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Camera Monologue

Ohhhh there he is, my beautiful brother Reggie

A toast! To my beautiful brother, home at last, like Agamemnon

return to Ithaca

And beautiful Francis, where have you been? It’s as if you’ve

returned from the dead.

And you come in here, you don’t even say hello Ron, you don’t
even have a drink, you just bugger off, what’s that about

You’re a big boy! For fuck sake

And We are talking about earning a living, we are talking about

being gangsters right! Which is what we are

So you can just fuck off go on!

You know, I have heard all the stories, and they’re not good are
they, your mum did palm herself off with the damaged goods
didn’t she, your very damaged aren’t ya.

That’s right Francis, blood is thicker than water isn’t it, and I’ve
been with reggie since the womb.

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