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Home ribbon tab

Table 1. Clipboard group

Tool Name Descrip on Shortcut

Pastes the clipboard contents (text only) at the cursor posi on. <Ctrl+V>


Copies the selected contents to the clipboard and deletes the original. <Ctrl+X>


Copies the selected contents to the clipboard. <Ctrl+C>


Table 2. Edit group

Tool name Descrip on Shortcut

Select All Selects the en re contents of the programming area. <Ctrl+A>

Undo Undoes the last ac on in the editor. <Ctrl+Z>

Redo Reverses the last undo ac on. <Ctrl+Y>

Indent Indents the selected line or lines.

Outdent Outdents the selected line or lines.

Comment Changes the current line (or lines, if a selec on spans mul ple lines) to a comment. These lines are then ignored by the compiler.

Uncomment Changes a commented line or lines back to commands to be interpreted by the compiler.

Table 3. Search group

Tool name Descrip on Shortcut

Opens the Find dialog, which is used to find strings that match the dialog input. <Ctrl+F>


Opens the Replace dialog, which is used to replace any matched strings with a different string. <Ctrl+H>

Tool name Descrip on Shortcut

Opens the Go To Line dialog, which is used to move the cursor to a specified line number. <Ctrl+G>


Table 4. Execute group

Tool name Descrip on

Run Runs the current macro.

Pause Pauses running the current macro. Click again to resume.

Stop Stops running the current macro.

Table 5. Debug group

Tool name Descrip on

Toggle Design Mode

Toggle Breaks

Clear Breaks

Step Into

Step Out

Step Over

Current Statement

Table 6. Design group

Tool name Descrip on

User Dialog Opens the UserDialog Editor, which is used to create end-user dialogs for your macro.

Add References Opens the References dialog, which is used to include references for APIs, including OpenSTAAD.

Browse Object

View Objects

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