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Stage Combat Themes and

Technique Development
Themes throughout

• Having a storyline will create a stand out performance.

Memorable dialogue.
• Our fight is stated simply through team rivalry. Lauren is a
West Ham fan, chanting down the street, and I am a Millwall
fan, who’s looking for confrontation.
• The brawl sparks because my character spits on her face.
• Lauren plays a woman, and I a man - typically, the male
character will dominate the female. We decide to play on
this factor, of which I am controlling the fight at the start,
but, unconventionally the female overpowers the male - and
ultimately win the fight.
• This component of the fight is ironic.

I could research East-London films, to inform my dialogue. This

would create a focus point for the audience, as the dialogue would
be thought out and detailed.

We decided that remarks that emasculate my character are

effective. My character is a dominant, football-orientated, man. He
is considered to be ‘macho’. So if he were antagonised about his
powerful masculinity, a reaction would trigger. I believe this an
appropriate build up. Phrases such as “bitch” and “is that all you
got” would anger my character.

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