into Inketman, The eighth town of Yeni-Kale emerged in the late period of Ottoman supremaey (18th century) from the suburbs of the new Turkish fortress near the Kerch Strait. Thus, the overall number of Ottoman Crimean towns remained almost unchanged for three centuries. At the same time, five new towns were founded in the territory of the Crimean Khanate in the last quarter of the 15th - carly 16th centuries. ‘The two old Golden Horde towns of Solkhet and Qirq-Yer were joined by Bakhchysarai, Karasubazar, Ak-Mechet, Gezlev and Or. And it was the new towns which had a priority in terms of development. The political and economic center of the Golden Horde Crimea - Solkhat - lost its administrative significance and economic influence in the second half of the 15th century. In the Khanate period it became known as Stary Krym. In the middle of the ISth. century Hadji Giray, the founder of the dynasty of Crimean Khans, transferred the capital from Eastem to South-Western Crimea, to the town of Qirg-Yer (where the urban agglomeration of Eski ‘Yurt — Qirq-Yer has existed since the 14th century). The period of Qirq-Yer being a capital town was short, The third Crimean Khan Mengli Giray (1478-1515) transferred the capital of the state from 2 fortified mountain plateau to a nearby valley, where the town of Bekhchysarai developed around the Khan's palace, The first Crimean capital of Haji Giray ~ Qirq-Yer - lost its urban status but did not disappear completely, having transitioned into a Jewish, and subsequently Karaim district Bakhchisarai, which was known as Chufut-Kale (Jewish Fortress) in the 18th century, ‘The report presents the new original reconstructions of the general plans of the Crimean cities of the Golden Horde and Crimean Khanate. The main conclusion of the study consists in the fact that all the new towns of the Crimean Khanale (Bakhchysarai, Karasubazar, Ak-Mechet, Gezley and Or) are not related to the previous centuries of urban tradition of the Crimean Byzantine or Genoese towns, and have originated in previously unpopulated locations, in certain cases having accommodated Golden Horde settlements. The original urban planning framework of these towns come from the Golden Horde (in a general sense, Oriental) urban tradition Keywords: Golden Horde, Crimean Khanate, Crimean City Tatarstan Bilin Akademii, opt pholhaow naira

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