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Assignment # 1

Answer the questions briefly but substantially.

1. Describe History as a discipline, its meaning, origin and how traditional historians
consider the event as history. History, the discipline that studies the chronological record of
events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and
usually presenting an explanation of their causes.History is treated in a number of articles. For
the principal treatment of the subject of historiography and the scholarly research necessary for
the discipline, see historiography. Information on any specific historical topic, such as the
history of specific peoples, cultures, countries, and regions, will be found under the relevant title.
For information on the historical aspects of military affairs, economics, law, literature, sciences,
art, philosophy, religion, and other fields of human endeavour, the reader should also first
consult the relevant title and review the subtopics in the Table of Contents. The general articles
contain many cross-references to specific historical movements and events and to biographies
of significant figures.

2. How history differs from historiography? Explain.

History is the study of the past. Historiography is the study of historical writing.Historiography is
essentially the process of writing history. In other words, what’s the “approach” that the historian
is taking? Are they emphasising history as a series of struggles between classes, as perhaps a
Marxist historian might do? Are they looking at voices of traditionally marginalised people
(women, ethnic minorities, colonial populations, LGBTQ people), as some scholars - some of
whom are informed by Marxist analysis - do? Do they look at history as being something caused
by “Great Men”? And so on.

3. What is posotivism and postconialism as schools of thought in History? Positivism first

assumed its distinctive features in the work of Comte, who also named and systematized the
science of sociology. It then developed through several stages known by various names, such as
empiriocriticism, logical positivism, and logical empiricism, finally merging, in the mid-20th
century, into the already existing tradition known as analytic philosophy.

4. Explain why history is not an objective discipline?

In general terms, the argument is that we can not have objective historical knowledge because
we do not have access to a given past against which to judge rival interpretations. Hermeneutic
theorists sometimes make this point by stressing the historicity of our being.

5. What is the difference between primary and secondary source of history? Primary
sources are firsthand, contemporary accounts of events created by individuals during that period
of time or several years later (such as correspondence, diaries, memoirs and personal
histories). ... Secondary sources often use generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and
synthesis of primary sources.

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