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WORKSHEET for TERM1 (2021-2022)


1. If LCM(x, 18) = 36 and HCF(x, 18) = 2, then ‘x’ is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

2. If in two triangles ABC and PQR, AB/QR = BC/PR = CA/PQ, then


3. The ratio between the LCM and HCF of 5, 15, 20 is:

(a) 9 : 1 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 11 : 1 (d) 12 : 1

4. In Δ ABC, ∠C = 3∠B = 2(∠A+∠B), the measure of ∠B is

(a) 20° (b) 40° (c) 60° (d) 80°

5. A card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. The probability that the card
will not be an ace is
(a)1/13 (b) 1/4 (c) 12/13 (d) 3/4

6. The decimal expansion of the rational number 14587/1250

will terminate after _______ decimal place
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four

(a) 7. If P(1, 2); Q(4, 6); R(5, 7) and S(a, b) are the vertices of a parallelogram
9. If sin x + cosec x = 2, where 0° ≤ x ≤ 90°, then the value of sin19 x + cosec20 x is
(a) 219 (b) 220 (c) 2 (d) 239

10. Five years ago, A was thrice as old as B and ten years later A shall be twice as old as B,
then the present age of A is
(a) 20 years (b) 30 years (c) 45 years (d) 50 years

11. If two positive integers a and b are written as a = x3y2and b = xy3, where x and y are prime
numbers, then HCF(a, b) is
(a) xy (b) xy2(c) x3y3(d) x2y2

12. The sum and the product of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial are 3 and –10 respectively.
The quadratic polynomial is
(a) x2 − 3x + 10 (b) x2 + 3x + 10 (c) x2 + 3x − 10 (d) x2 − 3x − 10.

13. In given figure, AD = 3 cm, AE = 5 cm, BD = 4 cm, CE = 4 cm, CF = 2 cm, BF = 2.5 cm,

(a) DE || BC (b) DF || AC (c) EF || AB (d) none of these

14. The value of sin2 30° – cos2 30° is
(a) -1/2 (b) √3/2 (c) 3/2 (d) 1

15. In the given figure, ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR. The value of ‘x’ is

(a) 4.5 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 2.75 cm (d) 2 cm

16. ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR. Area of ∆ABC = 81 cm 2and area of ∆PQR = 121 cm2.
If altitude AD = 9 cm, then PM =

(a) 9 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 11 cm (d) 12 cm

17. A vertical stick 20 m long casts a shadow 10m long on the ground. At the same time, a
tower casts a shadow of 50m long on the ground. The height of the tower is
(a) 100m (b) 120m (c) 25m (d) 200 m

18. In the fig., PQ = 24 cm, QR = 26 cm, PAR = 90°, PA = 6 cm and AR = 8 cm. The measure
of ∠QPR is
(a)75° (b) 101° (c)90° (d) 95°

19. If 2x+y = 2x−y = √8, then the value of ‘y’ is

(a) 0 (b) 1/2 (c) 1 (d) 3/2

20. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event?

(a) 1.5 (b) 3/5 (c) 25% (d) 0.3


21. In the figure given below, ABCD is a rectangle. The values of ‘x’ and ‘y’

(a) x = 8; y = 3 (b) x = 3; y = 8 (c) x = 11; y = 5 (d) x = 5; y = 11

22. In the given figure, three sectors of a circle of radius 7 cm, making angles of 60°, 80° and

40° at the centre are shaded. The area of the shaded region (in cm2) is
(a) 77 (b) 154 (c) 44 (d) 22

23. If tan θ = a/b , then the value of (asinθ +bcosθ )/(asinθ -bcosθ ) is
(a) (a²-b²)/(a²+b²) (b) (a²+b²)/(a²-b²) (c) a/(a²+b²) (d) b/(a²+b²)

24. Two alarm clocks ring their alarms at regular intervals of 50 seconds and 48 seconds. If
they first beep together at 12 noon, at what time will they beep again for the first time?
(a) 12.20 pm (b) 12.12 pm (c) 12.11 pm (d) 12.10 pm
25. If 2x – 3y = 7 and (a + b)x – (a + b - 3)y = 4a + b have infinite number of solutions, then
(a) a =5; b = 1 (b) a = -5; b = 1 (c) a = 5; b = -1 (d) a = -5; b = -1

26. tan A =

(a) cosA/√(1-cos²A) (b) secA/√(1-sec²A) (c) sinA/√(1-sin²A) (d) 1/√(1-sin²A)

27. Find the ratio in which the line formed by joining (–1, 1) and (5, 7) is divided by the
line x + y = 4.
(a) 2:3 (b) 1:3 (c) 2:5 (d) 1:2

28. If one zero of 3x2 + 8x + k be the reciprocal of the other, then the value of ‘k’ is
(a) 3 (b) −3 (c) 1/3 (d) -1/3
29. If sin θ – cos θ = 0, then the value of sin4 θ + cos4 θ is
(a) 1 (b) 3/4 (c) 1/2 (d) ¼
30. If A= 30°, then sin 2A equals:
(a) 1/2 (b) √3/2 (c) 1/√2 (d) 1

31.If α, β are the zeroes of the polynomial x2 +6x +2, then, the value of (1/α +1/β)is
(a) 3 (b) -3 (c) 12 (d) -12

32. There are 576 boys and 448 girls in a school that are to be divided into equal sections of
either boys or girls alone. The total number of sections thus formed are:
(a) 22 (b) 16 (c) 36 (d) 21
33. The diameter of a wheel is 1.26 m. The distance travelled in 500 revolutions is
(a) 2.670 km (b) 2.880 km (c) 1.980 km (d) 1.596 km
34. If 2 and 3 are zeros of polynomial 3x2 – 2kx + 2m, the values of ‘k’ and ‘m’ are
(a) 9, 8 (b)12/13, 7 (c)15/2, 9 (d) -3/2, 3/2
35. If θ is an acute angle and 4 sin θ= 3, then the value of 4 sin2θ − 3 cos2 θ+ 2 is
(a) 45/16 (b) 35/18 (c) 32/16 (d) 47/16
36. A coin is tossed twice. The probability of getting both heads is
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/4 (d)1

37. Which of the following is not the graph of a quadratic polynomial?

38. The probability of a non-leap year having 53 Mondays is
(a) 1/365 (b) 1/7 (c) 2/7 (d) 1
39. If 3x + 2y = 13 and 3x – 2y = 5, then the value of (x + y) is:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6
40. If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (k–1)x2 + kx + 1 is –3, then the value of ‘k’
(a) 4/3 (b) -4/3 (c) 2/3 (d) -2/3

(Q41 to Q45 are based on Case Study 1)

A brooch is a small piece of jewellery which has a pin at the back so it can be fastened on a
dress, blouse or coat. Designs of some brooch are shown below.

Observe them carefully.

Design A: Brooch A is made with silver wire in the form of a circle with diameter 28mm. The
wire used for making 4 diameters which divide the circle into 8 equal parts.

Design B: Brooch B is made in two colours:- Gold and silver. Outer part is made with Gold.
The circumference of the silver part is 44mm and the gold part is 3mm wide everywhere.
Refer to Design A
41. The total length of silver wire required is
(a) 180mm (b) 200mm (c) 250mm (d) 280mm
42. The area of each sector of the brooch is
(a) 44mm2 (b) 52mm2 (c) 77mm2 (d) 68mm2

Refer to Design B
43. The area (in mm2) of silver part is
(a) 18Π (b) 49Π (c) 51Π (d) 64Π

44. The area (in mm2) of golden part is

(a) 18Π (b) 49Π (c) 51Π (d) 64Π

45. A boy is playing with brooch B. He makes a revolution with it along its edge. How
many complete revolutions must it take to cover 80?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

(Q46 to Q50 are based on Case Study 2)

Ajay, Bhishm and Colin are best friends since childhood. They always want to sit in a row in
the classroom. But the teacher doesn’t allow them and rotates the seats row-wise every day.
Bhishm is very good in maths and he does distance calculation every day. He considers the
centre of class as the origin and marks their position on a paper in a coordinate system. One
day Bhishm made the following diagram of their seating position.

46. What is the coordinate of point A?

(a) (2, 2 ) (b) (2, −2 ) (c) (−2, 2 ) (d) (−2, −2 )

47. What is the distance of the point A from the origin?

(a) 8 units (b) 2√2 units (c) 4 units (d) 4√2 units

48. What is the distance between A and B?

(a) 3√19 units (b) 3√5 units (c) √17 units (d) 2√5 units
49. A point D lies on the line segment between points A and B such that AD : DB = 4:3 ,What
are the coordinates of point D?
(a) (10/7, 2/7) (b) (2/7, 1) (c) (-10/7, -2/7) (d) (-2/7, -1)

50. What is the distance between B and C?

(a) 3√19 units (b) 3√5 units (c) 2√17 units (d) 2√5 units


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